Invent Sentence Examples
I mean, he could invent some story—like, blame me!
But I didn't invent it myself.
I might possibly invent some excuse for them and him, but I have no time for it.
Oh, well, you know people often invent things.
According to Strabo he was the first to invent an anchor with two flukes.
William Higginbotham was the first American to invent a video game.
If Mr Roosevelt did not invent this term he literally created as well as led the movement which made Conservation in 1910 the foremost political and social question in the United States.
He is indeed free from the grosser faults of deliberate Critical injustice and falsification, and he resists that temptation to invent, to which "the minds of authors are only too method.
No innate genius can invent fine language.
He was compelled to work the administrative machinery to its utmost, and indeed to invent new methods of extortion.
AdvertisementIn the final activity, students are asked to invent the perfect verbal put-down.
I am the run-on lines of lies you invent.
We may gradually invent means of tracing more and more closely the average drifts of translation or orientation, or of changes of arrangement, of the atoms; but there will always remain an unaveraged residue devoid of any recognized regularity, which we can only estimate by its total amount.
At the same time Philo did not invent all the nonsense which he has handed down; he drew upon various sources, Greek and Egyptian, some of them ultimately of Babylonian origin, and incidentally he mentions matters of interest which, when tested by other evidence, are fairly well supported.
By recent systematists 5 genera and from 50 to 60 species of the family are recognized; but the characters of the former have never been satisfactorily defined, much less those of numerous subdivisions which it has pleased some writers to invent.
AdvertisementIts aim is to acquire command over nature by knowledge, and to invent new arts, whereas the old logic strove only after dialectic victories and the 1 Thus the last step in the theoretical analysis gives the first means for the practical operation.
Figueiredo felt he had a mission to restore the drama, and wrote thirteen volumes of plays in prose and verse, but, though he chose national subjects, and could invent plots and draw characters, he could not make them live.
Similarly we may take the farthing as a unit, and invent smaller units, represented either by tokens or by no material objects at all.
Wycliffe was a metaphysician and a theologian, and had to invent a metaphysical theory - the theory of Dominium - to enable him to transfer, in a way satisfactory to himself, the powers and privileges of the church to his company of poor Christians; but his followers were content to allege that a church which held large landed possessions, collected tithes greedily and took money from starving peasants for baptizing, burying and praying, could not be the church of Christ and his apostles.
But the mind, in becoming gradually stored with its " simple ideas " is able to elaborate them in numberless modes and relations; although it is not in the power of the most exalted wit or enlarged understanding to invent or frame any new simple idea, not taken in in one or the other of these two ways.
AdvertisementInstead of weakening this aristocratic agitation by the see-saw policy of Catherine de Medici, Marie could invent no other device than to despoil the royal treasure by distributing places and money to the chiefs of both parties.
Monteil did not invent the history of civilization, but he was one of the first in France, and perhaps in Europe, to point out its extreme importance.
You couldn't invent a better one, even if this was completely accidental.
Who doth more wrong than such as invent a falsehood against Allah?
Berliner then might not have been stimulated in 1888 to invent the gramophone.
AdvertisementI always say that I'm basically a born liar, that writers make things up and invent things.
He did not invent the term "sea-power," - it is, as is shown elsewhere (see Seapower), of very ancient origin, - nor did he employ it until Captain Mahan had made it a household word with all.
His response to the problem of societal breakdown was to invent a new category of restraint called the Anti-Social Behavior Order, or ASBO.
To be able to invent recipes, entrees, and desserts that are 100 percent raw organic and yet look and taste cooked, baked or deep fried is amazingly challenging!
Modify standard games to fit the theme or invent your own.
Although the Italians did not invent wine, they took it to a higher level than ever seen before in ancient Europe.
Use zig zags or invent your own parting style.
At the young age of twelve, Ben Franklin wanted to invent something that would make him swim faster.
There are some products you find and think, "Wow - why didn't I invent that?"
I'm always keen to hear from people about their common annoyances that they would like a solution for and then I'll try to invent something to fix it.
The most characteristic difference between writing science fiction and writing mainstream contemporary fiction is that in sci-fi, you have to invent your world, your time and your culture literally from scratch.
In writing fantasy, you have the freedom to invent your own system of magic.
He is attacked by spores and forced to fall in love with Jill Ireland, and is subjected to the ignominious ritual pon farr as Gene Roddenberry tries to invent a reason why purely rational beings might be forced to have sex.
He didn't even prattle on about some alleged personal experiences in a diamond mine in Africa, a search for gold or other such nonsense he was expected to resurrect or invent.
In neither department did any Saracen, strictly speaking, invent anything; but they learned much both from Constantinople and from Persia, and what they learned they largely developed and improved.
It is, for instance, practically impossible to obtain reliable evidence as to the regularity of employment in any industry in the 17th century, and the best approximations and devices we can invent are very poor substitutes for what we really want.
We cannot solve the equation 7s.+X=4s.; but we are accustomed to transactions of lending and borrowing, and we can therefore invent a negative quantity - 3s.
But the inconsistency has in part been explained by Gunkel, who has rightly emphasized that the writer did not freely invent his materials but derived them in the main from tradition, as he held that these mysterious traditions of his people were, if rightly expounded, forecasts of the time to come.
Though Porta's merits were undoubtedly great, he did not invent or improve the camera obscura.
More than a century was required to invent methods of investigating the conditions of the motion of systems of bodies such as Descartes imagined.
Voltaire himself, speaking as a practical man rather than as a metaphysician, declared that if there were no God it would be necessary to invent one; and if the analysis is only carried far enough it will be found that those who deny the existence of God (in a conventional sense) are all the time setting up something in the nature of deity by way of an ideal of their own, while fighting over the meaning of a word or its conventional misapplication.
My friends never had occasion to vindicate any one circumstance of my character and conduct; not but that the zealots, we may well suppose, would have been glad to invent and propagate any story to my disadvantage, but they could never find any which they thought would wear the face of probability.
A singer who had pleased his hearers with a tale of adventure would be called on to tell them of earlier or later events in the career of the hero; and so the story would grow, until it included all that the poet knew from tradition, or could invent in harmony with it.
Peaucellier, a French engineer officer, was the first, in 1864, to invent a linkwoik with which an exact straight line could be drawn.
A French king, Charles V., is said to have been the first to invent a police, "to increase the happiness and security of his people."
His first memoir on the theory of magnetism, Intensitas vis magneticae terrestris ad mensuram absolutam revocata, was published in 1833, and he shortly afterwards proceeded, in conjunction with Wilhelm Weber, to invent new apparatus for observing the earth's magnetism and its changes; the instruments devised by them were the declination instrument and the bifilar magnetometer.
The historians of the time under pressure of political exigencies did not scruple to invent treaties between the Porte and the Rumanian principalities.
Galileo would not have wasted his time in corresponding with a man from whom he could learn nothing; and, though Sarpi did not, as has been asserted, invent the telescope, he immediately turned it to practical account by constructing a map of the moon.
I mean, he could invent some story—like, blame me!
Together, they provide all the characters and props children need to invent endless adventures.
All thanks to St. Cyril, who wanted to invent an alphabet that took the best from the available ones.
To calculate accurately the motion of the Earth around the Sun, Isaac Newton was inspired to invent calculus.
Again he paused, and I could see that he was trying to invent an excuse.
We invent scuba gear and submarines and we explore the deep ocean so inimical to our terrene mammal bodies.
The gamble is if someone will independently invent the same thing.
Humans invent abstract mathematics, basically making it up out of their imaginations, yet math magically turns out to describe the world.
Unable to put together any sort of defense for an incompetent government, you are forced to invent an unworthy motive for my criticisms.
One thinks someone should " invent giant mousetraps " .
Children are known to often invent idiosyncratic notation to describe their mathematical findings, or to use algebraic notation in unusual ways.
In all such cases, the program has to " invent " a description that enables the reader to identify the referent.
It is remarkable that each of these writers seems to have been led, independently and contemporaneously, to invent the same name of " biology " for the science of the phenomena of life; and thus, following Buffon, to have recognized the essential unity of these phenomena, and their contradistinction from those of inanimate nature.
The several attempts at system-making by Kaup, from his Allgemeine Zoologie in 1829 to his fiber Classification der Vogel in 1849, were equally arbitrary and abortive; but his Skizzirte Entwickelungs-Geschichte in 1829 must be here named, as it is so often quoted on account of the number of new genera which the peculiar views he had embraced compelled him to invent.
But he fought in a futile cause; to explain the facts put forward by Dumas he had to invent intricate and involved hypotheses, which, it must be said, did not meet with general acceptance; Liebig seceded from him, and invited Wohler to endeavour to correct him.
Consequently we find an extraordinary development of strophic forms corresponding to the many new "tones" which every Meistersinger regarded it as his duty to invent - tones which bore the most remarkable and often ridiculous names, such as Gestreif tsaf ranblumleinweis, Fettdachsweis, Vielfrassweis, geblilmte Paradiesweis, &c. The verses were adapted to the musical strophes by a merely mechanical counting of syllables, regardless of rhythm or sense.
This latter work consists of articles most of which were originally published in the Athenaeum, describing the various attempts which have been made to invent a perpetual motion, to square the circle, or to trisect the angle; but De Morgan took the opportunity to include many curious bits gathered from his extensive reading, so that the Budget, as reprinted by his widow (1872), with much additional matter prepared by himself, forms a remarkable collection of scientific ana.
And he used his decades of dominance on the national scene, as well as his fantastic oratorical ability, to advance that belief and essentially invent the Democratic Party we know today.
He couldn't develop new irrigation techniques, invent new machinery, or create new fertilizers.
The truth is not wonderful enough to suit the newspapers; so they enlarge upon it and invent ridiculous embellishments.
When Estee Lauder Beautiful perfume was created, the intention was to invent a fragrance that would make every woman's dream of being beautiful a reality.
Because of this, he has to invent his own devices and work his way into and out of trouble using nothing but his gadgets and his mind.
While Reynolds did not invent the mood ring, he contributed to the history of mood rings by selling millions of them.
Although Nintendo didn't invent the video game, they have introduced dozens of new hardware concepts, pioneered video game genres and created some of the most recognized characters in history.
The French did not invent cooking, but they did invent some of the most spectacular and divine recipes for food that can be found.
Keep in mind that people can invent personalities and identities online.
Or get silly and ask them to invent a breakfast cereal, share their favorite excuse for being late to work, or make up a poem for you.
Enchanted Learning is another amazingly rich site with printable materials and games from "invent your own Olympic sport" to crossword puzzles and "create-a-medal" activities.
Cayce also suggested humans would invent a perpetual motion machine that could provide an environmentally-friendly, sustainable means of transportation.
From napkin rings to garland, noise makers to centerpieces, let your creative side invent, improvise, and dazzle.
Now that you are used to eating everything on the food list for the South Beach Diet, be creative and invent a few more menus for you and your family to enjoy.
It became, in fact, essential to invent a " micrometer " for measuring the small angles which were thus for the first time rendered sensible.
In his valiant attempt to fill these gaps Rad„ u was obliged to invent kings and even dynasties, 13 the existence f which is now definitely disproved.
Hence, when in 1850 a hydraulic installation was required for a new ferry station at New Holland, on the Humber estuary, the absence of water mains of any kind, coupled with the prohibitive cost of a special reservoir owing to the character of the soil, impelled him to invent a fresh piece of apparatus, the "accumulator," which consists of a large cylinder containing a piston that can be loaded to give any desired pressure, the water being pumped in below it by a steam-engine or other prime mover.