Inspiration Sentence Examples
It is the main inspiration of Japanese art, which, however, shows great originality in its treatment of borrowed themes.
Inspiration is everywhere so keep your eyes open.
It has been an inspiration to his countrymen ever since.
Dean could barely wait for Cynthia to finish her conversation before he tossed out his inspiration concerning the skeleton.
Some British artists derived inspiration for their work from non-European art.
Museums and art stores are also sources of pleasure and inspiration.
Leave a comment and share you personal design inspiration.
These restaurants draw inspiration from the world's finest cuisines and are among the finest dining venues in the country.
As a poet he had inspiration and genuine power.
There are a lot of design ideas available online for you to get inspiration from.
AdvertisementSo just where can you go to get a little inspiration?
For inspiration, channel your inner witch and create your own look!
Their hands were cleaner but their thoughts were more impious, for they pretended to divine inspiration.
Each is said by its devotees to have been given by inspiration.
By calling on film stars, music and literature for inspiration, there is always a special story on hand about how your cat got his unique name.
AdvertisementNow let's look for some naming inspiration.
Make the inspiration piece the focal point in the room and display it prominently.
Your eye should be able to move from fabrics and colors in the room back to the inspiration piece with ease.
If you're looking for inspiration for a cottage chic makeover in your home, pay a visit to Rachel Ashwell's Shabby Chic Couture.
Gustav Stickley introduced the Craftsman style in the early 1900s, taking his inspiration from many of the ideals of the English Arts & Crafts movement.
AdvertisementBefore starting any interior decorating project, search for inspiration.
Nature, fashion, product packages, travel magazines, artwork, pieces of china, and everything else that's around you can provide inspiration.
Throughout his life, and to the very end, "work" was his constant inspiration.
It is in the supreme head of the Church that the movement ought to have found its origin and inspiration.
In a flash of inspiration, we donned crampons.
AdvertisementIn this state of sensory deprivation the bard would seek inspiration.
In the course of your writing, did you turn to any other diarists for inspiration?
The inspiration for this monumental event was not a... how did the word dunce came about?
Need some bathroom decorating inspiration?
If you need a little inspiration to move you to adding color, depth, and texture to the rooms in your home, it is time to begin to look at examples of faux painting.
Inspiration for this type of décor comes from the art colonies of nineteenth century Europe where musicians, actors, artists, and writers converged into avant-garde communities.
For more mud room design inspiration, see Ideas for a Mud Room.
You can look through home décor magazines and browse websites for inspiration in choosing your kitchen paint colors.
Get ideas by looking at magazines and websites or draw your inspiration from nature or a particular fabric or painting.
Most people like to look at current trends for kitchen color ideas and inspiration.
You may also find inspiration and answers to the question how can I decorate my bedroom by looking at photos of bedroom designs.
If you're stuck and don't know which way to go with your redesign, visit a couple of fabric stores for color inspiration.
Take inspiration for the design itself from your home, its surroundings and your passions.
You may draw inspiration from your favorite movie and go with a specific theme, such as futuristic or sci-fi featuring modern furniture and finishes, or simply hang framed posters from your favorite films.
The key is to look at the magazines for inspiration and then incorporate the ideas in your own way.
While it tends to showcase homes at the more expensive end of the spectrum, it provides plenty of inspiration and advice to create the same looks in your own home.
The key is to look at these magazines for inspiration and then take the ideas and use them in your own way.
Select a brightly saturated color to paint it, taking inspiration from other colors in the room and using a contrasting shade to the wall behind it.
He relies on more than 20 years experience in the fashion and textile industry for inspiration.
If you have a set of patterned china in your closet, look to your plates for your table setting inspiration.
Whether you want daily inspiration or simply to broadcast a personal sentiment to all who enter, quote stickers for the wall can help you meet these goals.
Use them all over the house to add your personal inspiration to your personal space.
You can get ideas and inspiration for this by studying a variety of color palettes that were designed by professionals.
This inspiration led to the creation of coordinating colors between nails and lips, followed by a hugely successful advertising campaign.
If you need a little inspiration to get you started, check out these celebrities that embody the fresh skin look.
Nature and art are two good places to get inspiration for colors, shapes, and even masks.
When it comes to cat makeup, Halloween's got your inspiration!
Perhaps no film could be better inspiration for this spooky day than A Nightmare Before Christmas.
With a bit of inspiration, a few tools and a couple of cosmetic essentials, you can morph into a funky child by day, and a straight up drama queen by night!
Visit your favorite makeup counter or peruse the cosmetics aisle at your local drug store to discover more great ideas and find inspiration for your best look yet.
If you need some inspiration for a formal look that flatters your features, stop by any cosmetic counter or a makeup retailer such as Sephora or Ulta and visit with a cosmetic sales associate.
Costume shops are the best place to find inspiration when Halloween rolls around.
Of late, largely under the inspiration of Don Antonio Canovas, there has been a certain reaction in his favour.
Not only have antiquities been found in Crete that point to Egyptian inspiration, but quite recently Professor Petrie has found at Tel el-Amarna Mycenaean pottery.
This amounted to an attack on the verbal inspiration of Scripture.
In 1850 he became vice-principal and Hebrew lecturer at St David's College, Lampeter, where he introduced muchneeded educational and financial reforms. He was appointed select preacher of Cambridge University in 1854, and preached a sermon on inspiration, afterwards published in his Rational Godliness after the Mind of Christ and the Written Voices of the Church (London, 1855).
The Temple is a collection of religious poems connected by unity of sentiment and inspiration.
Under the inspiration of his friend Demetrius of Phalerum, the Athenian orator, statesman and philosopher, this Ptolemy laid the foundations of the great Alexandrian library and originated the keen search for all written works, which resulted in the formation of a collection such as the world has seldom seen.
They remained severely orthodox in the doctrines of the Fathers - the Trinity, the Incarnation, the plenary inspiration of the Bible - and they condemned those who rejected their teachings to a hell whose fires they were not tempted to extenuate.
Balak meets Balaam and they go together [and offer sacrifices]; Balaam, however, blesses Israel by divine inspiration; Balak remonstrates, but Balaam reminds him of his message and again blesses Israel.
The chief significance of the Balaam narratives for the history of the religion of Israel is the recognition by J and E of the genuine inspiration of a non-Hebrew prophet.
Thus mutual oversight and care are among the duties of the members of Christ's body; while their collective inspiration, enabling them to " try the gifts of godliness " of specially endowed fellow-members, is the divine warrant in election to church office.
At the age of ten he composed a tragedy under the inspiration of Caesarotti's translation of the Ossianic poems. On the marriage of his twin sister Rosina with a maternal cousin at Lyons he went to reside in that city, devoting himself during four years to the study of French literature.
In the years1880-1881Lord Selborne wrote to his son a series of letters on religious subjects, dealing in an elementary way with natural and revealed religion, the inspiration of the Bible and Biblical criticism.
Apostleship, prophecy and teaching were only functions, whose frequent or regular exercise by one or another, under the inspiration of the Spirit, led his brethern to call him an apostle, prophet or teacher.
In natural soothsaying this frenzy is the necessary physical accompaniment of an afflatus which, though it seems supernatural to a rude people, is really akin to poetic inspiration.
He was already blind and too feeble to walk, when Cineas, the minister of Pyrrhus, visited him, but so vigorously did he oppose every concession that all the eloquence of Cineas was in vain, and the Romans forgot past misfortunes in the inspiration of Claudius's.
Few men, indeed, have partaken as freely of the inspiration of genius as Julius Caesar; few have suffered more disastrously from its illusions.
In the above Vahman is Vohu Maria, the good thought or inspiration of the Zoroastrian religion.
By a species of inspiration this man, hitherto a ne'er-dowell, conceived the notion of restoring the place to order.
The French, who naturally looked to German methods for inspiration, have come to apply them more particularly in the development of their cavalry and artillery, especially in that of the former, which has taken in the French army an ever higher place as its observing and thinking organ.
In effect, therefore, Mayow - who also gives a remarkably correct anatomical description of the mechanism of respiration - preceded Priestley and Lavoisier by a century in recognizing the existence of oxygen, under the guise of his spiritus nitro-aereus, as a separate entity distinct from the general mass of the air; he perceived the part it plays in combustion and in increasing the weight of the calces of metals as compared with metals themselves; and, rejecting the common notions of his time that the use of breathing is to cool the heart, or assist the passage of the blood from the right to the left side of the heart, or merely to agitate it, he saw in inspiration a mechanism for introducing oxygen into the body, where it is consumed for the production of heat and muscular activity, and even vaguely conceived of expiration as an excretory process.
Such a post set up by the priests is a god, is thrice anointed with ghee (or holy butter), and being set up beside the fire is invoked to let the offering go up to the gods .2 It is not always easy to mark off consecration from inspiration.
The chief responsibility for this rests with the worldly College of Cardinals, who were longing to return to France, and thence drew their inspiration.
In November of that year he fled in disguise from his capital to Gaeta, in the kingdom of Naples, and when French arms had made feasible his restoration to Rome in April 1850 he returned in a temper of stubborn resistance to all reform; henceforth he was no longer open to the influence of men of the type of Rossi or Rosmini, but took the inspiration of his policy from Cardinal Antonelli and the Jesuits.
Among these last may be noted his argument against the Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch, his views as to the manner in which the five books were composed, his opinions (singularly free for the time in which he lived) on the subject of inspiration in general, and particularly as to the inspiration of Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Canticles.
Remains of sculpture, engraved bronzes and gems, show clearly the source to which the Phoenician artists went for inspiration; for example, the uraeus-frieze and the winged disk, the ankh or symbol of life, are Egyptian designs frequently imitated.
It was held that these admissions were not consistent with the views of inspiration professed by the Free Church.
And if it did not wholly succeed, the work of those who took part in it sent a breath of inspiration through the navy and gave all who took part in it a lasting name.
Dr Muir was also the author of a volume of Metrical Translations from the Sanskrit, an anonymous work on Inspiration, several works in Sanskrit, and many essays in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society and elsewhere.
The universities of Oxford and Cambridge, under the inspiration of Lord William Cecil, were interesting themselves in 1910 in a scheme for establishing a Christian university in China.
Lucian the great exegete of Antioch and his school derived their inspiration from Paul, and he was through Lucian a forefather of Arianism.
We can still point to much in exact science that is absolutely his; and we can indicate infinitely more which is due to his inspiration.
The Declaration of Independence was his political chart and inspiration.
The mass of the people, as Metternich rightly observed, wished for rest, not constitutions; but the minority of thoughtful menprofessors, students, officials, many soldiersresented the dashing of the hopes of German unity aroused by the War of Liberation, and had drunk deep of the revolutionary inspiration.
Spirituality informs his inspiration; the poetry is of the finest elements, glowing and alive.
The same mode of address is familiar to us from the prophets of the Old Testament; the human personality disappears, in the moment of inspiration, behind the God by whom it is filled.
Although in theory he was an upholder of verbal inspiration, he did not push the doctrine to its extreme consequences; his practical good sense did not take these things so strictly as the theologians of later centuries.
This object he achieved, but soon his conscience smote him, and he declared these words to have been an inspiration of Satan.
His inspiration may be traced in some measure to the Pre-Raphaelites and also to Blake, Shelley and Maeterlinck; but he found in his native Irish legend and life matter apt for his romantic and often elfin music, with its artful simplicities and unhackneyed cadences, and its elusive, inconclusive charm.
The magnitude of the task he had accomplished is shown by the preceding pages, and it need only be added that the transformation effected in Egypt and the Sudan, during his twenty-fout years occupancy of the British Agency, was carried out in every department under his guidance and inspiration.
Besides these works of Alfred's, the Saxon Chronicle almost certainly, and a Saxon Martyrology, of which fragments only exist, probably owe their inspiration to him.
The most satisfying of Darer's paintings done in Venice are the admirable portrait of a young man at Hampton Court (the same sitter reappears in the "Feast of Rose Garlands"), and two small pieces, one the head of a brown Italian girl modelled and painted with real breadth and simplicity, formerly in the collection of Mr Reginald Cholmondeley and now at Berlin, and the small and very striking little "Christ Crucified" with the figure relieved against the night sky, which is preserved in the Dresden Gallery and has served as model and inspiration to numberless later treatments of the theme.
Their attacks on infant baptism seemed to him not altogether irrational, and in regard to their claim to personal inspiration he said "Luther alone can decide; on the one hand let us beware of quenching the Spirit of God, and on the other of being led astray by the spirit of Satan."
Works are extant in papyri and on temple walls, treating of geography, astronomy, ritual, myths, medicine, &c. It is probable that the native priests would have been ready to ascribe the authorship or inspiration, as well as the care and protection of all their books of sacred lore to Thoth, although there were a goddess of writing (Seshit), and the ancient deified scribes Imuthes and Amenophis, and later inspired doctors Petosiris, Nechepso, &c., to be reckoned with; there are indeed some definite traces of such an attribution extant in individual cases.
His university lectures, though perhaps lacking in inspiration, were full of original research and learning.
They lay no claim to divine inspiration - they speak simply as ordinary human thinkers, though they are convinced that they have eternal truth.
A conspiracy was formed, under the inspiration of Cardinal Alberoni, first minister of Spain, and directed by the prince of Cellamare, Spanish ambassador in France, with the complicity of the duke and duchess of Maine; but in 1718 it was discovered and defeated.
For long periods he was mathematically unproductive, but then sudden inspiration would come upon him and his ideas and theories poured forth far more quickly than he could record them.
Like other spirits of the woods and fields, he possesses the power of inspiration and prophecy, in which he is said to have instructed Apollo.
The story was first amplified by the Greek tragedians, who probably drew their inspiration from local legends, which glorified the services rendered by Athens to the rulers of Peloponnesus.
His own poetical work is scanty in amount, and for the most part frigid and devoid of inspiration.
Orthodox churchmen, Evangelical and Tractarian alike, were alarmed by views on the incarnate nature of Christ that seemed to them to impugn his Divinity, and by concessions to the Higher Criticism in the matter of the inspiration of Holy Scriptures which appeared to them to convert the "impregnable rock," as Gladstone had called it, into a foundation of sand; sceptics, on the other hand, were not greatly impressed by a system of defence which seemed to draw an artificial line beyond which criticism was not to advance.
The holy spirit of Islam kept the men of Medina together, and inspired in them an all-absorbing zeal for the faith; the Arabs as a whole had no other bond of union and no better source of inspiration than individual interest.
The township is the home of a German religious communistic society, the Amana Society, formerly the True Inspiration Society (so called from its belief in the present inspiration of the truly godly and perfectly pious), whose members live in various villages near the Iowa river.
When the personality of Socrates is removed, the difficulty as to the nature of the Socratic universal, developed in the medium of the individual processes of individual minds, carries disciples of diverse general sympathies, united only through the practical inspiration of the master's life, towards the identity-formula or the difference-formula of other teachers.
Kant is seldom the sole source of inspiration.
To the uninitiated it would appear that this selection has been made, generally speaking, at random; it is at any rate lacking in the wise discrimination one would expect from the supposed source of its inspiration.
A completer organization was retarded by two factors, the presence of the apostles and the inspiration of the prophets.
Goliardic poetry is further curious as showing how the classics even at that early period were a fountain-head of pagan inspiration.
The Divine Comedy, the Canzoniere and the Decameron were works of monumental art, deriving neither form nor inspiration immediately from the classic's, but applying the originality of Italian genius Petrarch to matter drawn from previous medieval sources.
The Renaissance cannot be comprehended in its true character without familiarity with these six representatives of its manifold and many-sided inspiration.
At these meetings she asserted that she, Cotton and her brother-in-law, the Rev. John Wheelwright - whom she was trying to make second "teacher" in the Boston church - were under a "covenant of grace," that they had a special inspiration, a "peculiar indwelling of the Holy Ghost," whereas the Rev. John Wilson, the pastor of the Boston church, and the other ministers of the colony were under a "covenant of works."
He never equalled Clay in the latter's magnetism of impulse and inspiration of affection, but he far surpassed him in clearness and directness and in tenacity of will.
These principles of Bentham were the inspiration of that most important school of practical English thinkers, the Philosophic Radicals of the early 19th century; these were the principles on which they relied in those attacks upon legal and political abuses.
Into questions of metaphysics, as commonly understood, Bacon can hardly be said to have entered, but a long line of thinkers have drawn inspiration from him, and it is not without justice that he has been looked upon as the originator and guiding spirit of what is known as the empirical school.
On the two great questions of miracles and inspiration he made great concessions to modern criticism and philosophy.
This reputation he owes partly to the vast fertility of his pen - according to the historian Sozomen he was credited with having written altogether 3,000,000 lines - partly to the elegance of his style and a certain measure of poetic inspiration, more perhaps to the strength and consistency of his personal character, and his ardour in defence of the creed formulated at Nicaea.
The Tao-teh-king, or book of aphorisms on " the Tao and virtue " ascribed to Lao Tsze, is wholly unlike such a composition as Deuteronomy; and the disciples of Confucius carefully refrained from attributing to him any kind of supernatural inspiration in his conversations about social and personal morality.
Lidner was a genuine poet, and his lack of durable success must be set down to faults of character, not to lack of inspiration.
He attempted both comedy and tragedy, and his success in the latter branch is due to the fact that he was not content to seek inspiration from Seneca, as were most of the tragedians of the 16th century, but went straight to the fountain heads, Sophocles and Euripides.
Meanwhile the Arcadia also took up the task of raising the tone of the stage, but though the ancients and the classic writers of the 16th century were its ideals, it drew immediate inspiration from the contemporary French theatre.
On the other hand Jose Sim p es Dias broke with the Romantic tradition in which he had been educated, and successfully sought inspiration from popular sources, as his Peninsulares proves.
The Campo de fibres contains some of the most splendid short poems ever written in Portuguese, and an Italian critic has ventured to call Joao de Deus, to whom God and women were twin sources of inspiration, the greatest love poet of the 19th century.
In 1893 he was appointed to the new chair founded at the College de France for the exposition of the general history of science, and it was largely due to his inspiration that a statue to Comte was erected in the Place de la Sorbonne in 1902.
For him there was no schism between Rome and Galilee, between classical genius and sacred inspiration.
His address before the graduating class of the divinity school at Cambridge, in 1838, was an impassioned protest against what he called "the defects of historical Christianity" (its undue reliance upon the personal authority of Jesus, and its failure to explore the moral nature of man as the fountain of established teaching), and a daring plea for absolute selfreliance and a new inspiration of religion.
The love-songs of the time are primitive imitations of the NeoGreek lyric dithyrambs and rhapsodies, which through the teaching of the princes .of Walachia were considered as the fountainhead of poetical inspiration.
In France, under the influence of Beranger and the romantic school, he was led to turn to popular poetry for inspiration.
The poets of this school drew their inspiration from popular poetry, and all of them were sons of the lower middle class or of peasants, who by dint of heavy work and great hardship were able to rise above the narrow social conditions in which they were born.
The sentence passed on Joan of Arc was revoked by the pope on the 7th of July 1456, and since then it has been the custom of Catholic writers to uphold the reality of her divine inspiration.
His example and his death acted like an inspiration, filling Africa with an army of explorers and missionaries, and raising in Europe so powerful a feeling against the slave trade that through him it may be considered as having received its deathblow.
The editors worked under the inspiration of a strong admiration of the principles of Robespierre and the Jacobins, and in the belief that the French Revolution was an attempt to realize Christianity.
There was little art or inspiration in his boyish verse, but in his nineteenth year an older sister thought a specimen of it good enough for submission to the Free Press, a weekly paper which William Lloyd Garrison, the future emancipationist, had started in the town of Newburyport.
The inward voice was his inspiration, and of all American poets he was the one whose song was most like a prayer.
In 1824 Constable's pictures were shown in the Salon, and confirmed the younger men in their resolution to abandon the lifeless pedantry of the schools and to seek inspiration from nature.
This was a most unhappy inspiration, and drove into neutrality or even into the kings camp many who had previously inclined to the party of reform.
The habits of individual energy fused together by the inspiration of patriotism conquered Canada.
In the deathless volume of Chatiments, which appeared in 1853, his indignation, his genius, and his faith found such utterance and such expression as must recall to the student alternately the lyric inspiration of Coleridge and Shelley, the prophetic inspiration of Dante and Isaiah, the satiric inspiration of Juvenal and Dryden.
His great work was that of the critic. He was the first to reject with sufficient proof the equal value of the Old and the New Testaments, the uniform authority of all parts of the Bible, the divine authority of the traditional canon of Scripture, the inspiration and supposed correctness of the text of the Old and New Testaments, and, generally, the identification of revelation with Scripture.
Neither the theory of infallible inspiration, with its assertion of absolute uniformity in the New Testament, nor Baur's criticism, with its assertion of irreconcilable antagonisms, is borne out by facts, The New Testament is many-sided, but it has a predominant spiritual unity.
On the basis of belief in inspiration we find, during the days of Protestant scholasticism, the most reckless and insane assertions of scriptural perfection.
He does not claim to have regained the inspiration of a Paul; but he holds that Augustine was more Christian than the sub-apostolic age, and Luther more Christian than Augustine.
The inspiration of early belief has disappeared; the ruling motive of the mollahs (priests) is the thirst for personal enrichment, and the people no longer follow the khojas or theologians.
There were many visits to Torquay; he gratified her with gossiping letters about the great people with whom and the great affairs with which the man who did so much honour to her race was connected, that being the inspiration of her regard for him.
In his purely theological works Agobard was strictly orthodox, except that he denied the verbal inspiration of the Scriptures.
He derived his inspiration from his wife, the nymph Egeria, whom he used to meet by night in her sacred grove.
The poets abandoned classical models and ceased to write in hexameters; they preferred to derive their inspiration from popular poetry, of which Karajich collected for them hundreds of examples.
He wished to enter the preaching ministry but was excluded by Calvin's influence because he had criticized the inspiration of the Song of Solomon and the Genevan interpretation of the clause "he descended into hell."
The source of Bernard's inspiration was Plato's Timaeus.
Khammurabi attributes to Shamash the inspiration that led him to gather the existing laws and legal procedures into a code, and in the design accompanying the code the king represents himself in an attitude of adoration before Shamash as the embodiment of the idea of justice.
As the inspiration of his life was larger and higher than the mere courage of resistance, so his merit must be regarded as standing altogether outside and above the struggle with Macedon.
And now the government of Louise Philippe, by an evil inspiration, began to act in such a way as to make him popular.
The forged letters are not, for the most part, entirely composed of fresh material; the author draws his inspiration from the notices on each of the popes given in the Liber Pontificalis; he inserts whole passages from ecclesiastical writers; and he antedates the evidences of a discipline which actually existed; so it is by no means all invented.
Old Portuguese, and more especially the poetic language of the I3th century, received from the language of the troubadours, in whose poetry the earlier Portuguese poets found much of their inspiration, certain words and certain turns of expression which have left upon it indelible traces.
The problems of empire engrossed him, and a new enthusiasm for imperial projects arose in the Unionist party under his inspiration.
The invention of the conic sections is to be assigned to the school of geometers founded by Plato at Athens about the 4th century B.C. Under the guidance and inspiration of this philosopher much attention was given to the geometry of solids, and it is probable that while investigating the cone, Menaechrnus, an associate of Plato, pupil of Eudoxus, and brother of Dinostratus (the inventor of the quadratrix), discovered and investigated the various curves made by truncating a cone.
On the other hand the modern view of the inspiration of the Scriptures does not necessitate the acceptance of the doctrine of the Scriptures on this subject as finally and absolutely authoritative.
In his criticism on Adam Smith, and his arguments for a system of moderate protective duties associated with the deliberate policy of promoting national interests, his work was the inspiration of Friedrich List, and so the foundation of the economic system of Germany in a later day, and again, still later, of the policy of Tariff Reform and Colonial Preference in England, as advocated by Mr Chamberlain and his supporters.
The Glasgow chair was a source of inspiration to scientific men for more than half a century, and many of the most advanced researches of other physicists grew out of the suggestions which Thomson scattered as sparks from his anvil.
The fine sculptures of the façade, with its beautiful windows, as also the octagonal dome, all belong to this period; Meliorantius, the sculptor of the portal of the cathedral (after 1155), took his inspiration hence.
Maybe that unconscious thought had been the inspiration of her dream this morning.
Listen … listen … listen … He slapped his forehead with his palm in a rhythmic beat, waiting for some sort of divine inspiration.
Other spiders weave these beautiful, symmetrical, ethereal webs whose designs have been the inspiration for art and mythology for as long as there were spiders, he explained.
Dean handed the phone to his wife as the light went on like in the comic books—a flashing bulb of inspiration.
She rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling, where she had pinned one of her inspiration posters above the bed.
After all, when she finally awoke from this nightmare, all would be back to normal, and she would have new inspiration for her paintings.
Gladys Turnbull was walking the town, trying to glean inspiration from the towering mountains to better describe some celestial landscape.
Frequently aesthetic motives provide no inspiration for action.
The Celtic artists drew inspiration from the infinitely subtle mutability of nature.
Made from silver and bronze in the seventh century, it is the inspiration for this handsome pendant and brooch set with garnet cabochons.
The inspiration was a wonderfully charismatic Texan chef called Marshall Young who we had met.
Inspiration comes from his neighbors, teachers, and collecting folk songs in Yugoslavia.
The inspiration is France, the construction American with steel framing.
The inspiration for this piece is Mozart's arrangements of several bach fugues for string trio.
Greek, Roman and Etruscan jewelers were to provide inspiration for many later goldsmiths.
So the merchants become hustlers and pimps, and here are some of Mike designs with the 70s style fashion shoot inspiration.
In such times where from, do you draw the inspiration to go on?
Others sought inspiration from the old masters, exotic or poetic subjects.
More recently the black pine provided inspiration for Philip Pullman's Dark Materials trilogy.
Yet my car crash was to prove the inspiration for my business.
Her wisdom derived from Plato, Plotinus and divine inspiration.
All these features make London a source of artistic inspiration.
In this sense, we can have no objection to verbal or plenary inspiration.
The claim of John the Baptist to prophetic inspiration broke a silence that had lasted for more than three hundred years.
The Holy Spirit and Illumination The death of John the Apostle brought to an end the period of biblical inspiration.
Whilst Benjamin attempts to rediscover creative inspiration, Rashid embarks on a journey to find his real father.
It was hardly inspiration to yield to a famine after the situation had become quite insupportable.
Elsewhere, it was rather dashing all round with English aristocracy providing lashings of inspiration.
Not even the Greeks would claim the divine inspiration of Greek nationalism, and few would now justify the massacres.
His techniques were an inspiration for early atomic force microscopy.
Our neighbor has a beautiful moggy which is giving me inspiration too.
Above all, it will be an inspiration to the modern needlewoman attracted by white on white embroidery.
Additionally, the sheer novelty of the technology, itself provides inspiration to some students.
Collioure was a source of inspiration and is represented in many impressionist paintings.
Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.
Writing is actually ten percent inspiration and ninety percent perspiration.
The old adage, 10 per cent inspiration and 90 per cent perspiration springs to mind.
To provide some inspiration we have the stories of successful quitters.
Like Dawkins, Randi is an inspiration to everyone who searches for truth and applies rationalism to solving life's mysteries.
Artistic Director, Barrie Rutter, takes as his inspiration the cartoons and caricatures of celebrated eighteenth century satirist, James Gillray.
Sit in the shade, and take inspiration from a bubbling fountain and a neat semicircle of noble Belgian statuary.
Francesca describes the inspiration for her creation as " The ultimate showgirl, a dancer from the Moulin Rouge.
This is a unique and much-needed sourcebook of historical, cultural and modern textile images for inspiration and reference.
When Greenblatt discusses the sources of Shakespeare's inspiration, they are often stunningly banal and overly speculative.
According to their inspiration to do so, the prophets recast and re-ordered the covenant stipulations.
In 1890 Yeats and two others formed the Rhymers Club as a sort of literary wing, drawing inspiration from the French symbolists.
The inspiration faded and I stopped being trendy, skulking away one December morning to the Dieppe ferry with my last tenner.
Taking inspiration from flowers and plants, Annie Garnett produced some beautiful hand embroidered textiles, as well as experimenting to produce luxurious threads.
Each boxed set contains a feather tickler, a pot of lickable body dust and twelve cards designed to give naughty inspiration.
Inspiration has come from the 1920s and my color palette works around black, brown, green, turquoise and pink.
What were the sources of inspiration for the quite unique British metal plane designs?
Images found on works such as Athenian red-figure vases and Roman cameos will be the inspiration for Block Printing on to t-shirts.
Inspiration here comes from the 1960s; with artworks featuring bygone film heroes adorning the walls and vinyl wallpapers adding further eye candy.
Ceridwen's inspiration comes From below into above it runs A wellspring of ideas flows From the spirit of this land it goes.
This sentiment of justice is at first confused, uncertain and almost instinctive - is, as it were, a divine and religious inspiration instilled by Heaven into the primitive tribes of the earth.
Thus poetical wisdom, appearing as a spontaneous emanation of the human conscience, is almost the product of divine inspiration.
Ionian culture and art, though little known in their earlier phases, derive their inspiration on the one side from those of the old Aegean (Minoan) civilization, on the other from the Oriental (mainly Assyrian) models which penetrated to the coast through the Hittite civilization of Asia Minor.
The inspiration manifested itself outwardly in distorted features, foaming mouth and frantic gestures.
Henry Preserved Smith, professor of Hebrew and Old Testament exegesis in Lane Seminary, for a pamphlet published in 1891 denying the inerrancy but affirming the inspiration of the Scriptures, was suspended in 1892 by the presbytery of Cincinnati, and was unsuccessful in his appeal to the synod and to the General Assembly.
At the same time he seems unconscious of any inconsistency between the doctrine of the inspiration of the Bible as usually received and his principles of hermeneutics.
He was finally successful in his petitions, but died before accomplishing his work, and was buried in an unknown grave in Panama, never being privileged to set his foot upon the continent the discovery of which was the inspiration of his life.
And for this reason it is customary to appoint diviners or interpreters to be judges of the true inspiration."' From such passages as the above we infer that the gift of tongues and of their interpretation was not peculiar to the Christian Church, but was a repetition in it of a phase common in ancient religions.
The blood of the victim may be drunk by the priest as a means of inducing inspiration, its entrails may be employed in divination, its flesh consumed in a common meal, exposed to the birds and beasts of prey or buried in the earth.
The image was destroyed by fire, replaced by the sculptor Onatas from inspiration in a dream, but disappeared again before the time of Pausanias.
Men of all standards of integrity, they were exposed to external influences, but whether divided among themselves in their adherence to conflicting parties, or isolated in their fierce denunciation of contemporary abuses, they shared alike in the worship of Yahweh whose inspiration they claimed.
Early in the 15th century John Hus - under the inspiration of Wycliffe - initiated at Prague the revolt against the Roman Catholic Church.
They also believe in the inspiration of the Old Testament.
Wagner's first inspiration was for an opera (Siegfried's Tod, projected in 1848) on the death of Germany's mythical hero; but he found that the story needed a preliminary drama to convey its antecedents.
Yet he was too full of dramatic inspiration to remain perpetually victimized by the conscientious affectations of the amateur author; and, where dramatic situations are not only poetical but (as in the first act of Die Walkilre and the Waldweben scene in Siegfried) too elemental for strained language, Wagner is often supremely eloquent simply because he has no occasion to try to write poetry.
It may, with all reverence, be added that our estimate of prophecy must be brought into harmony with facts, not facts with our preconceived theory of inspiration.
Sir Henry's own tendency to favour the anti-war section, his refusal to support the government in any way, and his allusion to "methods of barbarism" in connexion with the conduct of the British army (June 14, 1901), accentuated the crisis within the party; and in 1901 the Liberal Imperialists, who looked to Lord Rosebery (q.v.) and Mr Asquith (q.v.) for their political inspiration, showed pronounced signs of restiveness.
Poetry was to them a mechanical art that could be learned by diligent application, and the prizes they had to bestow were the rewards of ingenuity, not of genius or inspiration.
The next period is the meridian of his genius, the time of his greatest lyrical inspiration, which he himself associates with the peace and leisure secured to him by his Sabine farm.
That Revelation has retained its place in the canon is due not to its extravagant claims to inspiration or its apocalyptical disclosures, but to its splendid faith and unconquerable hope, that have never failed to awake the corresponding graces in every age of the Church's history.
The Jewish ideas of divine authority and their transcendental theories of conduct were peculiarly attractive to the Greek thinkers who found no inspiration in the dry intellectualism into which they had fallen (see NEO-Pythagoreanism).
One of the most amazing tools Sherwin Williams online offers for helping you with ideas and inspiration is the Color Visualizer.
Whether you want to express your sensuality or create a body full of canvas art, you can find endless inspiration and solution in permanent cosmetic application.
Take inspiration from the gorgeous summer sunsets and use three eye shadows to create a layered effect that makes the eyes pop.
It's fine to use others' auctions as inspiration for your own, but never copy another seller's descriptions or pictures.
Purchase art books-If your child needs a little inspiration, find arts and crafts books that he can look through.
It's a fact Olympus designers have used as inspiration for their line of waterproof cameras.
After you look through some great images for inspiration, you will likely want to try to take some of your own.
Many amateur shutterbugs often research famous photographers and their works to gain inspiration and helpful tips on how to tell a story through the camera's lens.
There are as many ways to lay out a scrapbook page as there are people creating scrapbooks, but sometimes it helps to look at other people's scrapbooking layouts to get some guidance or inspiration before taking on your own project.
A trip to the craft store will give you inspiration for different layouts.
You can also search for ideas online and use free templates and add ons to get free inspiration for your pages.
These sties should give you all the inspiration you need to create beautiful scrapbooking layouts.
Whether you're interested in traditional paper scrapbooking or creating stunning digital designs, we're here to give you the confidence and inspiration you need to complete a one-of-a-kind keepsake album.
Is there a sketch or a magazine layout I want to use as the inspiration for my project?
In fact, many devoted scrapbookers say they keep a small notebook in their purse for jotting down their sources of inspiration.
On the site, there are pages of scripture, pictures and helpful articles that provide inspiration and hope.
Scrapbooks. Etc.'s, The Scrapbook Lounge, Paper Clipping, Scrapbook Answers, and Scapadelic Digital Scrapbooking are excellent video tutorials for scrapbookers in need of ideas and inspiration.
Use sketches as a source of scrapbooking inspiration.
The book provides ideas and inspiration, while the free kits are an added bonus to help you build your supply stash.
When looking for sketches to use as inspiration for your layout, remember that you don't need to follow the suggested design exactly.
Whether your daughter is turning one, your son is becoming a teenager, or your husband is hitting the big "40", we have plenty of ideas and inspiration to help you preserve these precious memories.
Graphic designers, photographers, and other creative professionals often have "inspiration boards" in their offices to help them come up with ideas for projects.
If you want to make more of a decorative statement with your inspiration board, try covering a plain bulletin board with fabric that matches the color scheme in your workspace.
One of the best ways to save time and find new inspiration is with scrapbooking templates.
Templates are pre-made designs that are used either directly on a scrapbooking page or as inspiration for your own unique design.
With printable stickers, however, you can scrapbook whenever creative inspiration strikes.
If you don't know where to start in the sorting process, take a look at some scrapbook page layouts with a Disney theme in order to get inspiration.
Not only will you find free patterns and fonts on the website, but you'll also enjoy the selection of poems, scrapbooking ideas, and inspiration for making your next project fun and creative.
If football is in your family's blood, then use that as inspiration for a layout.
Though viewing scrapbook layout galleries such as Scrapbook, Two Peas in a Bucket, and Scrapjazz can be time-consuming, but worth the effort since you can find inspiration among their literally millions of layouts.
The crops allow scrappers to work on projects they may have started at home but need further inspiration to finish.
Everyone needs a little inspiration from time to time, and a scrapbook is a good way to offer encouragement.
For creative cooks, scrapbook pages with pictures of the chef and the completed dish are an inspiration.
In fact, it's interesting to note that the original inspiration for K2 skis was born out of the unsuccessful skiing attempts of a man who would eventually become a major competitor of K2, Howard Head.
Essentially, it arises when motivation or inspiration is needed.
The site focuses on a variety of teen issues with an overall theme of positive energy and inspiration.
If you're looking for inspiration, view slideshows featuring pink, green, or orange prom gowns.
Teens interested in punk clothing or comfortable, casual apparel will find inspiration from this biker gear.
Inspiration from Amy's interview reminds us once again that the important thing is to be true to yourself, no matter what look you lean toward.
Search no further for inspiration than the ideas coming out of your television, with tween sitcoms and pop stars on the rise!
Check out the gallery below for more inspiration.
However, the clothing line can offer inspiration into the type of look you're going for.
There are many different prom themes ideas to choose from, and knowing where to look for inspiration and what considerations need to be made for a specific theme can help coordinators choose the best idea for a memorable night.
Some people look to others for inspiration, while some look inside themselves.
Be sure to ask if the store has any catalogs from the previous year--many places will give these away for free and though they are outdated, they are often a great source of prom dress inspiration!
For the skin-baring looks at David's Bridal, inspiration is drawn from the red carpet, so you'll see a lot of cut-out backs, and cutting edge designs, like that of the one-shoulder silhouette.
They may also look to the current popular celebrities for style inspiration.
There are literally thousands of tips and tricks on how to prank your parents available online, and if you are creative, then you can even create your own pranks with a little inspiration from websites about gags and pranks.
The following are some graduation poems to give away or use as inspiration for writing a poem for your favorite friend.
While the videos can only be around ten minutes, there are many short films that you can use as inspiration.
While you can use graduation verses already written by someone else, they are also good to use for inspiration in writing your own.
Write a short note explaining that you are making the teen an inspiration book and that you are asking people who know the teen to write a short account of how the teen has made their lives better, inspired them, or helped them.
If you are looking for a nutritious yet convenient drink, then perhaps free protein shake recipes may provide inspiration.
The following resource have more menus, meal ideas and inspiration.
You can also use cookbooks, recipe websites, and blogs for inspiration and guidance.
They also have etiquette guidelines and tons of inspiration ideas.
In the fall, the harvest is perfect inspiration for a centerpiece.
Take inspiration from your wedding, your life, or your surroundings to pick something that truly shows your personalities.
Bridal magazines, websites, and talking to travel agents can give further inspiration.
Whether you use these free wedding vows verbatim or as inspiration for a customized ceremony, these samples can help you to say what you are feeling in your heart.
As you begin searching for the perfect flower arrangement for your wedding, you might need a little inspiration.
Another inspiration for silver wedding favors is office items.
Modern wedding cakes can be reflective of a couple's personalities, a special wedding theme, or some other source of inspiration -- your imagination is the only limit.
The pictures below are just a few ideas to use; check out Photos of Wedding Reception Decorations, Wedding Grooms Table Ideas, and Wedding Reception Ideas for even more pictures and reception inspiration.
Some couples opt to use real butterflies as inspiration for their butterfly wedding favors, particularly if one species of butterfly is meaningful to their relationship.
Check out the following online stores for places to shop for your dress, or just get inspiration.
Bamboo plants can also be the inspiration for many other wedding types of favors.
Looking at photos of white wedding picture frames can give you inspiration and spur your imagination to the right décor, favor, or gift ideas.
For more inspiration when it comes to making your own scrap invitations, visit LoveToKnow Scrapbooking and LoveToKnow Crafts.
Whether you're looking for inspiration in a wedding dress, reception decor, lighting ideas, or favors, LoveToKnow offers a variety of articles dedicated to the perfect winter wedding.
Wherever a couple may find inspiration for their personal wedding vows, it is also important to be true to the classic elements of marital promises.
Finding the proper inspiration and motivation to write their vows can help make the words flow more naturally, and an inspired writer is one who will write from the heart.
The best inspiration, however, comes from the heart.
Thinking about the soon-to-be-spouse - that first attraction, first kiss, the first flutter of love - can offer plenty of inspiration to create the perfect wedding vows.
The following websites all feature different black and white cakes that can serve as inspiration for any couple's monochrome cake.
If a bride doesn't know what she's looking for exactly, she can turn to Hilary Morgan for inspiration.
If you want a creative cake but you're not sure what you want, exactly, sometimes all you need is a little inspiration.
Couples who plan to use reception pictures as inspiration for their own decoration choices need to do more than just glance at photos.
Swatches of fabric and detailed photos provide cake decorators inspiration for matching the cake to the dress.
To find your ideal inexpensive silk bridal bouquets, start off by looking at wedding florists, flower shops, and pictures in magazines and online to get inspiration.
Obviously, bridal magazines are a great source of inspiration for those in search of special wedding decorations.
You can find wedding reception decoration ideas in many places, and if you carefully keep track of the ideas that appeal to you most, you will be able to plan your own unique reception décor while drawing inspiration from many sources.
Browse these ideas for inspiration, or visit your local crafts store for other beach themed items to use for candy inspired homemade wedding favors.
If you are planning your own special day, or helping a friend of member of your family with theirs, finding good wedding planning books can provide both help and inspiration.
Do-it-yourself couples and those who want to plan an original wedding might find supplies and inspiration by looking outside the wedding industry for their supplies.
Wedding supplies catalogs are a great source of necessary items for a wedding, and they also offer inspiration and planning tips in a convenient way.
Catalogs can offer a lot of inspiration in your search for the perfect wedding dress.
You may be surprised at how easy it is to duplicate a certain style or replicate the inspiration you may find.
Sea creatures such as mermaids, dolphins, and sea turtles can offer a whimsical inspiration for a fun beach wedding.
Regardless of where your inspiration comes from, you must relate the wisdom you write back to the couple.
Even if you have not experienced true love, you can still find personal inspiration for words to write in a wedding card as a meaningful message to the couple.
The wedding gift registry, if there is one, is the first place guests should look for inspiration regarding gifts, even if they do not intend to purchase an item from it.
It is a good idea to keep a notebook you can use to jot down notes when moments of inspiration hit.
If you find yourself stuck when trying to write wedding vows, look for some examples online that may provide inspiration.
Instead, use these sites as a way to get inspiration for your personal wedding vows.
Even if the wedding favors on websites aren't ideal for your budget, you can always get inspiration from them in order to create your own perfect wedding favors.
Take this ring as a symbol of the trust, the love, the inspiration, and the comfort that we will build our marriage around.
As you initially consider designs and decorators, try paging through photographs of real castles to get inspiration and ideas for detailed touches.
There's no shortage of inspiration from existing cake galleries and wedding magazines.
Maybe once you read the truth about smoking you'll find the inspiration you need to go smoke free.
When you wrap a Dora comforter around your daughter, you can feel comforted regarding providing a great source of inspiration for your little explorer to be.
Before you can begin, however, you need a focal point, and tropical shower curtains are an easy resource to use for inspiration.
Old West-The old West continues to provide decorating inspiration to homeowners all over the nation.
Others, though, are more ebullient, taking strong inspiration from veritable paradise settings.
Her inspiration comes from antique French fabric that has a lot of flowery designs, especially roses.
Consider ways to decorate the cupcakes that use the basket for inspiration.
Whether you are designing a cake for a wedding, looking for inspiration or need information on a new technique, cake designing websites can help.
So the same holds true about cake decorating techniques, supplies and inspiration.
So if you haven't settled on the design of the next cake you're baking, you may find it in the inspiration galleries.
On the flip side, many supply houses will also offer an inspiration gallery and some tips as well, giving you the best of both worlds.
If you prefer looking at the printed page, check out your local library or bookstore for decorating inspiration.
Another way to come up ideas for a "Youth's Death" cake is to peruse Halloween cake designs as inspiration for these cakes.
After all, cake decorating is a creative art; so while it's fine to use others' ideas and designs and inspiration, don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and develop your own style as well.
Looking through an online cake gallery can give you some inspiration if you can't come up with a design on your own and the graduate doesn't seem too picky.
Simpson was the inspiration for Pink's song, Stupid Girls.
Growing up in Houston, Texas, Brad Coleman looked up to racing greats, Jeff Gordon and Dale Earnhardt, Jr. He explains, "The maturity with which they have both handled their success has really been an inspiration to me."
Her parents, Mathew Knowles and Tina Beyince Knowles (whose maiden name was the inspiration for her daughter's first name), recognized her talent early in life.
The split proved to be inspiration for some of the songs on his album Justified, with the hit Cry Me a River featuring a Brit look-alike in the video.
She suffers a family tragedy, struggles to overcome sadness and frustration, and regains happiness and inspiration in a surprising way.
Cohen's family is Orthodox Jewish, a background that in many ways provided the inspiration for his future characters.
Bynes' exposure to her dad's extracurricular stand-up comedy routines may have been the inspiration for Amanda's break into the big time.
With a 16-foot train and yards upon yards of silk taffeta, the designer dress became the inspiration for a number of knock-offs and copycats.
The inspiration for Ivanka's dress was Grace Kelly's wedding gown, which she wore when she married Prince Rainier III in 1956.
She's in great shape for any age, but is a real inspiration to women over 40.
If you're looking for a little inspiration to kick the habit, why not look through the list of celebrities who quit smoking?
Wherever he finds his inspiration while shopping, it's bound to be closely linked to what his friends and classmates are wearing once he has reached a certain age.
Older generations depended on intricate lace patterns to serve as a class distinction as well as provide certain garments with womanly inspiration.
They may not be the most traditional western-style shirts, but they are trendy and draw inspiration from traditional sources.
If you're not quite sure what to pair with your toddler's new skinny jeans, just take a look around at some of the older girls' fashions; one of these is bound to offer inspiration.
Take a trip to your local library or look online to find inspiration for creating a beautiful dress.
Inspiration Cruises and Tours has lined up outstanding Christian artists which patrons have come to expect on a Christian cruise with Gaithers.
Inspiration Cruises & Tours offers cruises on a regular basis to Hawaii that are religious based.
These cruises leave from Tampa, Florida, and travel to Cozumel, Mexico, on board the Carnival Inspiration.
Let's take a look at a few models for some shopping inspiration.
Choosing puppy names requires some inspiration.
This list of T shirt ideas should give you inspiration for choosing or creating the perfect customized shirt for your own dog.
Perhaps you have a great family name with meaning, or maybe there's a great story connect to how you got your pet that you can draw inspiration from.
There's even a hand drawing of the garden design so you can draw inspiration from the makeover.
If you're looking for ideas for designing home container gardens, many sources exist for both inspiration and how-to advice.
Gardeners looking for inspiration for their own raised beds can find ideas in many places.
Look for inspiration around you and experiment to find your own unique style.
For ideas and inspiration, the website covers the various types of gardens such as flower gardens, container gardens, shade gardens, and vegetable gardens along with suggested seeds or plants to use.
Ed King claims that he got the inspiration from a riff from fellow Skynyrd guitarist Gary Rossington one night at a band rehearsal.
So if you're looking for a change in your sound or a new source of inspiration, consider trying out some titanium guitar picks.
Use the following ideas for inspiration.
The song has also been cited by film composer Howard Shore as being the inspiration for his Shire theme in the Lord of the Rings film trilogy.
Whether you already have your heart set on a particular project or are just looking at pictures to find your inspiration for the next project you tackle, photos can be a valuable tool in assisting you.
For more ideas and inspiration check out these additional resources for locating free deck plans.
They may provide inspiration, but don't directly copy any color schemes in your immediate context.
Scan the internet for examples or interior design magazines for inspiration, and then find plans to build your shelves.
If you're stuck for inspiration, take a look at what's around you for ideas.
Take photos of your favorite things with you to a tile showroom for inspiration and to help convey your ideas.
From countertops to pottery, your kitchen is already full of inspiration to help you make your walls pop.
Buying short lots of closeout stock tiles can net you big savings at places like Big Lots or, and using some creative license may end up being a design inspiration you'd never have considered otherwise.
Chanel offers fine jewelry that is breathtaking and beautiful, marked by the finest craftsmanship and an unending inspiration.
Earth, wind, fire and air are the inspiration for the Mikimoto Elements of Life Collection.
Fado is based in Ireland, and the company's jewelry designers draw their inspiration from the rich Irish history as well as the country's lush and beautiful land.
There are many unusual bead shapes available and these can provide inspiration for an entire piece.
This is a useful way to get familiar with different jewelry types as well as providing plenty of scope for inspiration.
Bride magazines can also be an excellent source of inspiration.
Many stores sell a wide selection of styles and designs and this can be perfect when looking for inspiration or deciding which model to buy.
They are a flat and related to the sea urchin and have provided the inspiration for jewelry of many types, including earrings, for many years.
They are symbols of playfulness and agility to some and inspiration and freedom to others.
This allows people to wear jewelry as a form of contemplative prayer or for spiritual inspiration.
Knowing how to create a great look while not breaking the bank is simple if you look towards famous designers and style icons for inspiration.
Just as people look to icons for fashion ideas, so they can also be a great source of ideas for jewelry and can provide great inspiration for people who want their jewelry to be an integral part of an image.
Jewelry inspiration can come from many of the well known designer brands.
When looking to well known designers or fashion icons for inspiration, make a note of the things that particularly stand out and what makes a look 'great' instead of simple 'nice'.
Magazines and websites are great sources of information and inspiration for fashionistas.
These include precise replicas of the jewelry that was worn in the film and jewelry that has been created using the movie as inspiration.
Young men and women from all over the world are embracing this trend as both an inspiration and symbol.
Angel Wing Crystal Pin is a great pin to give to someone who needs extra inspiration.
Whether it is for you or for someone special, a piece of jewelry from the Forever Your Girl collection by Paula Abdul is sure to provide inspiration while looking fashionable and trendy.
They are perfect for anyone who is a Hasselhoff fan or is just looking for a little inspiration.
Zoo York clothing is artsy, exciting, and begging to make you stand out in the crowd with its inspiration taken from graffiti culture.
There is also a twist of military inspiration that has been around since the earliest days of the company, before it blossomed from mainly t-shirts into a whole line.
In fact, urban living is the very inspiration Combs states for wanting to create this line; he wanted to create a clothing line that was "fashion forward", but one that embodied the "sophistication" and authenticity of urban cities.
That might be attributed to the fact that many popular fashion designers have hopped aboard the punk express, drawing inspiration from the subculture's noteworthy styles and applying these elements to their own designs.
Take inspiration from others or create your own look.
Men's designer clothing takes its inspiration from a great many sources.
What was the inspiration for your products?
For me, personally, the greatest inspiration is part of a collective effort to have a better world.
Each of them is an inspiration to women worldwide who have a little "junk in their trunk" and want to celebrate it.
Marilyn Monroe made the halter dress popular with her stunning white ensemble that is the inspiration for costumes like the one featured on Fierce Costumes but you don't have to opt for a costume to get a glamorous look.
They may take some inspiration from current trends, but they're not slaves to them.
Inspiration for the Torrid plus size clothing line, in sizes 12 to 28, came from pop culture, runway shows and fashion icons.
This is not to say that off-the-rack coats are not flattering or fashionable, but there is a certain fusion of classic inspiration and modern updating that gives couture garments a very fresh, covetable feel.
When they recognized the need for up-to-date styles in plus sizes, they looked to pop culture, fashion icons and runway events for inspiration.
If you need to retaliate for a practical joke that was pulled on your or you want to surprise someone in your life, look to this list of practical jokes for inspiration.
Use these images as inspiration, but consult with your stylist to find a look that is uniquely you.
If you're looking for inspiration for you speech or toast, search out popular quotes on retirement.
The Red Hat Society poem is the inspiration for the over 50 women's club whose members are known for acting silly and living life to the fullest.
Think and Grow Rich is a classic by Napoleon Hill and worth reading to help with inspiration.
While one can easily argue the pros and cons (and the successes) of such a term, it's clear from viewing the collection that much inspiration was taken from the hot streets of the Miami nightlife.
They're the inspiration for all new styles, but they remain constant in their commitment to never looking overdone and always protecting our eyes from UV rays.
Bump up their appeal with a bit of tattoo inspiration and you've got colorful, unique frames that you'll never want to take off, whether the lenses are clear or tinted.
Founded by Hobart "Hobie" Alter in the summer of 1950, inspiration hit when the young man found a way to combine his two loves - woods crafting and water sports.
This is for inspiration's sake, since most of us are visual creatures.
Replicas do claim to resemble designer glasses, often with a sidebar label that indicates the designer style inspiration.
The company is a product of shifting cultures around the 1970s and 1980s, inspiration stemming from music of the time.
I receive divine inspiration on each pair and the designs are created never ahead of time but in the spiritual moment of the Vavas creation.
For even further freak-out inspiration for those around you, try the sclera lenses in Blackout, Flames, Hellfire, and Ouch.
They're ideal for costume parties and nights spent clubbing, and they are available in so many styles, you'll never be at a loss for inspiration.
If you're undecided on what you want but you're on the prowl for a hot pair of designer shades, check out the 100 Most Popular Shades section of the site for inspiration.
It takes an entire team of design professionals to create a single roller coaster, but the ingenuity of designers and the inspiration of coaster fans have led to more than a dozen types of coasters that can be enjoyed around the globe.
The game certainly takes inspiration from other titles that have come before it, like Counterstrike and the Call of Duty series, but the multiplayer online game developed by FrozenSand also has its own unique personality.
A number of elements separate this title from other incarnations in the series, namely the on-rails sections (which may well have provided inspiration for such elements in the 3D titles to be released later on).
Although it has not been updated in some time, is still a terrific resource for some inspiration and Mii creation ideas.
Other free educational video games to play online can serve as a great source of inspiration, knowledge, and intrigue into subjects that the child may not otherwise find all that interesting.
Overall, the "most anticipated soundtrack of the holiday season" derives much of its inspiration from the epic themes in the third game in the storied Halo franchise.
Shinji Mikami, the producer and director of many of the Resident Evil titles, said in an interview that Sweet Home was a major inspiration for Resident Evil, citing the mansion setting as well as other things.
Take inspiration from your personal favorite, but bring new ideas into the mix.
For a little help or inspiration, try performing a quick web search or a search on popular video-sharing sites like YouTube to find various tutorials for making your favorite celebrities.
It was breathtaking discoveries like that Miyamoto drew inspiration from and put to use in his later work.
Many games have claimed inspiration from the Prince of Persia series.
Many fighting games claim inspiration from the Street Fighter series.
The story arc from the film serves as the main structure for the video game, but this action title also draws inspiration from more than 60 years of comic book content.
Few puzzle games can claim not to have drawn some sort of inspiration from it's stark simplicity and addictive gameplay.
Alexey Pajitnov drew inspiration from pentominoes for the foundations of Tetris.
Regardless, Tetris is an inspiration to programmers and gamers around the globe.
There are many different climates and terrains found in each game.Creator Shigeru Miyamoto drew inspiration for the series from his adventures as a young boy in the hillsides surrounding his Kyoto home.
The game draws inspiration from 2D platformers such as Out of This World, Prince of Persia and Flashback.
It is also the inspiration for the major Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) that takes place each year, allowing gamers from all the around the world to congregate to one place.
They may not only approach specific video games as inspiration, but they may also provide some commentary or insight into the industry of gaming itself.
The navy radars used in WWII were the inspiration for the game.
However, once you experience the flavors of perfect combinations on your palate, the inspiration to continue taste testing will flourish, and you will soon be able to match wine and cheese flavors with ease and confidence.
The publication also offers more information including insight into touring the wine country as added inspiration.
Spasms of uncontrollable coughing, the whooping sound of the sharp inspiration of air, and vomiting are all hallmarks of this stage.
The infant senses a need, which triggers a sudden inspiration of air followed by a forceful expelling of that air through vocal cords, which vibrate to produce the sound called a cry.
Isadora Duncan alternated negatively shocking and positively uplifting audiences during these early years of Modern dance, drawing inspiration from Greek figurines she had often studied.
Lastly, Ruth St. Denis took a whole other approach altogether, turning to ancient Asian religion for her inspiration.
A wonderful place to find inspiration is by doing a simple Internet search for dance quotes.
Visit them for great inspiration, as well as dance images and videos.
Dance quotes don't have to remain as inspiration just for yourself.
As long as you are not stealing whole chunks of routines, feel free to look to websites such as YouTube for ideas, or consult a dance colleague for inspiration.
While deep in the heart of Africa is still the place to go for authentic dance styles, African tribal dance has evolved into other forms throughout the world, including being responsible for the inspiration behind some American groups.
Creating jazz routines is best done by using a variety of combinations so that you create your very own style; however, if you need inspiration, study the routines performed by famous jazz dancers to see how they combine steps.
Students who are visual learners can benefit from short clips shown in the studio, while others receive a dose of inspiration and motivation from seeing a final result on film.
If you are just getting started with this energetic form of dance, check out this breathtaking swing dance performance for immediate inspiration.
Whether myth or history, the dance has provided many creative people with inspiration.
While the inspiration for your actual movements should come from the music, it's also a good idea to fit in with the others at the club, certainly for your first few nights out.
They'll also leave camp with newfound inspiration to take their dancing abilities to the next level.
From video content that ensures you're performing dance steps correctly to how-to articles to make your own accessories, you'll never run out of ideas and inspiration with articles you can trust.
Representing personal growth and renewal, wood also helps the development of motivation, inspiration and passion.
A form of divination providing inspiration and answers from the world's oldest oracle, free I Ching readings are based on ancient Chinese wisdom.
You can download the form and then fill it out, or you can simply use it as inspiration.
Garner great inspiration from celebrities like Beyonce, and play with color, either through adding highlights, or opting for an overall color change.
For hair style inspiration, many teens turn to their favorite celebrities.
The pictures below offer some inspiration for popular teen hair styles; click on each picture to be taken to an article with more information and additional pictures.
Drawing hair inspiration straight from the runways, the Catwalk styling collection adds sexy volume and texture to all hair types.
Teens interested in an emo style have many places to look for inspiration.
The best place an individual can look for inspiration for their emo style, however, is inside themselves.
Of course, it takes a while to grow out short hair if you want a longer style, but why would you want to when you can take inspiration from one of these great short styles for women?
Most women look no further than their favorite celebrity for inspiration.
Check out some of these celebrities for some inspiration on truly great brows.
Read on as LoveToKnow Hair gives you tips on how to embrace a whole new you using the inspiration of this kicky genre.
Look online for inspiration or just conjure up something on your own with the help of your stylist.
Check out the ones at for inspiration.
So you've found your inspiration for crazy hair style ideas, but you wonder, "How do I get that look?"