Inspecting Sentence Examples
They're inspecting today and we can't go forward until some bureaucrat clears us.
Complete the inspection by inspecting items in the room such as appliances.
The moon reached its peak before he'd finished inspecting the walls and greeting its guards.
This is something you ought to look for when inspecting that antique desk.
I tilted the mirror, inspecting my tongue, my palette.
As he grew older his father took him on all his rounds, reviewing troops, inspecting studs, foundries, dockyards and granaries.
The first thing you should check when inspecting a pair of hiking boots is the sole.
You fly out there expecting to trot around like an old-fashioned colonial hunter, inspecting the fauna, basking in the past.
Doing your research and carefully inspecting a car before making a purchase are the two best ways to make sure that you get a quality vehicle at a good price without any hidden problems.
For the volume purchaser who doesn't want to waste a lot of time inspecting and repairing minor problems, this can be a fast and reliable solution.
AdvertisementCheck your Fireplace -- Make sure that your fireplace is clean and safe by inspecting the flue and making sure that the chimney is free from bird nests and other debris.
Eventually one evening after inspecting my reflection, I decided I could wait no longer.
Captains also assist in the training of staff and inspecting the vessel and its components.
In addition to inspecting the animal's health, temperament, and general condition, ask about additional materials such as food, toys, and other dog supplies.
Shifting from distance vision to reading or inspecting items up close in the sunlight is seamless.
AdvertisementThere is a special office of inspection of railways with a chief inspecting officer (salary £1400) and an assistant staff.
They perambulated the country inspecting the prisons; they issued lengthy interrogatories to prison officials; they published periodical reports giving the result of their inquiries, with their views on the true principles of prison management, and much sound advice, accompanied by elaborate plans on the subject of prison construction.
He approached with a slow, steady gait, like a predator inspecting its disabled prey before going for the kill.
Consult your inspecting architect about the design of the notice board and do not be afraid to call upon the skills of professional designers.
The Inspecting Officer must make the decision as to what constitutes ' reasonably convenient ' for each specific case.
AdvertisementHe then took over for registering and inspecting private and voluntary nursing homes and private hospitals at a health authority.
It also discusses the requirements for inspecting standing rigging.
On inspecting under the bridge, I was amazed to discover that there was a rickety old wooden staircase was still in place !
See which directions they can point you in, and ask for advice on things to look for when inspecting a boat and arranging to finance one.
In addition to inspecting the sturdiness of the floor, it is advisable to investigate the condition of the furnishings, floor covering, and cabinetry.
AdvertisementIf the child loses feelings in various body parts, injuries can be avoided by testing bathwater to prevent burns, inspecting the body visually for injuries, and using protective shoes and helmets.
Among the many job duties are maintaining the ship's log, navigating and inspecting the ship.
Experience - How many years of experience do they have inspecting home situations like yours?
Ask The Builder- Of the various checklists available online, this is one of the more abbreviated; however, the checklist is helpful in that it provides spaces for the home buyer to assess the quality of the areas they are inspecting.
If the vendor you purchase from is hesitant or uneasy about you thoroughly inspecting the bag before purchase, chances are it's because it's a fake.
In 1817, while John was inspecting his cornfield, he shot at what he thought was a dog.
Try to get into the habit of inspecting your shoes after each game to make sure they're still safe to wear.
Armed with your new found knowledge, proudly don that sweatband and march, or speed walk as the case may be, to your local athletic shoe store and start inspecting those shoes.
CarMax specializes in buying used cars, inspecting and reconditioning them, and then selling them to consumers.
One Sunday evening whist inspecting the lifting gear he fell down the mine shaft to his death.
Many firefighters have expressed great pride and satisfaction with their Phenix gear, and their site includes comprehensive instructions on maintaining and inspecting their leather helmets.
It should be noted that although the inspecting officer may in his report make any recommendations that he may think fit with a view to guarding against any similar accident occurring in the future, no power is given to the Board of Trade, or to any other authority, to compel any railway company to adopt such recommendations.
If, on the other hand, the company is of opinion that the suggestions of the inspecting officer are not likely to prove beneficial, or are for any reason unadvisable, it is at liberty to reject them, the responsibility of doing so resting entirely upon itself.
The great wheat-growing states like Minnesota have established systems of inspecting and grading wheat under state supervision.
He nodded hurriedly in reply to Chernyshev, and smiled ironically on hearing that the sovereign was inspecting the fortifications that he, Pfuel, had planned in accord with his theory.
He established the Federal Department of Commerce and Labor, the secretary of which has a seat in the cabinet, and in which there exists a bureau of corporations possessing the specific function of inspecting and supervising interstate corporations - an entirely new feature in American government.
In 1381 Edward III., while inspecting former charters, granted that the burgesses might hold the borough with fairs, markets and free customs at a fee-farm of £70, and that every year they might choose a mayor and four bailiffs.
It was while inspecting his work therein March 1892 that he caught a chill., from which he died on the 8th of May.
He was called away on duty as chief military engineer (ingegnere camerale) with the special charge of inspecting and maintaining all the canals and waterways of the duchy.
On the twenty-fifth of August, so his historians tell us, Napoleon spent the whole day on horseback inspecting the locality, considering plans submitted to him by his marshals, and personally giving commands to his generals.
The first act which has reference to the safety of passengers is the Regulation of Railways Act of 1842, which obliges every railway company to give notice to the Board of Trade of its intention to open the railway for passenger traffic, and places upon that public department the duty of inspecting the line before the opening of it takes place..
Entirely on her own initiative, and moved by admiration for the fine achievements of "her brave Irish" during the war, the queen announced her intention of paying a long visit to Dublin; and there, accordingly, she went for the month of April 1900, staying in the Viceregal Lodge, receiving many of the leaders of Irish society, inspecting some 50,000 school children from all parts of Ireland, and taking many a drive amid the charming scenery of the neighbourhood of Dublin.
Giovanni in Monte, Bologna; and Francia, on inspecting it, took so much to heart his own inferiority, at the advanced age of about sixty-six, to the youthful Umbrian, that he sickened and shortly expired on the 6th of January 1517.
In June 1913, after inspecting the fleet at Toulon, he paid a State visit to England (24-27), during which he enlarged on the necessity of the perpetual association of the two nations "for the progress of civilization and the maintenance of the peace of the world."
He was indefatigable, in war as in peace, in parading and inspecting; the weary and starving soldiers were forced to turn out amid the marshes of the Dobrudscha as spick and span as on the parade grounds of St Petersburg; but he could do nothing to set order in the confusion of the commissariat, which caused the troops to die like flies of dysentery and scurvy; or to remedy the scandals of the hospitals, which inflicted on the wounded unspeakable sufferings.
The day after the council at Malo-Yaroslavets Napoleon rode out early in the morning amid the lines of his army with his suite of marshals and an escort, on the pretext of inspecting the army and the scene of the previous and of the impending battle.