Irk Sentence Examples
The wicked side of her wanted to push in a few books next time he left, just to irk him.
He then tried to gain possession of Aleppo, as the key to Irk, but this was prevented by the intervention of the Byzantines.
Over the long run, Gemini's penchant for surface-layer conversation may irk Sagittarius.
In 1905 the factory product was valued at $1,086,671, 14-7% more than irk 1900.
As bishop of Lucca he had been an energetic coadjutor with Hildebrand irk endeavouring to suppress simony, and to enforce the celibacy of the clergy.
The events of 1830 had unmuzzled him, and had put him in a better position for study by obtaining for him a place in the Record Office, and a deputy-professorship under Guizot irk the literary faculty of the university.