Irritating Sentence Examples
He might be irritating at times, but he was never boring.
The word stung, irritating him.
So much for that irritating situation.
It was irritating most of the time, like now when he wanted to get a quick response out of one.
Is it irritating the wound?
I found the noise of the machines going ding ding ding very irritating.
Gerry smiled at Jessi, irritating Xander.
Many other substances, such as chrysarobin, mustard, pepper, &c., are also capable of irritating the skin, the effect produced varying from mere dilatation of the cutaneous vessels to destruction of tissue.
A child with mild asthma may have an irritating cough each night, but is often fine during the day.
The now well-known fact that small doses of poisonous substances may act as stimuli to living protoplasm, and that respiratory activity and growth may be accelerated by chloroform, ether and even powerful mineral poisons, such as mercuric chloride, in minimal doses, offers some explanation of these phenomena of hypertrophy, wound fever, and other responses to the presence of irritating agents.
AdvertisementIn 973 Burchard II., duke of Swabia, died, and the new emperor refused to give this duchy to Henry, further irritating this duke by bestowing it upon his enemy, Otto, a grandson of the emperor Otto I.
They also increase the number of leucocytes in the blood, and the more irritating of them increase the flow of blood to the pelvic organs, and may thus stimulate the uterus, or in large doses cause abortion.
Jule had zoomed it in on Xander, the look of predatory cunning – and her blood on his incisors – irritating her as much as it turned her on.
The pedestrian walkways, which had seemed rather agreeable to me at first, began to become irritating.
The absence of a fan means the notebook runs almost silently, without the potentially irritating distraction of intermittent fan noise.
AdvertisementTom is living in the house of his Aunt Polly with the irritating Sid, who turns him in for playing hooky from school.
Their irritating activity has caused severe hyperplasia (abnormal cell growth ).
An inhalational induction of anesthesia is usually very easy to perform with halothane which is not irritating to the airway.
Do you have any other potentially irritating mannerisms which are likely to be exacerbated under stress?
For the eyes, remove the mascara in an upward movement of the lashes to avoid irritating the eye.
AdvertisementUsnea also contains mucilage, which may be helpful in easing irritating coughs.
The magazine is not an easy read and, at times, verges on a type of academic pomposity, which I find irritating.
She's still as irritating as ever, and can still throw a good strop when she wants to.
Due to an irritating thing called work, no time today for the usual tripe about the weekend's performance.
Meanwhile BBC Radio Berkshire has introduced irritating little jingles to make its amateur breakfast news readers appear even more unprofessional.
AdvertisementThis is due to the refluxed acid irritating the windpipe.
Kind to you - great for sensitive skin PitRok does not contain aluminum chlorohydrate or aluminum zirconium that many people find irritating.
Suspicion was not aroused until March 1883, when Mancini, in defending himself against strictures upon his refusal to co-operate with Great Britain in Egypt, practically revealed the existence of the treaty, thereby irritating France and destroying Depretiss secret hope of finding in the triple alliance the advantage of an Austro-German guarantee without the disadvantage of French en.mity.
France was equally careless of Italian susceptibilities, and in April 1888 Goblet made a futile but irritating attempt to enforce at Massawa the Ottoman rgime of the capitulations in regard to non-Italian residents.
In 1735 Frederick wrote, or inspired the writing of, the Histoire du prince Titi, a book containing offensive caricatures of both king and queen; and losing no opportunity of irritating his father, "he made," says Lecky, "his court the special centre of opposition to the government, and he exerted all his influence for the ruin of Walpole."
He still toiled on unofficially until, the objection of the senate having been met by the appointment of a new secretary of the treasury, his second nomination was approved, and he was able to proceed with direct negotiations, The English and American commissioners finally met at Ghent, and in the tedious and irritating discussions which ensued Gallatin took the leading part.
Another source of trouble was the attitude of the emperor Sigismund, who, not content with protecting by his presence and as far as possible directing the deliberations of the "Universal Church," followed on more than one occasion a policy of violence and threats, a policy all the more irritating since, weary of his previously assumed role of peacemaker between the Christian powers, he had abruptly allied himself with the king of England, and adopted an extremely hostile attitude towards the king of France.
When considerably diluted they are only slightly irritating; externally applied and in the stomach they have an antiseptic action; they increase the secretion of saliva, and thus assuage thirst.
Are you put off by the irritating scuttle shake common to almost every convertible?
Don't use metallic or other irritating threads.
If they get irritating, can you aim them down or up or away from you?
The licking wouldn't bother me, unless you just find it irritating.
She weaves her way around their ankles and rubs up against them; perhaps she's also calling out loudly and doing so with irritating frequency.
This one might be worth circulating to your coworkers, especially if you'd enjoy knowing that you are now the individual inspiring a year's worth of irritating email forwards.
An ear mite can be mildly to severely irritating for your cat, but it poses no lethal threat.
Inflammation is the body's response to a harmful or irritating substance.
A rash is a very uncomfortable, itchy and irritating topical skin condition.
However, the imprecise nature of this range was irritating to designers, who wanted to be able to determine exact dots-per-inch through "point" values (12 pt, for example) or through "ems" (a measurement used in the publishing industry).
She 's still as irritating as ever, and can still throw a good strop when she wants to.
Due to an irritating thing called work, no time today for the usual tripe about the weekend 's performance.
Spermicide-Used in combination with a diaphragm or alone, spermicides are good choice for birth control if used correctly, but they can be irritating to the vagina.
Rarely does any baby make it through childhood without experiencing an irritating, and sometimes painful, diaper rash.
If this residue, combined with the ritual of irritating cleansing agents, becomes a constant during your baby's diaper changes, it won't be surprising when baby's rash either worsens or fails to heal.
Ultimately, a baby needs the best barrier between his soft skin and his irritating byproducts.
Shopping for picture frames can be a confusing and irritating process, but it doesn't have to be.
In addition, look for sleepwear that has either no seams or minimal seams since they can be irritating to the skin.
Rosemary essential oil can be irritating to your cat or dog's skin, and has the potential to be ingested during grooming.
Dodging furniture as you're trying to move from room to room can be irritating on a day-to-day basis.
Some women find bismuth oxychloride irritating to the skin, so they may want to consider the matte product.
Some types work by irritating your lips causing slight redness and swelling to authentically plump your lips.
In general, use all lip plumper products with care as the irritating ingredients designed to plump the lips can be very potent.
Follow all instructions carefully to avoid irritating or damaging your mouth.
While some lens-wearers don't have a preference (and may actually find it irritating), others favor waterproof makeup because it minimizes the likelihood of flakes entering the eye.
Whether you're blessed with naturally flawless skin or suffer from an irritating condition that demands to be covered up, chances are you stand to gain something from a product that treats the skin with the care and respect it deserves.
Additionally, no two sensitive skins are alike - some may find minerals as irritating as fragrances.
Some users have complained that the eye makeup remover is irritating to contact wearers.
The temptation may be high to let the irresponsible coworker know just how irritating his or her lack of reliability is but lashing out will make a negligent coworker even more defensive.
Anger is a normal, healthy emotional reaction to unpleasant or irritating circumstances, people, places, or things.
Chewing tobacco and snuff are irritating to gums and can scratch teeth, letting in the bacteria that cause decay.
Since many infants possess the irritating habit of throwing off their shoes, socks become the next line of defense in protecting the temperature of baby's extremities.
Some people believe a dog does this when something is irritating its stomach.
They are also very sensitive to flea bites, so providing proper protection from those irritating pests needs to be a concern as well.
If poor quality base metals are used skin irritations can be caused which are unpleasant and irritating.
Using organic baby soap is a safe and environmentally friendly way to keep your baby clean without irritating his or her skin with artificial ingredients.
These chemicals are known to be irritating.
Lotions with artificial ingredients can be very irritating to the tender skin of babies.
These chemicals could be harmful to their health, or irritating to sensitive skin.
Ammonia and other cleaning products with a strong scent can be irritating to the skin, nose, throat and eyes.
Some commercial products contain so many chemicals that they can be irritating to sensitive skin and even harmful to your health over a long period of time.
The elastic is non-binding, so it keeps the sock in place without leaving an irritating mark around your foot.
Snoring is more than an irritating habit; it is a sleep disorder, affecting 25 percent of adults, mostly men and those who are overweight.
If you're wearing swimming goggles that do not fit properly on the face, water could leak in and distort your vision as well as irritating your eyes.
This means that the special anti-glare lenses are able to combat the sun's irritating reflections, giving you the ultimate in comfort.
It does this by way of eliminating both irritating and dangerous reflections of sunlight, while at the same time, offering the very best in relaxation for sun-strained eyes.
Exposure to high levels of ultraviolet light can cause many eye problems, including cataracts, photokeratitis (snow-blindness), pingueculae (an irritating growth), and pterygium (another type of growth).
This allows for adjustment when the glasses don't fit just right, keeping them from slipping down the nose and potentially irritating the skin.
Unlike classic pinball games, given that here the 'ball' is alive, players could control movement mid-flight allowing for slight directional changes to avoid irritating disasters.
I found this a little irritating at times.
There's nothing more irritating than being caught off guard and unprepared!
The "ding" when you make a sale, the "bloop" sound that lets you know whether or not your lemonade was enjoyed, as well as countless other sounds get very repetitive and irritating.
And, occasionally the randomness of the letters can be a little irritating, especially when you get three Js and a Q on the same hand and you won't even be able to earn more than 5 points for each of them.
The second irritating feature is when you're on defense.
It may be funny or cool at first, but then it begins to becoming extremely irritating, especially in some crucial moments during the game.
It gets really irritating to buy a game that you were looking forward to, then try to install it only to have it crash on you when you try to play.
As if that weren't irritating enough, now you have to worry about viruses on your PlayStation Portable (PSP).
Unlike classic pinball games given that the 'ball' is in fact alive, players could control movement mid-flight allowing for slight directional changes to avoid irritating disasters.
The character voices fit well, but the sounds they make whenever they get injured can be a little irritating.
It only becomes irritating when you have to constantly restart your game.
Looking into laws on talking on cell phones while driving, it can be very irritating to always have the same mobile phone number calling you while you are driving.
Allergic reactions can also be triggered by insect bites, molds and fungi, certain prescription drugs, plants such as poison ivy and poison oak, and irritating or toxic substances released into the air.
The risk of diaper rash complicated with candidiasis can be reduced by preventing irritating dermatitis through the use of absorbent diapers and prevention of excessive exposure to urine or feces through frequent changing of diapers.
In addition, children who are prone to skin allergies should avoid contact with strong, perfumed soaps; nickel-based jewelry; and irritating fabrics (such as wool).
Post-nasal drip, the irritating trickle of mucus from the nasal passages into the throat caused by allergies or sinusitis, can also result in a cough.
Soaps are often irritating to the skin and can make an itch worse; they should be avoided or used only when necessary.
Chemical injuries to the nose are caused by accidental or purposeful breathing or sniffing of irritating substances.
Damage to the tissues lining the nose caused by exposure to tobacco smoke or other irritants in the environment is usually reversible once the child is removed from contact with the irritating substance.
Social phobias may be only mildly irritating, or they may significantly interfere with daily life.
Urine ammonia, formed from the breakdown of urea by fecal bacteria, is irritating to sensitive infant skin.
Urine left in diapers too long breaks down into ammonia, a chemical that is irritating to infant skin.
Some wipes contain alcohol or chemicals that can be irritating and only make diaper rash worse.
All three plants secrete a potent, irritating oil known as urushiol that causes blistering and intense itching once it penetrates the skin.
Patting, not rubbing, is recommended for drying the child off, to prevent irritating the blisters.
Most attacks of ICD are slight and confined to the hands and forearms but can affect any part of the body that comes in contact with an irritating substance.
The best treatment for contact dermatitis is to identify the allergen or irritating substance and avoid further contact with it.
Avoidance or substitution of known or suspected allergens or irritating substances is the best prevention.
Objects in the digestive tract that are not irritating, sharp, or large may be followed as they continue on through.
Sipping clear juices, weak tea, and some sports drinks helps replace lost fluid and minerals without irritating the stomach.
This treatment should be done only after consultation with a pediatrician, since this shampoo may be irritating to babies.
Benzoyl peroxide and tretinoin work by mildly irritating the skin.
Oral erythromycin may be highly irritating to the stomach and when given by injection may cause severe phlebitis (inflammation of the veins).
Injection therapy, also called sclerotherapy, is the injection of an irritating chemical that causes scaring at the site of the injection.
Sclerotherapy-Injection of an irritating chemical into a blood vessel so that it forms a scar to repair itself.
The messy and possibly irritating nature of depilatories also makes waxing a cleaner choice of hair removal.
Increasingly, however, women are discouraged from using them, as the chemicals can be irritating.
Shaving tips for women include how to get the softest, smoothest shave without irritating the skin.
The chemicals in the product are potentially harmful or irritating.
One problem with spermicides is that they can be irritating to sensitive skin.
Consider some common substances that could be irritating to the vaginal region.
Douching is a seemingly natural way to cleanse the area, but it can lead to an irritating pH imbalance.
Off-brand swimwear can be irritating to those with sensitive skin.
Sand can cling to the wax, thus irritating the skin when the surfer slides on or off the board.
Eating vitamin C from natural food sources may be less irritating to the stomach than supplementation.
Most people live and work in areas with relatively clean air or have options to leave an environment they find irritating to their senses.
In addition, masks can be irritating for the very young.
Anything that is tight on dogs will be uncomfortable and irritating for them.
There are several varieties available that will dress your dog up without being irritating or restrictive.
They are generally made of soft cotton or fleece, with no irritating lace or attachments.
Fake blood and cosmetics can stain or be irritating to the skin, so remember to do a patch test for any potential allergies before applying any makeup.
This rids the body of irritating factors and allows it to heal.
However, as time wears on, Pisces might find that Aries has no time for dealing with deep emotions, while Aries finds Pisces' perceived lack of ambition a bit irritating.
They should be comfortable from the moment you put them on to the moment you take them off, and should accommodate your foot without rubbing or irritating the sides, toes, heels or balls of your feet.
The right watch band makes the difference between stylish and boring looks, and comfortable or irritating fit.
For many teens, the behavior of a teenager with Asperger's can be puzzling and sometimes irritating.
Many people find these constant false alarms instrusive and irritating, but Microsoft chose to err on the side of caution, which is not a bad decision in this era of uninformed computer users.
Our foremothers knew what they were doing, and now that we can read and follow other people's directions, we'll only make soap that has enough lye to be effective without irritating our skin.
Avoid using bar soap that contains artificial fragrance or coloring, as these can be irritating to your skin.
Please note, those with hip pain may find the rocking motion irritating to the hip area.
You can find other supportive bras in 100 percent organic cotton at Janice's, which carries an organic crossover bra that fits up to a size DD and has no irritating latex.
Even soft t-shirt fabric can be irritating when it rubs against sensitive skin.
But others find that the silicone can be irritating, especially in warm weather.
Tagless - There are no irritating tags in Varitherm products.
Microfiber panties, especially, are often made without those irritating tags, and you won't have to deal with uncomfortable seams.
The thong crotch is wider than some other versions so it feels better and is less irritating.
Pretty school teacher Randi Coy agreed to go along with a fake wedding to her irritating and slobbish fiancé Steve (who was really an actor) to snag a $500,000 prize.
Mineral foundations often have the fewest, least irritating ingredients.
Some skin diseases are mildly irritating, while others are debilitating.
Simply put, they look like pieces of hanging skin.There are currently several ways to remove these irritating knobs, some of which can actually be done at home.
These dark brown bumps are harmless, but they can be embarrassing or irritating.
People with eczema may have to moisturize up to six times a day, often with a prescription lotion so as to avoid potentially irritating chemicals, and only soaps designed for sensitive skin should be used.
Though many anti-wrinkle products can be irritating to sensitive skin, this cream is gentle, dermatologist-tested, hypoallergenic, allergy- and clinically-tested and not tested on animals.
With an average wrinkle reductionof 80 percent in most users, this is another top wrinkle cream with a reputation of being able to tighten up facial skin without irritating sensitive faces.
Parched skin can be irritating and uncomfortable, but having a reliable dry skin relief lotion in your repertoire can make all the difference in the world.
Bees, hornets, spiders, fire ants, yellow jackets and wasp stings are the insect bites that are often considered the most agonizing, irritating, and venomous.
Free of harmful, harsh and potentially irritating ingredients, the line includes diaper rash ointment, SPF 30 sun protection cream for babies, baby moisturizer, stretch mark cream, hair recovery treatment and spider vein treatment.
Even those results will not be immediate; it can take three to six months to fade the freckles, and the creams could be irritating to sensitive skin.
The lactic acid in the milk is thought to work like a gentle peel without irritating the skin.
Bed bug symptoms can vary from mildly irritating to extremely painful, depending on the size of the infestation and the life stages of the infecting bugs.
However, it can also be quite irritating, and may cause dryness.
Since many anti-aging ingredients can be quite strong, they can also be irritating to those with sensitive or very dry skin.
Boscia uses no irritating preservatives making them the right choice for people with acne.
While it's not a bad thing, there are some spamming techniques used that can annoy you just as spam email is irritating.
The smug expression on her face would have been more irritating if her words hadn't revealed the fact that she didn't know the seriousness of the situation.
It is subject, however, to extreme and rapid variations in temperature, to alternations of dry and humid winds (the latter, called catias, being irritating and oppressive), to chilling night mists brought up from the coast by the westerly winds, and to other influences productive of malaria, catarrh, fevers, bilious disorders and rheumatism.
But every antiseptic, however good is more or less toxic and irritating to a wounded surface.
Phytophthora in potatoes., If, on the other hand, the irritating agent is local in its action, causing only a few cells to react, we have the various pimples, excrescences, outgrowths, &c., exhibited in such cases as Ustilago Maydis on the maize, various galls, witchesbrooms, &c.
In many cases, however, monstrosities of flowers have been shown to be due to the irritating action of minute insects or Fungi, and others are known which, although induced by causes unknown to us, and regarded as internal, would not be likely to survive in the wild condition.
It is an ambercoloured, fuming liquid possessing a very unpleasant irritating smell.
Some observers maintain that Anopheles does not "sing," like the common mosquito, and its bite is much less irritating.
The last attempts at exclusion were irritating enough; but they differed from the earlier persecution.
Salicylic acid is now never given internally, being replaced by its sodium salt, which is much cheaper, more soluble and less irritating to mucous membranes.
It possesses an extremely pungent smell, and its vapour is extremely irritating to the eyes.
There is a curious affectation about his style - a falsetto note - which, notwithstanding all his efforts to please, is often irritating to the reader.
The exciting cause of the hypertrophy, in the case of the typical galls, appears to be a minute quantity of some irritating fluid, or virus, secreted by the female insect, and deposited with her egg in the puncture made by her ovipositor in the cortical or foliaceous parts of plants.
The general assembly, to which the case was appealed, suspended Dr Briggs in 1893, being influenced, it would seem, in part, by the manner and tone of his expressions - by what his own colleagues in the Union Theological Seminary called the " dogmatic and irritating " nature of his inaugural address.
The AustroGerman-Italian triple alliance was a dire blow to his expectations, and Crispi's policy with its irritating and galling pin-pricks caused the cup to overflow.
But his whole Scandinavian policy was so irritating and vexatious that Swedish statesmen made up their minds that a war with Denmark was only a question of time; and in the spring of 1643 it seemed to them that the time had come.
The king also sought as much as possible to remove from the domain of politics every irritating question, believing that a union of the different parties was most for the advantage of the state.
Irritating as it was, it did not avail to shake Hobbes's determination to remain silent; and thus at last there was peace for a time.
While the Magyars had been troubling Germany on the east and south, the Danes had been irritating her on the north.
Meanwhile Bismarck, who was not intimidated by the parliamentary opposition, irritating and embarrassing though it was, resolutely proceeded with his task of developing the National!.
The cause of this is to be sought rather in the daily friction of a system which had ceased to be efficient and only succeeded in irritating the public opinion it was powerless to curb.
Similar procedures are used for the intestine, and one of the best methods of treating the diarrhoea consequent upon the presence of irritating substances in the intestinal canal is to give a dose of castor-oil together with a few drops of laudanum.
By means of the castor-oil the irritating substances are removed, and the laudanum which is mixed with the purgative soothes the intestine.
Two of its chief causes probably are (r) improvement in cookery, whereby the harder and more irritating parts of the food are softened or removed; and (2) improvement in grinding machinery, whereby the harder and more stimulating parts of the grain are separated from the finer flour which is used for bread.
He took a sort of malicious pleasure in irritating the monks.
Such a feeling, if it was aroused by irritating legislation, might very probably turn to the advantage of the exiled house, especially as the majority of Englishmen were to be found on the Tory Side.
The arsines and arsine chlorides are liquids of overpowering smell, and in some cases exert an extremely irritating action on the mucous membrane.
An orator of a business-like, straightforward type, cool and hard-hitting, his spare figure, incisive features and single eye-glass soon made him a favourite subject for the caricaturist; and in later life his aggressive personality, and the peculiarly irritating effect it had on his opponents, made his actions and speeches the object of more controversy than was the lot of any other politician of his time.
The integument of tailed and tailless batrachians is remarkable for the great abundance of follicular glands, of which there may be two kinds, each having a special secretion, which is always more or less acrid and irritating, and affords a means of defence against the attacks of many carnivorous animals.
Caustic potash and caustic soda are locally very irritating, and destroy the tissues, but lose this quality when combined with acids as in the case of their carbonates, bicarbonates and borax.
Calcium salts form insoluble soaps with fats, and combine with albumen in a manner which makes them soothing and astringent rather than irritating.
These effects are apparently due to their irritating action upon individual cells.
Soluble salts of manganese, aluminium, zinc, copper, gold, platinum and bismuth have, when given by the mouth, little action beyond their local astringent or irritating effects; but when injected into a blood vessel they all exert much the same depressing effect upon the heart and nervous system.
Locally they are both very irritating, and antimony has a special tendency to cause vomiting.
Baths containing sulphuretted hydrogen or alkaline sulphides have a slightly irritating effect upon the skin, and stimulate the general metabolism.
The large number of vegetable substances used as purgatives owe their action to an irritating effect upon the mucous membrane and the neuro-muscular apparatus of the bowel, whereby the secretions and peristalsis are more or less increased, as the result of which diarrhoea ensues.
They all have a poisonous action on protoplasm, which makes them useful in medicine as antiseptics, disinfectants, germicides, anti-fermentatives and parasiticides; when locally applied they are more or less irritating, and, when very dilute, astringent.
Locally their destructive and irritating effects vary a good deal, but even when very dilute they all have a marked poisonous action on bacteria, white blood corpuscles, yeast and similar organisms. After absorption most of them exercise a depressing effect upon the nervous system, and are capable of reducing high temperature.
Wealthy banker Ed, on the other hand, could possibly be the answer, despite his irritating habits.
Is the fabric be irritating enough to cause a rash or other discomfort?
It's lightweight, but intensely moisturizes to keep skin soft and supple, without irritating existing body breakouts.
The aromatic and irritating fumes emitted by burning amber are mainly due to this acid.
The failure of the bureau system and its discontinuance in the midst of reconstruction without harm to the blacks, and the intense hostility of the Southern whites to the institution caused by the irritating conduct of bureau officials, are indications that the institution was not well conceived nor wisely administered.
The belt buckle that deflected the knife from his heart was now irritating the scar.