Invisible Sentence Examples
They were nearly invisible from the main store.
Surely he didn't intend to be verbally invisible the entire visit.
His command was weak, yet the air around her stiffened until she hit an invisible wall.
The girl wasn't alone; she was with a woman, one that was completely invisible to his senses.
You know you're invisible to my senses.
He maintained a shield around it that made it invisible to those who didn't know where it was.
Tattoos flared on the arms and necks of the people in front of her before fading and growing invisible again.
She'd found them when trying to find the invisible bathroom door.
All these people and horses seemed driven forward by some invisible power.
The beautiful truth burst upon my mind--I felt that there were invisible lines stretched between my spirit and the spirits of others.
AdvertisementThe enemy's guns were in his fancy not guns but pipes from which occasional puffs were blown by an invisible smoker.
Take me, take me! prayed Natasha, with impatient emotion in her heart, not crossing herself but letting her slender arms hang down as if expecting some invisible power at any moment to take her and deliver her from herself, from her regrets, desires, remorse, hopes, and sins.
The green gems were caught in some sort of invisible current that ended when it reached the bank.
The forest was soon filled with the sound of pursuers. Katie needed no further encouragement. She pulled her arm free and ran behind Gabriel as he kept to the invisible path. A shadow caught her attention. She glanced over and froze, tripping.
For the first time since meeting Jonny, she prayed everyone was right about the strange skill she had to remain invisible to them.
AdvertisementShe was invisible to his magic.
The dama-fruit is the most delicious thing that grows, and when it makes us invisible the bears cannot find us to eat us up.
The portal was invisible, unless someone fell through it.
We who live here much prefer to be invisible; for we can still hug and kiss one another, and are quite safe from the bears.
I explained to her that the soul, too, is invisible, or in other words, that it is without apparent form.
AdvertisementNatasha checked her first impulse to run out to her, and remained in her hiding place, watching--as under an invisible cap--to see what went on in the world.
While he was speaking, the curtain of smoke that had concealed the hollow, driven by a rising wind, began to move from right to left as if drawn by an invisible hand, and the hill opposite, with the French moving about on it, opened out before them.
Prince Andrew felt that an invisible power was leading him forward, and experienced great happiness.
The horses that had previously been invisible could now be seen to their very tails, and a watery light showed itself through the bare branches.
Even though they are nearly invisible, they can still be seen.
AdvertisementHe struggled to free his arms from the invisible bonds, his eyesight darkening until he dropped into unconsciousness.
He couldn't tell if his brother heard or not; the young man was deep in battle with a particularly skillful invisible vamp.
Young cells ar full of cytoplasm, old cells generally contain a large vacuole or vacuoles, containing cell-sap, and with only a thin, almost invisible layer of cytoplasm on their walls.
Both by Catholics and by Protestants blessings may be applied to things inanimate as well as animate; but while in the reformed Churches this involves no more than an appeal to God for a special blessing, or a solemn "setting apart" of persons or objects for sacred purpoes, in the Catholic idea it implies a special power, conferred by God, of the priests over the invisible forces of evil.
Water-deer frequent the neighbourhood of the large Chinese rivers where they crouch amid the reeds and grass in such a manner as to be invisible, even when not completely concealed by the covert.
Within them was found the Fountain of Youth; the pebbles which give light, restore sight, and render the possessor invisible; the Sea of Sand was there, stored with fish of wondrous savour; and the River of Stones was there also; besides a subterranean stream whose sands were of gems. His territory produced the worm called "salamander," which lived in fire, and which wrought itself an incombustible envelope from which were manufactured robes for the presbyter, which were washed in flaming fire.
Urea is the main form in which nitrogen is excreted in mammals UV radiation invisible rays that are part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
They'd traveled several hundred yards when Dean saw it, nearly covered by brush and invisible from all but a few feet away.
She was happy for the mist; it kept the seaside lovers off the Lane and made her feel more invisible.
On the contrary, his contention is that of Fechner - that all knowable things are inner psychical realities beneath outer physical appearances - the invisible symbolized by the visible.
On the side of this sphere opposite to the North Celestial is the South Pole, invisible in the Northern Terrestrial Hemisphere but visible in the Southern one.
He was present at a conversion of this sort, though the miracle beheld by the people was invisible to the missionary.
The Milky Way renders the object invisible during the months of June, July, December and January.
As they circled an outcrop of rock, they were surprised to see a yellow open-top Jeep parked behind the boulders, invisible from below.
Only when dichotomic relationships between the visually dominant and the invisible are broken down will it be possible to attempt to recontextualise the landscape.
In standard efficiency boilers, the flue gases leave the boiler at high enough temperatures for the water vapor to appear invisible.
Silver age stories added a level of superhuman strength and the ability to make his own flesh (but not bones) turn invisible.
In this section, we'll show you how it's been used and tell you how you can make your own invisible ink.
I believe in one and one only true God, Father Almighty, maker of all things, visible and invisible.
Underwear is probably the most underrated item of your attire - probably because it is always invisible.
Romas had attempted once to explain the clothing was not woven aboard the ship but created on his home planet, molecularly broken into invisible pieces and stored somewhere aboard the ship.
Jared motioned him away from the door. Rhyn stepped aside warily. The full-demon tried to walk through, only to be thrown to the ground by an invisible shield.
To his translation (1530) of a Latin Chronicle and Description of Turkey, by a Transylvanian captive, which had been prefaced by Luther, he added an appendix holding up the Turks as in many respects an example to Christians, and presenting in lieu of the restrictions of Lutheran, Zwinglian and Anabaptist sects, the vision of an invisible spiritual church, universal in its scope.
In this manner he was able to provide means for locating an invisible sending station.
Narcondam, Barren Island and the Invisible Bank, a great danger of these seas, are in a line almost parallel to the Andamans inclining towards them from north to south.
Among his numerous publications are The Light Invisible, By What Authority?, The King's Achievement, Richard Raynal, Solitary, The Queen's Tragedy, The Sentimentalists, Lord of the World.
The smallest and most numerous class are the telescopic meteors invisible to the naked eye.
The transparency of sea-water has frequently been measured at sea by the simple expedient of sinking white-painted disks and noting the depth at which they become invisible as the measure of the transparency of the water.
He was simply Faust's "other self," appearing in various guises - as a bear, as a little bald man, as a monk, as an invisible presence ringing a bell - but always recognizable as the same "familiar."
From that time he gave up his life to study and scientific research, and soon took a prominent place in the band of inquirers, known as the "Invisible College," who devoted themselves to the cultivation of the "new philosophy."
In 1663 the "Invisible College" became the "Royal Society of London for improving natural knowledge," and the charter of incorporation granted by Charles II.
It is invisible during the greater part of June, July, December and January, owing to its being then blotted out by the superior light of the Milky Way.
It is also invisible during moonlight and near the horizon, and the neighbourhood of a bright star or planet may interfere with its recognition.
That of Mercury was actually seen by Gassendi in Paris on the 7th of November 1631 (being the first passage of a planet across the sun ever observed); that of Venus, predicted for the 6th of December following, was invisible in western Europe.
Notwithstanding the war carried on against the jay, its varied cries and active gesticulations show it to be a sprightly bird, and at a distance that renders its beauty-spots invisible, it is yet rendered conspicuous by its cinnamon-coloured body and pure white tail-coverts, which contrast with the deep black and rich chestnut that otherwise mark its plumage, and even the young at once assume a dress closely resembling that of the adult.
Their vassals and subjects, appalled by the invisible powers wielded by the head of the church, supported them in their rebellion.
The politicians hoped that Elizabeth might convert Mary to her own invisible shade of Protestantism if the sister sovereigns could but meet, and for two years the promise of a meeting was held up before Mary.
Francisque Michel, it is said that he made his ship invisible by magic spells.
A brother wizard in the English fleet, by name Stephen Crabbe,' detected him while he was invisible to others.
This inner life constitutes the oneness of believers and forms the true Church which is invisible.
We'll become invisible to them.
Offshore, there was a decent swell running, and the buoys became all but invisible to us in boats.
The actual complexities of the SSL protocol remain invisible to the end customer.
These holes become invisible to anyone working on site, even to hole engineers who are always willing to provide more.
They're a way to stay invisible in the street.
Thus the invisible spirits by a certain art are so joined unto the visible objects of corporeal matter that the latter become as it were animated bodies, images dedicated to those spirits and controlled by them (see Consecration).
These differ in that comets are visible either in a telescope or to the naked eye, and seem to be either wholly or partially of a nebulous or gaseous character, while meteors are, individually at least, invisible to us except as they become incandescent by striking the atmosphere of the earth.
This enabled the observer to make exposures of any desired length, and, through the cumulative action of light on extremely sensitive surfaces, to obtain permanent accurate pictures of celestial objects so faint as to be completely invisible to the eye, even when aided by the most powerful telescopes.
The general style of coloration of orioles is gaudy yellow and black, rendering them invisible in sunlit foliage, and quite different from the more sombre hues of the friar-birds; but in the islands of Bourou, Timor and Ceram the orioles have not only assumed the tints of friar-birds in general, but in each of the islands named a species of oriole has acquired the little peculiarities in colour of plumage possessed by the friar-bird of the same locality.
An elderly dame, too, dwells in my neighborhood, invisible to most persons, in whose odorous herb garden I love to stroll sometimes, gathering simples and listening to her fables; for she has a genius of unequalled fertility, and her memory runs back farther than mythology, and she can tell me the original of every fable, and on what fact every one is founded, for the incidents occurred when she was young.
Hosiery is meant to be sensual and the better variety will be almost completely sheer and nearly invisible.
Expect to hear requests for Aviator Nation sweatpants, Fossil rain boots and Guess' line of Invisible Children tees.
Fortunately, you have a number of options for invisible fences.
If you are wondering what the best way to keep your animal friend contained is, you should consider the invisible fence.
Go for an invisible accessory like a Bumpit, which adds volume on top.
Davines invisible paste works marvelously!
This type of hairpiece is said to be nearly invisible.
Water can also damage a home with the damage being largely invisible.
For additional convenience, Japanese Weekend maternity wear now features a small selection of pants, skirts, and shorts with an invisible version of this popular feature.
There are also invisible bikinis that are the next best thing to being totally naked.
Invisible bikinis are made to make you look completely nude.
They come in various styles from sheer materials that become invisible when wet to styles that skip fabric all together and form the shape of a bikini through strategically placed strings.
The most extreme beachwear you can find is an invisible bikini.
You can find several different styles of bikinis that offer an "invisible" look.
A bikini made of sheer swimsuit materials, like Lycra or mesh, often becomes invisible when it is wet.
Invisible swimwear might make you look as though you're nearly nude, but it's not to be worn all by itself when you have so many options for accessories.
These tips can help you wear invisible swimwear that looks like... nothing at all!
Be sure to get a Brazilian wax before planning to wear your invisible swimwear.
Be sure to apply a sunscreen all over your body before wearing your invisible suit.
You'll want to be sure of the invisible effect you're getting, and to make sure that it's to your liking.
You don't want any surprises when it comes to an "invisible" swimsuit.
Because invisible settings grip stones below their widest dimension, the settings are more fragile than their bolder counterparts and they must be treated carefully to ensure their security.
Most jewelers offer reasonable warranties contingent on regular inspections of the stone and setting, and couples may also be able to purchase repair plans to cover the loss of a stone in the invisible set accents.
Invisible set engagement rings are a brilliant and sophisticated design, with each stone gently kissing its neighbors for a tight surface of sparkle.
Boy shorts might be feminine and frilly but they can also be sleek and almost invisible.
If you're having difficulty finding a bra to wear beneath your halter top, you can try an invisible, self adhesive bra.
If you wear it on its own, it is a pale, almost invisible shade.
This transit of Venus is remarkable as the first ever observed, that of 1631 predicted by Kepler having been invisible in western Europe.
Another development to be aware of are HTML codes that make ads timeout or invisible.
It has its centre not on earth but in heavenly places, where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God."5 (c) Thirdly, there is no question that the Lord intended the one fellowship of his saints to be a visible fellowship. The idea of an invisible church has only commended itself in dark hours when men despaired of unity even as an ideal.
Yet even in earthly matters I believe that ' the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead'; and I have never seen anything incompatible between those things of man which can be known by the spirit of man which is within him and those higher things concerning his future, which he cannot know by that spirit."
This Barlaam held to be polytheistic, inasmuch as it postulated two eternal substances, a visible and an invisible God.
As a result of this, the pink skin is quite visible where these hairs occur, but elsewhere it is invisible.
An absolutely clean surface becomes tarnished in damp air, an almost invisible coating of oxide being produced, just as happens with zinc; but this film is very permanent and prevents further attack.
The calcium clouds or ilocculi thus recorded are invisible to the eye, and are not shown on direct solar photographs taken in the ordinary way.
It expresses itself in outward forms, yet there are not two Churches visible and invisible, but only one.
Not that there is any evidence of Buddhists ever having been actually persecuted by the Brahmans, or still less of Sankara himself ever having done so; but the traditional belief in some personal god, as the principal representative of an invisible, all-pervading deity, would doubtless appeal more directly to the minds and hearts of the people than the colourless ethical system promulgated by the Sakya saint.
No grave note, warning us that the pleasures of this earth are fleeting, that the visible world is but a symbol of the invisible, that human life is a probation for the life beyond, interrupts the tinkling music as of castanets and tripping feet which gives a novel charm to these unique relics of the 13th century.
Allusions in particular passages of the Koran to the " mother of the scripture," the invisible originals of the prophet's speech, led to the doctrine of its uncreated being.
He attended the trials, investigated many of the cases himself, and wrote sermons on witchcraft, the Memorable Providences and The Wonders of the Invisible World (1693), which increased the excitement of the people.
These H structures are invisible, with ordinary illumination in living cells or unstained preparations, and can only be made clearly visible by special methods of preparation and staining first used by Loffler.
Those who in the same way identify Rabelais with Panurge can never explain the education scheme, the solemn apparition of Gargantua among the farcical and fantastic variations on Panurge's wedding, and many other passages; while, on the other hand, those who insist on a definite propaganda of any kind must justify themselves by their own power of seeing things invisible to plain men.
The lord of the earth, who contemplates the eternal order of the universe, and aspires to communion with its invisible Maker, is a being composed of the same materials, and framed on the same principles, as the creatures which he has tamed to be the servile instruments of his will, or slays for his daily food.
The name is now ordinarily restricted to what is more accurately called atmospheric air - the air we breathe - the invisible elastic fluid which surrounds the earth (see ATMOSPHERE).
At a few hundred yards' distance it is invisible, hidden among dense olive groves.
The sand, which is nominally the filter, has interstices about thirty times as wide as the largest dimensions of the larger microbes; and the reason why these, and, still more, why organisms which were individually invisible under any magnifying power, and could only be detected as colonies, were arrested, was not understood.
In this case the altar of Apollo at Delphi, upon which on the Greek vases Neoptolemus is frequently represented as taking refuge from Orestes, might be regarded as the pedestal of an invisible image of the god, and as fulfilling the same function as did the base of the actual image of Athene in Troy, towards which Cassandra fled from Ajax.
The Spaniards seized Calais in 1596; at another time they threatened England from Brest, and the invisible armada of 1599 created a greater panic than the invincible armada of 1588.
Though practically invisible,' it appeals in its properties to other of our senses, so that the evidences of its presence are manifold.
Platinized platinum (platinum foil upon which a thin film of platinum had been deposited electrolytically) and charcoal were rendered incandescent, black paper and matches immediately inflamed, ordinary brown paper pierced and burned, while thin white blotting-paper, owing to its transparency to the invisible rays, was scarcely tinged.
Zwingli and Calvin, developing a hint of Hus, introduce a distinction between the visible and the invisible Church which Melanchthon repudiates but later Lutheranism adopts.
The Articles of the Church of England (19, 26) speak of the visible Church, but unless by inference do not assert a Church invisible.
Its simplest and commonest meaning is that emphasized in the contrast of " faith " with " sight "; where it signifies belief in the invisible divine order represented by the church, in the actuality of the law, the threats, the promises of God, in spite of all the influences in man's natural life that tend to obscure this belief.
The two parts of this sphere are the visible hemisphere, which is above the horizon, and the invisible, which is below it.
All Papuans believe that within them resides an invisible other self, or spirit, which may occasionally leave the body in the hours of sleep and after death hovers for some period at least round the scenes of its embodied life.
The other side of the moon is therefore invisible from the earth, but in consequence of the libration about six-tenths of the lunar surface may be seen at one time or another, while the remaining four-tenths are for ever hidden from our view.
They possessed several means for rendering a person invisible, and various peculiar and complicated methods of divination, such as Imbas forosna, tein laegda, and dichetal do chennaib, are described in early authorities.
Still the roughest form of spiritual prayer has for its basis the hypothesis of beneficent beings, visible or invisible.
After death the man survives as a spirit, sometimes taking an animal form, sometimes invisible, sometimes to be observed " in his habit as he lived " (see Apparitions).
The extremely small particles of dust (motes in a sunbeam) in the rays are made perceptible by the diffracted light, whilst by ordinary illumination they are invisible.
In the case of a suitable ocular magnification, the details will be well seen, while the aberration circles remain invisible.
This, he exclaims, can be no other than the hero who slew the two kings of the Nibelungs, Schilbunc and Nibelunc, and seized their treasure, together with the sword Balmunc and the tarnkappe, or cape of darkness, which has the virtue of making him who wears it invisible.
The anxiously awaited Friday return occurred not with a bang but the hiss of a deflated balloon as Howie snuck out early and remained invisible the entire weekend.
Darian's power burned while Bianca's healed the invisible wounds created by the Grey God.
A single figure already awaited him at the edge of the invisible wall that kept the demons out of the sacred grounds.
The phantom Andre was squatting beside her when Katie awoke. She jerked, surprised at how close he was. He was real enough for her to feel his body heat, even if he was invisible to everyone but her and moved without a sound. The fact that Gabe was sleeping a short distance away didn't seem to faze the ghost. Instead, it pointed to something it had written in the dirt beside her.
The petite woman started to run, ignoring the demons that swiped at her with talons large enough to take off her head with one swipe. She seemed immune to the demons' strikes. They fell away, as if hitting an invisible shield. The bizarre display drew more than Katie and Toby's attention. A ripple went through the demons, and they turned to watch the tiny woman sprinting towards them with flashing blue eyes.
The young man moved away and began fighting invisible vamps while Darian watched with a grin.
He snagged her wrist as she dropped into the invisible portal to the immortal world.
Jonny just so happened to rescue a girl connected to someone immune to mind magic, someone who was likewise invisible to the extended senses of a vampire.
It also gave television - until then the most invisible of art forms - an artistic afterlife for the first time.
Along with all the other waves and currents it detects, altimetry also reveals invisible waves.
The velvet-eyed descendant of Eve shot a fearful glance at him and continued, still casually tracing invisible arabesques with her foil's point.
In the game, it looks like an invisible barrier.
It needn't be a time for self neglect or to become ' the invisible woman ' doomed to wear beige for ever more.
The male blackbirds are still fighting along their invisible boundary which runs roughly down the center of our garden.
As siblings we have an unbreakable bond - an invisible cord thru which we know and love each other.
Through a diamond, all medals are counterfeit, Beneath the blindingly bright sky, the earth is invisible.
It is quite conceivable that he may not even have heard of the Invisible Man.
Footnotes [1] ' According to this theory, matter is composed entirely of tiny, invisible, indivisible bits, called corpuscles.
Dialog Constructs an initially invisible dialog Constructs an initially invisible Dialog with an empty title.
Since our atoms cannot absorb photons emitted by ethereal atoms, the ethereal atoms, the ethereal world is invisible to us.
But we are made to confront the fact that such women, who are usually invisible and ignored, are not just faceless domestics.
What is the usual get-up of a mentally invisible man?
It can be added to the other code values to indicate an invisible glyph.
A tiny gnat, invisible to me, must have fallen close to the droppings and tempted the fish.
Your guide is a small invisible gnome called Gordon.
In a candlelit near-darkness I sat nonchalantly trying not to shiver, on my insulated granite chair and spooned invisible hot veggie burger gruel.
Apparently the tall blond humanoid had a silent and invisible companion that never manifested itself in human form.
He sent messages written in invisible ink on sheets of music.
It was the first surreal inkling of an opening between the invisible worlds.
The joins are virtually invisible on the playing surface.
The pole is practically invisible, everyone should have one.
Yet they are almost invisible in public policy debate.
The Net would become largely invisible, subordinated to the various purposes for which we employed it.
The first thing I noticed was that my pores on my cheeks are nearly invisible now.
The goal of HCI design should be to make the computer invisible.
Of course, the entire event is rendered invisible by thick cloud cover.
In unpacking this invisible knapsack of white privilege, I have listed conditions of daily experience that I once took for granted.
Ptah was his body, the earthly manifestation and Amun the hidden divine invisible aspect.
Although not invisible mending, the repair is not too obvious on a patterned seat.
For example, could there be some invisible threads sticking out from the gel surface to push the microspheres away?
The Galilean moons of Jupiter are invisible to the naked eye, so at least 8 of Nibiru's satellites are bigger than them.
Watch our for Pixie, rather sly ninja invisible stylee.
They contain numerous previously invisible - or barely discernible - details.
Other people cunningly conceal screens behind beams or curtain pelmets, so that to all intents and purposes they become totally invisible.
Did i not cut off from invisible phosphorescence they evolve gaseous.
Getting advice from invisible sky pixies is no way run a country.
June 21 - July 22A Cancer child can be independent from a young age, often playing alone for hours and inventing invisible playmates.
Had He answered prayer by sending His invisible army?
You are now consciously influencing your own reality and the invisible realms.
The 60's revivalists Invisible Lead Soup have a new single out at the moment.
People used to believe that if a person carried fern spores, they would become invisible.
However these men remained invisible and largely unaccountable for their behavior.
Are you talking about gods or invisible pink unicorns?
In this nightmare vision of invisible totalitarian control, it might appear hard to see what space is left for anti-capitalist movements.
Brand review media with invisible watermarks that indicate who the copy has been given too.
You may not modify or remove any visible or invisible electronic watermark.
Thus an organized individual (tout organise) " is a composite body consisting of the original, or elementary, parts and of the matters which have been associated with them by the aid of nutrition "; so that, if these matters could be extracted from the individual (tout), it would, so to speak, become concentrated in a point, and would thus be restored to its primitive condition of a germ; " just as, by extracting from a bone the calcareous substance which is the source of its hardness, it is reduced to its primitive state of gristle or membrane."2 " Evolution " and " development " are, for Bonnet, synonymous terms; and since by " evolution " he means simply the expansion of that which was invisible into visibility, he was naturally led to the conclusion, at which Leibnitz had arrived by a different line of reasoning, that no such thing as generation, in the proper sense of the word exists in nature.
In constructing, therefore, a snare of radiating and concentric lines, it seems that a spider economizes both time and silk and in addition renders the web as strong and as serviceable and yet as delicate and invisible as possible.
He was distinguished as the discoverer of radioactivity, having found in 1896 that uranium at ordinary temperatures emits an invisible radiation which in many respects resembles Röntgen rays, and can affect a photographic plate after passing through thin plates of metal.
But, in use, while the meaning of the word "perfume" has been extended so as to include everything sweet in smell, from smoking incense to the invisible fresh fragrance of fruits and exquisite scent of flowers, that of the word "incense," in all the languages of modern Europe in which it occurs, has, by an opposite process of limitation, been gradually restricted almost exclusively to frankincense (see Frankincense).
In the eye of reason the full fruition of this desired finality is already and always attained; the actualization, invisible to the senses, is achieved now and ever, and is thus beyond the element of time.
And--pardon me for the foolish question--but, are you all invisible?
In front of each place was a plate bearing one of the delicious dama-fruit, and the perfume that rose from these was so enticing and sweet that they were sorely tempted to eat of them and become invisible.
Up to the time of the "Frost King" episode, I had lived the unconscious life of a little child; now my thoughts were turned inward, and I beheld things invisible.
Limpets scrape out a living by rasping almost invisible algae off bare looking rock.
Borrow a receiver and map to explore the streets alongside the road and discover this invisible layer of speech and music reanimating the landscape.
Invisible Changes The scripts I use to generate LG have been largely rewritten.
She sits, nods and shakes her head, scampers up your arm, reads and even eats invisible treats !
You can turn invisible, which is better than any stealth ' em up out there at the moment.
As the bird has short stubby wings it has to flap them so vigorously that they become almost invisible.
This invisible, tasteless gas is the most abundant element in the universe.
I 'm politically poised to see this as a war of aggression on the part of the US/UK alliance and it 's invisible friends.
An underground fence is invisible as far as you are concerned.
You would do well to consider what you are comfortable with before you purchase an invisible fence system for your dog.
Invisible Fence is a brand name that is the first name in underground fences.
The company's website will direct you to dealerships where you can purchase an Invisible Fence system.
Dog Fence DIY is a website that will instruct you on how to build your own underground fence at a fraction of the cost of brand names like Invisible Fence.
She is also displaying what we call "psycho kitty" events, where she runs up and down the stairs, chasing something invisible, attacking her brother (neutered male) and play fighting all the time.
For example, multiple recessed fixtures in the ceiling are invisible and help disperse the lighting throughout the room instead of focusing it all on one point.
The staples blend right in with the pattern of the tiles and are invisible once you're done.
Bio5ive Blend & Hydrate ($12.90) is an invisible alcohol-free priming, blending and hydrating solution that provides a special layer of oil-free moisture for easy cosmetic blending and setting.
Also, Cover Girl has two great concealers - CG Smoothers Concealer or Invisible Concealer, so you don't have to spend a lot.
In turn, sparse eyebrows on an ebony beauty can be almost completely invisible.
So how come you see actresses in magazines with big ink designs on their arms and backs, and yet on screen they are seemingly invisible?
Also, Cover Girl has two great concealers, CG Smoothers Concealer or Invisible Concealer, so you don't have to spend a lot.
This was the perfect choice for the climate and circumstances as it created an almost invisible foundation and that creamy ivory complexion.
They use 128-bit encryption to make transmitted information invisible to potential threats.
If you'd rather protect the front of your iPad from scratches in an invisible way, consider invisibleShield High Definition screen protection film from Zagg.
Make sure any embellishments on the dress (beading, bows, etc) are invisible under the gown.
In this month's interview, we spoke with Sabrina Zohar, the "It Girl" for Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo and a fundraiser for the Invisible Children Organization in Uganda.
I started the Invisible Children/Schools for Schools branch at my school in late 2005 and have stuck with it ever since.
What prompted me to start the organization at my school was watching the documentary film Invisible Children.
Or check with Clay Aiken, who sold almost 400,000 copies of his debut single, Invisible.
As movies and television evolved and expanded, a few Native Americans broke through the invisible barrier and were featured prominently on film.
Unlike elastic waistbands, which are better used on toddler pants, adjustable waistbands are usually invisible because they're located inside the pants.
Some types of electronic collars are actually made specifically for use with invisible fencing and/or automatic dog doors, and are sold with these units.
Install either invisible or traditional fences so the animal will remain safe and not become harmed by passing traffic.
One of the arts of drywall installation is in making joints that blend so well that they become invisible.
Not to mention the water intake valve often becomes super heated, leading to burns in young children.Radiant floor heat is invisible.
Most clear straps blend in with your skin tone making them nearly invisible.
They provide support while being nearly invisible.
They are sheer mesh for a touch of sexiness and have an invisible reinforced toe.
The almost invisible coating of ice can accumulates on almost any type of surface including steps, decks, sidewalks and driveways.
Drive slowly and be prepared for invisible ice sheets on the road.
The tint is invisible when worn on your eye.
By projecting a beam of infrared light from a third lens, the goggles could essentially "light up" a room with infrared, which is invisible to the human eye.
From bulky lenses without true frames to thin high-index lenses that correct near and distance vision from a lightweight, nearly invisible frame, eyeglasses could be considered one of the best creations of history.
The light is virtually invisible to anyone else in the room who doesn't have a pair of night vision goggles.
Lightweight and practically invisible, contact lenses are immensely popular, especially in the United States, because they are seen as a more desirable alternative to glasses without being as invasive as laser eye surgery.
While they are normally invisible, when your eyeball moves in a certain position, they tend to move into the field of vision and become visible to you.
Over the counter invisible bifocal shades come with typical reading glasses prescriptions like +1.00, +1.50, +2.00, +2.50, and +3.00.
You can find neutral-toned arms here that blend into your own coloring, offering an almost invisible look when combined with the lack of rims around the lenses.
Rimless eyewear, especially when worn with an anti-reflective coating, is as invisible as you can get while wearing eyewear.
There's a selection of nearly invisible eyewear as well as the more pronounced styles, which fall into the company's Studio Collection.
That's right, if you truly want to do everything, you will have to replay some missions to find invisible arrows to hit.
A master of Spanish Ninjitsu, Savate, and Zapota, Vega uses his claw to slash at his opponents when he is not busy climbing up or bouncing off (invisible) walls.
The Invisible Shield line from Zagg is a popular choice, as it does not have a big impact on the look and feel of your phone.
Secondborns and middle children often feel invisible.
A child who has hemorrhagic cystitis has bloody urine for about three days, and invisible traces of blood can be found in the urine a few days longer.
X rays are a form of radiation similar to light rays, except that they are more energetic than light rays and are invisible to the human eye.
The most invisible wigs are hand sewn and feature full lace craftsmanship.
This type of head cover uses Swiss lace or French lace, each of which is invisible to the naked eye when placed against skin.
This kind of invisible swimsuit can be purchased in patterned or plain colors, but be assured that the design is not what people will be looking at once you take a dip!
Some extreme bikinis have no need for a sheer fabric that becomes invisible.
Although an invisible bikini is officially a swimsuit, this kind of ladies swimwear is rarely meant for actual swimming.
Extra accessories, like rhinestones, o-rings or side-tie bottoms will break the illusion that you have on nothing at all, so a plain but skimpy nude bikini is your best bet for making it look invisible against your body.
Wearing an invisible bikini is something you want to do in private or at a nude beach.
Invisible swimsuits are specialty items that will certainly make a splash, but you have to be careful about where you wear them.
When you hear the term "invisible swimsuits" what do you envision?
Actually, the term "invisible swimsuits" is a clever marketing ploy used to describe swimwear that effectively disappears when wet.
If you're intrigued enough to buy an invisible swimsuit, its best to reserve it for private swimming venues.
Invisible swimsuits can be made from various materials, but the main requirement is that the material is sheer and of a skin tone or white color to get the invisible effect.
It may not have been the very first invisible bathing suit, but it was certainly the first exposure to one for many people, including Sports Illustrated swimsuit model Cheryl Tiegs.
Lest you think invisible swimsuits are only for women, think again.
You can find invisible suits here, but there's nudity as well, so enter with caution.
There are plenty of bikinis here that qualify as invisible when wet.
You'll see that the material is actually a very fine mesh that is nearly invisible to the eye.
In a swim world dominated by invisible swimsuits and jaw dropping Brazilian bikinis, you may feel as if you are the only person left in the universe searching for a modest bathing suit.
It does this by breaking down the atoms of that waste into particles so small, that they actually become invisible!
All of these styles are extremely revealing, so while it's possible to get away with wearing a G-string on a public beach, it may not be possible to say the same about an invisible bikini.
You'll find that the material is permeated with thousands of nearly invisible holes that allow the sun to shine through and expose your entire body to tanning.
Some sheer swimsuits are practically invisible, while others have just enough coverage to provide onlookers with a tease.
It can be tough to find invisible swimwear when you're online, and when you're in a rush?
Invisible swimwear can either be worn extremely close to the body, or it can be selected in a color that makes the wearer look as though she's nude.
It is tough to be a good spy when you can find your invisible ink pen but not your list of secret codes.
This includes a cipher wheel, an invisible ink writer and a flashlight created for use with Morse code.
Infrared light is invisible to the human eye because it's beyond the region of the light spectrum that we can see.
But while invisible, infrared light produces heat that gets absorbed by everything it comes into contact with.
Gaining in popularity is the invisible setting.
An invisible setting is a great choice for those on a budget who want the look of a bigger stone without the high price tag.
By highlighting large stones of incomparable quality and setting them in minute invisible settings, Harry Winston rings appeared to float above the richest fingers in the world.
In this contemporary style, the stones are held in place by two parallel pieces of metal in an invisible channel setting, making them appear suspended in midair.
Bezels are popular for their sleek lines and durability, and invisible settings help highlight the fire of the stones.
If the stones are use in invisible settings or paves, however, the clarity may be far more pertinent to the ring's overall quality.
Invisible set engagement rings are the ultimate luxurious engagement ring design that maximizes the brilliance of its diamonds.
An invisible setting is just that - diamonds set into a stunning ring where the mounting is completely hidden and the gem appears to be held by nothing at all.
Invisible settings are created by carving a slit into each diamond just beneath its girdle.
The metal that secures the stone into the ring sits in that slit, but because the girdle is the stone's widest point, it effectively covers the metal, making the actual setting invisible.
Because of the precision necessary to create invisible settings, each ring must be fashioned for specific stones and cannot easily be adjusted for alterations or upgrades.
The beauty and luxury of different invisible settings, however, make them such stunning pieces of jewelry that they rarely need to be upgraded at all.
The vast majority of invisible settings use princess cut stones because their flat edges and sharp corners can fit together smoothly without any gaps to reveal the setting.
Other diamond shapes that may be used for invisible designs may be trapezoids, emerald cuts, baguettes, or any unique shape that can be closely fit to neighboring stones.
Invisible set accents to any larger engagement ring setting, similar to channel settings but using far less metal.
Invisible set men's engagement rings or wedding bands.
Pave settings that use invisible settings for a richer surface.
Invisible set eternity rings or other anniversary jewelry.
Invisible set cluster rings that create geometric patterns such as flowers, hearts, or other shapes out of many small stones.
Despite the wide range of different invisible settings, it can be difficult to find these rings at basic jewelry retailers.
Because of their relative rarity and the fact that they cannot be easily altered, invisible set engagement rings are generally more expensive than traditional designs.
At the same time, however, because they create the illusion of larger carat sizes, an invisible setting may actually be more affordable than a single large carat stone, bringing grandiose styles into the budget range of many more couples.
The Greeks believed the gem stone could increase physical strength and make one invisible to enemies.
She walks to the tune of an invisible symphony.
If you use invisible thread, it's strong and won't be seen.
Teach children to use a towel or tissue to turn off faucets, especially in public restrooms, to avoid a reapplication of the invisible nasties lurking on the handles.
The family heard noises and voices and were even sometimes pinched or slapped by an invisible entity.
Sometimes they are able to capture something on film that is invisible to the naked eye.
The thought of some invisible entity touching her, even in the form of a plastic device, did not sit well.
In 1965, Vincent Gladdis published Invisible Horizons, with an entire chapter devoted to the Bermuda Triangle.
The seams in the shoe will be tight and almost invisible.
After that company's demise, Thomas joined Invisible Skateboards.
However, during season nine, the invisible computer nerd tries to ditch his boring image by trying to befriend Degrassi's elite, join the basketball team and score a date with the hottest girl in school.
Disease and bacteria are rampant and invisible; only use needles, tubing, gloves and inks once per person.
It comes in 18 colors that show up under normal light, and one color, UV Titanium White, that is virtually invisible in normal light but glows in black light.
If a black light piece is inked with "invisible" UV ink and done incorrectly, an outline of scarring may still show on your skin.
Tattoo cover-ups typically refer to a thick concealer applied to the skin over the tattooed area, in order to render your tattoo invisible.
The watch comes wrapped in an 18k Polished White Gold Case and Double Locking Invisible Clasp Bracelet.
Loaded with features as hand wound mechanical movement, silver guilloche dial, brown alligator strap fitted with an adjustable double locker invisible clasp, deployment buckle, and scratch resistant sapphire crystal, water resistant to 30m.
You'll see equal signs, stars, apostrophes and more that are invisible when the page is viewed normally.
The features that make this piece invaluable to travelers are nearly invisible to the eye.
When you use the same colored text as your background you create a text that is invisible to the reader, but not the search engines.
There's no wobbling, no faltering, and every cheerleader seems to hit a move on the exact count as if she's hitting something invisible.
You also will find it to be practically invisible so you won't be distracted by it during swimming time or hosting guests at a big pool party.
Then stitch the open part closed by hand, using a thread that matches the fabric and trying to make the stitches as invisible as possible.
Slide the pillow form into the case and close up the fourth side of stitching by hand, taking care to make the stitches as invisible as possible.
Fold the fabric strip to the back of the quilt and sew it to the backing fabric with invisible stitches.
To make them, special high quality microfiber yarn is used in cooperation with the Santoni flat stitching technology to create the perfect invisible seam.
The Invisible Look Modal - These are a comfortable pair of bikinis made of cotton, modal and a spandex blend.
The Invisible Look Seamless - Wear these tag-less and seamless pair that will cover your assets without embarrassing panty lines.
Most modern shapewear is made of a combination of nylon and Spandex, rendering it more truly seamless and invisible under clothes than corsets or girdles ever were.
You'll see bustiers with invisible zippers as well as stand-out gold and silver ones when shopping for a satin bustier.
Designed to provide what the company calls "fearless shaping", the Jacquard Minimizer is designed to lay soft, flat, and invisible under your clothing.
They are made of nylon and Spandex "microfabric" and are in fact designed to be invisible and a replacement for underwear as well as socks.
Invisible straps - These are straps sewn into the layers of fabric with the intent of giving the back and front of a man a little, gentle boost.
Invisible lift strap - This strap is what makes the butt appear fuller and firmer.
If you want a body stocking to wear under a low-cut dress or for the stage, go to Discount Dance, which has a mesh stocking that offers adjustable straps, a convertible foot and an invisible zipper at the back.
If you want panties without panty lines, check out the Commando Girl Short that combines nylon and spandex with unfinished edges to create an invisible undergarment.
The nearly invisible material may be any color including red, black and white.
The company also makes thongs and boy shorts that are seamless, tagless and nearly invisible under pants.
No bra strap is going to be completely invisible, sad to say.
Silicone bras are designed to be effectively invisible.
A number of silicone bras come with removable straps, and they are as invisible as they can possibly be.
If a fiber is used, it is woven in a manner that renders the actual woven pattern invisible, which lends satin its shiny appearance.
They may be nearly invisible under clothing, but not if you're wearing light pants with bright white panties or panties with lace or other detail that can show through light or thin fabric.
The invisible reinforced toe adds even more comfort.
The toe features invisible reinforcement.
A tiny lingerie set will be invisible under a shift dress, daring under sleepwear, or cool on a hot night when worn by itself.
Invisible dirt stains can damage the material over the years and cause uneven yellowing.
Remember that an almost invisible parent is the parent who is most welcome at a teenager's birthday party.
The Invisible Man is one of the most famous horror moviews from the 'thirties.
Between 1930 and 1935, Universal released Dracula (1931), The Mummy (1932), Frankenstein (1932), The Invisible Man (1933) and The Bride of Frankenstein (1935).
The protagonist is 'Griffin', a scientist who discovers the means to make himself invisible.
He discovers that he can get away with things if he's invisible, and so he does.
In 1940, Vincent Price appeared in The Invisible Man Returns, a quasi-sequel to The Invisible Man.
None of the main characters of the first movie appear; it is only a sequel in any sense because Price's character uses Griffin's formula to make himself invisible.
In 1975, a made-for-TV movie spawned a short-lived Invisible Man television series starting former Man-From-UNCLE David McCallum.
Along the way, Bilbo serendipitiously acquires a magic golden ring that can make the wearer invisible.
She originally had an invisible jet plane to take her where she needed to go, but as her character evolved, she eventually learned to fly on her own without the aid of a plane.
After all we still can't make ourselves invisible, or transport matter from one place to another.
For example, this video explains how one user made the walls of his restaurant invisible, giving the appearance of a "floating roof." The steps to get to this point are not intuitive.
This made the word invisible to people looking at the page - which could be about anything - but to search engines it would show the most sought-after search term.
Google Analytics - Perhaps the most valuable tool is this invisible code that you put at the top of the root page of your website.
That means that on the front end of the site the services should be invisible, staying out of the way.
The movements seemed to start there, circle around the lake then drop, as if there was an invisible wall.
But all the while he was engaged with reflections on the nature of man, of the soul and of God, and for a while he remained invisible even to his most familiar friends.
Some Gnostics sprinkled the heads of the dying with oil and water to render them invisible to the powers of darkness; but in the East generally, where the need to compete with the Cathar sacrament of Consolatio was less acutely felt, extreme unction is unknown.
Are these invisible germs which cause fermentation always present in the atmosphere?
Whether or no he can be said to have founded a school, his doctrines have become so far part of the common thought of the time, that there is hardly an educated man who does not accept as too clear for argument truths which were invisible till Bentham pointed them out.
He was distinguished as the discoverer of radioactivity, having found in 1896 that uranium at ordinary temperatures emits an invisible radiation which in many respects resembles Rntgen rays, and can affect a photographic plate after passing through thin plates of metal.
Algol, in fact, travels at the rate of 26.3 miles a second round the centre of gravity of the system which it forms with an invisible companion, while the two together approach the sun with an unvarying speed of 2.3 miles per second.
The nest is a slight hollow in the ground, wonderfully inconspicuous even when deepened, as is usually the case, by incubation, and the blackspotted olive eggs (four in number) are almost invisible to the careless or untrained eye.
It is suggested, then, in the light of modern psychical research, that Mephistopheles, though (as the Faust-books record) invisible to any one else, was visible enough to Faust himself and to Wagner, the famulus who shared his somnambulistic experiences.
It is related that Nezahualcoyotl, the poet-king of Tezcuco, built a ninestoried temple with a starry roof above, in honour of the invisible deity called Tloquenahuaque, " he who is all in himself," or Ipalnemoani, " he by whom we live," who had no image, and was propitiated, not by bloody sacrifices, but by incense and flowers.
These parts were quite conspicuous against the green of the plants frequented by the insects, wherever the green portions were rendered invisible by the same background.
The antennae of these weevils are short and end in a knob; those of the Longicorns are very much larger, but the weevil-like look is produced by the presence of a knob-like swelling upon the third joint, the terminal portion of the antenna being so extremely fine as to be almost invisible.
Gardens of large extent should be encircled by an outer boundary, which is often formed by a sunk wall or ha-ha surrounded by an invisible wire fence to exclude ground game, or consists of a hedge with low wire fence on its inner side.
Invisible to the microscope, but rendered visible by reagents, are glycogen, Mucor, Ascomycetes, yeast, &c. In addition to these cell-contents we have good indirect evidence of the existence of large series of other bodies, such as proteids, carbohydrates, organic acids, alkaloids, enzymes, &c. These must not be confounded with the numerous substances obtained by chemical analysis of masses of the fungus, as there is often no proof of the manner of occurrence of such bodies, though we may conclude with a good show of probability that some of them also exist preformed in the living cell.
Like the X rays, the Becquerel rays are invisible; they both traverse thin sheets of glass or metal, and cannot be refracted; moreover, they both ionize gases, i.e.
The extent to which it renders aurora invisible depends, however, so much on the natural brightness of the aurora - which depends on the time and the place - and on the sharpness of the outlook kept, that it is difficult to gauge it.
This leaves no room for doubt that an invisible companion passes between us and Algol about the time the diminution of light takes place, and so proves the correctness of the explanation.
Already' to the apostle Paul he dominates the world and is above all created things, visible and invisible, so that he has the religious value of God.
Responsible for this situation is a small oligarchy of visible and invisible persons who want to impose their agenda for global domination.
An invisible bikini is one that you can barely see.
Ultraviolet rays (UV) are an invisible form of radiation found in sunlight, and over-exposure to UV light can cause significant eye damage, resulting in a loss of vision, and the possible formation of cataracts.
The fabric of the suits is perforated with thousands of micro holes than are nearly invisible to the naked eye, yet they let enough of the sun's rays through to give you a line-free tan.
Invisible swimwear is sexy and daring on the beach, and while some might spend time wearing it there, others will wear it near a private lake.
Consider shopping for a patterned invisible suit in nude and mauve, for example.
It helps to reduce this rubbing to prevent painful blisters from forming by creating an invisible barrier between the shoes or socks and the skin.
You can also get an invisible bra that is self-adhesive to your breasts and provides some support.
Have the power to become invisible in the woods.
I was as much affected by the faint hum of a mosquito making its invisible and unimaginable tour through my apartment at earliest dawn, when I was sitting with door and windows open, as I could be by any trumpet that ever sang of fame.
Soul power rippled through him and with it, the sensation of the invisible shackles he'd worn his entire adult life melting away.
He didn't believe she was interacting with real people and instead called the other online players invisible friends.
They parked behind rocks, away from the direction of their approach, and immediately saw a nearly invisible path upward.