Ixion Sentence Examples
The best-known legends with which they are connected are those of Ixion (q.v.) and the battle with the Centaurs (q.v.).
As a punishment, Ixion was seized with madness, until Zeus purified him of his crime and admitted him as a guest to Olympus.
Ixion abused his pardon by trying to seduce Hera; but the goddess substituted for herself a cloud, by which he became the father of the Centaurs.
Ixion is generally taken to represent the eternally moving sun.
But for Ixion in Heaven, The Infernal Marriage, and Popanilla, Disraeli could not be placed among the greater writers of his kind; yet none of his imaginative books have been so little read as these.
The centaurs were the offspring of Ixion and Nephele (the rain-cloud), or of Kentauros (the son of these two) and some Magnesian mares or of Apollo acid Hebe.
They are best known for their fight with the Lapithae, caused by their attempt to carry off Deidameia on the day of her marriage to Peirithous, king of the Lapithae, himself the son of Ixion.
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The genealogies make them a kindred race with the Centaurs, their king Peirithoiis being the son, and the Centaurs the grandchildren (or sons) of Ixion.