Intuition Sentence Examples
On the side of intuition, self-evidence of scientific principles is spoken of."
Without the Revival of Learning the direction of those forces would have been different; but that novel intuition into the nature of the world and man which constitutes what we describe as Renaissance must have emerged.
Jonathan wasn't one to question intuition.
In regarding moral ideas as derived from the " intuition Price.
We may fairly say that natural and untaught people had more of the just intuition that was needed than learned folk trained in the schools.
Sometimes your own intuition knows what is best for you.
With Descartes intuition does not connote givenness, but its objects are evident at a glance when induction has brought them to light.
Schelling's intellectual intuition is the mere negation of knowledge.
How astrologers combine psychic intuition and science to guess the lottery numbers?
Thus the intuition of the casual axiom is used to prove the existence of that which alone gives validity to intuitions.
AdvertisementHis keen intuition of truth, his vigour and yet sobriety of argument, his fertility of illustration and acuteness of sarcasm, made him irresistible to his antagonists; and the evanescent triumphs of scornful controversy have given place to the sedate applause of a long-lived posterity.
Read the descriptions of both techniques, and use your own intuition to make a decision.
Daddy's intuition had been right, I was going to be upsest!
It can open your mind to greater creativity and even enhances intuition.
It also applies to all areas of study and learning, meditation and intuition.
AdvertisementI do think that your intuition is telling you your boyfriend is being sneaky and dishonest.
A vivid new light is shed by him upon certain problems, such for instance as those of the imagination or intuition, the source of Art and the theme of the Aesthetic, upon pure will, the source of Economic of Rights and of Politics, treated by Economic. The more precise determination and configuration of the categories and their mode of acting, by means of which is negated and solved the concept of an external reality and of nature placed outside the spirit and opposed to it, led Croce to an absolute spiritualism, widely different from the pan-logicism of Hegel and his school, which only seemed to solve the dualism of spirit and nature and really opened the door to the notion of a transcendental God, as became clear in the development of Hegel's theory at the hands of the right wing of his school.
It is the paradox involved in the function of intuition, the acceptance of the psychological characters of clearness and distinctness as warranty of a truth presumed to be trans-subjective, that leads to Descartes's distinctive contribution to the theory of knowledge.
The animal vigour and carnal enjoyment of Rubens, the refined Italianizing beauty of Vandyck, the mystery of light and gloom on Rembrandt's panels, the love of nature in Ruysdael, Cuyp and Van Hooghe, with their luminously misty skies, silvery daylight and broad expanse of landscape, the interest in common life displayed by Ter Borch, Van Steen, Douw, Ostade and Teniers, the instinct for the beauty of animals in Potter, the vast sea spaces of Vanderveldt, the grasp on reality, the acute intuition into character in portraits, the scientific study of the world and man, the robust sympathy with natural appetites, which distinguish the whole art of the Low Countries, are a direct emanation from the Renaissance.
Next year the great tragic poem of Torquemada came forth to bear witness that the hand which wrote Ruy Blas had lost nothing of its godlike power and its matchless cunning, if the author of Le Roi s'amuse had ceased to care much about coherence of construction from the theatrical point of view as compared with the perfection of a tragedy designed for the devotion of students not unworthy or incapable of the study; that his command of pity and terror, his powers of intuition and invention, had never been more absolute and more sublime; and that his infinite and illimitable charity of imagination could transfigure even the most monstrous historic representative of Christian or Catholic diabolatry into the likeness of a terribly benevolent and a tragically magnificent monomaniac. Two years later Victor Hugo published the third and concluding series of La Legende des siecles.
AdvertisementFor these flashes of intuition, he holds, the soul should be prepared by tranquil repose and the subjugation of sensuality through abstinence.
Thus, in short, if we ask for a clear and definite fundamental intuition, distinct from regard for happiness, we find really nothing in Whewell's doctrine except the single rule of veracity (including fidelity to promises); and even of this the axiomatic character becomes evanescent on closer inspection, since it is not maintained that the rule is practically unqualified, but only that it is practically undesirable to formulate its qualifications.
What is it? persisted Natasha with her quick intuition.
This exclusive reliance on the intuition in establishing valid proofs became common among mathematics education philosophers.
Personally I would suggest you use a smidgen of common sense along with a little intuition.
AdvertisementIntuition is not some magical property that arises unbidden from the depths of our mind.
In a case where you are buying a motorcycle from a stranger, you are going to have to use old-fashioned intuition to determine whether the person is dealing fairly with you.
Cats possess a heightened sense of intuition, and they just seem to know when it's time for a trip to the grooming shop, if there's an upcoming vet trip or any other special occasion that will require them to spend time in a cat carrier.
Departing from the scientific method, Bach spent the spring and summer of 1930 studying plants and flowers and using his intuition as a healer to divine their energy essences.
It takes intuition, skill, knowledge, and dedication to become a successful day trader.
Daddy's intuition had been right, I was going to be upset!
But with intuition, information, understanding, and empathy, it can be a rewarding experience.
The best dancers have learned the steps so thoroughly that they don't ever have to look down at the bamboo; they place their feet through a mixture of instinct and intuition.
Schick Intuition makes shaving cream obsolete because its four blades are surrounded by a skin-conditioning solid that lathers when it comes in contact with water.
Since water signifies the concept of intuition, people with water signs are in tune with their emotions and feelings.
Some of the questions asked here are how the two of you met, and when you first met him, your intuition told you…?
It's clear from your letter that you have gotten to this place in your life by taking risks and trusting your intuition.
Yet, given the challenges and obstacles you have faced in life, you continued to take risks and trust your intuition to know when the time was right.
So it should come as no surprise that I am going to ask you to take some risks and trust your intuition once again when it comes to this current relationship.
You will have to rely on your intuition to determine if your wife being home less often is really something to be concerned about or not.
Learn to use your intuition to adapt the meanings and give readings that are accurate and personal to the recipient.
Take conflicting advice with a grain of salt, and let your own intuition be your guide.
Read a few books on the meanings of tarot cards to get a general idea of what they represent; bearing in mind that the presence of other cards and your own intuition will alter the general meaning.
Astrologically speaking, the moon deals with emotions, creativity, intuition and your needs.
Choose a spread that speaks to you because when it comes to tarot readings, your own intuition is the best guide.
It affects your intuition and basic nature on a internal level.
His psychic understanding of the people and world around him makes him valuable in the areas of intuition and persuasion.
It's always important to allow your intuition to guide you in the final interpretation.
Let each card speak and resonate with you, and don't be afraid to use your intuition when interpreting your spread.
This power, when used in a positive angle, can create a very passionate and artistic individual whose sympathy and intuition can lead him to be a strong and effective humanitarian.
Certainly, human beings have a knack for intuition - or the processing of information quickly and without conscious thought.
While the terms "psychic abilities" and "intuition" are often used interchangeably, there is a difference.
According to famous psychic, Edgar Cayce, psychic ability arises from the soul, while intuition arises from the mind.
Medical intuition involves using psychic abilities to diagnose physical ailments and their causes.
Skeptics often mock people who claim to have intuitive abilities due to the incorrect belief that intuition is as clear as seeing or hearing.
Instead of relying on your sense of intuition to help you get from paycheck to paycheck, a budget tells you how much money you need to spend on your bills and how much is left over for you to enjoy.
Of course, interpretation is a matter of intuition and skill; oddly, Lyra has an affinity to the artifact and seems to know how to operate it instinctively.
Mere argument is never sufficient; it may decide a question, but gives no satisfaction or certainty to the mind, which can only be convinced by immediate inspection or intuition.
According to Schelling it is known by intellectual intuition.
Fichte had attributed to man an intellectual intuition of himself as the Absolute Ego.
From scepticism he escapes by accepting the doctrine of the mystics that God can be apprehended by intuition (intuitio, speculatio), an exalted state of the intellect in which all limitations disappear.
The activity of vs is never so perfectly realized as to merge implication in intuition.
His greatest administrative gift was a fine intuition in choosing men to serve him.
Yet we must remember that this bold intuition of the abbot Joachim indicated a monastic reaction against the tyrannies and corruptions of the church, rather than a fertile philosophical conception.
The higher life of aesthetic and ethical activity - the beautiful and the good - can only be based upon an intuition which penetrates the heart of reality.
Jeremiah Horrocks had some intuition, previously to 1639, that the motion of the moon was controlled by the earth's gravity, and disturbed by the action of the sun.
In his earlier days he called it a feeling or intuition of the universe, consciousness of the unity of reason and nature, of the infinite and the eternal within the finite and the temporal.
And although he never called himself a mystic, he showed that in his judgment spiritual truth is apprehended by direct intuition, as an antecedent necessity to the professedly purely rational basis of the Roman Catholic creed.
There was thus a common ground on which category and intuition were united in one, and an intermediate process whereby the universal of the category might be so far individualized as to comprehend the particular of sense.
The mathematical principles are the abstract expression of the necessary mode in which data of sense are determined by the category in the form of intuitions or representations of objects; the dynamical are the abstract expression of the modes in which the existence of objects of intuition is determined.
The element of reality in such experience must always be given by intuition, and, so far as determination of existence is assumed, external intuition is a necessary condition of inner intuition.
The categories are restricted in their application to elements of possible experience to that which is presented in intuition, and all intuition is for the ego contingent.
But to assert that cognition is limited and its matter contingent is to form the idea of an intelligence for whom cognition would not be limited and for whom the data of intuition would not be given, contingent facts, but necessarily produced along with the pure categories.
The noumenon, therefore, is in one way the object of a non-sensuous intuition, but more correctly is the expression of the limited and partial character of our knowledge.
It is readily seen, in regard to the first of them, that all attempts to determine the nature of the ego as a simple, perdurable, immaterial substance rest upon a confusion between the ego as pure logical unity and the ego as object of intuition, and involve a transcendent use of the categories of experience.
It profits not to apply such categories to the soul, for no intuition corresponding to them is or can be given.
There is not any intuition given whereby we might show the reality of our idea of a Supreme Being.
Free reflection upon the whole system of knowledge is sufficient to indicate that the sphere of intuition, with its rational principles, does not exhaust conscious experience.
That reason is practical or prescribes ends for itself is sufficiently manifest from the mere fact of the existence of the conception of morality or duty, a conception which can have no corresponding object within the sphere of intuition, and which is theoretically, or in accordance with the categories of understanding, incognizable.
The idea of such an understanding is, for cognition, transcendent, for no corresponding fact of intuition is furnished, but it is realized with practical certainty in relation to reason as practical.
She had few instincts, unlike Kiera's hyperactive intuition, but she felt a definite tingling.
While that intuition was far from foolproof, it was pretty damn good.
An astute referee will have conditioned his mind to totally accept the accuracy of his intuition, which is very rarely proved wrong.
With increased intuition, you can easily discernnew channels for creativity in your personal life or business.
However, intuition is no replacement for technical ability.
He crossed the fourth mountain range, but his intuition did not lead him to find the cedars there.
Within yourself the reversed Pope indicates an inability to connect with our higher self and a lack of trust in our intuition.
Fearing that I might have been wishing and not intuiting, I asked the Yi what to think of the intuition.
He has spent the last twenty-five years studying ancient tools that enhance intuition.
This concept is useful in developing an intuition for what drives the cost of assembly.
On the highest level is the vision of the spirit; that which we call intuition.
Analytical thinking requires both intuition and reason, or more correctly, both intuition and insight.
Let me give you a practical example of being guided by intuition from my own experience.
She mocks the convention of ' feminine intuition ' .
His treatment has the great merit of being completely algebraic in character and of meeting every difficulty without an appeal to geometric intuition.
In its purest form intuition is about understanding how we function on the inside, knowing what we are truly like.
An example of Hahn's ideas on mathematical intuition are given in extracts we reproduce in the article Hahn's crisis in intuition.
I believe that this common sense intuition is basically sound.
However, I do not wish to suggest that one's intuition that they are is entirely stupid.
When numbers are high, he says, people's intuition fails them, and they tend to grab at round figures irrationally.
Likewise, the intuitionists ' claim that only the intuition of two-oneness is legitimate may be acceptable in only temporal and limited ways.
He tested this intuition using two-dimensional plane figures the triangle, square, pentagon, etc. but this didn't work.
The heroine, Elma Clifford has almost supernatural powers of intuition which enable her to identify the murderer by instinct alone.
The account which follows traces the process of how this unease has been transformed from an intuition to an articulated viewpoint.
Still, they do not repudiate the word " intuition," and kindred writers make it prominent.
The Ontological argument, though not wholly rejected as a proof, is taken rather as pointing to God's attribute of infinity; thought rather than experience making affirmation that the intuition in question must be attached to God.
The moral argument, relying upon the third intuition named, certifies.
If the results of the understanding go by the name of knowledge, then the higher teaching of the intellectual intuition may be called ignorance - ignorance, however, that is conscious of itself, docta ignorantia.
Here he was influenced, as to biblical languages and textual criticism, by the learned and loyal-minded Abbe Paulin Martin, and as to a vivid consciousness of the true nature, gravity and urgency of the biblical problems and an Attic sense of form by the historical intuition and the mordant irony of Abbe Louis Duchesne.
The association of algebra with arithmetic on the one hand, and with geometry on the other, presents difficulties, in that geometrical measurement is based essentially on the idea of continuity, while arithmetical measurement is based essentially on the idea of discontinuity; both ideas being equally matters of intuition.
About 1850 some of the followers of the new religion discovered that the greater part of the Vedas is polytheistic, and a schism took place, - the advanced party holding that nature and intuition form the basis of faith.
It is only possible to allude briefly here to the different conclusions that he has attained in treating the various problems, as for example in Aesthetic, the unity of art and language, of intuition and expression, the negation of particular arts, the refutation of literary and artistic classes, the criticism of rhetoric, of grammar and so forth; and in the Philosophy of the Practical or of Practice, the conciliation of the antitheses of utilitarianism and moralism, the critique of precepts, of laws and of casuistry, the new conception of judgments of value, the constitution of a philosophic economy side by side with the science of Economy, the resolution of the Philosophy of rights in the Philosophy of economic, and so forth.
It is impossible to enter here on the steps by which the theoretical ego is shown to develop into the complete system of cognitive categories, or to trace the deduction of the processes (productive imagination, intuition, sensation, understanding, judgment, reason) by which the quite indefinite non-ego comes to assume the appearance of definite objects in the forms of time and space.
Capricorn appreciates Pisces' humor and uncanny, if not scary, intuition.
Their psychology is driven by intuition and emotion more than heady logic.
He's smart, gifted with intuition and humble enough to accept advice from others.
Indeed, there is a further implication, when the term intuition is borrowed for mental vision; you see at a glance that things must be so.
Sidgwick holds that intuition must justify the claims of the general happiness upon the individual, though everything subsequent is hedonistic calculus.
Neoplatonism seeks this in the ecstatic intuition of the ineffable One.
Hugh's pupil, Richard of St Victor, declares, in opposition to dialectic scholasticism, that the objects of mystic contemplation are partly above reason, and partly, as in the intuition of the Trinity, contrary to reason.
It is odd that this irregular poem, with its copious and varied music, its splendid sweep of emotion, its unfailing richness of texture - this poem in which Tennyson rises to heights of human sympathy and intuition which he reached nowhere else, should have been received with bitter hostility, have been styled "the dead level of prose run mad," and have been reproved more absurdly still for its "rampant and rabid bloodthirstiness of soul."
Schelling attributes to man an intellectual intuition of the Absolute God; and as there is, according to him, but one universal reason, the common intelligence of God and man, this intellectual intuition at once gives man an immediate knowledge of God, and identifies man with God himself.
He facilitated this awkward transition by adding to Kant's a priori forms of space and time an " a priori form of alternative causality," or, as he also called it, " an intuition of causality involved in the elementary exercise of perception," which is the key to his whole philosophy.
His mental qualities were - a quick analytic perception, strong logical powers, a tenacious memory, a liberal estimate and tolerance of the opinions of others, ready intuition of human nature; and perhaps his most valuable faculty was rare ability to divest himself of all feeling or passion in weighing motives of persons or problems of state.
The intellectual intuition of Schelling, as above consciousness, the pure being of Hegel, as an empty abstraction, unvindicated, illegitimately assumed, and arbitrarily developed, are equally useless as bases of metaphysics.
In some instances the known relation is self- Intuition evident, as when we judge intuitively that acirclecannot and de- be a triangle, or that three must be more than two.
Sometimes they consider moral intuition as determining the comparative excellence of conflicting motives (James Martineau), or the comparative quality of pleasures chosen (Laurie), which seems to be the same view in a hedonistic garb; others hold that what is intuitively perceived is the rightness or wrongness of individual acts - a view which obviously renders ethical reasoning practically superfluous.
The Cosmological argument proves, with the help of the first-named intuition, that there is one great First Cause; and the Design argument shows the First Cause to be intelligent or personal.
Schelling's explicit appeal in the Identitdts-philosophie to an intellectual intuition of the Absolute, is of the essence of mysticism, both as an appeal to a suprarational faculty and as a claim not merely to know but to realize God.
Sunt Cogitationes has been regarded by thinkers who profess themselves Berkeleians as the one proposition warranted by consciousness; the empiricism of his philosophy has been eagerly welcomed, while the spiritual intuition, without which the whole is to Berkeley meaningless, has been cast aside.
The deeper spiritual intuition, present from the first, was only brought into clear relief in order to meet difficulties in the earlier statements, and the extension of the intuition itself beyond the limits of our own consciousness, which completely removes his position from mere subjectivism, rests on foundations uncritically assumed, and at first sight irreconcilable with certain positions of his system.
Kant had attributed to God, in distinction from man's understanding, an intellectual intuition of things.
In the first place, the intuition of causality does not require will at all, because we often perceive one bodily member pressing another involuntarily; a man suffering from lockjaw neither wills nor can avoid feeling the pressure of his upper and lower jaws against one another.
His reconciliation amounts to this, that the rule of conduct is to aim at universal happiness, but that we recognize the reasonableness of this rule by an intuition which cannot be further explained.
The intellectual intuition either falls under the eye of consciousness, or it does not.
Secondly, the emotional element of the moral consciousness, on which attention had been concentrated by Shaftesbury and his followers, though distinctly recognized as accompanying the intellectual intuition, is carefully subordinated to it.
They did not make much use of the word " intuition," which may indeed be taken in different senses, e.g.
Moreover, while Kant in a quite similar manner pointed out that intuition had special conditions, space and time, he did not show any link of connexion between these and the primitive conditions of pure cognition.
He rightly, therefore, rejected the supposed intellectual intuition of the Absolute.
Riehl, who in Der philosophische Kriti .cis- mus (1876, &c.) proposes the non-Kantian hypothesis that, though things in themselves are unknowable through reason alone, they are knowable by empirical intuition, and therefore also by empirical thought starting from intuition.
The idea of God is a cumulative intuition given by all the various faculties of the mind, in its observation of harmony in nature and in man.
It is an experimental or observational science, founded on primary or immediate judgments (in his phraseology, perceptions), of relation between facts of intuition; its conclusions are hypothetical only in so far as they do not imply the existence at the moment of corresponding real experience; and its propositions have no exact truth.
But Laplace unquestionably surpassed his rival in practical sagacity and the intuition of physical truth.
He had besides arrived by some kind of intuition at the conclusion that the operations in the body were of a chemical character, and that when disordered they were to be put right by counter operations of the same kind.