Isotope Sentence Examples
Fluid inclusion and oxygen isotope data are typical of basinal brines.
Nitrogen and carbon isotope ratios in human bone collagen, for instance, tell us about diet.
Two class 100 clean rooms are currently being installed dedicated to sample preparation for isotope analysis and low concentration elemental analysis.
Ordinary hydrogen has only one proton in the nucleus, while the isotope deuterium has one proton + one neutron.
Research projects typically involve interdisciplinary teams where we provide expertise in diatom analysis or the use of isotope ratios in diatom analysis or the use of isotope ratios in diatoms.
Target values were determined by isotope dilution GCMS at Professor Thienpont's laboratory in Gent.
The written report will consist of a 1500-word account of one area of isotope geochemistry selected from a list supplied by the course team.
Basic concepts in equilibrium geochemistry, isotope geochemistry and redox geochemistry are covered.
A small amount of radioactive isotope, carbon called 14 C can then be added to the water they are kept in.
Despite these strong isotope shifts, we found a largely uniform isotope fractionation.
AdvertisementIn addition, sulfur isotope analyzes have been performed on eleven corrosion samples from city centers.
There are also two new isotope ratio mass spectrometers for in vivo studies of energy and protein metabolism in patients.
We have examined the importance of isotope selective photodissociation / fractionation to gas mass estimation in molecular clouds.
The study will focus on the use of stable isotope ratios to identify trophic positioning between species.
The two elements preserve an environmental fingerprint in the form of an isotope signature.
AdvertisementRecords from Southern Germany are correlated to the UK stratigraphy using strontium isotope stratigraphy.
The U-235 isotope makes up 0.7 per cent of naturally occurring uranium.
Figure 2. Strontium isotope ratios (87 Sr / 86 Sr) in teeth from three different cows from Vaihingen.
An " isotope shift " of this type has been observed in many low-temperature metal superconductors.
The trace elements and isotope systematics will be compared to current knowledge of MOR hydrothermal fluids.
AdvertisementMass spectrometry is used both as an analytical tool and for metabolic studies using stable isotope tracers.
It relies on an analysis of how much of a radioactive isotope has decayed into its daughter isotope.