Instinctively Sentence Examples
His grip tightened instinctively around her.
She dropped instinctively to the ground.
I started up and instinctively stretched out my hands.
She instinctively pushed it away.
His shoulders hunched instinctively as he felt the eyes of the guards atop the walls on him.
Taran knew instinctively what could cause such a reaction from Sirian, and it involved the foolish woman.
The first raindrop slammed into the window so hard that she instinctively recoiled.
Another deafening clap of thunder brought her hands instinctively to her ears.
Instinctively, she made the bed, as she did every morning for her cousins.
They might instinctively feel her terrified regard.
AdvertisementCautiously, she crept up to the door and peered around it, jerking her head back instinctively when she spotted Yancey unlocking a door to an inner office.
She felt a drop of warmth and instinctively licked it.
Instinctively she reached over to wake Alex.
She instinctively assessed him for weaknesses the way she did everyone.
Carmen caught her breath, instinctively searching the sea of faces.
AdvertisementHis warm breath on her neck made her shiver, and she instinctively tilted her head.
We are most interested when science reports what those men already know practically or instinctively, for that alone is a true humanity, or account of human experience.
Early in the morning, while all things are crisp with frost, men come with fishing-reels and slender lunch, and let down their fine lines through the snowy field to take pickerel and perch; wild men, who instinctively follow other fashions and trust other authorities than their townsmen, and by their goings and comings stitch towns together in parts where else they would be ripped.
Katie instinctively believed her and twisted, staring with Toby at the man in black who watched them drive away.
Brady's attention instinctively shifted to their surroundings as he sought threats among the quiet surroundings of the secured compound.
AdvertisementCats are instinctively afraid of starvation.
Overwhelmed, she instinctively tilted her head in submission, exposing her neck to him.
Even if this is your first pregnancy, your body is instinctively equipped for childbirth.
Cancers do the same exact thing as they respond instinctively to the situations around them.
Jean ended up in a catatonic state, having instinctively linked with the young girl.
AdvertisementShe instinctively liked Darcie.
Instinctively, she flattened her palm against his chest once more to feel his heartbeat.
Her eyes went to the sky instinctively.
His tongue flickered out to her neck, and she instinctively tilted her head, knowing what he wanted.
Itching instinctively leads most people to scratch the affected area.
Also known as natural childbirth, practitioners believe that a woman's body instinctively knows how to have a baby.
Babies and toddlers have no real fear of the water, and while they're obviously too young to learn proper swimming strokes, they will instinctively close their mouths and make motions to propel themselves through the water.
Whether it's a quick run around the block or an energetic game of tennis, these two instinctively know how to relate to one another!
She knows instinctively what you need and what she should say or do to encourage and nurture you.
Women searching for that perfect partner need look no further than the sign in which their Mars falls since this will specifically tell them the kind of partner that will instinctively make them feel loved.
Most human beings are born knowing instinctively how to recognize their five senses of smell, touch, taste, sight and hearing; perhaps as babies or small children, they also instinctively tap into their sixth sense.
These creatures are also synonymous with nature's beauty.A butterfly is a creature of change, one that moves beyond its struggle as a lowly caterpillar by instinctively shielding itself from the rest of the world.
Your goal is to create such a positive impression that the consumer instinctively thinks of you when making his next purchase.
While some mothers instinctively realize that their daughters may feel shy about expressing the need or desire for a bra, not all girls have a mom to look up to.
Patti Boyd said about the song, "he's such an incredible musician that he's able to put his emotions into music in such a way that the audience can feel it instinctively."
Of course, interpretation is a matter of intuition and skill; oddly, Lyra has an affinity to the artifact and seems to know how to operate it instinctively.
They instinctively dislike Klingons, a handy trait when trying to ID Klingons in your midst, and are death to grain.
They parted instinctively, and she tasted him.
Instinctively, she reached out to feel his warm skin and trace the ridges of his abdomen.
Dean instinctively sniffed the air for the smell of cordite but his nostrils picked up only the scent of alcohol.
He wrapped one arm around her instinctively.
It was daylight here, and he instinctively assessed it was still Sunday on this side of the world.
The peacemaker of the brothers, Andre instinctively used his gift of mind control to counter the tempers of his fiery brothers.
He instinctively ducked his head but the two were paying no heed to a passing biker as they sped south.
She needed sleep and real food. Her hand went instinctively to her stomach, and she couldn't help wondering if the food and water cubes were good for the baby.
Instinctively, he reached for his power, only to find it bound by the magic of the underworld. He was as helpless as a stupid human.
She instinctively reached for the necklace no longer around her neck.
Instinctively, he touched his cheek to her temple before he realized what he did.
He snatched it from her, instinctively replacing it around his neck.
Accustomed to the teens' all but shredding their clothes, she instinctively reached for the stain to feel if it was wet.
The work cell rang, and she picked it up, answering instinctively.
She instinctively retreated, but he took her arm to stop her and tilted her chin.
Too nervous, Jessi instinctively knelt on the floor beside the overturned box and began collecting the small treasures.
He grunted, eyes on her cousin, but instinctively wrapped his arms around her.
Instinctively, he blocked another strike of lightening while absorbing a second.
She is a thorough woman, but with none of the pettinesses, subterfuges, and mental reservations of her sex; she loves wide vistas and boundless horizons and instinctively seeks them out; she is concerned for universal happiness and takes thought for the improvement of mankind - thelastinfirmity and most innocent mania of generous souls.
Such superb self-confidence can accomplish much, and it undoubtedly helped to form Fustel's talent and to give to his style that admirable concision which subjugates even when it fails to convince; but a student instinctively distrusts an historian who settles the most controverted problems with such impassioned assurance.
Mysticism instinctively recedes from formulas that have become stereotyped and mechanical.
The rebellious elements allied themselves instinctively with the Poles, who thus found the absorption of the greater part of the lands of the Order an easy task.
With respect to his attacks on the critical philosophy in the Metakritik (1799), it is easy to understand how his concrete mind, ever alive to the unity of things, instinctively rebelled against that analytic separation of the mental processes which Kant attempted.
Instinctively a portion of their line worked to the left to face this new menace, and the front thus became dangerously extended.
In London he was not less conspicuous as a temperance worker than he had been in Exeter, and the artisan classes instinctively recognized him as their friend.
He instinctively recognized not only the vital necessity of the maintenance of the union between the two states, but also the fact that the chief source of danger to the union lay Gas;m11 IV., g y in Lithuania, in those days a maelstrom of conflicting political currents.
But Goethe - more worldly wise than on former occasions - felt instinctively that the gay, social world in which Lili moved was not really congenial to him.
But he instinctively shrank from conflict; he lacked the resoluteness and the sterner sort of courage that grapples with a crisis.
They were instinctively aware that the effort was for liberty of action, thought and conscience in the future.
He perceived instinctively that a large number, even of those who took greedily the bribes of Walpole and the Peihams, took them, not because they loved money better than their country, but because they had no conception that their country had any need of them at all.
The Legitimists seemed impossible, and the people turned instinctively towards a Bonaparte.
Experience has also proved that, when alarmed, bees instinctively begin to fill their honey-sacs with food from the nearest store-cells as a safeguard against contingencies, and when so provided they are more amenable to interference.
Boots clicked in the hallway and she instinctively pulled the blanket around her torso modestly.
Instinctively, he looked around for the grey door leading to his underworld.
He instinctively wished to question the validity of the Exemplars and their power, yet felt so inadequate in his comprehension that he decided to trust Frederick implicitly, and prayed the vampire couple's sincerity was genuine.
When he cupped her breast in his hand outside her blouse, she stiffened instinctively.
Gaze riveted to the crimson drops, he instinctively opened his mouth for his incisors to have room to emerge.
Instinctively Cole applied just the right leverage to lift the ball over Carroll with enough curl to drift inside the top corner of the goal.
A brilliant melodist, colourist and miniaturist, Bizet instinctively composed with the dramatic concision of his heroes Beethoven, Mozart and Mendelssohn.
They took 20 minutes to even test Alexander, who saved instinctively from Kevin Kyle's close-range volley.
Hence the repetition of two articles exactly like each other, and, generally, the division of any space into equal parts are instinctively avoided, as nature avoids the production of any two plants, or even any two leaves of the same tree, which in all points shall be exactly alike.
Master of a form of language peculiarly sweet and euphonical, and possessed of a delicate ear which instinctively suggested the most musical arrangement possible, he gives his sentences, without art or effort, the most agreeable flow, is never abrupt, never too diffuse, much less prolix or wearisome, and being himself simple, fresh, naif (if we may use the word), honest and somewhat quaint, he delights us by combining with this melody of sound simple, clear and fresh thoughts, perspicuously expressed, often accompanied by happy turns of phrase, and always manifestly the spontaneous growth of his own fresh and unsophisticated mind.
As a nickname the term "agnostic" was soon misused to cover any and every variation of scepticism, and just as popular preachers confused it with atheism in their denunciations, so the callow freethinker - following Tennyson's path of "honest doubt" - classed himself with the agnostics, even while he combined an instinctively Christian theism with a facile rejection of the historical evidences for Christianity.
Anything different doesn't seem as human to us and we instinctively recoil from it.
The young writer, as Stevenson has said, instinctively tries to copy whatever seems most admirable, and he shifts his admiration with astonishing versatility.
I'll teach you to think! and lifting his stick he swung it and would have hit Alpatych, the overseer, had not the latter instinctively avoided the blow.
Tikhon, like all good valets, instinctively knew the direction of his master's thoughts.
He was instinctively and thoroughly convinced that it was impossible for him to live otherwise than as he did and that he had never in his life done anything base.
He felt instinctively that if the hussars struck at the French dragoons now, the latter could not withstand them, but if a charge was to be made it must be done now, at that very moment, or it would be too late.
Hardly had they reached the bottom of the hill before their pace instinctively changed to a gallop, which grew faster and faster as they drew nearer to our uhlans and the French dragoons who galloped after them.
Pierre felt particularly well disposed toward them all, but was now instinctively on his guard for fear of binding himself in any way.
The main lesson is an uncomfortable one for people of a liberal disposition who instinctively prefer to see offenders rehabilitated rather than incarcerated.
Moving instinctively away from the seamier part of the city, Blake headed toward the distant main streets in search of the Police Headquarters.
He laid the sleeping squirrel on the bench, listened, then instinctively stood up and walked to the thicket 's edge.
They took 20 minutes to even test Alexander, who saved instinctively from Kevin Kyle 's close-range volley.
Instinctively, cats simply feel safer in areas of high elevation.
Whereas humans get caught up in a frantic adrenal rush, cats instinctively adjust in the middle of their fall to reposition their legs.
Most cats do not need to be house-broken; they will instinctively go in the box if it is kept clean.
Kittens are easy to litter box train because they instinctively want to cover their waste.
He instinctively seems to know the color palette most people gravitate towards in the real world.
When two puppies are playing and one gets too rough, a yelp instinctively tells the aggressor that he is playing too rough and the pup will naturally back off or reduce the intensity of his playing.
Most young children are naturally more flexible than older children and adults and will instinctively perform movements that promote flexibility.
While infants instinctively hold their breath when immersed in water, pediatricians warn that they also swallow water, which can produce hazardous side effects.
Babies have a primitive crawling reflex at birth, which is instinctively activated when they are on their abdomens.
Every effort must be made to integrate the child with nystagmus into a normal school setting in order to prepare the child for adult life, even if cosmetic concerns may instinctively lead the parent to want to protect the child.
A child knows his mother and instinctively wants to be with her.
Babies instinctively reach out for the safety and security of the safe haven they have with their primary caregiver, while parents usually instinctively protect and nurture their children.
Instinctively her fingers affirmed her hair was in order for the mug shot.
He scared her, and she touched him instinctively, wanting his cool energy to help calm her emotions.
Gabriel whipped around at the voice, lowering the weapon that emerged instinctively at the sound of a stranger in his home.
Lana's hand went instinctively to the pocket with her micro before she dropped it.
She responded instinctively to the urgency in his voice.
He knew that love of novelty and contempt for the gouty old king and his greedy courtiers had brought about this bloodless triumph; and he felt instinctively that he had to deal with a new France, which would not tolerate despotism.
One arm tightened instinctively around her while he lifted the other to touch the soft skin of her neck.
He looked up instinctively, sensing something different about this thunder. It didn't sound like the rumbling thunder he'd heard in the mortal world. It sounded like an explosion in the sky. The jungle canopy blocked his view, so he leapt up to catch the branch of the nearest tree. He scaled the tree quickly, stopping only when he broke through the layers of leaves. More tiny explosions came, and he twisted to see what they were.
What is put before us, whether by the senses or by the statements of others, is instinctively accepted as a veracious report, till experience has proved the i P oss P P P bility of deception.
Their predominant and constant characteristic is a sober sagacity which instinctively judges aright and imperturbably realized its inspirations.
The only difference was that an authority at first instinctively assumed came to be consciously recognized and formally defined.
Unlike some of his predecessors, he had no grand, original schemes of his own to impose by force on unwilling subjects, and no pet crotchets to lead his judgment astray; and he instinctively looked with a suspicious, critical eye on the panaceas which more imaginative and less cautious people recommended.
Instinctively a humanist, he had little patience with the narrow curriculum of Harvard in his day and the rather pedantic spirit with which classical studies were there pursued.
Though she concealed from him her intention of keeping him under her wing, Petya guessed her designs, and instinctively fearing that he might give way to emotion when with her--might "become womanish" as he termed it to himself--he treated her coldly, avoided her, and during his stay in Moscow attached himself exclusively to Natasha for whom he had always had a particularly brotherly tenderness, almost lover-like.
There was an odour of print and leather in the room which told me that it was full of books, and I stretched out my hand instinctively to find them.
He thinks that there is a notion of understanding (Verstandesbegrif), under which every new experience is subsumed, but that it has been developed by former experience, instinctively, and by the development of the race, as part of the economy of thinking.