Iri Sentence Examples
It simply consisted iri the application, to the elucidation of these complex problems, of the exact methods of chemical and physical research.
Most of the foreshores of New Guinea are eucalyptusdotted grass lands; iri the interior dense forests prevail to a height of many thousand feet.
In the former of these works he shows plainly his intention of adapting his language and reasoning to Gentile, and iri the latter to Jewish, readers.
Heraclitus offers no analogy to the doctrine of four (not three) elements as different grades of tension; to the conception of fire and air as the " form," in Aristotelian terminology, of particulars; nor to the function of organizing fire which works by methodic plan to produce and preserve the world (irup i&w 1 3aSii'ov iri ')4vEru Nor, again, is there any analogy to the peculiar Stoic doctrine of universal intermingling (Kpavms Si iiXov).
Having quickly succeeded in discovering this, he iri 1803 exhibited before the reigning duke of Brunswick a series of experiments with lighting gas made from wood and from coal.
Another institution treated with considerable fulness in the treatise Taanith is that of the -nyn 'th (y iri stationis), who are represented as having been laymen severally representing the twenty-four classes or families into which the whole commonwealth of the laity was divided.
Nabua is iri the district known as La Rinconada - a name originally given to it on account of its inaccessibility.
The goggles are fairly light at 0.8 kilograms and have infrared illumination (IRI).