Introducing Sentence Examples
No point in even introducing a mention of Jerome Shipton.
He increased the dignity of the crown by introducing a stricter court etiquette, and its wealth by recovering those of the royal domains which the magnates had appropriated during the troubles of the last reign.
He immediately set about introducing certain urgent reforms, suppressed all subsidies to the press, and declared his intention of governing according to law and justice.
The same tone was maintained in his speech on introducing the naval estimates.
Introducing another letter z, and considering the function I+xz.
To this Napoleon consented, but hardly had the agreement been signed than he succeeded in introducing a number of individual French soldiers into the fortress, who began rioting with the Austrian soldiery.
For this purpose he selected extracts from the two narratives, " J " and " E," and combined them together into a single narrative, introducing in some places additions of his own.
Marryat's first attempt was somewhat severely criticized from an artistic point of view, and he was accused of gratifying private grudges by introducing real personages too thinly disguised; and as he attributed some of his own adventures to Frank Mildmay he was rather shocked to learn that readers identified him with that disagreeable character.
Bela endeavoured to strengthen his own monarchy by introducing the hereditary principle, crowning his infant son Emerich, as his successor during his own lifetime, a practice followed by most of the later Arpads; he also held a brilliant court on the Byzantine model, and replenished the treasury by his wise economies.
Literature The Catholic ecclesiastics who settled in Hungary during the 1 1th century, and who found their way into the chief offices of the state, were mainly instrumental in establishing Latin as the predominant language of the court, the higher schools and public worship, and of eventually introducing it into the administration.
AdvertisementAnother kind of sequence is that which is formed by introducing the successive factors of a continued product; e.g.
If a formal proof be desired, it may be obtained by introducing into the integral a factor such as P, in which h is ultimately made to diminish without limit.
Bottger of Frankfort and Otto and Knop, all of whom added to our knowledge of the subject, the last-named introducing the use of sulphuric along with nitric acid in the nitration process.
Leber experimented with several chemical compounds to find what reaction they had on these cells; by using fine glass tubes sealed at the outer end and containing a chemical substance, and by introducing the open end into the blood vessels he found that the leucocytes were attracted - positive chemiotaxis - by the various compounds of mercury, copper, turpentin, and other substances.
At the same time, the discovery of America, and increased intercourse with the East, by introducing a variety of new plants, greatly accelerated the progress both of botany and pharmacology.
AdvertisementIt is often assumed that the writings and influence of Bacon did much towards introducing a more scientific method into medicine and physiology.
Upper Burma was formally annexed on the 1st of January 1886, and the work of restoring the country to order and introducing settled government commenced.
Guinand, towards the end of the 18th century, by introducing the process of stirring the molten glass by means of a cylinder of fireclay.
Aided by grants from the Prussian government, these workers systematically investigated the effect of introducing a large number of different chemical substances (oxides) into vitreous fluxes.
All the earlier attempts in this direction failed on account of the difficulty of bringing the glass to the machines without introducing air-bells, which are always formed in molten glass when it is ladled or poured from one vessel into another.
AdvertisementOwing to theAfashion of Dutch and Flemish painters introducing glass vases and drinking-glasses into their paintings of still life, interiors and scenes of conviviality, Holland and Belgium at the present day possess more accurate records of the products of their ancient glass factories than any other countries.
Opinions differ as to the true import of these glosses; some scholars hold that the Salic Law was originally written in the Frankish vernacular, and that these words are remnants of the ancient text, while others regard them as legal formulae such as would be used either by a plaintiff in introducing a suit, or by the judge to denote the exact composition to be pronounced.
It may be diminished by introducing clippings of platinum foil, pieces of porcelain, glass beads or garnets into the liquid.
Channing (q.v.), whom Martineau had called " the inspirer of his youth," Theodore Parker had succeeded, introducing more radical ideas as to religion and a more drastic criticism of sacred history.
The motives remained almost identical with those of the Chinese masters, and so imbued with the foreign spirit were many of the Japanese disciples that it is said they found it difficult to avoid introducing Chinese accessories even into pictures of native scenery.
AdvertisementIt is worth noting that if we have a charged sphere we can perfectly discharge it by introducing it into the interior of another hollow insulated conductor and making contact.
This salt is prepared by precipitating a solution of gold in aqua regia by ammonia, and then introducing the well-washed precipitate into a boiling solution of potassium cyanide.
As time went on the practice of introducing additional matter of an edifying character grew in popular favour, and was gradually extended.
The answer to this was found experimentally by Arthur Schuster, who suspended the whole instrument in delicate equilibrium, and observed the effect of introducing the radiation.
Reynolds, in his investigation, introducing no new form of law of distribution of velocities, uses a linear quantity, proportional to the mean free path of the gaseous molecules, which he takes to represent (somewhat roughly) the average distance from which molecules directly affect, by their convection, the state of the medium; the gas not being uniform on account of the gradient of temperature, the change going on at each point is calculated from the elements contributed by the parts at this particular distance in all directions.
Lugard, by introducing the names " Protestant " and " Catholic " - till then unknown - and by insisting that all religion.
This provision, introducing an entirely new principle into the American governmental system, came into effect in January 1903, and was employed in the following year when a previously elected councilman who was "recalled" by petition and was unsuccessful in the 1904 election brought suit to hold his office, and on a mere technicality the Supreme Court of the state declared the recall election invalid.
Finally Christian III., an ardent Lutheran, ascended the throne in 1536; with the sanction of the diet he severed, in 1537, all connexion with the pope, introducing the Lutheran system of Church government and accepting the Augsburg Confession.
An insurrection of the Yorkshire peasants, which is to be ascribed in part to the distress caused by the enclosure of the commons on which they had been wont to pasture their cattle, and in part to the destruction of popular shrines, may have caused the king to defend his orthodoxy by introducing into parliament in 1539 the six questions.
While hundreds were imprisoned or burned, Protestants seemed steadily to increase in numbers, and finally only the expostulations of the parlement of Paris prevented the king from introducing the Inquisition in France in accordance with the wishes of the pope and the cardinal of Lorraine.
Reiske's first years in Leiden were not unhappy, till he got into serious trouble by introducing emendations of his own into the second edition of Burmann's Petronius, which he had to see through the press.
Bardas justified this usurpation by introducing various internal reforms; in the wars of the period Michael himself took a more active part.
The second consists in taking a comparatively simple expression obtained in this way, and introducing corrections which involve the values of ordinates at or near the boundaries of the figure.
Then move one train marked (I) 8A to the right, and the other train (II) IX to the left, introducing new parts of each train at one end, and sending out old parts at the other.
We might make this investigation more general by introducing a force X as in the investigation for air, but it hardly appears necessary.
He made it not only nationally prominent, but instrumental in shaping the course of legislative and executive action by introducing into the work of the Commission an entirely new spirit and new methods.
So alarming did the growth appear, that the other parties combined, and on the 28th of March 1896 a new electoral law was passed, introducing indirect election and a franchise based on a triple division of classes determined by the amount paid in direct taxation.
He sought to spread Christianity by introducing the Cistercians, founding bishoprics, and building churches and monasteries.
These boards also undertook other functions, such as introducing new methods of manufacture and supplying the workers in the munition factories with beer.
Almost his first act on ascending the throne was publicly to insult his consort, the amiable Charlotte Amelia of Hesse-Cassel, by introducing into court, as his officially recognized mistress, Amelia Moth, a girl of sixteen, the daughter of his former tutor, whom he made countess of Samsd.
During the four years for which he held that office, although he allowed the finances of the colony to get into confusion, he endeavoured to improve its condition by introducing the vine, sugar-cane and tobacco plant, and by encouraging the breeding of horses and the reclamation of land.
But there is no doubt that, whatever may be the view taken as to the extreme theory of vegetarianism, it has had considerable effect in modifying the excessive meat-consuming regime of previous days, and in introducing new varieties of vegetable cooking into the service of the table.
Hearsay evidence and the testimony of the perjured informer Lord Howard, whom Sidney had been instrumental in introducing to his friends, were first produced.
The reform movement inaugurated by the commission of 1803 was resumed in 1830, when Governor-General Johannes van den Bosch endeavoured to improve the conditions of land-tenure and agriculture by introducing the so-called "culture system."
We might consider that matter and aether can coexist in the same space; this would involve the co-existence and interaction of a double set of properties, introducing great complication, which would place any coherent scheme of physical action probably beyond the powers of human analysis.
Conrad has been loudly blamed by Polish historians for introducing this foreign, and as it ultimately proved, dangerous element into Poland.
On the 7th of March 1606 Sigismund summoned a diet for the express purpose of introducing the principle of decision by majority in the diet, whereupon Zebrzydowski summoned a counter-confederation to Stenczyn in Little Poland, whose first act was to open negotiations with the prince of Transylvania, Stephen Bocskay, with the view of hiring mercenaries from him for further operations.
At first only one surface of the copper was plated with silver and thus its usefulness was necessarily restricted, but it was a simple matter to apply the silver to both sides and thenceforward whatever was made in solid metal could be reproduced in plate, and firm after firm went into the business, ever and anon introducing further improvements.
Cotton and silk culture have been experimented with on the islands; and the work of the Hawaiian Agricultural Experiment Station is of great value, in introducing new crops, in improving old, in studying soils and fertilizers and in entomological research.
For some years the Porte has been applying steady pressure on the nomads to induce them to settle, by increasing the number of military posts, by introducing Circassian colonies, as at Ras al-`Ain, sometimes by forcible settlement.
The manufacture of porcelain was at the time attracting great attention in England, and while the factories at Bow, Chelsea, Worcester and Derby were introducing the artificial glassy porcelain, Cookworthy, following the accounts of Pere d'Entrecolles, spent many years in searching for English materials similar to those used by the Chinese.
Rain-water is the best, next to that river or pond water, and last of all that from springs; but a chemical analysis should be made of the last before introducing it, as some spring waters contain mineral ingredients injurious to vegetation.
He tried to reconcile political parties by granting from his own initiative a liberal constitution (April 6, 1901), introducing for the first time in the constitutional history of Servia the system of two chambers (skupshtina and senate).
Another way of introducing the carbon is Darby's process of throwing large paper bags filled with anthracite, coke or gas-carbon into the casting ladle as the molten steel is pouring into it.
Now in oxidizing, or introducing more oxygen, for instance, by means of a mixture of sulphuric acid and potassium bichromate, and admitting that oxygen acts on both compounds in analogous ways, the two alcohols may give (as they lose two atoms of hydrogen) CH 3 CH 2 COH and CH 3 C0 CH 3.
He founded the Association Scientifique, and was active in introducing a practical scientific element into public education.
Fizeau's method, introducing various improvements in the apparatus, which added greatly to the accuracy of the results.
Indeed, the publication of this little volume bore immediate fruit in introducing its author to various men of letters, among whom was Dante Gabriel Rossetti, through whose offices Patmore became known to Holman Hunt, and was thus drawn into the eddies of the pre-Raphaelite movement, contributing his poem "The Seasons" to the Germ.
He did something to improve the condition of the duchies by restoring order, introducing German colonists into the eastern districts, and seeking to benefit the inhabitants of the towns.
In 1892 laws introducing a completely new coinage were carried in both parliaments, in accordance with agreements made by the ministers.
Hence the German Liberals were prevented from introducing direct elections to the Reichsrath, and the functions of the Reichsrath were slightly less extensive than they had hitherto been.
In 1883 a law was carried, introducing factory inspection, extending to mines and all industrial undertakings.
In 1884 and 1885 important laws were passed regulating the work in mines and factories, and introducing a maximum working day of eleven hours in factories, and ten hours in mines.
In 1714, when he was appointed rector of the university, he succeeded Govert Bidloo (1649-1713) in the chair of practical medicine, and in this capacity he had the merit of introducing the modern system of clinical instruction.
They also disliked and opposed his measures for introducing education among the natives and his encouraging the freedom of the press.
The reign of Ismail (q.v.), from 1863 to 1879, was for a while hailed as introducing a new era into modern Egypt.
It would be folly to think of introducing unrestricted parliamentary government at present, the conditions for its successful working not existing.
Their lyrics celebrated the mountains and rivers of the magnificent country they had left; and, while introducing images and scenery unfamiliar to the inhabitants of monotonous Denmark, they enriched the language with new words and phrases.
He adopted the idea of introducing the Old Scandinavian element into art, and even into life, still more earnestly than the older poet.
James had failed, practically, even in his effort (1427-1428) to anglicize parliament, by introducing the representative system; two " wise men " were to be chosen by each sheriffdom, and two Houses were to take the place of the one House in which all Estates were wont to meet.
Something will be said later in this article as to the limitation of variation; here it is necessary only to say that de Vries is introducing no new idea.
To him also belongs the great merit of liberating Russian preaching from the fetters of Polish turgidity and affectation by introducing popular themes and a simple style into Orthodox pulpit eloquence.
He had hitherto shown himself not unfavourable to re f orm, having supported the bill introducing the use of English into legal proceedings, having drafted a new treason law, and set on foot some alterations in chancery procedure.
St John's purpose in introducing it is not historical but didactic. It is made the occasion of instruction as to the heavenly food, the flesh and blood of Him who came down from heaven.
Lord Ripon was sent out to India by the Liberal ministry of 1880 for the purpose of reversing Lord Lytton's policy in Afghanistan, and of introducing a more sympathetic system into the administration of India.
When Lord Curzon became viceroy in 1898, he reversed the policy on the north-west frontier which had given rise to the Tirah campaign, withdrew outlying garrisons in tribal country, substituted for them tribal militia, and created the new North-West Frontier province, for the purpose of introducing consistency of policy and firmness of control upon that disturbed border.
Although a staunch friend of the constitution, Madison believed, however, that the instrument should be interpreted conservatively and not be made the means of introducing radical innovations.
Much land is too rough, too elevated or too arid ever to be made agriculturally available; but irrigation, and the work of the state and national agricultural bureaus in introducing new plants and promoting scientific farming, have accomplished much that once seemed impossible.
Early in the 10th century the monastery was reformed by introducing monks from Scotland, who were responsible for restoring in its old strictness the Benedictine rule.
The historical importance of Dermot lies in the fact that he was the means of introducing the English into Ireland.
The York-Antwerp Rules have not only had the valuable result of introducing uniformity where there had been great variety, and corresponding certainty as to the principles which will be acted upon in adjusting any G.A.
The Rhetoriqueurs, while protracting medieval traditions by their use of allegory and complicated metrical systems, sought to improve the French language by introducing Latinisms. Thus the Revival of Learning began to affect the vernacular in the last years of the 15th century.
Gustavus and his successor did much for Finland by founding schools and gymnasia, building churches, encouraging learning and introducing printing.
Indulgences were tried, and were successful in bringing back about loo ministers to their parishes and introducing a new cause of division among the clergy.
By introducing into his church a printed book of prayers and also an organ, Dr Lee stirred up vehement controversies in the church courts, which resulted in the recognition of the liberty of congregations to improve their worship. The Church Service Society, having for its object the study of ancient and modern liturgies, with a view to the preparation of forms of prayer for public worship, was founded in 1865; it has published eight editions of its " Book of Common Order," which, though at first regarded with suspicion, has been largely used by the clergy.
Oliver Heaviside after 1880 rendered much assistance by reducing Maxwell's mathematical analysis to more compact form and by introducing greater precision into terminology (see his Electrical Papers, 1892).
In brief, Mr Andrews' method consists in introducing water at the proper temperature into the retting vat, and maintaining that temperature by keeping the air of the chamber at a proper degree of heat.
By introducing perforated shields of ebonite between the electrodes, so that the full current-density was only attained at the centres of the jets, these ill effects could be prevented.
As man cannot easily avoid introducing parasites, and must keep domestic animals and till the land, a certain disturbance in aboriginal faunas is absolutely unavoidable.
At the beginning of Nnlrud-Din Shahs reign, a public school on the lines of a French lyce was opened in Teheran, principally with the object of educating officers for the army, but also of introducing a knowledge of Western.
His plan was to render himself independent of parliament and of the nation by binding himself to France and the French policy of aggrandizement, and receiving a French pension with the secret intention as well of introducing the Roman Catholic religion again into England.
It was Diniz who initiated the needful reforms. He earned his title of the rei lavrador or "farmer king " by introducing improved methods of cultivation and founding agricultural schools.
Speaking generally, the cancioneiros form monotonous reading owing to their poverty of ideas and conventionality of metrical forms and expression, but here and there men of talent who were poets by profession and better acquainted with Provencal literature endeavoured to lend their work variety by the use of difficult processes like the lexaprem and by introducing new forms like the pastorela and the descort.
Besides being authorized to veto motions, the strategus (general) had practically the sole power of introducing measures before the assembly.
By introducing the example of Abraham he shows that the book of the law contains the doctrine of justification by faith, and through the latter, therefore, is not made of none effect.
Pope bequeathed him the copyright and the editorship of his works, and contributed even more to his advancement by introducing him to Murray, afterwards Lord Mansfield, who obtained for him in 1746 the preachership of Lincoln's Inn, and to Ralph Allen, who, says Johnson, "gave him his niece and his estate, and, by consequence, a bishopric."
He now describes a number in succession, introducing all but the first of those told between Mark i.
Agitation for constitutional reform resulted in a constitutional convention, which met at Trenton from the 14th of May to the 29th of June 1844 and drafted a new frame of government, introducing a number of radical changes.
Plucker himself worked out the theory of complexes of the first and second order, introducing in his investigation of the latter the famous complex surfaces of which he caused those models to be constructed which are now so well known to the student of the higher mathematics.
He looked askance at all projects for the emancipation of the serfs, but, as one of the largest landowners of Denmark, he did much service to agriculture by lightening the burdens of the countrymen and introducing technical and scientific improvements which greatly increased production.
The voivode Alexander, who succeeded in 1591, and like his predecessors had bought his post of the Divan, carried the oppression still further by introducing a janissary guard and farming out his possessions to his Turkish supporters.
Enaki (lanache) Cogalniceanu wrote a history of the period 1730-1774, and followed the example of Greek writers by introducing rhymes into it.
On the English stage the liberty 01 unrestricted incident and complicated action, the power of multiplying characters and introducing prose scenes, would have exactly suited his somewhat intermittent genius, both by covering defects and by giving greater scope for the exhibition of power.
The advent of these immigrants was also the means of introducing the English language at the Cape.
In 1906 Lunge (in a paper published with Bert) to some extent modified his views, by introducing an intermediate compound, sulphonitronic acid, SO 5 NH 2, which had been noticed by various chemists for some time through its property of imparting a deep blue colour to sulphuric acid.
This pope was notorious for nepotism, and was responsible for introducing his nephew, Rodrigo Borgia, afterwards Pope Alexander VI., to Rome.
This immense undertaking involved the codification of the entire canon law, drawing it up in a clear, short and precise form, and introducing any expedient modifications and reforms. For this purpose the pope appointed.
Cousin made no reply to Hamilton's criticism beyond alleging that Hamilton's doctrine necessarily restricted human knowledge and certainty to psychology and logic, and destroyed metaphysics by introducing nescience and uncertainty into its highest sphere - theodicy.
Instead of introducing any general scheme of reform they contented themselves with putting him under the tutelage of twenty-one lords The ordainers, a baronial committee like that which had LosJs been appointed by the Provisions of Oxford, fifty Oryears back.
The House of Commons, reflecting the spitit of the country, blamed Lord Clarendon for neglecting to answer Count Walewskis despatch, and blamed Lord Palmerston for introducing a bill at French dictation.
The Liberals, who complained that their leaders were pursuing a Conservative policy, could at least console themselves by the reflection that, the chancellor of the exchequer was introducing satisfactory budgets.
But the English Liberals were already a little weary of allies who were quarrelling among themselves, and whose disputes were introducing a new factor into politics.
It serves as a means of research, more particularly in mathematical investigations, the simple laws thus deduced being subsequently modified by introducing assumptions in order to co-ordinate actual experiences.
By continuously and systematically selecting the best grains from the best ears, Major Hallett succeeded in introducing "pedigree wheats" of fine quality.
Thus, by the aid of his famous " dialectic," Socrates arrived first at the negative result that the professed teachers of the people were as ignorant as he himself claimed to be, and in a measure justified the eulogy of Aristotle that he rendered to philosophy the service of " introducing induction and definitions."
This school is very dissimilar from the half-romantic school of Jonas Hallgrimsson; it is nearer the national Icelandic school represented by Pall Olafsson and porsteinn Erlingsson, but differs from those writers by introducing foreign elements hitherto unknown in Icelandic literature, and - especially in the case of the prose-writers - by imitating closely the style and manner of some of the great Norwegian novelists.
The conception of the co-ordinates we have defined is facilitated by introducing that of the celestial sphere.
The speed of the latter may, therefore, be expressed as a function of its radius vector at the moment and of the major axis of its orbit without introducing any other elements into the expression.
Jablonski's next plan was to reform the Church of Prussia by introducing into it the episcopate, and also the liturgy of the English Church, but here again he was unsuccessful.
Here it may be mentioned that, like the hero in the Breton mdrehen, Qat " brought the dawn " by introducing birds whose notes proclaimed the coming of morning.
The movement towards introducing Arabian science and philosophy into Europe, however, culminated under the patronage of the emperor Frederick II.
The main agents in introducing and promoting these changes were the French ambassadors, a very able French treasury official Jean Orry, seigneur de Vignory (1652-1719)and the lady known as the princess des Ursins (q.v.), the chief lady-in-waiting.
Canovas so fully comprehended the necessity of averting American intervention that he listened to the pressing demands of secretary Olney and of the American minister in Madrid, Hannis Taylor, an.d laid before the Cortes a bill introducing home rule in Cuba on a more liberal scale than Maura, Abarzuza and Sagasta had dared to suggest two years before.
Under his auspices laws were passed reforming and strengthening the police force, instituting industrial tribunals, regulating the work of women and children, introducing Sunday rest, early closing, and other reforms. In short, the government, whatever criticism might be levelled at its methods, had accomplished a notable work, and when on the 6th of June 1909 the Cortes adjourned, its position seemed to be assured.
The crusades were probably the means of introducing fresh strains of blood into England, and of giving opportunity for fresh crossings.
In spite of his multifarious duties at the foreign office Grenville continued to take a lively interest in domestic matters, which he showed by introducing various bills into the House of Lords.
This construction was further improved (I) by introducing a diaphragm between the two lenses; (2) by altering the distance between the two lenses; and (3) by splitting the lower lens into two lenses.
By introducing a dispersive lens of flint the magnifying glass could be corrected for both chromatic and spherical aberrations.
This prince sought to emulate the changes which had recently been made in France by dividing Cothen into two departments and introducing the Code Napoleon.
The survey shows that the industry is introducing enhanced due diligence for sensitive transactions.
The company is also introducing several additions to its successful lineup of bath toys.
Why is the UK introducing biometrics in its passport?
Hampshire County Council have been introducing highly reflective road bollards to replace the more traditional illuminated versions.
Such a mutation could for example be in one of the DNA-binding helices introducing a kink in a normally straight and rigid helical conformation.
Fraudulent health insurance north Dakota 's legislative by introducing new.
Our school's LEA English Adviser practically told me I was teaching incorrectly by introducing digraphs to Reception children.
That is one reason I give no apology for introducing a spiritual dimension to a conference dedicated to the Practical Pilgrim.
The possibility of introducing or improving late night public transport services with, for example, trained doorman on board.
Will the NHS pension Scheme be introducing a pension drawdown facility?
He has brought into the discussion the possibility of introducing a practical element into law degree courses.
Because of the risk of introducing infection, they should not be used to reduce catheter encrustation - rather the catheter should be replaced.
The dangers of introducing laws to legalize euthanasia are very real ones.
Norwegian cat fanciers in Norway worked very hard to preserve this breed by introducing a very strict breeding program me.
Feudalism was introduced in England in 1066 following the Battle of Hastings and the Norman Conquest Who was responsible for introducing feudalism was introduced in England in 1066 following the Battle of Hastings and the Norman Conquest Who was responsible for introducing feudalism in England?
By Hali Edison & Ronald MacDonald Recently proposals for introducing greater exchange rate fixity into the behavior of key exchange rates have become fashionable.
New methods of introducing fluorine We continue to seek new methods of introducing fluorine to molecules.
You also work hands-on with partners in the class, thus introducing healing with another person.
We will cut significantly freight vehicle excise duty, funding this by introducing a daily charge which includes overseas hauliers who currently escape VED.
Are there other ways of introducing incentives to use a conditional fee, rather than legal aid, whenever possible?
Unfortunately, the mammoth cost means any government introducing compulsion will use the opportunity to slide out of providing full tax relief inducements.
He considered that there were ' presentational problems ' with introducing a ban on the use of bovine intestines in haggis on Burns Night.
The site liaison COs were happy with the proposal but expressed concern about introducing the new arrangement before the availability of a school-wide inventory.
The man in the background is holding a Copper ladle for introducing the powder [1860s] .
Introducing the Xerox Phaser 6110 Series color laser printer - the affordable replacement to business ink-jet printers that fits in any space.
Anne Bebbington An investigation introducing plant defense mechanisms and the idea of adaptation 91 What happened to the holly leaf miner?
England 3 - 1 Hungary England B 1 - 2 Belarus nerd nirvana Introducing... England The Guardian guide to a team called England.
The students worked collectively on the section introducing the normal curve and standardized scores.
The Romans adopted these weapons during the Punic Wars and further developed them, before introducing the new arrow-firing ballista and stone-throwing onager.
The numerical method then must be able to handle discontinuities without introducing non-physical, spurious oscillations.
A pioneering conference introducing peacemakers from around the world will soon be held at the University of Bradford.
In [6] we gave a way of handling " negative resonances " by introducing a first order perturbation.
Together we are going to plan a project to improve literacy in the islands ' schools by introducing synthetic phonics teaching methods.
A previous year's slide show introducing atomic and nuclear physics is provided in HTML and PowerPoint formats.
The United Reformed Church has a history of introducing individuals to the world of academia and to ecumenical pilgrimage.
Mid Beds District Council is introducing new heavy duty polypropylene bags for garden waste this summer.
Research is being done on the possibility of introducing European insect predators in order to control the growing invasion.
This has expanded the range of work of mental healthcare professionals and enhanced their development - introducing them to new models of care delivery.
The company is also introducing the product Precise 100 XS - the most cost-effective biometric fingerprint reader on the market.
We are shaping a socialist market economy and introducing strategic readjustments to the economic structure.
He played a key role in introducing the first drug arrest referral scheme which was initially piloted at Oxford custody.
It is good to keep introducing new pieces in order to increase a choir's repertoire - pieces can then be performed in rotation.
The best event organizers are increasingly introducing effective security screens to help prevent the resale of tickets from unauthorized outlets.
In any other walk of life, a 44-year-old man introducing his dental work to another might provoke ridicule or disgust.
Top of page How I teach the schwa Fast dictation I find this activity useful for introducing the schwa in context.
There is also the disgraceful manipulation of our food by mad scientists who are introducing Genetically Altered food into our diet.
Is there any chance of introducing some sort of mini season ticket so that I could pick and choose and not lose out?
But when we come to R G Blaine he simply sidesteps the issue of time by introducing horse power hour.
Introducing the expenditure strategy, Shadow Chancellor Oliver Letwin even remarked that Samuel Pepys once ran the navy almost single-handed.
Mesthrie, R., Swann, J., Deumert, A and Leap, W (2000) Introducing sociolinguistics.
Dean Baker on keyboards introducing some excellent new synth sounds to these established tracks.
By introducing modern cellular manufacturing techniques, it has also increased output from 12 to 70 units a month.
Introducing, Big Ben, a radical new studio timepiece that will set the pace for all master clocks to come.
Climbing into my own bed at 5am and introducing the toddler who awoke at 7am to his baby sister.
Mr Teague believed that the Sussex League were introducing a code of varying penalties to punish transgressions by players.
The sky was painted upside down, painting the Raw Sienna at the base the introducing Alizarin Crimson then French ultramarine at the top.
Bespoke languages are deemed necessary in order to avoid introducing confounding variables.
There is a case for introducing some restriction on repeated applications to develop the same site, as these could also become vexatious.
We are introducing a V-neck Sweatshirt - bottle green - with gold embroidery to replace current v-neck jumper.
The banks are suffering from erosion and we've had no success in introducing various water plants as they are always eaten.
Tools for Interactivity - Chris Jennings Introducing the authoring tools Tool metaphors making choices WYSIWYG or HTML?
Of Bacon's demand for observation and collection of facts he is an imitator; and he wishes (in a letter of 1632) that " some one would undertake to give a history of celestial phenomena after the method of Bacon, and describe the sky exactly as it appears at present, without introducing a single hypothesis."
Gumperz or Hess rendered a conspicuous service to Mendelssohn and to the cause of enlightenment in 1754 by introducing him to Lessing.
Still more serious an encroachment upon the constitution perhaps even than the institution of the major-generals was Cromwell's tampering with the municipal franchise by confiscating the charters, depriving the burgesses, now hostile to his government, of their parliamentary votes, and limiting the franchise to the corporation; thereby corrupting the national liberties at their very source, and introducing an evil precedent only too readily followed by Charles II.
But if full loads cannot be arranged forsmall wagons, there is obviously no economy in introducing, larger ones.
Once having accepted the principle of constitutional government, the emperor-king adhered to it loyally, in spite of the discouragement caused by party struggles embittered by racial antagonisms. If in the Cisleithan half of the monarchy pv rliamentary government broke down, this was through no fault of the emperor, who worked hard to find a mod us vivendi between the factions, and did not shrink from introducing manhood suffrage in the attempt to establish a stable parliamentary system.
In 1805 Napoleon made him governor of Dalmatia, with the title of provediteur general, in which position Dandolo distinguished himself by his efforts to remove the wretchedness and idleness of the people, and to improve the country by draining the pestilential marshes and introducing better methods of agriculture.
The Institute of Technology has an exceptional reputation for the wide range of its instruction and its high standards of scholarship. It was a pioneer in introducing as a feature of its original plans laboratory instruction in physics, mechanics and mining.
A great advance was made by Dalton, who, besides introducing simpler symbols, regarded the symbol as representing not only the element or compound but also one atom of that element or compound; in other words, his symbol denoted equivalent weights.4 This system, which permitted the correct representation of molecular composition, was adopted by Berzelius in 1814, who, having replaced the geometric signs of Dalton by the initial letter (or letters) of the Latin names of the elements, represented a compound by placing a plus sign between the symbols of its components, and the number of atoms of each component (except in the case of only one atom) by placing Arabic numerals before the symbols; for example, copper oxide was Cu +0, sulphur trioxide S+30.
With a view of safeguarding themselves from breakdowns caused by the inequality of feeding, or by the action of malicious persons introducing foreign substances, such as crowbars, bolts, &c., among the canes, and so into the mills, many planters have adopted socalled hydraulic attachments, applied either to the megass roll or the top roll bearings.
The last duke of Charost, Armand Joseph de Bethune (1738-1800), French economist and philanthropist, served in the army during the Seven Years' War, after which he retired to his estates in Berry, where, and also in Brittany and Picardy, he sought to ameliorate the lot of his peasants by abolishing feudal dues, and introducing reforms in agriculture.
The Porphyrian, by introducing species, deals with the predication of universals concerning individuals (for species is necessarily predicated of the individual), and thus created difficulties from which the Aristotelian is free (see below).
A still greater prince was Gedymin (1315-1342) who did his utmost to civilize Lithuania by building towns, introducing foreigners, and tolerating all religions, though he himself remained a pagan for political reasons.
By introducing the concave grating which (see Diffraction Of Light, § 8) allows US to dispense with all lenses, Rowland produced a revolution in spectroscopic measurement.
In 1794 he tried again his commercial weapons, introducing in the House of Representatives resolutions based on Jefferson's report on commerce, advising retaliation against Great Britain and discrimination in commercial and navigation laws in favour of France; and he declared that the friends of Jay's treaty were "a British party systematically aiming at an exclusive connexion with the British government," and in 1796 strenuously but unsuccessfully opposed the appropriation of money to carry this treaty into effect.
Or, if 1 It is true that he afterwards modifies this misleading identification by introducing the distinction between empirical psychology or the phenomenology of mind and inferential psychology' or ontology, i.e.
Mr Birrell began by introducing a bill for the establishment of an Irish Council, which would have given the Home Rulers considerable leverage, but, to the surprise of the English Liberals, it was summarily rejected by a Nationalist convention in Dublin, and was forthwith abandoned.
He hardened his heart against the senator who was introducing this set and narrow attitude into the deliberations of the nobility.
The German who knew little French, answered the two first questions by giving the names of his regiment and of his commanding officer, but in reply to the third question which he did not understand said, introducing broken French into his own German, that he was the quartermaster of the regiment and his commander had ordered him to occupy all the houses one after another.
By introducing these systems and processes, IBM reckons itâs saved several billion dollars from its bottom line.
From September 2006 all schools will be introducing the new Science curriculum.
Ballot secrecy The Act of Parliament introducing the principle of the ' secret ballot ' was first introduced in 1872.
Mesthrie, R., Swann, J., Deumert, A and Leap, W (2000) Introducing Sociolinguistics.
During the 9 th the high transferred into the North Sea introducing a southeasterly airflow.
Airlines and airport authorities have also shown excellent support in introducing stepped-up security measures.
He appears to be better at hiding behind outdated GM laws than he is at introducing more stringent public safeguards.
Boeing 707 - In January 1959, American Airlines entered the jet age by introducing non-stop, jet-powered transcontinental service with the Boeing 707.
The sky was painted upside down, painting the Raw Sienna at the base the introducing Alizarin Crimson then French Ultramarine at the top.
Consider waiting until after the upheaval of the festive period before introducing a new animal to the household.
We are introducing a v-neck Sweatshirt - bottle green - with gold embroidery to replace current v-neck jumper.
Introducing the Muraselector Bought in at the beginning of 2004, the Muraselector is designed to move the wallcovering industry into a new era.
The banks are suffering from erosion and we 've had no success in introducing various water plants as they are always eaten.
Tools for Interactivity - Chris Jennings Introducing the authoring tools Tool metaphors Making choices wysiwyg or HTML?
You won't need to begin introducing your child to solid foods until he is between four and six months.
Finally, you can help your baby develop good eating habits by introducing her to a variety of fruits, vegetables, and meats.
You probably began introducing solid foods when your baby was between four and six months of age.
Hopefully, you waited a few days before introducing each new food.
When you begin introducing your toddler to the art of potty training, you need to get her as involved as possible.
He believes that introducing sign language to babies as early as six months can help them develop their language skills at an earlier age.
Before long, you'll be introducing solid foods, which will supplement the breast milk or formula you give her.
Today, pediatricians recommend introducing solid foods between the ages of four and six months of age.
As you begin introducing solid foods, keep in mind that this food will supplement not replace breast milk or formula.
Sibling birth announcements have become a popular choice in introducing the newest member of the family to relatives, friends, and co-workers.
Introducing too many people of the opposite sex to your child can be confusing to say the least!
Breast milk or formula should still be the main staple of your baby's diet, but you can begin introducing solid foods, one food at a time to rule out food allergies.
Luv n Care's 7 oz. two handle cup with the valveless no-spill spout makes a great training cup for introducing the cup drinking concept to your baby.
How young is too young when it comes to introducing your child to the computer?
Psychologists often feel that introducing a computer to an infant involves pushing a child to progress beyond his natural learning pace.
Hoping to dispel some of the confusion, especially in the business world, Chinese-Americans often take on a more American first name, introducing themselves by their adopted first name and Chinese surname instead.
Introducing solids is a major milestone in a child's first year of life.
The most important issue in regards to introducing solid foods is ruling out any food allergies.
Along with cereal, you can also begin introducing solid foods like applesauce, bananas, and pears.
Introducing finger foods for toddlers into your child's daily routine is a fun milestone for both parents and baby.
In an effort to prevent this, start your baby out with vegetables before introducing fruits.
There is, however, a great advantage to the considerable portion of time that you will now be spending with your toddler in that this season presents a great opportunity for introducing your child to the fundamentals of daily life.
Budget laptops have sold briskly since their introduction, meaning that companies are always introducing new laptops at lower price points.
If the rest of your family is insistent on keeping the kitten as well, use the process for introducing a new cat into the household, which is outlined in the article on Bringing a New Cat Home.
When introducing a new pet, be it a cat or dog, there are two outcomes.
You can then begin slowly introducing him to a little canned kitten food, and work into dry kitten food when he's a little older.
It is okay to go back to square one and start over with introducing the two cats to one another.
Because of that, many veterinarians recommend that owners wait a year before introducing a new cat into a home where an animal has had distemper.
Once the cat can be held, you can start the process of introducing your new cat to any other pets in the household.
However, I'm not sure that immediately introducing a new cat is a good idea.
Introducing your cat to your new baby can be tricky, but guest columnist Wendy Nan Rees walks new parents through the process.
The best way to overcome this is to switch your cat slowly, introducing 25 percent of the new litter to 75 percent of old and adding 25 percent new with each litter change.
These coupons can result in considerable savings both while you are litter box training a kitten or when you are introducing an older cat to this litter.
However, if a cat's tastes remain uncorrupted by flavor enhancers and additives, you will have an easier time introducing high quality brands that eliminate the needless chemicals and fillers contained in many commercial brands.
Introducing a new cat into the equation will create, at the very least, uneasiness.
Should this behavior seem more playful than hostile, you can begin introducing the new pet to the entire house.
Vocabulary - The vocabulary is age-appropriate while introducing new words.
It's widely available, so consider picking up a copy at a local library or bookstore and introducing it to an especially bored child you know.
American Express decided to make the rumor a reality in 1999 by introducing the Amex Centurion Card.
Recycling plastic is a great way to produce hard wearing items, such as rugs, without introducing a further negative impact on the environment.
Introducing ascorbic acid to your skin, either through the application or the ingestion of lemon juice over a period of time may help your body stop producing freckles in the first place.
Just introducing a few details can give a room that comfortable "south of France" feeling.
The key with introducing patriotic home décor into your home is not to go overboard with bold colors and patterns.
Metal - Keep your mind sharp and strong by introducing the Metal element.
Decorative table lamps offer the perfect opportunity to light up a room with style while introducing or supporting almost any design theme.
Consider using chrome bathroom accessories or introducing a single color into the mix to further the retro appeal.
Tumbled stone tiles, textured and faux painted walls, dramatic draperies; adding texture to the room is a great way to introducing Old World style.
They continue to be an innovative company, introducing the first entire cosmetics line of hypoallergenic products.
Its success all but guaranteed successive products, and the Parlux and Hilton team delivered by introducing three additional fragrances.
Mass market cosmetics brands are also introducing lines specifically for African American women.
Think of your profile as a way of introducing yourself to the world.
Some company websites offer customers printable coupons, especially when they're introducing a new product.
However, if you have a computer and an Internet connection, those rainy days can be made less of a headache by introducing your children to a world of SpongeBob online games starring their favorite cartoon characters from the popular show.
Wishblade is credited for revolutionizing the scrapbooking world by introducing its now-famous Wishblade Personal Media Cutter in September 2004.
Prepare your photos and a cover letter introducing yourself to agents.
This game could also be a hit for introducing taking dance classes together or having lessons in your group, such as learning swing dancing or two-step with youth group members.
In 1999, Halle Berry starred in the television movie Introducing Dorothy Dandridge.
The Aussie government wants to "protect" its viewers' ears from being subjected to Ramsay's favorite expletives by introducing new rules regarding bad language on Australian television.
She is responsible for introducing countless numbers of kids to American sign language through this program, and her character is the longest ongoing television role ever held by a deaf person.
The college is introducing the cutting-edge course Intro to Programming iPhone Applications during the fall 2010 term.
Distance learning project management courses build on this foundation by introducing techniques that project managers may use to facilitate group cooperation both in and outside of the corporate entity.
Adventure cruises specialize in introducing travelers to the intimate flora, fauna, and culture of a region, and none are more detailed and exotic than Costa Rica adventure travel river cruises.
When changing your dog's food, always do so very gradually, introducing the new food a little at a time over the period of time suggested by your veterinarian, usually about ten to fourteen days.
We are going to launch two new green/organic ones shortly and will be introducing a whole new line soon.
Again, stir slowly to avoid introducing air bubbles.
In introducing it where it is scarce, to transplant it successfully large sods containing the strong creeping roots must be dug up, and planted in light soil; if peaty, so much the better.
M. trifoliata is easy to establish by introducing pieces of stems, and securing them till, by the emission of roots, they have secured themselves.
It is worth introducing as a wild plant into localities where it is not common.
H. Morsus-ranae is a native water-plant, having floating leaves and pretty white flowers, and well worth introducing to ponds.
On the other hand, vessel sink design has been evolving over the last 10 years, introducing more streamlined and sleek alternatives that fit perfectly in the trendiest of powder rooms.
Other minerals in varying quantities help to give each slab of granite a completely unique look by introducing different colors, veins and spots.
The DOE set about changing this by introducing stricter standards that would ensure that at least 78% of the gas going into the furnace was converted to heat, rather than wasted.
Over the past five years, CMRG has broadened our assortment of apparel by introducing new brands, as well as developing private labels for the big and tall man, which have received positive feedback from our customers.
However, the specific benefit of organic products is they also give the reassurance that important nutritional assistance is provided without the fear of introducing any harmful chemicals or other negative ingredients into the body.
When your child gets a little older, you can start introducing products like shampoo and lotion.
Your biggest money-maker will be introducing others to this business and signing them up under you.
If you are just starting out using organics and supporting those who provide them to the marketplace, using organic bread flour is an excellent place to start introducing organic food to your family.
Keep introducing new vegetables many times for children to become familiar with.
Every time someone takes a drag off a cigarette, they are introducing more than 4,000 chemicals into their body.
Visitors to the Sun Safe Iowa website will find tips for teachers for introducing sun safety into the classroom.
Miuccia continued to expand the lines, introducing accessories and fresh designs.
Cole Haan takes it up a notch by introducing a squared-off shape in addition to the more traditional aviator style.
Traditionally, men have always shied away from introducing color to their eyewear beyond brown, black, gold and silver.
In addition to fabulous rides, the Busch Gardens theme park Tampa location also focuses on introducing visitors to exotic animals in fun and innovative ways.
Of the original trilogy, Super Mario Bros. 3 is one of the most creative in its approach, introducing players to the "tanuki" suit Mario wore for the first time.
This was further expanded by games like Smash Bros., introducing characters that came from Nintendo games other than the core Mario franchise.
The game has also kept me interested after repeated play by introducing trophies.
The big company Nintendo keeps thinking smaller and smaller with it's dominant handheld system by introducing the Game Boy Micro, a tiny version of their SP that plays all of their Advance games while offering extreme portability.
Nintendo has truly revitalized itself with the Wii, introducing more casual gameplay into the household.
The game continues the tradition of historically accurate gameplay while introducing new interactive experiences never before seen in the series.
The storylines of each game vary slightly, sometimes introducing other villains or plot twists, but the main story arc involves the evil Dr. Wily.
Nintendo recently enforced their philosophy of introducing fresh ideas into the industry.
Seed aims to be different by introducing dynamic dialogue with NPCs with a full range of emotions and nuances.
Street Fighter Alpha takes place before the first Street Fighter game, introducing us to a number of new characters, as well as re-familiarizing us with some characters that may have been forgotten.
The original Wii Sports launched alongside the Nintendo Wii, introducing the world to the first generation of Wii accessories.
Introducing both accessibility and complexity, they became more than just a computer geek's obsession.
True Champagne comes from France and is produced from Pinot Noir and Chardonnay grapes using theméthode champenoise, a system of fermentation that produces bubbles by introducing a second fermentation in the bottle.
By 1975, only four years after introducing jewelry to the Avon line, the company became the largest manufacturer of jewelry in the world.
Families with small children might find the Tahoe Trout Farm to be the best choice for introducing their youngsters to the fun of fishing.
It really did shake up the industry, introducing a consumer-friendly smartphone that not only looked great, but came with a fantastic user interface and a multi-touch display.
Microsoft Pink is the company's project introducing cell phone hardware into the market.
Microsoft Corporation detailed a plan to revitalize its aging and unpopular Windows Mobile phone platform by introducing a new Windows Phone release date.
Microsoft redesigned Office Mobile, introducing SharePoint Workspace and Outlook Mobile.
This technique, which is known as gastric lavage, involves introducing 20 to 30 mL of tap water or 9 percent saline solution into the person's digestive tract and removing the stomach contents with a siphon or syringe.
Bilirubin-induced complications can be prevented by introducing a neonatal jaundice protocol to identify infants at risk for significant bilirubin increases, by ensuring adequate parental education and providing for follow-up care.
Contrary to past beliefs, it has been found that not only do babies not need solid foods before then, introducing solids too early may lead to food allergies or overfeeding.
Introducing them to the caregiver(s) may make the first days away from their parents easier.
For example, uterine tissue can enter the mother's circulation during prolonged labor, introducing foreign proteins into the blood, or the venom of some exotic snakes can activate one of the clotting factors.
Apart from introducing children to basic eco