Intrusive Sentence Examples
Yancey tossed his newspaper aside and stomped into the hallway, where he gruffly answered the intrusive caller.
Without wanting to get too intrusive, can you shed any light?
Both he and Daniel Brennan became sounding boards without being intrusive.
Some feel it is unfairly intrusive.
Practically all the remaining area in these islands is occupied by metamorphic schists and gneisses which occur in great variety and with which are associated numerous dikes and masses of intrusive igneous rock.
They show a great variety of type made up of slates, quartzites, occasional conglomerates, schists with large masses of intrusive granites and gneiss.
The sedimentary rocks are affected by many dikes and sheets of igneous rock, some of the latter being extrusive and some intrusive.
These intrusive masses now tower into conspicuous groups of hills - the Cuillins in Skye, the mountains of Rum and Mull, and the rugged heights of Ardnamurchan.
Geologically the group is composed mainly of Triassic, Cretaceous and Tertiary strata, penetrated by intrusive rocks.
It forms part of an intrusive mass which, on the south and west cliffs of the island, has a columnar arrangement and is traversed by dykes of dolerite, most of which run in a northwest direction.
AdvertisementThe northern part of the western side of the anticline is broken off by a great fault in the valley of the Eden, and the scarp thus formed is rendered more abrupt by the presence of a sheet of intrusive basalt.
There was no confiscation of lands for the benefit of intrusive Danish settlers.
Slates, schists, quartzites and limestones form the greater part of the hills, but the Brocken and Victorshohe are masses of intrusive granite, and diabases and diabase tuffs are interstratified with the sedimentary deposits.
The Devonian period, as in Victoria, was marked by a series of granitic intrusions, which altered the older beds on the contact, while the quartz-porphyry dikes, which are intrusive in the Silurian rocks at the Mount Bischoff tin mine, doubtless belong to this period.
The tinguaites and solvsbergites of Port C y gnet, south of Hobart, may be of this age; they are intrusive in Carboniferous rocks, and there is no evidence of their precise date; but their resemblance to the rocks associated with the geburite-dacite of Victoria suggests that they may belong to.
AdvertisementThis innovative approach avoids visually intrusive surface-mounted closers and invasive work to floors to fit floor-level closers.
Intrusive research is defined in terms of whether consent would be required of a person who is mentally competent.
This series contains the great whin sill, an intrusive quartz dolerite, which is one of the interesting features of local geology.
Mountain summits show roof of Silurian hornfels above intrusive granites of Western Mournes.
Third, the four parishioners who had heard the test had found the noise very intrusive.
AdvertisementWe have to continue to strive to make that technology less intrusive.
Signs Signs should not be visually intrusive from the waterway.
This occurs either through poorly designed assessment tasks or through the existence of an overly intrusive regime of compliance.
The only real issue is whether such differential charging would be unduly intrusive into peopleâs privacy.
We have not incorporated these into our website as we believe that they are unnecessarily intrusive and decrease website accessibility.
AdvertisementMany homes have a sloping roof which could be paneled - less environmentally intrusive than wind turbines.
The sounds can also help reduce the contrast between the tinnitus and background sounds, making the tinnitus appear less intrusive.
Observation may seem more intrusive to the people being observed than to the observer.
Nicholas Briggs ' music works well, blending into the story well without once becoming intrusive on the action of the story itself.
The presence of the film crews never felt intrusive.
Again, this is probably owing to your relaxed mind suffering less from the intrusive thoughts of a fully conscious mind.
What is equally worrying is the intrusive nature of the new moralism.
The search for buried ordnance is carried out using either non-intrusive or intrusive investigation methods.
The same is true of intrusive rue of intrusive r, discussed above.
This " break in " was for him a most severe and extreme intrusive stressor.
Plainly these were the men who had been involved in the intrusive surveillance of me for the preceding three years.
The use of traditional materials - white painted stone or stucco with gray roofs would be least intrusive.
The CWC, which entered into force in 1997, has an intrusive verification regime within it.
While the noise is low and constant it can be intrusive.
You want to landscape as close to nature as possible so as to be less intrusive.
They pay for themselves over their lifecycle, and they are much less intrusive to the environment than mining coal or digging wells for oil.
The symptoms can be moderate but intrusive, or they can be severe and debilitating.
In addition, while electric floor heating systems are sold as "no maintenance" systems, if something does happen to go wrong with one over time, repairs could be costly and intrusive.
Surgery may be too intrusive for some patients and nasal masks can be uncomfortable for others.
While the techniques are often less intrusive than medical interventions are, it is still important to see your doctor about snoring problems.
It helps to begin with the least intrusive methods to address the breathing problem such as antihistamines to reduce nasal swelling or nasal strips on the outside of the nose to help open the nasal cavity.
For the most part this doesn't pose as an intrusive annoyance to your overall enjoyment of the game.
Other than that, cosmetic flaws like the less-than-stellar voice acting (with the exception of Patrick Stewart and Lou Diamond Phillips) are hardly intrusive to the joys of linear gameplay.
I had no clue if it was legal or not but the gendarmes were less intrusive than ants on that day.
Winemakers use many different methods for Pinot Noir and Chardonnay, however the least intrusive are generally the most effective such as natural, wild fermentations.
More intrusive than anything, any music, photos and documents can be taken by downloading them over a network whether it's a cell phone network or a wireless one.
If you are receiving troublesome, annoying, or intrusive calls from the same number on a consistent basis, it may be possible to block cell phone numbers from calling you in the first place.
These children may learn both to model their parents' insensitivity and to rely on intrusive, demanding behavior of their own in order to get attention.
Anxiety, restlessness, inability to concentrate, and intrusive thoughts about the abandonment take a toll and can lead to a drop in school performance and difficulties with classmates.
Obsessions are intrusive, irrational thoughts that keep popping up in a person's mind, such as the urgency to wash one's hands again.
Additional obsessions can involve excessive religious feelings or intrusive sexual thoughts.
Active and intrusive children are also more aggressive than passive or reserved ones.
They are sometimes shunned by peers due to their impulsive and intrusive behavior.
This low-tech approach to determining when to try to conceive is the least intrusive but it may not be the most reliable.
Some simple strategies, ranging from the least intrusive to the most complicated, can help you decide which approach is ideal for you.
For this reason, researchers in the past two decades have been concentrating on developing less intrusive, safer ways to deal with labor pain.
Stay away from asking open ended questions as they demand a reply, and can come across as intrusive.
Once you have been involved in the chat room long enough, asking for someone's e-mail address or instant message ID will not be intrusive to them.
Gentle waves or other subtle noises are fine, but louder, more intrusive sounds can disrupt the mood.
The less intrusive the cleaning process, the better, especially if you think you might want to resell the bag at some point in the future.
Services can feel intrusive and burdensome but they are worth the sacrifice.
Dean had used a less intrusive pad and pencil with Cynthia Byrne.
The oldest rocks consist of gneiss and schist, penetrated by dikes and bosses of granite, syenite, porphyry and other intrusive rocks.
The sedentary population of the country villages - the fellahin, or agriculturists - is, on the whole, comparatively unmixed; but traces of various intrusive strains assert themselves.
These mountains, consisting of various sorts of gneiss, intrusive granite and gabbro, have been formed partly by faulting but mainly by erosion, the lines of which have been determined by the presence of faults or the presence of relatively soft rocks.
One of the striking features in the geology of Arran is the remarkable series of intrusive igneous rocks of Tertiary age which occupy nearly one-half of the area and form the wildest and grandest scenery in the island.
It is worthy of note that the dykes and sheets of felsite are seldom pierced by the basalt dykes and are probably about the most recent of the intrusive rocks.
Intrusive dikes - locally known as ironstone - by preventing erosion are often the cause of the flat-topped hills which are a common feature of the landscape.
In the north the Pennine region is joined to the Southern Uplands of Scotland by the Cheviot Hills, a mass of granite and Old Red Sandstone; and the northern part is largely traversed by dykes of contemporary volcanic or intrusive rock.
Dykes and intrusive sheets, most of which end at the folded belt, are also numerous.
Assume first, however, that there is no uplift from intrusive water.
The axis along which they have been elevated runs north-east and south-west, and on either flank a series of " green rocks " appears, consisting of altered amygdaloidal andesitic lavas, intrusive dolerites, coarse gabbros and diorites, and at Beagh-beg and Creggan in central Tyrone ancient rhyolitic tuffs.
The earliest signs of igneous activity in Africa are to be found in the granites, intrusive into the older rocks of the Cape peninsula, into those of the Transvaal, and into the gneisses and schists of Central Africa.
Think of the possibilities if we could reduce pollination of weeds and intrusive vegetation.
Compliance rises when patients use less intrusive sleep apnea mouthpieces.
If these less intrusive methods have failed to stop the snoring, surgery may be considered.
Thankfully, the advertising is not nearly as intrusive as some gamers may expect.
Volcanic rocks, locally called "Toadstone," are represented in the limestones by intrusive sills and flows of dolerite and by necks of agglomerate, notably near Tideswell, Millersdale and Matlock.
There is no appearance of intrusive deities or cult-ideas.
In the western portion of Mainland, in Northmavine, -there is a considerable tract of rocks of this age which are formed largely of intrusive diabase-porphyrite; similar volcanic rocks occur in Papa Stour.
Glasser, the basic igneous rocks which are associated with the mineral deposits of New Caledonia were intrusive in Cainozoic times, at the severing of the connexion between New Caledonia and New Zealand.
Volcanic necks may be recognized at Carrick-a-rede, in the intrusive mass of dolerite at Slemish, at Carnmoney near Belfast, and a few other points.
Brixianus (f) of the 6th century would be added if it were not probable that it is merely a Vulgate MS. with intrusive elements.
The intrusive rOcks predominate over the schists in extent of area covered.
Trap appears here and there in intrusive dykes.
The age of the intrusive sheets met with in the Beaufort series is usually attributed to the Stormberg period.
It may do this in virtue of horizontal water-pressure alone, or of such pressure combined with upward pressure from intrusive water at its base or in any higher horizontal plane.
In one of these papers Levy formulated the requirement now generally adopted in France that the vertical pressure at the upstream end of any joint, calculated by the law of uniformly varying stress, should not be less than that of the water pressure at the level of that joint in order to prevent intrusive water getting into the structure.
By reason of the constantly changing temperatures and the frequent filling and emptying of the reservoir, expansion and contraction, which are always at work tending to produce relative movements wherever one portion of a structure is weaker than another, must have assisted the water-pressure in the extension of the horizontal cracks, which, growing slowly during the fifteen years, provided at last the area required to enable the intrusive water to overbalance the little remaining stability of the dam.
Even if the volcanic and intrusive basic rocks prove to be Ordovician (Lower Silurian), which is very doubtful, the metamorphic series of the core is clearly distinct, and appears to be " fundamental " so far as Ireland is concerned.
The red gneisses near Tarr Head probably represent intrusive granite; and this small north-eastern exposure is representative of the Dalradian series which covers so wide a field from central Londonderry to the coast of Donegal.
The oldest rocks in this large area are a stratified series of mica-schists, limestones and quartzites, with numerous intrusive sheets of diorite, the whole having been metamorphosed by pressure, with frequent overfolding.
The foothills and lowlands throughout southern Wicklow and almost the whole of Wexford, and the corresponding country of western Wicklow and eastern Kildare, are thus formed of Silurian beds, in which numerous contemporaneous and also intrusive igneous rocks are intercalated, striking like the chain N.E.
Intrusive and volcanic rocks of great variety and of various ages occur.
He thought of Edith Shipton, impregnated by a man she hated and who seemed not to have wanted an intrusive fetus invading her life.
Those rocks which contain andalusite and staurolite are sometimes found in such associations as show that they are due to contact action by intrusive igneous masses.
The oldest rocks consist of granite and schist, penetrated by intrusive dykes, and upon this foundation rest the flat-lying sedimentary deposits, beginning with a sandstone like the Nubian sandstone of Egypt.
Fair Head is formed of intrusive dolerite, presenting a superb columnar seaward face.
In the neighbourhood of intrusive granites and similar plutonic igneous rocks, slates undergo "contact alteration," and great changes ensue in their appearance, structure and mineral composition.
Most of tie Archean rocks fall into one or the other of two great series, a schistose series and a granitoid series, the latter being in large part intrusive in the former.
Thus they not only penetrate all cavities in an exceedingly intrusive manner, but exert pressures in all directions, which, owing to the density of the asphalt, are more than 40 greater than would be produced by a corresponding depth of water.
All over Iceland, in both the basalt and breccia formations, there occur small intrusive beds and dikes of liparite, and as this rock is of a lighter colour than the basalt, it is visible from a distance.
He dismissed the intrusive thought.
It is penetrated by far younger intrusive masses at Slieve Gullion and Forkill.
He jumped to his feet flipping light switches and stumbling through both rooms, barely seeing still-sleeping Cynthia through eyes pinched nearly closed against the intrusive brightness.
Dykes and intrusive rocks are common.
The oldest rocks exposed are gneiss, talc-schist and serpentine, with intrusive masses of gabbro and diabase.