Intestinal Sentence Examples
The white blood-corpuscles are produced in the follicles at the base of the intestinal villi.
The dorsal vessel also communicates with the ventral vessel indirectly by the intestinal sinus, which gives off branches to both the longitudinal trunks, and by tegementary vessels and capillaries which supply the skin and the nephridia.
Vezhdovsky has lately seen reasons for regarding the blood system as originating entirely from the hypoblast by the secretion of fluid, the blood, from particular intestinal cells and the consequent formation of spaces through pressure, which become lined with these cells.
Heteronemertini, in which the dermal musculature is in three layers, an external longitudinal, a middle circular, an internal longitudinal; the nervous system lies between the first and second of these layers; the outer layer of longitudinal muscles is a new development; there is no intestinal caecum; no stylets on the proboscis and the mouth is behind the level of the brain.
In addition to the musculature of the proboscis and proboscidian sheath, longitudinal muscular fibres are found in the walls of the oesophagus, whilst transverse ones are numerous and united into vertical dissepiments between the successive intestinal caeca, thus bringing about a very regular internal metamerization.
The intestinal sac has become bifid and is usually devoid of branches.
Haematemesis is vomiting of blood, the colour of which may be altered by digestion, as is also the case in melaena, or passage of blood with the faeces, in which the blood becomes dark and tarrylooking from the action of the intestinal fluids.
The posterior portion of the intestine is specially characterized by the appearance of the intestinal diverticula horizontally and symmetrically placed right and left and opposite to each other.
Cases of asymmetry or irregularity in the arrangement of the intestinal caeca, though sometimes occurring, are not normal.
A, Five specimens of Echinorhynchus acus, Rud., attached to a piece of intestinal wall, X 4.
AdvertisementThere are the usual malarial, bilious and intermittent fevers, and liver, stomach and intestinal complaints prevalent in tropical countries; but unhygienic living is, in Cuba as elsewhere, mainly responsible for their existence.
The local authorities were divided among themselves by bitter feuds - the ecclesiastical against the civil, the ayuntamiento against the governors, the administrative officers among themselves; brigandage, mutinies and intestinal struggles disturbed the peace.
From 1816 he published various papers in the Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, which formed the basis of his Pathological and Practical Researches on Diseases of the Brain and Spinal Cord, and of his Researches on the Diseases of the Intestinal Canal, Liver and other Viscera of the Abdomen, both published in 1828.
The parasites, which cling to the intestinal mucous membrane, draw their nourishment from the blood-vessels of their host, and as they are found in hundreds in the body after death, the disorders of digestion, the increasing anaemia and the consequent dropsies and other cachectic symptoms are easily explained.
The toxic actions produced in continued fevers, in certain chronic diseases, and by intestinal parasites largely aid in producing degeneration, emaciation and atrophy.
AdvertisementIn the physiological process of intestinal digestion, the precursors of such fats are split up into these two radicles.
Broussais's chief aim was to find an anatomical basis for all diseases, but he is especially known for his attempt to explain all fevers as a consequence of irritation or inflammation of the intestinal canal (gastroenterite).
In our conceptions of the later stages of assimilation and of excretion, with the generation of poisons (auto-intoxication) in the intestinal tract, there is still much obscurity and much guess-work; yet in some directions positive knowledge has been gained, partly by the physiologist, partly by the physician himself.
The body, or " strobila," consists of a usually minute organ of attachment (scolex or its representative) which is imbedded in the intestinal membrane, and of a series of segments that arise from the base of the scolex and increase in size distally.
This elaborate type of scolex appears to be an adaptation to grasp the spiral intestinal valve of sharks and rays.
AdvertisementWe therefore regard the body of a Cestode as a single organism within which the gonads have become segmented, and the segmentation of the body as a secondary phenomenon associated with diffuse osmotic feeding in the narrow intestinal canal.
For twelve hours previously to its administration no food should be given, in order that the intestinal tract should be empty so as to expose the tapeworm to the full action of the drug.
The stimulation of the liver is said to depend upon the solution of the resin by the intestinal secretion.
There is hardly any increase in the intestinal secretion, the drug being emphatically not a hydragogue cathartic. There is no doubt that its habitual use may be a factor in the formation of haemorrhoids; as in the case of all drugs that act powerfully on the lower part of the intestine, without simultaneously lowering the venous pressure by causing increase of secretion from the bowel.
Behind this point there is a muscular pharynx or gizzard, which communicates with the wide intestinal tract.
AdvertisementThough ammonium chloride has certain irritant properties which may disorder the stomach, yet if its mucous membrane be depressed and atonic the drug may improve its condition, and it has been used with success in gastric and intestinal catarrhs of a subacute type and is given in doses of io grains half an hour before meals in painful dyspepsia due to hyperacidity.
It is also an intestinal and hepatic stimulant and a feeble diuretic and diaphoretic, and has been considered a specific in some forms of neuralgia.
Sometimes a gall-stone which has found its way into the intestine is large enough to block the bowel and give rise to intestinal obstruction which demands abdominal section.
Flacherie is an intestinal disease of the cholera species and therefore contagious.
The intestinal canal is long, and has, in addition to the ordinary short, but capacious and sacculated caecum at the commencement of the colon, lower down, a pair of large, conical, pointed caeca.
Internally strychnine acts as a bitter, increasing the secretion of gastric juice and the intestinal peristalsis, being a direct stimulant to the muscular coat; in this manner it has a purgative action.
Owen's description showed this view to be groundless, and he attributed the extraordinary development of the toucan's beak to the need of compensating, by the additional power of mastication thus given, for the absence of any of the grinding structures that are so characteristic of the intestinal tract of vegetable-eating birds - its digestive organs possessing a general simplicity of formation.
In some cases the branchial respiration a p pears to be insufficient, and the intestinal tract acts as an accessory breathing organ.
These are paralysed by atropine, and intestinal peristalsis is consequently made more active, the muscles being released from nervous control.
He had enough men, though a number of his units were below strength, while others were battle-worn and others again had suffered much from an intestinal disease that had been prevalent in the valleys of the Natisone and the Judrio; and he had enough guns, in spite of the withdrawal of the Allied artillery, though he would doubtless have been glad of a larger reserve.
The perforated pharyngeal region has then been detached from the adherent epipleura or opercular folds (wall of atrial or branchial chamber) by cutting the fluted pharyngo-pleural membrane d, and separated by a vertical cut from the intestinal region.
In the intestine tannic acid controls intestinal bleeding, acting as a powerful astringent and causing constipation; for this reason it has been recommended to check diarrhoea.
Various morbid conditions of the body generally may give rise to different symptoms. Thus a gouty condition may manifest itself in one man as eczema of the skin, giving rise to redness and intense itching; in another as neuralgia, causing most severe pain; in a third as bronchitis, producing a distressing cough; in a fourth as dyspepsia, giving rise to flatulence and intestinal disturbance; and in a fifth as inflammation of the great toe, accompanied by redness, swelling and pain.
Similar procedures are used for the intestine, and one of the best methods of treating the diarrhoea consequent upon the presence of irritating substances in the intestinal canal is to give a dose of castor-oil together with a few drops of laudanum.
Even in cases of very acute intestinal diseases similar treatment is now pursued, and instead of treating dysentery simply by sedatives or astringents, an eliminative treatment by means of sulphate of magnesia is largely employed.
The whole of the secretion here is poured into the blood and not at all on to a mucous surface, and herein the thyroid gland differs largely from such glands as the pancreas or peptic and intestinal glands.
Similarly the beneficial effects of purgation may be due not only to the elimination which takes place through the bowel, but also to the internal secretion from the intestinal glands.
After the irritant has been removed and fermentation stopped, the irritation still remaining in the intestinal wall may be soothed by chalk mixture and bismuth, to which if necessary small quantities of opium may be added.
Flatulence and diarrhoea as well as many general disorders are often due to intestinal depression caused by microbes.
Simple alkaline waters containing carbonates, chiefly of sodium along with some magnesium and calcium, are drunk for their utility in gastric and intestinal disorders as well as in rheumatism and gout.
These form a more powerful wave-bath, and in combination with intestinal irrigation, are used very successfully for the treatment of abdominal disorders.
For the intestinal conditions it must either be given in a keratin-coated pill or injected high up into the rectum.
The former leads to a protrusible pharynx (B), from which the oesophagus opens into a wide intestinal chamber with branching lateral diverticula.
Externally it is antiparasitic, and is used in certain stages of eczema and psoriasis, and the alcoholic solution has been used in ringworm; internally it has been employed as an intestinal antiseptic in typhoid fever.
Both it and the aromatic solution are powerful intestinal astringents, and are therefore useful in diarrhoea of a serious type, being strongly recommended both as a prophylactic and as a treatment during epidemics of Asiatic cholera.
Given internally it stimulates the intestinal muscles and may cause diarrhoea.
The alimentary,or intestinal, canal varies greatly in relative length and capacity in different mammals, and also offers manifold peculiarities of form, being sometimes a simple cylindrical tube of nearly uniform calibre throughout, but more often subject to alterations of form and capacity in different portions of its course - the most characteristic and constant being the division into an upper and narrower and a lower and wider portion, called respectively the small and the large intestine; the former being arbitrarily divided into duodenum, jejunum and ileum, and the latter into colon and rectum.
Besides the crypts of Lieberkiihn found throughout the intestinal canal, and the glands of Brunner confined to the duodenum, there are other structures in the mucous membrane, about the nature of which there is still much uncertainty, called " solitary " and " agminated " glands, the latter more commonly known by the name of " Peyer's patches."
If the sulphate is prescribed in the form of a pill, it may be so coated as only to be soluble in the intestinal digestive fluid.
Iron is certainly absorbed from the intestinal canal.
Even where they undergo healing they may cause such a stricture of the calibre of the intestinal canal as to give rise to the symptoms of obstruction which ultimately prove fatal.
They are usually few in number, but occasionally occur in such large numbers that they cause intestinal obstruction.
A few of them, such as aloin and colocynthin, are also purgative when injected subcutaneously or into the blood, probably owing to their being excreted into the intestinal canal.
Parasiticides or anti-parasitics destroy parasites; the terms are usually restricted to those acting on skinparasites as contrasted with intestinal ones.
You have a chance to help here, but it will take some intestinal fortitude on your part.
Thank you all for the intestinal fortitude to stand for what's right, like static pages fit for the purpose!
In addition, according to one recent study, tea may reduce the intestinal absorption of glucose.
This causes intestinal anthrax - a severe form of food poisoning.
Grapefruit Seed Extract has antiparasitic, antibacterial and antifungal properties, and helps to maintain the correct balance of intestinal flora.
An attempt should be made to see whether the fish is defecating, in case the problem is being caused by an intestinal blockage.
The specialized intestinal epithelial cells are rapidly replaced by mature cells, so that immunoglobulins cannot be absorbed after 24-36 hours post-birth.
Whenever there are symptoms of gastro intestinal distress, I think first of slippery elm.
Have your doctors considered the possibility of intestinal endometriosis?
We are all aware of the importance of some of them for the health of the intestinal flora.
Severe disturbances of the intestinal bacterial flora may occur.
The SCI is a collaborative project to assist countries in sub Saharan Africa control schistosomiasis and intestinal helminths.
Paralytic ileus (also called adynamic ileus) is one type of intestinal obstruction.
In gallstone colonic ileus, which is a rare condition, 17,18 there may be a pre-existing narrowing in the colon causing intestinal obstruction.
In a few cases the intestinal pain is caused by inability to digest cow's milk.
Diets filled with cereal fiber also may help prevent diabetes and a painful intestinal inflammation called diverticular disease.
Furthermore, jejunal interposition can influence the motility of the entire intestinal tract resulting in a better functional outcome.
But if they choose to do this, they must have the intestinal fortitude to hold fast!
Under normal conditions, the cells in the intestinal tract lining slough off very rapidly.
The desquamation of such cells into the intestinal lumen leads to the excretion of the copper.
Undigested gliadin actually damage the intestinal lining and create chronic intestinal malabsorption.
An affected baby may have intestinal obstruction from thick meconium filling the intestine.
There was 80% agreement in the definition of BO (columnar lined esophagus containing specialized intestinal metaplasia on biopsy ).
Biopsies taken from this area reveal an incomplete, patchy, intestinal metaplasia with goblet cells.
The intestinal microflora is fundamental to the operations of both systems.
Even quite intensive scraping of the intestinal mucosa did not reveal coccidia.
In 1909 Cheadle was operated upon for intestinal obstruction.
There are two main types of intestinal parasites.. .
Eosinophilia (Eos 0.8 x 109/l) is very rarely found in association with intestinal parasitism in horses.
Despite her intestinal perforation, she remained reasonably well, haemodynamically stable, with a soft distended abdomen.
Delayed spontaneous bladder perforation - no particular intestinal segment is more predisposed.
Activation of the autonomic nervous system also delays gastric emptying and reduces intestinal peristalsis.
Symptoms of advanced disease include intestinal obstruction, perforation and resulting peritonitis.
To identify the effect of IL-6 on intestinal permeability.
Worms and children Young puppies are likely to have more intestinal roundworms than adults, unless they have been adequately treated with medication.
In the case of intestinal schistosomiasis, the worms reside in the blood vessels lining the intestine.
An intestinal biopsy should be obtained, usually under mild sedation.
People with severe damage to intestinal tissue may be prescribed intravenous nutritional supplements in order to replace unabsorbed nutrients.
Sudden mesenteric vein thrombosis leads to edema and hemorrhage in the affected intestinal segment.
Take care not to puncture any part of the intestinal tract.
Most other trematodes are hermaphroditic, and are found in the intestinal tract, or organs such as the liver.
They reduce hepatic and intestinal glucose output, and stimulate glucose uptake by muscle.
Factors associated with mortality and morbidity in small intestinal volvulus in the horse.
There is a health hazard with the muck from geese which may contain an intestinal worm.
The inner surface of the intestinal caeca is ciliated, the caeca themselves are some times - especially in the UT hindermost portion of the body - of a considerably smaller lumen than the intermediate genital spaces; sometimes, however, the reverse is the case, and in both cases it is the smaller lumen that appears enclosed between and suspended by the transverse fibres constituting the muscular dissepiments above mentioned.
Even in normal circumstances their play and counterplay, attractive and repellent, must be manifold almost beyond conception; for the body may be regarded as a collective organization consisting of a huge colony of micro-organisms become capable of a common life by common and mutual arrangement and differentiation of function, and by toleration and utilization of each other's peculiar products; some organs, such as the liver, for example, being credited with a special power of neutralizing poisons, whether generated under normal conditions or under abnormal, .which gain entrance from the intestinal tract.
The loss of nutrient fluid caused by the presence of intestinal Cestodes is probably slight, indeed, the sharper appetite that accompanies their presence may be the means of fully compensating for it.
This segregation of the germ cells and their independence of the intestinal sac is an indication that the origin of these cells is not coelomic nor enteric, and until we possess further information as to the evolution of the complex genitalia of the higher Turbellaria we cannot hope to understand the presence of such highly modified structures in animals of an otherwise low grade or organization.
Practical experience teaches every clinician that, whatever the mode of action, iron is most valuable in anaemia, though in many cases, where there is well-marked toxaemia from absorption of the intestinal products, not only laxatives in combination with iron but intestinal antiseptics are necessary.
Eating live yogurt will replace intestinal flora lost during the alcohol attack and soothe a sore stomach.
A clinical trial of intracavernous vasoactive intestinal peptide to induce penile erection.
Characteristic of coeliac disease is varying degrees of stunting of the small intestinal villi.
In India approximately 30 per cent of acute intestinal obstructions are secondary to volvulus of the sigmoid colon [3 ].
This meconium has been present in your baby's intestinal tract even when he was in the womb.
However, your adopted child may face medical issues like developmental delays, lead poisoning, infectious diseases, and intestinal parasites.
When the skin in the diaper area begins to break down -sometimes because of excess diarrhea or other types of diaper rashes - yeast from the intestinal tract can get under the skin surface to cause an infection.
When the good bacteria in the intestinal flora are killed off through antibiotic use, yeast can begin to proliferate, which may develop into a rash.
As with humans, obesity in cats can lead to other health problems, including kidney and liver disease, heart disease and disorders of the intestinal tract.
Otherwise, it runs the risk of becoming lodged inside of the intestinal tract, causing constipation and a possible intestinal blockage.
Tinsel can be ingested and cause stomach or intestinal problems as well.
Since this litter is made to absorb many times its weight in liquid, the liquid in the cat's intestinal tract or lungs is what gets absorbed.
Tapeworms are long, flat, segmented worms that live in your cat's intestinal tract.
Although bentonite clay has actually been used by humans as an intestinal cleanser, some pet owners fear the idea that clay can enter their cats' intestines and cause dehydration and intestinal blockages.
At the very least, its extremely absorbent nature can cause an intestinal blockage.
Since clay is ultra absorbent, it can result in intestinal dehydration and possible blockages.
The crystals, if eaten, may cause an intestinal blockage.
Kudzu, the root of the herb is used to treat intestinal obstruction, dysentery, headaches, stomach ailments, diarrhea, tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and vertigo.
Long-term exposure to fleas can cause anemia, allergic dermatitis and intestinal parasites in your pet, so timely treatment is important.
Once the vitamin is combined with intrinsic factor, it's then absorbed into the body through the intestinal tract.
In natural and alternative medicine fields, probiotics are sometimes used to prevent or even treat digestive and intestinal conditions.
When helpful bacteria colonies die-off in favor of harmful bacteria, the condition is called intestinal dysbiosis.
These bacteria only survive in an acidic intestinal environment.
You can read more about the condition of intestinal dysbiosis at
In the fall of 2006, Fawcett revealed that she was suffering from intestinal cancer and was in the process of chemotherapy treatment and surgery.
Fleas are also an intermediate host for tapeworms, which can infest your dog's intestinal track and require an oral medication for treatment.
Worms can also cause internal bleeding once they attach themselves to your pet's stomach lining and intestinal tract.
Intestinal worms are parasites that live out their life cycle in a dog's digestive tract.
This may result in gelatinous masses that have the potential to become lodged in a pet's intestinal tract.
Dogs have been known to choke on their kibble and get intestinal blockages from eating animal bones, so it's not quite so surprising that chew treats also pose some potential health hazards.
Most dogs experience the intestinal form of parvo, but this is not the only form the virus can take.
Intestinal parvo is the most common form of the disease.
When it comes to dog health, blood in stool may be an indication of a serious medical condition or the sign of a minor intestinal infection.
If the blood appears fresh and is bright red in color, it generally indicates that the blood comes from the lower intestinal area, including the rectum and colon.
Blood that originates in the dog's upper intestinal tract, including the stomach and small intestines, causes the dog's feces to look tarry and black in color.
After the cooking process, a patented formulation called ActiCoat is added to provide live, active probiotic cultures which promote a healthy intestinal tract and overall digestive health.
Intestinal Parvovirus is the most common form of parvo.
There are several other intestinal worms that can infect puppies, which is why it is very important the puppy is dewormed.
Other causes are more serious, such as a virus or intestinal blockage.
Within the gastrointestinal tract, the virus rapidly reproduces and causes the intestinal villi to die.
The intestinal tract begins to hemorrhage and diarrhea starts.
One common factor among all properly fermented substances is the ability to increase good intestinal flora in the body and eliminate bad bacteria.
E.Coli, one of the most common contaminants in beef, is found in the intestinal tracts of cattle.
Active microbials are added to keep your dog's intestinal tract healthy.
Valerian also helps relieve anxiety, tension, intestinal pain and cramping and reduces menstrual pain.
Portal hypertension may result in the development of fragile veins in the intestinal lining, stomach, or esophagus, which can bleed and require emergency medical attention.
Symptoms of lactose intolerance include nausea, cramps, diarrhea, floating and foul-smelling stools, bloating, and intestinal gas.
They act by attracting and holding water in the intestinal lumen, and may produce a watery stool.
Bulk producing laxatives increase the volume of the stool, and will both soften the stool and stimulate intestinal motility.
It acts by retarding intestinal absorption of fecal water, thereby softening the stool.
Short term use of laxatives is generally safe except in appendicitis, fecal impaction, or intestinal obstruction.
The meconium of a newborn with meconium ileus is thickened and sticky, due to the presence of thickened mucus from the intestinal glands.
There is an increased risk of malnutrition associated with chronic diseases, especially disease of the intestinal tract, kidneys, and liver.
Others have many health problems throughout life, including mental disabilities and the inability to absorb nutrients through the intestinal tract.
Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome-A rare type of albinism, most common in the Puerto Rican community, which can cause pigment changes, lung disease, intestinal disorders, and blood disorders.
Intestinal pain arises from stimuli such as swelling, inflammation, and distension.
Some babies experience greater discomfort from intestinal gas.
Antidiarrheal drugs that decrease excessive secretion of fluid by the intestinal tract is another approach for some diseases.
It is the principal blood-pressure raising hormone and a bronchial and intestinal smooth muscles relaxant.
Although NEC was not as of 2004 fully understood, it is thought that it results from a bacterial or viral invasion of damaged intestinal tissues.
Routine stool cultures, however, cannot be used to identify any of the four types of E. coli that cause intestinal infections.
Herbalists may recommend cloves taken as an infusion or ginger given in drop doses to control intestinal cramps, eliminate gas, and prevent vomiting.
Peppermint (Mentha piperita) or chamomile (Matricaria recutita) tea may also ease cramps and intestinal spasms.
It can cause death of intestinal tissue (necrosis) and may progress to blood poisoning (septicemia).
The fluid accumulation and reduced absorption lead to bilious vomiting, which is the vomitus will appear greenish, the classic sign of upper intestinal obstruction.
Intestinal malrotation is a more common cause, occurring in one in 500 live births, although only a small percentage of these have duodenal malrotation.
If malrotation is suspected, contrast-enhanced x rays of the upper intestinal region are usually able to visualize the twisted duodenum.
Complications can include other digestive disorders such as intestinal motility, duodenogastric reflux, gastritis, peptic ulcers, and megaduodenum.
If malrotation or duodenal volvulus has caused the blood supply to be cut off in a portion of the intestine before surgery, death of intestinal tissue can result and life-threatening gangrene can develop.
Parents can be reassured that newer surgical techniques have constantly improved the outcome of surgeries for intestinal obstruction, including duodenal obstruction.
Diagnosed early, intestinal obstruction can be corrected with few complications, and a child who does not have other congenital problems usually is able to resume normal development.
Intestinal obstructions are a partial or complete blockage of the small or large intestine, resulting in failure of the contents of the intestine to pass through the bowel normally.
Intestinal obstructions can occur in children as a result of congenital defects, with symptoms appearing any time between birth and adulthood.
It is difficult for doctors to predict at birth which infants will suffer intestinal obstructions.
Intestinal obstructions can be mechanical or nonmechanical.
Mechanical obstruction is the physical blockage of the intestine by a tumor, scar tissue, or another type of blockage that prevents intestinal contents from getting past the point of obstruction.
Intussusception is the most common cause of intestinal obstruction in children between the ages of three months and six years.
Congenital adhesions or post-surgical adhesions can also cause intestinal obstruction in children.
Each year, one in 1,000 individuals of all ages are diagnosed with intestinal obstruction.
The most frequent causes of large-bowel obstruction are tumors, volvulus, or small pouches that form on the intestinal wall (diverticula) that can fill with waste and expand to block the intestines.
Motility disorders such as Hirschsprung's disease and psuedo-obstruction may cause blockages by retarding peristalsis, the intestinal muscle contractions that move food and waste.
Meconium ileus in newborns is caused by increased viscosity of waste products in the intestinal tract, and is sometimes secondary to cystic fibrosis.
One of the earliest signs of mechanical intestinal obstruction is abdominal pain or cramps that come and go in waves.
Vomiting is another typical symptom of intestinal obstruction.
Medical attention is needed early in intestinal obstruction and should be sought as soon as symptoms suggest abdominal distress.
In a barium enema, barium sulfate is infused through the rectum and the intestinal area is scanned.
Children with suspected intestinal obstruction will be hospitalized after the initial diagnostic evaluation.
Immediate surgery is often the only means of correcting intestinal obstruction.
Alternative practitioners may recommend a high fiber diet to encourage proper stool formation; however, simple constipation is not the cause of intestinal obstruction.
Most intestinal obstructions can be corrected with prompt treatment and the affected child will recover without complications.
Untreated intestinal obstructions can be fatal, however.
Most cases of intestinal obstruction are not preventable.
Preventing certain types of intestinal problems that may lead to intestinal obstruction may include making sure that the diet includes sufficient fiber to help encourage proper stool formation and regular elimination.
Diagnosis of intestinal obstruction in a child is dependent on recognizing related symptoms.
Parents may be concerned about preventing intestinal problems in their children and about missing the symptoms of possible intestinal obstruction.
Diagnosed early, intestinal obstruction can be corrected without complications.
Shigellosis is an infection of the intestinal tract by a group of bacteria called Shigella.
Shigella share several of the characteristics of a group of bacteria that inhabit the intestinal tract.
Shigella also produce a number of toxins (Shiga toxin and others) that increase the amount of fluid secretion by the intestinal tract.
Certain medications (particularly those that diminish intestinal contractions) may increase this risk, but this interaction is unclear.
In rare cases, an individual may fail to clear the bacteria from the intestinal tract; the result is a persistent carrier state.
This is usually due to damage to the intestinal tract, which requires some time to heal.
For example, imaging studies ordered to assess severe gastrointestinal complaints may reveal intestinal blockage with an opaque substance; such a finding is suggestive of pica.
Biopsy of intestinal contents can also reveal findings, such as parasitic infection, consistent with pica.
Medical complications and health threats, including high lead levels, bowel perforation or intestinal obstruction, will require additional medical management, beyond addressing the underlying issue of pica.
There is an increased risk of intestinal lymphoma, a type of cancer, in individuals with celiac disease.
Its symptoms are similar to many other conditions including irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, diverticulosis, intestinal infections, chronic fatigue syndrome, and depression.
Unfortunately, in older children, the symptoms may not reappear immediately although intestinal damage is occurring.
It can cause the death (necrosis) of intestinal tissue and progress to blood poisoning (septicemia).
Necrotizing enterocolitis is a serious infection that can produce complications in the intestine itself such as ulcers, perforations or holes in the intestinal wall, and tissue necrosis.
This can create an intestinal obstruction that requires surgery.
This is an external opening for the intestinal contents to exit the body while the affected part of the intestine heals.
In children with less severe diaphragmatic hernias, the diagnosis may be made later in childhood if the child develops intestinal obstructions.
Allergic purpura (AP), a form of vasculitis (inflammation of the blood vessels), is a disease characterized by inflammation of the small arterial vessels (capillaries) in the skin, kidneys, and intestinal tract.
Although these spores are commonly found in soil, honey is a more frequent source of spores causing infant botulism by lodging in the baby's intestinal tract and producing the neurotoxin.
Secondary deficiencies, often caused by a disease or disorder of the intestinal tract, disappear when the underlying cause is treated.
Secondary deficiencies include protein deficiency, pancreatitis, celiac disease, short-bowel syndrome, and some intestinal infections.
The disaccharides maltose, sucrose, and lactose cannot be absorbed until they have been separated into simple sugar molecules by their corresponding enzymes present in the cells lining the intestinal tract.
Intestinal lactase enzymes usually decrease naturally with age, but this occurs at varying degrees.
Digestive diseases such as celiac disease and tropical sprue (which affect absorption in the intestine), as well as intestinal infections and injuries, can reduce the amount of enzymes produced.
In the case of a lactase deficiency, undigested milk sugar remains in the intestine, which is then fermented by the normal intestinal bacteria.
Carbohydrate intolerance caused by temporary intestinal diseases disappears when the condition is successfully treated.
There are two types of intestinal obstructions, mechanical and non-mechanical.
Barium studies are used in cases of mechanical obstruction but may cause problems by increasing pressure or intestinal contents if used in ileus.
In some cases, especially where there is a mechanical obstruction or death (necrosis) of intestinal tissue, surgery may be necessary.
Drug therapies that promote intestinal motility (ability of the intestine to move spontaneously), such as cisapride and vasopressin (Pitressin), are sometimes prescribed.
The prognosis is less certain in cases in which death of intestinal tissue occurs; surgery becomes necessary to remove the necrotic tissue.
Anticholinergics may help control intestinal cramping.
Ginger (Zingiber officinale) in its various forms is often used to calm the stomach, and the oils it contains (gingerols and shogaols) appear to relax the intestinal tract in addition to mildly depressing the central nervous system.
Viral and bacterial gastroenteritis are intestinal infections associated with symptoms of diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea, and vomiting.
Viral gastroenteritis is frequently referred to as the stomach or intestinal flu, although the influenza virus is not associated with this illness.
Shigella bacteria are dangerous because they attack the intestinal wall and cause bleeding ulcers.
Specifically, live cultures of Lactobacillus acidophilus are said to be effective in soothing the digestive tract and returning the intestinal flora to normal.
Patients typically have intestinal obstruction.
Barium studies can reveal mucosal edema and thickening of the small intestinal wall in EC and ED.
Iron deficiency can also be caused by excess phosphorus in the diet, chronic intestinal bleeding, poor digestion and absorption, prolonged illness, ulcers, and the use of antacids.
Human botulism (caused by botulism toxins A, B, and E) may stem from contaminated food, wound contamination, or the intestinal botulism toxin found in infants.
The spores germinate in the large intestine and, once colonized, toxin is produced and absorbed into the infant's body from the entire intestinal tract.
However, IPV induces only little immunity in the intestinal tract.
Restricting lactose (milk and milk products) is usually not necessary but may be helpful in a child with a severe intestinal disease or diarrhea in a malnourished child.
The severity of the bleeding varied among family members and ranged from mild to severe and typically involved the mouth, nose, genital and urinary tracts, and occasionally the intestinal tract.
Type 3 VWD can be quite severe and is associated with bruising and bleeding from the mouth, nose, and from the intestinal, genital, and urinary tracts.
Medications called fibrinolytic inhibitors can be helpful in controlling intestinal, mouth, and nose bleeding.
Although the stomach or intestinal "flu" is commonly blamed for stomach upsets and diarrhea, the influenza virus rarely causes gastrointestinal symptoms.
If NSAIDs are to be used for prolonged periods, as in juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, there is a risk of potentially serious stomach and intestinal problems.
Ivermectin (Stromectol), an oral treatment for intestinal parasites, is effective against head lice but as of 2004 had not been approved for that use by the FDA.
Air in the stomach may confirm the presence of fistula; gas in the large intestine rules out intestinal (duodenal) atresia.
Abdominal x rays may be taken as well to look for intestinal obstruction and abnormalities.
Healthy infants who have no complications, such as heart or lung problems or other types of intestinal malformations, can usually have surgery within the first 24 hours of life.
The absence of these nerve fibers, which help control the movement of bowel contents, is what results in intestinal obstruction accompanied by other symptoms.
Occasionally, the presenting symptom may be a severe intestinal infection called enterocolitis, which is life threatening.
It is important to diagnose the condition before the intestinal obstruction causes an overgrowth of bacteria that evolves into a medical emergency.
Hirschsprung's disease in the newborn must be distinguished from other causes of intestinal obstruction.
The first stage relieves the intestinal obstruction by performing a colostomy.
Colostomies are usually required because portions of the intestine have been removed or an intestinal obstruction exists.
Enterocolitis-Severe inflammation of the intestines that affects the intestinal lining, muscle, nerves and blood vessels.
If abdominal pain begins before nausea and vomiting, rather than after, appendicitis rather than intestinal infection is more likely.
Scientists suspect that Listeria monocytogenes can cause upset stomach and intestinal problems just like other food-borne illnesses.
Pregnant women experience a mild, flu-like illness with fever, muscle aches, upset stomach, and intestinal problems.
In the gastrointestinal tract, these reactions lead to swelling and irritation of the intestinal lining, which causes the cramping and diarrhea typical of food allergy.
The spleen, appendix, and patches of lymphoid tissue in the intestinal tract are also parts of the immune system.
Babies born early can also experience necrotizing enterocolitis, a potentially fatal intestinal problem.
Vitamin K is manufactured by a range of intestinal bacteria, principally in the lower intestine.
People who suffer from Crohn's Disease, intestinal malabsorption disorders, or chronic alcoholism are at an especially high risk of suffering from a vitamin B12 deficiency.
It also plays key roles in regulating the immune system and promoting healthy linings in the eyes and intestinal, respiratory and urinary tracts.
Vitamin D (calciteral) is a fat-soluble vitamin, meaning that in order for it to be absorbed by the intestinal tract, fat needs to be present in the body.
According to the company's website, when used according to directions, Align helps restore the natural balance of intestinal bacteria.
Celiac disease, for example, manifests itself by causing intestinal damage in response to an allergy to gluten.
If a supplement gives you intestinal gas, diarrhea, constipation or other uncomfortable side effects, try a different type of fiber product.
Biotin or vitamin H acts as a catalyst for chemical reactions in the body including those in the skin, intestinal tract, and nervous system.
A calcium deficiency may be a result of intestinal issues such as celiac disease or gluten intolerance, which prevents proper absorption of this mineral.
Since the intestinal tract is responsible for providing the majority of biotin for humans, infants may lack the bacteria needed to produce this vitamin.
The patented liposomal delivery method of Lypo-Spheric vitamin C serves to overcome intestinal irritability by transporting the formula directly to the liver.
For instance, celiac disease blocks intestinal absorption when someone who is affected eats gluten.
These supplements can be helpful for a variety of intestinal difficulties and can also promote general health.
Insoluble fiber doesn't cause as much bloating or gas as soluble fiber does, but increasing the amount of any kind of fiber in your diet too quickly can lead to cramps, intestinal pain and bloating.
Beneficial intestinal flora plays a key role in metabolic, immunological, elimination, and other functions.
This imbalanced state is known as intestinal dysbiosis.
Probiotics are strains of live bacteria found in food similar to those healthy or good bacteria living in the human intestinal tract.
If your doctor rules out more serious complaints, probiotic supplements offer a generally safe and natural method of relieving common diarrhea, gas, and other uncomfortable intestinal symptoms.
These symptoms can mimic a broad array of other disorders which make celiac disease difficult to diagnose, though an early diagnosis is necessary to prevent further destruction of the intestinal lining.
Malabsorption symptoms will basically mimic a horde of nutritional deficiencies because, as your intestinal lining wears downs, important minerals, proteins, essential fats and vitamins will no longer circulate throughout the body.
Gluten allergy shares most of the characteristic signs and symptoms of celiac disease, but doesn't cause observable intestinal damage.
Celiac disease can cause all of the above symptoms, in addition to a characteristically flattened appearance of the intestinal villi.
This attack results in the destruction of intestinal villi, which, then, leads to the body's inability to properly absorb nutrients through the small intestine.
In small number, it poses little threat, but when it is allowed to multiply and dominate the intestinal tract it can cause a horde of problems.
The intestinal damage of celiac disease is caused by anti-gluten antibodies which stimulate the production of killer lymphocytes within the gastrointestinal tract.
These lymphocytes attack the intestinal tissue, particularly the villi that line the intestinal tract and are responsible for the absorption of nutrients.
If your gliadin antibody test indicates your immune system views gluten as a foreign invader, your physician will probably recommend an intestinal biopsy as the next step in diagnosis.
WebMD explains that only the results of your intestinal biopsy, together with the results of gliadin antibody testing, will provide a definitive diagnosis of celiac disease.
Intestinal biopsy, considered the gold standard for celiac testing, will often be negative for these patients.
The symptoms most commonly associated with celiac disease, such as diarrhea, gas, bloating and other digestive upsets, can sometimes occur without causing intestinal damage.
The intestinal damage incurred by extensively untreated celiac disease can render patients sensitive to many foods.
You can eat all the Pop Rocks with Coca-Cola that you like without fear of abnormal intestinal distress.
Studies have linked the condition of permeable intestinal tracts or leaky gut with autism.
The peptides may pass through the intestinal tract, where the gluten becomes glidainomorphin and the casein becomes casomorphin.
You will want to use common sense, however, as eating large amounts of cabbage and other roughage after a diet consisting of refined foods can cause considerable intestinal discomfort.
The impact of this diet on the intestinal system is intense.
Candida Albicans is a fungal organism that lives in our intestinal tract.
The candida organism grows rapidly when other intestinal bacteria are out of balance.
Other causes include a highly acidic intestinal tract from processed food ingestion and stress.
Vinegar and vinegar-containing foods heighten the acidic environment of the intestinal tract and therefore, should be avoided.
Soluble fiber is gel-like and helps to slow the movement of stool through the intestinal tract.
Intestinal bypass was once the most common procedure, but has since been replaced with the restrictive and malabsorption practices.
In particular, it seems to prevent the enzyme P-450 from doing its job to break down medications in the intestinal tract.
Essentially, the condition is one that hinders or blocks intestinal absorption of important nutrients.
This can cause intestinal damage much like celiac disease does without producing the notable digestive symptoms.
Further testing on the intestinal tissue will determine if there is damage to the villi, through examination by an endoscope.
In as little as 24 hours most people fasting will lose integrity in their intestinal wall lining.
Some people exhibit symptoms of Celiac Disease that can lead to diagnosis before significant intestinal damage occurs.
Those who recognize symptoms early and seek help immediately have the best chance of prevening serious intestinal damage.
Upon eliminating gluten from the diet, intestinal damage stops progressing, the small intestines heal, and for most people the symptoms stop.
Most people will stop experiencing intestinal damage as soon as all gluten consumption is eliminated.
Intestinal yeast growth is on the rise, and you may have heard about friends or acquaintances benefiting from a yeast killing diet.
This fungus is present in the vast majority of peoples' intestinal tracts.
Some intestinal discomfort may occur during this phase, but should dissipate once the bulk of the yeast is gone.
Satterlee and Eldridge, who presented 518 cases to an AMA conference that had mental symptoms cured by removing intestinal toxemia.
Low carb dieters report a reduction of a number of health problems including indigestion, intestinal gas, symptoms related to diabetes, bloating and more.
It may be a good idea to work your way slowly into this way of eating to avoid intestinal cramping and gas.
Lastly, some diets, such as the Cabbage Soup Diet, can cause intestinal distress, not to mention make you socially unacceptable.
Those following the Cabbage Soup Diet are likely to experience gassiness and other intestinal discomfort.
This gel allows the fiber to move through your intestines slowly, sweeping away excess intestinal bulk as it goes.
Eating large amounts of fiber can cause intestinal gas, bloating and abdominal cramping.
Non-soluble fiber will help keep your intestinal system functioning properly.
However, in some cases, these pouches of intestinal lining can become inflamed -a condition known as diverticulitis.
They based the eating plan on the belief that poorly combined foods just turn to fat because they are not optimally absorbed in the intestinal tract.
If food were combined improperly, Diamond claimed it caused food to "putrefy and ferment" within the intestinal tract instead of being digested.
If you are recovering from an intestinal illness, these can be particularly good, as they contain vitamins and minerals that can help you recover.
Be sure to note any intestinal discomfort with dairy foods, however, and inform your doctor.
Remove the gills and intestinal vein, and use a mallet to crack the claws.