Intractable Sentence Examples
All attempts to arrange a truce between the two intractable conquerors were in vain.
Though not gratuitously aggressive, they are highly intractable, and have given great trouble to the Chinese authorities.
Attacks of sciatica are often attended with great suffering, and are apt to be very intractable to treatment.
Halleck, Lincoln and Stanton, the intractable, if energetic, war secretary, now stood aside, and the efforts of the whole vast army were to be directed and co-ordinated by one supreme military authority.
Thus far, North Korea has proved intractable on the issue.
Disputes which once seemed totally intractable have been solved.
Problems have a habit of becoming more intractable the longer they are left.
The longer antisocial behavior patterns persist, the more intractable they become.
He was often inconsistent, he was generally intractable and overbearing, and he was always pompous and affected to a degree which, Macaulay has remarked, seems scarcely compatible with true greatness.
A chemical approach may, however, be used to dissect many of the seemingly intractable problems which have been posed.
AdvertisementFor many patients with medically intractable temporal lobe epilepsy, surgical intervention may be the only chance for patients to be rendered seizure-free.
In the event of an apparently intractable contractual dispute, individual parties should seek professional legal advice.
In many cases, even where problems have appeared intractable over many months, we are able to agree a satisfactory settlement within weeks.
A number of issues have only recently been finally resolved, with some remaining intractable.
There too, there is an exacting cultural reclamation of theme and material previously considered intractable to creative expression.
AdvertisementIn theory, this quantum parallelism can be utilized for solving problems which are intractable on any classical computer.
The contribution made by livestock slurry to this intractable destruction is central.
There was a lot of debate over whether the method was really suitable for severe intractable clubfoot especially over the correction of tibial torsion.
There is also much argument about Article 25 regarding internationalization and pre-trade transparency, which could be more intractable.
The " Cadets " commanded an overwhelming majority in the Lower House, and their intractable temper and ignorance of affairs became at once apparent.
AdvertisementSome pain is intractable and requires extreme measures for relief.
The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the use of vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) in patients over the age of 16 who have intractable partial seizures.
Abandoned by almost all his adherents Benedict found refuge in the castle of Peniscola on an impregnable rock overlooking the Mediterranean, and remained intractable.
Now these integrations are quite intractable, even for a very simple mathematical assumption of the function f(v), say the quadratic or cubic law, f(v) = v 2 /k or v3/k.
Sherman from Memphis, and a force from Helena on the Arkansas side, failed, owing to Pemberton's prompt retirement to Oxford, Mississippi, and complications brought about by the intrigues of an able but intractable subordinate, McClernand, induced Grant to make a complete change of plan.
AdvertisementThe employment of electricity, in long continued and intractable forms of neuralgia, proves in many instances eminently serviceable.
He spent some time in France and Italy; but the disease proved intractable, and he continued subject to attacks of growing intensity at frequent intervals till the close of his life.
Of the directors, Sieyes and his friend Ducos had arranged to resign; Barras was cajoled and bribed into resigning; Gohier and Moulins, who were intractable, found themselves imprisoned in the Luxemburg palace and helpless.
Quinn has made remarkable progress but Howie has become intractable on a number of issues.
At first sight, the defendant's contentions pose an intractable logical puzzle.
These problems are rendered all the more intractable simply because insufficient knowledge is available on which to base appropriate countermeasures.
The researchers identified three factors that increase the risk of having intractable epilepsy.
The present shortage of supply teachers makes this problem intractable in many schools.
The Mathematical Tripos includes Computational Project courses which train students to solve analytically intractable mathematical problems using computers.
These computationally intractable sums or integrals can be avoided by using approximate Bayesian methods.
Now, in addition to controlling Common Couch, Attribut also offers a solution to this hitherto intractable weed problem.
Even more intractable problems arise where isolating what appears to be the same morpheme leaves behind a residue of uncertain status.
However, he soon realized the impossibility of treating the fathers of Basel as ordinary rebels, and tried a compromise; but as time went on, the fathers became more and more intractable, and between him and them gradually arose an impassable barrier.
With Lotze the ideal that at last the forms of thought shall be realized to be adequate to that which at any stage of actual knowledge always proves relatively intractable is an illuminating projection of faith.
Wellington the proposal seemed premature; he would prefer to wait till "the assembly had published its conduct by its acts"; for if the new chambers were to prove as intractable as the dissolved Chambre introuvable, the monarchy would not be able to dispense with its foreign tutors.
Absolute master of the forces of the banat, Jellachich now waited until the intractable politicians of Pest should give him the occasion and the excuse for setting the imperial army in motion against them.
The Council's occasional outbursts against Italy only rendered Baron Sonnino still more intractable, and irritated Italian public opinion.
The pope could be under no delusion as to the value of this oath, which indeed was not kept; he merely regularized formally a state of affairs which the intractable Urban II.
It must never be prescribed in large doses to begin with, as some patients are quite unable to take it,intractable vomiting being caused.
His father, Johann Reinhold Forster, a man of great scientific attainments but an intractable temper, was at that time pastor of the place; the family are said to have been of Scottish extraction.
A lump of clay, which if dried would become hard and intractable, crumbles into pieces when dried after adding to it 2% of lime.
Others are intractable forest tribes, having no relations with the whites.