Introduce Sentence Examples
And why didn't he introduce her?
Let me introduce you to him.
I'll introduce you when I find her.
He could introduce her to his father in the process.
She took his hand but didn't introduce herself.
I will introduce you to her.
He had promised to be at the ball and introduce partners to her.
You weren't going to introduce him to me... or Tessa?
It was a good way to introduce them, and leave it to Alex to take care of it all in one sentence.
Attempts have been made to introduce this into the infested area in Texas; but owing to the winter proving fatal to the " kelep " its usefulness may be restricted to tropical and subtropical regions.
AdvertisementI would introduce you to Tessa, yes?
As he was about to introduce himself, he heard a familiar voice over his shoulder.
Do you want to introduce me?
That province was under the able government of Ali Vardi Khan, who peremptorily forbade the foreign settlers at Calcutta and Chandernagore to introduce feuds from Europe.
And yet, for someone who was bold enough to drive up and introduce himself, he was certainly having a hard time working up the courage to ask her to a movie.
AdvertisementLivy regards him as a less trustworthy authority than Fabius Pictor, and Niebuhr considers him the first to introduce systematic forgeries into Roman history.
You wouldn't be in the way, and I'd be proud to introduce you to any of my friends.
Antony Legrand, from Douai, attempted to introduce it into Oxford, but failed.
Betty-Boop or whatever your name is, if you tarry much longer I may be forced to introduce myself, though taking you, at least at this time, would cause a mild alteration to my carefully formulated plans.
The use of Manchester prints and other European goods is fairly general; and the women, who make a fine native cloth from hemp, introduce coloured threads from the foreign stuffs, so as to produce ornamental devices.
AdvertisementHe determined also to introduce into the Church many desirable reforms. His project was approved by an ecclesiastical council and was supported by the tsar, but it met with violent opposition from a large section of the clergy, and it alarmed the ignorant masses, who regarded any alterations in the ritual, however insignificant they might be, as heretical and very dangerous to salvation.
I would like to introduce you to the man for whom I have the utmost respect.
They are remarkable for skill in the massing of light and shade, richness and delicacy of colouring, and for the admirable style in which the drapery of the figures is handled, Bartolommeo having been the first to introduce and use the lay-figure with joints.
Upon the outbreak of the Prussian Kulturkampf the Left had pressed the Right to introduce an Italian counterpart to the Prussian May laws, especially as the attitude of Thiers and the hostility of the French Clericals obviated the need for sparing French susceptibilities.
Soter tried to introduce Hellenism into Persis.
AdvertisementPush-and-pull shunting is simple, but it is also slow, and therefore efforts have been made at busy yards where great numbers of trains are dealt with to introduce more expeditious methods.
The attempt to introduce a new faith led to renewed strife, this time between converts and pagans, but King George (who fully appreciated the value of intercourse with foreigners) supported the missionaries, and by 1852 the rebels were subdued.
Maclaurin was the first to introduce into mechanics, in this discussion, the important conception of surfaces of level; namely, surfaces at each of whose points the total force acts in the normal direction.
As a stratigraphical geologist he rendered much assistance on the Geological Survey of France, but in the course of time he gave his special attention to the study of volcanic phenomena and earthquakes, to minerals and rocks; and he was the first to introduce modern petrographical methods into France.
Thus Horsell, who was the first to introduce tints the ground, however, was made until towards the close of the 18th century, when horizontal contours and hachures regulated according to the angle of inclination of all slopes, were adopted.
Pierre in shamefaced and happy confusion glanced occasionally at her, and tried to think what to say next to introduce a fresh subject.
Sometimes it is easier to gradually introduce your child to the potty.
Donnie blushed and Martha pretended she didn't hear so it was up to Dean to introduce her.
The experience gained on the northern survey under Argelander's direction enabled Schdnfeld to introduce some improvements in the methods employed, which increased the accuracy of this work, which was practically accomplished in March 1881, some revision only remaining to be done.
Not only did she govern Lombardy and Venetia directly, but Austrian princes ruled in Modena, Parma and Tuscany; Piacenza, Ferrara and Comacchio had Austrian garrisons; Prince Metternich, the Austrian chancellor, believed that he could always secure the election of an Austrophil pope, and Ferdinand of Naples, reinstated by an Austrian army, had bound himself, by a secret article of the treaty of June 12, 1815, not to introduce methods of government incompatible with those adopted in Austrias Italian possessions.
His work was overloaded with rhetorical embellishment, which he was the first to introduce into Roman history.
Appointed superintendent of the cathedral school of his native city, he taught with such success as to attract pupils from all parts of France, and powerfully contributed to diffuse an interest in the study of logic and metaphysics, and to introduce that dialectic development of theology which is designated the scholastic. The earliest of his writings of which we have any record is an Exhortatory Discourse to the hermits of his district, written at their own request and for their spiritual edification.
He ought not to be satisfied with compiling his map from existing maps, but should subject each explorer's account to an independent examination, when he will frequently find that either the explorer himself, or the draughtsman employed by him, has failed to introduce into his map the whole of the information available.
Our aim is to smarten up the estate and introduce more activites for us.
The horror aroused by this crime did not long deaden the feeling, at least in official circles, that something must be done to introduce the principle of heredity, as the surest means of counteracting the aims of conspirators.
He ineffectually resisted the efforts of the Calvinists, led by Caspar Olevianus, to introduce the Presbyterian polity and discipline, which were established at Heidelberg in 1570, on the Genevan model.
The author, however, does not recommend dissipation, and does not mean to introduce a religious motive - he offers simply a counsel of prudence.
To the Greeks and Macedonians such a regime was abhorrent, and the opposition roused by Alexander's attempt to introduce among them the practice of proskynesis (prostration before the royal presence), was bitter and effectual.
Channel, and intended to introduce similar contours or isohypses (40s, height) for a representation of the land.
During the Revolution, he was one of the three members of the council established to introduce the decimal system, and he was also a member of the commission appointed to determine the length of the metre, for which purpose the calculations, &c., connected with the arc of the meridian from Barcelona to Dunkirk were revised.
Magnusson, is to introduce a thin film of the dye into one of the optical paths of a Michelson interferometer, and to determine the consequent displacement of the fringes.
In order to obtain at all events a qualitative representation of these it is usual to introduce into thc equations frictional terms proportional to the velocities.
This judgment, founded as was afterwards admitted on insufficient knowledge, produced no effect; and, in the absence of any authoritative pronouncement, advantage was taken of the ambiguous language of the Ornaments Rubric to introduce into many churches practically the whole ceremonial use of lights as practised in the pre-Reformation Church.
Many persons thought that he should at once have appealed to the country, and have endeavoured to obtain a distinct mandate from the constituencies to introduce a new Home Rule Bill.
They can introduce such incidents as the change of a man into a horse, or of a woman into a dog, or the intervention of an afreet, without any more scruple than our own novelists feel in describing a duel or the concealment of a will.
As a member of the council he took an active share in the affairs of the colony, ably seconding the efforts of John Smith to introduce order, industry and system among the motley array of adventurers and idle "gentlemen" of which the little band was composed.
The importance of this generalization cannot be overestimated; it is of more than historical interest, for it remains the basis upon which certain authorities introduce the study of these curves.
With one great exception, the dictum of Guizot is hardly an exaggeration, that " there is not in the Constitution of the United States an element of order, of force, of duration, which he did not powerfully contribute to introduce into it and to cause to predominate."
He once said he does all this because he wants to introduce everyone in the world to everyone else.
He could not comprehend how anyone could wish to alter his life or introduce anything new into it, when his own life was already ending.
They live under the care of volunteer puppy walkers who introduce the young pups to different sights, sounds and smells.
I am not going to introduce any startling reforms, nor in any way attempt to make trouble....
We utilize anti-CCP testing in our ' early synovitis clinic ' when a positive result influences the decision to introduce early anti-rheumatic drug therapy.
Time travel Introduce pupils to the genre of time travel stories, originating with The Time Machine by H.G. Wells (1895).
It is indeed my pleasure to introduce you at the conference tomorrow.
An attempt to introduce county local options was defeated in the election of 1908.
Troublesome insects, vampire bats, and the failure to introduce new blood into the degenerated herds, are responsible for its decline.
As the reeling proceeds the reeler has to give the most careful attention to the thickness of the strand being produced, and to introduce new cocoons in place of any from which the reelable silk has become exhausted.
The city has decided to introduce electric power from Winnipeg river, at a point some 50 m.
Another way of stating the same thing is to say that we introduce, as a correction for the earth's rotation, a force called "centrifugal force," which combined with gravitation gives the weight of the body.
But to the general surprise and Lord Rosebery's own very evident mortification Sir Henry went a long way in his Stirling speech to nail the Home Rule colour to the mast; he did not indeed propose to introduce a Home Rule Bill, but he declared his determination to proceed in Irish legislation on lines which would lead up to the same result.
By 1636, Charles and Laud had decided to introduce a liturgy, a slightly, but in Scottish apprehensions " idolatrously," modified version of the Anglican prayer-book.
It is objected that in the 79th letter of Seneca, which is the chief authority on the question, he apparently asks that Lucilius should introduce the hackneyed theme of Aetna merely as an episode in his contemplated poem, not make it the subject of separate treatment.
We should be able to successfully leverage this operation further as we introduce new products and sell complementary third party products.
A topic close to Wilf's heart is how to introduce and develop kendo for beginners.
We need to rally against the government 's reluctance to introduce tax incentives.
Repartitioning of the cluster databases to introduce new cluster nodes for additional capacity requires the entire cluster to be shut down.
The opening movement and solo saber worked very nicely, and the music was used elegantly to introduce the full ensemble movement feature.
Nail Brands Finding the right nail brands to introduce into your nail salon or beauty business is important.
To what extent is it possible to introduce secularism in these countries?
The senator called on the US Senate to force labels to introduce simpler clearer reporting practices.
To introduce the role of surface coating in smog formation.
Having proved their worth on the pitch it was time to introduce the Freshers to the football socials !
To introduce the basic theory of solute transport in groundwater systems.
Editors may introduce in their thesaurus the subsumption relations correct for that use, i.e. of the derived concepts.
But even if Mr Brown does n't introduce such a politically suicidal tax, he still has to raise cash from somewhere.
Sections 128 to 131 introduce a new offense of trespass on sites designated by the Secretary of State.
When the Harlow Primary Care Group was looking at ways to improve services they were keen to introduce a primary care based vasectomy clinic.
It would be axiomatic to introduce myself in this situation.
Her art uses metaphor and allegory as a subtle way to introduce difficult topics.
Additionally, if there are close family members with specific allergies, talk to your pediatrician about when to introduce those foods.
You should also introduce one food at a time, waiting several days before trying a new food to check for food allergies.
You can introduce your baby to the cup once he is able to sit up and grasp objects fairly easily.
What better way than to introduce your child to the art of brushing his teeth.
No matter how you feed your baby, though, you should not introduce cow's milk until your baby has reached one year of age.
You should continue to introduce new baby foods, but be sure you introduce only one new food at a time to rule out any food allergies.
When you do decide that its time to introduce your child to your boyfriend or girlfriend, take it slow.
Pewter Banks-Pewter coin banks will introduce baby to the art of saving for a rainy day!
At 6-months-old, introduce the cup to your baby so that it is familiar by the time he is 9-months-old.
At six months introduce the cup just so she understand it offers her something to drink.
Feed your baby breastmilk or the proper formula and introduce solids as your pediatrician recommends.
If you introduce foods from your own menu, such as soups or casseroles, and your baby has an allergic reaction, you may have a difficult time discerning which food or foods actually caused the problem.
Your pediatrician will probably advise you to only introduce one food at a time.
Once you've given her that particular food for a couple of days without any problems, you can introduce a new food.
Then introduce fruits, keeping in mind that berries should not be included in a baby's diet.
This will introduce your child to concepts such as responsibility while making ordinary tasks into fun little adventures!
Diaper rashes can happen when you introduce new foods that your baby's body does not agree with, causing an allergic reaction.
Stay positive because it will show when you introduce yourself.
But more than this, these wild dreams about the glorious kingdom of Christ began to disturb the organization which the churches had seen fit to introduce.
It had been provided in a treaty between France and Great Britain (May 30, 1814) that no foreigner should in future introduce slaves into the French colonies, and that the trade should be absolutely interdicted to the French themselves after the 1st of June 1819.
This postponement of abolition was dictated by the wish to introduce a fresh stock of slaves into Haiti, if that island should be recovered.
Then came forced loans and debased currency (1788), producing still more acute distress until, in 1791, at the close of the two years' war with Russia, in which the disaster which attended Ottoman arms may be largely ascribed to the penury of the Ottoman treasury, Selim III., the first of the " reforming sultans, " attempted, with but little practical success, to introduce radical reforms into the administrative organization of his empire.
It was his great good fortune to find abundant unused material for his Life of Hume, and to be the first to introduce the principles of historical research into the history of Scotland.
Though a foreigner, he soon acquired a thorough knowledge of Rumanian, and was instrumental in helping to introduce that language into the church as its official language.
He was also the first to introduce Oriental founts of type into Rumania, and he printed there the first Arabic missal for the Christians of the East (Ramnicu, 1702).
In some cases porous diaphragms have been employed; but such diaphragms introduce a new complication, for the liquid as a whole is pushed through them by the action of the current, the phenomenon being known as electric endosmose.
Indiarubber stereotypes are now extensively made use of as hand stamps, and attempts have been made to introduce them for press and machine printing.
These doctrinal interpretations introduce the economy of blinding the Jews into the parabolic teaching; the declaration as to the redemptive character of the Passion into the sayings; the sacramental, institutional words into the account of the Last Supper, originally, a solemnly simple Messianic meal; and the formal night-trial before Caiaphas into the original Passion-story with its informal, morning decision by Caiaphas, and its one solemn condemnation of Jesus, by Pilate.
In spite of his doctrinal writings - which at the time made no little noise, so that his Compendium of Dogmatic (1760) was confiscated in Sweden, and the knighthood of the North Star was afterwards given him in reparation - it was the natural side of the Bible that really attracted him, and no man did more to introduce the modern method of studying Hebrew antiquity as an integral part of ancient Eastern life.
The effective number of turns in the coil surrounding the test rod can be varied by means of three dial switches (for hundreds, tens and units), which also introduce compensating resistances as the number of effective turns in the coil is reduced, thus keeping the total resistance of the circuit constant.
The first attempt on the part of a Portuguese monarch to introduce an organized government into his dominions was made First by John III.
His first step was to introduce a regular government among his countrymen; his second, to send to the African coast one of his officers, who took possession of a Portuguese settlement, and thus secured a supply of slaves.
On the 19th of February 1906 the parliament was dissolved, without writs being issued for a new election, a fact accepted by the country with an equanimity highly disconcerting The agreement with the crown which had made this course possible included the postponement of the military questions that had evoked the crisis, and the acceptance of the principle of Universal Suffrage by the Coalition leaders, who announced that their main tasks would be to repair the mischief wrought by the " unconstitutional " Fejervary cabinet, and then to introduce a measure of franchise reform so wide that it would be possible to ascertain the will of the whole people on the questions at issue between themselves and the crown.
It may be necessary to introduce terms with zero coefficients.
He proceeded further to introduce into his enumeration of animals and plants a series of groups, viz.
He met with much opposition in his efforts to introduce the reforms proposed by St Theresa, and was more than once imprisoned.
Schbnlein thus did something to introduce new and positive conceptions and exacter methods into Germany; but unfortunately his own mind retained the abstract habit of his country, and his abilities were dissipated in the mere speculations of Schelling.
A long-standing cause of complaint on the part of the public has been the common refusal of cab-drivers to accept their legal fares, but, on the other hand, several attempts to introduce cabs with an automatic taximeter failed, until the introduction of motor cabs, of which a few had already been plying for some time when in 1907 a large number, provided with taximeters, were put into service.
Neisen and others to introduce glass valves in lieu of stop-cocks.
In France, as in other countries, efforts were made to introduce Italian methods of glass-working.
The increasing demand for Venetian drinking-glasses suggested the possibility of making similar glass in England, and various attempts were made to introduce Venetian workmen and Venetian methods of manufacture.
He was much influenced by Lotze, whose Outlines of Philosophy he translated (6 vols., 1877), and was one of the first to introduce (1879) the study of experi mental psychology into America, the Yale psychological laboratory being founded by him.
He was the first to introduce family pews in synagogues, and in many other ways "occidentalized" Jewish worship.
Another Milanese serial was the Conciliatore (1818-1820), which although it only lived two years, will be remembered for the endeavours made by Silvio Pellico, Camillo Ugoni and its other contributors to introduce a more dignified and courageous method of criticism.
Reuss, but since Graf was the first to introduce it into Germany, the theory, as developed by Julius Wellhausen, has been called the GrafWellhausen hypothesis.
Charge positively a brass ball held on an ebonite stem, and introduce it, without touching, into the canister.
He failed to introduce order into the administration and was dismissed from office in less than fourteen months after his appointment.
But, notwithstanding the attempt to introduce an alien element into the Roman language, which proved incompatible with its natural genius, and his own failure to attain the idiomatic purity of Naevius, Plautus or Terence, the fragments of his dramas are sufficient to prove the service which he rendered to the formation of the literary language of Rome as well as to the culture and character of his contemporaries.
The struggle which the frontier settlers of Pennsylvania had made in the state legislature to secure unlimited issues of paper money and the enactment of laws favourable to the debtor class prejudiced him against the West, and he tried to introduce into the constitution a clause guaranteeing forever the political supremacy of the states east of the Alleghanies.
These last two steps may introduce magnitudes which have to be subtracted, and which therefore have to be treated as negative quantities in the arithmetical.
This will be seen by taking the mid-ordinate as the ordinate for which x = o, and noticing that the odd powers of x introduce positive and negative terms which balance one another when the whole area is taken into account.
In the Western Church, on the other hand, we hear nothing of the order till the 4th century, when an attempt seems to have been made to introduce it into Gaul.
There is no reason to suppose that Nestorius intended to introduce any innovations in doctrine, and in any estimate of him his strong religious interest and his fervent pastoral spirit must have due weight.
Replacing then the angle i on the right-hand side of equations (54) - (56) by some mean value, t, we introduce Siacci's pseudovelocity u defined by (59) u = q sec, t, so that u is a quasi-component parallel to the mean direction of the tangent, say the direction of the chord of the arc.
In 1637, when the doubts of Scaliger and Heinsius as to the purity of the Greek of the New Testament prompted the rector of Hamburg to introduce the study of classical authors, any reflection on the style of the Greek Testament was bitterly resented.
The choice is open to maintain the last as an independent subclass, and to follow Claus in calling it the Leptostraca, or to introduce it among the Malacostraca as the Nebaliacea, or with Packard and Sars to make it an entomostracan subdivision under the title Phyllocarida.
The thoughts of men were still set upon the near approach of the end, the troublous times that would issue in the break-up of the existing order and the return of Christ to introduce a new era.
All revenue measures must originate in the House of Representatives, but the Senate may introduce amendments.
It was no small triumph that there was even a passing attempt to introduce such a code as the law of the land.
Either process will in general require additional capital, the former to maintain the new labourers, the latter to provide improved machinery or to enable the employer to introduce a more complete division of labour.
All these employments of capital, however, are not only advantageous, but necessary, and will introduce themselves in the due degree if left to individual enterprise.
The overthrow of Spanish rule in Mexico was the beginning of a new period, and efforts were made to introduce educational reforms, but the colonists and ecclesiastics were still governed by their fears and prejudices, and little was accomplished.
Its manifoldness is not then to be taken as excluding its fundamental unity; the divisions which our ordinary perception and thought introduce into it have not absolute validity, but are to be interpreted as the outcome of the single formative energy or complex of forces which is the inner aspect, the soul of nature.
Du Bellay did not actually introduce the sonnet into French poetry, but he acclimatized it; and when the fashion of sonneteering became a mania he was one of the first to ridicule its excesses.
Notwithstanding the rude character of the apparatus at his disposal, Horrocks was enabled by his observation of it to introduce some important corrections into the elements of the planet's, orbit, and to reduce to its exact value the received estimate of its apparent diameter.
This declaration of principles and plans is sometimes of importance, not only as an appeal to the people in respect of the past services and merits of the party, but as pledging them to the measures they are to introduce and push forward if they win the election.
In 1845, however, a statute based on the recommendations of a select committee, appointed in the preceding year, was passed; the object being to diminish the bulk of the special acts, and to introduce uniformity into private bill legislation by classifying the common form clauses, embodying them in general statutes, and facilitating their incorporation into the special statutes by reference.
Thus, to take an example, he will not print a critical text of Plautus with two letters (Y and Z) which were no part of the Latin alphabet in the age of that comedian; still less will he introduce into Latin texts distinctions, such as i,j and u, v, which were not used till long after the middle ages.
The duke of Guise was now named lieutenant-general of the kingdom, but his Catholic leanings were somewhat held in check by the chancellor Michel de l'Hopital, through whose mediation the edict of Romorantin, providing that all cases of heresy should be decided by the bishops, was passed in May 1560, in opposition to a proposal to introduce the Inquisition.
In 1869 Ali Riza Pasha of Tripoli tried to induce settlers to go to Bomba and Tobruk; and in 1888 an abortive effort was made to introduce Kurds.
In spite of the silence of our records, Dr Stubbs thinks that kings so well acquainted with foreign usages as Ethelred, Canute and Edward the Confessor could hardly have failed to introduce into England the institution of chivalry then springing up in every country of Europe; and he is supported in this opinion by the circumstance that it is nowhere mentioned as a Norman innovation.
Of these the silica and alumina are chiefly those which the gangue of the ore and the ash of the fuel introduce, whereas the lime is that added intentionally to form with these others a slag of the needed physical properties.
In January 1739 appeared the first and second volumes of the Treatise of Human Nature, being an Attempt to Introduce the Experimental Method of Reasoning into Moral Subjects, containing book i., Of the Understanding, and book ii., Of the Passions.
It was the first attempt at a comprehensive treatment of historic facts, the first to introduce the social and literary aspects of a nation's life as only second in importance to its political fortunes, and the first historical writing in an animated yet refined and polished style.2 While the History was in process of publication, Hume did not entirely neglect his other lines of activity.
The Dialogues introduce three interlocutors, Demea, Cleanthes and Philo, who represent three distinct orders of theological opinion.
Now it is perfectly clear that it could not have been this object which impelled Solon to introduce sortition; for in his time the archonship was not open to the lower classes, and, therefore, election was more democratic than sortition, whereas later the case was reversed.
Though Eustathius of Sebaste was the first to introduce the monastic life within the confines of what may be called Greek Christianity in Asia Minor (c. 340), it was St Basil who adapted it to Greek and European ideas and needs.
But this bill, which Lincoln had hoped would introduce a system of" compensated emancipation,"was not approved by the legislature of Delaware, which considered it in February 1862.
In these circumstances it was decided to introduce a system of comparative free trade; raw materials were admitted free; a uniform import of 10% was levied on manufactured goods, and 20% on colonial wares, the tax being determined not by the estimated value, but by the weight of the articles.
The Bill was carried through the Prussian parliament, but the opposition aroused in the other states was so great that he did not venture even to introduce in the Btindesrat a law empowering the empire to acquire the Prussian railways.
In 1876 Eismarck proposed to introduce into the Criminal Code a clause making it an offence punishable with two years imprisonment to attack in print the family, property, universal military service, or other foundation of public order, in a manner which undermined morality, feeling for law, or the love of the Fatherland.
All attempts to introduce fresh imperial taxes had failed.
A proposal to introduce biennial budgets was for this reason regarded with great suspicion by the Opposition as a reactionary measure, and rejected.
Their own demands were generally limited to the defence of order and religion, and to some extent coincided with the wishes of the emperor; but every attempt to introduce legislation in accordance with their wishes led to a conflict with the educated opinion of the country, which was very detrimental to the authority of the government.
The result was that the system of commercial treaties ceased, and Austria-Hungary was free to introduce a fresh tariff depending simply on legislation, an " autonomous tariff " as it is called.
They were able, therefore, to introduce Illyrian as the official language, and cause the names of the streets to be written up in Illyrian.
They were able for the first time to procure the election of one of their party in the Austrian Delegation, and threatened to introduce into the Assembly scenes of disorder similar to those which they had made common in the Reichsrath.
After unsuccessful attempts by the Upper House to introduce plural voting, the bill became law in January 1907, the peers insisting only upon the establishment of a fixed maximum number or numerus clauses, of non-heredi- Genera!
For example, he seems to have occasionally dictated the same sura to different persons in slightly different terms. In such cases, no doubt, he may have partly intended to introduce improvements; and so long as the difference was merely in expression, without affecting the sense, it could occasion no perplexity to his followers.
For the most part the old prophets only serve to introduce a little variety in point of form, for they are almost in every case facsimiles of Mahomet himself.
The popular legends of Sicily also inspired his muse; he was the first to introduce the shepherd Daphnis who came to a miserable end after he had proved faithless to the nymph who loved him.
He devoted attention to questions of Latin orthography, and is said to have been the first to introduce shorthand writing in Latin.
At his own court at Schleswig he did his best to introduce the Reformation, despite the opposition of the bishops.
They are very bulky, and with the exception of a few, particularly the 116th and 118th, which introduce the most sweeping and laudable reforms into the law of intestate succession, are much more interesting, as supplying materials for the history of the time, social, economical and ecclesiastical, than in respect of any purely legal merits.
She is said to have been the first to introduce into South Carolina (and into continental North America) the cultivation and manufacture of indigo, and she also imported silkworms-in 1753 she presented to the princess of Wales a dress made of silk from her plantations.
In Turkey, and above all in Egypt, it has been found necessary greatly to limit the sphere and influence of the canonical jurists and to introduce institutions nearer to Western legal usage.
So when the king was preparing the way for ennobling her, in order to introduce her into court circles, which were unwilling to receive her, the ministry protested in the famous memorandum of the 11th of February 1847 against the king's demand for her naturalization as a Bavarian, the necessary prcliminary to her ennoblement.
A wide knowledge of the Old Testament supplies him with a text to illustrate one incident after another; and so deeply is he impressed with the correspondence between the life of Christ and the words of ancient prophecy, that he does not hesitate to introduce his quotations by the formula " that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet."
It contains primarily a consideration of its probable effects on the character of the new members of parliament, and the measures which they may introduce.
The next stage was, in the case of bronze, to introduce an iron core, probably to save needless expenditure of the more valuable metal.
His own attitude towards the World War was vigorous and patriotic. He made a recruiting tour in 1915 through Great Britain, where he won a popularity perhaps greater than he enjoyed at home, and pledged himself to introduce conscription in Australia, though he failed to carry it.
The enhancement in the revenue amounted to 52% of the previous demand; but in estates in which the increase was specially large it was decided to introduce the new rates gradually.
The only hope of rescuing the industry from total disappearance lies in the fact that the natural indigo gives a faster dye than the manufactured product, while an effort has also been made to introduce the Java-Natal seed into India, which gives a much heavier yield, and so may be better able to compete in price with synthetic indigo.
The cultivation of coffee is confined to southern India, though attempts have been made to introduce the plant both into Lower Burma and into the Eastern Bengal district of Chittagong.
Accordingly, Cornwallis took out with him in 1787 instructions to introduce a permanent settlement.
It fell to the lot of Lord Canning both to suppress the Mutiny and to introduce the peaceful revolution that followed.
On the 9th of June Ferdinand re-entered Naples and bound himself in a second treaty with Austria not to introduce a constitutional government; but at first he abstained from persecution and received many of Murat's old officers into his army in accordance with the treaty of Casalanza.
If such variations of density exist, they may introduce some uncertainty in the absolute values of results obtained with the ice calorimeter, and may account for some of the discrepancies above enumerated.
Some rarer clausulae which he terms M (=malae) introduce no new principle.
In these new fields he displayed the powers so conspicuous in his scientific inquiries, and he was now to introduce and establish scientific accuracy where previously there had been merely practical approximations.
Clarke's translation (1697) continued to be used as a text-book in the university till supplanted by the treatises of Newton, which it had been designed to introduce.
The administration of prisons rests mainly with the various state authorities, and there is no federal or general system which would introduce uniformity of treatment.
Moreover, Hajjaj, in order to maintian the regular revenue from taxation, had been obliged to introduce stringent regulations, and had compelled a great many villagers who had migrated to the cities to return to their villages.
After the murder by the people of Duke Vitale Michiel in 1172, who had suffered naval defeat, it was deemed necessary to introduce a stricter constitutional order.
The purchaser undertook to introduce settlers from northern Europe, to import cattle for the improvement of the Nicaraguan breed, to plant rubber and vanilla, and to provide schools for agricultural instruction.
The forces X1, Y1, at 0 can thus be transferred to 0 provided we introduce a couple xiY1 yiXi.
In KH introduce two equal.
Dealing in the same way with the forces Yi, Zi at P1, we find that all three components of the force at P1 can be transferred to 0, provided we introduce three couples L1, Mi, Ni about Ox, Oy, Oz respectively, viz.
If we imagine the bar in question t be removed, equilibrium will still persist if we introduce two equal and opposite forces S, of suitable magnitude, at the joints which it connected.
Romer 1 this is exactly the variation which a poet would introduce to relieve the primitive ballad-like sameness of question and answer; and moreover it forms the transition to the lines about the Dioscuri by which the scene is so touchingly brought to a close.
He had made various efforts to introduce a strict form of canonical life in various communities of canons in Germany; in 1120 he was working in the diocese of Laon, and there in a desert place, called Premontre, in Aisne, he and thirteen companions established a monastery to be the cradle of a new order.
He is the first to introduce the name of Attila, and dates the occurrence 453.
The quality of the bulk of the Austro-Hungarian wines has been improved of late years, principally owing to the endeavours of the respective governments to introduce scientific and modern methods among the wine-farmers.
At the same time, there is no doubt that much of the wine produced in the United States is of very fair quality, and this is largely due to the fact that the Americans have been at great pains to introduce the latest scientific methods in regard to the vine and wine-making.
Much more serious difficulties met his attempts to introduce equality in the pressure of the taxes on the various classes.
In the Bulletin of the society a large number of attempts to introduce this tree into general cultivation in other parts of France are recorded in detail, with the failure of almost all of them.
The new bishop showed much eagerness to reform the manners and morals of his clergy, and also to introduce greater order and reverence into the services of the church.
The high altitudes of the Andean region also introduce vertical zones of temperature, modified to some extent by the rainless plateaus of the north, and by the excessive rainfall of the south.
Hieronymus Cardan, a monk, is supposed to have been the first to introduce it from Peru into Spain, from which country it passed into Italy and thence into Belgium.
An attempt was made to introduce the silk industry.
On the theoretical side the question is open until we introduce some limitation upon the generality of the functions.
The efforts of the government to introduce cattle-breeding have failed.
The following years witnessed a counter attempt to introduce the Scottish liturgy into England, especially for those who in the southern kingdom were inclined to Presbyterianism.
The first attempts to introduce Christianity undoubtedly came from Germany.
But, if our estimate of the merits of his speeches is moderated by doubts as to his right to introduce them at all, no such scruples interfere with our admiration for the skill with which he has drawn the portraits of the great men who figure in his pages.
He was the first writer to introduce a modern and European tone into belles lettres, and the first to refresh the sources of native thought from the springs of antique and Renaissance poetry.
The link by which they are connected is of a higher and immaterial nature; and their connexion is to be sought in the view of the Creator himself, whose aim in forming the earth, in allowing it to undergo the successive changes which geology has pointed out, and in creating successively all the different types of animals which have passed away, was to introduce man upon the surface of our globe.
A successful attempt was made in the beginning of the 19th century by Mr William Hirst to introduce goods of a superior quality which were made and finished in his own factory.
Instead of the immediate relation of God to the world the Targums introduce the ideas of the Memra (word) and the Shechina (real presence).
In March 1883 the government decided to introduce various important changes into the constitution.
His peculiar strength lay in the historical ballad, which he was the first to introduce into Rumanian poetry, and in the vivid portraiture of Oriental scenery and emotions.
In June, Mr Schreiner, whose recent support of Sir Alfred Milner had incensed many of his Bond followers, resigned in consequence of the refusal of some of his colleagues to support the disfranchisement bill which he was prepared, in accordance with the views of the home government, to introduce for the punishment of Cape rebels.
The first task of the new government was to introduce (on the 4th of March) an Additional Representation Bill, to rectify - in part - the disparity in electoral power of the rural and urban districts.
This course can scarcely fail to introduce into the sand many bacteria, which may be washed through when the full working of the filters is begun; and it should not, therefore, be adopted when the source of the supply is known to be subject to human pollution.
There will be a tendency on the part of the writer to fill up gaps; to state local customs as if they obtained universally; to introduce his personal equation, and to add to that which is the custom that which, in his opinion, ought to be.
On the 14th of July 1686 Newton wrote to Halley approving of his proposal to introduce woodcuts among the letterpress, stating clearly the different things which he had from Hooke, and adding, " And now having sincerely told you the case between Mr Hooke and me, I hope I shall be free for the future from the prejudice of his letters.
Then, if we introduce another object anywhere in the series, all those coming after it will be displaced so that each will have the mark formerly attached to the next following; and the last will therefore be 9 instead of 8.
It is convenient to introduce the zero; thus 0 I 2345 6789 o I 2345 indicates that after getting to 4 we make a fresh start from 4 as our zero.
The constitution of 1816 had conferred the suffrage upon all " white male citizens of the United States of the age of twenty-one and upward," had prohibited slavery, and had provided that no alteration of the constitution should ever introduce it.
The English conquest was incomplete; it failed to introduce either unity or strong governance.
And in 1843 Sir James Graham, who was home secretary in Sir Robert Peels administration, had been compelled by the pressure of public opinion to introduce a measure providing for the education f children employed in factories, and for limiting the hours of work of children and young persons.
After receiving the opinion of the law officers the cabinet decided to introduce a bill into parliament increasing in England the punishment for a conspiracy to commit a felony either within or without the United Kingdom.
Yet, though the new government found it necessary to introduce a Reform Bill, a wide difference of opinion existed in the cabinet as to the form which the measure should take.
But if, on the one hand, he refused to introduce a new Home Rule Bill, he hesitated, on the other, to court defeat by any attempt to reform the Lords.
His A Few Words on Horse-racing, a sport which he did so much to introduce and ennoble, appeared in 1839.
There is the further possibility that creodonts may be directly descended from the carnivorous reptiles; a descent which if proved might introduce some difficulty with regard to the abovementioned theory as to the arboreal ancestry of mammals generally.
Zwingli and Calvin, developing a hint of Hus, introduce a distinction between the visible and the invisible Church which Melanchthon repudiates but later Lutheranism adopts.
The glumes have to be separated and the anthers cut away before the pollen is fully formed, care being taken at the same time not to injure the stigma, and specially not to introduce, on the scissors or otherwise, any pollen except that of the variety desired.
His next novel was The Crater, or Vulcan's Peak (1847), in which he attempted to introduce supernatural machinery with indifferent success; and this was succeeded by Oak Openings and Jack Tier (1848), the latter a curious rifacimento 'of' The Red Rover; by The Sea Lions (1849); and finally by The Ways of the Hour (1850), another novel with a purpose, and his last book.
He studied in Paris, where he took an especial interest in philosophy, is said to have been one of the first to introduce the philosophy of Aristotle into Germany, and he served as provost of a new foundation in Austria.
The cultivation of sugar-beet, introduced in 1900, became an important industry, but the attempt to introduce cotton failed.
Retaliation for murder and other injuries was a common method of redress, although the church had endeavoured to introduce various reforms. Hence we find in the Brehon Laws a highly complicated system of compensatory payment; but there was no authority except public opinion to enforce the payment of the fines determined by the brehon in cases submitted to him.
The Croats acquiesced in their position of inferiority until 1840, when the Magyars endeavoured to introduce Hungarian as the official language.
Mehemet Ali had already begun to introduce European discipline into his army, and Ibrahim had probably received some training, but his first campaign was conducted more in the old Asiatic style than his later operations.
He ardently supported the policy of making Federal appropriations (of land, but not of money) for internal improvements of a national character, being a prominent advocate of the construction, by government aid, of a trans-continental railway, and the chief promoter (1850) of the Illinois Central; in 1854 he suggested that Congress should impose tonnage duties from which towns and cities might themselves pay for harbour improvement, &c. To him as chairman of the committee on territories, at first in the House, and then in the Senate, of which he became a member in December 1847, it fell to introduce the bills for admitting Texas, Florida, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, California and Oregon into the Union, and for organizing the territories of Minnesota, Oregon, New Mexico, Utah, Washington, Kansas and Nebraska.
It consists of a parallelopiped glass so constructed that light falling normally on one end emerges at the other after two internal reflections at such an angle as to introduce a relative retardation of phase of 4r/4 between the components polarized in the principal azimuths.
The emancipation of the slaves took place in 1837, and by 1877 it was found necessary to introduce East Indian labour.
And the more advanced Imperialists, as well as the more oldfashioned protectionists (like Mr Chaplin) who formed an integral body of the Conservative party, had looked forward to this tax being converted into a differential one between foreign and colonial corn, so as to introduce a scheme of colonial preference and commercial consolidation between the colonies and the mother country.
From the first the ministry was exposed to the most unscrupulous opposition, exacerbated by the new and stringent rules of procedure which Tisza felt it his duty to introduce if any business were to be done.
Though no great scholar or writer, he was a powerful force in the England of his day, and helped materially to disintegrate the medieval conditions still obtaining, and to introduce the humanist movement.
By the Cyprus convention, 4th of June 1878, the sultan promised Great Britain to introduce necessary reforms " for the protection of the Christians and other subjects of the Porte " in the Turkish territories in Asia.
During 1900 Russia showed renewed interest in Turkish Armenia by securing the right to construct all railways in it, and in the Armenians by pressing the Porte to restore order and introduce reforms.
An active propaganda was carried on in Turkish Armenia by emissaries, who tried to introduce arms and explosives, and represented the ordinary incidents of Turkish misrule to Europe as serious atrocities.
But it is certain that he explained to his own satisfaction and accepted every item of the Roman Catholic creed, even going beyond it, as in holding the pope to be infallible in canonization; and while expressing his preference for English as compared with Italian devotional forms, he was himself one of the first to introduce such into England, together with the ritual peculiarities of the local Roman Church.
The charge that he laboured to introduce monarchy by intrigue is an under-estimate of his good sense.
Efforts have been made during the last few years to introduce this solvent on a large scale, but its high price and its physiological effect on the workmen have hitherto militated against it.
He was the first to introduce regular sermons to children; as a preacher to the young Singer showed rare gifts.
World War Three is about to break out and the Council will dissolve if I don't introduce the human who's immune to us.
It was government's proposal to introduce a formalized resettlement program.
Secondly, they introduce some Principles of Good Practice that must be applied if control of exposure is to be deemed adequate.
The arrival of the internet platform does introduce regulatory asymmetry.
To stop the room looking bland you can introduce a lamp or rug in a vibrant aqua shade.
For the Government, the Auld report offers a far more radical blueprint for change than it is willing to introduce.
Have you suggestions for the best way to introduce calculus?
It is unrealistic to think you can simply introduce a new plant and that it will then produce carotene on demand.
So maybe now you can stop this whole charade and introduce us to someone who is in charge.
Sounds of thunder lie behind the angelic choir who introduce ' Belt Up ' .
Meet the Students Let us introduce you to your new classmates.
Selena goes to introduce herself to Kris and instead, ends up in a passionate clinch with her.
Finally, we introduce Semantic Negotiation, a process by which two agents can negotiate a mutually comprehensible reference for an object.
Many would hesitate to introduce compulsion of this kind.
In 1991 the Academy became the first conservatoire in Britain to introduce a fully-accredited degree in Performance Studies.
Beginning in April, Groovy Girls will introduce girls' funky handbags in four styles classic, tote, cylinder and clutch.
The US is planning to introduce four TMD systems within the next decade.
Furthermore, the recently announced £ 27m Witness Care expansion will introduce dedicated Witness Care Units across England and Wales.
Anyway, John Hunter from Oz has rectified the deficiency, which has enabled Number Watch to introduce a new section.
It does introduce the possibility of high descant and variation parts, and facilitates the introduction of tunes with a wide range.
However, Intel and AMD are now working, slowly but surely, to introduce dual-core desktops and notebooks into the enterprise.
Further, we introduce a flexible approach to resolving non- determinism which gives this translation a practical advantage.
Big silence on the big freeze Labor's failure to introduce winter fuel payments for severely disabled adults has been a blow to many.
Here Luke uses the dissension to introduce seven prominent men.
Each year we introduce dozens of new toys, yet many of our original designs have remained consistently popular for two decades.
We will introduce a legal duty to trade fairly, enforced by a Food Trade Inspector within the Office of Fair Trading.
Third, this approach will introduce greater dynamism into allocations.
Sent to the island to introduce prelatic episcopacy, he went as he came.
It is our pleasure to introduce Nicole, a beautiful, trim and sexy blond escort currently living and working in Scotland.
The NHS executive aims to introduce pilot schemes in April.
Plus, inspiring a sense of do-it-yourself fashion, Groovy Girls will also introduce two new Sticker Snazzmatazz sets.
The course will introduce the theoretical formalisms used to describe the various types of nuclear reactions.
Introduce traitors into his country, that the government policy may be rendered futile.
At the presentation introduce yourself by name make eye contact speak understandably - do n't gabble.
Introduce populations of stinking hawk's-beard at four additional sites in accordance with the proposals under English Nature's Species Recovery Program.
The second half of the course organizes students in program groups, to introduce the historiography and sources of their chosen field of study.
We introduce the minimum cost graph homomorphism problem, provide partial results and pose an open problem.
Finally, and by no means least we are proud to introduce the CMH chilled mirror hygrometers.
Here at holiday hypermarket we are very proud to introduce our brand new travel guides section.
I was disappointed to see in that speech a Bill to introduce the deeply illiberal measure of identity cards.
Oops, I forgot to introduce myself before... I'm so impolite.
However, because the surfaces of constant Euclidean time, all intersected at the horizon, one had to introduce an inner boundary there.
My government will introduce legislation to reform support for housing costs.
To address problems that arise in the resultant optimization we introduce a technique called spherical normalization that preconditions the Hessian matrix.
I now want to introduce a notation that goes some way toward making this idea precise.
I thought next I could introduce some novelty into the performance.
Aims To introduce the basic concepts used in chemical oceanography.
To introduce arbitrary characters into a string using octal or hexadecimal notation.
During this discussion we introduce a number of recent developments of gene tree parsimony methods overlooked by Simmons and Freudenstein.
David Blunkett, the Minister for the Interior, announces plans to introduce an identity card.
He is module leader for the Teaching at University module, designed to introduce postgraduates to teaching and available to Napier postgraduate students.
C. all of those which introduce a discourse referent.
I am not going to introduce any startling reforms, nor in any way attempt to make trouble... .
We need to rally against the government's reluctance to introduce tax incentives.
They have to introduce the three people to the rest of the g roup.
The workshops will be followed up by free one-to-one coaching sessions to help managers introduce the pack into their business.
Strong guitar riffs and rough vocals introduce ' She Shook Me Cold ' with its wonderfully sleazy R'n'B sound.
To introduce photo-chemical smog, and the four factors necessary for its formation.
Having proved their worth on the pitch it was time to introduce the Freshers to the football socials!
The fellow will introduce probes spheres (both polystyrene and magnetic) in to a range of cells.
It was recently reported that supermarkets in Australia will introduce biodegradable bags made from tapioca starch in April 2003.
These will introduce students to translation strategies and to the basics of comparative stylistics.
The works introduce new meanings and messages; forge technical and esthetic innovations and sometimes subvert the standards imposed by the mainstream gaming industry.
But even if Mr Brown doesn't introduce such a politically suicidal tax, he still has to raise cash from somewhere.
Following the consultation Lord Philip Hunt announced plans to introduce supplementary prescribing in November 2002.
My husband and I have a taverna on the beach and as far as I know were the first to introduce this practice.
They took up their posts in January 1992 in order to introduce the formal teaching of the language in schools.
We are thrilled to introduce Gabrielle, a beautiful, exotic temptress with a seductive, enchanting charm.
Lectures will introduce the students to relevant theatrical, institutional, political and historical contexts.
The species has been used extensively by horticulturists to introduce winter flowering into summer flowering tuberous Begonias.
The tutors should go through these aims with the group; two tutors can introduce the aims turnabout.
Mr Harding now resolved that he himself would introduce the new warden to the hospital.
Trying to introduce new approaches in the beleaguered education system is about as effective as shooting a water pistol up the Niagara Falls.
The first decree (Decretum de fide et ecclesia) declared that the Catholic Church has no right to introduce new dogmas, but only to preserve in its original purity the faith once delivered by Christ to His apostles, and is infallible only so far as it conforms to Holy Scripture and true tradition; the Church, moreover is a purely spiritual body and has no authority in