Invitation Sentence Examples
They accepted the invitation and were drowned.
My party invitation must have been lost in the mail.
I got an invitation to the wedding too, you know.
It was all the invitation she needed.
She shrugged and accepted his invitation with some reservation.
He gave her a hug back and then, at Martha's enthusiastic invitation was off to see her new room.
It looks like I'll have to accept your invitation to spend the night, but I'll pay you as soon as I get my things.
She snuggled next to him, usually an invitation for love, but tonight he sensed she just wanted to be held.
An invitation had been sent Garibaldi to put Fraiwis II.
The same year Charles, on the invitation of the barons, took possession of the kingdom of Lotharingia.
AdvertisementThe invitation was addressed to all three of them.
She tilted her head to the side, exposing the delicate skin on her neck in an unmistakable invitation to the demon side of her mate.
Under the circumstances, Carmen didn't want to drive Alex's truck, so she accepted Josh and Lori's invitation to ride with them.
At Franeker his house was a small château, " separated by a moat from the rest of the town, where the mass could be said in safety."' And one motive in favour of accepting an invitation to England lay in the alleged leanings of Charles I.
The service ended in 40 minutes with the priest extending an invitation for friends to return to Mrs. Byrne's home.
AdvertisementI was a little surprised at the invitation.
At length the turning point in his career came in the shape of an invitation for him and his father to accompany Captain Cook in his third voyage round the world.
We were rolling in euphoria when an old friend from my Amherst, Massachusetts childhood telephoned with an invitation to visit her family cabin in New Hampshire.
A last minute invitation was given to Howie.
It gurgled an invitation as it raced by on its way from the old swimming hole.
AdvertisementIn the spring of 1848 he was in Germany, and on the outbreak of the revolutionary troubles he accepted the invitation of the government of Baden to take the command against the insurgent "free companies" (Freischaaren).
In that year William Longsword, eldest of the five sons of Count William III., came to the kingdom of Jerusalem, on the invitation of Baldwin IV.
In fact, things were going so well that she actually accepted an invitation to a valentine's party at Roxanne's house.
There was a note on the hall table from Cynthia that she and Martha had accepted Brandon Westlake's invitation to catch the late afternoon sun and photograph wildflowers, and Pumpkin Green has stopped by, looking for Dean.
Considerable numbers of Germans, tradesmen and artisans, settled at the invitation of the Russian government in many of the larger towns as early as the 16th century, and to a much greater extent in the 18th century.
AdvertisementThree brothers, princes of Ras, called respectively Rurik, Sineus and Truvor, accepted the invitation and founded a dynasty, from which many of the Russian princes of the present day claim descent.
He gladly accepted the invitation.
Once Jim extends the invitation, he memorizes all the individuals' names, where they are from, what they do for a living, information about their families, and so forth.
The visitor is giving you an open invitation to his soul.
He well remembered the last interview he had had with the old prince at the time of the enrollment, when in reply to an invitation to dinner he had had to listen to an angry reprimand for not having provided his full quota of men.
The cart in which the officer lay was turned into the Rostovs' yard, and dozens of carts with wounded men began at the invitation of the townsfolk to turn into the yards and to draw up at the entrances of the houses in Povarskaya Street.
Was he tossing out an invitation?
It wasn't an invitation but I figured I owed my presence for what I'd learned so far and I couldn't wait to renew our conversation.
You don't need an invitation to drink, love.
He reached into his jacket and produced an embossed invitation in peach and brown.
Though he harbored no regrets in declining her invitation to sex, he knew he could and should have handled so obviously unstable a person in such a mental state far better than he did.
In 1633, although still below the canonical age, he took holy orders, and, accepting the invitation of Thomas Risden, a former fellow-student, to supply his place for a short time as lecturer in St Paul's, he at once attracted attention by his eloquence and by his handsome face.
Besides, there was a still more terrible standing invitation to call at every one of these houses, and company expected about these times.
Here are some ideas for baby shower invitation wording.
The statement was an open invitation but she was several conversations wiser now, and waited for him to volunteer the rest of the story.
This was supposed to be a good-bye kiss, not an invitation.
On the 30th of June 1688 he was one of the seven leaders of the Revolution who signed the invitation to William.
In 1521, on the invitation of Bishop Briconnet, he repaired to Meaux, and took part in efforts of reform within the Roman communion.
He refused calls to churches in Dublin and Rotterdam, and in 1766 declined an invitation brought him by Richard Stockton to go to America as president of the College of New Jersey (now Princeton University); but he accepted a second invitation and left Paisley in May 1768.
In August he occupied Toulon on the invitation of the French royalists, and in co-operation with the Spaniards.
By royal invitation he went in 1218 to Norway, where he remained a long time with the young king Haakon and his tutor Earl Skuli.
After a few words about Princess Mary and her late father, whom Malvintseva had evidently not liked, and having asked what Nicholas knew of Prince Andrew, who also was evidently no favorite of hers, the important old lady dismissed Nicholas after repeating her invitation to come to see her.
If you're looking for a quick invitation search, you've found it - LoveToKnow's printable birthday party invitations.
Custom wording, including poetry and special phrasing, also adds a unique and very personal element to the invitation.
According to the invitation, the party will be held in the main entrance near the Christmas tree.
Parker, like Cranmer, declined the invitation.
In 1315 Edward Bruce crossed to Ireland on the invitation of the natives, and in the following year the Welsh became his allies.
But he received an invitation to become morning preacher at Gravel Pit Chapel, Hackney.
But he expressed himself warmly in favour of active cooperation with other nations of the world, and by accepting the invitation to participate in interAllied councils indicated that he would avoid a policy of isolation.
They will frequently refuse to work for a wage when they most stand in need of cash, and yet at the invitation of one who is their friend they will toil unremittingly without any thought of reward.
Development of Map-making among the Greeks 3 - Ionian mercenaries and traders first arrived in Egypt, on the invitation of Psammetichus I.
In 1685, at the invitation of the popular leaders, the Danes appeared before Hamburg demanding the traditional homage; they were repulsed, but the internal troubles continued, culminating in 1708 in the victory of the democratic factions.
On the 15th of October the members of the council, who had already assembled at Basel, issued a formal invitation to the Hussites to take part in its deliberations.
In 1508 he went to Paris on the invitation of Louis XII.
At Halle Michaelis felt himself out of place, and in 1745 he gladly accepted an invitation to Gottingen as privatdozent.
Euler's eulogium was enhanced by his desire to quit Berlin, d'Alembert's by his dread of a royal command to repair thither; and the result was that an invitation, conveying the wish of the "greatest king in Europe" to have the "greatest mathematician" at his court, was sent to Turin.
But he preferred keeping himself at liberty to serve his countrymen unshackled by official ties, and declined the invitation.
In point of international law, its existence may be said to date from Dec. I 1918, when the Prince-Regent Alexander of Serbia formally complied with the invitation of the Yugoslav National Council to assume the regency over the sister provinces also.
Conradin's first invitation to Italy came from the Guelphs of Florence, by whom he was asked to take arms against Manfred, who had been crowned king of Sicily in 1258.
Your invitations can be cut into the shapes of musical instruments, and the invitation can state, "A Marching We Will Go!"
He became (1649) professor of philosophy and theology at Herborn, but subsequently (1651), in consequence of the jealousy of his colleagues, accepted an invitation to a similar post at Duisburg,, where he died on the 31st of January 1665.
This fiscal policy he pursued during his three Federal premierships (1903-4, 1905-8, 1909-10), and he was also a strong supporter of Australia's cooperation in Imperial defence, being responsible for the acceptance of the measure authorizing Australian naval construction in 1909 and for the invitation to Lord Kitchener to come to Australia to report on the question of defence.
This invitation was refused by Louis on his nephew's behalf, but after Manfred's fall in 1266 envoys from the Ghibelline cities came to Bavaria and urged him to come and free Italy.
The trial of the seven bishops, and the birth of a son to James, now induced them to send William a definite invitation (June 30, 1688).
Basing his foreign policy upon the alliance, as supplemented by the naval entente with Great Britain negotiated by his predecessor, Count Robilant, Crispi assumed a resolute attitude towards France, breaking off the prolonged and unfruitful negotiations for a new Franco-Italian commercial treaty, and refusing the French invitation to organize an Italian section at the Paris Exhibition of 1889.
Having graduated and begun to give lectures at Jena in 1605, he in 1606 accepted the invitation of John Casimir, duke of Coburg, to the superintendency of Heldburg and mastership of the gymnasium; soon afterwards he became general superintendent of the duchy, in which capacity he was engaged in the practical work of ecclesiastical organization until 1616, when he became theological professor at Jena, where the remainder of his life was spent.
He watched with interest the Prussian military preparations, and, at the invitation of Count Haugwitz, he went at the outset of the campaign to the Prussian headquarters at Erfurt, where he drafted the king's proclamation and his letter to Napoleon.
He remained at Giessen for twenty-eight years, until in 1852 he accepted the invitation of the Bavarian government to the ordinary chair of chemistry at Munich university, and this office he held, although he was offered the chair at Berlin in 1865, until his death, which occurred at Munich on the 10th of April 1873.
He first visited Taif at the invitation of the pasha, thence he proceeded to Mecca, where he spent three months studying every detail of the topography of the holy places, and going through all the ceremonies incumbent on a Moslem pilgrim.
The invitation was declined, but in the 16th century the Syrian Christians sought the help of the Portuguese settlers against Mussulman oppression, only to find that before long they were subjected to the fiercer perils of Jesuit antagonism and the Inquisition.
In middle age he became a convert to Christianity, and about 306 he went to Gaul (Treves) on the invitation of Constantine the Great, and became tutor to his eldest son, Crispus.
A few weeks after this invitation, a very different person stepped forward to constitute himself a real Providence.
In 1768 he accepted the invitation of the empress Catharine II.
But he knew too much of the English to suppose they would Tolerate an armed invasion, and he accordingly made it clear that he would not undertake active interference unless he received a definite invitation from leading Englishmen.
The history of Christian preaching with which alone this article is concerned has its roots (I) in the activity of the Hebrew prophets and scribes, the former representing the broader appeal, the latter the edification of the faithful, (2) in the ministry of Jesus Christ and His apostles, where again we have both the evangelical invitation and the teaching of truth and duty.
After rejoining the main army at Marash, he received an invitation from an Armenian named Pakrad, and moved eastwards towards the Euphrates, where he occupied Tell-bashir.
Another invitation followed from Thoros of Edessa; and to Edessa Baldwin came, first as protector, and then, when Thoros was assassinated, as his successor (March 1098).
In 1557 he declined the invitation of Gustavus I.
But it was obvious that a permanent coalition could not be expected unless some definite understanding on the debated point could be attained; and on the very same day the landgrave despatched to Zwingli an invitation to a colloquy, and received his prompt acquiescence.
He was also the author of the extraordinary invitation of Jan.
In 1684 he had been offered a professorship at Heidelberg; but his marriage with a lady of his native city led him to decline the invitation.
He had declined, during his residence at Groningen,' an invitation to Utrecht, but accepted in 1705 the mathematical chair in the university of his native city, vacant by the death of his brother Jacques; and here he remained till his death.
The invitation of a Venetian nobleman induced him again to visit Italy, where he resided two years, till his return to be a candidate for the chair of jurisprudence at Basel.
In the following year he declined an invitation to become principal of Edinburgh University.
He did not stay long at Prague, and we find him next at Zurich, whence he accepted an invitation to Venice from a young patrician, Giovanni Mocenigo.
His attendance was accordingly requested, and the invitation was willingly accepted as giving him a long-wished-for opportunity both of publicly vindicating himself from charges which he felt to be grievous, and of loyally making confession for Christ.
Stanley, in response to Mutesa's questions about religion, obtained from that king an invitation to Anglican missionaries, which he transmitted to London through the Daily Telegraph.'
In 1868 he was created vice-admiral of the Italian navy, but, two years later, left Italy to ascend the Spanish throne, his reluctance to accept the invitation of the Cortes having been overridden by the Italian cabinet.
Shortly after, on the invitation of Baldwin II., king of Jerusalem, Fulk departed to the Holy Land for good, married Melisinda, Baldwin's daughter and heiress, and succeeded to the throne of Jerusalem (14th of September 1131).
In 1767 Teller, whose attitude had made his position at Helmstedt intolerable, was glad to accept an invitation from the Prussian minister for ecclesiastical affairs to the post of provost of Kolln, with a seat in the supreme consistory of Berlin.
His great reputation and the influence of Sir William Boswell, the English resident, with the states-general procured his election in 1643 to the chair of mathematics in Amsterdam, whence he removed in 1646, on the invitation of the prince of Orange, to Breda, where he remained till 1652.
He lived, on the invitation of Dr Whistler, for a short time in 1682 at the College of Physicians, but died on the 12th of December 1685 at the house of Mr Cothorne, reader of the church of St Giles-in-the Fields.
Certain it is that not long after his flight from Pomposa Guido was living at Arezzo, and it was here that, about 1030, he received an invitation to Rome from Pope John XIV.
It was here that, on his invitation, James Watt constructed a model of his steam-engine, which was tested in a now disused colliery.
The turning-point of his career came 1755, when he accepted an invitation to the country-house of Freiherr von Furnberg, an accomplished amateur who was in the habit of collecting parties of musicians for the performance of chamber-works.
Journey to the feast of tabernacles; invitation to the soul athirst to come to Him (the fountain of Life) and drink, and proclamation of Himself as the Light of the world; cure of the man born blind; allegory of the good shepherd.
In 1851 Moshesh joined the republican party in the Sovereignty in an invitation to Pretorius to recross the Vaal.
At the time of the first annexation of the Transvaal the Free State declined Lord Carnarvon's invitation to federate with the other South African communities.
In 1850 the Fox Sisters, on his wife's invitation, spent several weeks in his house.
He was not sincere, however, in desiring to exclude Austria, and in 1850 accepted the invitation of that power to send deputies to the restored federal diet at Frankfort.
At the invitation of amateurs and professional friends he opened a school of composition at which several celebrated musicians were trained; as a teacher he consistently declared his preference for the traditions of the old Roman school of composition.
His leanings were strongly German, so that he became somewhat obnoxious to the Danish government, a fact which made an invitation in 1847 to become professor of history at Göttingen peculiarly acceptable.
In 563 he left his native land, accompanied by twelve disciples, and went on a mission to northern Britain, perhaps on the invitation of his kinsman Conall, king of Dalriada.
In 1686 he accepted the invitation to the first court chaplaincy at Dresden.
The king met the monk at Denu (probably East or West Dean, near Seaford in Sussex), but Asser did not at once accept the invitation of Alfred, and returned to Wales to consult his colleagues.
Residence at Oxford was not required, and the election amounted to an invitation to the new professor to resume and continue in his own way the work he had begun in Ancient Law.
There were two strong candidates whose claims were so nearly equal that it was difficult to elect either; the difficulty was solved by a unanimous invitation to Maine to accept the post.
In 1895 the amir found himself unable, by reason of ill-health, to accept an invitation from Queen Victoria to visit England; but his second son Nasrullah Khan went in his stead.
The legislatures of Connecticut and Rhode Island, and town meetings in Cheshire and Grafton counties (New Hampshire) and in Windham county (Vermont) accepted the invitation, and the convention, composed of 12 delegates from Massachusetts, 7 from Connecticut, 4 from Rhode Island, 2 from New Hampshire and 1 from Vermont, all Federalists, met on the 15th of December 1814, chose George Cabot of Massachusetts president and Theodore Dwight of Connecticut secretary, and remained in secret session until the 5th of January 1815, when it adjourned sine die.
Through the invitation of Charles the Great, he became associated with the revival of learning which marks the reign of that monarch, by presiding over the School of the Palace (782-790), and by exercising a healthy influence as abbot of St Martin's at Tours (796-804).
In 1817 he accepted the invitation of the Chileans, who were then in revolt against Spain, to take command of their naval forces, and remaining in their service until 1822 contributed largely to their success.
In December, through Spener's influence, Francke accepted an invitation to fill the chair of Greek and oriental languages in the new university of Halle, which was at that time being organized by the elector Frederick III.
On his return he was in 1750 made professor extraordinarius of philosophy in Jena, but in 1753 he accepted an invitation to become professor ordinarius at Gottingen.
The inhabitants (33,000), are mostly Little-Russians and Jews; there are also some Greeks, descendants of those who immigrated in the 17th century at the invitation of the Cossack chieftain Bogdan Chmielnicki.
Much of his now ample income is believed to have been spent in secret charities, and he kept a simple table at which, "without the formality of an invitation, he was always happy to receive his friends."
More remarkable still in some respects is The School Catechism, issued in 1907 by a conference of members of the Reformed churches in Scotland, which met on the invitation of the Church of Scotland.
They had split off from the army which invaded Greece under Brennus in 279 B.C., and, marching into Thrace under Leonnorius and Lutarius, crossed over to Asia at the invitation of Nicomedes I.
He came to Bremen about 1067-1068, most likely on the invitation of Archbishop Adalbert, and in the 24th year of the latter's episcopate (1043 ?-1072); in 1069 he appears as a canon of this cathedral and master of the cathedral school.
He came back on the invitation of the diet on the 12th of August, but soon had to escape once more from the mob of students and workmen who were in possession of the city.
On the invitation of his partisans he landed at Almunecar, to the east of Malaga, in September 755.
In September 951, accordingly, he appeared in Italy, Adelaide willingly accepted his invitation to meet him at Pavia and at the close of the year the fateful union was celebrated.
This half-success in a subordinate sphere was, however, so far from coinciding with his aspirations that he had again, in the winter of 1821, begun to turn his attention towards missionary labour in the East, when the possibility of fulfilling the dream of his life was suddenly revealed to him by an invitation from the Caledonian church, Hatton Garden, London, to "make trial and proof" of his gifts before the "remnant of the congregation which held together."
A special invitation was sent him by the king to attend the coronation of Anne Boleyn, accompanied with the gracious offer of 20 to buy a new suit for the occasiont More refused to attend, and from that moment was marked out for vengeance.
In 1879 the university of Edinburgh conferred upon him the honorary degree of D.D., and the same year he declined an invitation to the pastorate of Crown Court, London, in succession to Dr John Cumming (1807-1881).
Early The invitation was accepted by all; and, the consultation resulting in favour of the Roman usage, Victor thought fit to exclude the recalcitrant Churches of Asia from the Catholic communion.
Meanwhile his free lectures in Jena met with much acceptance, and led to an invitation from Gotthilf Francke to the post of assistant professor of theology and superintendent of schools connected with his orphanage at Halle.
He accepted the invitation, and entered on his duties in September 1732.
The invitation was renewed in the most flattering manner a year later.
Whether you're ordering them online or making them yourself, here are a few things that you'll want to include on your invitation.
There are a couple different ways to announce the graduation ceremony on the invitation.
When making your own announcement you might want to preview some of the many graduation invitation ideas that are available.
If you get an invitation to a graduation ceremony or party, you will probably want to bring a gift along with you.
When going to a graduation party or ceremony, you will want to bring some sort of gift, even if it is a small one, along with you, unless of course the invitation says not to bring anything.
If you have received a graduation announcement, but not an invitation, then you aren't required to give the graduate a gift, though you may want to mail them a card congratulating them.
End the discussion with an open invitation to talk to you at any time, no matter what or when it is.
Anyone who invited to the engagement party should receive a wedding invitation.
If you're having a party to share your good news and you feel engagement gifts aren't necessary, you can either indicate "no gifts" on the invitation or keep the reason for the party a secret.
It's considered improper etiquette to have elaborately engraved cards printed up, as the recipient can become confused as to whether it's an announcement or invitation.
Whether you are planning your first wedding and want ideas for informal wedding dresses or you need information on wedding invitation etiquette, LoveToKnow offers all of the wedding resources you need.
Don't send guests emails or postcards with information or put it in the wedding invitation.
A unique wedding invitation can set the tone for the wedding to come.
Let your invitation tell your guests what kind of celebration they will be attending - the colors, the theme, the level of formality.
Color can also be used to create a unique wedding invitation.
The artist can tailor the invitation to your exact specifications.
An invitation can let guests know whether to expect an elegant and formal affair, or a wild and crazy party.
With a little imagination, a bride on any budget can have a unique wedding invitation she will always remember.
Have pressed flowers mounted around their framed invitation so that they may mark the occasion.
Two common ways of adorning the candle are by choosing one with a meaningful phrase or saying, or displaying your wedding invitation in the front of the candle itself.
If choosing the latter, many companies, like Keepsake Candles design candles so that you can simply slip the invitation so it rests in front of the candles.
This could be as simple as scanning and minimizing the wedding invitation to paste on a simple white votive.
Invitation catalogues are usually very well organized and are categorized according to invitation theme, paper size, style and paper color.
Catalogues can be obtained by searching on the internet for "wedding invitations," and most invitation companies have websites which provide instructions on how to order free catalogues by mail.
After a specific wedding invitation is chosen, there are few options on how to get the invitations printed with all of the wedding details.
The first option is to decide upon the text for the invitations and have the wedding invitation company print them.
Many companies may also offer to print (for a fee) the wedding invitation envelopes with guests' addresses.
Once the invitations are in-hand, a wedding invitation template can be chosen, usually for free, from several invitation companies that have websites.
For the most part, using an invitation template is easy.
They are usually created using Microsoft Word or WordPerfect, and the dimensions of the invitation are input into the program.
The wedding invitation industry is a competitive one, so most invitation companies are happy to send a few free invitation samples via the mail before a final purchasing decision has been made.
A custom wedding invitation offers a level of personal expression that makes it a popular alternative to pre-designed invitations.
The expansion of the wedding industry allows for more options than ever before, however, including many options for the specially designed custom wedding invitation.
A custom invitation makes a beautiful keepsake, and in some cases, as in Simply Unique Invitations designer Sherri Weese's collection, the invitation can double as the favor.
For theme weddings, the bride may not be able to find a predesigned invitation that fits the wedding.
Picture invitations, including a photograph or print of the couple, are another invitation trend.
A custom invitation is usually costlier, in some cases much costlier, than its factory made counterpart.
You can create your own custom wedding invitation with no more than some quality cardstock, a color printer, and an Internet connection.
Once you have an idea of what you are looking for in your invitation, you may want to request samples from a few designers, which are usually available for a minimal fee, to see what you like best.
The invitation list will include everyone we would have sent a wedding invitation to if the wedding would have been in our city and will be pretty extensive.
You can then add a note to your invitation that your guests can share your wedding details, see photos from your wedding, and get directions to your post-party at your site.
I'm completely flabbergasted after having received a wedding invitation from an attorney I have used in the past.
I don't even know his wife or the child that is getting married and feel that this invitation is completely inappropriate.
Hello Mary,You're right -- if you don't have a current working or friendly relationship with this attorney, then the invitation was inappropriate for them to send.
Especially verboten is the notion of listing on your invitation where you're registered.
Arrive early to the ceremony - preferably 30 minutes prior to the start time indicated on the invitation.
Looking for that perfect wedding invitation verse?
Names of the Parents-Depending upon the situation and the bride and groom's preference, the bride's and the groom's parents may issue the invitation, and if so both sets of names need to be on the invitation.
Names of the Betrothed Couple-You'll need to decide if you want the formal names of the couple, the nicknames, or a combination of both printed on the wedding invitation.
While you can always custom order your wedding invitation verse from local printers and stationers or even online, there are lots of wedding invitation verse sites to look through.
Check out the samples below, some of which also include African wedding invitation verses.
Another great Website that offers lots of great wedding invitation verse choices is A Dream Wedding.
Here you can find just about any type of wedding invitation verse style to fit your needs.
Check out the following sample wedding invitation verses!
Sometimes, parents and the bridal couple want a more unique form of wedding invitation verse.
Because families are so diverse, there are several Websites that offer their customers a choice of how the wedding invitation verses should be worded.
My Gatsby offers lots of alternative wedding invitation verse alternatives.
Obviously, if you are inviting several hundred guests, this may not be a feasible option unless you enlist the help of several others, but creating a handmade wedding invitation can add a personal touch to your wedding celebration.
Instead of sending a traditional, discount wedding invitation, look for other alternatives.
You can make CDs with your wedding music included, and have the invitation printed on the CD cover.
In 1831 that chief raided their settlements, the whites all fleeing south of the Umzimkulu; but at Dingaan's invitation they soon returned.
The death of his mother in 1762 having deprived him of his means of support, he went in 1763 on the invitation of the pastor of the Lutheran community, Anton Friedrich Biisching, the founder of the modern historic statistical method of geography, to teach natural history in the Lutheran academy, St Petersburg.
On the 11th of February 1853, however, Tyndall gave, by invitation, a Friday evening lecture (on "The Influence of Material Aggregation upon the Manifestations of Force") at the Royal Institution, and his public reputation was at once established.
From 1811 he was professor of physics at Breslau until 1832, when he accepted an invitation to Berlin.
In 1881 he declined an invitation to be the sole preacher to the university and professor of Christian ethics.
On the suppression of the academy of Sedan in 1681, Jurieu received an invitation to a church at Rouen, but, afraid to remain in France on account of his forthcoming work, La Politique du clerge de France, he went to Holland and was pastor of the Walloon church of Rotterdam till his death on the 11th of January 1713.
Christianity had lingered in Bavaria from Roman times; but a new era set in when Rupert, bishop of Worms, came to the county at the invitation of Duke Theodo I.
In 1756 he accepted the invitation of Gottfried Winkler, a wealthy young merchant, to accompany him on a foreign tour for three years.
In the same year he received an invitation from the independent congregation at Northampton, which he accepted.
Paolo accepted the invitation, and spent the larger portion of his life, under three papacies, with varying fortunes, in the city of Rome.
Missions are also held in prisons and workhouses, at the invitation of the authorities.
He returned to Constantinople, but at the invitation of the magistrates of Florence he became about 1395 professor of the Greek language in that city, where he taught three years.
Having visited Milan and Pavia, and resided for several years at Venice, he went to Rome upon the invitation of Bruni Leonardo, who had been his pupil, and was then secretary to Gregory XII.
In 1786 the elector of Trier, Clement Wenceslaus of Saxony, took up his residence in the town, and gave great assistance in its extension and improvement; a few years later it became, through the invitation of his minister, Ferdinand, Freiherr von Duminique, one of the principal rendezvous of the French emigres.
The duke now, in response to an invitation from King Ferdinand IV., visited Palermo where, on the 25th of November 1809 he married Princess Maria Amelia, the king's daughter.
About 500 representatives accepted the invitation.
Afterwards all four states, with several others, accepted the invitation of Austria to consider the propriety of re-establishing the Confederation.
Of the German sovereign states but four were unrepresentedAnhalt-Bernburg, Holstein, Lippe and Prussia; but the absence of Prussia was felt to be fatal; the minor princes existed by reason of the balance between the two great powers, and objected as strongly to the exclusion of the one as of the other from the Confederation; an invitation to King William was therefore signed by all present and carried by the king of Saxony in person to Berlin.
At his invitation a conference of the finance ministers met in July at Heidelberg; they agreed to a great increase in the indirect taxes, but refused to accept the monopoly on tobacco.
This post he exchanged in 1828 for a professorship in the Wittenberg theological seminary, of which in 1832 he became also second director and ephorus, and hence in 1837 he removed to Heidelberg as professor and director of a new clerical seminary; in 1849 he accepted an invitation to Bonn as professor and university preacher, but in 1854 he returned to Heidelberg as professor of theology, and afterwards became member of the 'Oberkirchenrath, a position he held until his death on the 10th of August 1867.
Cephalus, his father, was a native of Syracuse, and on the invitation of Pericles had settled at Athens.
I accepted his invitation," added Bright, "and from that time we never ceased to labour hard on behalf of the resolution which we had made."
The citizen body had been increased some generations before by colonists from Magnesia-onMeander sent at the invitation of Antiochus I.
The French government declined, and a similar invitation to Italy met with a similar refusal.
Three years later (in 568), on the alleged invitation of Narses, who was irritated by the treatment he had received from the emperor Justin II., Alboin invaded Italy, probably marching over the pass of the Predil.
Balhaldie carried to James in Rome an invitation for Prince Charles to go to France, a verbal invitation, which James reluctantly accepted.
Among the causes of offence might be enumerated not only his vigorous defence of one from whom he greatly differed, Bishop Colenso, but his invitation to the Holy Communion of all the revisers of the translation of the Bible, including a Unitarian among other Nonconformists.
In 1591 he became professor of Roman law at Strassburg, where he remained until April 1600, when in response to an invitation from Frederick IV., elector palatine, he removed to Heidelberg.
Castlereagh, in the name of Great Britain, had cordially approved this invitation, as "implying negotiation" and therefore as a retreat from the position taken up in the Troppau Protocol.
If the story (first told by Vasari) is true - that this appointment was made at the suggestion of Angelico only after the archbishopric had been offered to himself, and by him declined on the ground of his inaptitude for so elevated and responsible a station - Eugenius, and not (as stated by Vasari) his successor Nicholas V., must have been the pope who sent the invitation and made the offer to Fra Giovanni, for Nicholas only succeeded in 14 4 7.
In October 1775 the invitation was repeated, and on the 7th of November of that year Goethe arrived in the little Saxon capital which was to remain his home for the rest of his life.
After years of tentative approaches on Schiller's part, years in which that poet concealed even from himself his desire for a friendly understanding with Goethe, the favourable moment arrived; it was in June 1794, when Schiller was seeking collaborators for his new periodical Die Horen; and his invitation addressed to Goethe was the beginning of a friendship which continued unbroken until the younger poet's death.
At the invitation of the count of Leiningen-Dachsburg, Bahrdt now went as general superintendent to Durkheim on the Hardt; his luckless translation of the Testament, however, pursued him, and in 1778 he was suspended by a decision of the high court of the Empire.
In 1740 Maupertuis went to Berlin on the invitation of the king of Prussia, and took part in the battle of Mollwitz, where he was taken prisoner by the Austrians.
In 1764 he officiated as a priest in Dundee, but in May 1765 accepted an invitation to live with the earl of Traquair, where, with abundance of leisure and the free use of an adequate library, he made further progress in his favourite biblical studies.
In 1412 he was delegated by his native city to take part in the election of a successor to the vacant crown of Aragon; and in 1416 he received a special invitation to attend the council of Constance, where he supported the cause of the Flagellants.
Arago, who, while his "revocation" was being plotted by the council of ministers, procured him an invitation to dine at the Palais Royale, where he was openly and effusively received by the citizen king, who "remembered" him.
An invitation from the viceroy to meet him in India, with the hope that these points might be settled in conference, was put aside by dilatory excuses, until at last the project was abandoned, and finally the amir agreed to receive at Kabul a diplomatic mission.
At the invitation of his cousin, he delivered a course of lectures on English poets before the Lowell Institute in Boston in the winter of 1855.
In 1782, at Frederick the Great's invitation, he went to Berlin, where he remained for many years, in the course of which he published his Vie et regne de Frederic II (Berlin, 1788) and La Prusse litteraire sous Frederic II (3 vols., Berlin, 1790-1791).
His Delle revoluzioni della Germania was published at Florence in 1804, in which year he went to Paris as the imperial librarian, on the invitation of Napoleon.
Mamun, on receiving his brother's invitation to go to Bagdad, was greatly perplexed; but his tutor and later vizier, Fadl b.
By the invitation of the Goths an army of 75,000 warlike Alamanni and Franks, the subjects of King Theudibald, crossed the Alps under the command of two Alamannic nobles, the brothers Lothair and Buccelin (553) The great strategic talents of Narses were shown even more conspicuously in this, than in his previous and more brilliant campaigns.
Thus ended the phase of the Egyptian Question with which the name of Mehemet Ali is specially bound up. The threatened European conflict had been averted, and presently the wounded susceptibilities of France were healed by the invitation extended to her to take part in the Straits Convention.
From Sind, which he traversed to the sea and back again, he proceeded to Multan, and eventually, on the invitation of Mahommed Tughlak, the reigning sovereign, to Delhi.
Shortly afterwards Jerome proceeded to Poland - it is said on the invitation of King Wladislaus.
On the formation of Mr. Lloyd George's Government in 1916, Mr. Fisher accepted the invitation to become Minister of Education, and was elected to Parliament for the Hallam division of Sheffield.
From 1711 onward Valentine Wightman (1681-1747) of Connecticut (General Baptist) made occasional missionary visits to New York at the invitation of Nicolas Eyres, a business man who had adopted Baptist views, and in 1714 baptized Eyres and several others, and assisted them in organizing a church.
In 1673 Spinoza received an invitation from the elector palatine to quit his retirement and become professor of philosophy in the university of Heidelberg.
Having studied theology at Lingen and Halle, he became successively rector of the grammar school at Mors (1793), professor of theology at Duisburg (1800), preacher at Crefeld, and afterwards at Kettwig, Consistorialrath and superintendent in Bernburg, and, after declining an invitation to the university of Bonn, pastor of the Ansgariuskirche in Bremen (1824).
The St Andrews invitation was really one to danger and death; John Rough, who spoke it, died a few years after in the flames at Smithfield.
They were to issue regulations for the proper construction of houses and villages, to exercise an active censorship over published price-lists and printed notes of invitation and visiting cards, as well as seals and rubber stamps.
In 1875 he was appointed one of the Old Testament revisers; in1880-1882he delivered by invitation, to very large audiences in Edinburgh and Glasgow, two courses of lectures on the criticism of the Old Testament, which he afterwards published (The Old Testament in the Jewish Church, first edition 1881, second edition 1892, and The Prophets of Israel, 1882, which also passed through two editions); and soon after his dismissal from his chair he joined Professor Baynes in the editorship of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, and after Professor Baynes's death remained in supreme editorial control till the work was completed.
His position in Freiburg becoming intolerable, he accepted in 1510 an invitation from the duke of Bavaria to fill the theological chair at Ingolstadt, where he was destined for thirty years to exercise a profound influence as teacher and vice-chancellor (Prokanzler).
In 428 or 429 the whole nation set sail for Africa, upon an invitation received by their king from Bonifacius, count of Africa, who had fallen into disgrace with the court of Ravenna Gunderic was now dead, and supreme power was in the hands of his bastard brother, who is generally known in history as Genseric, though the more correct form of his name is Gaiseric. This man, short of stature and with limping gait, but with a great natural capacity for war and dominion, reckless of human life and unrestrained by conscience or pity, was for fifty years the hero of the Vandal race and the terror of Constantinople and Rome.
He yearned for more frequent opportunities of preaching to his fellow-countrymen, and an invitation to Rotterdam gave him such opportunity.
In 1570 he accepted the invitation of Cujas, and proceeded to Valence to study jurisprudence under the greatest living jurist.
From the satire in which this invitation is contained we are able to form an idea of the style in which he habitually lived, and to think of him as enjoying a hale and vigorous age (203), and also as a kindly master of a household (159 seq.).
In 1667 he accepted an invitation to succeed Johann Hoornbeck (1617-1666) as professor in the university of Leiden, but he was drowned with three of his children by the upsetting of a boat while crossing the river Limmat.
At the invitation of the duke of Bavaria, Theodo II., Rupert went to Regensburg (Ratisbon), where he began his apostolate.
In 1810, at the invitation of the Dublin Society, he gave a course of lectures on electro-chemical science, and in the following year he again lectured in Dublin, on chemistry and geology, receiving large fees at both visits.
The worthy response to this loyal invitation was the dismissal of the Schmerling administration, the suspension of the February constitution and the summoning of the coronation diet.
It was Boccaccio who in the spring of 1351 brought to Petrarch, then resident with the Carrara family at Padua, an invitation from the seigniory of Florence to accept the rectorship of their recently founded university.
In 1625 he visited England in the train of Henrietta Maria; in 1640 he was at Rome, on the invitation of Cardinal Barberini, and was received with special favour by Pope Urban VIII.
On the invitation of the king, Mr Stanley visited Brussels, and on the 25th of November 1878 a separate committee of the International Association was organized at Brussels, under the name "Comite d'etudes du Haut Congo."
Upon the return of new dangers, or at least of fears, Abelard left the Paraclete to make trial of another refuge, accepting an invitation to preside over the abbey of St Gildas-de-Rhuys, on the far-off shore of Lower Brittany.
In the spring of 1 506 Leonardo, moved perhaps by chagrin at the failure of his work in the Hall of Council, accepted a pressing invitation to Milan, from Charles d'Amboise, Marechal de Chaumont, the lieutenant of the French king in Lombardy.
Between the brilliant young sovereign and the grand old sage an immediate and strong sympathy sprang up; Leonardo accompanied Francis on his homeward march as far as Milan, and there determined to accept the royal invitation to France, where a new home was offered him with every assurance of honour and regard.
In 1754 he removed to Göttingen, where in 1757 he was appointed professor of philosophy; but in 1761 he accepted an invitation to the German congregation at St Petersburg.
We have already mentioned his invitation of Esther Johnson and Mrs Dingley to Ireland.
Periander further appears as a patron of literature, for it was by his invitation that the poet Anion came to Corinth to organize the dithyramb.
In 1727, on the invitation of Catherine I., Euler took up his residence in St Petersburg, and was made an associate of the Academy of Sciences.
In 1741 Euler accepted the invitation of Frederick the Great to Berlin, where he was made a member of the Academy of Sciences and professor of mathematics.
He declined many offers from other Italian universities and from St Petersburg until 1768, when he accepted the invitation of Maria Theresa to the chair of natural history in the university of Pavia, which was then being reorganized.
In 1741, on the invitation of Ralph and Ebenezer Erskine, he paid a visit to Scotland, commencing his labours in the Secession meeting-house, Dunfermline.
The weaving industry, introduced into the eastern counties by the kings invitation to Flemish settlers, was making England something more than a mere producer of raw material for export.
Their preparations excited general alarm, and on the invitation Chartism of the government no less than 170,000 special constables were sworn in to protect life and property against a rabble.
In 1868 she married Count Bozenta Chlapowski, a Polish politician and critic, and almost immediately afterwards received an invitation to act at Warsaw.
In 1619 an attempt was made to induce Bristol merchants to settle in the city and undertake its government, but no one would respond to the invitation, and in 1626 the charter was restored.
In 1640, however, at the earnest invitation of Duke Ernest the Pious, he removed to Gotha as court preacher and general superintendent in the execution of important reforms which had been initiated in the ecclesiastical and educational establishments of the duchy.
With ready self-sacrifice the Unionists accepted his invitation.
In 1808 he formed one of a deputation who went to Vienna, at the invitation of the archduke John, to concert a rising; and when in April 1809 the Tirolese rose in arms, Hofer was chosen commander of the contingent from his native valley, and inflicted an overwhelming defeat on the Bavarians at Sterzing (April 11).
Uncertainty as to his future led him to accept an invitation from the king of France to Paris, where he was naturalized and was appointed director of optics for the marine, an office instituted for him, with a pension of 8000 livres.
Accordingly, in 1427 he accepted an invitation from the republic of Venice, and set sail for Italy, intending to resume his professorial career.
His life, he asserted, had been already once attempted by a cut-throat in the pay of the Medici; and now he readily accepted an invitation from the state of Siena.
As such, Venizelos went over to Athens at the invitation of the League three times within four months.
His literary criticism brought him into contact with Sainte-Beuve, for whom he procured an invitation to lecture at Lausanne, which led to his famous work on PortRoyal.
There - at the invitation of Thessalians and Thebans - he intervened in the Phocian War.
About four years after, in 1092, on the invitation of Hugh, earl of Chester, Anselm with some reluctance, for he feared to be made archbishop, crossed to England.
Charles of Orleans being a captive and his father-in-law, the count of Armagnac, highly unpopular, John the Fearless, hitherto prudently neutral, re-entered Paris, amid scenes of carnage, on the invitation of the citizen Perrinet le Clerc.
When in 428 Gaiseric, king of the Vandals (q.v.), accepted the invitation of Bonifacius, the count of Africa, and passed cut of Spain to found the Vandal kingdom of Carthage, his whole horde numbered only 80,000 persons, including old men, women and children, and runaway slaves who had joined him.
In 1845 he published his Prolegomena zur Theologie des Allen Testaments, accepted an invitation to Breslau and received the degree of doctor from Bonn.
In 1764 Helvetius visited England, and the next year, on the invitation of Frederick II., he went to Berlin, where the king paid him marked attention.
In spite of the reluctance of his wife, and the opposition of the Sicilian nobles, he accepted the invitation; and having recognized the papal supremacy over Sicily, and procured the coronation of his son Henry as its king, reached Germany after an adventurous journey in the autumn of 1212.
The very existence of the establishment seemed threatened; consequently in 1742 the general court forbade any ordained minister to enter another parish than his own without an invitation, and decided that only those were legal ministers who were recognized as such by the general court.
Alondra offered a timid handshake, but Dulce must have thought it was an invitation to a wrestling match.
Sarah denied, and opened the door as an invitation.
Actually, the idea was appealing - in spite of his clumsy invitation.
He tried to explain his project to me on the phone call of his wife's invitation, but I was lost in the first sentence.
The man in the corner took that as in invitation to approach, and she moved behind the table her father used for laying out pieces of disassembled weapons in the center of the armory.
Dean turned down Fred's invitation to accompany them but agreed to drive the group.
Thus was created a major climbing facility and, in the process, an additional invitation for winter tourists, earning the small town a reputation as a growing Mecca for this exciting and perilous sport.
He even laced the invitation with a ration of all-is-forgiven bullshit.
I surely may accept their morbid invitation and although seared by the flames of eternal damnation, I'll at least be free from the anguish and heartache of this abominable life.
Her reference seemed to be an invitation for Dean to discuss Shipton.
Smoky gray eyes glanced up to determine her response to the crude invitation.
Honeysuckle blossoms sent a sweet invitation and a bee buzzed by them in answer.
For those who are thinking the whole "virtual invitation" is too drastic a change, I suggest a compromise.
Call me so that we can liaise over the invitation to BT.
These styles are ubiquitous in the wedding invitation world.
But what about the empty space in grandma's album just waiting for her granddaughter's wedding invitation?
Rachel's safe, predictable existence is shaken up by an invitation to conduct a psychological autopsy on a colleague, Alix Price.
Now came another bitter blow when cut backs in public expenditure forced the withdrawal of the invitation to tender.
No offer or invitation to acquire or exchange any securities or proposals to existing bondholders is being made pursuant to this announcement.
The invitation follows his recent success working with the renowned conductor at the Offenbach Festival at the Lyon Opera House in France.
We find the timing of this letter and invitation is absolutely deplorable, as the planning decision is imminent.
Do-It-Yourself wedding Invitation Guide Think creatively and add a personal touch to your special event with do-it-yourself wedding Invitation Guide Think creatively and add a personal touch to your special event with do-it-yourself wedding invitations.
Payne took very full advantage of the invitation extended by the colonial cousin, who wanted somebody to cheer him up.
An invitation had been received to attend the church hall fete on 17 th June 2006.
Also Gurney had an open invitation to play the grand piano in the Redlands drawing-room.
Featuring h the invitation by wonderful socializing intimate aboard from the.
A year later, Francis Collins accepted an invitation to step into the breach.
Sadly, we had to decline the invitation to the reception; we still had many miles to go.
Today, I received an invitation to attend a work related training session in the UK.
In Anglican theology, unity is achieved by our saying yes to God's gracious invitation to his table.
A cordial invitation is extended to all members of staff, students and to members of the general public to attend the lecture.
We look forward to receiving your formal invitation to submit written evidence in due course.
Taiwan has issued a long-standing invitation to the European Union to set up an office in Taipei to handle relations with Taiwan directly.
Invitation anatomy 101 - Typical Components - Part 1 of 3 " What am I supposed to have in my invitation anatomy 101 - Typical Components - Part 1 of 3 " What am I supposed to have in my invitation?
He was ill, and confined to his room; but she sent us a kind invitation to tea, which we all accepted.
Because of this fact the bid was invalid according to the tender invitation.
You will then receive an invitation to return and enjoy a free makeover and photoshoot - a whole other experience in itself!
The response from the British government and US administration was to reject outright Iraq's invitation to Mr Blix as a political stunt.
Using techniques of stop-motion, duplication and substitution the works extend an invitation to the audience to be willing participants in their fictions.
Available to match any of the invitation designs and trimmed with matching ribbon (or plain white satin ribbon, or natural raffia ).
A growing number of States, 35 to date, have agreed to issue a standing visit invitation to all thematic rapporteurs.
In spite of the problematic timing, the British did not rescind their invitation.
Finally there was a ' dawa ' or invitation for people to join the sit-in.
British officials also have expressed skepticism about the Iraqi invitation.
A true invitation to deep sleep, Sea & Senses is recommended for extremely tense clients.
Perhaps because a fully configured MediaBox could be regarded as an invitation to record copyright material which is strictly verboten even for personal use.
Your baby shower invitation wording could be in the form of a quote or baby poem.
To you, dear Brother Bishops, I commend this Year, confident that you will welcome my invitation with full apostolic zeal.
The leader of the latter was John Stewart, duke of Albany, next heir to the crown of Scotland after Margaret's sons; Margaret herself for the most part inclined to the English faction; and when Albany returned to Scotland from France on the invitation of the Scottish parliament in the spring of 1514, the conflict grew almost to civil war.