Inventing Sentence Examples
I think you ought to stick to reading mysteries instead of inventing them.
Inventing is my favorite way to integrate my love of science and working with my hands.
Geri became famous for inventing the crimping iron while on a photoshoot with Barbra Streisand.
We cannot solve the equation 7X =4s.; but we are accustomed to subdivision of units, and we can therefore give a meaning to X by inventing a unit w s.
It is probable that Defoe, with his extensive acquaintance with English history, and his astonishing power of working up details, was fully equal to the task of inventing it.
Who but Mary herself could have written about this unknown affair of the Bishop, and what had the supposed forger to gain by inventing and adding these references to affairs unconnected with the case?
In the great civil struggle he used his pen against the Scots, and was in the king's army at the siege of Gloucester, inventing certain engines for assaulting the town.
As mentioned previously, the historical figure credited with inventing the swimming flipper is none other than Benjamin Franklin.
The research project involved studying, analyzing and inventing new radar technology.
The honor of inventing the first non-water powered alarm clocks go to the Germans, while the inventor of the first American alarm clock was certainly Levi Hutchins.
AdvertisementInstead of inventing a reason to get together, simply use a regular get-together as the actual party.
From the author who never featured aliens in his novels until this point, the Grand Old Man jumps into the alien inventing market with a vengence.
An authority on precious stones, and especially the diamond, he succeeded in artificially making some minute specimens of the latter gem; and on the discovery of radium he was one of the first to take up the study of its properties, in particular inventing the spinthariscope, an instrument in which the effects of a trace of radium salt are manifested by the phosphorescence produced on a zinc sulphide screen.
The Homeric epithet 'ApyEtybO rqs, which the Greeks interpreted as "the slayer of Argus," inventing a myth to account for Argus, is explained as originally an epithet of the wind (apyEO-Tris), which clears away the mists (apyos, q5aivco).
Scholars since the Renaissance have not always been above inventing codices to obtain currency for their own conjectures.
AdvertisementReturning to Beaune for a vacation, he made, on a large scale, a plan of the town, inventing the methods of observation and constructing the necessary instruments; the plan was presented to the town, and preserved in their library.
Instead of inventing a wholly new name for the wholly new product, they appropriated the name " steel," because this was associated in the public mind with superiority.
In other than religious matters, however, the Egyptians were inventing and perhaps borrowing.
Siemens effected a great improvement by inventing a shuttle armature and improving the shape of the field magnet.
Returning in June 1678 to Tonge, he set himself to forge a plot by piecing together things true and false, or true facts falsely interpreted, and by inventing treasonable letters and accounts of preparations for military action.
AdvertisementThe poor law was also amended, absolute religious liberty was proclaimed, and he even succeeded in inventing and popularizing a national costume which was in general use from 1778 till his death.
He sought the courts of Tuscany and Naples and tried to enlist Frank sympathies, inventing (probably) the curious myth, so often credited since, that the Druses are of crusading origin and owe their name to the counts of Dreux.1 1 Sophisticated Druses still sometimes claim connexion with Rosicrucians, and a special relation to Scottish freemasons.
His only interest seems to be working and inventing gadgets for MI6, he is a very loyal ally to Her Majesty The Queen.
It seems that all the ingenuity has gone into inventing new euphemisms rather than finessing them into poetry.
Inventing the cover story that Iron Man was his bodyguard, he embarked on a double life as a billionaire industrialist and costumed adventurer.
AdvertisementWe set our sights on bringing quality non-prescription orthotics to skiers and we did, inventing the category of custom insoles along the way.
June 21 - July 22A Cancer child can be independent from a young age, often playing alone for hours and inventing invisible playmates.
Darwin credited her with inventing a poetic form, the epic elegy and she is clearly a major contributor to romantic poetry.
Bulwer could not resist inventing the figure of Hilda the Danish Vala, the pagan prophetess.
This article considers the propriety of inventing a third category of public policy.
The students read the statement and the questions that go with it and she/he answers them all (inventing answers as she/he wishes ).
Napoleon rode on, dreaming of the Moscow that so appealed to his imagination, and "the bird restored to its native fields" galloped to our outposts, inventing on the way all that had not taken place but that he meant to relate to his comrades.
The students read the statement and the questions that go with it and she/he answers them all (inventing answers as she/he wishes).
Ignorance of natural law, they argue, causes us to fall prey to superstitious thinking, inventing supernatural causes where none exist.
Inventing history was a little game, a ' secret vise '; Middle-earth grew out of the game.
Even worse, their hubris about doing all their own inventing caused them to resist acquiring innovative technologies.
Actually, no one person can be attributed to inventing the Internet.
There is no one person responsible for inventing the Internet.
Former stripteaser Ann Corio credited Hinda Wassau with inventing the act when forced to shimmy out of a chorus costume that had caught on the beads of the ensemble worn beneath for purposes of a quick change.
The company was founded by Henry Sherwin and Edward Williams, essentially inventing the first ready made paint of the American industrial revolution.
Bush gave Baer the National Medal of Technology for inventing the home gaming console and pretty much spearheading the video game industry.
Inventing board games takes more than just dreaming up a big, fun idea.
Many game designers enjoy inventing board games, but they choose not to get involved in the details of designing and financing the production of their game.
He was unable to find a job, so he started inventing things such as toys and games.
Neil even admits to inventing the passage simply to show how Nostradamus passages are so cryptic as to allow whatever interpretation one would like to apply.
Kick things off with these simple techniques, and maybe you'll even end up inventing a few ways on your own.
He is best known for inventing the short-stemmed clinical thermometer and revising ' The System Of Medicine ', the doctor's bible.
Think about inventing a flexible yet discrete device for decisively removing earwax.