Jack Sentence Examples
I packed enough food for Jack for three days.
She rose, anxious to be on her way but grateful to take Jack with her.
Jack sat beside her.
A legal jack must travel at least 25 yds.
Jack crossed to what had been his favorite spot on the couch.
Subject to the rule as to the shortest distance to which the jack must be thrown (25 yds.), there is no prescribed size for the lawn; but 42 yds.
The score having been counted, the leader then places the mat, usually within a yard of the spot where the jack lay at the conclusion of the head, and throws the jack in the opposite direction for a fresh end.
Jack waited for her by the door, and she tucked the weapon Mrs. Watson gave her into one cargo pocket.
With Jack beside her, the tiny compartment was crowded.
Jack ran from the house to greet them, nearly bowling Brady over.
AdvertisementThen jack up the car after loosening the wheel nuts and remove the wheel.
I suggest using a small dc motor in a 35mm film case connected by a 3.5mm jack plug to the main unit.
As well as the Union Jack waistcoat, Prince William also favored one in blue with large white polka dots.
This is a serialized reprint of UNION JACK issue 222 (1925 ).
The Wisconsin Dairy Artists suggest pairing merlot with mild-flavored cheeses such as Swiss, Monterey Jack, and Munster cheese.
AdvertisementThis amazing wine is made by our winery president, Mike Reynolds, and is released every Father Day in honor of his son, Jack.
He picked instead a work done by his incredibly talented three year old son, Jack, and named the wine after him as well.
We think it is only fitting to release Jack's Masterpiece each year on Father's Day and we do so as part of our annual Father's Day Barbeque at our St Helena winery.
Jack and Lyn Harmeyer, owners of D'Legacies Antiques/Collectibles specialize in clocks and are also clock brokers.
Complete with a facsimile of a 1909 and 1926 catalog, Early 20th (Twentieth) Century Stanley Tools - A Price Guide by Jack Wood is packed with information for the antique tool collector.
AdvertisementThe Jack Wolfskin Thunder Bay jacket for men is a wonderful way to keep warm when the temperatures drop at night.
There are daypacks like the Jack Wolfskin Bike & Hike Rucksack, larger sacks like the Gregory Triconi, and even Wheeled Luggage to choose from.
Many people describe pop up tent trailers as being similar to a toy "jack in the box" because you crank a handle and the top of the tent pops up so you can stand inside.
It features a 3.5mm headphone jack, making it much easier to find a headset.
While many cell phones now include a standard 2.5mm jack, there are several that still make use of a propriety plug.
AdvertisementThe headset port on the Helio Ocean is 2.5mm, but most standard earphones -- like those included with your iPod -- use a 3.5mm jack.
Popular online personality Chris Pirillo was not pleased with his Samsung Jack when he purchased one in 2007.
He wanted to get a Windows Mobile smartphone and the Jack seemed like the most suitable solution.
The Samsung Jack is not the only phone that the charging concern.
The Samsung Intrepid is a candybar-style handset with a form factor similar to the Motorola Q, BlackBerry Curve, Nokia E71 and Samsung Jack, among several smartphones like it.
Lana said nothing but touched Jack's scruff, nervous around all the people.
Lana stepped through the doorway, patting Jack.
The woman carving this night's kill gave her extra for Jack.
Though his words were firm, he patted Jack.
Mrs. Watson had been kind to her and Jack.
And waited, growing as anxious as Jack.
Brady's body was placed on the helo, and Lana climbed in with him while Dan and Elise stayed with Jack.
Three figures are introduced and a jack.
He is picked for his skill in playing to the jack.
Circles of these radii are usually marked around the jack for convenience' sake.
Three points are given to the bowl that trails the jack over both lines into the semicircle and goes over them itself.
If a bowl trail the jack over both lines, but only itself cross the first; or if it pass both lines, but the jack cross only the first, two points are awarded.
A legal jack should not be interfered with except by the course of play.
Should a bowl running jackwards touch the jack, however slightly, it is called a toucher and must be marked by the skip with a chalk cross as soon as it is at rest.
A bowl, however, that is forced on to the jack by another is not a toucher.
Difference of opinion prevails as to the condition of the jack after it has been driven into the ditch.
According to Scottish rules, unless it has been forced clean out of bounds, such a jack is still alive.
On most English greens it is a "dead" jack and the end void.
In forehand play the bowl as it courses to the jack describes its segment of a circle on the right, in backhand play on the left.
In no case must the stationary bowls be touched, or the semicircle crossed by the trailed jack or played bowls.
The player who drives the jack into the ditch between the two bowls scores three.
If he moves the jack, but does not carry it through to the ditch, he scores two.
If he pass between the jack and either bowl he scores one, although it is not easy to see what driving he has done.
Jack concluded that western Queensland might be a deep artesian basin.
Dr Jack, late government geologist of Queensland, considers the extent of the coal-fields of that state to be practically unlimited, and is of opinion that the carboniferous formations extend to a considerable distance under the Great Western Plains.
Before quitting the bay the ceremony was performed of hoisting the Union Jack, first on the south shore, and then near the north head, formal possession of the territory being thus taken for the British crown.
Operating mistakes also cause interruptions to conversations, as it is possible, by the insertion of a plug in a multiple jack, to disconnect the circuit between two talking subscribers.
In this arrangement, instead of the circuit being made through the jacks in series, each jack is connected to an independent branch from the main circuit.
With a proper arrangement of the operator's speaking set it is possible, by touching the socket of a jack with the tip of a peg or a special " test " thimble, to determine whether the circuit connected to the jack is in use.
The operator, whose attention is thus attracted, inserts a peg in the jack, then throws over the speaking key of the cord circuit, and having ascertained particulars of the requirement places the other peg of the pair in the nearest multiple jack of the wanted subscriber, whom she proceeds to ring up. In the meantime the callinglamp has darkened; and each subscriber's line being equipped with a cut-off relay whose function it is to disconnect tl, e calling apparatus while the circuit is in use, the insertion o r a peg is immediately followed by the disappearance of the calling signal.
The supervisory lamp associated with the peg in the wanted subscriber's jack glows from the time that the peg is inserted until the subscriber responds, when it darkens, in which condition it remains until the subscriber restores the receiver to the hook and causes the lamp to light up again.
Calls are registered by pressing a key, which connects a battery through a position meter of very low resistance to the socket of the line jack, thereby furnishing the necessary energy to the meter.
In 1893 the construction was completed in Budapest of an underground railway with a thin, flat roof, consisting of steel beams set close together, with small longitudinal jack arches between them, the street pavement .
A young Piute Indian medicine-man, known as Wovoka, and called Jack Wilson by the whites, proclaimed that he had had a revelation, and that, if this ghost dance and other ceremonies were duly performed, the Indians would be rid of the white men and restored to power.
Of all his portraits of adventurous sailors, "Gentleman Chucks" in Peter Simple and "Equality Jack" in Mr Midshipman Easy are the most famous, but he created many other types which take rank among the characteristic figures in English fiction.
Some capital snatches of verse are scattered throughout his novels, the best being "Poll put her arms akimbo" in Snarleyyow, and the "Hunter and the Maid" in Poor Jack.
On the 27th of the same month Farewell hoisted the Union Jack at the port and declared the territory he had acquired a British possession.
About 1 io persons were executed for the rebellion in Kent and Essex, including John Ball, and Jack Straw, Tyler's chief lieutenant.'
A club for soldiers, sailors and marines in London, called the Union Jack Club, was opened in Waterloo Road by King Edward VII.
These were The Fortunes and Misfortunes of Moll Flanders, The Journal of the Plague Year, and The History of Colonel Jack.
The History of Colonel Jack is an unequal book.
Lord Macaulay's description of Roxana, Moll Flanders and Colonel Jack as "utterly nauseous and wretched" must be set aside as a freak of criticism.
The water-tight lining may be either a wrought iron tube, which is pressed down by jack screws as the borehole advances, or cast iron tubbing put together in short complete rings, in contradistinction to the old plan of building them up of segments.
Coyotes or prairie wolves (of which there is a local sub-species, Canis nebracensis texensis), grey wolves, prairie dogs (gophers), and jack rabbits are common on the plains; less common are the grey wolf or lobo (Canis griseus) and the timber wolf; and there are several species of foxes, including the swift.
Farther west two narrow belts of timber, consisting mostly of stunted post oak and black jack, and known as the Eastern and Western Cross Timbers, cross the prairies southward from the Red river, and a low growth of mesquite, other shrubs and vines are common in the eastern half of the Prairie Plains.
During many successive years he saw a great deal of hard service, and so constantly had he to contend, on his various expeditions, with adverse gales and dangerous storms, that he was nicknamed by the sailors, "Foul-weather Jack."
Hobson landed in the Bay of Islands on the 22nd of January 1840, hoisted the Union Jack, and had little difficulty in inducing most of the native chiefs to accept the queen's sovereignty at the price of guaranteeing to the tribes by the treaty of Waitangi possession of their lands, forests and fisheries.
In 1450 Kent took a leading part in Jack Cade's rebellion; and in 1554 the insurrection of Sir Thomas Wyat began at Maidstone.
Here are found the lynx, the " mountain lion " or puma, the prairie and timber wolves, the jack rabbit, the prairie dog (gopher), the black, the brown and, occasionally, the grizzly bear.
Among the chief productions of the plains are rice (the staple export of the country); pepper (chiefly from Chantabun); sirih, sago, sugar-cane, coco-nut and betel, Palmyra or sugar and attap palms; many forms of banana and other fruit, such as durian, orange-pommelo, guava, bread-fruit, mango, jack fruit, pine-apple, custard-apple and mangosteen.
Lack of social graces and the deficiencies of his early education impeded him at first, but "in the end `Old Jack,' as he was always called, with his desperate earnestness, his unflinching straightforwardness, and his high sense of honour, came to be regarded with something like affection."
On Prospect Hill on the, 8th of July 1775 Israel Putnam raised the "Appeal to Heaven" flag, and here also is said to have been raised on the 1st of January 1776 one of the earliest of the Continental standards, the Union Jack and Stripes.
Three old-established inns, the Bull and Bush, the Spaniards, and Jack Straw's Castle (the name of which has no historical significance), claim many great names among former visitors; while the Upper Flask Inn, now a private house, was the meeting-place of the Kit-Cat Club.
The notorious Jack Sheppard, wearied of Wild's exactions, at last refused to deal with him, whereupon Wild secured his arrest, and himself arrested Sheppard's confederate, "Blueskin."
The transference of influence from the company to the government was officially effected on the 1st of January 1900, on which day the Union Jack was hoisted at Lokoja, and the Northern Nigeria formation of a local administration was entered upon.
The fish are mainly the coarser species, such as carp, buffalo-fish and white perch; of better food fish, the principal varieties are bass (black, striped and rock), crappie, pike, "jack salmon" or walleyed pike, and sun fish.
During his absence in Ireland English discontent came to a crisis in Jack Cade's rebellion.
The rest of the city is in squares, the streets forming the design of the union jack.
The ship, however, proved to be a French slaver who had hoisted the Union Jack fearing to find the British in possession.
In the Spiritual Quixote, the adventures of Christian are ranked with those of Jack the Giant-Killer and John Hickathrift.
Among these are the mango (Mangifera indica); the jack (Artocarpus integrifolia), Zizyphus Jujuba, Aegle Marmelos, Terminalia Chebula, Calophyllum Inophyllum, Bassia latifolia and Pongamia glabra.
In spite of the warnings given by the assault on Suffolk in 1450, by Jack Cades insurrection, and by the first armed demonstrations of Richard of York in 1450 and 1452, the king persisted in keeping his friends in office, and they had to be removed by the familiar and forcible methods that bad been applied in earlier ages by the lords ordainers or the lords appellant.
Insurrections that passed as popular, like the risings of Jack Cade and Robin of Redesdale, produced manifestos that spoke of political grievances but hardly mentioned economic ones.
There is a bare mention of the Statute of Laborers in Jack Cades ably drafted chapter of complaints.
These spiritual heirs of Jack Cade were Flammock, a lawyer of l3odrnin, and a farrier named Michael Joseph.
His next novel was The Crater, or Vulcan's Peak (1847), in which he attempted to introduce supernatural machinery with indifferent success; and this was succeeded by Oak Openings and Jack Tier (1848), the latter a curious rifacimento 'of' The Red Rover; by The Sea Lions (1849); and finally by The Ways of the Hour (1850), another novel with a purpose, and his last book.
The rebellion of Jack Cade, claiming to be a Mortimer and cousin to the duke of York, took place at this time.
In February 1894 the union jack was hoisted at Wadelai, while in May of the same year Great Britain granted to Leopold II., as sovereign of the Congo State, a lease of large areas lying west of the upper Nile inclusive of the Bahr-el-Ghazal and Fashoda.
In June 1885 he made a speech at Birmingham, treating the reforms just mentioned as the "ransom" that property must pay to society for the security it enjoys - for which Lord Iddesleigh called him "Jack Cade"; and he continually urged the Liberal party to take up these Radical measures.
She hesitated until recalling Jack, the shepherd mix she'd left with Mrs. Watson.
Jack stretched out on the floor, content after his dinner, while she stared at the screen of her micro.
However, an empty pint of Jack Daniel's on the galley table made the observation somewhat less credible.
Jack is a fairly confident web user who has developed a feel for how long to allow for information gathering.
A photo courtesy of Alan Robinson Jack proudly displays his winnings.
Jack and Chandra have taught her many combat and technical skills, with her innate curiosity filling in the gaps.
I remember feeling a kind of calmness come over me as I primed the staff, and Jack's gaze became suddenly eloquent.
More kudos must go to Jack Emery who played Ralph.
Jack for his part promised no certainties, having too much respect for Joey to offer platitudes.
The central roles of Joseph and Marion Tura are taken by Jack Benny and Carole Lombard and their performances are marvels of comic acting.
You probably only need to jack one side up just so you have enough room to get to the underside of the active aero.
Mr Johnson's friend and employer, Jack Sheridan, was doused with gasoline and set alight on February 3, 1975.
Home Secretary David Blunkett and Foreign Secretary Jack Straw are Blair's chief apostles.
The lucky person was Jack Burgess who also was warmly applauded by the audience.
Picture by Merlin Massara Jack was severely asphyxiated during the last 19 minutes of his birth at Chelsea & Westminster Hospital.
Jack had always lived in an outside aviary with his mate Jill.
A Jack Russell terrier tolerated the visitors, provided he was kept busy racing after a thrown tennis ball.
Also jar me of jack benny much of them.
The ponies are still bickering over night and Jack has a kick on his hind leg, but nothing too serious.
Scotland has not been swayed by the homophobic bigotry of Cardinal Winning, Brian Souter or Jack Irvine.
The throwing of the jack by one member of the team does not imply that he or she must play the first boule.
Also a range of American and Canadian whiskeys including bourbon, Jack Daniels, Johnny Drum and Knob Creek.
Work on the bridge proceeded quickly as Jack Pocock, expert bricklayer, built up the new parapets with considerable skill.
On reaching home they were sent to bed, although Jack then appeared and gave them each a rhinestone brooch.
Somebody had a bulldog in tow, which was wearing a Union Jack coat.
Meanwhile, Sawyer is an amused but highly interested bystander when tension escalates between Jack, Locke, Kate and Ana Lucia.
Jack, who is chairman of the Norwich branch of the Campaign to legalize cannabis Internationally, believe cannabis is not a drug.
Thanks to Jack Fitch, Dave Carlson and Alex Jacobson, property names for reflected Java Beans now use standard capitalization transform.
Unfortunately, in Jack's opinion, the meeting had consisted of mostly ceremonial crap.
He told Mrs chapman to contact Mrs Lomas ' son, Jack.
Their most popular brand was Scrumpy Jack, a dry, slightly rough cider.
Jack is a cricket addict and would have loved to play for England, if he hadn't become a successful cinematographer.
Then a pass from Jack to Louis sent Ed through and he scored a clincher, putting us up 1-0.
The problem is that Jack McConnell seems clueless about what to do.
For more information barrow boys in America co-chair jack.
Join Jack, the nation's best-loved deadpan comedian, as he takes you through life's pet hates.
It comes as no surprise then to discover we love comedians like Jack Dee, who focus upon the mundane and miserable.
Damien Rice, Jack Johnston, I love Counting crows.
Damien Rice, Jack Johnston, I love counting crows.
Jack Straw's first three years as Home Secretary saw similar cutbacks.
Daniel was finding a way to move on at the same time Jack was finally recognizing his own ability for self deceit.
Jack Pearce has warned Bognor's new central defensive pairing they will need to be on top of their game against Fisher Athletic tomorrow.
These bonus tracks are Michael's first ever demos produced by Jack Douglas.
Cities currently have deuces wild on payback is percent through its jack.
The introduction of the rich oil man into the questioning effectively discombobulated the already-confused Jack Ruby.
Wash down with a shot or two of Jack Daniels, straight from Tennessee's famous distillery.
Jenny and Jack A female donkey is called a Jenny A male is called a Jack.
Jack and Rose find some driftwood that will only support Rose.
Selecting the right tools diy drywall repair and cabinet jack Specializing in diy drywall repair, cabinet jack and cabinet tool.
All monaural channels are equipped with an INSERT I/O jack for independent connection to an external effector.
British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw is defending Britain's policy of what is called " constructive engagement " with Iran's Islamic government.
We all assumed it was the No 5, who had started the trouble which so enraged Big Jack.
The union jack is raised after the national ensign and lowered before the national ensign at evening colors.
Then in September, First Minister Jack McConnell wrote to congratulate everybody involved in the project.
The talking heads were, with a few honorable exceptions, dull and uninformed to a man jack.
It uses a limited number of well-known fairy tales, such as Cinderella, Mother Goose and Jack and the Beanstalk.
They see Tony's mom looking after Jack and watch him being breast fed, having his diaper changed and being bathed.
Jack also feigns ' disgust ' at the attention his team-mate Stevie Convery has been recently receiving from the press... .
Jack Carver returns home when he is approached by a dangerous and seductive femme fatale.
Even super size friendly action hero Rocketpack Jack is getting a new save-the-day friend, Lightning Bolt Bud.
Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments built the first integrated circuit (IC) in 1958 using germanium (Ge) devices.
Jack Womack going Going gone - a review by John Grant.
Beloved wife of the late Jack, dearly loved mother of Denise, mother-in-law of David, and devoted grandma of Jamie and Samantha.
It would probably be worth hiring a jack hammer for the job.
To pay off front-panel headphone jack such dubious injuries.
The front of the unit has a mini jack headphone out and the top has 17 knobs and two sliders.
London gangster Jack Carter returns to his northern hometown to investigate his brother's death.
And the third film starred Jack Buchanan, who was a matinee idol of the time.
Jack wants to see Honey, but she's left strict instructions not to let him anywhere near her.
Both Mk1 and Mk2 intercoms will accept headsets and/or helmets with either straight or right angled jack plugs.
Connectivity on the receiver is offered either via a 3.5mm phono jack or a pair of standard phono cables.
I use a laboratory jack for vertical movement having toyed with a small car hydraulic jack.
That's right, the Duo has an RJ-45 jack for the integrated NT-1 ISDN U interface, plus an RJ-11 telephone jack.
Or I am sitting in Las Vegas playing black jack listening to my stuff.
Plug a tape recorder into the headphone jack of the computer with a double plug cord.
An integrated headset jack allows for flexible and easy headphone use.
When using a trolley jack, refer to the vehicle workshop manual to identify the correct lifting point.
They like a personal lines customers just a good an rj jack.
Jack Frost from the arms. the jacket also features 2 zipped lower pockets.
The cuffs are also elasticated to keep Jack Frost from the arms. the jacket also features 2 zipped lower pockets.
I can do Beatles Tour, Jack the Ripper, walks around st James and Westminster with a Guard change at the end.
Dave Jones has still got to sit down with Sir Jack to find out how much is in the transfer kitty.
Ebay auction closes; a pair of pink knickers autographed by Billy Boyd, all proceeds to go to Jack Boyd's Baby Grove.
Jack had already spoken to the landlord, said the lassie was better working the easier dayshift to avoid any mishaps.
This month, Morgan was named poet laureate of Scotland, the first incumbent, by Jack McConnell, first minister of Scotland.
Jack White has acknowledged that a band like The White Stripes has a limited life span, but surely even he didn't expect this.
Jack would wake up from naps surrounded by nine-year-olds waiting for him to say, " We have a liftoff.
As usual, Chris Bennett and her husband, Jack, are so likable.
I never really did solve the problem of keeping the foresail luff tight on a Jack Holt roller spar - anyone else cracked it?
But bringing in John Barrowman as the libidinous Captain Jack Harkness has been an absolute masterstroke.
Watch the video Just Jack - Writer's Block video Just Jack is a musical maverick, talented DJ and sparkling wordsmith.
Alternatively, a headset mic can be plugged into a 3.5mm jack on the back of the camera.
A type of port that gets audio from a built-in microphone or a microphone jack.
Conference presentations include pieces on Jack Kerouac and blackface minstrelsy, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Theodor Adorno.
Daniel was also distracted by Jack, his aftershave, and his natural musk.
The love-song of the common jack snipe seemed not a whit less mysterious than partridge drumming.
Jack was the laborer in the training school, he wore a navy blue boiler suit & supported West Brom.
Your next door neighbor will have an amusing anecdote about how a teaspoon of Jack Daniels absolutely cured her kids ' teething issues.
Each room has its own character with one bedroom named after Jack Horner from the Early English nursery rhyme.
Jack goes to dial out another line but accidentally overhears Peter's conversation on the other line.
Then, if you asked Jack to fetch a pail of water, he could figure out how to do it.
The ever popular charismatic pastor, Jack Hayford, led the chanting crowd in an " African witch doctor's dance.
Connectivity on the receiver is offered either via a 3.5mm phono jack or a pair of standard phono jack or a pair of standard phono cables.
The latter was followed to the net by a jack pike of similar size!
Jack Straw is merely indulging in a tactical ploy for a domestic audience.
He might be able to live with other dogs but Jack can be a little toy possessive.
The television producer Jack Good was also keen to benefit from the flow of new teenage talent provided by Larry Parnes.
Yeah sod the workers, I'm alright Jack, I don't need no welfare or labor protectionism.
Another contributor to the paper, probably pseudonymous, was Jack Glasgow.
Roast Beef, plum pudding, mince pies - Who likes them better, Happy Jack or I?
The Jack Russell is an excellent ratter and is very much a working terrier in the truest sense of the word.
The Jack Russell Terrier was used in the south of England in the 1800's to work in European red fox hunts.
However, when Joey attempts to go to Mike, Madge speaks to Jack, who forgives his deeply repentant son.
A convenient point to mount this resistor is inside the 7-pin DIN plug or jack plug of the cassette lead.
Jack was a black retriever, born locally in 1930.
At age 13, Weir wrote to Jack Nicklaus asking whether he should switch to playing right-handed.
If working till 9.30 pm straight in get changed back out with my faithful jack Russell terrier, Sam.
Jack is a regular little scorcher and keeps the whole house in an uproar.
With a sudden shock, he realized one was Jack.
One could only conclude that Jack would not be taking any more shore leave for many moons.
In the mean space this remains For kind sir John of Wrotham, honest Jack.
Time to go home, " Jack said, administering brisk slaps to his cheeks.
The rest of the cast all perform solidly with Jack Galagher making his character of Lee into a particularly slimy unethical scientist.
I have been advised to try a comfort snaffle on Jack.
Try your hand at catching yellowtail snapper, grouper, porgy or any member of the fierce fighting jack family.
Simply plug the sensor into the jack socket on the alarm sounder.
Ryan O'Neill Fantastic site and Forum Board Keep up the great work jack sparrow 1 of the best teams in the north east.
Jack entertained the spectators whilst Mrs Gregory pointed out how well balanced he was for his age.
Jack was a highly respected security industry stalwart who worked closely within police and insurance circles Into the 21st century!
With Jack at the helm, they quickly formulate a strategy that includes not lifting a finger or cleaning anything.
Moreover, she deduced that the Union Jack's chief sub-editor must of course be Tinker.
The whole kangaroo subplot, Jack performing on-screen, mostly eating out of the red jacket, just doesn't cut it.
Seen today, Jack and Susie seem genuinely subversive.
He's having sumptuous, juicy shrimp tacos made with shrimps just dropped off by the sun-beaten fisherman, I'm having jack cheese.
Dale Edmunds Jack Rushton with the sunfish 8 July 2001 Small Sunfish seen near the Bucks (Lamorna, Cornwall) 8th July.
Friday's harvest supper raised almost enough to complete the bells fund - with Jack donating the balance.
When used on Plan 4 installations it can be fitted with a jack into which can be plugged a portable telephone.
For the first time in years, Jonathan " Jack " O'Neill had cried.
Trucks usually have the jack and lug wrench behind the seat or under the hood, with the spare tire under the bed.
The vacuum spins - the washing machine spins... Did I not mention that Jack has an ' other tod '?
Benjamin became a cycle builder, as did Jack, and my father served an apprenticeship as a press toolmaker.
Fitted with jack to enable turning, later carried portable turntable.
Webster's revised unabridged Dictionary asserts that the word is a combination of Jack + kangaroo.
The real Jack the Ripper killings have gripped people's imaginations for over a century while exposing the dark underbelly of Victorian England.
Those restrictions remain, and today it is a criminal offense to fly the union jack from a boat.
Everyone was waving a union jack and we soon joined in.
The as yet untitled album is produced by Jack Douglas.
Rachael fills the honorary role left vacant by the death of Jack Harris last January.
Peggy orders a spicy vindaloo to prove to Jack that she isn't a walkover.
There will also be music from the dazzling young violin virtuoso Jack Liebeck.
The marsh was a site for Broad-billed Sandpiper and Jack Snipe, but neither was apparent during my brief visit.
Jack now claims to divide his time between fast living and slow horses, neat vodka and untidy pubs.
Jack made no comment but his eyes looked a little watery.
Victoria came on the phone and said they wanted cubic zirconium on the detailing, and a large Union Jack somewhere too.
The first player's bowl has come to rest just in front of the jack; the second has delivered his bowl and is following after it with one of those eccentric contortions still not unusual on modern greens, the first player meanwhile making a repressive gesture with his hand, as if to urge the bowl to stop short of his own; the third player is depicted as in the act of delivering his bowl.
Should the jack be driven towards the side boundary, it is legitimate for a player to cause his bowl to draw outside of the dividing string, provided that when it has ceased running it shall have come to rest entirely within his own space.
The feat of hitting the jack is so common that it really calls for no special reward.
In the arrangement first introduced the line wire is connected in series through the various spring-jacks, the circuit finally passing through the answering jack to the calling-drop. This arrangement is liable to give trouble, as disconnexions may arise in the spring-jacks in consequence of the failures of the springs to make contact.
The callingdrop of the magneto system was displaced by a relay and a small electric incandescent lamp, and whereas in the older system the calling-drop and the answering jack with which it was associated were some distance apart, the calling-lamp and the answering jack of the newer system were placed in juxtaposition.
For the rest of his life he was Richard's man, and though warned by the famous couplet that "Dykon his master" was bought and sold, "Jack of Norfolk" led the archer vanguard at Bosworth and died in the fight, from which his son the earl of Surrey was carried away a wounded prisoner.
Among his other works are The Phantom Ship (1839); A Diary in America (1839); 011a Podrida (1840), a collection of miscellaneous papers; Poor Jack (1840); Joseph Rushbrook (1841); Percival Keene (1842); Monsieur Violet (1842); The Privateer's Man (1844); The Mission, or Scenes in Africa (1845); The Little Savage (1848-1849), published posthumously; and Valerie, not completed (1849).
Jack Snipe numbers reached a maximum of 5 on the 5th and Redshank numbers peaked at 6 on the 10th.
This is a rehash of UNION JACK issue 838 THE TRAIL IN THE SAND and issue 841 MR.
This is a serialized reprint of UNION JACK issue 222 (1925).
It is believed that this was a planned assassination in revenge for the killing of Jack Harris.
If working till 9.30 pm straight in get changed back out with my faithful jack russell terrier, Sam.
I have two jack russell dogs, 2 years old and very boistrous !
Another tale tells of a scoundrel called Jack who one dark night tricked the Devil into climbing an apple tree.
She did jack shit during her many years on the island and everybody knows it.
It was then that he saw Piston Jack sidle into the room, his arms going.
Surely it was time for Jack to relax, sit down to a hearty breakfast and discard the ' sissy man ' bag?
Time to go home, Jack said, administering brisk slaps to his cheeks.
A large Jack O ' Lantern with a jagged smile smirked back at her from the neighbor 's porch.
With a smug smile, Jack then placed the glass in the freezer.
Jack London never led huskies into a snowy wilderness.
He had a regular role in the Channel Four soap opera Brookside as Jack Sullivan.
She leaves as Jack calls round, he 's following up the spile troshing requirements (Robert is doing some construction apparently).
Jack was a highly respected security industry stalwart who worked closely within police and insurance circles Into the 21st century !
It was four o'clock in the starlit morning when Meredith Gwyn returned home, and gave his horse into Jack 's charge.
Moreover, she deduced that the Union Jack 's chief sub-editor must of course be Tinker.
He 's having sumptuous, juicy shrimp tacos made with shrimps just dropped off by the sun-beaten fisherman, I 'm having jack cheese.
Dale Edmunds Jack Rushton with the Sunfish 8 July 2001 Small Sunfish seen near the Bucks (Lamorna, Cornwall) 8th July.
Friday 's harvest supper raised almost enough to complete the bells fund - with Jack donating the balance.
Jack took off his glasses and slowly pressed a kiss on each eye.
Michael fell back and tumbled down a steep slope along with Jack.
I notice that Jack 's feet do not twitch nervously or anything either - he 's quite absorbed with what is going on.
Webster 's Revised Unabridged Dictionary asserts that the word is a combination of Jack + kangaroo.
The real Jack the Ripper killings have gripped people 's imaginations for over a century while exposing the dark underbelly of Victorian England.
It 's my darling prince, the union jack to my stars and stripes !
The second UNION JACK tale is, as with the first, presented with the help and permission of the great detective himself.
This was a bonus year for UNION JACK readers as the paper gave away 7 high busts of Sexton Blake.
His horse survived but another horse, the veteran campaigner Black Jack, was not so lucky.
Peggy orders a spicy vindaloo to prove to Jack that she is n't a walkover.
Jack Defty volleyed just over the crossbar and substitute Sam McMahon saw his shot saved by Parkin.
Oh, and a journalist, specially solicited for his renowned and voluble skepticism, Jack Parlabane.
Level is the closest Jack comes on the record to wailing away on his guitar and flat-out rocking.
Tired again - wakeful night - I think both Eve & Jack.
Learn to watercolor paint with Jack Reid - Join 25,000 artists who have learned to paint with Jack Reid.
Jack is the one who gives you the key to the wiggly worm.
Jack had felt it too, but he 'd known it was n't a simple wisp of air.
Even Jack Straw seems to have wobbled over whether to commit troops.
Jack's sister was incredulous that he had gotten away with his misbehavior.
C. S. Lewis, aka Jack by his friends and family, was an inspiring Christian author and theologian.
As they approached the top of the mountain, Jack and Julie stood in awe because of the formidable view below.
Jack has a proclivity to show kindness to people even when they don't show it back.
Jack had to make a trade-off between getting a good night's sleep and staying up late to finish his research project.
Their results are in, and the winners are… Jessica for girls and Jack for boys.
Jack has been the top boy name for eleven years and running.
From the southern lands generate the top names of Jack for boys and Emily for girls.
Dealers always jack up the price so that they have enough wiggle room to reduce the price because of your "tough" negotiating skills.
Penned by Mary Hope Osborne, these stories relay the adventures of brother and sister, Jack and Annie, as they explore different eras throughout history.
A child can begin with the series at a young age and work his way through all of the books as he completes elementary grade levels, enjoying the stories of Jack and Annie as they tackle new adventures through different eras.
The Little Drummer Boy by Ezra Jack Keats is based on a time-honored Christmas story.
The series features Jack and Annie, two kids who wind up going on a sequence of crazy adventures in an effort to help the sorceress Morgan le Fay.
The first book in the series, Dinosaurs Before Dark, introduces the characters and the magic tree house, which enables Jack and Annie's travels.
The Jack and Coke is one of the simplest drinks to make, but men seem to love it.
In a tall glass with ice, add the Jack Daniels.
Nursery rhymes and fairly tales are good choices, especially if both a boy and a girl are the main characters - as in Hansel and Gretel or Jack and Jill.
The movie features Halloween Town's Pumpkin King, Jack Skellington, and his special lady friend, Sally the rag doll, as they embark on a series of thrilling adventures.
So whether a guy just wants to make his lash line a little fuller, or dares to wear a permanent Jack Sparrow liner look, there's no time like the present for men to embrace their own style!.
Jack Be Nimble is another easy game that only uses the space bar.
Jack runs along and you must press the space bar to jump over the candlestick.
If you are too late or miss, Jack gets burnt.
The cap has a connector designed to attach to the headphone jack on your tablet, making it easy to store and transport along with your iPad.
Using black gel food coloring, draw a jack o' lantern on the top.
The story of Jack and the Beanstalk could be adapted to tell about how your son is always getting into trouble because he never manages to follow directions.
Two additional resorts ideal for skiing Poconos are Jack Frost Mountain and Big Boulder.
Jack Frost Mountain is a traditional family ski resort.
Jack Frost Mountain has 20 trails and a smaller terrain park.
Jack Frost Mountain and Big Boulder - These two mountains are owned by the same company and cater to different demographics of ski enthusiasts.
Jack Frost is designed more for traditional family skiers while Big Boulder is geared more towards snowboarding and terrain park skiing.
You can personalize with your new last name (The Smiths), your first names (Jack and Jane), your wedding date, or a combination of these.
Black toppers add a spooky but sweet touch to a black and orange or Halloween wedding, while a Jack and Sally topper with white tulle and background can be a fun way to incorporate this theme into a wedding with more traditional colors.
Jack and Sally cake toppers may take a little digging to find, but there are styles available.
While none of them is specifically designated as a cake topper, the Jack and Sally Haunted mansion could be used on a shorter cake or one with fewer tiers.
Individual Jack and Sally figurines could also be used together to create a topper.
Many brides have also had success finding Jack and Sally wedding cake toppers on Ebay -including a nightmarishly elegant set of pewter figurines from Ebay store Mermaid Ink.
Cupcakes could either be arranged to form a depiction of Jack and Sally, or have a simple Nightmare theme decorating each individual cupcake.
Whichever Jack and Sally or Nightmare Before Christmas wedding cake topper or cake design you choose, it's sure to be unique part of your wedding reception that's not quickly forgotten.
Look for candles shaped like skulls, witches' hats and brooms, or jack o-lanterns for your wedding favor.
In 2005, California state school superintendent Jack O'Connell advised state schools to drop the Narconon program in their districts after finding that it subtly taught Scientology beliefs during drug prevention presentations.
Founded in 1956 by Jack and Jane Fitzpatrick, Country Curtains was born in Whitman, Massachusetts.
That's a fact, according to former pool boy Joe LaLane (son of fitness king Jack LaLane).
Osbourne and her brother Jack also spent some time in rehab recently after a much publicized battle with drugs and alcohol.
The CBS reality series, titled Armed and Famous, will follow the police adventures of Stratus, LaToya Jackson, Wee Man, Jack Osbourne, and Erik Estrada.