Intermittent Sentence Examples
Shortly afterwards he fell ill of an intermittent fever, but seemed to recover.
Their intermittent character prompted the supposition.
Locusts are an intermittent plague.
It is generally applied to the definite unhealthy condition of body known by a variety of names, such as ague, intermittent (and remittent) fever, marsh fever, jungle fever, hill fever, "fever of the country" and "fever and ague."
Local hypertrophy may also be due to stimulation resulting from friction or intermittent pressure, as one may see in the thickenings on the skin of the artisan's hands.
During the dry season the climate is healthy, but dysentery and intermittent fever are not uncommon.
By reason of their intermittent action they are only suited for use in driving galleries or in pillar-and-stall workings.
It very soon, therefore, became clear to inventors that a very great advantage would be gained if some means could be discovered of creating high frequency oscillations which were not intermittent but continuous.
There is also a large difference in most cases between the value for a steadily applied electric force and a rapidly reversed or intermittent force-in the last case a decrease with increase of frequency.
Two naval demonstrations were made by France during the reign of Louis XIV., one by Abraham Duquesne in 1682, and the other by Marshal Jean d'Estrees in 1688, but these repressive measures were too intermittent to produce a durable effect.
AdvertisementThe illumination is intermittent, and appears to be under the control of the insect's nervous system.
He could only use the eye which remained to him for brief and intermittent periods, and as travelling affected his sight prejudicially he could not anticipate any personal research amongst unpublished records and historic scenes.
On the whole Hungary is a healthy country, excepting in the marshy tracts, where intermittent fever and diphtheria sometimes occur with great virulence.
The severe forms of intermittent are most apt to occur in the very young, or in the aged, or in debilitated persons generally.
The history of the Bills of Mortality which in the early years were intermittent in their publication is of much interest, and Dr Creighton has stated it with great clearness.
AdvertisementA state of intermittent rebellion, however, continued, and in 1904 a general revolt took place with which the normal garrison of Yemen, the 7th army corps, was quite unable to cope.
The rivers of Bechuanaland are, with few exceptions, intermittent or lose themselves in the desert.
If the first paroxysm should not cease within the twenty-four hours, the fever is not reckoned as an intermittent, but as a remittent.
Electric motors for barrel cranes are not essentially different from those used for other purposes, but in proportioning the sizes the intermittent output has to be taken into consideration.
Intermittent illumination, however, with frequency equal to that of the fork shows at once that the jet is really broken up into drops, one for each vibration, and that these move over in a steady procession.
AdvertisementThe outline of the dairy was dim in the early dawn light, but the intermittent barking from Brutus was like a beacon.
Remittent is a not unusual form of the malarial process in tropical and subtropical countries, and in some localities or in some seasons it is more common than intermittent.
Obviously the action is intermittent.
To show its intermittent character its reflection is viewed in a revolving mirror.
Although during the composition of the Ferdinand and Isabella it had been of very intermittent service to him, it had so far improved that he could read with a certain amount of regularity during the writing of the Conquest of Mexico, and also, though in a less degree, during the years devoted to the Conquest of Peru.
AdvertisementThere are the usual malarial, bilious and intermittent fevers, and liver, stomach and intestinal complaints prevalent in tropical countries; but unhygienic living is, in Cuba as elsewhere, mainly responsible for their existence.
The work of the winding engine, being essentially of an intermittent character, can only be done with condensation when a central condenser keeping a constant vacuum is used, and even with this the rush of steam during winding may be a cause of disturbance.
For twenty years thereafter the political history of the colony consisted of two long, intermittent struggles - one constitutional between the central government (first seated in Auckland, but after 1864 in Wellington) and the powerful provincial councils, of which there were nine charged with important functions and endowed with the land revenues and certain rating powers.
In Intermittent Registering Meters some form of ampere-meter or watt-meter registers the current or power passing into the house; and a clock motion electrically driven is made to take readings of the ampere-meter or watt-meter at definite intervals - say, every five minutes - and to add up these readings upon a set of registered dials.
Thus both invertebrate and vertebrate palaeontologists have reached independently the conclusion that the evolution of groups is not continuously at a uniform rate, but that there are, especially in the beginnings of new phyla or at the time of acquisition of new organs, sudden variations in the rate of evolution which have been termed variously " rhythmic," "pulsating," " efflorescent," "intermittent " and even " explosive " (Deperet).
On K nearer examination, however, it appears that kingship was intermittent in some tribes, while in others, which had no kings, we find mention of royal families.
This method of intermittent sterilization originated with Tyndall, and it was an important contribution to biological science and industrial practice.
At short distances from the town are the intermittent artesian spring Solensprudel, the Schonbornsprudel and the Theresienquelle; and in the same valley as Kissingen are the minor spas of Bocklet and Briickenau.
Thus western Europe in early Carboniferous time was occupied by a series of constricted, gulf-like seas; and on account of the steady progress of intermittent warping movements of the crust, we find that the areas of clearer water, in which the limestone-building organisms could exist, were repeatedly able to spread, thus forming those thin limestones found interbedded with shale and sandstone which occur typically in the Yoredale district of Yorkshire and in the region to the north, and also in the culm deposits of central Europe.
Talbot carries on the process as a quasicontinuous instead of an intermittent one, operating on Too-ton or 200-ton lots of cast iron in such a way as to draw off his steel in 20-ton lots at relatively short intervals, charging a fresh 20-ton lot of cast iron to replace each lot of steel thus drawn off, and thus keeping the furnace full of metal from Monday morning till Saturday night.
To heat these on the intermittent plan for further rolling, i.e.
In the intermittent system the waste heat can, it is true, be utilized either for raising steam (but inefficiently and inconveniently, because of the intermittency), or by a regenerative method like the Siemens, Fig.
The rainfall chiefly occurs in violent cloudbursts, and the soluble matter in the soil is carried down by intermittent streams to salt lakes around which deposits are formed as evaporation takes place.
He was seized with an intermittent fever, and died at Milan on the 4th of November 1584.
The north-eastern part of the country drains to Lake Chad by the Waube or Yo, an intermittent stream, which in its lower course forms the Anglo-French boundary.
By tonic contraction is meant a prolonged and equable state of tension which yields under analysis no element of intermittent character.
Intermittent and remittent fevers are very prevalent; bowel complaints are common, and often fatal in the autumn.
They were hated by the Hindus as barbarians who disregarded the caste system and despised the holy law, and for centuries an intermittent struggle continued between the satraps and the Andhras, with varying fortune.
It is (as is the Anseba) an intermittent stream.
One of the reforms immediately undertaken was the disbanding of the Korean standing army, which led to an insurrection and an intermittent guerrilla warfare which, owing to the nature of the country, was not easy to subdue.
He was attacked by intermittent fever, of which he died at Athens on the 1st of August 1840.
Under the influence of the intermittent trade-winds Lake Nicaragua rises and falls regularly, whence the popular notion that it was a tidal lake.
In the hot months intermittent fevers are prevalent in the Guadiana valley.
Intermittent LinkworkClick and Ratchet.A click acting opon a ratchet-wheel or rack, which it pushes or pulls through a certain arc at each forward stroke and leaves at rest at each backward stroke, is an example of intermittent linkwork.
It was seen to be uneconomical for each city and town to manufacture its own supply since, owing to the intermittent nature of the demand for current for lighting, the price had to be kept up to 4d.
It is known by the name of the Mesaoria or Messaria, and is watered by a number of intermittent streams from the mountains on either hand.
In consequence of their great slope and the intermittent supply of water the rivers - except the Zambezi - are unnavigable save for a few miles from their mouths.
The name given to intermittent streams liable to sudden freshets.
Equally barren was the intermittent fighting in Morocco, which was regarded as a crusade against the Moors.
The second obstacle is surmounted by the aid of the stroboscopic method of observation, the light being intermittent in the period of vibration, so that practically only one phase is seen.
It is dominated by high mountains, gashed by superb canyons of rivers, scarred with dry gullies and washes, the beds of intermittent streams, varied with great shallow basins, sunken deserts, dreary levels, bold buttes, picturesque mesas, forests and rare verdant bits of valley.
Arizona north of the Gila, save for a very limited and intermittent missionary effort and for scant exploring expeditions, was practically unknown to the, whites until well after the beginning of American rule.
Beyond the Atrek and other rivers watering the northern valleys a few brackish and intermittent rivers lose themselves in the Great Kavir, which occupies the central and western parts of the province.
In treating malaria (including ague, remittent fever, intermittent fever, and all its other forms) with this drug certain important facts are to be observed.
A long and intermittent struggle with the representatives of the emperor Louis IV., who had invested his own son Louis with the mark of Brandenburg, enabled him to gain military experience and distinction.
On the English stage the liberty 01 unrestricted incident and complicated action, the power of multiplying characters and introducing prose scenes, would have exactly suited his somewhat intermittent genius, both by covering defects and by giving greater scope for the exhibition of power.
From the north, below the Vaal confluence, the Nosob, Molopo and Kuruman, intermittent streams which traverse Bechuanaland, send their occasional surplus waters to the Orange.
In some of the vleis and streams in which the water is intermittent the fish preserve life by burrowing into the ooze.
This water is usually given as a continuous and uniform flow, but in special cases, for the convenience of millowners, as an intermittent one.'
But a far greater evil than mere loss of water and inconvenience soon proved to be inseparable from intermittent supply.
In the ordinary course of intermittent supply or for the purpose of repairs, the water is cut off at some point in the main above the leakages; but this does not prevent the continuance of the discharge in the lower part of the town.
They traverse a treeless and arid region, have but an intermittent flow, and are of little importance in the hydrography of the district.
The inflow to the deep basins is intermittent, probably with a long period of flux and reflux.
Pippins donation was restored, but the protectorate was no longer so distant, respectful and intermittent as the pope liked.
Symptoms Symptoms are often intermittent and are usually bilateral.
It is usually chronic, with intermittent acute attacks.
We know that he is suffering intermittent mental dysfunction.
Unfortunately, solar power is intermittent and requires supplementation by other energy sources, such as hydropower or geothermal energy.
Affected young women experience sharp, intermittent spasms of pain, usually centered in the suprapubic area.
Sometimes, stutterers find intermittent therapy useful throughout their lives.
Other activities that involve brief, intermittent periods of exertion, such as volleyball, gymnastics, baseball, walking, and wrestling are usually well-tolerated.
Moreover, when sexual intercourse is intermittent, as it is with most sexually experienced adolescents, the adolescents are less likely to take proper measures to safeguard against STDs.
This camera was positioned further away and the picture blurry, and more intermittent.
What was supposed to be sunshine, mild temperature and puffy white clouds turned out to be intermittent showers and a sky as gray as Dean's sweat socks.
It flowed continuously, though in gradually diminishing quantity, for fifteen months; afterwards the flow became intermittent.
The country afterwards became divided into a large number of petty states, while Portugal and France exercised an intermittent sovereignty over the coast.
In this part of its course the river receives from the south the streams, often intermittent, which rise on the northern slopes of the Stormberg, Zuurberg and Sneeuwberg ranges - the mountain chain which forms the water-parting between the coast and inland drainage systems of South Africa.
These openings are usually the sandy beds of dried-up or intermittent affluents, such as the Bak, Ham, Houm, Aub (or Great Fish) rivers of Great Namaqualand.
It is seen that the action is intermittent, liquid only being discharged during a down stroke, but since the driving force is that which is supplied to the piston rod, the lift is only con ditioned by the power available and by the strength of the pump. A continuous supply can be obtained by leading the delivery pipe into the base of an air chamber H, which is fitted with a discharge pipe J of such a diameter that the liquid cannot escape from it as fast as it is pumped in during a down stroke.
This method, which is the oldest, is best adapted for ways that are nearly level, or when many branches are intended to be worked from one engine, and can be carried round curves of small radius without deranging the trains; but as it is intermittent in action, considerable engine-power is required in order to get up the required speed, which is from 8 to ro m.
During the Roman occupation of Britain, Irish pirates seem to have been an intermittent nuisance, and Irish emigrants may have settled occasionally in Wales; the best attested emigration is that of the Scots into Caledonia.
Hence in the intermittent system most of the heat generated within the furnace escapes from it with the products of combustion.
Intermittent springs exist in Weston, which are affected by the ebb and flow of the tide.
With weakness of the voluntary muscles went intermittent spasms which weakened the patient and ultimately led to death by implication of the respiratory muscles.
Intermittent wars with France during these years were of small importance; Henry never pushed his suzerain to extremity.
During these years of petty strife England was only reminded at intervals of her kings existence by his intermittent demands English for money, which his ministers did their best to satisfy.
It was over this Sicilian scheme, the crowning folly of the king, that public opinion at last grew so hot that the intermittent criticism and grumbling of the baronage and the nation passed into vigorous and masterful action.
But his piety inspired him to redouble the persecution of the unfortunate Lollards, whom his father had harried only in an intermittent fashion; and his sense of moral responsibility did not prevent him from taking the utmost advantage of the civil wars of his unhappy neighbors of France.
Diplomacy had hitherto been occasional and intermittent, and embassies rare; now we get resident ambassadors carrying on a regular correspondence (see DIPLOMACY).
It is virtually composed of the Yarkand-darya, the Kashgar-darya, and the Ak-su-darya, with constant augmentation from the Koncheh-darya, which drains Lake Bagrash-kul (at the south foot of the eastern Tian-shan), and intermittent augmentation from the Khotan-darya and the Cherchendarya from the south.
These four river-basins occupy the greater part of the lower plateaus of North and West Africa, the remainder consisting of arid regions watered only by intermittent streams which do not reach the sea.
The periodic fluctuations in the level of Lake Tanganyika are such that its outflow is intermittent.
These are intermittent streams rising in the eastern chain of mountains in Eritrea and flowing in a general northerly direction.
The Republican and South Platte - the former an intermittent stream - suffer in their flow from the drain made upon their waters in Colorado for irrigation.
Intermittent streamlets may well become perennial, and many are probably, as reported, becoming so.
If a grating is placed as object before the microscope objective, Abbe showed that in the image there is intermittent clear and dark banding only, if at least two consecutive diffraction spectra enter into the objective and contribute towards the image.
At Amshit, near Byblos, Henriette Renan died of intermittent fever on the 24th of September 1861.
Drugs called anticholinergics, sometimes in combination with clean intermittent catheterisation, are commonly used for bladder problems.
For mild, intermittent symptoms, as well as advice about avoiding allergens, treatment should include a non-sedating antihistamine.
Also includes an appendix of common questions and answers relating to intermittent auscultation.
The muscle paralysis can be continued with intermittent intravenous boluses, using about 25% of the initial dose.
The method of administration can be either a continuous infusion or intermittent boluses.
If autonomic neuropathy occurs in the stomach or intestine, symptoms may include altered bowel movements, such as intermittent diarrhea or constipation.
It occurs as stems growing through other bryophytes or in lax cushions on rocks subject to intermittent irrigation.
For a vascular assessment it is necessary to establish whether the patient has intermittent claudication.
The pain you feel in your legs is called intermittent claudication.
Intravenous injections of the amino acid arginine have been shown to be remarkably effective at improving intermittent claudication.
Angioplasty does not appear to be an effective treatment of mild or moderate intermittent claudication.
Clean intermittent catheterisation will temporarily relieve the symptoms and signs of obstruction or decreased detrusor contraction (Moore, 1995 ).
The Government has already clarified that people currently serving the sentence of intermittent custody can vote when not actually in jail.
She reported chronic symptomology that included tearing, photophobia, swollen lids, pain behind the eyes, and intermittent diplopia.
The absence of a fan means the notebook runs almost silently, without the potentially irritating distraction of intermittent fan noise.
Slight intermittent drizzle was to be with us for the rest of the day.
And then the new cook had proved to be a violent, intermittent drunkard.
Another advantage of taking intermittent down time throughout the day is the benefit of preventing or at least reducing dependent edema.
Selective surgery for intermittent exotropia based on distance / near differences.
I was really taken aback when I discovered a relay problem causing an intermittent fault on receive!
The usual symptoms of lactose intolerance include loose stools, intermittent abdominal distention, colic and excessive flatus after lactose ingestion.
The result is usually intermittent banging caused by pockets of steam.
After the Turkish attack and until May 24th there was only intermittent sniping.
Long gap but returned in force during July and early August but then very intermittent through September.
They are baseload and not intermittent so they do not need extra backup or grid reinforcement.
Their end can be either abrupt or somewhat intermittent.
The symptoms of system incompatibility with audio hardware are often intermittent clicks or drop-outs.
The precipitation remained light all evening, becoming intermittent by midnight.
She continued to experience intermittent swelling of her right leg following standing for any prolonged period.
It seemed intermittent so wrote everything it was doing down on paper and booked the car into Renault dealer.
There are 4 general faults with electric kettles Standard plug-in kettles Heating element may just " die ", or sometimes go intermittent.
Thus Bruce's intermittent illnesses leading to absences from royal duties would also fit best with multibacillary leprosy.
Certainly corrosion had set in because of intermittent water use, which had prevented the build-up of the vital cuprous oxide.
Pernicious anemia also causes soreness of the tongue, loss of weight, skin pallor often with a lemon tint, and intermittent diarrhea.
The aim of this study was to compare perioperative outcome of liver resections with and without intermittent hepatic pedicle clamping.
Animal models have shown intermittent hypoxaemia raises blood pressure and alters levels of circulating vasoactive peptides.
The skin is never affected in acute intermittent porphyria.
He had positive bodily pain a violent headache, and a throbbing intermittent pulse.
In 1994 her persisting symptoms expanded to include intermittent pyrexia.
From 16 - 23 GMT there was intermittent light rain.
The Standard states " Facilities for lengthy intermittent positive pressure ventilation must be provided.
Both genera are characterized by their habit of secreting a tubular gelatinoid investment, the "coenoecium," composed of a number of superposed lamellae, doubtless the result of its intermittent secretion, mainly though perhaps not exclusively, by the proboscides of the zooids.
An intermittent and desultory war, with Sweden and Poland simultaneously, for the possession of Livonia and Esthonia, went on from 1560 to 1582.
The fierce struggle between autocratic tyranny and oligarchic disorder, which went on in intermittent fashion during the whole of his reign, cannot be here described in detail, but the chief incidents may be mentioned.
There are various places also near the mouths of desert canyons, where small amounts of water are obtainable for irrigation purposes from intermittent streams. The total number of acres irrigated in 1899 was 504,168, an increase of 124.7% in the decade.
Had Wagner been a man of more urbane literary intellect he might have been less ambitious of expressing a world-philosophy in music-drama; and it is just conceivable that the result might have been a less intermittent dramatic movement in his later works, and a balance of ethical ideas at once more subtle and more orthodox.
As any obstruction to the outflow of the contents throws an increased amount of work on the walls, in order to overcome the resistance, the intermittent strain, acting on the muscle cells, stimulates them to enlarge and proliferate, fig.
The wheel rotates between Phonic the poles of an electro-magnet, which is fed by an intermittent current such as that which is working an electrically maintained tuning-fork (see infra).
Intense dryness pervades the atmosphere during nine months of the year; but little snow falls, and the western passes are so little subject to intermittent falls of fresh snow as frequently to be traversable during the whole year round (see Ladakh).
Characteristic of the high mountainous region are the arctic fox, the glutton and the lemming, whose singular intermittent migrations to the lowlands have a considerable temporary influence on the distribution of beasts and birds of prey.
To the west lies the Kharan desert, with intermittent river channels enclosed and often lost in sand-waves ere they reach the Mashkel swamps on the far borders of Persia.
Small scuff to leather near head of spine, intermittent foxing on plates, otherwise a very good copy in an attractive binding.
There was very limited running on Friday due to the cold conditions combined with intermittent sleet showers.
The Standard states Facilities for lengthy intermittent positive pressure ventilation must be provided.
Intermittent flooding will reduce the incidence of unwanted weedy species.
Your sink, on the other hand, may have intermittent deposit spots.
This intermittent scooping action takes some of the daily drudgery out of maintaining your cat's litter box, giving you a few days of freedom between cleanings.
Renewable energy is more expensive to produce than fossil fuels, and power from renewable sources is often intermittent.
Since they lack the storage capacity and organization of full cases, they should be considered intermittent totes rather than permanent storage.
You can still use this feature if you don't have the broadband; you just need access to a WiFi spot to get intermittent distance updates.
In some cases, a dog will experience intermittent spasms.
As death approaches, a dog may begin to experience intermittent spasmodic movements.
Users in Los Angeles, for instance, may find intermittent AT&T service at times.
Innocent heart murmurs are usually very faint, intermittent, and occur in a small area of the chest.
Besides EFM and telemetry, which is usually continuous, there is intermittent monitoring using a hand-held Doppler to assess the FHR.
Research on the use of intermittent monitoring and continuous monitoring found no difference in fetal outcomes with intermittent monitoring.
Generally a skin rash is an intermittent symptom, fading and reappearing.
Intermittent support, for example, is support needed only occasionally, perhaps during times of stress or crisis.
This disease, which affects approximately one in every 1,000 people, causes intermittent vertigo over the course of weeks, months, or years.
Intermittent explosive disorder involves unusually aggressive and violent outbursts.
Intermittent explosive disorder is characterized by episodes of aggressive and violent outbursts and loss and lack of control of anger.
Adjust to intermittent feeding since food is now only available at certain intervals.
Acute intermittent porphyria (AIP) is also known as Swedish porphyria, pyrroloporphyria, and intermittent acute porphyria.
For example, a screening test for acute intermittent porphyria (AIP) is the Watson-Schwartz test.
Treatment for acute intermittent porphyria, hereditary coproporphyria, and variegate porphyria follows the same basic regimen.
For example, some people may find relief for the pain associated with acute intermittent porphyria, hereditary coproporphyria, or variegate porphyria through acupuncture or hypnosis.
Intermittent claudication occurs only at certain times, usually after exercise, and is relieved by rest.
For those with a more severe form of the disease, the need for transfusions may be intermittent or ongoing, perhaps on a monthly basis, and require desferoxamine treatment.
Intermittent explosive disorder (IED) is a mental disturbance that is characterized by specific episodes of violent and aggressive behavior that may involve harm to others or destruction of property.
Many psychiatrists do not place intermittent explosive disorder into a separate clinical category but consider it a symptom of other psychiatric and mental disorders.
Some researchers consider amok to be a variant of intermittent explosive disorder.
This approach is known formally as short-cycle structured intermittent antiretroviral therapy (SIT) or colloquially as the "7-7" approach.
One is intermittent treatment, which involves the physician prescribing an antiviral drug to keep on hand in case an individual has a flare-up.
Occasionally, infants may have only mild or intermittent constipation, often with diarrhea.
Individuals at highest risk for developing melanoma are those who have intermittent severe (blistering) sunburns in youth or adolescence.
The cough that accompanies a cold is usually intermittent and dry.
This non-surgical procedure uses a pacemaker-like device implanted under the skin in the upper left chest, to provide intermittent stimulation to the vagus nerve.
Braxton Hicks contractions are intermittent contractions that occur after the first trimester of pregnancy.
Common signs include intermittent diarrhea, abdominal cramping, and bloating.
Individuals with both diabetes and celiac disease are at risk for dehydration due to intermittent diarrhea associated with celiac disease and the frequent urination with diabetes.
Unfortunately, the nature of the paranormal is that these events are often intermittent and unpredictable.
Several early generations had intermittent problems with the air bag light turning on.
Basic gluten intolerance symptoms can include intermittent diarrhea, abdominal pain and bloating.
Similarly, if you're working out on a stationary bike, choose a program or a routine that forces you to work harder for short periods of time with intermittent rest.
Since the hands are continually exposed to the irritants that cause hand eczema, long-term care is intermittent.
Once the condition improves, intermittent use will be prescribed for mere maintenance.
Doctors are also having treatment success with photopneumatic therapy, or the use of intermittent of blue and red lights.
It receives from the north several intermittent streams, the chief, usually carrying a fair amount of water, being the Khulu or Kolimbine, coming from the Kaarta plateau.
The net effective work of lifting that can be performed by a man turning a handle may be taken, for intermittent work, as being on an average about 5000 foot-lb per minute; this is equivalent to 1 ton lifted about 24 ft.
Quotidian intermittent is on the whole more common than tertian in hot countries; elsewhere the tertian is the usual type, and quartan is only occasional.
It may be said to arise out of that type of intermittent in which the cold stage is shortened while the hot stage tends to be prolonged.
A patient with remittent may get well in a week under treatment, but the fever may go on for several weeks; the return to health is often announced by the fever assuming the intermittent type, or, in other words, by the remissions touching the level of absolute apyrexia.
These meters, of which one well-known form is that of Johnson and Phillips, have the disadvantage of being unsuited for the measurement of electric supply in those cases in which it is irregular or intermittent - as in a theatre or hotel.
Cover testing (with and without the Rx) revealed an intermittent alternating exotropia at distance and near.
This delivers opioid to the same opioid receptors as an intermittent injection, but allows the patient to circumvent delays.
Of the mortality due to malarial disease a small part only is referable to the direct attack of intermittent, and chiefly to the fever in its pernicious form.
If a condenser of capacity C is charged to potential V, and discharged n times per second through a galvanometer, this series of intermittent discharges is equivalent to a current nCV.
During ten years of intermittent marching and fighting between 1861 and 1871 the Maori did no more than prove that they had in them the stuff to stand up against fearful odds and not always to be worsted.
The outlet was further examined in 1876 by Mr (afterwards Sir Henry) Stanley, who found that a bar had formed across the outlet, and it has since been proved that the outflow is intermittent, ceasing almost entirely after a period of scanty rainfall, and becoming again established when the lake-level has been raised by a series of rainy years.
The flame appears to lengthen, but if the reflection is viewed in a vertical mirror revolving about a vertical axis or in Koenig's cube of mirrors, it is seen that the flame is really intermittent, jumping up and down once with each vibration, sometimes apparently going within the jet tube at its lowest point.
For many years the Saxons had been troublesome to the Franks, their neighbours to the east and south, and the intermittent campaigns undertaken against them by Charles Martel and Pippin the Short had scarcely impaired their independence.
But whereas, from its construction, the Siemens furnace was intermittent in operation, necessitating stoppage of the current while the contents of the crucible were poured out, many of the newer forms are specially designed either to minimize the time required in effecting the withdrawal of one charge and the introduction of the next, or to ensure absolute continuity of action, raw material being constantly charged in at the top and the finished substance and by-products (slag, &c.) withdrawn either continuously or at intervals, as sufficient quantity shall have accumulated.