Investigated Sentence Examples
He also investigated electrical endosmosis and the electrical resistance of electrolytes.
Meagerly investigated sites no rivers scrub screen door cruise mexico riviera pays.
Indeed, the singing ranged from sensual whispering to feverish screams, as the singer investigated more challenging subjects.
Complaints about off road bikes and mini scooters were being investigated by the police traffic department.
With antidepressants, the only aspect of behavioral toxicity to have been formally investigated is excessive sedation in the short-term.
Second, we investigated the neural basis of stream segregation using fMRI.
No ideal system has yet been identified although a range of dilute magnetic semiconductors have been investigated.
Finally, the Wytham Margins experiment, established in 1987, investigated the invertebrates of long-term marginal set-aside.
There are a number of relatively common practices and experiences in traditional shamanism which are being investigated by modern researchers.
Using these analytical solutions, the effect of the velocity shear on the damping rate of the surface wave can easily be investigated.
AdvertisementWe have previously investigated the speciation of concentrated Hg in sulfidic solutions at high pH at Daresbury Laboratory station 16.5.
Dynamo models of our Galaxy as a flattened spheroid have been investigated, using asymptotic analytic methods and high resolution numerical techniques.
A number of male sticklebacks were investigated during the breeding season.
The link between salt intake and asthma symptoms has been investigated in a number of studies.
Researchers Judy Burton, Rob Horowitz, and Hal Abeles created a taxonomy of learning in the arts and investigated the effects on learning.
AdvertisementTherefore, the transport protein responsible for neuronal uptake of NE has been extensively investigated in the past decade.
Debate exists as to whether patients with the commonest type of uveitis (acute anterior uveitis - AAU) should be investigated.
But he never investigated the question whether, since there is a law of progressive evolution in the history of different nations, separately examined, there may not likewise be another law ruling the general history of these nations, every one of which must have represented a new period, as it were, in the history of humanity at large.
Sabatier and Goetz (see below) have investigated the authenticity of the several works; and the four lists, while exhibiting slight variations, are in substantial accord.
During recent years a number of fossil (Carboniferous and Permian) plants have been very thoroughly investigated in the light of modern anatomical knowledge, and as a result it has become st i s clear that in those times a large series of plants etisted ear ys intermediate in structure between the modern ferns tern of Cycaand the modern Gymnosperms (especially Cycads), dofiices.
AdvertisementMany other cases of symbiosis have been investigated with some completeness, especially those in which lower plants than the Phanerogams are concerned.
Sarah, your stock dealings have outperformed the market every year since 1933, of course you're going to be investigated.
The peculiar action of electric sparks and waves in reducing the resistance of discontinuous conductors was rediscovered and investigated by Calzecchi Onesti,' by Branly, 2 Dawson Turner, 3 Minchin, Lodge, 4 and many others.
The digestion of fat or oil has not been adequately investigated, but its decomposition in germinating seeds has been found to be due to an enzyme, which has been called lipase.
The terrible losses sustained by whole communities of farmers, planters, foresters, &c., from plant diseases have naturally stimulated the search for remedies, but even now the search is too often conducted in the spirit of the believer in quack medicines, although the agricultural world is awakening to the fact that before any measures likely to be successful can be attempted, the whole chain of causation of the disease must be investigated.
AdvertisementFertilization is effected by the union of two nuclei in all those cases which have been carefully investigated.
Of this copious remains have been found in Switzerland and have been investigated with great ability by 0.
Forbes had investigated such important genera as Philepitta and Xenicus, P.L.
The resistance of goods wagons has not been so systematically investigated.
He initiated in 1866 the spectroscopic observation of sunspots; applied Doppler's principle in 1869 to determine the radial velocities of the chromospheric gases; and successfully investigated the chemistry of the sun from 1872 onward.
Hess (18 4 o) were the first who systematically investigated thermochemical effects in solution, and arrived at conclusions from their experimental data which still possess validity.
The first disease investigated by Pasteur was that of chicken cholera, an epidemic which destroyed io% of the French fowls; after the application of the preventive method the death-rate was reduced to below i %.
The imaginal disks make their appearance (that is, have been first detected) at very different epochs in the life; their absolute origin has been but little investigated.
Chladni's experiment of strewing a vibrating bell with flour, investigated the nature of sound and the function of the air in respiration and combustion, and originated the idea of using the pendulum as a measure of gravity.
While the insect fauna of European countries was investigated by local naturalists, the spread of geographical exploration brought ever-increasing stores of exotic material to the great museums.
While the subject of the testing of petroleum for legislative purposes has been investigated in Great Britain by committees of both branches of the legislature, with a view to change in the law, the standard has never been raised, since such a course would tend to reduce the available supply and thus lead to increase in price or deterioration in quality.
Becoming convinced that the common law in America, and particularly in New York state, needed radical changes in respect to the unification and simplification of its procedure, he visited Europe in 1836 and thoroughly investigated the courts, procedure and codes of England, France and other countries, and then applied himself to the task of bringing about in the United States a codification of the common law procedure.
With Sydney Young and others he investigated the critical state and properties of liquids and the relationship between their vapour pressures and temperature, and with John Shields he applied measurements of the surface tension of liquids to the determination of their molecular complexity.
Metallurgical operations, such as smelting, roasting, and refining, were scientifically investigated, and in some degree explained, by Georg Agricola and Carlo Biringuiccio; ceramics was studied by Bernard Palissy, who is also to be remembered as an early worker in agricultural chemistry, having made experiments on the effect of manures on soils and crops; while general technical chemistry was enriched by Johann Rudolf Glauber.1
Carbon was joined with silicon, zirconium and titanium, while boron, being trivalent, was relegated to another group. A general classification of elements, however, was not realized by Frankland, nor even by Odling, who had also investigated the question from the valency standpoint.
This element was investigated at a later date by Sir Henry Roscoe, and more thoroughly and successfully by C. Zimmermann and Alibegoff.
Hydrobromic and hydriodic acids were investigated by Gay Lussac and Balard, while hydrofluoric acid received considerable attention at the hands of Gay Lussac, Thenard and Berzelius.
Serullas and Roscoe; Davy and Stadion investigated chlorine peroxide, formed by treating potassium chlorate with sulphuric acid.
Davy also described and partially investigated the gas, named by him " euchlorine," obtained by heating potassium chlorate with hydrochloric acid; this gas has been more recently examined by Pebal.
In 1845 a further contribution to the study of allotropy was made by Anton Schrotter, who investigated the transformations of yellow and red phosphorus, phenomena previously noticed by Berzelius, the inventor of the term " allotropy."
Hittorf, who carefully investigated the effects produced by heat; crystalline selenium possesses a very striking property, viz.
Formerly the sparkand absorption-spectra were the sole methods available; a third method was introduced by Crookes, who submitted the oxides, or preferably the basic sulphates, to the action of a negative electric discharge in vacuo, and investigated the phosphorescence induced spectroscopically.
Noetling (Ber., 1885, 18, p. 2657), who investigated the nitro-, amino-, and oxy-xylenes in their relations to the three xylenes or dimethyl benzenes.
Carius showed that potassium chlorate and sulphuric acid oxidized benzene to trichlorphenomalic acid, a substance afterwards investigated by Kekule and 0.
The action of chlorine upon diand tri-oxybenzenes has been carefully investigated by Th.
Thomsen then investigated heats of combustion of various benzenoid hydrocarbons - benzene, naphthalene, anthracene, phenanthrene, &c. - in the crystallized state.
He introduced the idea of comparing the refractivity of equimolecular quantities of different substances by multiplying the function (n-1)/d by the molecular weight (M) of the substance, and investigated the relations of chemical grouping to refractivity.
Briihl, have investigated the relations existing between the refractive power and composition.
The theories of colour have also been investigated by Hantzsch, who first considered the nitro-phenols.
The New York Museum has further investigated the Middle Kingdom pyramid field at Lisht and its neighbourhood, 53 and Prof. Petrie and Mr. Brunton have found fine XII.
He also investigated the diamagnetic and paramagnetic properties of substances; and was keenly interested in the phenomena of electrochemical decomposition, accumulating much evidence in favour of Faraday's law and proposing a modified statement of it which was intended to cover certain apparent exceptions.
Even in the 19th century reports were spread of communities in which Indian blood was supposedly still plainly dominant; but the conclusion of the competent scientists who have investigated such rumours has been that at least absolutely nothing of the language and traditions of the aborigines has survived.
Eaton and others have given us valuable works or monographs on the family; but the subject still remains little understood, partly owing to the great difficulty of preserving such delicate insects; and it appears probable they can only be satisfactorily investigated as moist preparations.
Plant albumins or phyto-albumins have been chiefly investigated in the case of those occurring in seeds; most are globulins,.
The above account applies more particularly to Crania, but in the main it is applicable to the other Inarticulata which have been investigated.
In spite of some assertions to the contrary, all the Brachiopods which have been carefully investigated have been found to be male or female.
Functional determinants were first investigated by Jacobi in a work De Determinantibus Functionalibus.
The ternary cubic has been investigated by Cayley, Aronhold, Hermite, Brioschi and Gordan.
It is in the Montagne Noire rather than in the Cevennes proper that the structure of the chain has been most fully investigated.
They also investigated the ' magnetic behaviour of various nickelsteels under tension, and found that there was always increase of magnetization.
He also carried out some new experiments on the effects of heat, and of screening by magnetic substances, and investigated the influence of shape upon the magnetization of iron.
The functions of these gastric diverticula have never been carefully investigated.
An important fact in its favour was discovered by Laurie (17), who investigated the embryology of two species of Scorpio under Lankester's direction.
There are comparatively few (10) species of plants which are endemic as far as the flora has been investigated, and it is probable that most of them are also existing in the Comoros, where the flora is not well known..
Wohler, he investigated the allotropic forms of silicon and boron.
He investigated also the variations of temperature in the atmosphere and ocean.
The acropolis of Geronthrae, a hero-shrine at Angelona in the south-eastern highlands, and the sanctuary of Ino-Pasiphae at Thalamae have also been investigated.
Here Cuvier was imperfectly formulating, without recognizing the real physical basis of the phenomena, the results of the laws of heredity, which were subsequently investigated and brought to bear on the problems of animal structure by Darwin.
It may be well therefore to remember that precisely these laws apply to a secondary wave of sound, which can be investigated upon the strictest mechanical principles.
The resolving power of a telescope with circular or rectangular aperture is easily investigated experimentally.
The light in the proposed direction is that determined by the size of the small aperture in accordance with the laws already investigated, and its phase depends upon the position of the aperture.
The formula expressing the optical power of prismatic spectroscopes may readily be investigated upon the principles of the wave theory.
Knockenhauer, and are readily investigated.
Similarly, the third, fourth and higher orders of bows may be investigated.
Impressed with the perversions and corruptions of popular Hinduism, Ram Mohan Roy investigated the Hindu Shastras, the Koran and the Bible, repudiated the polytheistic worship of the Shastras as false, and inculcated the reformed principles of monotheism as found in the ancient Upanishads of the Vedas.
Now the cellular pathology of the blood, investigated by the aid of modern staining methods, is as important as that of the solid organs; no clinical investigator - indeed, apart from research, no practitioner at this day - can dispense with examination of the blood for purposes of diagnosis; its coagulability and the kinds and the variations of the cells it contains being evidence of many def i nitely morbid states of the body.
Matters were brought to a crisis towards the close of 1885, when the Burmese government imposed a fine of £230,000 on the BombayBurma Trading Corporation, and refused to comply with a suggestion of the Indian government that the cause of complaint should be investigated by an impartial arbitrator.
Aided by grants from the Prussian government, these workers systematically investigated the effect of introducing a large number of different chemical substances (oxides) into vitreous fluxes.
Hulme, however, who has carefully investigated the subject, is of opinion that flint-glass in its present form was introduced about 1730.
The stability of a ship is investigated practically by inclining it; a weight is moved across the deck and the angle is observed of the heel produced.
The effect of an external circulation of vortex motion on the motion of a cylinder has been investigated in § 29; a similar procedure will show the influence of circulation through a hole in a solid, taking as the simplest illustration a ring-shaped figure, with uniplanar motion, and denoting by the resultant axial linear momentum of the circulation.
Large estates in Pisidia and the adjoining parts of Phrygia belonged to the Roman emperors; and their administration has been investigated by Ramsay and others.
The finer structure of the animal has been investigated by Mrazek (to), whose account, however, is published in the Hungarian language.
Much of the work carried on by these organisms is not clearly understood; there are, however, certain processes which have been extensively investigated and to these it is necessary to refer.
These and the ancient copper workings were investigated by Burton in 1877.
About the same time Francesco Maurolico, or Maurolycus, the eminent mathematician of Messina, in his Theore y nata de Lumine et Umbra, written in 1521, fully investigated the optical problems connected with vision and the passage of rays of light through small apertures with and without lenses, and made great advances in this direction over his predecessors.
The ovicells are modified zooecia, and contain numerous embryos which in the cases so far investigated arise by fission of a primary embryo developed from an egg.
At about the same time Boyle investigated several acids; he established their general reddening of litmus, their solvent power of metals and basic substances, and the production of neutral bodies, or salts, with alkalies.
We know now that in so far as life and living matter can be investigated by science, animals and plants cannot be described as being alive in different degrees.
Thomas's Crystal Gazing the history and anthropology of the subject are investigated, with modern instances.
Unanimously he and his staff agreed that this fresh enemy could only be the advanced guard of a large Prussian force, possibly, it was suggested, of the crown prince's army, from Alsace and Nancy, and a fresh delay arose while the situation was investigated.
Considering the important part played by the Egyptian sojourn of the Hebrews, as narrated in the Scriptures, it was certainly not an overenthusiastic prediction that the Egyptian monuments when fully investigated would divulge important references to Joseph, to Moses, and to the all-important incidents of the Exodus; but half a century of expectant attention in this direction has led only to disappointment.
To do this with a heavy lead Sea in 1895-1898, while the Russians investigated the Black attached required a very strong hemp line, and the twine used Sea in 1890-1893.
Red clay is the deposit peculiar to the abysmal area; 70 carefully investigated samples collected by the " Challenger " came from an average depth of 2730 fathoms, 97 specimens collected by the " Tuscarora " came from an average depth of 2860 fathoms, and 26 samples obtained by the " Albatross " in the Central Pacific came from an average depth of 2620 fathoms. Red clay has not yet been found in depths less than 2200 fathoms. The main ingredient of the deposit is a stiff clay which is plastic when fresh, but dries to a stony hardness.
The compressibility of sea-water is not yet fully investigated.
Fox, of the Central Laboratory of the International Council at Christiania, has investigated the relation of the atmospheric gases to sea-water by very exact experimental methods and arrived at the following expressions for the absorption of oxygen and nitrogen by sea-water of different degrees of concentration.
The vertical distribution of salinity has only recently been investigated systematically, as the earlier expeditions were not equipped with altogether trustworthy apparatus for collecting water samples at great depths.
The nature of the gases evolved by coal when freshly exposed to the atmosphere has been investigated by several chemists, more particularly by Lyon Playfair and Ernst von Composi- Meyer.
In 1784 he was on the committee which investigated Mesmer, and the report is a document of lasting scientific value.
Butterflies, moths and bees are very abundant, the former being remarkable for their size and splendid coloration; but these groups have not been investigated exhaustively enough to afford a correct idea of their number or their true affinities.
So far the highest altitudes yet botanically investigated are those of the Owen Stanley range and the mountains in Kaiser Wilhelms Land, but of the flora of the highest range of all - the Charles Louis mountains - nothing is known.
In 1677 he described and illustrated the spermatozoa in dogs and other animals, though in this discovery Stephen Hamm had anticipated him by a few months; and he investigated the structure of the teeth, crystalline lens, muscle, &c. In 1680 he noticed that yeast consists of minute globular particles, and he described the different structure of the stem in monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants.
In the same spirit he investigated the generation of eels, which were at that time supposed, not only by the ignorant vulgar, but by "respectable and learned men," to be produced from dew without the ordinary process of generation.
The plan of the agora and adjacent buildings has been recovered, and the walls have been completely investigated.
For the period 1662-1666, when Massachusetts was investigated by royal commissioners, see Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, series 2, vol.
Simultaneously a parliamentary commission of inquiry investigated the condition of the state banks.
This want of proportionality will have a periodicity, that of the impinging waves, and so will produce vibrations just as does the variation of pressure in the case last investigated.
The third mode of production of combination tones, the production in the medium itself, follows from the varying velocity of different parts of the wave, as investigated at the beginning of this article.
Staffordshire, the diorites of Warwickshire, the phonolite of the Wolf Rock (to which he first directed attention), the pitchstones of Arran and the altered igneous rocks near the Land's End were investigated and described by him during the years1869-1879in the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society and in the Geological Magazine.
This subject was investigated by Archimedes, who, by his "method of exhaustions," derived the principal results.
The electrolytic isolation of calcium has been carefully investigated, and this is the method followed for the commercial production of the metal.
The whole subject of fertilization and development of the embryo has been more recently investigated with great assiduity and zeal, as regards both cryptogamous and phanerogamous plants, and details must be sought in the various special articles.
The nature of the motion, if any, that is produced in the surrounding regions of the aether by the translation of matter through it can be investigated by optical experiment.
With Dr Hugo Miller as his collaborator he published several papers of a chemical character between the years 1856 and 1862, and investigated, 1868-1883, the discharge of electricity through gases by means of a battery of 14,600 chloride of silver cells.
He left nothing in doubt if experiment would decide it, and he evidently did not consider that he had fully investigated any compound until he could both unmake and remake it.
In 1775 he investigated arsenic acid and its reactions, discovering arseniuretted hydrogen and "Scheele's green" (copper arsenite), a process for preparing which on a large scale he published in 1778.
In the last years of his life he returned to the vegetable acids, and investigated citric, malic, oxalic and gallic acids.
The probable errors and eccentricities of small micrometer-screws have been carefully investigated to ± 0.00001 inch; but the accuracy of leading screws used in workshops has not been sufficiently verified.
Harrison, Mother Shipton investigated (London, 1881); Journ.
Becquerel, however, investigated the character of the dispersion by using prism-shaped flames strongly coloured with sodium.
Encke, the astronomer who first investigated its orbit and showed its periodicity.
One is situated at Lethbridge, southern Alberta, where problems will be investigated concerning agriculture upon irrigated land and dry farming under conditions of a scanty rainfall.
These charges were investigated by a royal commission, which was appointed after it had been decided that the parliamentary committee named for that purpose could not legally take evidence under oath.
The flora and fauna are scarcely investigated.
In 1893 he investigated the ruins of Axum and other places in the north of Abyssinia, partially made known before by the researches of Henry Salt and others, and The Sacred City of the Ethiopians (1893) gave an account of this expedition.
The question as to whether the motion was due to an irregular distribution of the earth's atmosphere, thus involving abnormal variations in the refractive index, was also investigated; here, again, negative results were obtained.
Lord Rayleigh,' who has also investigated vibrating systems giving series of lines approaching a definite limit of " root," remarks that by dynamical reasoning we are always led to equations giving the square of the period and not the period, while in the equation representing spectral series the simplest results are obtained for the first power of the period.
M`Kendrick, of Glasgow, he investigated the physiological action of light, and examined the changes which take place in the electrical condition of the retina under its influence.
He succeeded in liquefying several gases; he investigated the alloys of steel, and produced several new kinds of glass intended for optical purposes.
The fauna of Tibet has been by no means exhaustively investigated, especially the rodents and smaller species of animals.
He next investigated the sources of the Sutlej, made hydrographic investigations of the Manasarowar lakes, with the neighbouring underground waterways, and proceeded thence to Gartok.
The phenomena may be investigated by following a horizontal line across the diagram.
But other relations between the different properties of solutions have been investigated by another series of conceptions which we shall proceed to develop. Some botanical experiments made about 1870 suggested the idea of semi-permeable membranes, i.e.
Whatever view, if any, be adopted as to the nature of a solution, the thermodynamic relations we have investigated equally hold good.
In addition to the difficulties presented by the Bible as an historical record, and the literary problems which textual and other critics have investigated, the modern freethinker denies that the Christianity of the New Testament or its interpretation by modern theologians affords a coherent theory of human life and duty.
The matter was carefully investigated, and it was found that the sulphate of magnesia in the sea-water has a decomposing action on Portland cements, especially those which contain a large proportion of lime or even of alumina.
He investigated the exact relation of fungus and alga and showed that the same alga is able to combine with a number of different fungi to form lichens; thus Chroolepns umbrinus is found as the gonidia of 13 different lichen genera.
The exact relation of gonidia and hyphae has been investigated e specially by Bornet and also by Hedlund, and very considerable differences have been shown to exist in different genera.
These were investigated by Tulasne in 1853, who gave them the name spermogonia The lower, ventral portion of the sperm09' gonium is lined by delicate hyphae, the sterigmata, which give origin to minute colourless cells, the spermatia.
The chemistry of lichens is very complex, not yet fully investigated and can only be very briefly dealt with here.
A large number of these acids, which are mostly benzene derivatives, have been isolated and more or less closely investigated.
He investigated the early history of Christianity and penetrated more deeply than any contemporary thinker into the significance of Spinoza's philosophy.
His standpoint was that of the English deists, and he investigated, without hesitation, the evidence for the miracles recorded in the Bible.
That the north temperate regions appear richest in fungi may be due only to the fact that North America and Europe have been much more thoroughly investigated than other countries; it is certain that the tropics are the home of very numerous species.
Even more important is the question of mycosis in man and other animals, referred to species of Mucor, and investigated by Lucet and Costantin.
The genus Sclerotinia may be mentioned here; a number of forms have been investigated by Woronin.
In this the whole life of the nominee was investigated, and each had to prove that he was physically without flaw.
The substance investigated was acetaldehyde, C 2 H 4 O, in its relation to paraldehyde, a polymeric modification.
Faye in November 1843, the other by Francesco de Vico a year later, were minutely investigated by Leverrier, with the result of disproving the supposed identity of the first with Lexell's lost comet of 1770, and of the other with Tycho's of 1585.
The Russian expedition which investigated the Kara-boghaz in 1896 concluded that there is no permanent subsidence in the level of the sea.
The currents of the Caspian were investigated by the Knipovich expedition; it detected two of special prominence, a south-going current along the west shore and a north-going current along the east shore.
The conductivity of liquids has been investigated by similar methods, generally variations of the thin plate or guard-ring method.
He steadily investigated the muniments of all the colleges, and in 1667 made his first journey to London, where he visited Dugdale, who introduced him into the Cottonian library, and Prynne showed him the same civility for the Tower records.
The Senate refused to confirm the appointment until his record as alien property custodian had been investigated, on the ground that he had made his office a " political machine."
To succeed, it was essential that the fellah should be taught that discipline might be strict without being oppressive, that pay and rations would be fairly distributed, that brutal usage by superiors would be checked, that complaints would be thoroughly investigated, and impartial justice meted out to soldiers of all ranks.
The known inscriptions of the earlier times are so brief and so limited in range that the system on which they were written cannot yet be fully investigated.
He investigated the relation of benzene to benzoic acid and to other derivatives.
In all the multicellular plants of this group which have been adequately investigated, vegetative multiplication by means of what are known as hormogonia has been found to occur.
From a comparison of those Euchlorophyceae which have been most closely investigated, it appears probable that sexual reproductive cells have in the course of evolution arisen as the result of specialization among asexual reproductive cells, and that in turn oogamous reproduction has arisen as the result of differentiation of the two conjugating cells into the smaller male gamete and the larger male gamete.
The genus Nemalion has been recently investigated by Wolfe with the object of examining the cytological evidence.
These curves were investigated by Rene Descartes, Sir Isaac Newton, Colin Maclaurin and others.
The question of the mental fatigue produced by examinations has been studied by certain German observers, but has not yet been fully investigated.
He investigated the expansibility of gases by heat, determining the coefficient for air as 0.003665, and showed that, contrary to previous opinion, no two gases had precisely the same rate of expansion.
The small part of the city, which was investigated at the spot called Gli scavi nuovi (the new excavations) was discovered in the 19th century.
A royal commission investigated the matter in 1871 and since that time the evils which were attendant on the system have been gradually remedied.
Poincare have investigated the forms taken up by rotating masses of fluid.
Seeliger, who investigated this ratio for the stars of the Bonn Durchmusterung and Southern Durchmusterung, came to the conclusion (as summarized by Simon Newcomb) that for these stars the ratio ranges from 3.85 to 3.28, the former value being found for regions near the Milky Way and the latter for regions near the galactic poles.
In fact, analogical, inductive and deductive inferences, though different processes of combining premises to cause different conclusions, are so similar and related, so united in principle and interdependent, so consolidated into a system of inference, that they cannot be completely investigated apart, but together constitute a single subject of science.
The ministration to intellect or reason, aided by the negative elimination by means of contradictory instances of whatever in the instances is not always present, absent and varying with the given subject investigated, and finally by the positive inference that whatever in the instances is always present, absent and varying with the subject is its essential cause.
He investigated the remains of ancient Athens, visited many places of interest in Peloponnesus, and finally went to Delphi, where he began excavations.
In their development the problem, as it were, worked out least tainted by foreign interference, showing at the same time a rich variety in detail; and it may also be said that their constitutional and economic history has been more thoroughly investigated than any other.
An official physician, Dr Kastorsky, who investigated the matter for the government, declared the disease to be identical with that prevailing in the same year at Resht in Persia; another physician, Dr Janizky, even gave it the name of pestis nostras.
He also investigated the oxygen compounds of phosphorus and nitrogen, and was ' The names of the musical instruments in those verses of the Book of Daniel have formed the basis of a controversy as to the authenticity of the book.
In a third, " On some important points in the theory of heat " (1819), they stated that the specific heats of thirteen solid elements which they had investigated were nearly proportional to their atomic weights - a fact otherwise expressed in the " law of Dulong and Petit " that the atoms of simple substances have equal capacities for heat.
But it was not until after the discovery of the pile-villages of the Swiss lakes, in 1853, had drawn public attention to the subject of lake-dwellings, that the crannogs of Scotland and Ireland were systematically investigated.
Poinsot, who first systematically investigated its properties, a couple.
The effect of forces of this type on small vibratory motions may be investigated as follows.
It is to be remarked, however, that iii the first form of the problem the stability above investigated is practically of a, limited or temporary kind.
The conditions regulating the balancing of a system of weights reciprocating under the action of accelerating forces given by the above expression are investigated in a paper by Otto Schlick, On Balancing of Steam Engines, Trans, Inst.
The question was investigated by Rankine in an article in the Engineer (April 9, 1869).
Dalby (London, 1906), where the inertia stresses brought upon the several links of a Joy valve gear, belonging to an express passenger engine of the Lancashire & Yorkshire railway, are investigated for an engine-speed of 68 m.
He also investigated the orbit of the newly discovered planet Neptune.
In the later part of the same series of discussions (1837), and in his chief work (Die Sagenpoesie der Griechen, 1852), he investigated the structure of the Homeric poems, and their relation to the other epics of the Trojan cycle.
Various larval stages have been successfully investigated by Sars.
He determined the specific gravity of these gases with reference to common air, investigated the extent to which they are absorbed by various liquids, and noted that common air containing one part in nine by volume of fixed air is no longer able to support combustion, and that the air produced by fermentation and putrefaction has properties identical with those of fixed air obtained from marble.
Adopting the hypothesis of two fluids, Coulomb investigated experimentally and theoretically the distribution of electricity on the surface of bodies by means of his proof plane.
A second accusation (Edward Egerton's case) followed immediately after, and was investigated by the House, who, satisfied that they had just matter for reprehension, appointed the r9th for a conference with the Lords.
But the forms of substances " are so perplexed and complicated, that it is either vain to inquire into them at all, or such inquiry as is possible should be put off for a time, and not entered upon till forms of a more simple nature have been rightly investigated and discussed."
Wislicenus also investigated the reaction very thoroughly and accepted the Frankland-Duppa formula (Annalen, 1877, 186, p. 163; 1877, 19 0, p. 257).
Maclay's History of the Navy, a court of inquiry investigated Schley's conduct before and during the battle of Santiago; on the 13th of December 1901 the court pronounced Schley guilty of delay in locating Cervera's squadron, of carelessness in endangering the "Texas" by a peculiar "loop" movement or turn of the "Brooklyn" which blanketed the fire of other American vessels, and of disobedience to a departmental order of the 25th of May, but it recommended that no action be taken.
In physiological science he investigated quantitatively the phenomena of animal heat, and he was one of the earliest in the field of animal electricity.
He investigated the optical constants of the eye, measured by his invention, the ophthalmometer, the radii of curvature of the crystalline lens for near and far vision, explained the mechanism of accommodation by which the eye can focus within certain limits, discussed the phenomena of colour vision, and gave a luminous account of the movements of the eyeballs so as to secure single vision with two eyes.
He attended the trials, investigated many of the cases himself, and wrote sermons on witchcraft, the Memorable Providences and The Wonders of the Invisible World (1693), which increased the excitement of the people.
He proposed that the whole matter should be thoroughly investigated by a special committee before the meeting of the next Riksdag, and that in the meantime a contribution should be levied on all classes proportionately.
By this method only certain errors of reproduction are investigated, especially individual members, or all, of those named above.
The Boer governments had done little to promote irrigation, but during1905-1907a strong intercolonial commission investigated the subject as it affected the Transvaal and Orange Free State, and their final report, issued at Pretoria in 1908, contains full particulars as to the irrigation possibilities in those provinces.
The relative number of young cod in the various fjords was then carefully investigated throughout the succeeding summer and autumn months.
Among the substances of which he investigated the composition were ammonia, sulphuretted hydrogen and prussic acid, and his experiments on chlorine, which he regarded, not as an element, but as oxygenated muriatic (oxymuriatic) acid, led him to propose it as a bleaching agent in 1785.
Complaints by crews as to the quality and quantity of the provisions on board are investigated by the consul, who enters a statement in the log-book and reports to the Board of Trade.
Laplace investigated the force acting on the fluid contained in an infinitely slender canal normal to the surface of the fluid arising from the attraction of the parts of the fluid outside the canal.
Thomson (afterwards Lord Kelvin) investigated the effect of the curvature of the surface of a liquid on the thermal equilibrium between the liquid and the vapour in contact with it.
Berthelot further investigated Arabic MSS.
At this meeting it was resolved that it was the duty of the respective governments to prevent the export of opium to any countries prohibiting its importation; that drastic measures should be taken against the use of morphine; that anti-opium remedies should be investigated; and that all countries having concessions in China should close the opium divans in their possessions.
At Genoa he investigated the electricity of the torpedo-fish, and at Florence, by the aid of the great burning-glass in the Accademia del Cimento, he effected the combustion of the diamond in oxygen and decided that, beyond containing a little hydrogen, it consisted of pure carbon.
He investigated the trade prospects at Bear Island, and recommended his patrons to seek higher game in Newland; hence he may be called the father of the English whale-fisheries at Spitzbergen.
In ethics, again, the revolt against absolute standards limits us to the relative, and morals are investigated on the basis of history, as largely conditioned by economic environment and the growth of intellectual freedom.
The distribution of sunshine is not yet fully investigated, but it appears that the sunniest part is the extreme south coast, where alone the total number of hours of bright sunshine reaches an average of more than 1600 per annum.
He there shows that the cycloid was investigated by Carolus Bovillus about r 500, and by Cardinal Cusanus (Nicolaus de Cusa) as early as 1451.
The mechanical properties of the cycloid were investigated by Christiaan Huygens, who proved the curve to be tautochronous.
The governor has represented the president without possessing much power; the department of war has had ill-defined duties; the department of justice has, in theory, had charge of the general law; the department of the interior has administered the land law; the agents of the bureau of education have superintended the stocking of Alaska with reindeer; the United States Fish Commission has investigated the condition of marine life without having powers to protect it.
The development of these structures (which was investigated by van Tieghem), FIG.
Preyer has more recently investigated the matter and has given it the name "anabiosis."
He had taken some part in launching the scheme of 1720, but he had not profited financially by it; however, public opinion was roused against him and it was only through the efforts of Sir Robert Walpole that he was acquitted by the House of Commons, when the matter was investigated.
At the same time its true history has been investigated and re-established.
His treatise, The Meaning and Use of "Baptizein" Philologically and Historically Investigated (1860), an "appendix to the revised version of the Gospel by Matthew," is a valuable summary of the evidence for Baptist doctrine.
The particulars of his case have been investigated by Dr Bucknill and Sir William Wilde, who have proved that he suffered from nothing that could be called mental derangement until the "labyrinthine vertigo" from which he had suffered all his life, and which he erroneously attributed to a surfeit of fruit, produced paralysis, "a symptom of which was the not uncommon one of aphasia, or the automatic utterance of words ungoverned by intention.
He was the author of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, and in 1860 was chairman of the Senate committee which investigated the John Brown raid.
Much of the Rumanian literature of the first two periods has been preserved only in MSS.; few of these have been investigated, and a still smaller number have been compared with their original.
The action of sandstone in filtering salt waters was investigated in 1878 by Dr Isaac Roberts, F.R.S., who showed that when salt water was allowed to percolate blocks of sandstone, the effluent was at first nearly fresh, the salt being filtered out and crystallized for the most part near the surface of ingress to the sandstone.
He investigated the problem by means of the general differential equations of static equilibrium for dams of triangular and rectangular form considered as isotropic elastic solids.
It appears, without being expressly stated, that the facts of a case were investigated and ascertained by laymen, probably by the Aireachtas - a local assembly or jury - before submission to a Brehon for legal decision.
The seasonal changes in the distribution of the bank-waters in different parts of the coast are too complex to be briefly explained; their relations to the times of occurrence of various fisheries of the region present many remarkable features, which have been investigated in recent years by the Swedish Commission.
Fremy investigated this discovery, made by Stahl in 1702, and showed that the same solution resulted when chlorine is passed into strong potash solution containing ferric hydrate in suspension.
Dr Stein also investigated sites in the neighbourhood of Kara-shahr and others to the north-east of the great desert.
If, as has already been said, one of the chief tasks of ethics is to prevent the intrusion into its own sphere of inquiry of ideas borrowed from other and alien sources, then obviously these sources must be investigated.
At present 435 species of phanerogams and vascular cryptogams are known; the lower orders have been little investigated.
But when this change is more fully investigated, it is found to be really periodic, so that after thousands, tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of years, its direction will be reversed and so on continually, like the rising and falling tide.
It was further investigated by John Wallis, Christiaan Huygens (who determined the length of any arc in 1657), and Pierre de Fermat (who evaluated the area between the curve and its asymptote in 1661).
They also investigated certain hydrocarbons occurring in the high boiling point fraction of the coal tar distillate and solved the constitution of phenanthrene.
Having, as he believed, refuted the opinions of the philosophers, he next investigated the pretensions of the Allegorists, who derived their doctrines from an imam.
Marshall independently investigated the whole question, and showed that there is no evidence that Dr Whitman influenced or attempted to influence the State Department.
The polarization of the light reflected from a glass grating has also been investigated by I.
Elliptically polarized light is investigated by the reduction of the pencil to a state of plane polarization, and a determination of the resulting plane of polarization.
The analogous reversible heat effects which occur at the junction of a metal and an electrolyte were also investigated by Jahn, but he did not succeed in obtaining so complete an agreement with theory in this case.
It was written before the medieval period had been properly investigated, is wordy, and largely spoilt by displays of national vanity.
The work of earthworms in aiding in the production of the subsoil and in levelling the surface was first studied by C. Darwin, and has since been investigated by others.
His constitutional power to pardon is regulated by an act of the legislature (1907) which requires that he shall in no instance grant a pardon until the attorney-general shall have investigated the case and conducted a public hearing.
The invention of the conic sections is to be assigned to the school of geometers founded by Plato at Athens about the 4th century B.C. Under the guidance and inspiration of this philosopher much attention was given to the geometry of solids, and it is probable that while investigating the cone, Menaechrnus, an associate of Plato, pupil of Eudoxus, and brother of Dinostratus (the inventor of the quadratrix), discovered and investigated the various curves made by truncating a cone.
This method rivals in elegance all other methods; problems are investigated by purely algebraic means, and generalizations discovered which elevate the method to a position of paramount importance.
However, the loss of light in this procedure is extraordinarily large, so that only most intensely illuminated objects can be investigated.
The oxidation of aniline has been carefully investigated.
Besides Chandler, Albrecht of Berlin has investigated the motion of the pole P. The methods of the two astronomers are in some points different.
Hertz and of wireless telegraphy were investigated by him in 1853.
Since the chemistry of the essential oils has been investigated in a systematic fashion a large number of the chemical individuals mentioned above have been isolated from the oils and identified.
In 1870 the subject of refrigeration was investigated by Professor Carl Linde of Munich, who was the first to consider the question from a thermodynamic point of view.
Pachytheca, a spherical organism, usually about the size of a small pea, found in rocks of Silurian and Devonian age, has been much investigated and discussed, without any decisive light having been thrown on its nature.
The diarch roots of a Sphenophyllum have been described by Renault, who has also investigated the leaves; they were strongly constructed mechanically, and traversed by slender vascular bundles branching dichotomously.
Harcourtii, however, the species earliest investigated (by Witham, 1833, and Brongniart, 1837), and in one or two other species, no secondary wood has yet been found.
The structure of a Bothrodendron has recently been investigated and proves to be identical with that of the petrified stem which Williamson named Lepidodendron mundum.
In this case the internal structure is not known, but another seed, Trigonocarpus Parkinsoni, associated with, and probably belonging to, the Alethopterid species, Medullosa anglica, occurs in the petrified condition and has been fully investigated.
In the case of Ullmannia the anatomical structure of the leaf, investigated by Solms-Laubach, proves at any rate that the tree was Coniferous.
From the Ordovician and Silurian, however, a certain number of authentic remains of Algae (among many more that are questionable) have been investigated; they are for the most part either verticillate Siphonae, or the large - possibly Laminariaceous - Algae named Nematophycus, with the problematical but perhaps allied Pachytheca.
The fortunate discovery of several hundred Cycadean stems in the United States, of Lower Cretaceous and Upper Jurassic age, has supplied abundant material which has lately been investigated and is still receiving attention at the hands of Mr Wieland.
By the middle of the 19th century there were many workers on the subject, and the actions of such drugs as digitalis, morphine, alcohol, and many others had been frequently and minutely investigated.
Not only are the general symptoms investigated, but it is necessary to carry out experiments'on the nerves, muscles, circulation, secretions, &c., so as to get a more exact knowledge of the reasons of the general action.
At the present time the method adopted by Buchheim, or some modification of it, is the most scientific. As the result of painstaking investigations he grouped together all those substances having similar actions, giving to each group the name of its best-known or most thoroughly investigated member.
Over a dozen studies have investigated the effects of exposure on lymphocytes.
He was very accident-prone child with a particular talent for head injuries that would have most parents investigated these days!
Professor J.D. Denton Dr. T.P. Hynes Various aspects of compressor aerodynamics are being investigated.
In October 2002, they visited Afghanistan for two intense weeks where they investigated the aftermath of war in the twenty-first century.
He investigated the death of one of Mary Ann's stepsons and found arsenic in the boy's stomach.
Finally, the dynamical aspects of Bose condensation are further investigated by studying the evolution of excited atoms.
More recently, I have investigated conditional constructions in the early attestations of these languages.
In particular, the coupling (e.g. air, air bellows, pliable foam etc.) between the transducer and tissue will be investigated.
Insurancesubicjt alpha beta investigated the effect estimate for a a risky hobby.
The projects investigated biopolymer mixture models and increased understanding of the nature of particles in biopolymer mixtures.
Future developments including biosensors (in vitro) and novel techniques will be investigated.
The members of LGCM were investigated for facilitating (in its literal sense of making easier) access to an allegedly blasphemous poem.
Don't ignore persistent catheter blockage, it should be investigated.
Hence, the potential of incorporating paclitaxel in first-line chemotherapy should be investigated.
Drugs that are often investigated in combination with radiotherapy include cisplatin, capecitabine and 5FU.
The Dublin Core community has not yet investigated encoding bibliographic citations for other genre.
This correlation could be investigated further by calculating a cross correlation between the RMSD and chi1 and chi2 angles.
John Gregory is set to be investigated over his transfer dealings whilst manager of Aston Villa.
Health promotion strategies are investigated and studies carried out to assess the factors affecting health behavior changes, particularly dietary behavior.
We then investigated these newly discovered areas in the field.
This study investigated the shared reading interactions of three mother-child dyads living in such a community.
In this work, we have investigated the dynamics of a modifier allele which increases the strength of assortment.
Dr. Frances Jensen and her team investigated a condition called hypoxic encephalopathy, the most common cause of seizures in newborns.
February 2000 former family doctor, Robert Dickson, 74, is investigated over the deaths of two women.
The engineering and environmental benefits of using fly ash are investigated for each sector.
A possible burial marker was investigated in a section of eroding foreshore near Jonathan's Cave.
It noted that suppliers of soya protein isolate, used in the manufacture of soya-based formulae, had investigated means of reducing phytoestrogen levels.
If not I think they should be investigated for online fraud, if proven fraudulent.
As a reporter in the Belfast office of the Dublin-based Sunday World he had investigated the criminal and paramilitary activities of loyalist gangs.
A learned and ingenious geometrician / he investigated and illustrated / the laws of / compound circular motion.
Does being the policeman who investigated the " shoot-to-kill " policy in the 1980s qualify him as an expert on household gizmos?
The role of the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate is being investigated.
This study investigated bird distributions in relation to local habitat and landscape pattern and the implications which habitat fragmentation may have for woodland birds.
I have not yet investigated whether the utilities provided on the site include the ability to access a hard disk.
Any Bureau agent could have investigated this reservation homicide.
Investigations The serum will be investigated by the indirect granulocyte immunofluorescence and chemiluminescence tests using donor granulocytes typed for HNA-1, -2 and -3.
The study has included the effects of initial imperfections, and has investigated the minor axis bending stresses that are induced.
The relative contribution of the rotationally inelastic processes is investigated in some detail.
Few forts have been investigated where waterlogged remains prove so informative, those at and maintenance.
Rare bird eggs theft investigated The theft of up to 36 rare bird eggs from an Essex country park is being investigated by police.
All complaints will be thoroughly investigated by the Clerk to the Panel.
No evidence was found to show that the employe's allegation had been properly investigated internally.
Any complaint You may have shall be fully investigated.
Abstract Using cognitive architectures to analyze the usability of human-computer interfaces is an extensively investigated strategy.
Synthesis of a flat optical lens was investigated by using short pulsed laser induced surface graphitisation of CVD diamond in air.
It was investigated before its destruction by quarrying and included no fewer than ten Neolithic longhouses.
This is one of those stories about a crime of a lesser magnitude than many of those that Harry has investigated before.
Physical adsorption was investigated on freshly cleaved mica surfaces.
Compton believes that the catalytic effects of nanotube electrodes are often misreported in the literature because the underlying science is not thoroughly investigated.
This is one of a number of cases of ' mistaken identity ' investigated by Gordon Skadberg in his detailed notes to the CD.
Ice sheet erosion patterns in valley systems in northern Sweden investigated using cosmogenic nuclides.
I have investigated the modulation by the quasi-biennial oscillation of the tropical winds of the isentropic mixing in the tropics and subtropics.
Faulting mechanisms will be investigated with thin section petrography.
The relationships between SPLCV-US and other whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses were investigated by using phylogeny of derived AV1 and AC1 amino acid sequences.
The ecological relations between the herring and the plankton investigated with the plankton investigated with the Plankton Indicator.
A post-medieval watercourse or pond in the southern portion of the site was investigated.
A phenomenon which they called reincarnation was also investigated.
Estimates are presented for women with and without first-degree relatives with breast cancer and the sensitivity of the results to various assumptions investigated.
The relationship between psychological factors, paranormal belief, and personal religiosity will also be investigated.
Furthermore, other loci containing tandem repeats within the M. tuberculosis genome are currently being investigated to further improve the MIRU panel.
The criteria to be investigated must be detailed in the relevant sop together with the corrective action to be taken.
Rebecca Wyand (JIC) investigated molecular host specificity in wild grass powdery mildew by screening a collection of isolates by ITS sequencing.
The use of non-metallic prestressing tendons is also being investigated, again with the aim of reducing the cost of maintenance.
There they investigated reports of a very large dinosaur egg, which proved to be the carapace of a fossil giant tortoise.
The methods investigated use word-level transcriptions, and information derived from models of speaker activity and speaker turn patterns.
The two materials investigated were a carbon black filled high density polyethylene (HDPE) and a filled ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA ).
Kilpatrick and Lima (1999) investigated the effects of archery hunting on movement and activity of female white-tailed deer in an urban landscape.
While some observers have studied in detail the structure and life-history of a few selected types (insect anatomy and development), others have made a more superficial examination of large series of insects to classify them and determine their relationships (systematic entomology), while others again have investigated the habits and life-relations of insects (insect bionomics).
While the insect fauna of European countries was investigated by local naturalists, the spread of geographical exploration brought ever-increasing stores of exotic material to the great museums, and specialization - either in the fauna of a small district or in the world-wide study of an order or a group of families - became constantly more marked in systematic work.
The relative merits of the formulae of Kekule, Claus and Dewar were next investigated by means of the reduction products of benzene, it being Baeyer's intention to detect whether double linkages were or were not present in the benzene complex.
The connexion between the density and chemical composition of solids has not been investigated with the same completeness as in the case of gases and liquids.
The thermal effects of the common organic substituents have also been investigated.
This subject has been principally investigated by Briihl; he found that molecular dispersions of liquids and gases were independent of temperature, and fairly independent of the state of aggregation, but that no simple connexion exists between atomic refractions and dispersions (see preceding table).
On this hypothesis Poisson investigated the forces due to bodies magnetized in any manner, and also originated the mathematical theory of magnetic induction.