Ion Sentence Examples
Since some ions are more mobile than others, a separation will ensue when water is placed in contact with a solution, the faster moving ion penetrating quicker into the water under the driving force of the osmotic pressure gradient.
If an element be present in a compound otherwise than as an ion, it is not interchangeable, and cannot be recognized by the usual tests.
On the lines of Poynting's theory of solution, each ion in electrolytes must combine with one or more molecules of solvent.
All copper salts in dilute solution are blue, which is therefore the colour of the copper ion.
It is apparent that metallic salts of organic acids would, in aqueous solution, be ionized, the positive ion being the metal, and the negative ion the acid residue.
Taking the chemical equivalent weight of silver, as determined by chemical experiments, to be 107.92, the result described gives as the electrochemical equivalent of an ion of unit chemical equivalent the value 1 036 X 5.
The ions will therefore diffuse independently, and the faster ion will travel quicker into pure water in contact with a solution.
The ions carry their charges with them, and, as a matter of fact, it is found that water in contact with a solution takes with respect to it a positive or negative potential, according as the positive or negative ion travels the faster.
In February 1866 he was compelled to abdicate; and a council of regency was formed under the presidency of Prince Ion Ghica.
The second is the Hrongraf of Dorotheus of Monembasia, translated by a certain Ion Buburezau.
AdvertisementIn Walachia .a certain Ion Budai Deleanu, a man of great learning, author of a hitherto unpublished Rumanian dictionary of great value, wrote a satirical epos in which gipsies play the chief part.
The collected tales of the Moldavian Ion Creanga (1837-89) appeared in his Opere complecte (1908).
But B i ion before the end was reached all had been persuaded or XpUS forced into Christianity, had ceased to be Mudjares, Moriscoes.
Characterisation of a novel methanol dehydrogenase containing a Ba 2+ ion at the active site.
The same authors produce evidence to suggest that cells are capable of using electric fields in ion pumping.
AdvertisementDuring the later period of the Thirty Years' War Bohemia was frequently pillaged by Swedish troops, ion m and the taking of part of Prague by the Swedish general.
The total number of all farms in the state in 1900 was 19,387; and the number of white farmers, 19,144The greatest number of farms were between Ion acres and 500 acres-1916 in 1880, and 5565 in 1900.
We have attempted to address these issues by investigating the adsorption of a single Cu ion in different charge states.
See also biological filtration and ion exchange for methods to remove ammonia from the water.
Removal by reacting with ammonia The most likely basic substance which a hydrogen ion is going to collide with is an ammonia molecule.
AdvertisementThe use of a secondary azide was successful, although the stereoselectivity of the reduction of the resultant iminium ion was low.
Electron transparent cross-sections through the deformed region were prepared using a focused ion beam.
We are currently developing an ion mobility spectrometer for the detection and quantification of trace compounds in exhaled breath in real time.
Both experimental work and ab-initio calculations agree that the most stable form is the ammonium ion pair species.
A variety of dosimetry techniques are available, including graphite calorimetry, diode and ion chamber dosimetry.
AdvertisementFor example, they hope to observe the structural changes accompanying the activation of ion channels in living cells.
Return to DIAGRAM Disposal of iron residues The waste product from the ion exchange was ferric chloride.
The ammonium ion together with the chloride ion formed in the previous stage makes up the ammonium chloride ion formed in the previous stage makes up the ammonium chloride produced in the reaction.
From the ' total ion chromatogram ', we could see variations in the total ion signal.
All samples, with the exception of the diffusion tubes, were analyzed using ion chromatography.
The phosphorus in solution reacts with the molybdate ion to produce a blue coloration whose intensity is directly proportional to the concentration of phosphorus.
David Williams, Dept. of Chemistry UCL ), ion conductance imaging 107 (Prof.
In order for the channel to respond to the appropriate ligand they have specific regulatory domains attached to the ion conduction pathway.
The cyanide ion comes from hydrogen cyanide ion comes from hydrogen cyanide, which is a covalent molecule.
The cyanide ion comes from hydrogen cyanide, which is a covalent molecule.
See electron cyclotron resonant heating, ion cyclotron resonant heating, lower hybrid heating.
This in turn involves bond dissociation, gain of an electron by the halogen, and hydration of the halide ion.
Atomic level defects, such as atoms of differing mass, vacancies etc. can be introduced by adding dopants or by ion bombardment.
We are also studying the ion channels that regulate calcium movements across the cell membrane using patch clamp electrophysiology.
Material etching can be carried out by Ion Beam Milling, reactive ion etching and wet chemical etching.
The readout gaps are milled obliquely into silicon beams used focused ion beam etching.
Ion fluxes related to growth of plantation forestry are considered.
Cardiac structural biology Research focuses upon studies of ion channels regulating calcium homeostasis in the heart.
The contribution of altered ion homeostasis to development of osteoarthritis is also being examined.
An ammonia molecule removes a hydrogen ion from the -NH 3 + group in a reversible reaction.
Group may be used for this job, and the first step is to prepare a PDB file for the hydrated ion.
There must have been some slight reaction with the water to produce hydroxide ion with the water to produce hydroxide ions in solution.
An ammonium ion is formed, together with an amine.
The table shows the angles between protein ligands centered on the metal ion.
This combines MBE growth, focused ion beam lithography, and hydrogen radical cleaning within one complete ultra high vacuum system.
The pH scale is the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion content of water.
The Center has a major program of structural and functional studies on several classes of membrane proteins, including membrane transporters and ion channels.
The clean room has all the facilities for device fabrication including dry etching by ion beam milling.
In order to maintain charge neutrality oxygen vacancies have to be introduced, which allow oxygen ion migration.
Ongoing work includes using ion implantation for novel device and circuit architectures and for processing gallium nitride in novel ways.
This covers areas from accelerator physics through engineering design, ion optics, radio-frequency engineering, magnet design and a host more.
In the case of a phenol, you can react the phenol with sodium hydroxide solution first, producing the more reactive phenoxide ion.
Ion channels pores in cell membranes that allow charged ions into and out of the cell.
Characteristic changes in extracellular potassium, sodium and hydrogen ion concentrations are usually diagnostic.
The filename prefix for each ion follows spectroscopic notation.
These might be used to generate the power needed for ion propulsion systems.
The A - ion is a base because it is accepting a proton from the H 3 O + .
Element The ion on which the emission redshift is based.
During the initial glutathione reductase reaction a hydride ion is transferred from the bound coenzyme NADPH to the flavin ring system of FAD.
Telmisartan does not inhibit human plasma renin or block ion channels.
The turn provides a hydrophobic environment for the zinc ion and the three ligating histidine residues at the catalytic centers of the enzymes.
The second quarter became much more scrappy with both teams struggling to find any fluency ion their play.
An additional factor is the " common ion " effect, this further reduces the solubility of the precipitate.
Behind this hole is a quadrupole mass spectrometer coupled to an ion energy analyzer.
Our private garden invites you to watch birds, take your breakfast or take the first suntan in your va cat ion.
The atom we are interested in will therefore tend to carry either a partial positive charge or form a positive ion.
Propulsion methods such as the ion thruster and solar sail are examples of alternative propulsion options for spacecraft.
Bruce and I have reconfigured part of the attitude control thruster system to run off our ion drive's mercury fuel supply.
The chloride ion concentration was determined by potentiometric titration with a silver nitrate solution.
The silicon wafer is then subjected to deep reactive ion etching to release the rotor.
The presumption is either that d 2 V/dh 2 near the ground is much larger numerically than Gerdien supposes, or else that the ordinary instruments for measuring ionization fail to catch some species of Ion Whose Charge Is Preponderatingly Negative.
In the traditional genealogy of the Hellenes, Ion, the ancestor of the Ionians, is brother of Achaeus and son of Xuthus (who held Peloponnese after the dispersal of the children of Hellen).
Most Ionian states exhibit also traces of the fourfold tribal divisions named after the " children of Ion "; but additional tribes occur locally.
Bechtel, Die Inschriften des ion.
The heat of formation of a substance from its ions is, of course, very different from that evolved when it is formed from its elements in the usual way, since the energy associated with an ion is different from that possessed by the atoms of the element in their normal state.
In gases the electrons sometimes travel alone, but in liquids they are always attached to matter, and their motion involves the movement of chemical atoms or groups of atoms. An atom with an extra corpuscle is a univalent negative ion, an atom with one corpuscle detached is a univalent positive ion.
To King George and his ministry, Massachusetts was the hotbed of disloyalty, the head and front of opposi t ion to their colonial policy, and there coercion should p y?
Thomson, the successor of Maxwell and Lord Rayleigh in the Cavendish chair of physics in the university of Cambridge, began about the year 1899 a remarkable series of investigations on the cathode discharge, which finally enabled him to make a measurement of the ratio of the electric charge to the mass of the particles of matter projected from the cathode, and to show that this electric charge was identical with the atomic electric charge carried by a hydrogen ion in the act of electrolysis, but that the mass of the cathode particles, or " corpuscles " as he called them, was far less, viz.
Paulowitz (1813), Cain (1822), Ion (1835), Wild Dayrell (1852), and his son Buccaneer (1857) bring down Sir Paul's blood; whilst Walton is represented through Phantom (1806), Partisan (1811) and his sons Glaucus (1829) and Venison (1833) and Gladiator (1833), Venison's sons Alarm (1842) and Kingston (1849), Gladiator's son Sweetmeat (1842), Sweetmeat's sons Macaroni (1860) and Parmesan (1857), and Parmesan's sons Favonius (1868) and Cremorne (1869).
Role of growth factors in regulating the expression of ion channels.
The scattering of electrons gives us electrical resistance but it also results in a force exerted on the metal ion core.
Also, for a given target mass, the ion energy decreases with increasing scattering angle.
The opening/closing of channels with different ion selectivities give rise to changes in voltage across cell membranes.
All the instruments are fitted with sputter ion guns to allow compositional depth profiling to a depth of 1 micron.
It is only applicable to instruments which incorporate an ion gun for sputter cleaning.
Supramolecular complexes organize the correct repertoires of receptors, enzymes and ion channels into individual signaling pathways.
The group is a leading international center for the application of ion beam techniques for semiconductor detector characterisation.
Bruce and I have reconfigured part of the attitude control thruster system to run off our ion drive 's mercury fuel supply.
True ion exchange whey protein is clear in a solution.
When an atom is charged, it becomes an ion.
A combination of lithium ion technology and unique design create a battery that is light, durable, recyclable and powerful.
A sealed lithium ion backup battery with a built-in 12-volt outlet is one recent option offered by some of the major CPAP manufacturers.
Lithium ion batteries can be rather expensive at over $200 dollars, but this price does include the necessary cords, batteries, battery charger, and the neat-and-tidy travel bag for the whole setup.
The Third Generation of goggles has increased image resolution because of improved construction that consists of ion barriers that help to extend the tube life in the goggles.
The Game Boy Advance SP has a number of improvements over the Game Boy Advance, including a new design, rechargeable lithium ion battery, and a front-lit screen.
For the SP, Nintendo opted for a rechargeable lithium ion battery similar to the kind found in laptops.
Acetylcholine receptors are integral proteins that respond to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine by opening a pathway in the membrane for ion diffusion across the cell membrane.
It occurs as fluoride ion in combination with other elements such as sodium.
You can also try Skinzwear's Adjustable String Thong Ion Orange exotic suit.
Available features include stainless steel, gold tone, or black Ion finishes, date calendars, screw down case backs, illuminated markers and hands, and water resistance to 50 or 100 meters.
Depending upon individual taste, ladies have a choice of crystal cabochon crowns, mother of pearl dials, gold, stainless, or black ion finishes, and various depths of water resistance.
Third generation - or dockable - iPods use 3.7v 630mAH lithium ion polymer batteries.
And of course there was that whole planet-busting ion cannon thing.
The screech of a TIE Fighter (Twin Ion Engine) was unlike anything movie goers had ever witnessed when swarms of Star Wars' TIE fighters first flooded movie screens in massive numbers.
For example, the Schutt ION 4D Youth Helmet has a sleek style that has a wedge facemask and a polycarbonate shell.
The " children of Ion " originated in north-eastern Peloponnese; and traces of them remained in Troezen and Cynuria.
Plutarch (Pericles) gives many interesting details as to Pericles' personal bearing, home life, and patronage of art, literature and philosophy, derived in part from the old comic poets, Aristophanes, Cratinus, Eupolis, Hermippus, Plato and Teleclides; in part from the contemporary memoirs of Stesimbrotus and Ion of Chios.
The whole locality was the seat of the ancient cult of this deity, afterwards styled " Hypacraeus," with which was associated the legend of Creiisa and the birth of Ion.
Thus, as long as every ion of the solution is present in the layer of liquid next the electrode, the one which responds to the least electromotive force will alone be set free.
When the amount of this ion in the surface layer becomes too small to carry all the current across the junction, other ions must also be used, and either they or their secondary products will appear also at the electrode.
Here the ions are potassium and the group Ag(CN)2.1 Each potassium ion as it reaches the cathode precipitates silver by reacting with the solution in accordance with the chemical equation K--+KAg(CN) 2 =2KCN+Ag, while the anion Ag(CN) 2 dissolves an atom of silver from the anode, and re-forms the complex cyanide KAg(CN) 2 by combining with the 2KCN produced in the reaction described in the equation.
The black circles represent one ion and the white circles the other.
On the right, towards which the faster ion travels, five molecules of salt are left, being a loss of two from the original seven.
On the left, towards which the slower ion moves, only three molecules remain - a loss of four.
If either ion carried with it some of the unaltered salt or some of the solvent, concentration or dilution of the liquid would be produced where the ion was liberated.
Hence the absolute velocities of the two ions can be determined, and we can calculate the actual speed with which a certain ion moves through a given liquid under the action of a given potential gradient or electromotive force.
A series of equivalent solutions all containing the same coloured ion have absorption spectra which, when photographed, show identical absorption bands of equal intensity.
Thus para-nitrophenol has colourless molecules, but an intensely yellow negative ion.
In other cases, such as that of litmus, both the ion and the undissociated molecule are coloured, but in different ways.
Thus neither a chlorate, which contains the ion C103, nor monochloracetic acid, shows the reactions of chlorine, though it is, of course, present in both substances; again, the sulphates do not answer to the usual tests which indicate the presence of sulphur as sulphide.
For simplicity of calculation, the clear length of each rod between the yokes is made 12.56 (=47r) centimetres, while the coil surrounding the standard bar contains 100 turns; hence the magnetizing force due to a current of n amperes will be ion C.G.S.
In the diagrammatic family tree of the Greek people, as it appears in the Hesiodic catalogue (6th century) and in Hellanicus (5th century), the " sons of Hellen " are Dorus, Xuthus (father of Ion and Achaeus) and Aeolus.
The priest of Shiloh is a much greater person than Micah's priest Jonathan; at the great This appears even in the words used as synonyms for " priest" rnvn, p ion 'Dr, which exactly corresponds to sadin and hajib.
It may indeed be said that the Constitut ion as it now stands is the result of a long process of development; and that process is still going on.
The power of coagulation of colloids shown by electrolytes depends in a curious manner on the chemical valency of the effective ion.
At the instance of Holland a Grand Assembly was summoned, consisting of delegates from all the provinces, to consider the state of the Union the arm and reli ion.
Whenever Ion freeholders request it, the county commissioners must submit to the voters of a proposed high school district the question of establishing a high school district, and each precinct giving a majority vote for it constitutes a part of such a district for establishing and maintaining a high school.
The subject was pursued by Thomson and the Cambridge physicists with great mathematical and experimental ability, and finally the conclusion was reached that in a high vacuum tube the electric charge is carried by particles which have a mass only a fraction, as above mentioned, of that of the hydrogen atom, but which carry a charge equal to the unit electric charge of the hydrogen ion as found by electrochemical researches.
Distrusting tradition, he took a few of the finest dialogues as his standard, and from internal evidence denounced as spurious not only those which are generally admitted to be so (Epinomis, Minos, Theages, Arastae, Clitophon, Hipparchus, Eryxias, Letters and Definitions), but also the Meno, Euthydemus, Charmides, Lysis, Laches, First and Second Alcibiades, Hippias Major and Minor, Ion, Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, and even (against Aristotle's explicit assertion) The Laws.
After the fire of 1 184 the monks asserted that they were in possession of the remains of St Dunstan, which had been abstracted from Canterbury after the Danish sack of ion and kept in concealment ever since.
Among them were Vasile Aaron (1770-1822) and Ion Barak (1779-1848).
The Attic tradition, reproduced in Euripides (Ion 1002), regarded the Gorgon as a monster, produced by Gaea to aid her sons the giants against the gods and slain by Athena (the passage is a locus classicus on the aegis of Athena).
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Ion to Izu.
He died at Gogmagog in Cambridgeshire, in the posses ion of Lord Godolphin, in 1753, being then, as is supposed, in his twentyninth year.
Results are compared with previous measurements with monochromatic ion beams from a conventional accelerator.
In the above reaction, the ethanoic ion is the conjugate base of ethanoic acid.
Here we take strongly acidic solutions in which the yellow ion VO 2 + is the species present.
The ammonium ion together with the chloride ion formed in the previous stage makes up the ammonium chloride produced in the reaction.
But if one ion, say the anion, travels faster through the liquid than the other, the end of the solution from which it comes will be more exhausted of salt than the end towards which it goes.
Nearly 60% of them contained less than Ion acres and only about 2.7% contained 260 acres or more.