Ital Sentence Examples
The word mutzen, to dock, cut off, which first appears in the 14th century, does not help much, though the name of another vestment akin to the almuce - the mozzetta - has been by some traced to it through the Ital.
The name bucintoro is derived from the Ital.
In archaeology his great achievement was Saggio di lingua Etrusca (1789), followed by Saggio delle lingue Ital.
See Vincent'Laureo, 1574-78, et ses depeches inedites (Ital.) (Warsaw, 1877); Augu s tin Theiner, Vetera monuments Poloniae et Lituaniae vol.
Even after it became clear this was a sentient life form, the name Odo Ital stuck and was eventually shortened.
Bale, but Basle is a wholly erroneous form; Ital.
From about 1864 he occupied himself almost exclusively with spectrum analysis, both of stars (Catalogo delle stelle di cui si e determinato lo spettro luminoso, Paris, 1867, 8vo; "Sugli spettri prismatici delle stelle fisse," two parts, 1868, in the Atti della Soc. Ital.) and of the sun (Le Soleil, Paris, 1870, 8vo; 2nd ed., 1877).