I/o Sentence Examples
The distance of the lucid points was the tangent of the magnified angles subtended by the stars to a radius of io ft.
The image of a normal reseau-square, as viewed in the microscope, shall exactly coincide with the square formed by the fixed webs - that is to say, the image of the sides of a normal reseau-square shall measure exactly io screw-revolutions.
A suitable proportion between the size of the tank or cylinder and that of the boiler is 8 or io to 1.
In 1898 the list comprised only 1416 sailing vessels of all classes, from Io tons up, with a total tonnage of 118,894 tons, and 222 steamships, of 36,323 tons.
Rosas met the allies at the head of a body of troops fully equal in numbers to their own, but was crushingly routed, February 3rd, at Monte Caseros, about io m.
It may be obtained as a dark brown amorphous powder by placing a mixture of io parts of the roughly powdered oxide with 6 parts of metallic sodium in a red-hot crucible, and covering the mixture with a layer of well-dried common salt.
There are some twenty smaller species in Australia and Tasmania, besides the rock wallabies and the hare kangaroos; these last are wonderfully swift, making clear jumps 8 or io ft.
Chiefly through the valour of Lamoral, count of Egmont, two great victories were won over the French IL at St Quentin (August Io, 1557) and at Gravelines (July 1 3, 1 55 8).
Money had to be raised by taxation, and at a meeting of the states-general (March 20, 1569) the governor-general proposed (1) an immediate tax of 1% on all property, (2) a tax of 5% on all transfers of real estate, (3) a tax of io% on the sale of all articles of commerce, the last two taxes to be granted in perpetuity.
The corporation consists of a mayor, io aldermen and 30 councillors.
AdvertisementAccording to Neubauer, the bark of young oaks contains from 7 to Io% of this principle; in old trees the proportion is much less.
Thus if the instrument depends on the pressure or suction effect alone, and this pressure or suction is measured against the air pressure in an ordinary room, in which the doors and windows are carefully closed and a newspaper is then burnt up the chimney, an effect may be produced equal to a wind of io m.
Between io atmospheres and 1 it was 815.875 foot-pounds, and between 23 and 14 atmospheres 761.74 foot-pounds.
To establish the exact relationship it is necessary not only to breed but to rear the medusa, which cannot always be done in 1 In some cases hydroids have been reared in aquaria from ova of medusae, but these hydroids have not yet been found in the sea (Browne [Io a]).
A grassy road between banks io to 12 ft.
AdvertisementFrom falling off trains, engines, &c., in motion io.
In the United States a committee of the American Society of Civil Engineers, appointed to consider the question of rail manufacture in consequence of an increase in the number of rail-failures, issued an interim report in 1907 in which it suggested a range of carbon from 0-55 to 0-65% for the heaviest sections of Bessemer steel flange rails, with a phosphorus maximum of 0.085%; while the specifications of the American Society for Testing Materials, current at the same period, put the carbon limits at o 45 to 0-55%, and the phosphorus limit at o io.
The relation between the b.h.p. and the torque on the driving-axle is 55 o B.H.P. =Tu., (9) It is usual with steam locomotives to regard the resistance R as including the frictional resistances between the cylinders and the driving-axle, so that the rate at which energy is expended in moving the train is expressed either by the product RV, or by the value of the indicated horse-power, the relation between them being 55 0 I.H.P. =RV (Io) or in terms of the torque 55 0 I.H.P.X€=RVe=TW (II) The individual factors of the product RV may have any value consistent with equation (to) and with certain practical conditions, so that for a given value of the I.H.P. R must decrease if V increases.
In Great Britain the mineral trucks can ordinarily hold from 8 to io tons (long tons, 2240 lb), and the goods trucks rather less, though there are wagons in use holding 12 or 15 tons, and the specifications agreed to by the railway companies associated in the Railway Clearing House permit private wagon owners (who own about 45% of the wagon stock run on the railways of the United Kingdom) to build also wagons holding 20, 30, 40 and 56 tons.
On the continent of Europe the average carrying capacity is rather higher; though wagons of less than io tons capacity are in use, many of those originally rated at io tons have been rebuilt to hold 15, and the tendency is towards wagons of 15-20 tons as a standard, with others for special purposes holding 40 or 45 tons.
AdvertisementCurves of still smaller radius have entailed a maximum speed of io m.
The rolling stock is constructed either for farm produce or heavy minerals, the latter holding io to 27 cub.
Pop. (1901) 52,216, showing an increase of io% in the decade.
It is a lofty tree reaching a height of 170 ft._ or more, with a massive trunk io to 15 ft.
In an hour of patriotic ardour he became (June 12, 1 759) a captain in the Hampshire militia, and for more than two years (May io, 1760, to December 23, 1762) led a wandering life of " military servitude."
AdvertisementIts remains lie from io to 20 ft.
Io seq.) bears the same name as the one who advised Rehoboam to acquiesce in the disruption (1 Kings xii.
Under the constitution of Caracalla (198-217) all inhabitants of the Roman empire enjoyed the civil rights of the Cives Romani (Scherer, Die Rechtsverhaltnisse der Juden, p. Io).
Io sqq., is wanting in the Greek, and in the light of subsequent events is improbable.
Dorset's beneficent intentions for his sons' pedagogue probably suggested Wolsey's ordination as priest at Marlborough on March ro, 1498, and on October io, r50o, he was instituted, on Dorset's presentation, to the rectory of Limington in Somerset.
The first disease investigated by Pasteur was that of chicken cholera, an epidemic which destroyed io% of the French fowls; after the application of the preventive method the death-rate was reduced to below i %.
Many millions of sheep and oxen all over the world have thus been treated, and the rate of mortality reduced from io to less than %.
The other urban districts are Alfreton (17,505), Alvaston and Boulton(i 279), Ashbourne (4039), Bakewell(2850), Baslow and Bubnell (797), Belper (10,934), Bolsover (6844) Bonsall (1360), Brampton and Walton (2698), Buxton (10,181), Clay Cross(8358), Dronfield(3809), Fairfield(2969), Heage(2889), Heanor (16,249), Long Eaton (13,045), Matlock (5979), Matlock Bath and Scarthin Nick (1819), Newbold and Dunston (5986), New Mills (7773), North Darley (2756), Ripley (io,III), South Darley (788), Swadlincote (18,014), Whittington (9416), Wirksworth (3807).
The first of them, Accipitres, comprehending all the birds-of-prey, were separated into 4 " cohorts " in his original work, but these were reduced in his appendix to two - Nyctharpages or owls with 4 families divided into 2 series, and Hemeroharpages containing all the rest, and comprising io families (the last of which is the seriema, Dicholophus) divided into 2 groups as Rapaces and Saprophagi - the latter including the vultures.
Here is Badminton House, the seat of the dukes of Beaufort, standing in a park some io m.
The local diet, of which the bishop of Gurk is a member ex officio, is composed of 37 members, and Carinthia sends io deputies to the Reichsrat at Vienna.
On 21 referenda, io being questions of license, the ratio of actual to registered voters ranged on the latter from 57.00 to 75.38% (mean 67.15), and on other referenda from 75.6 3 t o 33.4 0 (mean 61.39), - the mean for all, 64.18.
The largest British species, Gobius capito, occurring in the rock-pools of Cornwall, measures io in.
His select works have been published in io volumes (2nd ed., 1885-1896).
A hurriedly equipped fleet sent out from Carthage under Hanno was intercepted by the praetor Publius Valerius Falto and totally defeated (battle of the Aegates Islands, March io, 241).
Picking may begin on July io in Southern Texas, and continue late into the winter, or until the rare frost kills the plants.
The constant pressure of Tancred of Antioch and Baldwin de Burgh of Edessa led to a series of retaliations between 11 io and 1115; Edessa was attacked in 1110, 1111, 1112 and 1114; and in 1113 Maudud of Mosul had even penetrated as far as the vicinity of Acre and Jerusalem.
The instrument therefore does not begin to read from zero current, but from some higher limit which, generally speaking, is about one-tenth of the maximum, so that an ammeter reading up to io amperes will not give much visible indication below i ampere.
Conference - the supreme assembly - was a very jealously guarded preserve, being attainable only to preachers who had travelled 18 and superintended 12 years, and to laymen who had been members 12 and officials io years.
He became Prime Minister and Secretary of State for External Affairs July io 1920, and was appointed a member of the King's Privy Council in October of the same year.
The hills are shown in brown contours at intervals of io m.
It is printed in three colours, and gives contours at intervals of io metres.
The last is printed in five colours, the ground is shown in contours of io metres interval and grey stippling.
Of the whole party only 40 Yaos, of whom 36 were wounded, escaped; Io British officers being among the slain.
The ten Sephiroth, which form among themselves and with the 'En Soph a strict unity, and which simply represent different aspects of one and the same being, are respectively denominated (i) the Crown, (2) Wisdom, (3) Intelligence, (4) Love, (5) Justice, (6) Beauty, (7)iFirmness, (8) Splendour, (9) Foundation, and (io) Kingdom.
Kingdom (io), which emanated from the ninth Sephirah, encircles all the other nine, inasmuch as it is the Shechinah, the divine halo, which encompasses the whole by its all-glorious presence.
It divides the entrance to the Gulf of Mexico into two passages of nearly equal width, - the Strait of Florida, about I io m.
In 1851 further attempts were made to withdraw the paper money from circulation, but these were interrupted by the Crimean War, and the government was, on the contrary, obliged to issue notes of 20 and io piastres.
The financial arrangement as finally agreed upon was that German financiers should control 40% of the capital of the line; French (through the Imperial Ottoman Bank), 30%; Austrian, Swiss, Italian and Turkish, 20%; and the Anatolian Railway Company, io %.
Io), and the (late) description of its appearance represents it as an oblong box 22 cubits long, IZ cubits in breadth and height (roughly 1.2 by.
It runs almost parallel to the western shore of the Caspian, and west of Astara is only io or 12 m.
The dynamical equivalent of the calorie is 4.18 X Io 7 ergs or C.G.S.
If we take as an example a concentration cell in which silver plates are placed in solutions of silver nitrate, one of which is ten times as strong as the other, this equation gives E = o 060 X Io 8 C.G.S.
The yield of rubber varies, but it is stated on an average to be Io lb of rubber per tree, and if carefully tapped one tree will yield this amount for many years in succession.
The leased area comprises, besides the harbour and island, a belt of the mainland, io English miles wide, skirting the whole length of the bay.
The potential due to a small magnet of moment M, at a point whose distance from the centre of the magnet is r, is V=M cos 0/r 2, (io) where 0 is the angle between r and the axis of the magnet.
Although the above useful formulae, (io) to (15), are true only for an infinitely small magnet, they may be practically applied whenever the distance r is considerable compared with the length of the magnet.
Kohlrausch 2 the distance between the poles of a cylindrical magnet the length of which is from io to 30 times the diameter, is sensibly equal to five-sixths of the length of the bar.
Even under so " moderate " a load as 33 kilogrammes per square mm., the induced magnetization of a hard-drawn nickel wire in a field of 60 fell from 386 to 72 units, while the residual was reduced from about 280 to io.
The silicon-iron had, in fields up to about Io, a greater permeability than a sample of the best Swedish charcoal-iron, and its hysteresisloss for max.
Annexed are values of Io 6 K for the different salts examined, w being the weight of the salt per c.c. of the solution.
According to the best determinations the value of elm does not exceed 1.8X Io', and T is of the order of Io 15 second, the period of luminous vibrations; hence OM/M must always be less than 109 H, and therefore the strongest fields yet reached experimentally, which fall considerably short of Io %, could not change the magnetic moment M by as much as a ten-thousandth part.
Opisthosoma consisting of only ten somites, which have no tergal and sternal elements, the prae-genital somite contracted to form a " waist," as in the Pedipalpi; the last three narrowed to form a A B prae-1 2345 6789 io I I111I IV V VI gen Opisttaosoma Prosoma FIG.
The segmentation of the prosoma and the form of the appendages bear a homoplastic similarity to the head, pro-, meso-, and meta-thorax of a Hexapod with mandibles, maxillary palps and three pairs of walking legs; while the opistho io i e d c b o a S' S" 2 I VT V S IV III II I Opisthosoma Prosoma FIG.
The principal occupation of the Mongols is cattle-breeding, and Russian writers estimate that on an average each yurta, or family, has about 50 sheep, 25 horses, 15 horned cattle and io camels.
It is true that we obtain this result by subtracting 3 from io by means of a subtractiontable (concrete or ideal); but this table merely gives the generalized results of a number of operations of addition or subtraction performed with concrete units.
Equations with Fractional Coefficients.-As an example of a special form of equation we may take zx+ 3x = Io.
About 1 io persons were executed for the rebellion in Kent and Essex, including John Ball, and Jack Straw, Tyler's chief lieutenant.'
When then on July 21 Draskovic was murdered by a young Bosnian Communist, Parliament resolved on reprisals, and io days later passed by 190 to 54 laws of extraordinary severity for "the Defence of the State," terrorist agitation being made punishable by death, prolonged penal servitude or heavy fines.
Pop. (1900) 159,618, of whom over 80% were Poles, Io% Germans, and 8% Ruthenians; nearly 30% of the population were Jews.
Analytically expressed ff+ co x I 2 d dn=ff dxdy= A (9) We have seen that Io (the intensity at the focal point) was equal to A 2 /X 2 f2.
If A' be the area over which the intensity must be Io in order to give the actual total intensity in accordance with A'102 =ff + 12d4dn, the relation between A and A' is AA' = X 2 f 2 .
When z is great, the descending series (io) gives i 2J 1 (z) = 2 sin (z1 7r) 22; (2) z so that the places of maxima and minima occur at equal intervals.
Assuming, for example, the life of the mine at ten years as before, and taking the interest to be earned by the amortization fund at 3%, and that on the investment at io%, we shall find that the annual income should amount to 18.7% per year.
As the Hindu Kush strikes westwards, after first rounding the head of an Oxus tributary (the Ab-i-Panja, which Curzon considers to be the true source of the Oxus), it closely overlooks the trough of that glacier-fed stream under its northern spurs, its crest at the nearest point being separated from the river by a distance which cannot much exceed io m.
There were 105 factories in England, io in Scotland and io in Ireland.
It is i io rn.
Taxes on imports and exports, not exceeding the equivalent of io% ad valorem, direct taxation of Europeans, and a poll tax on native adult males, a tax on ivory and the Government share in the exploitation of mines were the chief sources of revenue; the administrative services and interest on debt the largest items of expenditure.
For example, a pair of equal opposite vortices, moving on a line parallel to a plane boundary, will have a corresponding pair of images, forming a rectangle of vortices, and the path of a vortex will be the Cotes' spiral r sin 20 = 2a, or x-2+y-2=a-2; (io) this is therefore the path of a single vortex in a right-angled corner; and generally.
The polar equation of the cross-section being rI cos 19 =al, or r + x = 2a, (3) the conditions are satisfied by = Ur sin g -2Uairi sin IB = 2Uri sin 10(14 cos 18a'), (4) 1J/ =2Uairi sin IO = -U1/ [2a(r-x)], (5) w =-2Uaiz1, (6) and the resistance of the liquid is 2lrpaV2/2g.
The extension to the case where the liquid is bounded externally by a fixed ellipsoid X= X is made in a similar manner, by putting 4 = x y (x+ 11), (io) and the ratio of the effective angular inertia in (9) is changed to 2 (B0-A0) (B 1A1) +.a12 - a 2 +b 2 a b1c1 a -b -b12 abc (Bo-Ao)+(B1-A1) a 2 + b 2 a1 2 + b1 2 alblcl Make c= CO for confocal elliptic cylinders; and then _, 2 A? ?
The ordinary chinchilla is about io in.
The town is situated nearly io miles from the Gulf of Cutch.
The grouping of the forms 5 to Io with II to 16 is designed to show that the pairs 5, II for example become identical when the terminal groups are the same.
If the configuration of d-saccharic acid were given by either 6 or To, bearing in mind the relation of mannose to glucose, it would then be necessary to represent d-mannosaccharic acid by either 7 or 8 - as the forms 6 and Io pass into 7 and 8 on changing the sign of a terminal group; but this cannot be done as mannosaccharic acid is optically active.
On the other hand, the advocates of admitting the feed into a vacuum pan in many minute streams appeal rather to the ignorant and incompetent sugarboiler than to a man who, knowing his business thoroughly, will boil 150 tons of hot raw sugar in a pan in a few hours, feeding it through a single pipe and valve io in.
A cistern well packed with 20 tons of char will hold, in addition, about io tons of syrup, and after settling, this can be pressed out by allowing second quality syrup, also heated to nearly boiling point, to enter the cistern slowly from the top, or it may be pressed out by boiling water.
Hence only in exceptional circumstances is it possible to utilize a large class of widely distributed ores, carrying from Io to 35 per cent.
This dust may amount to Io per cent.
An old theory is that it represents the hand, while X= io is the two hands with the finger tips touching.
They are from io to 20 ft.
In the former position the suckers are developed and growth proceeds for 8 to Io weeks until the metamorphosis of its host.
The anatomy of Distomum hepaticum is fully described in many accessible memoirs [Sommer (io), Marshall and Hurst, Braun (3)].
Mowry, The Dorr War; or the Constitutional Struggle in Rhode Island (Providence, 1901); Records of the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantation, 1636-1792 (io vols., Providence, 1856-65); Rhode Island Historical Society, Collections (to vols., to be continued, Providence, 1827-1902); Proceedings and Publications, 23 numbers (Providence, 1872-1902, to be continued).
No fewer than io new churches were erected in the years from 1220 to 1270.
In their withdrawal, by a historic disregard of fair play, the Germans not merely refused to put at the disposal of the Lithuanian authorities the necessary means of defence, but under a military convention allowed the Bolshevist troops to march into evacuated zones at a mean distance of io kilometres.
Bishop Stapledon obtained a Saturday market, and two annual fairs lasting three days at the feasts of St Laurence (August io) and St Martin in winter (November II).
In the extreme case when e=1, the prolate ellipsoid becomes a long thin rod, and then the capacity is given by C 1 = a/log e 2a/b (io), which is identical with the formula (2) already obtained.
After performing several feats of valour, he was appointed by Hera to watch the cow into which Io had been transformed.
The slime so obtained consists of finely divided gold and silver (5-5 0%), zinc (30-60%), lead (io%), carbon (io%), together with tin, copper, antimony, arsenic and other impurities of the zinc and ores.
It consists of a series of ranges, io to 15 m.
Arsuf and Caesarea were captured in 1101; Acre in 1104; Beirut and Sidon in I I Io (the latter with the aid of the Venetians and Norwegians).
Many of Sacheverell's speeches are reported in Anchitell Grey's Debates of the House of Commons, 1667-1694 (io vols., London, 1769).
For instance, in 1891 the emigration from the provinces of West Prussia and Posen was extraordinarily heavy10.9 and Io 4 per mille respectively-but the excess of births over deaths was 19.6 per mille.
In addition to these, the native whites of foreign parentage constituted, in agriculture, &c., Io 6%; in professional service, 20.6%; in domestic and personal service, 16.4%; in trade and transportation, 25.7% in manufacturing and mechanical, 25.4% of all those engaged in those occupations.
The tusks, or upper incisor teeth, which were probably smaller in the female, in the adult males attained the length of from 9 to io ft.
The 18th was checked after capturing Ronssoy and the 12th and 58th after taking Epehy; 2,300 prisoners were taken and io guns.
It has a depth of 6 to io fathoms, with a good bottom, and large ships can anchor at a cable's length from the shore.
The German squadron consisted of the armoured cruisers " Scharnhorst " (flag) and " Gneisenau " (both 1908, 11,420 tons, 8 8-in., 6 5.9-in., 202 knots) and the light cruisers " Leipzig " (1906, 3,200 tons, io 4.1-in., 20 knots), " Nurnberg " (1908, 3,39 6 tons, 10 4.1-in., 22 knots) and " Dresden " (1908, 3,544 tons, 12 4.1-in., 25 knots).
The whole town covers an area of over io sq.
The average size of farms, as in the other states, has declined, falling from 124.6 acres in 1880 to i io r acres in 1900.
From a series of measures of the angle between Jupiter's satellites and the planet, made in June and July 1794 and in August and September 1795, Schur finds the mass of Jupiter =I / Io 4 8.55 1.45, a result which accords well within the limits of its probable error with the received value of the mass derived from modern researches.
Not more than 25% of the deposit may consist of bottomdwelling foraminifera, echini or worm-tubes, and as a rule these make up only from 9 to io%.
There must be considerable dissociation of molecules, and as a first approximation it may be taken that of io molecules of most of the components about 9 (or in the case of magnesium sulphate 5) have been separated into their ions, and that it is only during slow concentration as in a natural saline that the ions combine to produce the various salts in the proportions set out in the above table.
In the North Sea north of the Dogger Bank, for instance, the disk is visible in calm weather to a depth of from io to 16 fathoms, but in rough weather only to 62 fathoms. Knipovitch occasionally observed great transparency in the cold waters of the Murman Sea, where he could see the disk in as much as 25 fathoms, and a similar phenomenon has often been reported from Icelandic waters.
According to Thoulet and Chevallier the specific heat diminishes as salinity increases, so that for io per mille salinity it is o 968, for 35 per mille it is only o 932, that of pure water being taken as unity.
There are, however, several striking exceptions, as for instance in the anthracite from Peru, given in Table I., which contains more than io% of sulphur, and yields but a very small percentage of a white ash.
It is generally largest in lignites, which may sometimes contain 30% or even more, while in the coals of the coal measures it does not usually exceed from 5 to io%.
These can be most advantageously used on thick seams 6 to io ft.
The whole operation requires from 8 to io minutes, giving a cutting speed of 120 to 150 sq.
The size of the grate varies with the requirements of the ventilation, but from 6 to io ft.
T =273, we obtain R =1.35 X Io -16 and this enables us to determine the mean velocities produced by heat motion in molecules of any given mass.
Twinning is not uncommon, the twinplanes M (i io) and g (roi) being the same as in marcasite.
In some of its districts no rain falls for two years at a time, elsewhere scarcely as much as io in.
Imports were valued at £72,286 in1899-1900(an increase of over £20, I Io in the year), and exports (including the gold mines) at £56,167, while in 1905 the figures were £67,188 for imports and £73,669 for exports, and in 1906 £79,671 and £80,290 respectively.
According to the census of 1900 there were 33 incorporated cities in Massachusetts, of which 8 had between 12,000 and 20,000 inhabitants; 5 between 20,000 and 25,000 (Everett, North Adams, Quincy, Waltham, Pittsfield); 2 io between 25,000 and 50,000 (Holyoke, Brockton, Haverhill, Salem, Chelsea, Malden, Newton, Fitchburg, Taunton, Gloucester); 7 between 50,000 and ioo,000 (Lowell, Cambridge, Lynn, Lawrence, New Bedford, Springfield, Somerville); and 3 more than roo,000 inhabitants, viz.
The city was now io m.
The streams are only mountain torrents to within a few miles of the coast; the mouth of the Khwa forms a good anchorage for vessels of from 9 to io ft.
William Kieft was appointed director-general late in 1637, and in 1638 the Company abandoned its monopoly of trade in New Netherland and gave notice that all inhabitants of the United Provinces, and of friendly countries, might trade there subject to an import duty of io %, an export duty of 15%, and to the requirement that the goods should be carried in the Company's ships.
Io, I I it is Jesus who sees the Spirit descending upon Himself on His emerging from beneath the water, and it is to Himself that God's voice is addressed; in John, Jesus' baptism is ignored, only the Spirit remains hovering above Him, as a sign for the Baptist's instruction.
For two different gases with the same value of y, but with densities at the same pressure and temperature respectively p i and p2, we should have U1/U2 =1 1 (P2/P1), (Io) another result confirmed by observation.
Hence the note produced with any given circle of holes rises in pitch as the disk revolves more rapidly; and if, the revolution of the disk being kept as steady as possible, the tube be passed rapidly across the circles of the first series, a series of notes is heard, which, if the lowest be denoted by C, form the sequence C, C1, El, G1, C2, &c. In like manner, the first circle in which we have two sets of holes dividing the circumference, the one into say 8 parts, and the other into Io,.
Io (see also Bells).
He travelled on foot and by canal-boat, entering New York in August 1831, with all his clothes in a bundle carried over his back with a stick, and with but $io in his pocket.
Under the law prior to the act of 1889 (a) an agreement to refer disputes generally, without naming the arbitrators, was always irrevocable, and an action lay for the breach of it, although the court could not compel either of the parties to proceed under it; (b) an agreement to refer to a particular arbitrator was revocable, and if one of the parties revoked that particular arbitrator's authority he could not be compelled to submit to it; (c) when, however, the parties had got their tribunal fixed, and were proceeding to carry out the agreement to refer, the act 9 and io Will.
In some cases the piers are cast iron cylinders io ft.
On July 2, on the occasion of the Crown Prince's birthday, the Emperor proclaimed a wide measure of amnesty, in which on July io even Kramarz and his confederates were included.
By agreement with the Ministry of the Interior, as soon as the reserve exceeded by io% the working capital (which was partly in shares, partly in bank advances) the company was to sell food under cost price; and this actually happened.
The portion of South Dakota east of the Missouri river is dotted with numerous lakes, ranging from small ponds to bodies of water from Io to 15 m.
Of more than a hundred other publications thirty-two, io monthly or quarterly and 22 weekly, were published in German.
Of the male population, aged io years or more, only 3206 (2968 foreign-born whites; 194 native-born whites) were illiterate in 1900.
During summer steamers ply between the Trossachs and Stronachlachar and there is a daily service of coaches from the Trossachs to Callander (about io m.) and to Aberfoyle (9 m.), and between Stronachlachar, to Inversnaid on Loch Lomond (about 42 m.).
The city has been divided into the South Park District and the North Park District, and at the close of 1908 there were io m.
Out of nearly 700 current motor meters of various makes tested at Munich in 1902, only 319 had an error of less than 4%, whilst 259 had errors varying from 42 to io%.
Lord Kelvin assumed as a superior limit of k, the ratio of amplitude to wave-length, the value io 2, which is a very safe limit.
It follows that the density of the aether must exceed io 18, and its elastic modulus must exceed Io 3, which is only about io s of the modulus of rigidity of glass.
But on the modern theory, which includes the play of electrical phenomena as a function of the aether, there are other considerations which show that this number io 2 is really an enormous overestimate; and it is not impossible that the co-efficient of ultimate inertia of the aether is greater than the co-efficient of inertia (of different kind) of any existing material substance.
Though ammonium chloride has certain irritant properties which may disorder the stomach, yet if its mucous membrane be depressed and atonic the drug may improve its condition, and it has been used with success in gastric and intestinal catarrhs of a subacute type and is given in doses of io grains half an hour before meals in painful dyspepsia due to hyperacidity.
In 1875, however, when the revenue had become deficient after the crisis of 1873, the io per cent.
The Evangelical Lutheran Free Church of Hanover has a membership of 3050 under io ordained pastors.
The state appoints to 56%, private and municipal patrons to 34%, and congregations to io% of the whole.
Among the institutions are the City infirmary (at Hartwell, a suburb), which, besides supporting pauper inmates, affords relief to outdoor poor; the Cincinnati hospital, which is supported by taxation and treats without charge all who are unable to pay; twenty other hospitals, some of which are charitable institutions; a United States marine hospital; the Longview hospital for the insane, at Carthage, Io m.
In State Street is the Dauphin County Soldiers' monument, a shaft io ft.
Seger, Byzantinische Historiker des io.
For the year 1898-9 the present writer obtained figures directly from the books kept by the custom-house official at Tabriz, and although, as this official informed him, some important items had not been entered at all, the value of the exports and imports shown in the books exceeded that of the consular reports by about io per cent.
Fremont, the Federal commander, proved quite unable to deal with this, and the gallant Lyon was defeated and killed at Wilson's Creek (August io).
Lynn Harbour has an area of 30 acres and an average depth at low tide of io ft.
His cavalry consisted of io regiments and 22 companies.
Io, 13), and also the sentences of awful judgment by which Yahweh rebukes rebellion (Hos.
Io), while Aaron and Miriam are also placed in the same class (Exod.
For the purpose of thus simplifying the operations of arithmetic, the base is taken to be Io, and use is made of tables of logarithms in which the values of x, the logarithm, corresponding to values of m, the number, are tabulated.
Thus in arithmetical calculations if the base is not expressed it is understood to be io, so that log m denotes log n m; but in analytical formulae it is understood to be e.
The logarithms to base io of the first twelve numbers to 7 places of decimals are log 1 =0.0000000 log 5 log 2 = 0.3010300 log 6 log 3 =0.477 121 3 log 7 log 4 =0.6020600 log 8 The meaning of these results is that The integral part of a logarithm is called the index or characteristic, and the fractional part the mantissa.
The fact that when the base is io the mantissa of the logarithm is independent of the position of the decimal point in the number affords the chief reason for the choice of io as base.
The explanation of this property of the base io is evident, for a change in the position of the decimal points amounts to multiplication or division by some power of 10, and this corresponds to the addition or subtraction of some integer in the case of the logarithm, the mantissa therefore remaining intact.
It should be mentioned that in most tables of trigonometrical functions, the number io is added to all the logarithms in the table in order to avoid the use of negative characteristics, so that the characteristic 9 denotes in reality 1, 8 denotes a, io denotes o, &c. Logarithms thus increased are frequently referred to for the sake of distinction as tabular logarithms, so that the tabular logarithm =the true logarithm -IIo.
In tables of logarithms of numbers to base io the mantissa only is in general tabulated, as the characteristic of the logarithm of a number can always be written down at sight, the rule being that, if the number is greater than unity, the characteristic is less by unity than the number of digits in the integral portion of it, and that if the number is less than unity the characteristic is negative, and is greater by unity than the number of ciphers between the decimal point and the first significant figure.
The two systems of logarithms for which extensive tables have been calculated are the Napierian, or hyperbolic, or natural system, of which the base is e, and the Briggian, or decimal, or common system, of which the base is io; and we see that the logarithms in the latter system may be deduced from those in the former by multiplication by the constant multiplier /loge io, which is called the modulus of the common system of logarithms.
Passing now to the invention of common or decimal logarithms, that is, to the transition from the logarithms originally invented by Napier to logarithms to the base io, the first allusion to a change of system occurs in the "Admonitio " on the last page of the Descriptio (1614), the concluding paragraph of which is " Verum si huius inventi usum eruditis gratum fore intellexero, dabo fortasse brevi (Deo aspirante) rationem ac methodum aut hunc canonem emendandi, aut emendatiorem de novo condendi, ut ita plurium Logistarum diligentia,limatior tandem et accuratior, quam unius opera fieri potuit, in lucem prodeat.
The power of io, which occurs as a factor in the tables of both Napier and Byrgius, was rendered necessary by the fact that the decimal point was not yet in use.
The interval of the arguments is io", and the results are given to 8 places; in Napier's canon the interval is 1', and the number of places is 7.
In the following year, 1626, Denis Henrion published at Paris a Traicte des Logarithmes, containing Briggs's logarithms of numbers up to 20,001 to io places, and Gunter's log sines and tangents to 7 places for every minute.
In the same year de Decker also published at Gouda a work entitled Nieuwe Telkonst, inhoudende de Logarithmi voor de Ghetallen beginnende van r tot io,000, which contained logarithms of numbers up to io,000 to io places, taken from Briggs's Arithmetica of 1624, and Gunter's log sines and tangents to 7 places for every minute.'
The borough was placed under the Municipal Corporations Act 1835, and until then the town of Llywel, which is io m.
By religion 87% of the population are Greek Orthodox and only io% Mussulmans.
The reason is that the sum of the solar and lunar inequalities, which are compensated in the whole period, may amount in certain cases to io, and thereby cause the new moon to arrive on the second day before or after its mean time.
We have already seen that the year 1 of the era had Io for its number in the solar cycle, 2 in the lunar cycle, and 4 in the cycle of indiction; the question is therefore to find a number such, that Iv.
Let X, Y, And Z Be The Three Quotients Of The Divisions; The Number Sought Will Then Be Expressed By 28 X Io, By 19 Y 2, Or By 15 Z 4.
To Solve The Equations 28 X Io =19 Y 2, Or Y =X 9198, Let M= 9 19 8, We Have Thenx=2 M 172 8 9 Let M9 8 =M'; Then M= 9 M' 8; Hence X=18 M' 16 M'=19 M' 16 (I).
The navigable mileage of the Alabama rivers is 2000 m., but obstructions often prevent the formation of a continuous route, notably the "Muscle Shoals" of the Tennessee, extending from a point io m.
W., and there are mineral springs in the vicinity - at Rockbridge Baths, io m.
In the case of Italy, where the disease showed itself later but even more disastrously, affecting a much more extended industry, the loss in io years de Quatrefages stated at two milliards.
Close to and on either side of the absorptive band µ 2 has large positive and negative values, and if the above expression remains correct the change of frequency would, close to the centre of absorption, be 2 k-2"+3, which for n =3 and k= Io is 1/2000, or 500 times greater than the observed shifts, but this represents now the maximum displacement and not the displacement of the most intense portion of the radiation.
The dome walls arise in a series of richly tinted rings, each 8 or io ft.
Thus 1 Thermidor was consecrated to spelt, Io Thermidor to the watering-pot, 15 Thermidor to sheep, and 27 Thermidor to lentils.
He was born at Chemmis (Panopolis) in Egypt, but having been driven out byhis brother he fled with his fifty daughters to Argos, the home of his ancestress Io.
The rainfall rarely exceeds io in.
His sermons and devotional writings, which are very numerous, were long held in high estimation, and his Commentary on the Historical and Poetical Books of the Old Testament, in io vols., brought down as far as the Song of Solomon, was reprinted as recently as 1853.
It is the port for Marrakesh, from which it is i io m.
Although the Hyperborean legends are mainly connected with Delphi and Delos, traces of them are found in Argos (the stories of Heracles, Perseus, Io), Attica, Macedonia, Thrace, Sicily and Italy (which Niebuhr indeed considers their original home).
The best kinds are robustus, pink, 6 to io ft.; himalaicus, 4 to 8 ft., white; Aitchisoni, 3 to 5 ft., red; Bungei, 2 to 3 ft., yellow; and aurantiacus, 2 to 3 ft., orangeyellow.
P. decandra, the North American Poke Weed or Red Ink plant, grows 5 to io ft.
Io), the order to which Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist, belonged (Luke i.
The number of members in the first chamber is 50, South Holland sending io, North Holland 9, North Brabant and Gelderland each 6, Friesland 4, Overysel, Limburg and Groningen each 3, Zeeland, Utrecht and Drente each 2.
Such aggregations of hyphae frequently become knotted up into dense masses of interwoven and closely packed hyphae, varying in size from that of a pin's head or a pea (Peziza, Coprinus) to that of a man's fist or head, and weighing io to 25 lb or more (Polyporus Mylittae, P. tumulosus, Lentinus Woermanni, P. Sapurema, &c.).
It has lately been shown by Fraser and Chambers that in Eurotium both io FIG.
Thus, though sudden cooling has very little effect on steel of o io% of carbon, it changes that of 1.50% from a somewhat ductile body to one harder and more brittle than glass.
Tungsten steel, which usually contains from 5 to Io% of tungsten and from 1 to 2% of carbon, is used for magnets, because of its great retentivit.y.
It is from io to 17 ft.
Io, the gas and air in one phase enter at the bottom of all three of the large vertical chambers, burn in passing up wards, and escape at once at the top, as shown by the broken m arrows.
The former of these ways is followed by the very skilful and intelligent blowers in Sweden, who, with the temperature and all other conditions well under control, and with their minds set on the quality rather than on the quantity of their product, can thus make steel of any desired carbon-content from o io to 1.25%.
The " pig and ore " or " Siemens " variety of the process works chiefly by oxidation, the " pig and scrap " or " Siemens-Martin " variety chiefly by dilution, sometimes indeed by extreme dilution, as when Io parts of cast iron are diluted with 90 parts of scrap. Both varieties may be carried out in the basic and dephosphorizing way, i.e.
Thus the basic open-hearth process, is the only one which can make steel from cast iron containing, more than o io% but less than i 80%of phosphorus.
The United States production in 1907 was 1714 times that of 1865, and the proportion which it formed of the world's steel rose from 3% in 1865 to Io% in 1870, 30% in 1880; 36% in 1890, 40% in 1899 and 46% in 1907.
Increase in Production.-In 1810 the Unit d States made about 7%, and in 1830, 1850 and 1860 not far fr m io% of the world's production of pig iron, though, indeed, in 1820 their production was only about one-third as great as in 1810.
Fire was opened about io A.M., and at 11.30 the action was at its height.
Nickel money is for 5, Io and 20 centimes, and the copper coinage has been withdrawn from circulation.
Pop. (1901) 59,623, showing an increase of io% in the decade.
It is the hardest known substance (though tantalum, or an alloy of tantalum now competes with it) and is chosen as io in the mineralogist's scale of hardness; but the difference in hardness between diamond (io) and corundum (9) is really greater than that between corundum (9) and talc (1); there is a difference in the hardness of the different faces; the Borneo stones are also said to be harder than those of Australia, and the Australian harder than the African, but this is by no means certain.
The customs and town dues together amount to a sum equal to the land revenue of the Kandahar province, which is of considerable extent, stretching to Pul-i-Sangin, io m.
At the same time, the epoch of maximum or minimum was retarded, about 4 hours at 4 in., and nearly 12 hours at io in., where the maximum temperature was reached between 1 and 2 A.M.
Owing to the difficulty of measuring the gradient, the order of divergence of individual observations averaged 2 or 3%, but occasionally reached 5 or io %.
River water, especially that which has received town sewage, or the drainage of highly manured land, would naturally be considered most suitable for irrigation, but excellent results are obtained also with waters which are uncontaminated with manurial matters, and which contain but 8 or io grains per gallon of the usual dissolved constituents of spring water.
The working season lasted only from the end of November to the end of June, while the Nile was low; and the difficulty of getting in the foundations was increased, as, in the interests of irrigation and to supply the Menufia canal, water was held up every season while the work was in progress to as much as Io ft.
Besides this, there were probably io million acres under irrigation systems constructed in whole or in part.
Fenno (8 Wallace, 533), 1869, in defence of that part of the banking legislation of the Civil War which imposed a tax of io% on state bank-notes, and Hepburn v.
The same phenomenon appears at Jan Mayen especially in November, December and January, and it is the normal state of matters in temperate latitudes, where the frequency is usually greatest between 8 and io P.M.
I I Carinthia io „ Salzburg..
Revenue is raised chiefly by customs dues on spirits and tobacco and a general io% ad valorem duty on most goods.
The story of Io, metamorphosed into a cow, is familiar; she was priestess of Hera, and was originally, no doubt, a form of the goddess herself.
The bulb, which is the only part eaten, has membranous scales, in the axils of which are io or 12 cloves, or snialler bulbs.
There are many other towns in the Delta with populations between io,ooo and 20,000.
Battle-axes with rounded outline started as merely a sharp edge of metal (io) inserted along a stick (10, if); they become semicircular (12) by the VIth Dynasty, lengthen to double their width in the XIIth, and then thin out to a waist in the middle by the XVIIIth Dynasty.
This society began by establishing the free agricultural colony of Frederiksoord, about io m.
They prohibit (1) the worship of other gods, (2) the making of molten images; they ordain (3) the observance of the feast of unleavened bread, (4) the feast of weeks, (5) the feast of ingathering at the end of the year, and (6) the seventhday rest; to Yahweh belong (7) the firstlings, and (8) the firstfruits of the land; they forbid also (9) the offering of the blood of sacrifice with leaven, (io) the leaving-over of the fat of a feast until the morning, and (r1) the seething of a kid in its mother's milk.
Thus Spirogyra filaments, which have been denuded of starch by being placed in the dark, form starch in one day if they are placed in a io to 20% solution of dextrose.
At any rate, Io may have been a small early colony of trading Greeks (Javan).
The intrigues of the French parties culminated in the assassination of John of Burgundy by the dauphin's partisans at Montereau (September io, 1419).
In 1901 the population was 1,532,475, showing an, increase of Io in the decade.
The quartzites themselves have also been subjected to extraordinary horizontal displacement, amounting in places to not less than Io m.
In every county the population increased between 1801 and 1841, the increase being more than Io% in each county with the exception of Argyll, Perth and Sutherland.
It is extracted from Origanum oil by means of a Io% potash solution.
The simplest is to award a proportion of marks (say io to 15, or even 20%) for " general impression."
After studying law in Beira he settled down as an advocate in Constantinople, where he wrote his EKK7yflc o-71.0 Io Topia about the year 440.
The fruit is a capsule dehiscing by 5 sometimes io teeth or valves, or sometimes transversely (a pyxidium) as in Anagallis.
Canna (pop. 49), an island of basaltic rock, is situated about io m.
The town is situated below a hill range, io m.
The latter portion, about Io% of the weight of the nutmegs, consists chiefly of myristin, which is a compound of myristic acid, C 14 H 28 0 2, with glycerin.
In the first two periods the construction is rough, while in the third the blocks are very well and finely jointed, and the faces smoothed; they are mostly polygonal in form and are much larger (the maximum about io by 6 ft.) than those of the city wall.
The dried or " finished " soda-ash is ground to a pretty fine powder and is packed into wooden casks or " tierces," holding from io to about 20 cwt.
Bending back westwards upon itself, the line of Afghan frontier now follows the water-parting of the Hindu Kush; and as the Hindu Kush absolutely overhangs the Oxus nearly opposite Ishkashim, it follows that, at this point, Afghanistan is about io m.
The vines are sometimes trained on trellises, but most frequently over ridges of earth 8 or io ft.
The governor is assisted by an executive council of five official and two elected members, and a legislative council of 27 members, 8 sitting officio, 9 being nominated by the governor and io elected on a moderate franchise.
It extends from Ras Kasar, a cape I IO m.
In 1909 8.05 io of the imports were from the United States and 17.8% of the exports were to the United States; in 1908 16.4% of the imports were from the United States and 31.4% of the exports were to the United States.
We thus recognize two classes of variables, of which (I) the long-period variables have periods ranging in general from 150 to 450 days, though a few are outside these limits, and (2) the short-period variables have periods less than 50 days (in the majority of cases less than io days).
There is some over-lapping of these two classes as regards length of period, and it is doubtful in which class some stars, whose periods are between io days and 150 days, should be placed; but the two classes are quite distinct physically, and the variability depends on entirely different causes.
The values so found are necessarily erroneous if formula (io) for the total heat is wrong.
A formula of the same type was given by Athenase Dupre (Theorie de chaleur, p. 96, Paris, 1869), on the assumption that the latent heat was a linear function of the temperature, taking the instance of Regnault's formula (io) for steam.
The exclaves of Allstedt and Oldisleben lie in Prussian territory io m.
Below San Francisco the precipitation decreases along the coast, until at San Diego it is only about io in.
These are the Talak and the Aeng, navigable by boats; and the Sandoway, the Taungup and the Gwa streams, the latter of which alone has any importance, owing to its mouth forming a good port of call or haven for vessels of from 9 to io ft.
Plantations of filberts are made in autumn, in well-drained ground, and a space of about io ft.
In February 1864 General William Tecumseh Sherman, with an army of about 20,000, made an expedition from Vicksburg to Meridian, then an important railway centre and depot for Confederate supplies, chiefly for the purpose of making inoperative the Mobile & Ohio and the Jackson & Selma railways; on the 14th of the month his army entered Meridian, and within a week destroyed nearly everything in the city except the private houses, and tore up over i io m.
His command was now increased to the strength of io divisions, six AustroHungarian and four German, and he did not spare his troops.
The town is surrounded by a mud wall partly in ruins, which has a circuit of some Io m.
As a rule the fermentation occupies from 6 to io days; by this time the must has practically lost the whole of its sugar, and the young wine is drawn off and filled into hogsheads.
The prices of the wines also are subject to great fluctuation, but in fair years will vary, according to class and quality, from;IO to 30 per hogshead for the better growths.
In 1903 there were, according to the governor, io canals more than 50 m.
Telephones have an enormous extension both in the towns and between the different towns of southern Finland; the cost of the yearly subscription varies from 40 to 60 marks,' and is only Io marks in the smaller towns.
For the hydrogen atom the ratio of charge to mass as deduced from electrolysis is about Io 1.
Birch wrote most of the English lives in the General Dictionary, Historical and Critical, io vols.
In the second stage, implements of true bronze (9 to io% tin) become common; painted pottery of buff clay with dull black geometrical patterns appears alongside the red-ware; and foreign imports occur, such as Egyptian blue-glazed beads (XIIth-XIIIth Dynasty, 2500-2000 B.C.),1 and cylindrical Asiatic seals (one of Sargon I., 2000 B.C.).2 In the third stage, Aegean colonists introduced the Mycenaean (late Minoan) culture and industries; with new types of weapons, wheel-made pottery, and a naturalistic art which rapidly becomes conventional; gold and ivory are abundant, and glass and enamels are known.
He had renounced the beaten track, but he continued to study hard whilst he sought to procure bread by painting portraits at Io or 15 francs apiece and producing small "pastiches" of Watteau and Boucher.
The consumption of fuel, however, does not exceed i of coal to io of ore.
The largest furnaces are those of the Boston & Montana Company at Great Falls, Montana, which have put through soo tons of charge daily, pouring their melted slag and matte into large wells of io ft.
Vessels of several designs are used - some modelled exactly after steel converters, other barrelshaped, but all with side tuyeres elevated about io in.
They are annual plants from 5 to io ft.
The finest yarns weigh 22 lb to 3 lb per spyndle, but the commonest kinds are 7 Ib, 8 lb, 9 lb and io lb per spyndle.
The monetary unit is io kronor gold, and gold pieces, not widely met with in circulation, are struck of 20, 10 and 5 kronor.
The approximate value of the world's oyster crop approaches f4,000,000 annually, representing over 30,000,000 bushels, or nearly Io billion oysters.
These tolls were at first very high but were reduced by 15% in 1904, and by another io% in 19ci9.
Warington states that the proportion of nitrogenous to non-nitrogenous matter in the digestible part of potatoes is as i to io 6.
The dimensions of the glaciers on the outer Himalaya, where, as before remarked, the valleys descend rapidly to lower levels, are fairly comparable with those of Alpine glaciers, though frequently much exceeding them in length8 or io m.
In the east these moraines are very remarkable, extending 8 or io m.
Hence dividing equation io by y sin a, we find p= T(I/R1+I /R2) (14).
There are 26 other churches and io mission rooms belonging to the Church of England, besides 2 Roman Catholic churches, a synagogue and 84 Nonconformist chapels (31 Welsh and 53 English) and zo mission rooms, but all are modern buildings.
Ban units, was 287,000, almost exactly io% of the population.
Army after some initial successes, and was over by July io.
In the electrolytic method from o 5 to 5 grammes of ore are treated in a flask or beaker, with a mixture of io cc. of nitric and ro cc. of sulphuric acid, until thoroughly decomposed.
To the filtrate (or, if no silver is present, to the diluted nitric acid solution) io cc. of ammonia are added, and a standard solution of potassium cyanide is run in from a burette until the blue colour has nearly disappeared.
The potassium cyanide solution is standardized by dissolving 0.5 gramme o£ pure copper in 5 cc. of nitric acid, diluting, adding io cc. of ammonia, and titrating exactly as described above.
For the Chinese market the opium is usually packed in chests containing 102 shahmans (of 131 Ib), so that on arrival it may weigh 1 Chinese picul (=1331 lb), 5 to io% being allowed for loss by drying.
Io in., with but two small windows, where they were left for the night.
The province sends io members to the Reichstag and 19 to the Prussian Abgeordnetenhaus (house of deputies).
West of the tableland the amount of rainfall decreases as the distance from the Pacific increases, and in a large area west of the Darling the average annual rainfall does not exceed io in.
The Coal Measures have been reached under Sydney, by a deep bore at Balmain, which pierced a seam of coal io ft.
By io o'clock the same evening the remainder of the king's guests were safely under lock and key.
Certain waterfleas (Cladocera) fall short of one-hundredth of an inch in total length; the giant Japanese crab (Macrocheira) can span over Io ft.
The wasp, for instance, is said to ply its wings at the rate of i io, and the common house-fly at the rate of 330 beats per second.
Nadar, who exhibited models driven by clock-work springs, which ascended with graduated weights a distance of from io to 12 ft.
When such a model is wound up and let go it descends about 2 ft., after which, having acquired initial velocity, it rises and flies in a forward direction at a height of from 8 to io ft.
It flies this distance in from io to II seconds, its mean speed being something like 12 ft.
In Wales there are io borough parliamentary areas, all of which, except Merthyr Tydfil and Swansea town division, consist of groups of several contributory boroughs.
The assembly of all householders in villages of less than 30 households, and of 30 elected men in villages having from 30 to 300 households (dne from each io households in the more populous ones), constitutes the village assembly, similar to the mir, but having wider attributes, which assesses the taxes, divides the land, takes measures for the opening and support of schools, village grain-stores, communal cultivation, and so on, and elects its ataman (elder) and its judges, who settle all disputes up to fio (or above that sum with the consent of both sides).
Lake Greca, famous for its carp, lies io m.
The rainfall is light, from io to 25 in.
The difficulty arises from the lack of Ell in the soil, some parts no less than io m.
It lies in the midst of the great Mesabi iron-ore deposits of the state; in 1907 forty iron mines were in operation within io m.
Here three layers of vegetable soil appear, proved by the objects imbedded in them to have been the successive surface soils in two prehistoric periods and in the Roman period, but now lying 4, io and 1q ft.
In persons who have a marked idiosyncrasy towards cinchonism, the symptoms may often be successfully averted if small doses of hydrobromic acid - io minims of the dilute solution - are given with the quinine.
In December of the same year this impost was repealed, and a true income tax of io per cent.
At an early age Henry entered the household of Bishop Robert Bloet, who appointed him, immediately after the death of Nicholas (II Io), archdeacon of Hertford and Huntingdon.
If lo represents the intensity of the light which enters the surface, I l the intensity after passing through i centimetre, I 2 the intensity after passing through 2 centimetres, and so on; then we should expect that whatever fraction of Io is absorbed in the first centimetre, the same fraction of I, will be absorbed in the second.
In the extreme south-east, an irregular line, traced from Ilanlac, IO m.
The Pruth rises on the northern limit of Moldavia, forms the eastern frontier for 330 m., and falls into the Danube io m.
They were of 2, 3 and io ducats weight.
The corresponding intensity at the sun's surface is 4.62 X Io 4 as great, or 6.79 X Io 4 kilowatts per square metre = 7.88 X Io 4 horse-power per square yard - enough to melt a thickness of 13.3 metres (=39.6 ft.) of ice, or to vaporize 1.81 metres (=5.92 ft.) of water per minute.
Several estimates have been made which agree well together; whether direct use is made of known parallaxes, or comparison is made with binaries of well-determined orbits of the same spectral type as the sun, in which therefore it may be assumed there is the same relation between mass and brilliancy (Gore), the result is found that the sun's magnitude is - 26.5, or the sun is Io n times as brilliant as a first magnitude star; it would follow that the sun viewed from a Centauri would appear as of magnitude 0.7, and from a star of average distance which has a parallax certainly less than o 1 ", it would be at least fainter than the fifth magnitude, or, say, upon the border-line for naked-eye visibility.
The water over the bar permits the entrance of vessels of io to 12 ft.
The western coastlands and the Little Karroo have a rainfall of from io to 20 in.; the Cape peninsula by exception having an average yearly rainfall of 40 in.
Each gauge should have for io or 15 yds.
The Thames at Teddington has been continuously gauged by the Thames Conservators since 1883, and the Severn at Worcester by the writer, on behalf of the corporation of Liverpool, during the io years 1881 to 1890 inclusive.
An outlet to an area of from io to 15 acres is a good arrangement.
The distances between drains he showed must be regulated by the greater or less retentiveness of the ground operated upon, and gave io to 40 ft.
Io AB is the steelyard.
In the north the Caspian is encircled by the level and swampy lowlands, varying in breadth from io to 30 m., partly under impenetrable jungle, partly under rice, cotton, sugar and other crops.
They stretch southwards for upwards of 500 m., with a breadth of io to 20 m.
In 1908 there were in the city under the jurisdiction of the department of public parks and squares 13 parks of Io acres or more each and 33 squares, and the total acreage of parks was 2188 acres and of squares 86.53 acres.
Io to be a cleansing medium, and Naaman's cure was held to pre-figure Christian baptism.
Any particular I object is then defined completely by the combination 2 of the symbols last written down in each series; and 3 this combination of symbols can equally be used to denote the number of objects up to and including the last one (§ Io).
Thus the sum of 8 and 7 cannot be expressed as ones; we can either form the whole, and regroup it as 10 and 5, or we can split up the 7 into 2 and 5, and add the 2 to the 8 to form io, thus getting 8+7= 8+ (2+5) = (8+2) +5=10+5=15.
The number is divisible (i) by io if it ends in o; (ii) by 5 if it ends in o or 5; (iii) by 2 if the last digit is even; (iv) by 4 if the number made up of the last two digits is divisible by 4; (v) by 8 if the number made up of the last three digits is divisible by 8; (vi) by 9 if the sum of the digits is divisible by 9; (vii) by 3 if the s l um of the digits is divisible by 3; I 3=31 2 9 =32 3 27=33 481 =34 (viii) by II if the difference between the sum of the 1st, 3rd, 5th,.
According to this law, Io+3+6-7= Io +3-7+6 = 3+6-7+10 = &c. But, if we write the expression as 3-7+6+10, this means that we must first subtract 7 from 3.
Hindu treatises on arithmetic show the use of fractions, containing a power of io as denominator, as early as the beginning of the 6th century A.D.
It Is Usually Convenient To Make Out A Preliminary Table Of Multiples Up To Io Times; The Table Being Checked At 5 Times (§ Ioo) And At 10 Times.
Hence the digits are multiplied in pairs, and grouped according to the power of io which each product contains.
Other units are derived from these by multiplication or division by powers of io, the names being denoted by prefixes.
The prefixes for multiplication by io, io 2, io 3 and Io 4 are deca-, hecto-, kilo- and myria-, and those for division by io, io 2 and io 3 are deci-, centi- and milli-; the former being derived from Greek, and the latter from Latin.
The only developed parks are Pioneer and City Hall, both small, and Liberty Park (I io acres), in which Brigham Young built a grist mill in 1852 and which was bought from his estate by the city in 1880.