Insufferable Sentence Examples
This week is becoming insufferable.
The smirk on the faces of the spiders in my home is getting a little insufferable !
No change was made in official methods, and the condition of affairs drifted from bad to worse, until the temper of the people, so long and so sorely tried, showed plainly that the situation had become insufferable.
The amount of paging traffic on EMAS concerned with trivial buffer filling and emptying rapidly became insufferable.
They wished to reconstruct the system which had been violently interrupted by the events of the autumn of 1641, and to found government on the cooperation between king and parliament, without defining to themselves what was to be done if the kings conduct became insufferable.
It was in far later periods and in other countries that the appearance of the dogstar was regarded as the signal of insufferable heat or prevalent disease.
It is certain that Sweden herself could never have extorted such favourable terms, yet " the insufferable tutelage " of France on this occasion inspired Charles XI.
But the arrogance of Itakh, to whom he owed his Caliphate, became insufferable.
After taking part in the Seven Years' War, young Villette returned in 1763 to Paris, where he made many enemies by his insufferable manners.
Insufferable heat usually translates to some serious discomfort, so dressing lightly is one of the best ways to counter those effects.