Intact Sentence Examples
She had tested her freedom and found it still intact – to a degree.
With their financial health intact, she made arrangements to proceed with the work on the house.
Well, at least her secret is still intact, even if it's now being preserved by Claire for all the wrong reasons.
These formed a single building, which was still intact goo years ago, and was used as the mosque of the then existing city of Istakhr.
He dismounted and went up into the porch of a large country house which had remained intact between the Russian and French forces.
I must protect them and ensure their honor and mine remains intact.
In this case Helen Keller held almost intact in her mind, unmixed with other ideas, the words of a story which at the time it was read to her she did not fully understand.
The band has survived the label move perfectly intact.
Sasha needs to fry, and the Council needs to remain intact, or all Immortals die.
This is difficult to see in Anodonta, but if the mantle-skirt be entirely cleared away, and if the dependent lamellae which spring from the ctenidial axis be carefully cropped so as to leave the axis itself intact, we obtain the form shown in fig.
AdvertisementBut the Guards, Rapp, the Guards are intact? he remarked interrogatively.
An attempt was made to keep the engine intact.
Of the forty-four churches, all in the circular Abyssinian style, which are said to have formerly existed in Gondar or its immediate neighbourhood, Major Powell-Cotton found only one intact in woo.
Within these limits there are still some of the finest woods in Europe, which seem to have come down to us almost intact from the days of the Arduenna of Caesar.
Flip through the book and make sure the pages are intact.
AdvertisementOr back off and go home intact.
Nevertheless by mid=day their strength was well-nigh exhausted, whilst the Prussian reserve, eighteen battalions of guards under Kalckreuth, stood intact and ready to engage.
These three deeds or enactments constituted the early constitution of the South Netherlands, which, with one important modification in the time of Charles V., remained intact till the Brabant revolution in the reign of Joseph II.
The well-preserved amphitheatre, the subterranean parts of which below the arena are intact, with a main passage down the centre, a curved passage all round with holes for trap doors in its roof, and numerous small chambers, also with trap doors in their vaulted roofs for admitting the wild beasts, whose cages were on the other side of the curved passage, to the arena, are especially interesting.
Young samurai only shaved the forepart of the crown leaving the forelock intact.
AdvertisementPhase 2 Trench A, located over the sinuous channel, found peat intact within the channel.
The station here has been demolished although the solum of the line remains intact.
Remaining substantially intact are the great Tudor gatehouse and stabling block from Robert Dudley 's time located in the outer court.
The smaller " fluffy " ones however, will often survive entry intact because of their large surface to mass ratios.
The political is reduced to the personal and the emotional power of the poem remains intact as a result.
AdvertisementOnly 10% of both major types of peatland have survived intact.
There is no need to open packs with intact tamper evident seals for stock checking purposes.
Although superficially intact, even number five was warmed through.
If in the end it must happen, execute it in a way that mitigates the damage--investors are repaid (in part or whole), employees leave satisfied and your reputation remains intact.
With proper research and planning you can get great photos and survive the experience with your sanity intact.
Once the basket arrives, be sure that all the items are intact and accounted for.
Opals require periodic oiling in order to keep the water content intact and protected.
The ideal collector's dream is a toy in mint condition with the original packaging intact!
Container grown plants will suffer the least shock because all their roots stay intact.
Fortunately, succeeding Mad Max movies were released in the US with their soundtrack intact.
Some Generation Ships are discovered, still in progress towards their destination, by faster-than-light ships, either with crew intact or crew all dead/missing, and perhaps a mystery to solve.
She returns weeks later, intact and in a brand new ship.
As long as these connecting straps, snaps, and buckles are all intact, the equipment itself is almost certainly ready for use.
In 1357 Wenceslas, ordered a new wall embracing a greater area than the earlier one to be constructed round Brussels, and this was practically intact until after the Belgian revolution in 1830-1831.
With his magic intact, he can destroy a world.
By contrast, the sunken Bismarck was largely intact.
The first people to go away were the rich educated people who knew quite well that Vienna and Berlin had remained intact and that during Napoleon's occupation the inhabitants had spent their time pleasantly in the company of the charming Frenchmen whom the Russians, and especially the Russian ladies, then liked so much.
While the original light-fittings have been replaced, the original radiator covers and much of the terrazzo flooring is still intact.
They need to make sure the child's routine remains intact to preserve a sense of security in a loving environment.
This style of werewolf combines the ability to stand upright of a man with some reasoning intact with the features of a wolf.
Rowling originally planned for Ron's dad, Arthur Weasley, to die in the fifth book, but reconsidered when she realized she wanted to keep Ron's youthful humor intact till the end of the series.
The storylines often tied in events and history from the original series keeping the Star Trek timeline intact.
At this conference a compromise was effected, something was conceded to the claims of New South Wales, but the main principles of the bill remained intact.
Bona- The anathemas of the pope, the bravery of Piedmontese and Austrians, and the subsidies of Great Britain failed to keep the league of Italian princes against France intact.
The circular vaulted keep erected by Earl William Marshal (c. 1200), remains almost intact.
The pieces were thus firmly held in their place, and the contents of the coffer were found intact.
Sustained by their enthusiasm, however, the recruits displayed equal courage, and, at the end of four hours' stubborn fighting, their defence was still intact.
The Spaniards invaded the duchy, but after several years of hard fighting the peace of 1618 left his territory almost intact.
This is the only case of an ancient Greek fountain of such an early date, unaltered and intact.
One of the figures, a barbarian captive, effeminate like those which appear on Roman triumphal arches, is practically intact.
In the interval Dragut was mortally wounded, the attack on Notabile was neglected, valuable time lost, and the main objective (the Borgo) and St Angelo left intact.
The 6th Corps only was severely shaken, the 4th (the best in the whole army), though it had fought hard twice within fortyeight hours, losing nearly 30% of its strength, was still well in hand, and the 3rd, 2nd and Imperial Guards were almost intact.
Of the sister peaks, Kibo and Mawenzi, the latter is far the oldest and has beengreatly denuded, while Kibo retains its crateriform shape intact.
After the termination of the monothelite controversy (638-680), creed and doctrines were complete; it was only necessary to preserve them intact.
But the excessive caution of Jagiello gave the Knights time to recover from the blow; the Polish levies proved unruly and incompetent; Witowt was suddenly recalled to Lithuania by a Tatar invasion, and thus it came about that, when peace was concluded at Thorn, on the 1st of February 1411, Samogitia (which was to revert to the Order on the death of Jagiello and Witowt), Dobrzyn, and a war indemnity of 10o,000 marks payable in four instalments, were the best terms Poland could obtain from the Knights, whose territory practically remained intact.
The explanation of this property of the base io is evident, for a change in the position of the decimal points amounts to multiplication or division by some power of 10, and this corresponds to the addition or subtraction of some integer in the case of the logarithm, the mantissa therefore remaining intact.
Greene, cautiously avoiding another Camden, retreated with his forces intact.
Butler, in command of the land forces, refused to assault, asserting that the fort was practically intact.
With the completion of this work, which in 1908 was being rapidly pushed on, Antwerp might be regarded as one of the best fortified positions in Europe, and so long as its communications by sea are preserved intact it will be practically impregnable.
The district was ravaged by Timur in 1399, and thenceforward nothing is heard of it till the time of Akbar, when it formed part of the Delhi empire and so continued undisturbed, save for occasional raids, so long as the power of the Moguls survived intact.
Trees must be fixed to the walls and buildings against which they are trained by means of nails and shreds (neat medicated strips are now sold for this purpose), or in cases where it is desired to preserve the wall surface intact, by permanent nails or studs driven in in regular order.
Only a quarter of the cavalry and 14 battalions of infantry (English and Dutch) remained intact, and Waldeck could do no more, but with these he emulated the last stand of the Spaniards at Rocroi fifty years before.
By a skilful retreat he brought his corps intact to Paris on September 7th.
He not only left the constitution intact, but he dismissed Manteuffels feudal ministry and replaced it with moderate Liberals.
In the Mahommedan states the native system of administration remains intact, and is carried on under British supervision by native emirs and officials.
Built in a cleft among the hills which line the river Resava, an affluent of the Morava, this monastery is enclosed in a fortress, whose square towers, and curtain without loopholes or battlements, remain largely intact.
And it is a most fortunate chance that this - the oldest, the most complete, and the most authentic collection of folklore extant - has thus been preserved intact to the present day.
The first attack made by Pavlov's advanced guard, aided by parts of Soimonov's corps, was relatively slight, but General Dannenberg now arrived on the field, and arranged for an assault on the British centre and right, to be delivered by ro,000 men (half his intact forces) chiefly by way of the Quarry Ravine, the attack to be prepared by the guns on Shell Hill.
The seats are not perfect, but so nearly so as to appear practically intact.
With an almost exaggerated Pieteit Goethe's descendants preserved his house untouched, at great inconvenience to themselves, and left it, with all its treasures intact, to the nation.
When Duke Henry died in 1541 he decreed that his lands should be divided equally between his two sons, but as his bequest was contrary to law, it was not carried out, and the dukedom passed almost intact to his elder son, Maurice.
No Roman colony started without the sanction and direction of the public authority; and while the Colonia Romana differed from the Colonia Latina in that the former permitted its members to retain their political rights intact, the colony, whether planted within the bounds of Italy or in provinces such as Gaul or Britain, remained an integral part of the Roman state.
In 1832 a new tariff act was passed, which removed the "abominations" of 1828 but left the principle of protection intact.
This appeared to Bacon justifiable and right, because the prerogative would be defended and preserved intact.
In the next year it was ceded to Servia by the Bulgarian tsar Samuel, but revolted, in alliance with Ragusa, and only submitted in 1184, as a protected state, preserving intact its republican institutions, and its right to conclude treaties and engage in war.
It stood intact, except for very partial restorations, till A.D.
They could not keep back the waves of the new civilization, they feared being swamped, and they sought vainly to maintain intact their old organization while reaping the financial benefit resulting from the working of the gold mines.
On both sides of the arch, east and west, the Coal Measures remain intact, forming outcrops which disappear towards the sea under the more recent strata of Permian or Triassic age.
Plato further simplified the form, and reduced it to pure argumentative conversation, while leaving intact the amusing element of character-drawing.
Of all the nasks one only, the nineteenth, has come down on us intact - the Vendidad.
The preamble of the document declared that it was the common interest of the three Powers "to maintain intact the integrity of Ethiopia," and Article I.
Although from the very conditions of their creation they regarded the country as a field for exploitations, they were themselves often men of education and ability, and unquestionably made some praiseworthy attempts to promote the general culture and well-being of their subjects, In this respect, even the Phanariote regime was preferable tc mere pasha rule, while it had the further consequence of preserving intact the national form of administration and the historic offices of Moldavia.
Its privileges have remained intact, because the suzerainty of the district became equally and indivisibly shared in 1278 between the bishops of Urgel and the counts of Foix, the divided suzerainty being now inherited by the French crown and the present bishop of Urgel; and the two powers have mutually checked innovations, while the insignificant territory has not been worth a dispute.
The remainder of Smith's property was constituted a contingent fund to defray expenses and keep the principal funds intact.
And in judicial matters the higher rights of royal justice remain intact, except in the few cases where special privileges have been granted to one or two palatine earls.
The machinery of the local courts survives for the most part intact.
It conceived itself as the trustee of a system of government which, however theoretically imperfect, alone of the governments of Europe had survived the storms of the Revolution intact.
They are abridgments made in Norway by Icelanders for their Norwegian patrons, the Life of St Olaf alone being preserved intact, for the great interest of the Norwegians lay in him, but all the other Kings' Lives being more or less mutilated, so that they cannot be trusted for historic purposes; nor do they give a fair idea of Snorri's style.
He respected the existing institutions of the conqueredterritory so far as to leave its autonomy in domestic affairs intact; but delegated his own sovereignty, and especially the control of foreign affairs and war, to a governor known as the ban (q.v.).
This representative of royalty, chief minister for four-andtwenty years (656681), attempted the impossible, endeavouring to re-establish unity in the midst of general dissolution and to maintain intact a royal authority usurped between everywhere by the hereditary power of the great Ebromn and palatine families.
Robert the Pious, a crowned monk, resembled his father in eschewing great schemes, whether from timidity or prudence; yet from 996 to 1031 he preserved intact the authority Robert he had inherited from Hugh, despite many domestic dis- the Pious turbances.
Even the liberties, among the few representative institutions which the ancien regime had left intact in some provinces, turned against the people.
In one respect, indeed, the system of the old monarchy remained intact; the tradition of centralization established by Louis XIV.
What "actually happens" as distinct from all that seems to happen, when two reals A and B are together is that, assuming them to differ in quality, they tend to disturb each other to the extent of that difference, at the same time that each preserves itself intact by resisting, as it were, the other's disturbance.
But Bessemer was fortunate enough to maintain them intact without litigation, though he found it advisable to buy up the rights of one patentee, while in another case he was freed from anxiety by the patent being allowed to lapse in 1859 through non-payment of fees.
The ancient town walls survive almost intact on the north and west sides, and retain the fine St George's gateway, locally called the "Five Arches."
The original edifice being left intact, it was a difficult question how to deal with the windows and the Gothic arches of the interior.
She had tested her freedom and found it still intact – to a degree.
Fred O'Connor's gifted powers of telephone telepathy remained intact.
For example, the Acta of many of the early martyrs survive intact and are very edifying and very moving.
Alternatively, a first strike in a cyber war could disable an opponent's systems while keeping the aggressor 's intact.
All our search engine optimization articles are available for republishing, provided the author bio and links in the bio remain intact.
What are the odds on it coming back with the front bodywork intact?
We then climb away from the coast to the Garron Plateau -- the largest area of intact blanket bog in Northern Ireland.
This means that contractions are started with an unfavorable cervix, often with the membranes still intact.
Note that some chains are formed by the proteolytic cleavage of an intact precursor chain.
Thus, the present system remains intact and there is unlikely to be a flood of claims for wrongful conviction or unlawful detention.
In these conditions it seems appropriate to activate intact visual cortex of blind or partial sight patients to rehabilitate vision.
It accounts for why so many houses just crumpled like packs of cards and why older or more solid buildings remained intact.
The walnut dashboard was completely intact, except that the radio was missing.
The slope up the Crumstone now becomes steeper and you can see a section of intact wooden deck.
A large, relatively intact lowland raised bog forming a distinct peatland unit set among low drumlins.
She was noted to have an intact red drum on the right side and a perforated eardrum on the left.
Prickly sow-thistle seeds ingested by earthworms have been found intact in the worm casts.
All of the Marine garrison's defensive emplacements were left intact by the raid, which primarily targeted the naval aircraft.
Clone BRIC 6 was made in response to intact human erythrocytes 2.
An intact eschar may require significantly different treatment to a wet, sloughy cavity.
They therefore used the intact fibula to simulate a repaired fibular fracture.
The bullet is almost intact, only slightly flattened, with a little cone of lead missing from the rear end.
The game engine has been ported completely intact and renders the series ' flowing football in impressive fashion for a handheld.
Looking up the bow foredeck itself looks intact and from my observations possibly wooded clad?
Now by gently freeze-drying fresh garlic it is possible to present a high potency garlic concentrate intact with its active components.
With her starboard hull intact elsewhere what could have caused this mysterious damage in her forward section?
The intact dome has characteristic vegetation and structural features, including hummock and lawn complexes and small shallow pools.
Note the intact immature nodules and the ruptured lesions showing white hyphae.
Field experiments involved incubation of intact plants in Plexiglass incubation chambers.
Hotels and holiday complexes, vital to the TRNC's economy, escaped the inferno virtually intact.
In its day the gentlemen would relax in the billiard room, which has survived remarkably intact.
On 8 March 2006, the scheme was approved virtually intact, despite pressure on NHS finances.
Even so, the hierarchies - top men, deputies, subordinates - of all ranks have remained structurally intact.
Whether you are pruning live, dying or dead branches, always leave the branch collar intact.
The lineup remained intact for their third release, ' Forever ', in 1988 for Capitol.
Some of the smaller original ceiling lights also survive intact under the balcony.
Firstly, it is aimed at preserving intact all existing legal regimes providing access to information.
However, the security enhancements have stayed largely intact.
Most of the pillars of the past have been broken, leaving intact the powers of the prime minister.
With an error corrected link working, we can assume the data is arriving intact.
The goal is to have Colostrum reach the small intestine intact where it does its best work.
The original black paintwork is still intact and the brass keyhole cover has a swan engraved and ' Improved Tumbler Lock ' .
Use a long wear lipstick like Long Last Soft Matte or Long Last Soft Shine to keep color intact.
Often many axons remain intact but are rendered useless by loss of their insulating myelin.
Intact skin provides an effective barrier to invasion by pathogenic organisms - it is an important part of the body's external defense mechanisms.
Sensory Fusion Present each eye with different stimulus If sensory fusion intact - patient will report a combined percept.
The baby advanced well and Jane beautifully birthed her 11 lb 12 oz baby girl into my arms with an intact perineum.
We walked quickly to the place where the vertical shaft swallowed the ground, and I was relieved to see the planking still intact.
Left; Ammunition boxes still remain intact filled with shells, I shot this image just above the aft quadruple pom Pom pom guns.
British divers will be amazed at the intact nature of the wrecks, which often have all portholes intact.
The tail section is completely broken off, barely recognizable yet intact.
Interestingly, it was left remarkably intact, whilst the other locos in the line were heavily robbed of spares.
The effect of all this was so salutary that even now the faith is persisting intact in those parts.
The polymer grid stays intact longer than a jute scrim shaded from ultra-violet radiation by vegetation to reinforce the root matrix of the turf.
She still lies exactly as she sank, upright and mainly intact, but, like all the harbor wrecks, very silty.
It was found intact, lying over the articulated skeleton of a small cow.
They directed that bovine head meat had to be recovered from the intact skull before the brain was removed.
It is not possible to use cultured cells, since these do not have the complex organization of the intact spinal cord.
Excavations reveal an intact stratigraphy of 22 vertical meters containing 36 layers from Lower Paleolithic through to Medieval.
Multiple transverse striations along the blade edge, which is largely intact.
Dating back to the 13th century, much of the Swahili structures are still intact, including mosques and a former sultan 's palace.
No begging sound emerged My pride was intact Even if my precious world had fallen a p a r tact Even if my precious world had fallen a p a r t.
Where the method of suspension was no intact tiles were defined as plain tiles.
But having an intact tomcat neutered will significantly reduce the risk.
I had testicular torsion as a kid, which was sorted out very early and both testicles are still intact.
Answer You were extremely fortunate to survive a testicular torsion with both intact.
The whole intact primitive crofting township is designated an Ancient Monument.
It is only poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract in the presence of intact mucosa.
The Hispania is the most intact wreck in the Sound as it sits upright with its deck in about 15m.
The one disadvantage of paper cables is the fact that any injury to the lead covering which allows moisture to penetrate causes telegraphic interruption to the whole of the enclosed wires, whereas if the wires are each individually coated with gutta-percha, the presence of moisture can only affect those wires whose covering is defective There is no reason for doubting, however, that, provided the lead covering remains intact, the paper insulation is imperishable; this is not the case with gutta-percha-covered wires.
It needs little reflection to perceive that the position of Jerusalem and Judah was now hardly one of independence, and the conflicting chronological notices betray the attempt to maintain intact the thread of Judaean history.
In common with physics it includes the determination of properties or characters which serve to distinguish one substance from another, but while the physicist is concerned with properties possessed by all substances and with processes in which the molecules remain intact, the chemist is restricted to those processes in which the molecules undergo some change.
With proper support from Bavaria the Hanoverians could perhaps have escaped intact; but the Bavarians considered that their allies (about 20,000) were strong enough by themselves to destroy whichever of the converging Prussian columns tried to bar their way, and actually the Hanoverian general v.
The larch remains free from parasitism so long as its covering is intact, but as soon as this is punctured by insects, or its continuity interfered with by cracks or fissures, the Peziza penetrates, and before long brings about the destruction of the branch.
In the following year appeared Sigurd the Volsung, a version full of heroic vigour, movement and vitality, but somewhat too lengthy and incoherent in design to preserve the epic interest intact to the British taste.
In the desert (as among the Arabian and Turanian nomads), in wild and sequestered mountains (as in Zagros in north Media, and Mysia, Pisidia, Paphlagonia and Bithynia in Asia Minor), and also in many Iranian tribes, the old tribal constitution, with the chieftain as its head, was left intact even under the imperial suzerainty.
It is often possible by appropriate dosage to contrive that these special parts or organs may be affected and the rest of the body left practically intact, and it is by taking advantage of these selective actions that remedial or therapeutical effects are usually obtained.
No begging sound emerged My pride was intact Even if my precious world had fallen a p a r t.
For example, an intact male cat living outside has an estimated lifespan of about three years while a neutered male living inside may easily live for 15 years.
Neutering - Cats who have been neutered or "fixed" live longer than intact cats.
A fixed cat makes a much better pet than an animal that is still intact.
If a card expires with a balance still intact, the cardholder can have the balance transferred to a new card.
The clients' and recipients' personal information is removed, but the rest of the text is completely intact.
Though papasan camp chairs are a bit harder to track down than more traditional styles of camp chairs, many consumers claim there's almost nothing like sitting in one as long as thick padding is intact.
Only the SIGG bottle remained intact, causing Backpacker to call the SIGG "The World's Toughest Water Bottle".
Sometimes this works but many times the material ends up full of holes, yet largely intact.
This will allow you to keep work and family, friends and distractions/hobbies separate, and your sanity still intact.
In fact, Fallingwater is the only Wright building with the Wright-designed furnishings still intact.
If you're lucky enough to still have the original tin color intact, you can protect the ceiling with a clear polyurethane coat.
Cowhide can also be treated in a way that leaves the hair intact, making interesting and unique upholstery for chairs and sofas.
Sometimes the tree bark is left intact for interest, as on lodge-style bed posts.
If you have a historic home with some tin ceiling tiles still intact, you may be able to match the existing pattern.
If the brows are full and intact, then she can wear a natural look and get away with it.
All the skin-beautifying promises are still intact; it's just another method of application.
Frankly, even I, beauty obsession firmly intact, could do with something like that.
What's more, the brand's signature features remain intact as well.
When you are hypnotized, your personality and beliefs stay intact.
Most of the listings allow you to click directly to the product with the code intact.
Simply keep your receipt and all tags intact on the clothing to receive a full refund.
A raw food diet means that the enzymes are intact.
Steaming or blanching beets also leaves many nutrients intact.
Additionally, you'll need to make sure that your dress arrives to the location intact.
Whether you decide to re-purpose or keep the bouquet intact, the silk flowers remain as a reminder of your wedding day.
Use a bit of caution when searching and check out our list of resources for sites that feature celebs with a little more clothing intact.
Dog breeding involves so much more than simply putting a female in heat together with an intact male and allowing them to mate.
Although, by definition, breeding is simply the act of allowing intact dogs to mate, responsible dog breeders realize there is so much more to dog breeding.
Christmas Roses should never be transplanted in big clumps intact.
It is a fine subject for skeletonising, and the stems, bracts, and calyces may be skeletonised intact.
Another plan is to let the shoots remain intact until all have nearly done flowering, and then to cut the entire plant to the ground, when in about three weeks there will be a fresh bloom.
To divide and transplant in spring when in growth is fatal to success, equally bad being that of transplanting large specimens intact.
Pick off the plant with the stem and cap intact, and collect in shallow containers to prevent bruising.
Only the bark from a cork tree is harvested, leaving the tree completely intact.
His individuality, whether it be suave or rugged, boyish or mature, is intact both when he is at work and on the weekends.
Top grain leather's top layers have been left intact, as opposed to being separated as with split grain leather.
This will help them decompose more quickly than if you add them to the pile intact.
This surgery leaves the uvula intact, while still reducing excess tissues in the upper airway to improve OSA symptoms.
You'll have to wear these with contacts if you need vision correction, or look to your favorite optical shop for a similar style with your vision correction needs intact.
Instead, you can get a pair of adapter lenses with your prescription intact.
You can even have goggles custom made with your prescription intact, though they will be pricier, of course.
If you don't go the ophthalmic route with your Ed Hardy frames, you can get a pair with lenses intact.
You can check with your local optical shop for Flexon eyeglass frames or go ahead and order some online with or without your prescription lenses intact when they arrive.
You may not be able to find goggles with your prescription intact right away, but it isn't difficult to remove the lenses and have new ones with tints and/or vision correction put in.
If you don't need custom made lenses with your prescription intact because you have perfect or near-perfect vision or you wear contact lenses, that opens your choices up quite a bit.
Your prescription's intact in the clear lenses, so even when it gets dark, you don't have to change frames.
The Makaha Reader tends to cost about $50 more than the regular Makaha frame style, but comes with the reading lenses intact.
If cracked, they will break in an intact spider web pattern rather than shattering.
Though Paramount sold Great America and the park was acquired by the Cedar Fair Entertainment Company in early 2007, the Survivor theme of this amazing ride has remained intact.
In December of that year, a restored Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln opened with much of the original 1964 speech intact.
The humor is intact, the cultural references are all there, and you can also fight the Giant Chicken.
Yet, fans of the writing in Final Fantasy II will also be pleased to know that some of the more unique and memorable lines have survived intact.
The core Halo gameplay is intact, but the campaign and multi-player modes are highly enhanced.
To add insult to injury, it's flame proof and can and will bounce through any opposing grenade or rocket launcher blasts intact until it reaches and blasts its target.
Although the latter three series greatly alter the Mega Man formula, the same theme of capturing robot powers and upgrading the main hero is still intact.
Racing levels will test your speed, percentage levels will challenge how well you can keep your blob intact and task levels force you to use grace to slip and slide through the mazes and their obstacles.
The game also seems to have the same fresh feeling of its predecessor, with Shantae's transformation abilities and hair-whipping intact.
In essence it strips the game of wandering and gives you a distilled game with all the good bits intact.
Many of these can remain intact for whenever a true PSP2 is released, but some of these have already been implemented in the Sony PSP Go.
Now freed from your cell, you will attempt to survive and escape the prison with your life intact.
The dolls are intact, museum quality because the owner of the shop bought them to be used in research for a book she wrote.
Make sure the spines are intact, the pages are tight, and there are no stains or tears.
The number of designs by a designer and the number of intact pieces known to be in existence will affect the price.
If the doll is not in mint condition in its box, known as MIB, or in excellent condition wearing its wrist tag intact, the value of the doll is greatly diminished.
Mint -Both the hang tags and tush tags intact and there are no signs of wear or defects.
While some wear is expected and even desirable to most collectors, the piece should be sturdy with all of the parts intact.
This is often lost; when it is intact, it adds value.
You can also set various levels of location sharing to keep your privacy intact if you like.
The placenta should be examined to make sure it is intact.
When a specific part of a limb is missing, for example, when the fibula bone in the lower leg is missing, but the rest of the leg is intact, it is called a longitudinal deficiency.
Water should be kept out of the ear canal until the eardrum is intact.
The important markers on the viruses are intact, however, which causes an individual's immune system to react.
Between then and the early 2000s chemotherapy drugs and innovative surgical techniques improved survival with intact limbs.
Simple fractures (often called "closed") are not obvious as the skin has not been ruptured and remains intact.
The fetus is removed from the womb by cesarean section but the umbilical cord is left intact so that the mother's placenta continues to sustain the fetus.
In peroxisomal single-enzyme disorders, the peroxisome is intact and functioning, but there is a defect in only one enzymatic process, with only one corresponding biochemical abnormality.
Thin, moist, or already damaged skin is more susceptible to ICD than thick, dry, or intact skin.
Patients who arrive at an emergency department awake and alert usually survive with brain function intact, although they may initially have respiratory complications.
Another study, of 42 perinatally HIV-infected children who survived beyond nine years of age, found about one-quarter of the children to be asymptomatic with relatively intact immune systems.
In most SCI cases, the spinal cord is intact, but the damage to it results in loss of function.
Replacement with testosterone prevents these changes, suggesting that an intact male gonadal system is required to maintain sexual function.
It is strongly recommended that the other female hormone, progesterone, be taken by women who have an intact uterus as well, because doing so prevents overgrowth of uterine lining and uterine cancer.
In addition, parents should make sure that the dog has been neutered or spayed, since intact dogs of either sex are more likely to bite than those that have been altered.
When the hair root remains intact and the hair shaft is broken, this sensation is not felt and the patient may repetitively pull hairs until successful.
They use hair that has never been colored or chemically processed, so the hair's cuticle is fully intact.
Avoid regularly hotcombing or flat-ironing unrelaxed hair, especially if you want to keep the natural coils intact.
You can keep your twists intact for a day or up to a couple of weeks depending on your styling needs.
Finish with a spritz of hairspray so your style remains intact until the lights come on.
After blow drying hair smooth with a large round brush, pull the top portion of hair back, either pulling completely off of your face or leaving your part intact.
If you secure them so that they can be removed from a package or card intact, they become little gifts after the fact.
He or she will also check your cervix to make sure it is intact.
It is up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave while keeping health insurance coverage intact during the time of leave.
Not all forms of cancer treatment can be successful and leave fertility intact.
In cases of transgender pregnancies, the female reproductive organs are intact.
The lining that was developed leading up to ovulation and implantation continues to grow and remains intact, becoming part of the placenta.
Check to make sure that the wrapper is still intact.
Amazingly, the fragile glass house survived the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, largely intact.
Be prepared to avoid these mishaps, but also be armed with a little good-natured humor; if one does occur you can come out of the situation with at least some of your pride intact.
It can be very embarrassing to have your swimsuit fail on you while at the beach or pool, but with a little good-natured humor, you can come out of the situation with at least some of your pride intact.
Although with these styles, there is a certain way in which you should care for them to keep the integrity of your suit intact.
He would always bounce right back, so long as the outer membrane stayed intact.
Some may want to keep a rock intact as a collectable.
If this is the case, it is easily replaced as long as all the connective wiring is intact in the vehicle.
Note that when cooking, this resilient vitamin remains perfectly intact.
In a sense, it returns to you the foods you eat, intact with all of their naturally-occurring bacteria.
Whole grains are grains that still have the entire kernel including the bran, germ, and endosperm intact.
An enteric-coated capsule withstands stomach acids and passes intact to the intestines, where other digestive juices break down the coating and release the ingredients.
Women's business casual clothing has evolved over the years, but some rules have remained intact, the most important of which is to always look professional, approachable and friendly.
Some styles restrict the cut out portion to the sleeves, leaving the rest of the dress intact.
Brown rice has both the bran and germ portions of the rice grain intact.
Parboiled rice has been partially cooked with the husk intact.
Place the ponytail intact with the band in a zipper-lock bag and seal it tightly.
It requires that the principal amount of the fund remain intact and that only the interest from the endowment fund be spent.
Blue Spruces are often sold live with the root ball intact for planting after Christmas.
Care should be taken with the packing and shipping methods to ensure it arrives fresh and intact.
People who want to keep their decorations on the tree intact need to have both the room to store the tree upright and the proper case for storing it.
Infidelity is a major offense, but many marriages come through it intact.
If you're looking to keep the bag intact, your best bet is most likely to work with or buy from a dealer who specializes in vintage or antique goods.
A Bible cover is important - it protects your Bible from the elements and keeps the binding, cover, and pages intact.
A common way is to toss the balloons to players and the first team to have a certain number of intact balloons reach the finish line wins.
As long as nothing is leaking, the packaging is intact.
The bed may be intact, or require some assembly.
If you have the majority of your shoeboxes still intact, you can use these in place of the aforementioned plastic boxes.
That mix keeps the arch support intact and ensures a higher level of comfort than most shoes with a similar heel height.
While his relationship with his friends remained intact, Oliver's parents wrestled with their own bigotry where he was concerned.
The surgery to remove Izzie's brain tumor is successful, but her memory doesn't seem to have survived intact, which Derek thinks could be temporary.
A more detailed image requires more space to keep the design intact.
Sometimes these red hearts were intact, other times they were split in half or stabbed with a dagger and imprinted with words like "broken", "courage". and "regret".
While some of the mysticism of the moon has dispersed, our interest remains intact and many people enjoy learning more about the lunar cycle and studying the moon in more detail.
Although now owned by Liz Claiborne, Inc., Theodosakis says PrAna's core culture remains intact while having access to more resources, and he, along with Pam and other top employees, still guide the company's growth.
Begin in Bound Extended Side Angle Pose, keeping the binding intact.
Social communication skills are affected by Asperger's disorder, but basic language skills are left largely intact.
If you follow proper procedures, you will walk away from the experience with your good name intact.
They are rather fragile and can be tricky to get off the plastic packaging with their adhesive intact.
I made it through my first knitting sock with my wits intact, and you can, too.
Cut strips of the desired length across the double thickness of the body, leaving the side seams intact.
Companies like Peak Pilates were formed on the premise that while the integrity of Joseph Pilates should be kept intact, the exercises need to continue to grow and the word needs to spread.
The lump sum benefit paid may allow the policyholder to keep his or her savings intact while undergoing treatment.
Check to see that the stitching is still intact as well and that it is a gently-used item.
Cups still intact for the most part, they're open by a slit right at nipple level.
You probably won't have much luck if you start your search in a simple department store; you may find bustiers, but they probably will have all of their material intact, ready to be worn under just about anything.
The modern basque extends slightly over the hips and often resembles a very structured camisole-corset hybrid, with straps intact.
Although these decisions haven't made her rich, it's kept her integrity intact; something much more valuable to the singer.
Only the Ancient Ones and Death may pass with their powers intact.
Pisano's building sheds, nine in a row, with peculiarly shaped roofs, were still standing intact - one of the most interesting medieval monuments of Venice - until recently, but they have been modified past recognition.
The loculi were intact and the epitaphs still in their places, so that " they form a kind of museum, in which the development, the formulae, and the symbolic figures of Christian epigraphy, from its origin to the end of the 3rd or 4th century, can be notified and contemplated, not in artificial specimens as in the Lateran, but in the genuine and living reality of their original condition."
The loculi in this lower portion were intact, with inscriptions of the 2nd century still in their places, proving that the niche in which that picture was painted must have been considerably older than the lowering of the floor.
Near this a whole region of galleries has been brought to light with loculi intact.
Thus caught between two fires the casuists developed a highly ingenious method, not unlike that of the Roman Stoics, for eviscerating the substance of a rule while leaving its shadow carefully intact.
William's writs show not only that he kept intact the old system of governing through the sheriffs and the courts of shire and hundred, but also that he found it highly serviceable.
In the West these buildings were raised over the tomb, which was left intact; but in the East there was no hesitation in disturbing the graves of the saints and removing the bodies to a basilica built to receive them.
Their artillery driven back off the ridges formed a long line from Stosser to Plotist facing the enemy, and under cover of its fire the infantry at length succeeded in withdrawing, for the Prussian reserve cavalry arrived late on the ground, and the local disconnected efforts of the divisional cavalry were checked by the still intact Austrian squadrons.
One chief means employed by nature in accomplishing this object is the investment of those parts of the organism liable to be attacked with an armour-like covering of epidermis, periderm, bark, &c. The grape is proof against the inroads of the yeastplant so long as the husk is intact, but on the husk being injured the yeast-plant finds its way into the interior and sets up vinous fermentation of its sugar.
If the cooling is very gradual - occupying several weeks - it sometimes happens that the entire contents of a large crucible, weighing perhaps 1000 lb, are found intact as a single mass of glass, but more frequently the mass is found broken up into a number of fragments of various sizes.
There was a last fruitless assault, delivered by some of the Confederate brigades on the right that had not received Beauregard's order against Nelson's intact troops, who were supported by the fire of the gunboats on the Tennessee.
Then Kuropatkin's resolution collapsed, although about three divisions were still intact, and he gave the order to retreat on Mukden.
The archaeological commission of the Description de l'Egypte visited them in 1799, when the walls of many of the large tombs were still almost intact; in the first half of the 19th century (and to some extent later) an immense amount of destruction was caused by blasting for stone.
By the decree of the 30th of March 1806 Napoleon proclaimed Joseph king of Naples, brt allowed him to keep intact his claims to the throne of France.
Enghien had designed his battle even more carefully than before, but as the result of a series of accidents the two French armies attacked prematurely and straight to their front, one brigade after another, and though at one moment Enghien, sword in hand, broke the line of defence with his last intact reserve, a brilliant counterstroke, led by Mercy's brother Kaspar (who was killed), drove out the assailants.
The familiar choral voices are there and the tribal drums are left intact and because of the additions, the song sounds like it could come right of a rock opera.
System administrators keep track of these threats and deal with protecting your data on the server so that it is safely stored, backed up, and delivered intact to your intended audience.