Invoke Sentence Examples
An accused slave could not invoke the aid of the tribunes.
His incompetent leadership made it necessary for the rebels to invoke the help of France.
He is the patron of Brie, and gardeners invoke him as their protector.
Many of the subjects invoke calm and introspection.
He appears in television programs to invoke blessings upon his mother.
Most browsers will automatically invoke Microsoft Word to display the attachment.
The ability to invoke only partial access is important.
Old radio programs may invoke comforting memories of the past.
In the digital age it's much easier to invoke a curse, or to have one lifted.
The false prophets were allowed to invoke their god in whatever manner they pleased.
AdvertisementOf course reconciliation is not in itself a univocal concept, nor are the motivations of those who invoke it universally shared.
Seeing the tools is a link to the past and the memories that they invoke.
Other than some kind of rational assessment, what can one invoke here that is not already indebted to reason for its own rectitude?
I know pet food recalls invoke fear in all of us, not knowing what to feed our pets.
If long hair is desired, an "up-do" may be a solution, but a tightly twisted bun may invoke memories of your strict third-grade teacher.
AdvertisementHighlights seem to invoke images of earthy and glowing blondes.
Safe interpreters are not allowed to invoke hidden commands in themselves or in their descendants.
To accelerate protons to the highest observed energies on flare timescales, it is necessary to invoke anomalous resistivity in the MHD solution.
By drawing the sigil as part of a ritual, the magician can invoke that spirit.
In March the Uitlanders, hopeless of ever obtaining redress from President Kruger, weary of sending petitions to the Raad only to be jeered at, determined to invoke intervention if nothing else could avail, and forwarded a petition to Queen Victoria.
AdvertisementEven tho the second included werewolves trying to kill me, at least it did n't invoke my biggest fear.
Does the thought of buying swimwear invoke a little fear, or will the experience be a tribute to keeping your New Year's diet resolution?
Attentive staff ensures the public areas are clean, and the bold color scheme including primary hues, dark woods, and copper accents invoke a fun and festive atmosphere.
Thinking types use logic to judge the world, while feeling types tend to view things on the basis of what emotions they invoke.
These two special materials symbolized wind and rain, and were thought to be the essential elements needed to invoke a healthy harvest.
AdvertisementSun kissed locks invoke an image of youthful caprice, and highlighting your hair is a convenient way of feigning time at the beach without the presence of harmful ultra-violet rays.
In some cases the reaction to gluten may be more severe than listed here and invoke an immune system response.
Though Adrienne Vittadini handbags invoke images of contemporary Italian fashion, their designer, Adrienne Vittadini, was actually born in Budapest, Hungary in the year 1945.
After all, he or she can see their name, or initials spelled out in beautiful script right there on the case, and the amount of pride that can invoke may lead to other self-affirming characteristics.
It is not uncommon to see a Bollywood actor invoke God (or any of various Hindi gods), be tempted by the Devil, or speak of love in the most melodramatic of terms.
They're healthy, not prone to chronic conditions, and have never needed to invoke the insurance system before, so wouldn't the cheapest option be to drop their coverage altogether?
Home-based business tax deductions may invoke images of IRS audits and complicated tax forms.
They contain the music from our favorite movies and television shows and can often invoke feelings of nostalgia for a particularly beloved motion picture.
Leo soon had occasion to invoke the aid of his protector.
The mere credens could at best invoke the living saint, and ask him to pray for him.
The kingdom was harassed almost incessantly, and more than once partitioned,by pretenders to the throne, who did not scruple to invoke the interference of the neighbouring monarchs, and even of the heathen Wends, who established themselves for a time on the southern islands.
The archbishop was thus enabled to invoke the pope's assistance, and to quit the country with some show of dignity.
It was the custom among the Phoenicians, as among other Semitic nations, to use the names of the gods in forming proper names and thus to express devotion or invoke favour; thus Hanni-ba`al, 'Abd-melqarth, IIanni- `ashtart, Eshmun-`azar.
It was thus natural that the citizens should invoke the aid of Savoy against their bishop, Robert of the Genevois (1276-1287).
Drive a nail home and clinch it so faithfully that you can wake up in the night and think of your work with satisfaction--a work at which you would not be ashamed to invoke the Muse.
Arbitration differs from Mediation in so far as it is a judicial act, whereas Mediation involves no decision, but merely advice and suggestions to those who invoke its aid.
The Austrians evacuated Venice on the 26th of March, and Manin became president of the Venetian republic. He was already in favour of Italian unity, and though not anxious for annexation to Piedmont (he would have preferred to invoke French aid), he gave way to the will of the majority, and resigned his powers to the Piedmontese commissioners on the 7th of August.
A Chaldean prince, Nabopolassar, set himself up in Babylonia, and Assyria was compelled to invoke the aid of the Askuza.
Throughout, however, the superstitions of the Malays show indications of this Hindu influence, and many of the demons whom their medicine-men invoke in their magic practices are clearly borrowed from the pantheon of India.
The Nestorians commemorate Nestorius as a saint, and invoke his aid and that of his companions.
Mediation may also take place after war has broken out, with a view to putting an end to it on terms. In either case the mediating power negotiates on behalf of the parties who invoke or accept its aid, but does not go farther.
Aristotle in the East no less than in the West was the " master of them that know "; and Moslem physicians to this day invoke the names of Hippocrates and Galen.
Soon after his accession the territory that had been bestowed on the popes by Pippin was invaded by Desiderius, king of the Lombards, and Adrian found it necessary to invoke the aid of Charlemagne, who entered Italy with a large army, besieged Desiderius in his capital of Pavia, took that town, banished the Lombard king to Corbie in France and united the Lombard kingdom with the other Frankish possessions.
The power which they had been the first to invoke having thus declared so emphatically and persistently against them, the Donatists revived the old world-alien Christianity of the days of persecution, and repeated Tertullian's question, "What has the emperor to do with the church ?"
The injured husband called to his aid Roderic, the high king (airdrigh) of Connaught; and in 1166 Dermot fled before this powerful coalition to invoke the aid of England.