Involving Sentence Examples
So now they were involving Alex in their troubles.
Dean wasn't sure if it was her natural aversion to anything involving law enforcement or concern for her boss's future.
He didn't doubt that if it were to her advantage to do so, she'd have no compunction in involving him, however unfairly.
It always pains me to see some preferred outcomes involving the innocent.
Roberval was one of those mathematicians who, just before the invention of the infinitesimal calculus, occupied their attention with problems which are only soluble, or can be most easily solved, by some method involving limits or infinitesimals, and in the solution of which accordingly the calculus is always now employed.
The general type of problem is to find two, three or four numbers such that different expressions involving them in the first and second, and sometimes the third, degree are squares, cubes, partly squares and partly cubes, &c. E.g.
Sheep-raising, involving larger holdings, less supervision and less labour, was preferred by the capitalist land-holder to the cultivation of the wheat, spelt, vines or olives which were the chief crops of the country.
It seems certain that success in any system involving a more extended growth of leguminous crops in rotations must be dependent on a considerable variation in the description grown.
With a variety of crops, again, the mechanical operations of the farm, involving horse and hand labour, are better distributed over the year, and are therefore more economically performed.
In that year there were 47 outbreaks distributed over five counties and involving 263 head of cattle.
AdvertisementThis is a perfectly simple and straightforward operation, involving nothing more than familiarity with records and industry in going through them.
Local governing authorities now discharge economic functions of enormous importance and complexity, involving sums of money larger than sufficed to run important states a generation ago.
It is necessary, therefore, to avoid reactions involving such intermolecular migrations when determining the orientation of aromatic compounds.
The chief interest of the Spanish period lies in the advance of settlement in the western territories of the United States, the international intrigues - British, French and Spanish - involving the future of the valley, the demand of the United States for free navigation on the Mississippi, and the growing consciousness of the supreme importance of the river and New Orleans to the Union.
This state of things, it was plain, must continue as long as the trade was only a contraband commerce, involving merely pecuniary penalties.
AdvertisementThe supreme court is almost without exception a court of appeal with jurisdiction in cases involving at least $2000, in cases of divorce, in suits regarding adoption, legitimacy and custody of children and as regards the legality and constitutionality of taxes, fines, &c. The supreme court appoints courts of appeal to judge cases involving less than $2000.
In 1891 the lynching of eleven Italians at New Orleans gave rise to grave difficulties involving Italy, the United States, and the state of Louisiana.
In the first place, some physical process of addition is presupposed, involving some inductively inferred law of permanence during that process.
Primarily their system was based on the great principles enunciated by the immediate successors of the Prophet, especially by Omar, involving the absolute distinction between, and impartiality of treatment of, the Mussulman conquerors and the i As Dedeagatch is gaining, and will gradually gain, importance, it has been included in this table.
The question was a complicated one involving the historical survey of Dutch and Portuguese exploration and control in the far interior of Guiana during two centuries; and it was not until 1904 that the king of Italy gave his award, which was largely in favour of the British claim, and grants to British Guiana access to the northern affluents of the Amazon.
AdvertisementMurder can be expiated by the payment of diya or bloodmoney, if the kinsmen of the murdered man consent; they may, however, claim the life of the murderer, and long and troublesome blood feuds often ensue, involving the relatives of both sides for generations.
A similar instrument is used in surgery for operations involving the excision of portions of bone.
One of the most important branches of colliery work is the management of the ventilation, involving as it does the supply of fresh air to the men working in the pit, as well as the removal of inflammable gases that may be given off by the coal.
Perhaps the most telling statistics are those involving cyclist accident rates quoted on page 10.
The death penalty was freely awarded for theft and other crimes regarded as coming under that head; for theft involving entrance of palace or temple treasury, for illegal purchase from minor or slave, for selling stolen goods or receiving the same, for common theft in the open (in default of multiple restoration) or receiving the same, for false claim to goods, for kidnapping, for assisting or harbouring fugitive slaves, for detaining or appropriating same, for brigandage, for fraudulent sale of drink, for disorderly conduct of tavern, for delegation of personal service, for misappropriating the levy, for oppression of feudal holders, for causing death of a householder by bad building.
AdvertisementFor these reasons he marched by land; and as the roads north of the Tagus were deemed impassable for guns, while transport and supplies for a large force were also difficult to procure, he sent Sir John Hope, with the artillery, cavalry and reserve ammunition column, south of the river, through Badajoz to Almaraz, to move thence through Talavera, Madrid and the Escurial Pass, involving a considerable detour; while he himself with the infantry, marching by successive divisions, took the shorter roads north of the Tagus through Coimbra and Almeida, and also by Alcantara and Coria to Ciudad Rodrigo and Salamanca.
Every symbolic product, involving several sets of cogredient variables, can be exhibited as a sum of terms, each of which is a polar multiplied by a product of powers of the determinant factors (xy), (xz), (yz),...
The simplest form to which the quartic is in general reducible is +6mxix2+x2, involving one parameter m; then Ox = 2m (xi +x2) +2 (1-3m2) x2 ix2; i = 2 (t +3m2); j= '6m (1 - m) 2; t= (1 - 9m 2) (xi - x2) (x21 + x2) x i x 2.
Every symmetric function denoted by partitions, not involving the figure unity (say a non-unitary symmetric function), which remains unchanged by any increase of n, is also a seminvariant, and we may take if we please another fundamental system, viz.
There are strong reasons for believing that magnetism is a phenomenon involving rotation, and as early as 1876 Rowland, carrying out an experiment which had been proposed by Maxwell, showed that a revolving electric charge produced the same magnetic effects as a current.
This treaty contains reservations of all questions involving the vital interests, the independence or the honour of the contracting parties.
Large deficits in the financial budgets of the state resulted, involving increased taxation and the contracting of loans from foreign countries.
The important thing to notice is that where, in any of these five cases, one statement is followed by another, the second is not to be regarded as obtained from the first by logical reasoning involving such general axioms as that " if equals are taken from equals the remainders are equal "; the fact being that the two statements are merely different ways of expressing the same relation.
This is due to the fact that there are really two kinds of subtraction, respectively involving counting forwards (complementary addition) and counting backwards (ordinary subtraction); and it suggests that it may be wise not to use the one symbol - to represent the result of both operations until the commutative law for addition has been fully grasped.
Mechanical, commercial, economic and statistical facts (the latter usually involving the time-relation) afford numerous examples.
The second class of cases comprises equations involving two unknowns; here we have to deal with two graphs, and the solution of the equation is the determination of their common ordinates.
Thus, if we have an equation P=Q, where P and Q are numbers involving fractions, we can clear of fractions, not by multiplying P and Q by a number m, but by applying the equal multiples P and Q to a number m as unit.
This process consists in proving that a property involving p is true when p is any positive integer by proving (I) that it is true when p= 1, and (2) that if it is true when p=n, where n is any positive integer, then it is true when p = n+ I.
Considered in this way, the relations between the coefficients of the powers of x in a series may sometimes be expressed by a formal equality involving the series as a whole.
This in turn strengthened the hands of the extreme section among the Yugosla y s, who now advanced the full ethnographic claim, involving Trieste and Gorizia as well as Dalmatia and Istria, and at the same time increased their demands against Bulgaria, Austria and Albania.
The results are not favourable to a mechanical view of prophecy as involving absolute accuracy of statement.
On several occasions the secular arm had to intervene, although the government of the emperor Valentinian was averse from involving itself in ecclesiastical affairs.
But of the rest the majority, when treated with boiling sufficiently strong alkali, are attacked at least superficially; of ordinary metals only gold, platinum, and silver are perfectly proof against the reagents under consideration, and these accordingly are used preferably for the construction of vessels intended for analytical operations involving the use of aqueous caustic alkalis.
In the same year another patent was granted to C. Watt for a similar process, involving the employment of an externally generated current.
Any change involving decrease of entropy is impossible.
Less accurate formulae are =p W/(W - W 2), the factor involving the density of the air, and the coefficient of the expansion of the solid being disregarded, and 0 =W/(W - W 1), in which the density of water is taken as unity.
The two works form one coherent body of opinion, not systematically expressed, it is true, but based on the same principles, involving the same conclusions, and directed to the same philosophical end.
From 1343 onward, statutes were passed by parliament forbidding any one to accept a papal provision, and cutting off all appeals to the papal curia or ecclesias tical courts in cases involving benefices.
All Church property was to be restored, and, perhaps most important of all, the jurisdiction of the Imperial court (Reichskammergericht), which was naturally Catholic in its sympathies, was extended to appeals involving the seizure of ecclesiastical benefices, contempt of episcopal decisions and other matters deeply affecting the Protestants.
The object cannot rest in the form of its immediate appearance without involving us in contradiction.
In the same period the mediation of the Board settled disputes affecting 5560 establishments; and in the latter half of this period labour disputes involving hostilities and of the magnitude contemplatedby the statute governing the Board of Conciliation and Arbitration had almost disappeared.
Outwardly they are Mussulmans of the Shiah branch, but most of them show little veneration for either Prophet or Koran, and the religion of some of them seems to be a mixture of Ali-Illahism involving a belief in successive incarnations combined with mysterious, ancient, heathen rites.
The duty of filling up so comprehensive a return, involving an answer to 561 questions, is not left to the householder, but entrusted to enumerators specially engaged, working under the supervision of the Department of Agriculture.
Calculations involving feet and inches are sometimes performed by means of duodecimal arithmetic; i.e., in effect, the tables of square measure and of cubic measure are amplified by the insertion of intermediate units.
These cases are important as enabling simpler formulae, involving central differences, to be used (§ 76).
The following are the results (for the formulae involving chordal areas), given in terms of differential coefficients and of central differences.
Similarly, if L2 repre sents the sum of the chords when m (assumed even) is replaced by 2m, we have an expression involving L2 and 20.
For the methods involving finite differences, see references under DIFFERENCES, CALCULUS OF; and INTERPOLATION.
The court has original jurisdiction in probate cases, in civil cases involving $1000 or less, and in criminal cases below the grade of felony.
The jurisdiction of justices of the peace is determined by law, but it is restricted by the constitution to cases involving $loo or less.
Prince Gorchakov did not want a radical solution involving a great European war, but he was too fond of ephemeral popularity to stem the current of popular excitement.
This court has exclusive original jurisdiction in probate matters, and in counties with over 2000 inhabitants its jurisdiction may be extended by popular vote to include concurrent jurisdiction with the district courts in civil matters involving amounts less than $2000, and in criminal actions below the grade of felony.
Justices of the peace have jurisdiction in civil cases involving no land titles and sums of money not exceeding $200.
This culture-system worked fairly during Van den Bosch's tenure of office, but gave rise to many abuses between 1833 and 1844, involving, as it did, a combination of the metayer and corvee systems.
The commotion which had been thus raised did not so easily subside in the more eastern section of the church; the Antiochenes continued to maintain for a considerable time an attitude of antagonism towards Cyril and his creed, and were not pacified until an understanding was reached in 433 on the basis of a new formula involving some material conce9sions by him.
Lord Kelvin was thereby induced to identify magnetic force with rotation, involving, therefore, angular momentum in the aether.
If we rest on the synthesis here described, the energy of the matter, even the thermal part, appears largely as potential energy of strain in the aether which interacts with the kinetic energy associated with disturbances involving finite velocity of matter.
These conditions cannot be consistent with sensible convection of the aether near the earth without involving discontinuity in its motion at some intermediate distance, so that we are thrown back on the previous theory.
By many churchmen, too, the name of "Protestant" is accepted in what they take to be the old sense as implying repudiation of the claims of Rome, but as not necessarily involving a denial of "Catholic" doctrine or any confusion of the Church of England with non-episcopal churches at home or abroad.
Out of this grew up in the 3rd or 4th century what is known as the arcani disciplina, or secret discipline of the Church, involving the concealment from the uninitiated and unholy of the more sacred parts of the Christian cult, such as baptism and the eucharist, with their various accompaniments, including the Creed and the Lord's Prayer.
To him salvation bears a double aspect, involving both release from the control of the devil and the transformation of man's nature by the indwelling of the Divine.
Meanwhile in the Western Church the subject of sin and grace, and the relation of divine and human activity in salvation, received especial attention; and finally, at the second council of Orange in 529, after both Pelagianism and semi-Pelagianism had been repudiated, a moderate form of Augustinianism was adopted,, involving the theory that every man as a result of the fall is in such a condition that he can take no steps in the direction of salvation until he has been renewed by the divine grace given in baptism, and that he cannot continue in the good thus begun except by the constant assistance of that grace, which is mediated only by the Catholic Church.
Their daring grew with their numbers, and at last they came to be a constant annoyance to all their neighbours, both Christian and Mussulman, frequently involving Poland in dangerous and unprofitable wars with the Ottoman Empire.
The equivalent terms applied by Sars are Anostraca, Notostraca, Conchostraca, involving a termination already appropriated to higher divisions of the Crustacean class, for which it ought to be reserved.
In September 1650 he came to an agreement with the commissioners of the United Colonies of New England at Hartford upon the boundary between New Netherland and Connecticut, involving the sacrifice of a large amount of territory, the new boundary crossing Long Island from the west side of Oyster Bay to the Atlantic Ocean, and on the mainland north from a point west of Greenwich Bay, 4 m.
Many of these still remain in another form (the district hospital, the lunatic asylum, the gaol, two asylums for the infirm and destitute, the Protestant and Catholic orphan schools), involving a government expenditure which partly sustains the business of the town.
It has jurisdiction in cases arising from the enforcement of the federal laws, except cases involving private interests, in admiralty cases, in cases where the republic is a party, in those between two or more states, or between a state and the citizens of another state, in those originating in treaties with foreign states, and in those affecting diplomatic and consular officials.
He thus views the consecration of the elements as akin to other consecrations; and, like priestly ordination, as involving " a metamorphosis for the better," a phrase which later on became classical.
These disputes, involving as they did the question of the relative powers of Congress and the states, tended to turn the Democratic-Republicans, who were becoming nationalized, back again toward their old state sovereignty principles - to prepare the way for the Jacksonian-Democratic Party.
Various processes involving the use of atmospheric nitrogen have been devised, but in most cases they do not yield good results.
The change, wrote General Walker, which produced this falling off from the traditional rate of increase of about 3% per annum, was that from the simplicity of the early times to comparative luxury; involving a rise in the standard of living, the multiplication of artificial necessities, the extension of a paid domestic service, the introduction of women into factory labor.2 In his opinion the decline in the birth-rate coincidently with the increase of immigration, and chiefly in those regions where immigration was greatest, was no mere coincidence; nor was such immigrant invasion due to a weakening native increase, or economic defence; but the decline of the natives was the effect of the increase of the foreigners, which was a shock to the principle of population among the native element.
Each has its own documentary constitution; its legislature of two elective houses; its executive, consisting of a governor and other officials; its judiciary, whose decisions are final, except in cases involving Federal law; its system of local government and local taxation; its revenue, system of taxation, and debts; its body of private civil and criminal law and procedure; its rules of citizenship, which may admit persons to be voters in state and national elections under conditions differing from those prevailing in other states.
This problem, also termed the " Apollonian problem," was demonstrated with the aid of conic sections by Apollonius in his book on Contacts or Tangencies; geometrical solutions involving the conic sections were also given by Adrianus Romanus, Vieta, Newton and others.
The following table gives the values of this constant and several expressions involving it Useful fractional approximations are 22/7 and 355/113.
They also claimed an interest in the fur seals, involving the right to protect them outside the three-mile limit.
Before the adoption of the McKinley tariff about nine million bushels of barley were exported annually, involving the loss of immense stores of plant food.
The Conservative party took the position that commercial union, involving as it would a common protective tariff against all other countries, including the motherland, with a new company to complete the Canadian Pacific railway within ten years, on condition of receiving a Pacific grant of $25,000,000 and 25,000,000 acres of land, would inevitably lead to political unification with the United States.
Like Plato, he believed in real Universals, real essences, real causes; he believed in the unity of the universal, and in the immateriality of essences; he believed in the good, and that there is a good of the universe; he believed that God is a living being, eternal and best, who is a supernatural cause of the motions and changes of the natural world, and that essences and matter are also necessary causes; he believed in the divine intelligence and in the immortality of our intelligent souls; he believed in knowledge going from sense to reason, that science requires ascent to principles and is descent from principles, and that dialectic is useful to science; he believed in happiness involving virtue, and in moral virtue being a control of passions by reason, while the highest happiness is speculative wisdom.
Fourthly, the convention recommends that in disputes of an international nature, involving neither national honour nor vital interests, and arising from a difference of opinion on points of fact, the parties who have not been able to come to an agreement by means of diplomacy should institute an international commission of inquiry to facilitate a solution of these disputes by an investigation of the facts.
The question as to whether the motion was due to an irregular distribution of the earth's atmosphere, thus involving abnormal variations in the refractive index, was also investigated; here, again, negative results were obtained.
From Nowshera a frontier light line, involving a break of gauge, is carried to Dargai at the foot of the Malakand Pass.
Rydberg discovered a second relationship, which, however, involving the assumed equation connecting the different lines, cannot be tested directly as long as these equations are only approximate.
There were other slight changes of a verbal kind, involving no doctrinal or political significance and which therefore need not be described here.
But he had also to endure countless objections to his mathematical statement of Weber's law, to his unnecessary assumption of units of sensation, and to his unjustifiable transfer of the law from physical to physiological stimuli of sensations, involving in his opinion his parallelistic view of body and mind.
As a human person, I am body and soul; and the idealistic identification of the Ego with soul or mind, involving the corollary that my body belongs to the non-Ego and is no part of myself, is the reductio ad absurdum of idealism.
In fact, experiments upon the changes of velocity of bodies, due to a mutual influence between them, bring to light a property of bodies which may be specified by a quantity proportional to their volumes in the case of bodies which are perceived by other tests to be of one homogeneous substance, but otherwise involving also another factor.
It was decisive, but there were further risings, involving Mesopotamia.'
For most experimental purposes the small terms involving the factor (- p') may be neglected, and we have, approximately, PoV'=Rt log (ply).
Putting in these values and integrating we have, neglecting terms involving 0', P=12.06 0-0.021 O s where P is the osmotic pressure in atmospheres.
But concrete is hampered by the fact that the surface always has to be formed by means of wooden or other framing, and in the case of thin walls or floors this framing becomes a serious item, involving expense and delay.
But to do so with their flank exposed to imperialist attack from the east, was a task involving grave risks and possible disaster.
The invasion of Paraguay then took place, and a struggle involving an enormous sacrifice of life and treasure lasted for five years, only coming to a close when the Paraguayan forces were totally defeated and Lopez was killed at the battle of Aquidaban on the 1st of March 1870.
It is the law of diminishing returns from land, involving as it does - though only hypothetically - the prospect of a continuously increasing difficulty in obtaining the necessary sustenance for all the members of a society, that gives the principal importance to population as an economic factor.
It is, however, certain from the existing remains that both this portico and the adjacent buildings had suffered severely from the earthquake of 63, and that they were undergoing a process of restoration, involving material changes in the original arrangements, which was still incomplete at the time of their final destruction.
About thirty other government projects were taken - in hand under the new Reclamation Service, in some cases involving highly interesting engineering problems, as in the Uncompahgre Project in Colorado.
Thus, in the first decade of the 20th century a great advance had been made in the way in which the whole problem was being viewed in America, though the very immensity of the problem of bringing the Federal power to bear on operations on so vast a scale, involving the limitation of private land speculation in important areas, still presented political difficulties of considerable magnitude.
Over this executive body the Stadtverordneten, who are elected by the whole body of citizens and unpaid, exercise a general control, their assent being necessary to any measures of importance, especially those involving any considerable outlay.
In case of injury, involving incapacity for more than, thirteen weeks (for the earlier period the Krankenkassen provide), the weekly sum payable during complete or permanent incapacity is fixed at the ratio of two-thirds of the earnings during the year preceding the accident, and in case of partial disablement, at such a proportion of the earnings as corresponds to the loss through disablement.
Meanwhile, in spite of the matricular contributions, the calls on imperial finance had steadily increased, and up to 1908 were continually met to a large extent by loans, involving a continual growth of the imperial debt, which in 1907 amounted to 3643 millions of marks.
The effect of the revolution in Vienna, involving the fall of Metternich (May 13) and followed by the nationalist movements in Hungary and Bohemia, was stupendous in Germany.
The accession to power of the new of Prussia, regent was universally recognized as involving a change of system.
The government was, however, sharply criticized for not first consulting the Reichstag in a matter involving the first military expedition since the foundation of the empire.
A constitutional revolution, involving such far-reaching changes, is not likely to have been carried out in primitive times with so little disturbance by a simple resolution of the people, and it probably points to a rising of Romans and Sabines against the dominion of an Etruscan family (Tarquinii, Tarchna) at that time established at Rome.
Between 200,000 and 300,000 Austrian troops were massed in Bohemia; and Austria took up the role of mediator, prepared to throw the weight of her support into the scale of whichever side should prove most amenable to her claims. The news of the battle of Vittoria, following on the reluctance of Napoleon to listen to demands involving the overthrow of the whole of his political system in central Europe, decided Austria in favour of the Allies.
All duties, moreover, were to be paid in gold - this at once involving a considerable increase.
In the eight years of his government the Tulunid empire contracted, owing to the revolts of the deputies which HrUn was unable to quell, though in 898 he endeavoured to secure a new lease of the sovereignty in Egypt and Syria by a fresh arrangement with the caliph, involving an increase of tribute.
The railway up the right bank of the Nile was continued to Kerma, in order to evade the difficulties of the 3rd cataract; but the sirdar had conceived the bold project of cutting off the great angle of the Nile from Wadi Haifa to Abu Hamed, involving nearly 600 m.
Recognizing that a war involving the whole nation necessitated full information, the President established a Committee on Public Information on April 14 1917.
The county councils are strengthened by certain special committees, such as the secondary education committee, whose duties have already been defined, and the standing joint committee - one half appointed by the county council, the other half by the Commissioners of Supply - which manages the county police and whose consent in writing must be obtained before the county council can undertake any work involving capital outlay.
A third form of selection, which may affect the composition of the next generation without of necessity involving a differential death-rate or a differential fertility, is assortative mating, or the tendency of those members of one sex which exhibit a particular character to mate only with members of the other sex which exhibit the same or some other definite character.
One of the most notable features of the early Anabaptists is that they regarded any true religious reform as involving social amelioration.
In the poet's last completed drama, Wilhelm Tell (1804), he once more, as in Wallenstein, chose a historical subject involving wide issues.
The terms which he finally arranged with the Government, involving an approximate addition of over io,000,000 per annum to the railway expenditure, included a standard week of 48 hours, and a standard wage for that week; for the fixing of the new standard rates of wages negotiations were to be continued.
To write a summary account of the life of Christ, though always involving a grave responsibility, was until recent years a comparatively straightforward task; for it was assumed that all that was needed, or could be offered, was a chronological outline based on a harmony of the four canonical Gospels.
The most awkward shapes, involving excessive extensions of metal, are produced by drawing processes between dies of iron and steel in power presses.
Between 1600 and 1612 there were twelve separate voyages, but in the latter year a joint-stock system began involving continual communication with the Indies.
Where accurate differential observations or photographs involving other than instantaneous exposures have to be made, the additional condition is required that the optical axis of the telescope shall accurately and automatically follow the object under observation in spite of the apparent diurnal motion of the heavens, or in some cases even of the apparent motion of the object relative to neighbouring fixed stars.
An administrative tribunal settles, without appeal, questions of tribute, disputes concerning family, village or tribal landmarks, as well as suits involving the colonial government.
The Eastern Question, however, slumbered until, in 1851, the matter of the Holy Places was raised by Napoleon III., involving the whole question of the influence in Ottoman affairs of France under the capitulations of 1740 and of Russia under the treaty of 1774.
The first of these divisions was akin to that of former first-class misdemeanants; the second division was allotted to persons guilty of trivial offences not amounting to moral depravity, the third division was apportioned to serious crime calling for severe repression, involving strict separation for the first twenty-eight days with "hard labour" (now an obsolete expression, since all prison labour is nowadays accounted "hard").
The royal courts refused to entertain suits of villeins against their lords, although there was a good deal of vacillation before this position was definitely taken up. Bracton still speaks in his treatise of the possibility for the courts to interfere against intolerable cruelty on the part of the lord involving the destruction of the villein's waynage, that is, of his ploughteam, and in the Notebook of Bracton there are a couple of cases which prove that r3th-century judges occasionally allowed themselves to entertain actions by persons holding in villenage against their lords.
When Aristotle called syllogism X6yos, he meant that it is a combination of premises involving a conclusion of necessity.
Feeling and sensation, involving believing or judging, come before conception and language.
These are combinatory of parts, attaching or detaching predicates, and so involving 9 References such as are the result of subsequent editing and prove nothing.
A situation involving a need of adaptation to environment arises and the problem it sets must be solved that the will may control environment and be justified by success.
Taking for ice and water the following numerical data, L = 674.7, 6 74.7, L 1 =595.2, L r = 79.5, R = o 11 03 cal./deg., po = 4.61 mm., s-S = 519 cal./deg., and assuming the specific heat of ice to be equal to that of steam at constant pressure (which is sufficiently approximate, since the term involving the difference of the specific heats is very small), we obtain the following numerical formulae, by substitution in (23), Ice..
He rose to be one of the three (spectabiles) "chartularii," a position implying some literary attainment, and involving the custody of the archives of the household.
The discussion as to what the United should be done with it began in Congress in 1846, immediately involving the question of slavery.
This primacy, a primacy of honour and jurisdiction, involving the plenitude of power over the teaching, the worship, the discipline and administration of the Church, is received by the pope as part of the succession of St Peter, together with the episcopate of Rome.
The nature of the readings themselves, and the distribution of the witness for them, alike point to a process involving several stages and several originating centres of diffusion.
The concurrence of at least three judges is necessary to the decision of a case involving the constitutionality of a law.
It was not only by the formation of ever new endogamous castes and sub-castes that the system gained in extent and intricacy, but even more so by the constant subdivision of the castes into numerous exogamous groups or septs, themselves often involving gradations of social status important enough to seriously affect the possibility of intermarriage, already hampered by various other restrictions.
Early in 65 Nero was panic-stricken by the discovery of a formidable conspiracy involving such men as Faenius Rufus, Tigellinus's colleague in the prefecture of the praetorian guards, Plautius Lateranus, one of the consuls elect, the poet Lucan, and, lastly, not a few of the tribunes and centurions of the praetorian guard itself.
The general dissatisfaction received a somewhat unguarded and intemperate expression in a letter sent to the justices of Marlborough by a gentleman of the neighbourhood, named Oliver St John, 6 in which he denounced the attempt to raise funds in this way as contrary to law, reason and religion, as constituting in the king personally an act of perjury, involving in the same crime those who contributed, and thereby subjecting all parties to the curses levelled by the church at such offences.
The success of the Baptists of Virginia in securing step by step the abolition of everything that savoured of religious oppression, involving at last the disestablishment and the disendowment of the Episcopal Church, was due in part to the fact that Virginia Baptists were among the foremost advocates of American independence, while the Episcopal clergy were loyalists and had made themselves obnoxious to the people by using the authority of Great Britain in extorting their tithes from unwilling parishioners, and that they secured the co-operation of free-thinking statesmen like Thomas Jefferson and James Madison and, in most measures, that of the Presbyterians.
In time the original impure copper of the plates becomes replaced by refined copper, but if the plates are initially very impure and dissolve irregularly, it may happen that much residual scrap may have to be remelted, or that some of the metal may be twice refined, thus involving a waste of energy.
It is a theory of philosophical truth and error, involving an account of the course of philosophical inquiry and of the supreme object of knowledge.
Pleas of debt, whether involving a question of good faith or not, were to be in the jurisdiction of the king's courts.
The book contained much invective against Pitt, and in after life Coleridge declared that, with this exception, and a few pages involving philosophical tenets which he afterwards rejected, there was little or nothing he desired to retract.
Villemain was appointed by the restoration government "chef de l'imprimerie et de la librairie," a post involving a kind of irregular censorship of the press, and afterwards to the office of master of requests.
In suits brought against them personally or involving the rights of their peerage they had the right of being judged by the Parlement, the other peers being present, or having been duly summoned.
The curious Chapman (or Asbury Harpending) case of 1863 was a Confederate scheme involving piracy on Federal vessels in the Pacific and an effort to gain the secession of the state.
Many legal questions of interesting constitutional, treaty and common law import have been decided in the Federal (and state) courts in cases involving Chinese; see the collections of reports.
In both theories the equation of the liquid surface is the same, involving a constant H, which can be determined only by experiment.
In observations upon ripples the factor involving h may usually be omitted, and thus in the case of water (p= I) ?3 g ?2 T = 2 2 4, r (3) simply.
In its present form the constitution confers suffrage upon every male citizen of the United States who is twenty-one years of age or over and has resided in the state six months and in his township or ward twenty days immediately preceding an election; and any woman may vote in an election involving the direct expenditure of public money or the issue of bonds if she have the qualifications of male electors and if she have property assessed for taxes in any part of the district or territory affected by the election in question.
Several expeditions involving heavy fighting were necessary against these in 1901-4, and a certain amount of success was achieved, but the pretender escaped, revolt still smouldered and hostilities were continued.
In Kantian terminology apperception is (1) transcendental - the perception of an object as involving the consciousness of the pure self as subject, and (2) empirical, - the cognition of the self in its concrete existence.
The lists are conclusive of the right to vote at an election, although on election petition involving a scrutiny the vote of a person disqualified by law may be struck off, notwithstanding the inclusion of his name in a list of voters.
The county councillors elected for one of these boroughs may not vote on any matter involving expenditure on account of which the borough is not assessed to county rate.
Is it not this early struggle between Jewish and Samaritan universalism, involving as it did a struggle of religion against magic, that is really symbolized under the wild traditions of the contest between Peter and Simon?'
The fort was finally recaptured by the English in 1758, as the result of an elaborate expedition (involving about 7000 troops) planned by Brigadier-General John Forbes (1710-1759), and prosecuted, with the assistance of Colonel George Washington and Colonel Henry Bouquet, in the face of great difficulties.
The brothers Antoine and Arnaud d'Abbadie spent ten years (1838-1848) in the country, making scientific investigations of great value, and also involving themselves in the stormy politics of the country.
One of his pamphlets against the latter (The Public Spirit of the Whigs set forth in their Generous Encouragement of the Author of the Crisis, 1714) was near involving him in a prosecution, some invectives against the Scottish peers having proved so exasperating to Argyll and others that they repaired to the queen to demand the punishment of the author, of whose identity there could be no doubt, although, like all Swift's writings, except the Proposal for the Extension of Religion, the pamphlet had been published anonymously.
What is certain is that certain festivals involving processions were adopted by the Christian Church from the pagan calendar of Rome.
There are various inferior courts also, including magistrates or jueces de paz, but their organization and functions are loosely defined and not generally understood outside the republic. The supreme court has appellate jurisdiction in judicial matters, and original jurisdiction in impeachment trials and in matters involving constitutional interpretation.
The term "drainage" is applied generally to all operations involving the drawing off of water or other liquid, but more particularly to those connected with the treatment of the soil in agriculture, or with the removal of water and refuse from streets and houses.
The judges of the county courts are elected for four years, and their courts have jurisdiction over probate matters, civil cases involving amounts not exceeding $500, and criminal cases in which the offence is not punishable by death or imprisonment in the penitentiary.
Hughes's election was considered assured when the campaign began; but though he " stumped " the country widely he disappointed the people because he took no definite position on any of the specific questions involving the stand of America in the World War and especially as regards the sinking of the " Lusitania."
A method involving the determination of the unit is called a unitary method.
When important or involving a considerable amount, they had to be made in the presence of a flaith or magistrate.
Zeuthen in the case of curves of any given order establishes between the characteristics pc, v, and 18 other quantities, in all 20 quantities, a set of 24 equations (equivalent to 2 3 independent equations), involving(besides the 20 quantities) other quantities relating to the various forms of the degenerate curves, which supplementary terms he determines, partially for curves of any order, but completely only for quartic curves.
In the case of Ea the transfer proceeds pacifically and without involving the effacement of the older god.
Many of the movements just mentioned are, at least in design, pure reactions involving no new thoughts.
And though ultimately the attribution of responsibility for conduct is further limited to actions which are the result of purposive choice (1rpoaipeoi.), Aristotle appears to waver between a view which regards 7rpoaipecns as involving an ultimate choice between divergent ends of moral action and one which would make it consist in the choice of means to an end already determined.
If a coherent theory capable of giving an explanation of the ordinary facts of morality and not involving too violent a breach with the meaning of moral terms in their accepted usage were all that need be required of determinists in order to m reconcile the defenders of the moral consciousness to the loss of their belief in the will's freedom, it would follow without question that the determinists have proved their case.
They held that what we call passion is a morbid condition of the rational soul, involving erroneous judgment as to what is to be sought or shunned.
But it remains true that the contrast with the " righteousness of the scribes and pharisees " has always served to mark the requirement of " inwardness " as a distinctive feature of the Christian code - an inwardness not merely negative, tending to the repression of vicious desires as well as vicious acts, but also involving a positive rectitude of the inner state of the soul.
He urges that the notion of " good 1 on the whole " is one which only a reasoning being can form, involving as it does abstraction from the objects of all particular desires, and comparison of past and future with present feelings; and maintains that it is a contradiction to suppose a rational being to have the notion of its Good on the Whole without a desire for it, and that such a desire must naturally regulate all particular appetites and passions.
In cases involving cross actions with mutual accounts, say between an Englishman and a German, if the German constitutes himself plaintiff he must sue his opponent before the British court, and vice versa.
He obtained this by the convention of the 15th of September 1864 (involving the withdrawal of the French troops from Rome).
All these passages are now due to D; but not only is Deuteronomy itself composite, a twofold redaction can be traced in Judges, Samuel and Kings, thus involving the deeper literary problems of Joshua with the historical books generally.'
There is also at Bathurst a Mahommedan court, established in 1906, for the trial of cases involving the civil status of Moslems.
There is still a class of conceptions requiring more than a logical treatment, but differing from the last in not involving latent contradictions, and in being independent of the reality of their objects, the conceptions, viz.
Spain had to pay a monthly subsidy of six million francs, and to enforce strict neutrality upon Portugal, this involving war with England.
Mr Chamberlain pointed out that he was committed to a preferential scheme involving new duties on food, and could not remain in the government without prejudice while it was excluded from the party programme; remaining loyal to Mr Balfour and his general objects, he could best promote this course from outside, and he suggested that the government might confine its policy to the "assertion of our freedom in the case of all commercial relations with foreign countries."
It was her aim to benefit the working-classes in ways involving no loss of independence or self-respect.
For strong objectives there is, however, only one optical tube length in which it is possible to obtain a good image by means of wide pencils, any alteration of the tube length involving a considerable spoiling of the image.
From Herat city to the crest of the Paropamisus, which is crossed by several easy passes, is a distance of about 36 m., involving a rise of 1000 ft.
Therefore all bleaching and refining processes involving other means than those enumerated can only be used for technical oils and fats, such as lubricating oils, burning oils, paint oils, soap-making oils, &c.
Perception or real cognition is thus conceived as a complex fact, involving data of sense and pure perceptive forms, determined by the category and realized through productive imagination in the schema.
This court has jurisdiction of appeals from equity courts in which the amount in controversy does not exceed $1000, except in cases involving the constitutionality of a Tennessee statute, contested election or state revenue, and ejectment suits; it has jurisdiction also of civil cases tried in the circuit and common law courts in which writs of error or appeals in the nature of writs of error are applied for.
The bumps occurred as an interruption of Dean's otherwise peaceful dream of Cynthia bathing in a misplaced Colorado lagoon, complete with palm trees—altering the vision to something involving a Volkswagen driving down Bird Song's stairs.
He remained annoyed at himself for involving Cynthia in the Baratto business and undecided about telling her the break-in was his fault—if she called.
I'm passionate about sports, mainly football but also anything involving water.
Throughout history there has always been some form of verbal acrobatics or jousting involving rhymes within the Afro-American community.
It is odd that incidents involving supposedly civil aeroplanes similar to that which the Miami terrorists provoked years later were among the pretexts included.
The police were slightly more likely than The CPS to identify a case as involving racial aggravation.
All operations involving helicopter airlifts must be carefully planned to avoid risk to people on the ground.
Conn's syndrome is a disease of the adrenal glands involving excess production of a hormone, called aldosterone.
The extensive conjunctival defect, involving one-half of the bulbar conjunctiva, was reconstructed with an amniotic membrane allograft.
Sportsmen and women therefore consume more branched-chain amino acids than anyone else, whether they engage in sports involving strength or endurance.
Simon Singh hosts a madcap half hour, mostly intellectual puzzles, a few involving props, and the occasional anagram.
There are some complicated systems involving apportionment of fees and even turnover-related bonuses to vets involved.
The teacher asked the pupils to solve a money problem involving an imaginary rich aunt.
The geometry of the polypeptide hydrogen bonds involving the peptide backbone atoms were also analyzed and shown to be fairly independent of sidechain influences.
In America, however, the term was used for a variety show involving broad comedy and sometimes bawdy content, such as striptease.
The journal presents up-to-date clinical, research, and training articles involving a broad range of addictions and compulsive behaviors.
There may be an abnormality in brain biochemistry involving a chemical messenger called serotonin.
Bad or unverifiable carbon credits are likely to jam any carbon trading system involving the biosphere.
I'm not talking John Travolta or Fred Astaire here, just a little boogie, mainly involving the upper body.
One group, involving local businessman David Bradshaw has been linked with the takeover.
Initiation, propagation, termination... The reaction of hydrogen and chlorine is a typical photochemical chain reaction involving radicals.
Cue some mild gore and a nasty death involving a circular saw.
And on the third day a mass rally, involving civil disobedience, at the Embassy - nine arrested.
Valuing them is a huge task involving the collation of a lot of evidence.
I have done 8 cases in the last 12 months involving disputed confessions.
Such an approach recognizes that chronic disease is multifactorial involving a confluence of genetic, environmental, social, psychological and physical events.
Therefore, interactional listening is highly contextualized and two-way, involving interaction with a speaker.
The first, and perhaps least convincing, example of a plot line involving prisoners related to officers.
There is a natural desire to conceal and deny the less savory aspects involving criminality.
They were ruthlessly crushed by a crusade launched by Pope Innocent III, involving Simon de Montfort of Leicester.
Fetal material and IVF involving NHS patients Recently deceased in NHS premises.
Carry out column addition and subtraction of numbers involving decimals.
Many cases, such as slipped disks, are best treated by surgical techniques involving spinal cord decompression.
Cases involving defamation of the Polish president have been brought before, but none ended in a conviction.
This was the first Internet defamation case involving individuals.
In India, an extensive outbreak of " weed dermatitis " involving perhaps 1000 patients with some deaths has been observed.
These powerful and effective tools are used to solve many problems involving differential equations.
They soon discover they just did... ' For lots of lethal violence involving high-tech weaponry.
Many reports give details of large dogfights taking place, involving the Squadron, with up to 60 aircraft in combat.
The everyday drudgery with which it presents its startling story is actually rather involving.
Fine tubes called endoscopes are pushed through the back of the nose, involving a small incision.
Grade 2 Partial thickness skin loss involving epidermis, dermis or both.
A longer battle involving greater numbers on each side would soon degrade purely due to the physical exhaustion of all involved.
J. L. Weston thought it part of a pagan fertility rite, involving a story similar to that of Adonis.
Complex tectonic and volcanic forces involving icy viscous fluids combined to develop the deformed pattern of this landscape.
There is a reaction between the aluminum oxide and the cryolite to produce a range of complex ions involving aluminum, oxygen and/or fluorine.
Expect to see festive frolics involving our own ZEEB?
For example, models involving chaotic dynamics are proving particularly fruitful.
Set in Dudley Castle and involving bagpipes and a rather fruity ghost - or is she?
There will also be necrosis and the classical haemorrhagic furuncle involving muscle tissue.
Academic departments and pharmaceutical sponsors submit research projects involving primary care gastroenterology to the PCSG each year.
Will be used for all forms of intelligence gathering involving vehicle use.
Aims Although conventional open repair remains the gold standard for younger patients, it is major surgery involving a large midline incision.
Bradley is also unduly harsh on the usefulness of a chair absorption measurement method involving screens.
This was a fire involving approximately 150 tons of baled hay.
Earlier this year we put forward a detailed scheme, involving a pre-trial judicial hearing, which would enable that to happen.
They are in fact, more complex structures involving a honeycomb of cracks and crevices in which bacteria thrive.
You will get complexes formed involving hydroxide ions, but the formulae of these aren't very clear-cut.
First there was a critical, rationalist idealism, often involving a return to Descartes, Kant, Hegel or Husserl.
However, cases involving individuals may be mediated by a solo mediator.
Group warmly welcomed the initiative in involving the public in this planning application.
Experiments involving the inoculation of sheep brains were currently under way.
In a trial involving eight infants, chronic insomnia was traced to an allergy to cow's milk.
The Nautical Brass site is also highly recommended as a place to find information on the secret war involving wireless intercept and codebreaking.
It has had a strongly interdisciplinary approach, involving courses in engineering, life sciences, and mathematics across the two institutions.
These results are determined by the complex interplay of several feedback processes involving agents, resources and memes.
Mark has led projects and change management initiatives involving the intricate interplay of process, people and systems.
To illustrate human rights jurisprudence, let me mention a case involving two young severely disabled sisters in their twenties.
There were occasional ID problems involving juveniles because of the time of year but nearby parents soon sorted this out.
He frequently took on cases involving custody disputes and honor killings.
I will be keeping an eye out for any pending lawsuits involving UK Vioxx victims.
Thus, language planning is a very complex process, involving linguistic, social, psychological, environmental and other variables.
The applicants had also explained that a further study involving macaques would not have led to any reduction in the numbers of animals used.
Other posterior segment complications included macular edema (four) and epiretinal membrane involving the macula (two ).
Cut to hilarious misunderstanding involving a shop-window mannequin and a cadaver.
The design was created through an integrated approach involving mechanical, electronic and optical constraints and optimization.
The study was preceded by a pilot comparison of caseload care and team midwifery involving 160 women and 8 midwives.
Incidents involved different kinds of waste, of varying amounts, using different modus operandi, and involving different kinds of offenders.
The campaign will target roads that have suffered a high number of collisions involving motorbikes.
Non Fault Accidents involving an uninsured or untraced motorist.
The design is an ISCC involving the operation of a parabolic trough solar plant and a combined-cycle gas turbine using naphtha.
Professional indemnity claims involving solicitors ' negligence, personal injury claims and other issues.
Martin Lewis (the TV newsreader) shown a videoed situation involving an armed suspect in a check shirt in a crowded shopping center.
The DVD carries an upgraded ' R ' rating in the US for a brief scene involving nudity which was omitted from the original.
Some non-medical, personal help, such as communication support for lectures, could be regarded as obtrusive during one-to-one work involving clients.
Examples are trials with genetically modified organism, radioactive substances or involving medical devices.
Then the first two disciplines were commenced involving controlled handbrake turns and controlled ' lift off oversteer ' .
The school pageant was based on children's games from the past and the crowds were entertained with a display involving the whole school.
Some more modern cultivars have a more mixed parentage involving other species.
The first sample contract is suitable for a limited or flat fee license, the second is for more complex licenses involving royalty payments.
Analytical expertise also supports experimental and clinical pharmacokinetics, including support for clinical trials involving new drugs at Mount Vernon Hospital and elsewhere.
This theory is supported by the reasons behind the abduction phenomenon, as is very streamlined, without involving other species as manipulators.
D Disease Number Type of job Miscellaneous conditions not included elsewhere in the list Any job involving D1 pneumoconiosis.
We strongly recommend, therefore, the creation of a totally independent investigative agency, not involving any serving police officers.
There are also a number of other ways to fabricate the materials, including reactive processes involving in situ polymerization.
The transformation process adopted will be that of a rubber sheeting transformation involving the fitting of piecewise polynomial surfaces to the link data.
Despite some well-publicised cases involving sexually provocative billboards, we find that gender portrayal in advertising is not of major concern to many Australians.
This was followed by a combined practical training period involving the probationers.
To enhance collaborative research involving protagonists from one or more of the two communities.
Don't engage in or allow any sexually provocative games involving or observed by children, whether based on talking or touching.
Over 18 million diagnostic and therapeutic procedures involving radioisotopes are carried out each year.
Our key interest is in mathematics that model real-world processes, particularly those involving transit delays.
Logic errors are sometimes introduced into working programs by changes involving the rearrangement of blocks of code.
Exceptions such as these, and those described above involving miracidia containing fully developed redia is evidence of the evolutionary past of these organisms.
A good example of the kinds of tests that are done is one involving a rodenticide.
Current status The first documented case of glyphosate resistance was reported in 1996 involving rigid ryegrass in Australia.
And it has organized conferences, workshops and lectures involving Oxford historians and invited scholars from elsewhere in Britain and Europe.
We present a case of NHL involving the left maxillary sinus in a patient with AIDS.
Anyone got any tips on loosing podgy belly (preferably not involving too many sit-ups )?
It also seems reflected in the dispute involving Foirtgirn, involving a sorcerer and St Columba.
A typical training sortie would involve a four hour flight cross-country, involving simulated radar bombing runs against selected targets.
Again, several issues involving spatial clustering of groups could be studied in future work [21] .
Abu'l-Wafa and Abu Nasr Mansur both applied spherical geometry to astronomy and also used formulas involving sin and tan.
One trial involving 40 participants was eligible for both the electrical stimulation and the biofeedback and/or sphincter exercises reviews.
The HFEA will not license research projects involving embryo splitting with the intention of increasing the number of embryos for transfer.
The review is to be a clear, open, transparent process involving stakeholders.
Games involving team consists of steel re-opened this steakhouse.
Entering humanity as a vulnerable child and involving people who had no street cred, as God gives dignity to human life.
Neurological surgery is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment, usually surgical, of disorders involving the brain and nervous system.
Marshall was reportedly close to connecting Lyndon Johnson to fraudulent activities involving businessman and convicted swindler Billy Sol Estes.
The artist invites the participant one at a time to a sensory experience involving a rhythmic time cycle involved in Indian tabla drumming.
This site outlines the how research projects involving animals at the NIMR take place going thorough each stage of the process.
An epidemic of acquired systemic toxoplasmosis involving an unusually high number of cases of ocular disease occurred in 1995 in Canada.
I had what was known as a balanced reciprocal translocation, involving chromosomes 8 and 12.
The arbitration tribunal deals with more than 600 cases each year, most involving complaints by tenants about disrepair.
He can usually find some alternative explanation involving trickery.
These calculations are little more than three-dimensional trigonometry in most cases involving converting tape, compass and clino measurements into an XYZ vector.
Have you ever been arrested or convicted for an offense involving moral turpitude?
Most real incidents are isolated things, usually involving children entirely unconnected with a " hate " group.
The show is a circus theater spectacle involving fire juggling, audience participation and a very tall unicycle.
The third section begins with an elaborate and varied duet before the full company returns for a section involving both unison and counterpoint.
There's some big plan afoot involving some sort of germ warfare.
Schemes involving part boxing and part pounding of the catch seems wasteful of space.
The Group emphasizes the importance of liaison and team work in managing an incident or outbreak involving Cryptosporidium in the drinking water supply.
Herpetic whitlow involving the index finger of a dentist.
To protect yourself from crimes involving the energy of the Sun, you need to affirm the strength of your own willpower.
In point of fact it was almost wholly personal, and was rather an incident in the rivalry between the duke of Gloucester and his half-brother, Cardinal Beaufort, than one involving any principle.
It has original jurisdiction in cases of habeas corpus, mandamus and prohibition, and appellate jurisdiction in cases involving a greater amount than one hundred dollars; concerning title or boundary of lands, probate of wills; the appointment or qualification of personal representatives, guardians, curators, committees, &c.; concerning a mill, roadway, ferry or landing; the right of a corporation or county to levy tolls or taxes; in cases of quo warranto, habeas corpus, mandamus, certiorari and prohibition, and all others involving freedom or the constitutionalit y of a law; in criminal cases where there has been a conviction for felony or misdemeanour in a circuit, criminal or intermediate court; and in cases relating to the public revenues.
Nineteen judges elected for terms of eight years in eighteen circuits compose the circuit court, the judges of which have original jurisdiction of matters involving more than $50; of all cases of habeas corpus, mandamus, quo warranto and prohibition; of all cases in equity; and of all crimes and misdemeanours.
There is no anticipation or hint to be found in previous writers, 3 and it is very remarkable that a discovery or invention which was to exert so important and far-reaching an influence on astronomy and every science involving calculation was the work of a single mind.
With the vast extension of the colonial empire in tropical countries in the last quarter of the 19th century the evils of the system of assimilation, involving also intense centralization, became obvious.
He did not, however, confine himself to the consideration of forms involving only three indeterminates, but succeeded in establishing the principles on which the extension to the general case of n indeterminates depends, and obtained the general formulae, thus effecting what is probably the greatest advance made in the subject since the publication of Gauss's Disquisitiones arithmeticae.