Instructions Sentence Examples
The fountain contained instructions for making it work.
The instructions to Alpatych took over two hours and still the prince did not let him go.
Alex stood beside her, watching the nurse as she gave instructions to Carmen on how to nurse the infant.
Not with your instructions, I hope.
If you absolutely insist on doing this, at least leave me instructions on how to get there... and a phone number where you can be reached.
He's an army-type and has strict instructions, so don't be offended if he's less than conversational.
But why would Dad give him instructions to the cabin?
At her nod he continued his hurried instructions.
If you ever want to leave here, you will follow my instructions.
Giving Katie last minute instructions, she left.
AdvertisementHis first care was to carry out the instructions received from home, and effect a radical reform in the system of government.
While Scotland and England were preparing for the " First Bishops' War," Henderson drew up two papers, entitled respectively The Remonstrance of the Nobility and Instructions for Defensive Arms. The first of these documents he published himself; the second was published against his wish by John Corbet (1603-1641), a deposed minister.
Patients often mishear or forget spoken instructions and find listening in noisy environments difficult, even tho their hearing seems normal.
Of course, Howard had talked to Len – even given him instructions to the Giddon house.
For example, the 68000 family of 32-bit microprocessors exhibits open-endedness with respect to new instructions in two ways.
AdvertisementThe farmers had to learn what it meant to be paid by the hour and to take instructions from supervisors; how to do a task and then the next day, learn a completely new task and do it instead.
We will need instructions how to get to your place, though.
Had Dad given him instructions to the place, or...
Shortly afterwards another convention was held at Edinburgh, and it was resolved that the delegates sent to Jedburgh should again meet the king at Linlithgow and repeat their former instructions.
Mimaut, consul-general of France at Alexandria, sent him several books, among which was the memoir written upon the Suez Canal, according to Bonaparte's instructions, by the civil engineer Lapere, one of the scientific members of the French expedition.
AdvertisementFollowing his interpretation of the instructions he had received, de Lesseps began negotiations with the existing government at Rome, according to which Pius IX.
The advent of Thiers, his attitude towards the petition of French bishops on behalf of the pope, the recall of Senard, the French minister at Florencewho had written to congratulate Victor Emmanuel on the capture of Romeand the instructions given to his successor, the comte de Choiseul, to absent himself from Italy at the moment of the kings official entry into the new capital (2nd July 1871), together with the haste displayed in appointing a French ambassador to the Holy See, rapidly cooled the cordiality of Franco-Italian relations, and reassured Bismarck on the score of any dangerous intimacy between the two governments.
Documents subsequently published have somewhat attenuated the responsibility of Ferry and Saint Hilaire for this breach of faith, and have shown that the French forces in Tunisia acted upon secret instructions from General Farre, minister of war in the Ferry cabinet, who pursued a policy diametrically opposed to the official declarations made by the premier and the foreign minister.
The treaty having been duly ratified, and an indemnity of 400,000 paid to Menelek, the Shoan prisoners were released, and Major Nerazzini once more returned to Abyssinia with instructions to secure, if possible, Meneleks assent to the definitive retention of the Mareb-Belesa-Muna line by Italy.
The ambassador's instructions reached Codrington on the 7th of September.
AdvertisementA brilliant examination for the degree of bachelor procured him, in 1588, admittance on the foundation to the university of Tubingen, where he laid up a copious store of classical erudition, and imbibed Copernican principles from the private instructions of his teacher and life-long friend, Michael Maestlin.
The selectmen, who receive no regular salary, but may charge for expenses actually incurred, form a sort of directory or executive committee, which manages the ordinary administrative and financial business under such instructions as may have been given by the town meeting.
While nearly all important measures are brought into parliament by the ministers of the sovereign, and nominally under his instructions, the American president cannot introduce bills either directly or through his the secretary of the treasury, the secretary of war, the attorneygeneral, the postmaster-general, the secretary of the navy, the secretary of the interiorthis order to apply only to such officers as shall have been appointed by the advice and consent of the Senate.
In this way a few leaders may sometimes be able to obtain control of the nominating machinery of a city, or even of a state, for the local committees usually obey instructions received from the committees above them.
His murderer, a Fenian acting under the instructions of the secret society to which he belonged, was discovered, and executed in 1869.
Moore, according to previous instructions of the legislature, called a state convention on the 7th of January 1861.
Finding that the junta of Corunna wished for no foreign soldiery, he followed his alternative instructions to act against Junot at Lisbon.
Londonderry had been on the eve of starting for the conference at Vienna, and the instructions which he had drawn up for his own guidance were handed over by Canning, the new foreign secretary, to Wellington, who proceeded in September to Vienna, and thence in October to Verona, whither the conference had been adjourned.
Each congregation had a plurality of elders, pastors or bishops, who were chosen according to what were believed to be the instructions of Paul, without regard to previous education or present occupation, and who enjoy a perfect equality in office.
They will give instructions accordingly.
On receiving Blount's report to the effect that the revolution had been accomplished by the aid of the United States minister and by the landing of troops from the " Boston," President Cleveland sent Albert Sydney Willis (1843-1897) of Kentucky to Honolulu with secret instructions as United States minister.
In connexion with his psychological studies, it is interesting that in 1884 the French Anthropological Society reproduced his instructions for the observation of primitive peoples, and modern students of the beginnings of speech in children and the cases of deaf-mutes have found useful matter in his works.
How clearly he read the causes of religious decadence, how deeply he himself was convinced of the need of trenchant reform, is best shown by his instructions to Chieregati, his nuncio to Germany, in which he laid the axe to the root of the tree with unheard-of freedom.
Instructions were given to the French Catholics to break with monarchical principles, and both externally and internally to cleave to the Republic as representing the best form of constitutional government.
Instructions to typesetters and binders were given in Greek.
The work itself, left by Hume with instructions that it should be published, did not appear till 1779.
Such instructions were not calculated to promote confidence between Swedish and Danish negotiators.
At Coke's request Bacon sent a letter containing the same command to each of the judges, and Coke then obtained their signatures to a paper declaring that the attorney-general's instructions were illegal, and that they were bound to proceed with the case.
But finally it appeared that the viceroy had either misunderstood or exceeded his instructions; and on the 19th of February 1795 Fitzwilliam was recalled.
But their instructions were considerably exceeded, for the quantity imported in 1678 was 4713 lb, a quantity which seems to have glutted the market for several years.
The instructions of 1700 directed the supercargoes to send home 300 tubs of the finer green teas and 80 tubs of bohea.
This experiment was made by himself in a tower at Paris, and was carried out on a grand scale under his instructions by his brother-in-law Florin Perier on the Puy de Dome in Auvergne.
Important ecclesiastical reforms were approved, and instructions forbidding all innovations and calling upon the diet to execute the edict of Worms, sent by the emperor from Spain, were brushed aside on the ground that in the preceding March when this letter was written Charles and the pope were at peace, while now they were at war.
The Conservatives were ready to vote as the government wished; if Bismarck was content with the amended bill, they would vote for it, and it would be carried; no instructions were sent to the party; they therefore voted against the bill, and it was lost.
The powers of a nuncio are limited by his instructions.
This God varies his commands at pleasure, prescribes one law for the Christians, another for the Jews, and a third for the Moslems; nay, he even changes his instructions to the Moslems when it pleases him.
Louis therefore began secret personal relations with his ambassadors in eastern Europe, who were thus receiving contradictory instructions; a policy known later as the secret du roi.
Several books of proverbs or instructions were put in circulation during the Middle Kingdom.
The instructions of Ani to his son Khenshotp are of later date.
The Instructions of Amenemh to his son Senwosri, whether really his own or a later composition, refer to these things.
Originally, no doubt, it included the recital of the divine instructions to the people in accordance with xix.
It is a plausible conjecture that the original narratives of J and E also contained directions for the construction of an ark,' as a substitute for the personal presence of Yahweh, and also for the erection of a "tent of meeting" outside the camp, and that these commands were omitted by R P in favour of the more elaborate instructions given in ch.
After dinner he glanced through and signed cabinet orders written in accordance with his morning instructions, often adding marginal notes and postscripts, many of which were in a caustic tone.
From time to time secret instructions were issued by the Bureau for the information and guidance of editors.
In addition special instructions were given to various missi, and many of these have been preserved.
Lord Howe, commander-in-chief of the British in America, who had received no instructions binding him in detail to co-operate with Burgoyne, moved southward and captured Philadelphia.
In his instructions to Novosiltsov, his special envoy in London, the tsar elaborated the motives of his policy in language which appealed as little to the common sense of Pitt as did later the treaty of the Holy Alliance to that of Castlereagh.
Accord ' This " manifesto," which was bitterly attacked in the North, was agreed upon (October 18, 1854) by the three ministers after several meetings at Ostend and at Aix-la-Chapelle, arranged in pursuance of instructions to them from President Pierce to " corn-, pare opinions, and to adopt measures for perfect concert of action in aid of the negotiations at Madrid " on the subject of reparations demanded from Spain by the United States for alleged injuries to American commerce with Cuba.
Moreover, the queen of England increased his difficulties by making him the bearer of offensive messages to the barons, and by contradictory instructions.
He offended his mistress by showing his instructions to the Scottish barons, and was recalled in August.
In 1785 he was nominated to the committee on agriculture, and as its secretary drew up reports and instructions on the cultivation of various crops, and promulgated schemes for the establishment of experimental agricultural stations, the distribution of agricultural implements and the adjustment of rights of pasturage.
In the course of his progress through France he received orders from Henry to send back his secretary Gardiner, or, as he was called at court, Master Stevens, for fresh instructions; to which he was obliged to reply that he positively could not spare him as he was the only instrument he had in advancing the king's "secret matter."
An order was despatched for his removal to the extreme desert of Pityus; and his guards so faithfully obeyed their instructions that, before he reached the sea-coast of the Euxine, he expired at Comana in Pontus, in the year 407.
On the 10th of July 1554, he was chosen as tutor to Prince Edward, and after his pupil's accession to the throne he continued his instructions.
In 1776, as president of the provincial convention, which adopted a state constitution for Virginia, he drew up the instructions to the Virginia members of Congress directing them to advocate the independence of the American colonies.
Prevented by illness from attending, Jefferson sent to the convention elaborate resolutions, which he proposed as instructions to the Virginia delegates to the Continental Congress that was to meet at Philadelphia in September.
Basnage had welcomed the revival of the Protestant church due to the zeal of Antoine Court; but he assured the regent that no danger of active resistance was to be feared from it, and, true to the principles of Calvin, he denounced the rebellion of the Camisards in his Instructions pastorales aux Reformes de France sur l'obeissance due aux souverains (Paris, 1720), which was printed by order of the court and scattered broadcast in the south of France.
The result of overtures made to him from India was that in 1877, when Lord Lytton, acting under direct instructions from Her Majesty's ministry, proposed to Shere Ali a treaty of alliance, Shere Ali showed himself very little disposed to welcome the offer; and upon his refusal to admit a British agent into Afghanistan the negotiations finally broke down.
John Gerson, the foremost theologian of France, wrote a manual of instructions (still extant) for the first of his tutors, Jean Majoris, a canon of Reims. His second tutor, Bernard of Armagnac, was noted for his piety and humility.
His fervent prayers were interrupted by instructions for the regency which was to follow.
Warren Hastings, a tried servant of the company, distinguished alike for intelligence, for probity and for knowledge of oriental manners, was nominated governor by the court of directors, with express instructions to carry out a predetermined series of reforms. In their own words, the court had resolved to " stand forth as diwan, and to take upon themselves, by the agency of their own servants, the entire care and administration of the revenues."
Accordingly, Cornwallis took out with him in 1787 instructions to introduce a permanent settlement.
The same year Catherine transferred him to Warsaw as minister plenipotentiary, with especial instructions to form a Russian party in Poland from among the dissidents, who were to receive equal rights with the Catholics.
Nevertheless he faithfully obeyed his instructions, and, by means more or less violent or discreditable, forced the diet of 1768 to concede everything.
At last, Temenus, Cresphontes and Aristodemus, the sons of Aristomachus, complained to the oracle that its instructions had proved fatal to those who had followed them.
To him, in 745-746,the management of affairs in Khorasan was entrusted, with instructions to consult in all weighty matters the head of the mission, the Arab Suleiman b.
But Abu Jahm, on the instructions of Abu Moslim, declared to the chief officers of the Khorasanian army that the Mandi was in their midst, and brought them to Abu`1-Abbas, to whom they swore allegiance.
In his answering despatch Cadorna repeated the instructions to fall back upon the principal line of resistance in case of an enemy attack.
Many prisoners were taken, and the second line, which was withdrawn in accordance with the general instructions given by Cadorna, came back in some disorder.
A few days later he was proceeding toward the Oregon border when new instructions from Washington caused him to retrace his steps and, perhaps, to consider plans for provoking war.
He was in Congress during the final stages of the War of Independence, and in 1780 drafted instructions to Jay, then representing the United States at Madrid, that in negotiations with Spain he should insist upon the free navigation of the Mississippi and upon the principle that the United States succeeded to British rights affirmed by the treaty of Paris of 1763.
In 1781 he favoured an amendment 'of the Articles of Confederation giving Congress power to enforce its requisitions, and in 1783, in spite of the open opposition of the Virginia legislature, which considered the Virginian delegates wholly subject to its instructions, he advocated that the states should grant to Congress for twenty-five years authority to levy an import duty, and suggested a scheme to provide for the interest on the debt not raised by the import duty - apportioning it among the states on the basis of population, counting three-fifths of the slaves, a ratio suggested by Madison himself.
John, one of the officers highest in rank under Belisarius, had pressed on to Rimini, contrary to the instructions of his chief, leaving in his rear the difficult fortress of Osimo (Auximum) untaken.
But it did more than this; by the king's instructions it endeavoured to make a national valuation list, estimating the annual value of all the land in the country, (1) at the time of King Edward's death, (2) when the new owners received it, (3) at the time of the survey, and further, it reckoned, by command, the potential value as well.
Borneo began to be known to Europeans after the fall of Malacca in 1511, when Alphonso d'Albuquerque despatched Antonio d'Abreu with three ships in search of the Molucca or Spice Islands with instructions to establish friendly relations with all the native states that he might encounter on his way.
Barisch was shown to have been careless in the performance of his duties, and to have disregarded instructions; and the inference is that he conveyed the infection to his mouth, and so to the lungs, from the bacteriological specimens or inoculated animals.
Cadorna was convinced that he had to stand on the defensive, the more so as he was uncertain in which sector of the Julian front the chief blow would fall, but his instructions naturally included and recommended vigorous local counter-attacks.
Lequis attacked in two columns, one on each side of the river, with instructions to drive straight for Caporetto, where, it was hoped, he would join with Krauss's Bosnians.
It was natural, perhaps, that he should not have realized fully and at once the urgent necessities of the situation, but his hesitation to act promptly in accordance with Cadorna's instructions exposed him to the danger of having the retreat of his right wing cut off.
The point is that Capello would seem to have interpreted Cadorna's instructions as to counter-offensive action in too liberal a fashion, influenced, perhaps unconsciously, by his own wish to attempt a big counter-stroke.
They were visited about 1800 by French hunters; and by members of the Lewis and Clark party in 1804 under instructions from President Thomas Jefferson.
Still the school was pregnant with instructions for so apt a pupil.
A temporary government was established at Boston in May 1686, with Joseph Dudley as president, and in December of the same year Edmund Andros arrived with a commission and instructions which were a copy of those to the governor of New York and made him governor of all New England except Rhode Island and Connecticut.
Here he organized a civil government and compiled a code of laws, some of which are still in force, thus exceeding his instructions and ignoring the territorial claims of Texas, out of which had grown the war.
The church could have given more weight to the wishes of the people; she professed to regard patronage as a grievance, and the annual instructions of the assembly to the commission (the committee representing the assembly till its next meeting) enjoined that body to take advantage of any opportunity which might arise for getting rid of the grievance of patronage, an injunction which was not discontinued till 1784.
The Musica Enchiriadis, published with other writings of minor importance in Gerbert's Scriptores de Musica, and containing a complete system of musical science as well as instructions regarding notation, has now been proved to have originated about half a century later than the death of the monk Hucbald, and to have been the work of an unknown writer belonging to the close of the 10th century and possibly also bearing the name of Hucbald.
Acting according to the instructions he had received from Rome, where the matter had been fully gone into, he made an investigation, and divided the clergy ordained after that period into two classes; one consisting of those ordained in schism, indeed, but according to the old Catholic rite, and the other of those who had been ordained by the new rite drawn up by Cranmer and enforced by act of parliament 1st of April 1550.
This may even be repeated, but when finally corrected the proof is marked " press " and is sent to the printer with the necessary instructions as to printing.
The whole previous correspondence (as well as a good deal afterwards) is full of the valet difficulty; and it is surely more reasonable to suppose that when Louvois writes to Saint-Mars on the 19th of July that he is sending Dauger, a new prisoner of importance, as to whom "it est de la derniere importance qu'il soit garde avec une grande seurete," his second paragraph as regards the instructions to "Sieur Poupart" refers to something which Saint-Mars had suggested about getting a valet from outside, and simply points out that in preparing furniture for "celui que l'on vous amenera" he need not do much, "comme ce n'est qu'un valet."
A later investigation was carried out in 1904 on the instructions of the British Museum Trustees by Messrs.
They were slain by a dragon, which was in turn destroyed by Cadmus; and by the instructions of Athena he sowed its teeth in the ground, from which there sprang a race of fierce armed men, called Sparti (sown).
Since 1873 the cultivation of their mothertongue has been sedulously promoted by an Esthonian Literary Society (Eesti Korjameeste Selts), which publishes Toimetused, or "Instructions" in all sorts of subjects.
The Storthing thereupon unanimously adopted a resolution stating that, as the king had declared himself unable to form a government, the constitutional royal power " ceased to be operative," whereupon the ministers were requested, until further instructions, to exercise the power vested in the king, and as King Oscar thus had ceased to act as " the king of Norway," the union with Sweden was in consequence dissolved.
The object of the new expedition was (to quote Emin's instructions) "to secure on behalf of Germany the territories situated south of and along Victoria Nyanza up to Albert Nyanza," and to "make known to the population there that they were placed under German supremacy and protection, and to break or undermine Arab influence as far as possible."
The new colonial secretary, the duke of Newcastle, reinstated him, but with instructions not again to raise the federation issue.
It is at all events abundantly clear that had the Boers not resorted to arms they would not have gained the support of the cabinet.4 Sir Evelyn Wood, who had succeeded Colley as general in command and governor of Natal, under instructions from home, concluded a treaty of peace on the 22nd of March.
His impulsive objection to some of Bishop Carroll's instructions was sharply rebuked, and he was recalled to Baltimore.
On the death of his brother Edgar in 1107 he succeeded to the Scottish crown; but, in accordance with Edgar's instructions, he inherited only a part of its possessions.
In 1523 Cortes received instructions from the Spanish court to procure it in as large quantities as possible.
Acting upon the instructions of Castelar, Jovellar gave up the filibuster vessels, and those of the crew and passengers who had not been summarily shot by General Burriel.
The Portuguese troops cut Massena's communications; the peasants, under instructions from Wellington, had already laid waste their own farms, destroyed the roads and bridges by which Massena might retreat, and burned their boats on the Tagus.
The duty of consuls, under the " General Instructions to British Consuls," is to advise His Majesty's trading subjects, to quiet their differences, and to conciliate as much as possible the subjects of the two countries.
Army moved on the same day, but very slowly, along the KyustendilEgri-Palanka road, with instructions to advance thence both on Stratsin (Stracin) and on Kratovo, gaining touch with the I.
According to the instructions of Vladislav, Sigismund, king of Poland, and the emperor Maximilian I.
According to his instructions he was merely to march to the Saxon frontier, and there await further orders from the estates; there seems, however, little doubt that he was secretly instructed to afford aid to the German Protestants.
Instructions were then issued to seize the vessel, but she had already sailed on the evening of the 28th.
The Turkish government encourage the development of the industry by remitting the tithes on opium and poppy-seed for one year on lands sown for the first time, and by distributing printed instructions for cultivating the poppy and preparing the opium.
The offer was declined, and Goldsmith says that he then received instructions to kidnap Louis and kill him if he resisted, but, instead of executing these orders, he revealed the plot.
At the diet which opened in December 1522 at Nuremberg he was represented by Chieregati, whose instructions contain the frank admission that the whole disorder of the church had perchance proceeded from the Curia itself, and that there the reform should begin.
This vested the principal powers of government in an assembly of one hundred members, who were to be chosen annually and to be subject to instructions from their constituents.
These instructions were handed on without change by Canning to the duke of Wellington, who went as representative, and they contain all the principles which have been said to have been peculiarly Canning's.
In order to perfect his knowledge of Christian doctrine, Psellus had recourse to the instructions of Photius, and then replied to his adversary in a long iambic poem, in which he maintained his orthodoxy.
Benton and others prepared a plan for educating the slaves and gradually emancipating them under state law; and undoubtedly a considerable party would have supported such a project, for the Whigs and Democrats were not then divided along party lines on the slavery issue; but nothing took organized form in 1849, when Senator Benton repudiated certain ultra pro-slavery instructions, breathing a secession spirit, passed by the General Assembly for the guidance of the representatives of the state in Congress.
After receiving preliminary instructions in mathematics from his father, he was sent to the university of Basel, where geometry soon became his favourite study.
The governor of Cape Town at first refused to obey the instructions from the prince, but on the British proceeding to take forcible possession he capitulated.'
Of these the most important were Olinde Rodrigues, the favoured disciple of Saint-Simon, and Barthelemy Prosper Enfantin, who together had received Saint-Simon's last instructions.
A thoroughly trustworthy and experienced workman should be selected to lay the pipes, with instructions to set no pipes until he is satisfied that the depth of the drains and level of the bottoms are correct.
As penances had for a long time been lightened, and the books used by confessors began to consist more and more of instructions in the style of the later moral theology (and this is already the case of the books of Halitgar and Rhabanus Maurus), the canonical collections began to include a greater or smaller number of the penitential canons.
Before going abroad, however, Hale found himself obliged to proceed to London in order to give instructions for his defence in a legal action which threatened to deprive him of his patrimony.
This policy had been foreshadowed in the instructions drawn up by Castlereagh for his own guidance at Verona; but Canning succeeded in giving it a popular and national color and thus removing from the government all suspicion of sympathy with the reactionary spirit of the Holy Alliance.
This note, the adoptionof which would have ensured peace, was accepted at St Petersburg; at Constantinople it was, unfortunately, rejected, mainly on Lord Stratfords advice, and in opposition to his instructions from home.
Its Rio Grande branch, explored under the writer's instructions, was found navigable for craft drawing 3 ft.
The immediate object of this excellent piece was to hold up the court scheme of weak, divided and dependent administrations in the light of its real purpose and design; to describe the distempers which had been engendered in parliament by the growth of royal influence and the faction of the king's friends; to show that the newly formed Whig party had combined for truly public ends, and was no mere family knot like the Grenvilles and the Bedfords; and, finally, to press for the hearty concurrence both of public men and of the nation at large in combining against "a faction ruling by the private instructions of a court against the general sense of the people."
The apparently needless cruelty of Mummius in Corinth, by no means characteristic of him, is explained by Mommsen as due to the instructions of the senate, prompted by the mercantile party, which was eager to get rid of a dangerous commercial rival.
Collier (afterwards Lord Monkswell, q.v.), the Ewelme rectory case,' the significant Odo Russell (Lord Ampthill) episode (to help the government out of a scrape the ambassador was accused of exceeding his instructions) - told yet more.
The cahiers or written instructions given to the deputies covered well-nigh every subject of political, social or economic interest, and demanded an amazing number of changes.
After Choiseul's death he was sent to Stockholm with instructions to help the aristocratic party of the "Hats" with advice and money.
Colonel William Preston, county surveyor of Fincastle county, within which the 2000-acre tract lay, refused to approve Captain Bullitt's survey, and had the lands resurveyed in the following year, nevertheless the tract was conveyed in December 1773 by Lord Dunmore to his friend Dr John Connolly, a native of Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, who had served in the British army, as commander of Fort Pitt (under Dunmore's appointment), was an instigator of Indian troubles which culminated in the Battle of Point Pleasant, and was imprisoned from 1775 until nearly the close of the War of American Independence for attempting under Dunmore's instructions to organize the "Loyal Foresters," who 1 Louisville cement, one of the best-known varieties of natural cement, was first manufactured in Shipping Port, a suburb of Louisville, in 1829 for the construction of the Louisville & Portland Canal; the name is now applied to all cement made in the Louisville District in Kentucky and Indiana.
Administration.-South Carolina was governed from 1670 to 1719 under the Carolina provincial charter of 1665, from 1719 to 1776 under commissions and instructions from the Crown, and after 1776 under the constitutions of 1 77 6, 1 77 8, 1790, 1865, 1868 and 1895.
Instructions were contained in certain books called libri haruspicini, fulgurales, rituales.
From the regal period to the end of the republic, haruspices were summoned from Etruria to deal with prodigies not mentioned in the pontifical and Sibylline books, and the Roman priests carried out their instructions as to the offering necessary to appease the anger of the deity concerned.
On the other hand, the destruction of Jerusalem and the exile of the people would appear to those who had obeyed D's instructions as a well-merited punishment for national apostasy.
The stocks of bee-keepers who attend to the instructions given in text-books are rarely visited by this disease.
Thetis, to escape a distasteful union, changed herself into various forms, but at last Peleus, by the instructions of Chiron, seized and held her fast till she resumed her original shape, and was unable to offer further resistance.
Meantime Suliman (acting on the instructions of his father, who was still at Cairo) had broken out into open revolt against the Egyptians in the Bahr-eIGhazal.
Gordon's instructions, based largely on his own suggestions, were not wholly consistent; they contemplated vaguely the establishment of some form of stable government on the surrender of Egyptian authority, and among the documents with which he was furnished was a firman creating him governorgeneral of the Sudan.
As a substantive and pronounced minnit the word (usually in the plural) is applied to a written summary of the transactions of a meeting of a public or other body, or to a memorandum of instructions, &c. A Treasury minute in the United Kingdom is an official memorandum authorizing certain procedure.
Bismarck was away at Varzin, but on his instructions the Prussian foreign office in answer to inquiries denied all knowledge or responsibility.
Gordon had an interesting interview with the king, but was not able to do much, as the king wanted great concessions from Egypt, and the khedive's instructions were that nothing material was to be conceded.
At Cairo he received further instructions from Sir Evelyn Baring, and was appointed by the khedive as governor-general, with executive powers.
The secret instructions which he drew up for Gardane, and signed on the 30th of May, are of interest as showing the strong oriental trend of the emperor's policy.
The internal decorations, especially the enormous quantity of wall ornaments, consisting chiefly of scrolls and bas-reliefs, were executed by different sculptors under the personal direction of Malatesta, who, even when engaged in war, sent continual instructions about their work.
Before she folded the letter, Lisa described the incident with Allen, asking Connie if she had given him the instructions to the Giddon house.
Of course, Howard had talked to Len – even given him instructions to the Giddon house.
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The sliding doors are supplied with reveal flashings, panel fixings and installation instructions.
Peterson has translated Latin terms and added copious footnotes, putting the instructions and references into context for the modern reader.
Despite her clear instructions, the driver tried to overtake in heavy rain, lost control and skidded into a steel gatepost.
For the slightly hesitant we have a recipe leaflet with very easy to follow instructions for cooking trout.
Turning expert Richard Raffan's easy-to-follow instructions and step-by-step illustrations make this accessible to any level of woodturner.
Hearing problems such as deafness or glue ear can make it hard for a child to follow instructions and make them appear inattentive.
The instructions on the cassette insert are not entirely clear but by playing with the computer for a few throws the process becomes simple.
Any death is deeply regrettable... as I understand the situation, the man was challenged and refused to obey police instructions.
The program executes instructions until a trap, exception, or any breakpoint is reached.
Please adhere to all posted signs or verbal instructions at these locations to avoid being detained or causing unwarranted trouble to the sites involved.
We included fabric with sequins glued down, color charts and detailed written instructions.
Jack wants to see Honey, but she's left strict instructions not to let him anywhere near her.
Follow the manufacturer's instructions to make sure you use enough, for long enough.
Just follow the step-by-step instructions, which will guide you through the questionnaire.
Then you can follow the on-screen instructions to join the group.
These are all covered in the installation instructions for the PC or Macintosh.
To set up your account now, click on the " Register now " button on the right and follow the onscreen instructions.
Its 3D mapping and clear voice guided turn by turn instructions make the iCN510 a must have, complementing the interior of any car.
I am trying to find the tell all instructions for recompiling a new kernel for RH5.2 (Mandrake 5.3 ).
See our lining a chimney page for detailed instructions on how install flexible chimney liner.
Includes four disposable masks (OK to wear until soiled or damaged) and important fitting instructions.
The brigade materiel manager contacts the materiel manager of allied nations for disposition instructions.
Measuring Instructions For an accurate measurement please use a metal tape measure and take measurements in centimeters to the nearest 0.1cm.
Anyhow, we'll leave instructions to ship the whole menagerie to France.
These instructions explain how to use Adobe Audition to prepare a sound to calculate the sound quality metrics using the MATLAB codes provided.
Instructions for former Finnish nationals and their decendants The new Act enables former Finnish nationals to resume Finnish nationality upon notification.
Fresh soba noodles should be eaten within three days; alternatively, follow the manufacturer's instructions.
Fresh udon noodles should be consumed with three days of purchase; alternatively, follow the manufacturer's instructions.
They should then move up toward the start only under Marshals ' instructions, which must be strictly obeyed.
If you are unable to view the images, please follow the instructions on-screen.
The first byte of all instructions is the operation code, or ' op code ' .
TalkTalk broadband packages come with a free modem and easy-to-follow installation instructions.
Active cradle / holder for amplifying sat nav instructions, the mounts will also charge the PDA and gps receiver.
Cook 50g pasta according to packet instructions, drain well and stir in roasted vegetables and 1 tbsp of fresh pesto.
Enter your 4-digit pin, select the ' PIN Services ' option and follow the on-screen instructions.
When using graduated pipettes the pipette should always be filled and allowed to drain in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
We provide the cards with tamper proof laminated plastic pouches, together with simple, easy to follow instructions.
Always follow the cooking instructions on ready stuffed fresh and frozen poultry.
Easy-to-follow instructions for making effective magic props from everyday things.
Click here for easy to follow instructions on growing rhubarb.
Make your own Celtic roundhouse with our easy to follow instructions.
I connected the router to the network according to the instructions.
Its use of the BASIC language with inbuilt control instructions can dramatically shorten industrial development time.
Dektite retrofit roof flashing fitting instructions Trim the cone of the Dektite flashing to suit the flue pipe using sharp tin snips.
In this setting, the dosage instructions for that particular statin should be consulted.
Step by step by step instructions about how to deposit a digital resource with the AHDS.
Either we've all been incredibly stubborn and ignored the instructions or it just isn't going to work in a pastoral situation.
Setting up Detailed instructions are provided for brass and stainless steel sundials, advanced set up for super accuracy, indoor set up.
Easy to follow instructions for building a powerful 24,000 rpm electric supercharger.
Perform the ' Disable vertical sync ' instructions mentioned in the ' How can I speed up Unreal Tournament on my GeForce?
Intended for amateur radio operators, the book also gives instructions for smaller projects such as simple frequency synthesizer and spectrum analyzer.
The kit also includes Glauber's salts, 4 x 10ml syringes, a 100ml beaker, a stirrer and full instructions.
The Angel gave instructions for a magical talisman with which they could contact the spirit world more easily.
To obtain a contents list, dial 301-402-5874 or 1-800-624-2511 from a touch-tone telephone or fax machine hand set and follow the recorded instructions.
Detailed fitting instructions are included as are wire connecting terminals and plumbing fittings.
Two sections show how to attached thermocouples with a full written instructions.
An Instructions leaflet contains a treatise on how to give readings.
There is already enough such information displayed in the polling station, or included in the instructions sent to postal voters.
The pack includes a personalized voucher, launch site details, flight information and joining instructions.
Before using ISI cream whippers or gas charges you must first read the manufacturers instructions.
The number is illustrated with fine wood engravings, and instructions are given for working borders, baskets, bags, girdles, etc.
Very easy to follow instructions made my frozen yogurt in about 12 mins.
He prepared instructions to be handed by constituencies to their members upon election, in which exclusion, disbanding, the limitation of the prerogative in proroguing and dissolving parliament, and security against popery and arbitrary power were insisted on.
On the 17th of October 1593 a convention of delegates was held at Edinburgh at which a committee was appointed to follow the king and lay before him in a personal interview certain instructions relating to the punishment of the rebellious Popish earls and the safety of the church.
On the 23rd of January 1825, a national constitution for the federal states, which formed the Argentine Republic, was decreed; and on the 2nd of February of the same year Sir Woodbine Parish, acting under the instructions of George Canning, signed a commercial treaty in Buenos Aires, by which the British government acknowledged the independence of the country.
The pope, unable to resist the popular demand for war, allowed his army to depart (March 23) under the command of General Durando, with instructions to act in concert with Charles Albert, and he corresponded with the grand-duke of Tuscany and the king of Naples with a view to a military alliance.
The first act of the new cabinet was to confirm instructions given by its predecessor to General Baldissera (who had succeeded General Baratieri on the 2nd of March) to treat for peace with Menelek if he thought desirable.
After Caesar's death, Mark Antony, for a large monetary consideration, publicly announced that, in accordance with instructions left by Caesar, DeIotarus was to resume possession of all the territory of which he had been deprived.
For Greece and Rome, where the instructions as to ritual were not embodied in the elaborate codes handed down in Hinduism or Judaism, our material is far less complete.
Useful instructions have been furnished by Carl Barus (Terrestrial Magnetism, 1897, 2, II) for the preparation of magnets calculated to withstand the effects of time, percussion and ordinary temperature variations.
The pope's attempt to unite the grandi having failed, he summoned Charles of Valois to come to his assistance, promising him the imperial crown; in 1301 Charles entered Italy, and was created by the pope paciaro or peacemaker of Tuscany, with instructions to crush the Bianchi and the popolo and exalt the Neri.
These instructions were communicated to the French, though not to the allies, Louis putting Dunkirk as security into possession of England, and the shameful spectacle was witnessed of the desertion by the English troops of their allies almost on the battlefield.
When the formal negotiations began Franklin held closely to the instructions of Congress to its commissioners, that they should maintain confidential relations with the French ministers and that they were " to undertake nothing in the negotiations for peace or truce without their knowledge and concurrence," and were ultimately to be governed by " their advice and opinion."
The true lilies are so numerous and varied that no general cultural instructions will be alike suitable to all.
Again, Aristotle's early rhetorical instructions and perhaps writings, as well as his opinion that a collection of proverbs is not worth while, must have been known outside Aristotle's rhetorical school to the orator Cephisodorus, pupil of Isocrates and master of Demosthenes, for him to be able to write in his Replies to Aristotle (E) Ta?s irpos 'Apio-ToM?nv avTCypacais) an admired defence of Isocrates (Dionys.
Without consulting his ordinary advisers, his majesty ordered the minister of the interior to send a circular to the provincial governors of European Russia, containing a copy of the instructions forwarded to the governor-general of Lithuania, praising the supposed generous,.
She despatched to France a special envoy, the bishop of Dumblane, with instructions setting forth at length the unparalleled and hitherto ill-requited services and merits of Bothwell, and the necessity of compliance at once with his passion and with the unanimous counsel of the nation - a people who would endure the rule of no foreign consort, and whom none of their own countrymen were so competent to control, alike by wisdom and by valour, as the incomparable subject of her choice.
Before entering on this, however, he wisely took the preliminary step of settling the more important of the legal questions as to which the older jurists had been divided in opinion, and which had therefore remained sources of difficulty, a difficulty aggra 1 See, for an account of the instructions given to the commission, the constitution Haec quae, prefixed to the revised Codex in the Corpus juris civilis.
He tried by every means to develop and encourage commerce; he had the land accurately measured for the purpose of rightly adjusting taxation; he gave the strictest instructions to prevent extortion on the part of the taxgatherers, and in many other respects displayed an enlightened and equitable policy.
On the evening of the 18th all the officers whom he thought he could trust received secret instructions to assemble in the great square facing the arsenal on the following morning.
He also provides for the subsistence of seamen who are shipwrecked, discharged, or left behind, even if their service was with foreign merchants; they are generally sent home in the first British ship that happens to be in want of a complement, and the expenses thus incurred form a charge on the parliamentary fund for the relief of distressed seamen, the consul receiving a See also instructions to consuls prepared by the Board of Trade and approved by the secretary of state for foreign affairs.
In obedience to his instructions he left Corpus Christi on the 12th of March 1846, fortified Point Isabel as a base of supplies, and took up his position on the disputed river, opposite the Mexican town of Matamoras.
Yet the fact remains that when Canning came into office in September 1822, he found the instructions to be given to the representative of the British government at the congress of Verona already drawn up by his predecessor, who had meant to attend the congress himself (see Londonderry, Robert Stewart, 2nd Marquess Of).
Everyone again looked toward the door, which creaked as the second princess went in with the drink she had prepared according to Lorrain's instructions.
The beauty went to the aunt, but Anna Pavlovna detained Pierre, looking as if she had to give some final necessary instructions.
Pierre took off his coat, waistcoat, and left boot according to the Rhetor's instructions.
Mind you gallop off to Korchevo without delay and carry out instructions!
The prince had a list of things to be bought in Smolensk and, walking up and down the room past Alpatych who stood by the door, he gave his instructions.
The same evening that the prince gave his instructions to Alpatych, Dessalles, having asked to see Princess Mary, told her that, as the prince was not very well and was taking no steps to secure his safety, though from Prince Andrew's letter it was evident that to remain at Bald Hills might be dangerous, he respectfully advised her to send a letter by Alpatych to the Provincial Governor at Smolensk, asking him to let her know the state of affairs and the extent of the danger to which Bald Hills was exposed.
Dessalles wrote this letter to the Governor for Princess Mary, she signed it, and it was given to Alpatych with instructions to hand it to the Governor and to come back as quickly as possible if there was danger.
Before he had had time to finish giving these instructions, a chief of staff followed by a suite galloped up to him.
He gave me his word he would not retreat, but suddenly sent instructions that he was retiring that night.
But while himself remaining, he gave instructions for the departure of the princess and Dessalles with the little prince to Bogucharovo and thence to Moscow.
The old count, suddenly setting to work, kept passing from the yard to the house and back again, shouting confused instructions to the hurrying people, and flurrying them still more.
Your excellency, the Director of the Registrar's Department has sent for instructions...
Toward nine o'clock in the morning, when the troops were already moving through Moscow, nobody came to the count any more for instructions.
They were both pale, and the superintendent of police, after reporting that he had executed the instructions he had received, informed the count that an immense crowd had collected in the courtyard and wished to see him.
The Empress Elisabeth, however, when asked what instructions she would be pleased to give--with her characteristic Russian patriotism had replied that she could give no directions about state institutions for that was the affair of the sovereign, but as far as she personally was concerned she would be the last to quit Petersburg.
On reaching Moscow after her meeting with Rostov, Princess Mary had found her nephew there with his tutor, and a letter from Prince Andrew giving her instructions how to get to her Aunt Malvintseva at Voronezh.
So fresh instructions were sent for the solution of difficulties that might be encountered, as well as fresh people who were to watch Kutuzov's actions and report upon them.
Ermolov wished to act on his own judgment, but Dokhturov insisted that he must have Kutuzov's instructions.
Toward midnight Bolkhovitinov, having received the dispatch and verbal instructions, galloped off to the General Staff accompanied by a Cossack with spare horses.
Bolkhovitinov told him everything and was then silent, awaiting instructions.
He gave me no instructions.
Before they had ridden to the outskirts of the forest Petya had considered he must carry out his instructions strictly and return at once.
In such cases clear instructions will be given in the rubric at the head of the examination paper.
All UK, EU or International students can apply for Scholarships administered by the University - please follow the instructions for the different awards.
Go to Subscribe and then follow the onscreen instructions, or see How to subscribe for further information.
On the completion of their contract my father received instructions to sell by public auction the whole of their plant.
Click here for easy to follow instructions on sowing radishes.
Step by step instructions about how to deposit a digital resource with the AHDS.
Each wok comes with cooking instructions and some favorite stir-fry recipes.
Choose a carton with a resealable lid and store in the fridge according to the manufacturer 's instructions.
Either we 've all been incredibly stubborn and ignored the instructions or it just is n't going to work in a pastoral situation.
Any questions or subsequent permission requests must be submitted pursuant to the instructions on How to Request Permission.
Simply click the subscribe button and follow the instructions.
See the next subsection All Modems for further instructions on quick installation.
They send you a free swab kit and instructions and I'll send you more details.
The kit also includes Glauber 's salts, 4 x 10ml syringes, a 100ml beaker, a stirrer and full instructions.
In the instructions there is mention to a self adhesive tee marker this is not present with the game.
Follow any freezing or thawing instructions on the label.
At the event itself, it transpired that the people issuing the instructions had never even met them.
See the archive extraction page for instructions on unpacking the archive.
No more waiting around for a support desk to process your instructions.
Conservatory Guide Full instructions on how to make a wheelbarrow planter for your garden.
Part 1 As babies still do n't come with instructions parents naturally have zillions of questions born out of curiousity or concern.
Tom's teacher asked him to redo the assignment because he didn't follow the instructions.
Derek was struggling to assemble the desk, so he deeply regretted throwing away the instructions.
I wasn't sure what to do as the instructions for our final assignment were not made explicit.
Babies don't come with instructions which makes it quite difficult when you are concerned about your newborn baby's health.
Finally, pay attention to the manufacturer's instructions on taking care of your bra.
Your baby won't come with instructions, although you'll receive lots of advice.
There should be simple instructions on the screen however.
Detailed instructions regarding pressure points are included.
Special Instructions-Be sure you include any special instructions that you'd like the company to address as well.
Click on these detailed instructions and create a wonderful centerpiece that will look and taste great at any baby shower.
For instructions on how to make this baby shower centerpiece, click here.
You can find a variety of patterns and useful tips and instructions at the following sites.
It's actually a forum with boards, such as "Diaper Sewing Tutorials", which includes step-by-step instructions on sewing diapers and pictures as well.
For more detailed instructions on how to create a hair bows for baby girls, click here.
Clarity of written instructions regarding the seat's proper use.
Take the Baby Toys toy away from your child immediately and follow the manufacturer's instructions.
If you plan on doing this, include a self-addressed, stamped envelope in each invitation with instructions for returning the written memory by a particular date.
You can add a little extra fun to your next baby shower when you use our diaper cake instructions to create a useful present or a stylish centerpiece.
These instructions are for a three or four-layer diaper cake, but you can easily modify them to make a smaller version.
While you can use these diaper cake instructions to make your own unique design, you can get inspiration from looking at other examples of this gift.
For more detailed instructions on creating a baby sock corsage, check out the article entitled Novelty Baby Shower Corsage.
Check the washing instructions on the cover.
Here are some websites with examples of diaper cake patterns with detailed instructions.
It also has instructions for a square diaper cake with diagrams.
The first thing to do in the event of a severe rash is take the baby to the doctor who will likely prescribe an antibiotic cream and provide care instructions.
In addition to the basic diapering instructions, pay attention to the following tips for diapering boys and girls.
If you're not sure whether your crib will convert, check the instructions or packaging materials.
For complete instructions and pictures on how to convert a regular bra into a nursing bra, visit Mamas Worldwide.
In addition, the site also has built-in instructions which will keep toddlers from becoming frustrated.
When you buy a new crib, the manufacturer should include instructions to follow for putting it together.
Crib instructions read like a manual, and some may be easier to follow than others.
You may have printed instructions or in some cases, the directions can be found at the manufacturer's website.
For example, Babee Tenda cribs have online instructions on the company website for assembly that are easy to follow, while Graco has links available to print assembly instructions, depending on the model of crib that you choose.
For safety purposes, you may want to keep a copy of the instructions for reference in the future, in case you need to disassemble the crib and later put it back together.
You should find the contact information for the crib manufacturer with the instructions, and most companies will send you the parts you need to complete the assembly.
Most instructions also have pictures that demonstrate how crib parts fit together.
Follow the manufacturer's instructions to apply these specific models for your crib.
You can also find some safety information available with the assembly instructions that come with your crib.
If you are buying a used crib, check to ensure that assembly instructions are available so that you can assemble it correctly.
Make sure your new microwave oven comes with instructions that detail all of the capabilities of this powerful appliance.
Obtain installation instructions for your LCD TV before you attempt to mount it to the ceiling or the walls.
Instructions should come with the unit, but if they do not, find instructions that take you through the process step by step.
Do follow the manufacturer's instructions diligently on care and washing of your socks.
A good way to start is to buy a book of patterns or designs complete with instructions and pictures.
A good instructional book should ideally have step-by-step instructions, a number of photographs showing various stages of the production and images of the final completed item.
Browse their Web sites for clear step-by-step instructions and to see which provider is easier to use.
You must follow the wash and care instructions from the manufacturer carefully, especially for expensive skirts made from silks and other natural fibers.
If possible, read the instructions before you buy.
Bulbs should be planted about six inches deep (but smaller varieties don't have to be planted as deep, so check the package for instructions).
Public campgrounds are often listed on the Internet, with descriptions of available campgrounds, rental instructions. and toll-free numbers for making reservations and asking questions.
Usually, each site posts easy to follow instructions to guide you as you browse for available apartments.
After you've purchased a car seat, thoroughly read the instructions for putting the seat together and installing it.
It is very important to install the base according to the manufacturer's instructions to ensure the safety of your child.
Be sure to check the care instructions on the label on the tablecloth before deciding on how to clean it.
Navigation systems typically offer both text and audio instructions and these can be available in a choice of languages.
This set of two decks comes complete with instructions for several solitaire games.
Mothers made them for their children so frequently that in 1920, Nelson Knitting Mills actually began including the instructions for making sock monkeys with their product.
You can still find those instructions with Rockford Red Heel socks today despite the sale of the company to Fox River Mills.
Generally, the socks will come with instructions for making the sock monkey, but if you want to learn how to make a sock elephant or other toys, the book may be worth ordering to you.
Kitplanes provide you the materials and instructions to build your own aircraft.
Be sure to read the care and use instructions carefully to get the longest life out of your muffin pan.
Follow the instructions provided with your card to activate the card.
Your broker will provide you with instructions on how to do this, as the rules and regulations vary by broker.
If you need to return it, you will need to follow the stores instructions.
The instructions for this method are located at Cats of Australia.
Click the link and scroll down the page to view the instructions.
The condo comes in a box, but is easy to assemble with the enclosed instructions.
These may have plans and instructions for building your own cat tree.
Besides magazines, there are books that are sure to have instructions for creating various cat furniture.
Feline Furniture gives free instructions for building a cat tree with four perches.
There are many sites that have instructions detailing how to build a cat tree.
Although the instructions might look confusing, they will make sense as you go along.
Always follow the instructions of your vet implicitly.
Just read the instructions carefully because the additive doesn't work with some types of litter.
If you are using an ear cleaner, fill the canal as per the cleaner's instructions.
The card comes with instructions on how to use it, and once the minutes on the card have been used, the card expires.
Cardholders are also not liable for purchases made by unauthorized people as long as the cardholder follows the instructions of the issuer when reporting the theft.
If you are able to accrue enough points to use your rebate, be sure to follow GM's on-site instructions regarding the importance of negotiating the car purchase price before redeeming the rebate.
Once you have decided how you want to redeem your reward points, a quick log-in process will direct you the easy-to-follow redemption instructions.
Detailed instructions on how to perform any of these tasks are available online.
This group also provides resources for people who have fallen prey to this crime by providing step by step instructions to help victims get justice.
Once the lawyer is selected, he or she should give step-by-step instructions on how to file for divorce.
While completing a divorce without the help of a lawyer can be complicated, it can be accomplished by visiting the state or county courthouse where the couple resides and obtaining instructions on how to file for divorce.
Contact the Legal Aid Office in your area to see whether they can provide you with forms and instructions for completing the necessary paperwork.
This document will be sent to the client in about one week, along with instructions for filing them with the Court.
The attorney can and does offer legal advice, but he or she takes instructions from the client.
By following the instructions provided, you save yourself time and the frustration of getting stuck trying to fill out the forms on your own.
The most important aspect remains paying careful attention to the instructions a mediator provides and filling out the forms and documentation with precision and attention to detail.
Site visitors can also find detailed instructions for filling out most of the documents available here.
Visit for complete instructions on sewing your own replacement sofa cushions.
Whether you're interested in a trestle table, a gate leg table, or a classic farm table, you can find detailed instructions to help you create one, and many of them are even free of charge.
Prepare your sewing machine carefully according to the manufacturer's instructions and test your thread setup on a starter scrap before you begin working with the pattern pieces.
If a shower doesn't last long enough to really clean everything out of the air and off your cushions, give them a light scrubbing with a mild soap and water, or follow the manufacturer's instructions for periodic cleaning.
The Internet is full of designs for small woodworking projects, and finding the right set of instructions can make building a picnic table a fun experience.
This design from Wayne of the Woods is a great choice because of its simple step-by-step instructions.
The instructions are full of helpful photos and useful tips.
Users report that the instructions are easy to follow.
The plan is free and has excellent instructions.
The detailed instructions and helpful diagrams make this a good choice for a beginning woodworker.
The instructions also include some good tips about the best kind of lumber to use for kids' furniture.
Read the instructions for all power equipment carefully, and wear appropriate eye protection and a face mask.
Although you can probably build a rudimentary bookshelf without plans, investing in some professional instructions will work to your advantage.
Additional instructions or comments from woodworkers who have made a particular project are invaluable too, as are pictures.
There are typically instructions for using all of the solvents and tools in your project as well as directions for creating the shelves themselves.
Pay particular attention to curing times, temperature requirements, safety instructions and measurements.
There are many resources that provide excellent instructions for learning how to build furniture from logs.
Build Your Own Log Furniture by Dan Swesey and Les Smith includes instructions for ten log projects and includes more than 200 illustrations and pictures.
The Log Furniture Directory provides free plans and instructions for log furniture including a log and slab china cabinet, tables and picture frames.
There are also many books available at libraries and bookstores that include plans and instructions for building log furniture.
B & H Cedar Log Homes provides free online instructions and plans for a gorgeous log bed including the frame, headboard and footboard.
Extreme How-To explains the basics of making log furniture and gives detailed instructions on building a small log bench.
Mother Earth News provides instructions for making a beautiful willow bed.
You'll also find plans and instructions for a rugged bench.
Their websites also include useful information and instructions, how-to guides and instructional videos on many types of outdoor furniture repairs.
Many companies that sell replacement parts for outside furniture provide detailed instructions including illustrations and diagrams, easy to understand how-to guides or instructional videos.
There's a good chance these sites will have the pieces you're looking for, and some even include instructions on how to do the repairs yourself.
The building plans for the multipurpose unit, designed for a young child aged six to ten, includes plans and instructions for the bed and ladder, desk, cupboard and bookcase.
Handyman Wire provides free plans for a bunk bed with instructions for converting it to a loft bed.
Having the chair assembly instructions is always helpful.
If you don't have them, you might be able to find the instructions for your office chair online.
In addition to the plans, the website provides a detailed list of materials needed and step-by-step building instructions.
In addition to selling a wide range of platform beds, Best Platform Beds also provides free plans and assembly instructions for customers that want to build their own platform bed.
The plans and assembly instructions were originally published in Lifestyle Solutions.
Instructables provides instructions for building a very inexpensive simple slat platform bed.
Though the plans for computer desk may look intimidating, the instructions are rather simple.
With basic building skills, the proper tools and the right instructions to build a bed platform, you can build a bed that is low cost, attractive and will last a long time.
The following are very simple and basic instructions for building a bed platform.
There are many websites that provide a full materials list and detailed plans and instructions for building a bed platform.
My Family Loves It provides step-by-step free instructions for building a king size platform bed.
Along with the instructions are many pictures showing the progression of the bed as it is being built, making it easier to follow the instructions.
In most cases, following instructions to build a bed platform is simple and even a newcomer to do-it-yourself projects will find that they can make a bed that is sturdy, functional and pleasing to the eye.
The chair you are going to build will be shaped very similar to an ottoman, so consider this when you read the instructions.
A good kit will contain a complete set of instructions on how to install a rain barrel to the downspout of your rooftop rain gutter.
In addition to being handy with this kind of saws, you need to be able to take measurements, use tools such as pliers and wrenches and most importantly, follow instructions.
If you can read and understand written instructions, you shouldn't have any trouble installing a rain barrel system.
Shop around for a good deal on the materials you need and be certain that you are comfortable with the installation instructions before getting started.
Use these chemicals in line with the manufacturer's instructions and never use these chemicals if rain is forecast.
Kits contain all the pieces required to install a solar system along with detailed instructions.
Increasing numbers of people are searching for instructions to build a windmill to make their home more eco-friendly and ease the financial strain caused by skyrocketing power bills.
Detailed, systematic instructions are available online for building windmills.
Before starting on a project using compost bin plans, it is important to completely read the plans and instructions through and make sure that you are comfortable with the process.
Most bins have instructions printed as to what can be dropped off and how.
To make, simply follow the instructions in the section above, depending on whether you're using fresh herbs or dried.
If you're intimidated, even after reading instructions on how to enjoy the fruit, you can purchase pomegranate juice.
If you do not take alcohol, look for alcohol-free remedies or instructions to make your own flower essences.
Below are listed a few, along with instructions for use.
If you seek herbs to induce labor, make sure you do your research, visit an herbalist, and pay attention to your delivery team instructions.
To improve your cardiovascular system's health, follow the instructions your doctor has provided to you.
By following the simple instructions contained in this article, you can begin to reap the amazing health benefits of this undervalued herb.
Always check package instructions and never exceed the recommended dose.
All luxury bedding has detailed content labels and after care instructions.
It is best to use a gentle washing powder, and be sure to consult the manufacturer's after care instructions to ensure that the bedding continues to look good for years to come.
Martha is a terrific resource to get wreath ideas, with step by step instructions on how to make them.
Lowe's offers easy-to-follow instructions for creating your own accent lamp.
Hang the paper according to package instructions.
Complete instructions on how to achieve this fun look are included.
For exact gap size follow the manufacturer's instructions.
The project has a skill level rating of easy and the Michaels website provides a free pattern download, list of materials and step by step instructions.
It does other companies one better and gives installation instructions for every item.
Although they will not refund shipping unless they mistake, they do make shipping back to the company easy with a return label and instructions enclosed in every shipment.
Follow the instructions on the label of your paint/stain/adhesive for correct drying times.
Always check instructions of particular brands before starting.
Follow the painting instructions as outlined above.
Many decals can also be removed and reused so it's easy to move them if you're not happy with the original placement (but check the manufacturer's instructions first to make sure they can be reused).
Follow the instructions enclosed in your mural kit for proper wall preparation.
Contact paper is easy to work with and will last as long as you need it to, provided that you prepare surfaces correctly and apply the paper according to the instructions.
Mounting hardware and installation instructions are included with each rod.
Printable instructions for assembly and installation are available on The RTA Cabinet Store website, which can help you determine if this is the kind of project you could take on yourself.
Check the manufacturer’s instructions for using the braces; different manufacturers have different bracing systems.
Again, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for making adjustments to your chandelier.
Follow all instructions carefully to avoid irritating or damaging your mouth.
Follow all post-procedural instructions as directed by the technician.
Many women think they know how to apply makeup properly, however, with access to instructions from professionals, the introduction set can be a big eye-opener.
Soft sided train cases made from micro fiber or cotton fabric can usually be washed following the manufacturers' instructions.
Choosing your costume is only half the battle; now it's time to tackle your face with some helpful Halloween makeup instructions.
Most of the products were sold as complete kits with makeup, makeup brushes and instructions in the box.
To stay as true to a black cat as possible, consider using a dark grey paint for the remainder of the instructions.
Avoid making embarrassing beauty mistakes by getting professional wedding makeup instructions before the big day.
Wedding makeup instructions for eyes should play up eyes without making them look overly made.
Practice wedding makeup instructions before the event to know which looks are right for the bride.
The eye makeup was simple to apply with printed instructions on the back of the compact and printed powder.
The bottom of the case is in silver and on the back are some instructions.
Be sure to follow your provider's after care instructions to prevent infection.
The brushes are each handcrafted and created to work with the makeup application tips and instructions that McEvoy gives to clients in her studio and during her workshops.
If you're selected, you will receive a sample of a new product with instructions on how frequently to use it, then you fill out a survey after the trial period is over.
After the survey, look to the individual site for any instructions for claiming your payment.
To create your own private league, simply visit the NBA League Manager and follow the simple instructions.
All of the games have a link to click with instructions on how to play.
First, visit Naruto Arena and read the instructions, especially if you have never played a Naruto game before.