Intentioned Sentence Examples
As has been demonstrated the action taken was one of vacillation between these two courses, and was complicated by a native policy which, though well intentioned and intelligible, needlessly irritated the white colonists (British and Dutch) and did not prevent bloodshed.
There is nothing easier for a hacker or ill intentioned IT user than to get this message.
Be aware that the Charity Commission deals with a wide range of society from the good intentioned to the not so good intentioned.
Can the UN, supported by the host of, admittedly good intentioned agencies, redress the imbalance and restore equity in gender relations?
Well meant, well intentioned, and in most cases eminently sincere - but nevertheless lacking the wherewithal to translate vision into substance.
In most cases, the motives are good intentioned and involve safety.
Funny presents are especially appropriate for a Secret Santa Christmas gift exchange or white elephant gift party, when most of the recipients would expect unusual and even awkward but well intentioned gifts.
They may not appreciate you publicizing their need, no matter how well intentioned.