Irrefutable Sentence Examples
Kant described it as "an irrefutable book."
While the health benefits of oatmeal may be irrefutable, the taste might not appeal to everyone.
The theory seems irrefutable just because the act of transference of the people's will cannot be verified, for it never occurred.
They bear in themselves irrefutable proofs of their authenticity, bringing us face to face not with the Zoroaster of the legends but with a real person, announcing a new doctrine and way of salvation, no supernatural Being assured of victory, but a mere man, struggling with human conflicts of every sort, in the midst of a society of fellow-believers yet in its earliest infancy.
It is a profound thought and, I believe, an irrefutable one.
Xander understood that some part of Jessi was stuck in hard core denial, the kind that needed irrefutable proof that she had no other alternatives.
You only have to have reasonable suspicion and not irrefutable evidence to support your concerns.
There's irrefutable proof in the benefits of omega-3 and fish oil - krill oil is a notch above regular fish oil.
But the abstract doubt " whether after all things may not be quite other in themselves than that which by the laws of our thought they necessarily appear " is a scepticism which, though admittedly irrefutable, is as certainly groundless.
Edith Frost is living, wonderful and irrefutable proof that even cowgirls really do get the blues.
AdvertisementTheir seemingly irrefutable evidence may be no more than the presence of marine fossils in high elevations.
Debra King's remarks were not well received by the Chief Executive, possibly because they were so irrefutable.
After all, mathematical statements can, in general, be derived from a set of self-evident axioms by the application of irrefutable logic.
The peasant is irrefutable.