Is Sentence Examples
Is he not wonderful?
Is it always like this?
This is our planting-ground.
It is a beautiful day, but yesterday it was cold.
This isn't easy for you, is it?
The present is better than the past.
It is his money.
That is the least we can do!
Time is most precious...
What time is it?
AdvertisementIt is a simple premise and yet, at the same time, an article of faith—a faith that the future would be better than the past.
It is not easy.
When is it due?
Is that why you don't date?
You hide everything that is lovely.
AdvertisementEven if we should come to unpleasant places on our way it is necessary, in order to reach the earth's surface, to keep moving on toward it.
This area is so full of wildlife.
I think it is so cute the way you two flirt with each other.
Boston is now a great city, but at that time it was only a little town.
My daughter is coming for me to take me there.
AdvertisementThis famous Prussian neutrality is just a trap.
Well, if my cooking is that bad...
Ah, that is good.
That is the only difference between them.
They say she is amazingly beautiful.
AdvertisementWe commonly do not remember that it is, after all, always the first person that is speaking.
Of course it is.
Is it a Christmas party?
It's almost as if it is a lifetime goal.
That dress is really YOU!
This is a little out of my league.
Is she still staying with you?
What is an earthquake?
Help is on the way.
This here is Chauncey Bordeaux.
Is something on your mind?
If anything more is wanted I'll send after you.
Now it is you.
So, is she suing you for child support?
What is your style?
It is the Valley of Voe.
Why, because he is the son of a prominent family doctor?
Is it my turn to watch?
Is that apple pie I smell?
Is something the matter?
But about this time I had an experience which taught me that nature is not always kind.
She will have the baby for us because I have no womb, but it is our baby.
It seems like you've become the resident veterinarian and the vacation is over.
The patio is this way.
How is she this morning?
Is there any way down?
Fayetteville is long distance, but I'll be glad to pay you for the call as soon as I get my things.
What in the world is going on?
Is that why you're leaving?
Is that what he said?
All this work is for nothing.
Money is important... but didn't you find it ... exciting?
This place is dark enough as it is.
This is what I'll do; I'll let you take me where I don't want to go.
Is there a voice scrambler so we have more security when we call in tips?
Also, my hat is quite empty.
Whether you are rich or poor, live in the developed world or the developing world, life today is better and easier than it was a century ago by virtually any measure.
But I am making a simple statement that life is better now than it has ever been.
Why should they eat their sixty acres, when man is condemned to eat only his peck of dirt?
I have said and still say that the theater of war is Poland and the enemy will never get beyond the Niemen.
There it is again, do you hear? said he, pointing in the direction whence came the sounds of firing.
There isn't much to tell.
It isn't the first time I've cooked.
Does that mean I'm supposed to change, or that what I'm wearing is considered casual?
No, this one is ours.
He just turned twenty-one and he thinks he is a man now.
I've been getting the feeling she is trying to break us up.
No one is guaranteed a free ride.
Where is this house?
That is the way it should be, Mama says.
This is the life he was born for.
How much is it, Dad?
What is it, honey?
I think the milk is coming in.
A house without children is not a home.
How old is the girl?
This isn't a social visit.
Your face is as white as a sheet.
All Len wants out of me is information about Allen, and Howard couldn't care less where I am.
This is between you and me, not the entire neighborhood.
He's staying here with you, isn't he?
I'll go, but this isn't over.
Mom is fixing supper and I'm sure she has something you can wear in the morning.
This is my daughter, Tammy.
He's trying to change, but it isn't easy.
Is he threatening you?
I don't know who he is or what he does.
Is the shipment ready?
This isn't a good time...
Is that what this is all about?
Something is frightening you.
Is it the danger you like so much?
Lisa, don't you know who he is?
The last thing I want to be is your daddy.
What more is there to learn?
The war is on.
If your Dad is feeling bad enough to warrant medical attention, he needs to see a doctor, not a nurse.
This is the way he wanted it.
Why is everyone in such a hurry?
That is, if you still want it.
Then who is supposed to feed them?
Is that why Pete is worried?
Life's too short as it is.
This is the last water hole for a long time.
Oh, this is so nice.
Spring is around the corner.
The work isn't so bad.
He just isn't social.
My sister is coming to visit.
I think I know what it is.
Is it a female thing?
Is it the only one?
The third room is filled with my wizard mad scientist husband's electronic hub bub of messy experiments.
This conversation is going nowhere you don't want it to go.
This guy is not only careful, he's good.
After is getting a lot of hits.
This is a nice scrape you've got me into, isn't it?
What is your sorcery good for if it cannot tell us the truth?
He is really dead now, and will wither very quickly.
I think I shall keep this Wizard until a new Sorcerer is ready to pick, for he seems quite skillful and may be of use to us.
I wonder why it is that we can walk so easily in the air.
Then try to tell what it is, what it is like, what it is good for, and what is done with it.
Then he called his wisest men together and asked them, "Is it really true that the first people in the world were Egyptians?"
It is with a kind of fear that I begin to write the history of my life.
There were barriers still, it is true, but barriers that could in time be swept away.
It is hard to have a Southern overseer; it is worse to have a Northern one; but worst of all when you are the slave-driver of yourself.
Public opinion is a weak tyrant compared with our own private opinion.
That is the one thing I have faith in!
But to judge what is best--conscription or the militia--we can leave to the supreme authority....
Carmen is a very good cook.
She is the best seamstress in Houston!
Mommy, is it Cwismas?
He is very busy with Tessa tonight, do you think?
Are you going to tell me who he is?
His name is Eduardo, and he is my cousin.
If you don't remember where you buried the bone, it isn't going to be much help when you get hungry later.
There isn't anything precious about this situation with Dulce.
Destiny is with Felipa.
Why is it so difficult for you to believe I love him when you love him so much?
All I know is what Mom and Dad taught me.
How old is he?
This is Señor Medena.
Connie is taking me by to pick it up.
What is the problem?
Is there a problem?
I forgot, this is my house.
All I want is information.
Lunch is in the refrigerator.
Is that a yes?
The truth is, I like your companionship - and I'd like my parents to meet one of my best friends.
I have supper on, if anyone is hungry.
This is serious stuff.
Something is better than nothing.
It's just that sometimes I wonder what is more important in your life - your career or me.
Too head strong to do what you know is best.
Dad is a donor.
Anyway, what is a man's role?
So, when is it your turn to cook?
Act like nothing is wrong.
All it takes is the resolve to stop - provided you actually want to stop.
I hate it in town, and the diner is so... boring.
Only if this is all I have to do.
How is it going with Scruffy?
For me everything is functional, but you have style.
Of course, what goes on between you two in this big lonely house when no one else is around is between the two of you.
I think this place is beautiful, and apparently the ranch is paying for itself.
Well, well - isn't this cozy.
Is it this house?
In the sense he can function but the memory is probably gone for good.
This is mind-blowing!
The gap in the abductions we're looking at is under ten years, meaning he was probably sent up for a lesser crime that could be anything from robbery, burglary, serious assault or rape.
One way to do that is to make sure they don't have all the facts.
Is he listening to your phone call?
This whole thing is crazy.
Well, I guess there is nothing I can do.
Is the idea so deplorable?
I'm sure neither Quinn nor Martha is surprised and Howie is probably asleep.
Maybe the dream is a good thing, a peek at the past?
The sausage is country fresh too.
Quinn's experiment is very important to him.
California is a long way from West Virginia, Betsy.
This is where I visited.
Yes. I'm sorry so many buildings are gone but that one block is enough.
I'm sure if he sees how important this is to you, he'll relent.
You're the only one of us who is his longtime friend.
I look at it this way; something is going on in Howie's head.
Sure, I'm curious to find out what it is.
It's both, isn't it?
This is important stuff and risky as hell.
What is it exactly you want to do, Howie?
A girl's life is in serious danger.
It's a wonder someone isn't already putting them all together.
This is so much higher than my grade level I'm getting a nose bleed.
You won't know how many people are involved or how the information is obtained.
Our first and foremost priority is recovering abducted children, as soon as possible.
Forget anything much more than forty-eight hours old and anything where a nearly exact time of abduction isn't known.
What we're accomplishing with Howie is vital; we can't stop doing it.
Is this the director?
The sea shore is too far to the east so I fear she'll be remanded to a roadside bier of Kudzu and discarded fast food wrappers.
But who is the perp, as you call him?
But who is he?
Where is this romance going?
What you're doing is monumental.
Progress is being made.
My car is parked there.
It is so slender and long.
You spring something on me and then you just shut me out - like what I feel isn't important.
For the last time, Howard isn't interested in me.
My name is Yancey Giddon.
This is where I work.
See how much better this is than walking?
If he was guilty, he probably deserved it, but is family didn't.
He won't talk to me, but he isn't slamming anything around.
She said it wasn't a good time, and it isn't.
So this is where you come to unwind.
Is that a fact?
I think you're the one who is placing the blame on yourself.
It isn't your fault, you know.
All I know is... all of the sudden you were walking away from me - right when I needed you the most.
But I think Julie is right about one thing.
No, he sure isn't.
You mean he thinks that he has to take care of his mother, now that his father is gone?
Brandon is out at the north pasture, he'll be in any time for lunch.
There isn't enough work for two people, and Brandon loves the ranch.
You know how important my career is to me.
The only problem is that it all doesn't fit into your preconceived plans.
You're a mighty fine cook, but it isn't safe out here for a woman.
The railroad is close enough now that wagons can reach it from Ashley faster than we can cross the desert.
That's why you've been helping me, isn't it?
The fact is, when wolves attack a herd, they always take the weakest animal.
No, I simply think there is a proper way to do things, and humans have a habit of doing what pleases them at the moment, not what is best for the future.
Most of the ranchers are barely getting along as it is.
The trouble is, my ranch has been a safe haven and even headquarters for the wolf population around here.
Nothing is going on, if that's what you're getting at.
Well, he isn't interested in me, so the door is still open for you.
Is there another Cindy in the house?
Russie is a lost cause.
I mean, he isn't interested in women.
And Mr. Cade has done nothing to make me think he is anything but a normal man who simply enjoys his solitude.
Why is it virtuous for a woman to practice chastity, and ludicrous for a man?
It isn't what you think.
That jug is grade double A light.
Maybe one of them is like those mushrooms you hear about that book you on a psychedelic vacation.
The poor man is exhausted.
Is no part of this god forsaken state level or the roads straight?
He's like a clueless kid; he doesn't know where to turn and this is super important to him.
Isn't seeking medical or scientific help a prudent course to take?
We do know as a result of earlier tests EA, as we call it, is also part of the lure.
There is beautiful foliage and stunning children everywhere.
That proves it isn't the plants or location that are the cause of your visions.
There is one set of numbers he changes for the time and he can set the location somehow by longitude and latitude.
Betsy is standing on one leg and she's holding a Time magazine, open to page eighteen.
What we need is a plan but let's give it until tomorrow to clear our minds.
We forbade ourselves to even discuss our impetuous actions for fear of disturbing Howie so all we could do is cross our fingers and pray.
The smallest state has lots of small people; delightful children everywhere, but alas, now there is one less.
How can we be sure Howie is always right?
Now there is one less hunter to compete with me for the precious little ones.
I prefer not to cross state lines with my prizes, but Delaware is such a small state I'd left its boundary before I realized.
Quinn handles the power and Howie is our focus.
What we need is a leader.
That's all; it really is.
That's why Julie is so good for me.
Is there a leak in you operation?
The guy is going to pay.
But I warn you, if you don't tell me that this means war, if you still try to defend the infamies and horrors perpetrated by that Antichrist--I really believe he is Antichrist--I will have nothing more to do with you and you are no longer my friend, no longer my 'faithful slave,' as you call yourself!
Hippolyte is at least a quiet fool, but Anatole is an active one.
All my money is honest.
Alex is a lot like his father in some ways.
My guess is that he meant exactly what he said.
My guess is that most of the savings came from Señor Medena, though.
Okay, we've already established that Alex is secretive.
The problem is, you neither asked nor listened.
All I know is that he gets defensive when I mention Uncle Fabrice.
Is it that bad?
Is that because of the infection?
Is she still getting worse?
They said she'd be sleepy because of the medicine, so I'll try to sleep while she is asleep.
It is not a sin to want your child.
Where it is written how we are to make a child?
Crackling is much better than that faint wheezing.
I just wonder what his angle is.
Isn't it too early?
I can't believe this is really happening.
He's catching on, isn't he?
Well, whatever it is, it probably won't go down too well with Howard or Len.
Because you're the one who is concerned about my safety.
That's why you don't wander in the woods, isn't it?
All I know is that he's temperamental, and you'd better stay away from him.
You'll stop fighting when the breath is gone from your body!
Thanks. Since your radio isn't on, I'm guessing you're off duty.
Is his mother and daughter there?
Who is asking, Andy Gordon or Yancey Giddon?
There is one thing I still don't understand – it's out of character.
There is something about the way she looks at you when she needs your help – so vulnerable.
For every tragedy, there is a possible happy ending.
I know you're trying to stay fashionably thin, but the truth is...
I'm starving, and Rachel is almost ready for that taco seasoning.
It's a good thing tomorrow is Saturday.
Yeah, my nose is too big and my face is full of freckles, but my hair looks great.
Neither of them is working today, and I'm sure they'd be delighted to join you.
Is that why you want to take me up there - to show your mother how ridiculous the thought of any hanky panky is?
It isn't that far.
Adrienne is studying to be a pediatric nurse.
He thinks it is beneath his dignity to help around the house and watch the kids.
It's warm in the kitchen, and breakfast is ready.
It isn't like we're little kids, you know.
What goes on outside those doors is none of their business.
It's kind of small, but the rent isn't too bad, and it'll be available by then.
There's no point in making it look any worse than it is.
The only thing we don't know is the wedding date.
It isn't a matter of which I love more.
Mr. Marsh is the one who is responsible.
Sure, if he isn't saddled with a wife and a couple of kids.
Bordeaux, this saucy little peach is Cassie Rinehart.
Bordeaux, this is Casey Fritz, Hank Royce, and John Davis.
Your concern is touching, but I know I can rely on my friends here in the wagon.
What makes you think Pete is worried?
It isn't much, but...
Yours is the second offer I've had this trip and I want to make sure I get the best deal.
Everybody is tempted now and then, Cassie.
This isn't the first dust storm you've been through, is it?
Is it necessary to have someone say words over us, when we already know what we want?
Less than a days' march north of here is a lava field.
The environment in the Arctic Circle is very hostile.
No, there isn't time.
No, I can vouch for the fact that it is Indian blood.
Fritz is down to the store gettin' supplies, and Davis is sleepin' in the hotel.
Wear this above your left ear if the answer is no - right if the answer is yes.
There is nothing so terrible that a few words from the Padre can't mend.
Fighting a band of renegade Indians isn't half as hard as lassoing this little filly.
Cold out there, isn't it?
In the winter the landscape is bleak and the house is drafty.
If he isn't blind or dead, I'm sure he's noticed.
All he wants is a housekeeper.
It's fine to have high ideals about not going too far, but the reality of it is, it can happen before you realize what is happening.
This is the herd I've been developing for about five years.
I don't believe in catch-and-release except if the fish is simply too small.
Is this what you do out here all day long?
I know the work is hard and the weather is forbidding at times, but do you know how lucky you are?
If you knew Mr. Cade nearly as well as you think you do, you would know that he is actually very sensitive.
You've been working for me for almost three months now and this is the first time I've ever seen you sick.
We have a lot of left-overs and Scruffy is getting ridiculously fat.
Because it isn't right...
But what we do with our time after work is strictly between the two of us.
It isn't that at all.
It's just that... well, it isn't right for two people who aren't...
Isn't it a little late to start worrying about that sort of thing?
I should have thought about it before, but it's never too late to stop doing something you know is wrong.
The last thing I want is a half-dozen little brats running around here tearing things up.
Nothing is going to happen - not tonight or any other night.
But if this is because you're lonely . . .
Cindy, sleeping with Russ isn't the worst thing that has happened to you.
Or is it because now I have nothing to lose?
Cindy, our baby wouldn't be a burden to me even if my financial status was shaky - and it isn't.
Coincidently, the starting date of our involvement is etched in my memory for an entirely different reason.
Each of us maintains our own apartment, but when Betsy is in town, we spend most nights together.
For all you gadabouts and tourists used to driving hither and yon, a weekend trip to New England is a piece of cake.
Martha is a trauma nurse in a large Boston hospital.
While Martha is my kindred spirit, Quinn and I always got along fairly well the few times we're all gotten together.
Quinn has a sabbatical from teaching and is using it all summer for a college project.
For all of Quinn LeBlanc's intellectual abilities, I not sure Martha isn't the main bread winner while Quinn tinkers in the theoretical world of the intellectual elite.
That Martha LeBlanc is drop dead gorgeous; that's what!
My Betsy is fine looking woman, beautiful in my mind and in the eyes of most, but even I have to admit she lacks the room-stopping allure of Martha LeBlanc.
Is there some history I should know about?
The guy is a story and a half.
Now he's at least functional but the sad part is he lost nearly all of his memory.
Do you know what a dissociative fugue state is?
But none of his past is familiar?
Is he going back to the priesthood?
Howie doesn't have to work but he still suffers from head trauma, is pretty depressed and frankly, doesn't know what to do with himself.
There's no chance some of the memory is still there?
From what I've learned his entire brain structure is distorted.
Years of only remembered dreams but now the real act is so much better than fantasying!
The hunt is on but the weather is too hot and sticky.
Perhaps I'll move further east and see if the plucking is better when the weather is cooler.
If something is upsetting you, consider sharing it.
So I guess the questions is this; where were you?
What I have up there is just a power source and magnetic field.
I volunteer to sleep there tonight, if the love of my life is willing to come along.
My past is such an enigma; I don't know any of the details.
Perhaps something that happened to Howie in there and his past is resurrecting these visions!
If something occurs that is thought to be impossible, it either isn't impossible or it didn't occur.
After the testing is over, the hard part begins; weighing and recording my compilations and comparing them to past exposure levels.
This isn't normal sleep.
I'm as curious as you to find out what it is.
No matter how life-like they are, they have to be visions your mind is creating, as mundane they seem to be.
Quinn is packing up the power sources as we speak and the plants will be destroyed as part of the test.
If Howie drops into ten or twenty minutes of anyone's life, chance are all he sees is them picking their nose, reading a book or working.
His name is Merrill Cooms, Brennan stated, sounding as if I should know the man.
Everyone else is half-kidding about the existence of such a person but this guy knows he's for real.
He knows there is someone or something out there that has weird and exceptional abilities.
Just bet me that Alabama license plate isn't stolen.
This sort of thing is usually done via the witness protection program but I once heard of a situation where fake papers were assembled independent of any government agency.
Information is inputted to a computer and collated electronically.
If one of us is identified as being part of what we're doing, we're all in trouble.
If one of us is threatened, we can't give up the others if we don't know where they went.
Boston is great but it's incredibly busy all the time.
What is Howie telling her, not just out loud, but with his voice from dreamland?
Howie is entitled his time away from here too.
You heard her talk about the million dollar reward that rag of a newspaper is offering and she's poor as a church mouse on food stamps.
What I have to say isn't as bad as a week ago.
By the way, the good news is you might have just saved another life.
The California kid, Lottie Lynn Summerfield is alive and...
Our... gifted person is really obsessed with this guy.
The tipster is doing a wonderful service for the country.
The voice is scrambled but you can tell the sex.
At least two different people call in the tips but I'm guessing only one person is the psychic.
The actual tip sounds like someone is reading it and it's always worded in the same format.
You think perhaps the FBI is behind it?
The site is helpful in tracking the status of our tips because they keep asking questions until they get answers.
The site is indexed and assigned case numbers.
A frightened woman is trussed up like a turkey, under my back bed.
I know and it kills me but that's the way it is.
Is this tied to us?
The guy is smart and does his homework.
I won't even know where it is.
Is Brenda Washington's murder being investigated as tied to the death of Rupert Youngblood in California and the deputy sheriff in Alabama?
I'd have to believe someone is smart enough to tie those crimes all together.
You're just as much a bull's eye if this monster is able to pick up your trail.
Now she is with the angels, along with mommy and daddy.
She certainly is adapting her career to documenting his or her works and doing a good job of it as far as I can see.
My security system is top notch though I've had little need to utilize it.
This killer of Miss Washington is your most dire threat to date.
Often times both are absent when love is involved.
Some feel it is unfairly intrusive.
This is a serious matter.
No one is forcing you to witness that stuff!
I turned and announced to the others, "Everyone; Howie is in love with Julie and wants to marry her."
Snarling at each like dogs on a soup bone is just as disconcerting as keeping secrets.
Is this a tip from mommy the clairvoyant?
There is a lovely beach that stretches miles along the blue Atlantic.
By the way; is the psychic a she or was that just bull shit?
On the record, tell the public this; you've been led to believe the psychic tipster is a woman of an age able to collect social security.
She is living in Idaho.
Is the government involved, or backing her in some way?
Is she involved with it?
And all you can do is watch.
Is there a connection?
Who is behind this enterprise?
I find it is funded by corporations, do-gooders, trust funds, individuals, and off shore ghost entities... unfortunately, too many names to pursue each and every one.
If the Federal Government is continuing to dog us, they are doing so clandestinely, as we've heard nothing of their activities.
But the publicity on this is like the second coming.
I'm sure there's some lighter fluid around here but your grill is gas so you don't need it.
She's a darling, isn't she?
Is everyone all right?
But everyone here is safe and uninjured.
We've taken steps for my home not to look like a fortress, but believe me, it is.
Finally I muttered, "Is he dead?"
Aldo is a big man and couldn't fit through the portal and by the time he went around to the door, the trespasser was gone.
My property is isolated and very quiet.
It was the same guy as Delaware and Alabama only the mustache is gone.
Howie, if Quinn could get you back to the road, is there any way you could stay with this guy to his car, or whatever he's driving?
Fishing is relaxing and my boat's paid for...
This is phone is a throw away but I'm not even sure how good it is.
So far, all their snooping is fact finding but if they want your talents, they don't take no for an answer.
Is the tip line compromised?
If your stay is prolonged, we'll discuss alternatives later.
My intelligence and resourcefulness is without equal.
Is that for print?
This is off the record but someone else thought to be a possible lead to the tipster was threatened recently.
This is Agnes Delanco.
Just remember, this guy is extremely dangerous.
We have to get this guy; that's all there is to it.
He's the only one who is a direct threat and that's due to our coming so close to getting him in the past.
From what I read between the lines, the stepfather has no use for Howie, so Howie's presence isn't giving him any comfort.
Maybe the woman is more forgiving now that so much time has passed.
This is really important.
Is she listening to this?
Julie, this situation is making me very uncomfortable.
The problem isn't your staying her; it's this whole clandestine meeting.
He's the one the newspaper is always talking about... the psychic.
What makes you think you're saying is true?
Now the million dollar offer is off the table.
So; is that enough?
What happens beyond that is between the two of you.
It's okay, isn't it?
Now she too is gone.
Anything I do isn't for her.
The only real winner is Julie.
Don't ask for opinions; just do what you feel is best.
Is she mad at me for not telling her?
She can stay with Quinn and Martha while Julie is out here.
Is that okay with you?
There is serious illness in her family.
I'll write it in general terms, speculating on how difficult it is to maintain both lives, operating one incognito.
When I didn't comment, she added, "Roger is my German Shepherd."
Do you know who Thomas Morley is?
Besides, this guy is smart.
It is delightful here, smelling of sun-drenched pine and a hint of campfires.
My search is for more than one as person as the tipster has helpers.
The time frame on this is all wrong.
Maybe everyone else is hyper to drop everything and hop a plane but I'm not going anywhere!
That's where the newspaper lady is based.
Blast Publishing Company is a stupid name for a stupid publication.
As big a pain Quinn is at times, I know he's as committed as the rest of us to helping as many kids as possible.