Investigate Sentence Examples
He gave orders to investigate the matter.
I promised you I'd investigate this as thoroughly as I could.
Police are continuing to investigate while a search for the body is underway.
Giddon had barely left the yard on Diablo and Lisa instantly recognized it as a chance to investigate the building.
Later she discovered that Alice had made the call when she went to investigate why Lori's car was there.
She opened her eyes to investigate the land on the other side.
There wasn't time to investigate him before the wedding – not that she would have the slightest idea how to do that anyway.
Dean was sure she was concerned that he'd attempt to investigate, but he had no such intention.
You're thankful for any and all tips and investigate them regardless of source.
He changed into a clean shirt as he briefly described hearing the accident, climbing down to investigate and discovering Billy Langstrom's body.
AdvertisementThe distinctive task of geography as a science is to investigate the control exercised by the crust-forms directly or indirectly upon the various mobile distributions.
Another reason assigned by the committee appointed by the Treasury in 1875 " to investigate the causes of the increased cost of the telegraphic service since the acquisition of the telegraphs by the state " is the loss on the business of transmitting Press messages, which has been estimated as at least £300,000 a year.
Hence arises Midrash, exposition, from darash to "investigate" a scriptural passage.
She only provides tips and assumes the authorities will use our call to investigate the crime and reach their own conclusions with legally obtained evidence.
She told me she thought she loved Giddon, but at the same time she was having Howard investigate him.
AdvertisementWhen Howie is unable to verify what we do perhaps he'll let us investigate what's causing his mind to create these fantasies.
If Fitzgerald was involved with Billy's death, some official should investigate and do something about it.
Yet Howard said he hired Allen because she asked him to investigate Yancey.
You're just starting to investigate.
He was among the first to investigate the action of medicines on healthy persons.
AdvertisementThe sheriff has a duty to investigate.
Accustomed freely and fearlessly to investigate whatever came before him, and swayed by a scrupulous dread of insincerity, he was doomed to long and anxious hesitation concerning some of the fundamental points of theology before arriving at a firm conviction of the truth of Christianity.
The price of a mask or machine is going to determine whether you investigate further.
Easy Reading Glasses is a company you might want to investigate further as they have several different styles of frames that might be of interest.
Neither wanted to retrace their steps to investigate.
AdvertisementSo far we have only considered rays of homogeneous light, and it remains to investigate how lights of varying refrangibilities will be transmitted.
The British Cabinet thereupon despatched Lord Kitchener to the Aegean to investigate and to report.
If you are unsure about your conditions, seek out medical help from your family doctor who will investigate the problem with you.
Before purchasing online it is best to investigate the merchant's return policy and history of satisfied customers.
Guests who plan to visit the park at least three times may want to investigate a season pass.
At a time when the Cartesian system of vortices universally prevailed, he found it necessary to investigate that hypothesis, and in the course of his investigations he showed that the velocity of any stratum of the vortex is an arithmetical mean between the velocities of the strata which enclose it; and from this it evidently follows that the velocity of a filament of water moving in a pipe is an arithmetical mean between the velocities of the filaments which surround it.
Newton was also the first to investigate the difficult subject of the motion of waves (q.v.).
His object was to measure the contracted part of a fluid vein, to examine the phenomena attendant on additional tubes, and to investigate the form of the fluid vein and the results obtained when different forms of orifices are employed.
He was then sent on a mission to Lyons to investigate the frauds in connexion with the supplies of the army of the Alps.
The tobacco plant itself was first brought to Europe in 1558 by Francisco Fernandes, a physician who had been sent by Philip II of Spain to investigate the products of Mexico.
After being defeated at Aylesbury in 1857, he visited India to investigate the causes of the Mutiny.
He was a member of the committee sent by the House in 1856 to investigate the troubles in Kansas, and drafted the report of the majority.
It was the brilliant exhibition in November 1833 that, in modern times particularly, attracted earnest students to investigate the subject of meteors generally, and to make systematic observations of their apparitions on ordinary nights of the year.
On the 4th of December the pope appointed a commission of three bishops to investigate the case against the heretic, and to procure witnesses; to the demand of Huss that he might be permitted to employ an agent in his defence a favourable answer was at first given, but afterwards even this concession to the forms of justice was denied.
The Republican legislature had in 1867 appointed a committee to investigate the management of the canal system, but the abuses were allowed to continue until in 1875 Governor Tilden disclosed many frauds of the " Canal Ring," and punished the guilty.
In 1787 a company of Boston merchants sent two vessels, the " Columbia " and the " Washington " under John Kendrick and Robert Gray (1755-1806) to investigate the possibility of establishing trading posts.
Koenig also used the apparatus to investigate the effect on the frequency of a fork of a resonating cavity placed near it.
We cannot investigate the vibrations in an elementary manner.
In doing this he was led to investigate the grounds of the lawfulness of war in general.
Diffusion couples will be set up to investigate the kinetics of the process.
At some point, you may need to investigate options for affordable elderly care for yourself or an aging parent or other relative.
Another reason it may be helpful to investigate purchasing some ear cushions is that some claim that these accessories help your glasses to remain in place.
Another reason why this may be a good site to investigate is the fact that they offer a variety of colors within the category you are searching for.
Investigate whether or not the site provides a secure checkout and check the home page for testimonials.
Additionally, you can investigate Décor My Eyes.
However, as with any online shopping site, you'll want to make sure that you thoroughly investigate the company before you click the "purchase" button.
Online shoppers should carefully investigate the store prior to a purchase to guarantee their reputation and reliability.
Warily, feeling his way by hand, he left the bedroom and climbed the stairs to investigate.
When she spotted something below the tree line, she walked up to investigate.
Congress at once appropriated funds for an American commission to investigate the matter.
We shall first investigate the velocity with which a disturbance travels along a string of mass m per unit length when it is stretched with a constant tension T, the same at all points.
In 1854, in their resistance of an arbitrary tax, the miners came into armed conflict with the authorities; but a commission was appointed to investigate their grievances; and a charter was granted to the town in 1855.
To use this line to investigate the maximum moment at C due to a series A D ' C'i iE..
In the latter division of plants he could not detect stamens and pistils, and he did not investigate the mode in which their germs were produced.
In 1907 the legislature appointed a committee to investigate the charge of fraud.
Its duty is to deliberate upon all administrative matters, including the budget, and it possesses certain powers over the finances; (3) The Financial Delegations (created by decree in 1898), an elective body whose duty is to investigate all matters affecting taxation and to vote the budget.
The board is specially directed to prescribe the manner in which the railway corporations shall keep their accounts, to examine these accounts from time to time, to examine the railways at least once a year, to investigate the cause of all accidents and upon the petition of an interested party to fix rates for the transportation of persons and freight.
The superintendent of public instruction is appointed by the governor and council for a term of two years, and it is his duty to prescribe the form of register to be kept in the schools, to investigate the condition of the schools, to make suggestions and recommendations for improving them, to lecture upon educational subjects in the towns and cities, to hold at least one teachers' institute each year in each of the counties, and to designate the times and places for holding examinations of those who wish to teach.
Thus, to investigate the composition of the system we must be able to calculate the value of r (n-1) unknown quantities.
To investigate the osmotic pressure of a' strong solution we may consider the hydrostatic pressure required to increase its vapour pressure to an equality with that of the solvent.
Such systems are opposed to all doctrines which rest solely or ultimately upon external authority; the individual must investigate everything for himself and abandon any position the validity of which cannot be rationally demonstrated.
In 1855 he resigned the tutorship, travelled in Germany to investigate Continental systems of education, and began his researches into the lives of Casaubon and Scaliger, which occupied the remainder of his life.
Rambaut's results were obtained with similar instruments similarly located, but he did not investigate the seasonal variations of diffusivity, or the effect of percolation.
Thus forcibly reminded of the existence of Canada, the British government sent out Lord Durham to investigate, and as a result of his report the two Canadas were in 1841 united in a legislative union.
He took up the project with characteristic ardour, and set out at once for Europe to investigate the problem.
Commissions of inquiry may be appointed by the high commissioner to investigate the conduct of an individual or department and take evidence on oath.
In January 1661 a land commission was appointed to investigate the financial and economical conditions of the kingdoms; the fiefs were transformed into counties; the nobles were deprived of their immunity from taxation; and in July 1662 the Norwegian towns received special privileges, including the monopoly of the lucrative timber trade.
A parliamentary commission was appointed in 1881 to investigate the causes of the disastrous subsidences which are constantly taking place in all the salt districts, and the provision of a remedy.
Gladstone as high commissioner extraordinary to investigate the condition of the islands.
In 1896 Herzl (q.v.) issued his proposal for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine and in 1898 he came to the country to investigate its possibilities.
He noticed that at the summit the candle gave a very poor light, and was thereby led to investigate the effect produced on luminous flames by varying the pressure of the atmosphere in which they are burning.
A idler, under the auspices of the Imperial Academy of Sciences of Vienna, visited Sokotra, Abd-el-Kuri and some other islets of the group to investigate their geology and languages.
He next proceeded to investigate the Pauline Epistles and the Acts of the Apostles in the same manner, publishing his results in 1845 under the title Paulus, der Apostel Jesu Christi, sein Leben and Wirken, seine Briefe and seine Lehre.
Impelled by serious charges against Fremont, the president sent Montgomery Blair, the postmaster-general, and Montgomery C. Meigs, the quartermaster-general, to investigate the department; they reported that Fremont's management was extravagant and inefficient; and in November he was removed.
But it does not follow that it can investigate the former without the latter.
But, instead of dealing with points on a line, and then wandering out at right angles to it, as Buee and Argand had done, he chose to look on algebra as the science of " pure time," 1 and to investigate the properties of " sets " of time-steps.
Some had the rare courage to investigate the mysterious disease by dissecting the bodies of the dead.
The apparatus was first used to investigate the variation in the volume of air with pressure, and the conclusion was that up to twenty-seven atmospheres, the highest pressure attained in the experiments, Boyle's law holds good.
Free Motion of a Solid.Before proceeding to further problems of motion under extraneous forces it is convenient to investigate the free motion of a solid relative to its mass-centre 0, in the most general case.
In 1676 the Lords of Trade and Plantations sent over Edward Randolph to investigate and gather information which would show the justice and expediency of imposing imperial control, and two years later Randolph was appointed Collector and Surveyor of Customs in New England.
This first philosophy had also to investigate what are called the adventitious or transcendental conditions of essences, such as Much, Little, Like, Unlike, Possible, Impossible, Being, Nothing, the logical discussion of which certainly belonged rather to the laws of reasoning than to the existence of things, but the physical or real treatment of which might be expected to yield answers to such questions as, why certain substances are numerous, others scarce; or why, if like attracts like, iron does not attract iron.
The question of the gradual desiccation of the Volga, and its causes, has often been discussed, and in 1838 a committee which included Karl Baer among its members was appointed by the Russian academy of sciences to investigate the subject.
Does the failure to investigate give grounds for constructive discriminatory dismissal?
Here I use aero- and hydro-dynamic theory to investigate the energetics of this highly specialized foraging technique.
A study can investigate what would be the reason for selecting the less profitable limpets.
Research is also underway to investigate the behavior of masonry panels subjected to lateral loading, for example, wind loading.
To study meiosis, it is necessary to investigate the consequences to chromosome segregation of altering particular proteins.
To investigate the potential of marine and freshwater microbes for use in the biotechnology industry.
One can only imagine what purpose it serves to investigate the racial origins of the ex-wife of an accused terrorist.
The teacher asked the pupils to investigate palindromic numbers.
Government agencies may use this information to investigate suspect companies and individuals, uncover new scams, and spot trends in fraud.
They investigate complaints of unfair dealing and track down and prosecute traders in unsafe or counterfeit goods.
I'd still like to investigate crime and bust corruption just not undercover.
For more information on sprouting buckwheat, investigate resources at your local library or bookstore.
I couldn't believe it, so we went inside to investigate and sure enough, a woman was butchering the love song from The Titanic.The woman singing the song kept making mistakes, she was allowed to begin again, four times.
Before accepting or rejecting a jewel based on a technical definition, potential buyers should investigate the qualities of different stones and how they match up with their individual preferences.
His services were found to be of great value, and he not only obtained admirable training in habits of composition, but was led to investigate for himself some of the most interesting portions of English history.
We may investigate the forces which act between finite portions of a liquid in the same way as we investigate the forces which act between finite portions of a solid.
No bureau of charities is in existence, but there is a Labor Commission, and a Commissioner of Immigration and a Commissioner of Public Lands to investigate the industrial resources.
In 1883 the dispute in connexion with the boundary between Colombia and Venezuela was submitted by the two governments to the arbitration of Alphonso XII., king of Spain, and a commission of five members was appointed to investigate the merits of the respective claims. The decision in this dispute was finally given by the queen regent of Spain on the 16th of March 1891.
In 1905 he was counsel for a commission appointed by the New York Legislature to investigate the cost of gas, and in the same and the following year was counsel for a legislative committee for investigating lifeinsurance companies.
While still an undergraduate he happened to read of certain unexplained irregularities in the motion of the planet Uranus, and determined to investigate them as soon as possible, with a view to ascertaining whether they might not be due to the action of a remote undiscovered planet.
Jean Nicolet, an experienced explorer, was sent west by Samuel de Champlain, the governor-general of New France, in the summer of 1634 to investigate mysterious rumours of a people known as "the men of the sea" who were thought by some to be Tatars or Chinese.
In 1873 an English committee of inquiry was appointed to investigate various complaints of oppression against the gaekwar, Malhar Rao, who had recently succeeded to the throne after being for a long time kept in prison by his brother, the former gaekwar.
Within the domain of consciousness introspective analysis is unable to discover those chains of necessary sequences which it is the province of science to investigate in the physical world.
A state board of arbitration, composed of two farmers, two employers and two employes is authorized to investigate the causes of any strike affecting the public interests, and publish what it finds to be the facts in the case, together with recommendations for settlement.
There wasn't time to investigate him before the wedding – not that she would have the slightest idea how to do that anyway.
Your dad loves and personal responsibility to investigate becquerel is reached and.
In this experiment we investigate photoelasticity, the phenomenon of inducing birefringence in a substance through the application of a stress system.
It was, therefore, decided to investigate the deposition of chromium carbide onto the tool in question.
In 1536, he appointed nine cardinals to investigate the state of the church.
We investigate aspects of the coordination chemistry of the transition metals.
Primates Investigate the changing group dynamics of captive orphan chimpanzees in a sanctuary situation.
Andrew Harrison and Kevin Thompson investigate the benefits of sodium bicarbonate and sodium citrate.
Decided to investigate main charity clearinghouse in drawing in.
In the 1960s the American sociologist Stanley Milgram set out to investigate the nature of the surprisingly close-knit human world.
The Council do not investigate complaints about customer service or quality or food price.
A tough cop finds himself assigned to investigate the disappearance of a beautiful scientist.
Current and future studies will investigate neurovascular coupling over a broad range of stimulus parameters and cortical areas.
Investigate all possible legal action There are penalties in law for people who are unnecessarily cruel to animals.
Michael uses slip-decorated earthenware to investigate the relationships between proportion, volume and formal arrangement.
The aim of this project is to investigate the enzymology and regulation of the synthesis of SA from chorismate.
Interpretative meta ethnography was used as the research framework to investigate the changes that occurred when faculty adopt problem-based learning.
In America, the FBI has set up three separate units to investigate computer extortion.
A randomized controlled trial to investigate the effect of a high fiber diet on blood pressure and plasma fibrinogen.
Respondents answered discipline-specific questions to investigate the knowledge that they had regarding products in the proposed nurses ' formulary.
In vitro fertilization studies will also be conducted using gametes recovered post-mortem to investigate the rate of fertilization by competing sperm.
Landserf allows students not only to explore a landscape visually, but also to investigate the geomorphology of a region by performing terrain analysis.
So I sent Arthur C Clarke to investigate the Mysterious goings on at Logs.
In ' Sons ' an officer goes undercover to investigate the goings-on at a nightclub... .
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of a short-term gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist protocol in polycystic ovary syndrome.
They then aim to investigate the relationship between primary production and community structure within the Atlantic sub-tropical gyres.
Free and the to investigate Hawaiian run a four-mile.
London gangster Jack Carter returns to his northern hometown to investigate his brother's death.
Water tracing is a technique used to investigate underground hydrology, and can provide this crucial missing information.
We also investigate incidents which affect, or could affect, drinking water quality.
How should general practitioners investigate suspected urinary tract infection?
Ask children for their ideas as to how we could investigate which materials would make the best thermal insulators.
Infrared matrix isolation spectroscopy will be used to investigate reaction intermediates.
To investigate the function of spinal inhibitory interneurons in Xenopus tadpoles, paired whole-cell recordings were used.
The more serious allegations which the Committee were able to investigate relate to the subsequent interrogation in depth of 11 individuals.
This paper takes a cultural studies approach to investigate the intersections of history, technology, food, and national identity.
Lettuce variety mixtures were used to investigate their value for control of downy mildew.
Sharpe is sent to investigate what turns out to be his most dangerous mission to date.
The cell monolayers will also be employed in transport studies to investigate the ability of ZOT to facilitate protein transport across the tight junctions.
For this we are using molecular modeling to investigate docking of the novel compounds, as well as conventional mutagenesis and expression techniques.
He did not feel the need to investigate the complaint any further.
Neutron diffraction techniques are employed to investigate both atomic and magnetic structures, while longer range fluctuations are studied using small angle neutron diffraction techniques are employed to investigate both atomic and magnetic structures, while longer range fluctuations are studied using small angle neutron scattering.
The project has been funded to investigate the causes of cardio vascular problems and cancer using numerical modeling.
Fran Tracy has just finished her Ph.D. funded by the BBSRC to investigate the role of calcium oscillations in salt stress.
We investigate an inverted pendulum on a cart subject to a delayed feedback control force which tries to balance the pendulum.
My research interest is in the use of functional MRI to investigate the phenomenology of mental illness.
Investigate the nature of the inhibition using the enzyme phosphatase and the inhibitors phosphate and iodine.
We therefore decided to investigate possible MCP efficiency enhancements for beta particles using similar photocathodes.
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will be the most powerful instrument ever built to investigate fundamental physics.
By Any Other Name Responding to a distress call from an Earth-like planet, a landing party from the Enterprise beams down to investigate.
I investigate the poetics of this performance in conjunction with the poetics of this performance in conjunction with the poetics of fifth century Athenian tragedy.
Despite the obvious need, the European Union cannot even agree to appoint a special rapporteur to investigate human rights abuses in Tibet.
A judge rapporteur will be appointed who will investigate the admissibility of the complaint and the relevant evidence.
Topographical and geophysical survey, surface collection and geochemical sampling were used to further investigate the topography and chronology of the site.
He was a physics lecturer, and enthusiastically agreed to investigate the composition of the shelf using explosion seismology.
The ECOR working group will investigate the technical issues involved in ocean sequestration of carbon.
This project will investigate novel ways to measure sideslip.
The aim of the project is to investigate current developments in the literature and numerically simulate the behavior of a population.
There are some interesting experiments which can be done with growth regulators to investigate their effect on the growth of potato stolons.
If you pay subcontractors who are really employees you could get caught with a large tax bill if HMRC investigate you.
We investigate the stability of self-gravitating accretion disks using three-dimensional, global, smoothed particle hydrodynamic (SPH) simulations.
It should be a function of peripatetic tods to investigate any cases whereby children may have hearing problems.
Taking the news hard, Batou is sent undercover to investigate the leaking of military secrets by one of his former heroes.
It shows that the palace ignored legal advice to properly investigate the rape claim by former valet George Smith.
David Smith and Roy Patterson An analysis of Peterson and Barney's vowel formant data to investigate the evidence for scaling in human vowel formant data to investigate the evidence for scaling in human vowels.
We investigate the propagation of well-defined vector modes along strongly guiding rectangular waveguides.
I did investigate a " pool " system a while back, but it didn't really seem workable.
It will presently appear that the original hypothesis of Fresnel, that the rigidity remains the same in both media, is the only one that can be reconciled with the facts; and we will therefore investigate upon this basis the nature of the secondary waves dispersed by small particles.
Accordingly, if E be the energy of the primary wave, dE 87-2n (D' - D) 2 T2 E dx 3 D2%4 ' whence E = Eoe-hx (II) where h = 8?r 2 n (D' - D)2T2 3 D2 x 4, (12) If we had a sufficiently complete expression for the scattered light, we might investigate (12) somewhat more directly by considering the resultant of the primary vibration and of the secondary vibrations which travel in the same direction.
Branly was the first to investigate and describe in 1890 the fact that an electric spark at a distance had the power of changing loose aggregations of metallic powders from poor to good electric conductors, and he also found that in some cases the reverse action was produced.
Classification Of Birds Fiirbringer's great work, published in the year 1888 by the Natura Artis Magistra Society of Amsterdam, enabled Gadow not only to continue for the next five years the same lines of morphological research, but also further to investigate those questions which were still left in abeyance or seemed to require renewed study.
It extends the initiative of the Commission from the investigation of complaints to the investigation of rates on its own motion; authorizes it to suspend rates in advance of their going into effect, pending an investigation which may be continued for ten months, and to establish through routes; and provides for a special commission, appointed by the President, to investigate questions pertaining to the issuance of railway securities.
But thus " idle " though he may have been as a " student," he already meditated authorship. In the first long vacation - during which he, doubtless with some sarcasm, says that " his taste for books began to revive " - he contemplated a treatise on the age of Sesostris, in which (and it was characteristic) his chief object was to investigate not so much the events as the probable epoch of the reign of that semi-mythical monarch, whom he was inclined to regard as having been contemporary with Solomon.
The change from Palestinian polytheism to the pre-eminence of Yahweh and the gradual development of ethical monotheism are facts which external evidence continues to emphasize, which biblical criticism must investigate as completely as possible.
Not contented with a careful attention to details, Tull set himself, with admirable skill and perseverance, to investigate the growth of plants, and thus to arrive at a knowledge of the principles by which the cultivation of field-crops should be regulated.
Ethics have become more distinctively a science, instead of an awkward hybrid between a science and an art; their business has been to investigate what moral conduct is, not to lay down the law as to what it ought to be.
In 1900 a Royal Commission was appointed to investigate the existing administration of the port, the alleged inadequacy of accommodation for vessels and kindred questions, and to advance a scheme of, 375 347 55591.69 reform.
To determine the component acceleration of a particle, suppose F to denote any function of x, y, z, t, and investigate the time rate of F for a moving particle; denoting the change by DF/dt, DF = 1t F(x+uSt, y+vIt, z+wSt, t+St) - F(x, y, z, t) dt at = d + u dx +v dy+ w dz and D/dt is called particle differentiation, because it follows the rate of change of a particle as it leaves the point x, y, z; but dF/dt, dF/dx, dF/dy, dF/dz (2) represent the rate of change of F at the time t, at the point, x, y, z, fixed in space.
It not unfrequently happens that good or instructive readings are found in manuscripts which are in general of small trustworthiness (see below), and whose relations to the general tradition it is not worth while to investigate.
In 1893 the legislature created a board of four members to be appointed by the governor, one of whom must be a physician, another an attorney, and made it its duty to investigate the case of every convict for whom a petition for pardon is received and then report and recommend to the governor what it deem expedient.
In turn either or both bodies may choose to investigate or not at any stage, subject only to the relevant statutory provisions.
We here investigate various subsets of the tilt angle data from sunspots in an attempt to reconcile and understand these apparently contradictory results.
Introduction We will investigate any situation where we suspect serious tax fraud.
At one stage, I could hear water swishing about, and, when I went to investigate, it was the horses drinking !
The raven will swoop down to investigate the brass egg.
Combined genotype analysis to investigate their interaction however showed no obvious synergetic effect.
The Radio Authority will now investigate the latest complaints again relating to racist or tasteless remarks.
With these thoughts in mind it was decided to investigate the views of a small group of subject teachers.
You may like to investigate solutions using large terrestrial transputer arrays.
We have further utilized in-vitro models to investigate the role of glucocorticoids on trophoblast function (proliferation, differentiation and invasion).
I 'd still like to investigate crime and bust corruption just not undercover.
People with visual difficulties may find it useful to investigate - services provided to improve the accessibility of Acrobat documents.
In August, Tom Locke visited Guelph, Ontario and Wooster, Ohio to investigate verticillium wilt of potatoes.
Our aim is to use these virus-host cell interactions to investigate fundamental aspects of cell biology, such as vesicle transport and secretion.
Secondly, we investigate to what extent the UML can be used for enterprise viewpoint specification by means of a small case study.
David Smith and Roy Patterson An analysis of Peterson and Barney 's vowel formant data to investigate the evidence for scaling in human vowels.
The same levels will be used to investigate the wiring harness.
The smart and alert competitors will investigate your company and product.
It seems like more and more toys are recalled each year; which makes the topic of safe infant toys an important topic that every parent should investigate.
After exhausting these resources, investigate foreclosure proceedings in your state.
Make sure you investigate the noise rating of a clothes dryer before you buy it.
You must investigate the bonds you are thinking of purchasing for stability and interest return dependability.
Investigate what's worth purchasing by using resources like CNN Money, "Forbes," and "The Wall Street Journal" to make decisions.
Call up the different places you find and investigate rates.
Investigate how much coverage particular plans provide before purchasing.
Be sure to investigate how well a digital camcorder records in dim light.
Also investigate the overall length of battery life and the cost of iPod battery replacement.
There are several different types of discounted patio furniture interested consumers can investigate.
When shopping online, however, consumers should always check shipping charges and times, compare prices, and investigate any warranties about the quality of their tree before completing a purchase.
These professionals investigate every aspect of the boat to give you a report on its seaworthiness.
Before you invest in any type of bond you should become educated and investigate all of your options to make the most informed investment decisions.
Shoppers interested in designer brands at discount prices should investigate Tanger Outlet Mall locations to find the best deals with the least effort.
While it is true that shopping at an outlet mall is a way to find good deals because there is no middleman retailer to mark up the prices, savvy shoppers can find even better bargains if they investigate special offers.
As a pet lover, you will want to thoroughly investigate your options to ensure that you purchase the best product for your furry friend.
You might even want to investigate waterless shampoos.
You've just woken up to the sound of your cat hacking up a symphony and you get up to investigate.
Next, simply sit in the room, allowing the cat to become used to your presence and investigate you.
A ringworm infection also causes the type of patchy hair loss you describe, so this is another avenue for your vet to investigate.
Sitting on a couch where you can hold the baby and the let the cat gently investigate him/her is a good place to begin your introduction.
Let the cat investigate the baby's nursery as changes are made.
The Cornish Rex is an intriguing breed, and it's one that you may want to investigate a little more if you're looking for a new feline companion.
Also, you will want to investigate the nutrition label of your cat food to ensure that the ingredients are wholesome and safe.
However, when microorganism causes are thoroughly ruled out, your vet will likely want to investigate environmental factors.
The recall of a nutrient deficient cat food brand should prompt pet owners to investigate the nutritional content and processing of their pet's food.
So when it comes to cat food ratings, regardless of performance reviews, you will want to investigate the quality of every brand before choosing a food for your cat.
Investigate all the facts prior to agreeing to work with a debt consolidation program.
If you are interested in gas cards, investigate each offer before completing an application.
Different types of consulting certifications are available and include both educational and ethical requirements, and it is always wise to investigate a consultant's credentials before hiring their services.
The first tool, Small Business Reports, is a tool consumers can use to investigate contractors or other businesses that they plan on hiring.
Before attempting to redeem cash rewards, cardholders must also investigate minimum redemption amounts since many cards require that a certain amount be earned before it can be redeemed.
The conditions and limitations of this protection vary for each type of card, however, and consumers should investigate which card would be best for their internet transactions before shopping online.
Carefully investigate an online store's security policies before processing a transaction.
Before taking advantage of any of the offers you receive, you should investigate the company and the card.
A chargeback occurs when a customer disputes a transaction and requests their bank to investigate that charge.
This organization is tasked by the United States government to protect consumers and investigate consumer complaints.
Although many companies label themselves as Christian services, it is best to investigate them thoroughly to find out if their program offers advantages or if it is too costly to become involved with.
In some cases, it is necessary for the company to further investigate your application.
Once they have received your written notification or form, the card issuer will immediately begin to investigate your case.
The Federal Trade Commission will investigate if the total value of the fraud is over $2,000 and the Secret Service will get involved if the total value is over $150,000.
TransUnion will investigate your claim, remove the alert and notify Experian and Equifax to do the same.
If you decide to investigate this possibility for getting affordable legal advice, you will be in good company.
You may want to investigate whether you qualify for Legal Aid or find out about a legal clinic operating in your area.
Every recycling facility has different guidelines for how to recycle paper products, and consumers should investigate how paper must be prepared, sorted, and turned in to be sure they can contribute to the recycling effort effectively.
Consumers should not only investigate solar panel installation, but should lobby their Senators and Congressman for measures to help make solar energy reachable and affordable for every homeowner.
Some communities may have HOA (Home Owners Association) restrictions about the installation of wind turbines that you should investigate prior to committing to a purchase.
You may want to investigate outdoor pillows to use for additional seating.
Here are a few resources for finding scholarships online, as well as examples of specific scholarship programs that you may want to investigate.
Initially, the site looks bare, but you click on areas of the map you want to investigate.
The game lets you choose the location you want to investigate, but locations are limited unless you buy the full version.
As a group, they investigate mysteries that appear to have some type of paranormal activity associated with them.
While online photography courses can be very beneficial, you may also wish to investigate the offerings available from your local community college.
There are many options you can investigate to sooth your daily stress.
You can also investigate alternative forms of medication, for example acupuncture, but make sure that you let your doctor know beforehand.
Of course, reds, royal purples and white will always be in style, but if you are yearning for something that's just a little bit different, investigate some of the brilliant colors offered here.
Always investigate alteration fees, the quality of the dress (and its durability), and any necessary accessories to be sure it is the best deal.
If you find a dress you love, wait until you can investigate further before purchasing.
Before selecting a specific beach, couples should investigate any site and facility fees that will apply to their wedding plans.
Couples should investigate each company thoroughly to determine its reputation and whether or not they feel comfortable working with them for this momentous occasion.
If you decide to order your flowers online, investigate the company carefully to be sure they have the skills and experience to work with fragile tropical flowers.
Couples should carefully investigate such policies before opting to create a Macy's wedding registry.
Before you purchase a box, be sure to investigate return policies, shipping times and charges, and other conditions.
Of course, not all guests may enjoy chocolate, and it is wise to investigate any potential allergies or dietary concerns before choosing any edible favor.
Los Angeles DCFS contends that it has received "multiple abuse and neglect" claims from unnamed sources, and therefore must investigate.
How do authorities investigate such allegations, given that the relationship ended years ago?
Authorities continue to investigate the allegations to find out exactly what is going on.
Authorities are continuing to investigate a fatal accident involving a tour bus transporting Miley Cyrus' lighting and production crews on their way to her upcoming show in Greensboro, North Carolina.
If you'd rather not make the trip to the mall or to several different department stores, you can choose to investigate the options online.
Individuals who claim that there is no difference between a ten dollar shirt and a sixty dollar shirt should investigate the manufacturing, tailoring, and composition of the shirts in question to see if such claims hold any truth.
There are many options in new coats at low prices, although you should also investigate second-hand winter clothes.
Investigate your options by contacting state or corporate offices and organizations related to your field of study.
Investigate the college that offers the most comprehensive degree in the field of study you are interested in.
When looking at colleges, be sure to investigate the teachers in the fields you are interested in studying.
Students seeking admission into different areas of study are encouraged to investigate all the opportunities that TCC offers.
In addition to considering the overall reputation of the college or university, investigate your potential degree program.
If you already know your major, investigate scholarship opportunities in the college or department of your major.
To get the most out of a distance learning for wedding coordinating degree, certificate, or diploma, it's important to fully investigate programs ahead of time and consider what your own objectives are.
If you have your heart set on a program that isn't affordable, investigate financial aid options.
There's no shortage of online distance learning master's degree programs, so be sure to investigate the most promising options thoroughly before you choose to enroll.
Fill out the FAFSA, apply for scholarships and grants, consider taking out loans, and investigate tuition reimbursement options.
Each reputable distance learning program is accredited by an organization that has authority to investigate and judge that program.
Always thoroughly investigate any distance learning course of study before enrolling.
Investigate the accreditation of your chosen program.
As with any degree program, thoroughly investigate the coursework, costs, and logistics before enrolling.
You should always take the time to thoroughly investigate before crossing a potential program off your list.
Different lines also offer different itineraries including stops on private islands, and before choosing a western Caribbean cruise you should investigate which line offers the best overall options for your vacation.
When deciding on a cruise line for a family vacation, parents should investigate different cabin options as well as onboard activities and children's programs.
Before sailing with young children, parents must investigate the age limits for children on board.
An excellent option is to investigate cruises that stop at private islands, where a wide range of supervised activities may be available - some cruise lines even offer an extension of their children's programs on shore.
Once you have prepared a resume, investigate the different cruise lines to determine which you'd rather work with.
Before booking a cruise, however, prospective travelers should investigate the city and what it offers for cruise passengers.
Investigate passport and documentation requirements for minors, particularly if both birth parents will not be on the cruise.
If the initial fare quoted by a website, travel agent, or special promotion seems too good to be true, passengers should always investigate it carefully to look for added fees or hidden costs.
Most adventure cruises are operated by local or regional cruise lines who intimately know the culture they will be presenting, and prospective passengers should thoroughly investigate lines before choosing their voyage.
Dog prices vary, but before agreeing on a final figure always investigate what you are purchasing.
Check out their recommendations in terms of both the care and training of the dog, and then investigate their breeder referral program.
Be sure to investigate the background of the dog as much as you can before you accept responsibility for it.
If the price on a puppy seems unreasonably low, you need to investigate whether the pup received any veterinary care at all before you decide to make your purchase.
Before you begin work or even the purchase of the door, it's important to investigate what is behind the wall you plan to tear down.
Also investigate whether state or federal tax credits apply to your renovation project.
For cases like these, it is best to carefully investigate local codes before looking for a contractor.
Before purchasing a pendant online, however, be sure to read reviews carefully and investigate the quality of the item so you know you are getting a worthwhile piece of jewelry to present to a friend.
When ordering from an online jeweler, always investigate return policies and guarantees before completing a purchase.
Who knows, but the truth is, why not investigate it?
With the rise of cancer, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders, consumers are starting to investigate diet as a possible cause of disease.
It pays to take some time to investigate the organic wine world and try a few different wineries and grapes before settling on your favorite.
Several other companies sell organic vitamins which you can investigate which are enrolled in the Non-GMO Project and in the process of verification.
Since many vintage patterns were designed for full-figured women - and anyway, vintage sweaters look sensational - you should also investigate Free Vintage Knitting, which offers free patterns from many eras.
If you happen to be short, take the time to investigate petite sizes and you may be surprised to find a dress you'll enjoy wearing because it offers the right fit in length.
They respond to the scene, investigate the cause, maintain records and prepare statistics on the findings.
The different locations, activities, and amenities offered vary by community, and interested seniors should investigate several options before choosing the community that best suits their own needs and preferences.
To learn which gifts are most appropriate, investigate what the person's post-retirement plans are; many retirees are more than happy to discuss enjoyable plans with coworkers and friends.
It's well worth your time to be patient and investigate the variety of options available.
Seniors who live in a nursing home can report incidents of abuse to the management; they have an obligation to investigate and take action in cases of abuse.
Once you narrow your parameters, and have a good idea of the region in which you want to live, take the time to investigate popular retirement communities in that region.
Investigate the options for senior citizen transportation and start making alternate arrangements early on.
Retiring to a city away from all that is familiar is a big step, and it is wise to take the time to investigate your choices thoroughly before you make the move.
Many people offer discounted tickets for sale on Internet auction sites, but buyers should investigate their reliability before choosing this sometimes questionable option.
There are dozens of admission options for the various Disney parks, and it is important to investigate the different features and benefits of each one in order to find the best choice for your Disney vacation.
Another wise step is to investigate the seller's reputation before purchasing tickets, and check to see how and when the tickets will be delivered.
Resident pass deals change from season to season, so it is best to investigate current deals before choosing a particular pass.
Guests nervous about riding a particular roller coaster because of safety concerns can still enjoy the ride if they investigate it beforehand.
To choose the best package, investigate the park thoroughly and decide which options are most important for your visit.
While accidents are rare, they can be devastating and individuals who have been involved in an accident may want to seek the advice of theme park accident attorneys to investigate whether or not a lawsuit would be in their best interest.
While all guests should investigate discount park tickets, there are other ways to save that can also help a tight budget.
Each Sea World park is located near other exciting attractions, and guests should be sure to investigate discount offers for other theme parks, restaurants, museums, and special events.
Always investigate offers carefully to be sure they are legitimate, and check any expiration or blackout dates, restrictions, purchase requirements, and other guidelines to ensure it is the best possible deal.
It can be worthwhile to investigate coupons for Cedar Point to save a few dollars when planning a summer getaway to this northern Ohio amusement park.
Investigate whether or not the resort also has an outdoor water park, and see if it will be open during your stay.
When in doubt, investigate companies making free ticket offers with the Better Business Bureau.
Restrictions can also vary, and interested guests should always carefully investigate any too-good-to-be-true offers to be sure they are not victimized with fraudulent tickets.
You should definitely investigate those with a grain of salt.
If you're planning a theme park getaway to Orlando, be sure to investigate the different types of Islands of Adventure tickets so you don't miss one of today's most highly acclaimed theme parks.
The terms and conditions of annual passes can vary, and interested guests should investigate which pass is best for their needs and budget.
Use the Internet or a travel agent to investigate ticket package deals that give you admission to all of the major theme parks/attractions in the area for one low price.
Investigate what your company has to offer.
Groups planning to visit Cedar Point during Halloweekends should investigate group discount rates for even more savings.
You investigate those who have visited the Cove and try to take down Dr. Ned.
You play a member of an elite force sent into investigate the ship after receiving no communications for some time.
When you are near something important, the HUD display will pop up to tell you to investigate.
In the near future, strange alien attacks in Washington D.C. prompt a group called Trust to send in rookie agent Michael Ford to investigate.
You will be asked to help investigate and find a way to reduce this toxin from the land.
To clear the confusion up, some grape geneticists were intrigued enough to investigate and they determined that Pinot Blanc is actually a cousin to Pinot Gris and Pinot Noir rather than Chardonnay.
If you're concerned with getting the best value for your money, it's certainly a good idea to investigate all the available options.
In addition to inspecting the sturdiness of the floor, it is advisable to investigate the condition of the furnishings, floor covering, and cabinetry.
If you'd like to start taking camper trips in a recreational vehicle but you don't have the funds to purchase a unit, you may want to investigate what's involved in getting loans for RVs and motor homes.
Before we move on, it might be worthwhile to investigate the BlackBerry Curve a little further.
Be sure to investigate T-Mobile's 3G coverage in your area before letting the trial period run out though.
Parents considering alternative schools should thoroughly investigate the school's credentials, staff training, available curriculum, student support services, and student population to make sure that the needs of their child will be met.
Child protective services (CPS)-The designated social services agency (in most states) to receive reports, investigate, and provide intervention and treatment services to children and families in which child maltreatment has occurred.
Parents should investigate alternative school settings that may be able to provide counseling and group therapy integrated with academics.
Therapists are not ordinarily concerned if a child does one drawing in one of the troublesome colors, but may want to investigate a series of dark drawings, especially if the content is also frightening or disturbing.
They should recommend stretching and exercise and if relief does not come quickly, investigate other causes, such as clothing that is too tight.
By taking the time to investigate several schools, most parents find a program with which they and their child are comfortable.
Some researchers investigate children with SLI who speak different languages to see if any patterns emerge in the kinds of difficulties the children experience.
Weggelaar. "How to Investigate and Manage the Child Who Is Slow to Speak.", December 8, 2003.
Celiac disease may be discovered during medical tests performed to investigate failure to thrive in infants or lack of proper growth in children and adolescents.
The test is also used to investigate periods of unconsciousness.
Parents considering sending their child to preschool should investigate several different ones and consider many factors before choosing one.
When choosing a treatment option, it is important to investigate authoritative sources that provide a basis through documented studies for the validity of the treatment.
Investigate those categories as well to see if there are alternative records that will help you.
If you will investigate the Death Record category at Cyndi's List, you may find a valuable link.
There is plenty more for you to investigate.
Before getting extensions, however, you should investigate the different types available and how to properly care for them.
For a beach-ready body check out hair removal articles. If you have issues with hair loss, investigate hair restoration.
Hair loss is specialized, and it is always best to consult an experienced physician before you investigate the realm of available drugs, supplements, and products.
Always investigate different schools to find the one that offers the best program and atmosphere to meet your needs, and you will be well on your way to a professional license in an exciting and continually evolving field.
Though excessive facial hair can be treated by certain hair removal techniques, it is always a good idea to investigate this condition with a doctor.
Before setting up an appointment at a salon simply because it is widespread, however, clients should investigate what types of services and expertise they can expect.
While most salons are suitable for different hair styles and needs, individuals who require or are interested in specialized treatments should investigate niche salons offering more extensive services in those specific areas.
Before scheduling treatments, investigate the practitioner to be sure they are qualified to perform the procedure.
Investigate waxing your brows instead to remove all the hairs at once.
On the other hand, you could opt for a home hair-trim business encompassing just family and friends, but be sure to investigate local and state regulations for hair stylists before starting a new career.
Also investigate products that include UV protection.
Individuals interested in the Samsonite model should still investigate other brands for their different features before selecting one particular dryer.
Individuals interested in a radical new style may want to investigate punk hair ideas for an outrageous look.
Individuals may investigate punk styles for a variety of reasons.
Individuals with short hair styles, however, can emphasize the color or contrast of their hair, or investigate clip on hair extensions for temporarily longer locks.
There are dozens of punk hair ideas individuals can investigate if they are interested in a new and crazy look.
If you are thinking of updating your look, you may want to investigate new hair coloring styles.
It can also be painful, although there are topical anesthetics you can apply, as well as other hair removal pain relief methods you can investigate.
When you investigate different hair color ideas, it is important to remember that not every shade will work well with your style.
You may also want to investigate Perfect Details.
If you're looking for job in a location that offers a warm climate and sandy beaches, you may want to investigate job opportunities in Greece.
You'll need to investigate the process of getting clearance to live and work in those countries.
One of the best things you can do for yourself when you are unemployed is to investigate the various job loss services that are offered in your community.
It is important for an individual to take into consideration a number of factors while making a decision on what form of health care that he or she would like to investigate.
If none of these pique your interest, you can continue to investigate additional positions in the field.
Always investigate a company's reputation before agreeing to perform work for them.
A paid service may also have more options for users to investigate and manipulate, letting them anticipate changes and gauge results with a higher degree of accuracy.
Check with a tax preparer to investigate the exact rules on refinancing.
When you are planning to purchase or refinance your Oregon home it is in your best interest to investigate all your options before selecting a lender.
While this is not a hard and fast rule, closely investigate what you can afford as a down payment and what you believe you will be able to handle in the future.
Any of these programs are well worth the effort to investigate.
However, in other cases, you may have to investigate the property from a distance as the owner may still be living there.
Once applied for, the lender will inspect your property and investigate the average home values for similar homes in your area.
Additionally, it means that you will need to search harder and investigate lenders more thoroughly before signing on the dotted line.
Also, they can simultaneously investigate the terms and conditions of this type of mortgage from multiple lenders.
Subsequently, investigate the broker or institution’s reputation on Lending Tree.
Either switch to Tylenol or investigate why you need pain killers.
If a large number of people report the same side effects, the company will investigate to see if the drug is really the culprit.
Take your time to investigate all of your options before making your next move.
You will also be able to investigate different treatment options and take your time making informed decisions.
Shopping goes hand-in-hand with wine tasting and there are plenty of boutiques, antique shops, art galleries and oddly enough, wine shops to investigate.
O'Shaughnessy started to investigate the feasibility of a bridge.
When purchasing your summer's beach wear, you'll want to investigate all the potential options.
You should also investigate Kristina's Krochet for high-style patterns and Knitting Iris for great vintage styles, including original photos of the suits in action.
There are so many different styles of halter one piece swimsuits available out there, most at reasonable prices, that it's definitely a good idea to investigate this area of swim looks.
In fact, even if you are in the best shape of your life, you may still want to investigate this swimwear line; that's how beautiful this collection looks.
In light of this fact, it might be a good idea to investigate the various pool fences that are available for purchase.
Another reason why you might want to investigate Swimwear 123 further is the ability to search and shop their Exotic category.
For that possibility alone, it may be a good idea to investigate this swim line further!
One of the best reasons to investigate this style of swimwear is that you don't have to be a surfer in order to sport the look.
Volcom may not be for everyone, but if you like your clothes to make a statement and you have a god sense of humor, this is a terrific fashion line to investigate.
Additionally, if you enter bodybuilding competitions, then you'll also want to investigate Malibu Strings.
In fact, different sheer swimsuits can vary in transparency, so be sure to investigate the look you are most interested in thoroughly.
The more they investigate, the more they learn about the game and its origins.
You will need to investigate any claims made by a manufacturer in order to discern exactly what "pharmaceutical grade" means for this specific supplement.
Investigate the possibility of a warranty before seeking parts to purchase.
If you don't have the time or technical skill to set up your own personal business Web site, you may wish to investigate selling your candles online through Etsy or eBay.
If you plan on ordering the centerpiece from a florist, be sure to investigate possible delivery charges as well.
Be willing to investigate different retailers for the best deals and discounts.
If you can't find one in your area, you can also check online auction sites for additional sales, but always investigate sellers carefully to be sure you are getting a genuine product rather than a less expensive imposter.
It's advisable to investigate state requirements for incorporation before you begin drafting your organization's articles of incorporation.
For a more theatrical or vintage look, you may want to investigate Cosplay patterns at Cosplay, which has forums and advice on any number of wings, including how to create wings that move.
Take the time to investigate the service before you register.
Research, read, investigate and kick and scream until both of you feel that way again.
Have you considered using the zodiac to investigate Virgo and Libra love relationships?
Investigate a company's billing procedure.
Always investigate return options as well, in case the ring does not meet your expectations if you have it appraised immediately after purchasing it.
If you decide to shop online, investigate the store's reputation, warranty offers, and security before you buy.
Itineraries vary from different ports so investigate several options.
If you know that your engagement ring will feature a specific type of gemstone, such as tanzanite or emerald, investigate the standards for that gem.
If you decide to choose a local jeweler as you design an engagement ring, first investigate their credibility with the Better Business Bureau and various gemological associations.
Before purchasing engagement ring insurance, always investigate the different options and what their reimbursement procedures are.
Always investigate their credentials, however, including whether they are listed with the Better Business Bureau.
When purchasing any gem, consumers should always investigate whether the stone has undergone treatments to initiate or strengthen its color.
Before choosing an online ring or piece of jewelry, however, it is important for consumers to investigate Blue Nile as thoroughly as they would any jeweler.
Before choosing a specific gem, it is best to investigate its characteristics to be sure it is the best choice for your specific engagement ring.
Investigate the possibility of certified stones to guarantee their authenticity and value, and consider purchasing insurance to protect the investment.
Even if a ring may seem less expensive from an online merchant, couples should investigate shipping costs and other associated expenses before gauging the final price.
Interested consumers should always investigate diamond jewelry - whether it is a pendant, bracelet, or pair of earrings - just as carefully as they would an engagement ring.
Once a couple has established a budget or ballpark figure for the engagement ring's final price, they should investigate different rings and jewelers to discover what they can expect to find at that price.
Before buying an engagement ring online, investigate the jeweler thoroughly including their service and repair abilities, refund policies, and any potential customer complaints.
As with any jewelry purchase, however, it is important to carefully investigate the merchant's guarantees and policies before committing to buy.
Always ask to see the pearl's certificate of authenticity to ensure its value, and investigate the integrity of the jeweler as well.
Once the couple has decided which ring characteristics are the most important, they can begin to investigate different cost cutting tips to purchase the ring of their dreams without a price nightmare.
Once you find the perfect ring, you must investigate the seller.
Before bidding, you should investigate the asking price of the ring for sale.
Trusting the seller's reputation is often the only way to know you are not being scammed, making your initial investigate crucial to a trustworthy auction.
Specialized engagement ring stores are more likely to carry the unique designs, or interested couples can investigate online retailers for hard-to-find ring styles.
Online jewelry stores also offer a wide selection of ring enhancers, wraps, and guards, but couples should first investigate online merchants and their guarantee policies just in case the guard doesn't fit or isn't appropriate.
Couples interested in a black titanium ring may need to approach a custom jeweler who is experienced working with titanium, or they may want to investigate online engagement rings.
For a more extensive selection, including more unique solitaire designs, couples can investigate specialized engagement ring stores or online jewelers.
Depending on why a couple wants to investigate non-traditional wedding rings, there are many different styles they can consider.
To choose the best style, couples should investigate the properties of both the pearl and the diamonds in design to ensure it is a high quality piece.
Online jewelry stores also offer a variety of black pearl and diamond designs, though couples should carefully investigate the store's reputation and warranties before shopping for such an exquisite piece of jewelry online.
Specialty shapes may require designer services, though couples can always investigate buying loose diamonds and incorporating them into a semi mount diamond engagement ring to complete the perfect design.
There are different types of scalloped settings, however, and couples should carefully investigate various options before choosing the engagement ring design they prefer.
Independent artisan jewelers may offer a selection of rings with scalloped elements, or couples may need to investigate custom engagement rings where the scalloped pattern they envision can be specially designed.
In addition to the lifetime guarantee offered by Benchmark, couples should also investigate guarantees offered by individual jewelers.
Another option is to investigate modern rings that are inspired by the art deco era - these are more likely to incorporate heart motifs and other blended accents.
While great bargains can be found, it is always necessary to thoroughly investigate the authenticity of these rings and the reputations of the sellers to ensure a high quality piece.
Couples have many reasons to investigate more affordable engagement rings.
For the cheapest prices, couples should investigate regular jewelry store sales throughout the year, including drastic discounts often taken in late February through April (after Valentine's Day and before Mother's Day).
Once a couple has weighed the pros and cons of silver Celtic rings, they can begin to investigate the numerous design options to find a lovely ring that will symbolize their sacred vows.
Couples should also investigate guarantee and return policies, shipping costs, and the reputation of the business before following through with a purchase.
Couples can look online for photos of unusual engagement rings and then take those photos to artisans and experienced jewelers who may be able to create custom rings, or they can investigate local niche jewelry stores for unique designs.
Because these are more difficult to find, however, couples may need to investigate custom engagement rings or ruby accented semi mount diamond engagement rings.
Lab created rubies, however, are just as lovely and far less expensive, and couples interested in more affordable engagement rings can also investigate using cubic zirconia as accents instead of real diamonds.
To save money but still enjoy the luxury and beauty of dangle earrings, couples can investigate styles that use fewer gemstones or that use diamond chips instead of fully cut gems.
Investigate the possibility of an heirloom engagement ring from either the bride's or groom's family.
Comparison shop to find the best deal on similar styles, and investigate any discount offers or coupon codes such as free shipping or holiday sales.
DeBeers sent Sir Phillip Oppenheimer to investigate Mirny mine operations in 1976.
Oppenheimer did not have a chance to investigate.
Keep a notebook with you for jotting down article ideas, facts to investigate, or colorful phrases to use in your own fiction writing.
The list includes both new and established companies, so investigate each site's terms of use carefully before you begin writing.
Savvy consumers should always investigate different styles and be aware of imitations before making any designer purchase.
Because designer handbags can be outrageously expensive, many women interested in a designer look investigate discount handbags.
In that case, you will want to investigate designers like Samsonite for more elegant professional options.
While you can usually find better deals when shopping online, it's still best to go to a shop and investigate the luggage in person before you buy.
On the other hand, if it's bold color you are after, then you should investigate the ful-Brick House Sling.
Façade is a very interesting site because besides tarot, you can investigate the runes, numerology and even the I Ching; all in one place!
Those who can investigate the situation include the Department of Human Resources (DHR), your local police department, and the administration and staff of the school the child attends.
In fact, it's a good practice to make a short list of possible projects and then investigate how readily available the materials are before making a final decision.
Parents should investigate gaming sites thoroughly before granting access to the little ones to ensure they are not exposed to any unpleasant surprises.
Make sure to thoroughly investigate the options before signing up for a service.
Unexplained killings are occuring in a small South Korean villiage located in the Jirisan National Park, and a police officer and a detective investigate the killings to find out that it is a man-eating wild boar that is responsible.
The General took a team of men to investigate the haunting, and all of the men experienced the activity firsthand.
After stopping to investigate, they quickly discover that no one is around.