Interleaved Sentence Examples
The best edition is that which was published in 1829, under the editorship of Richard .Taylor, with the additions written in the author's interleaved copy.
Linnaeus, even in his latest publication, placed it in the genus Hirundo; but the interleaved and annotated copies of his Systema naturae in the Linnean Society's library show the species marked for separation and insertion in the Order Grallae - Pratincola trachelia being the name by which he had meant to designate it in any future edition.
For this example, the RGB image will be pixel interleaved in order to be exported to a JPEG file.
We were also able to show visitors to the stand children's books with braille on clear plastic sheets interleaved between the print pages.
The photo album design is of thick paper pages, interleaved with thinner handmade paper pages.
The slices are then interleaved with cellophane and laid back in order of slicing.
In this movie you get interleaved the fragments that superpose well and the full superposed molecules.