Insist Sentence Examples
I insist that you hire someone to help.
Alpatych did not insist further.
Mom will insist that you stay.
If you insist on going, this is the route you must take.
You want me to think of all this as ours, but how can I when you insist that the problems are all yours?
Why did he insist on showing up when she was alone?
I shall not attempt to conquer her by force alone; but I shall insist on reasonable obedience from the start.
In domestic politics Fox had no time to do more than insist on the abolition of the slave trade.
If you absolutely insist on doing this, at least leave me instructions on how to get there... and a phone number where you can be reached.
Are you going to insist that Howie admit to her what we're doing at Econ Scrutiny all day; not just counting sheep births and soy bean crops?
AdvertisementIf he thinks I might be up today, he'll insist on staying home so he won't miss me.
So why did you insist I protect her?
I was concerned that you would insist on checking out too early, so I stopped by the office to see what arrangements could be made for paying your bill.
When the disasters of the American war had at last made a change of ministry necessary, and the king applied to the Whigs, through the intermediary of Lord Shelburne, Fox made a very serious mistake in persuading the marquess of Rockingham not to insist on dealing directly with the sovereign.
Would he insist she have an abortion?
AdvertisementIf Alex was interested in Lori, Josh had no right to insist he make an honest woman of Carmen.
Animals didn't protect a necklace belonging to their mother or insist their adopted-mother stay where it was safe.
Otherwise Alex would insist it was an infection or something.
She will insist on having her hair put in curl papers when she is so sleepy she can scarcely stand.
Whether it was love or blood that made his father insist that Alex inherit the estate, Alex was as trapped as a prince.
AdvertisementCasuistry might insist that it only proposed to fix the minimum of a minimum, and beg them for their soul's sake to aim a little higher.
Yet Canada has seen statesmen of more contracted view insist on such small points, fall, and drag down their party with them.
Maybe he was afraid she would insist he make an honest woman of her.
I would insist the father be nothing but a sperm donor.
On the whole the remarks of this esteemed author do not go much beyond such as might occur to any one who had made a study of a good series of specimens; but many of them are published for the first time, and the author is careful to insist on the necessity of not resting solely on sternal characters, but associating with them those drawn from other parts of the body.
AdvertisementIn manufacturing districts and near large towns loads of 30 tons may come on road bridges, and county and borough authorities insist on provision being made for such loads.
Kings began to insist upon trying ecclesiastics for treason or other political crimes in secular courts.
What both Ritschl and Schleiermacher insist on is that the belief in miracles is inseparable from the belief in God, and in God as immanent in nature, not only directing and controlling its existent forces, but also as initiating new stages consistent with the old in its progressive development.
He did so, however, on favourable terms and was able to insist on the Belgians yielding up their possession of portions of Limburg and Luxemburg, which they had occupied since 1830.
Campbell, representing President Davis, on the other, he instructed his representatives to insist on the recognition of the Confederacy as a condition to any arrangement for the termination of the war.
Athens might fairly insist that the protection of the Aegean would become impossible if some of the chief islands were liable to be used as piratical strongholds, and further that it was only right that all should contribute in some way to the security which all enjoyed.
Both have the feeling that it is inconsistent with the common sense of mankind, which will insist that the very object perceived is the sole reality.
For the consistency of his theory, however, it was indispensable that he should insist upon the real, i.e.
Possibly he means to insist on the advantages of country life over life in the city; if this be so, the paragraph bears witness to the prominence of the latter.
Some people insist that their mere existence is intrinsically immoral.
It is sometimes objected that the Christian church did not denounce slavery as a social crime and insist on its abolition.
At this time there were many grievances in the country which demanded redress; but each faction was more inclined to insist upon the exercise of its special rights than to fulfil its common responsibilities.
Servia, Egypt and the principalities were successively the scene of hostilities in which Turkey gained no successes, and in 1807 a British fleet appeared at Constantinople, strange to say to insist on Turkey's yielding to Russia's demands besides dismissing the ambassador of Napoleon I.
The States-General (9th of July 1618) took up the challenge, and the prince of Orange, as captain-general, was placed at the head of a commission to go in the first place to Utrecht, which supported Oldenbarneveldt, and then to the various cities of Holland to insist on the disbanding of the waardgelders.
Nor does the a priori argument in any of its forms fare better, for reason can never demonstrate a matter of fact, and, unless we know that the world had a beginning in time, we cannot insist that it must have had a cause.
He directed the peace negotiations with Spain after the war of 1898, and not only secured American interests in the imbroglio caused by the Boxers in China, but grasped the opportunity to insist on "the administrative entity" of China; influenced the powers to declare publicly for the "open door".
One of his first acts, after preventing the application of capital punishment to the ringleaders of the revolt, was to veto the project of protecting the khedive and his government by means of a Praetorian guard recruited from Asia Minor, Epirus, Austria and Switzerland, and to insist on the principle that Egypt must be governed in a truly liberal spirit.
Even these latter, who gained most by the reforms, considered that they had good reason to complain, for the defeat of Arabi and the re-establishment of order had enabled the Christian money-lenders to return and insist on the payment of claims, which were supposed to have been extinguished by the rebellion.
On the 4th of January 1884 SirE; Baring was directed to insist upon the policy of evacuation, and on the 18th General Gordon left London to assist in its execution.
It will be seen that the Press Bureau had no power to insist upon the submission of matter for censorship. The responsibility rested with the editor, who could publish what he thought fit, subject to complying with the Defence of the Realm Regulations.
North Britain; and Scottish people have long objected to the conventional use south of the Tweed of the word " English," when it really means (as they correctly, but sometimes rather pedantically, insist) " British."
Darwin was careful to insist that we did not know the laws of variation, and that when variation was attributed to "chance" no more should be read into the statement than an expression of our ignorance of the causation.
On the other hand, dislike of mystical interpretations of natural facts has driven many capable naturalists to another extreme and has led them to insist on the "all-powerfulness of natural selection" and on the complete indefiniteness of variation.
So again he was always eager to insist on the essential points of union between various denominations of Christians.
Fans of Goth will insist it's not goth.
If you insist on using a palm that is susceptible to disease, you are likely to need to remove it in the future.
The Austrian bishops, however, maintain their tribunals for spiritual purposes, and insist that such things as divorced vinculo must be granted by their authority (Aichner, Compendium juris ecclesiastici, pp. 551-553).
Father Braun, to whose kindness the writer is indebted for the above account of the causes of the ritual changes in the Carolingian epoch, adds that the papacy was never narrowminded in its attitude towards local rites, and that it was not until the close of the middle ages, when diversity had become confusion and worse, that it began to insist upon uniformity.
Transferred to the divine activity, Aquinas's doctrine led him to insist upon the perseitas boni.
Sir Alfred Milner urged the home government strongly to insist upon a minimum of reform, and primarily the five years' franchise; and Mr Chamberlain, backed by the cabinet, adopted the policy of the high commissioner.
There remained, nevertheless, a tendency on the part of the clergy who used incense, or desired to do so, to revert to the position they occupied before the Lambeth hearing - that is, to insist on the ceremonial use of incense as a part of the Catholic practice of the Church of England which it is the duty of the clergy to maintain, notwithstanding the decisions of ecclesiastical judges or the opinions or archbishops to the contrary.
They were also concerned to insist upon the strict observance of the Law, so far as it was compatible with the exigencies of ordinary life, and to train disciples who should set a proper example to the mass of the people.
You insist that your child eat everything on his plate.
Why would his mother insist that she stay?
But this had been removed, and it was now unreasonable to insist on denunciation.
Lamennais, then in the height of his Catholic exaltation, persuaded Comte's mother to insist on her son being married with the religious ceremony, and as the younger Madame Comte apparently did not resist, the rite was duly performed, in spite of the fact that Comte was at the time raving mad.
It is necessary to insist upon this fact, because it has been stated with apparent authority that numerous specimens which began to be exported from 1865 were the outcome of industry commencing in the 16th century and reaching its point of culmination at the beginning of the 18th.
It is necessary to insist upon this point, since it serves to illustrate a radical infirmity in Machiavelli's genius.
Tirpitz himself maintains that his naval aspirations were directed not towards a war with Great Britain, but to the creation of a state of naval equilibrium or of German superiority, which would have enabled Germany to insist upon the unreserved cooperation of British policy in her world aims. It was probably true that Germany's policy was directed rather towards being so strong at sea as to make England unwilling to fight her unless absolutely necessary, than towards actually challenging British naval supremacy.
In conditional baptism the Latins, since about the year 1227, use the formula, " If thou art not baptized, then do I baptize thee," &c. The Latins further insist on a strict observance of the traditional matter and form.
He did not, like the later Pietists, insist on the necessity of a conscious crisis of conversion, nor did he encourage a complete breach between the Christian and the secular life.
His first act was to protest energetically against the murder of the duc d'Enghien (March 20, 1804), and insist on an immediate rupture with France.
One of the catchwords of the day was to insist on a knowledge of things instead of a knowledge of words, on " realism " instead of " verbalism."
In its conflict with Gnostics, Marcionites and Montanists the Church was led to insist more and more upon its Bible, its own Bible, just as in its older controversy with the Jews it had to insist on the Bible which it inherited from them.
A much less wise class than the 7r-computers of modern times are the pseudo-circle-squarers, or circle-squarers technically so called, that is to say, persons who, having obtained by illegitimate means a Euclidean construction for the quadrature or a finitely expressible value for 7r, insist on using faulty reasoning and defective mathematics to establish their assertions.
The point of Aristotle was to draw a line between rational and other evidences, to insist on the former, and in fact to found a logic of rhetoric. But if in the Rhetoric to Alexander, not he, but Anaximenes, had already performed this great achievement, Aristotle would have been the meanest of mankind; for the logic of rhetoric would have been really the work of Anaximenes the sophist, but falsely claimed by Aristotle the philosopher.
To those who began to despair of success, and advised him to conclude peace on almost any terms so as to avoid greater disasters, he turned a deaf ear, and brought the campaign to a successful conclusion; but when his more headstrong advisers urged him to insist on terms which would probably have produced a conflict with Great Britain and Austria, he resolved, after some hesitation, to make the requisite concessions.
For first-class work, however, and especially in steel concrete, it is customary to reject very large stones, and to insist that all shall pass through a ring a of an inch in diameter.
He was expressly commanded by his father to return to Sweden, if the Polish deputation awaiting him at Danzig should insist on the cession of Esthonia to Poland as a condition precedent to the act of homage.
His election for Clare in 1828 proved the forerunner of the inevitable change, and the Catholic claims were granted the next year, to the intense regret of the Protestant Irish, by a government avowedly hostile to the last, but unable to withstand the overwhelming pressure of a people united to insist on justice.
The Durani Afghans claim to be Ben-i-Israel, and insist on their descent from the tribes who were carried away captive from Palestine to Media by Nebuchadrezzar.
It was felt in British circles at the time that a very considerable concession to Habibullah's independence of attitude was displayed in the fact that he was styled in the treaty " His Majesty "; but, in the circumstances, it seems to have been thought diplomatic to accede to the amir's determination to insist on this matter of style.
Even now the executive did not insist upon the construction of prisons on a new plan.
The question will arise some day whether it is really necessary to maintain fifty-six local prisons, with all their elaborate paraphernalia, their imposing buildings and expensive staff, to maintain discipline in daily life and insist upon the proper observance of customs and usages, many of them of purely modern invention.
When Erigena starts with such propositions, it is clearly impossible to understand his position and work if we insist on regarding him as a scholastic, accepting the dogmas of the church as ultimate data, and endeavouring only to present them in due order and defend them by argument.
He was in Congress during the final stages of the War of Independence, and in 1780 drafted instructions to Jay, then representing the United States at Madrid, that in negotiations with Spain he should insist upon the free navigation of the Mississippi and upon the principle that the United States succeeded to British rights affirmed by the treaty of Paris of 1763.
If, contrary to usage, we choose to call the latter a judgment of existence, there is no use in quarrelling about words; but we must insist that new terms must in that case be invented to express so fundamental a difference as that between judgments about real men and judgments about ideal centaurs.
He accepts an ultimate antinomy as to the finiteness or infinity of " the unconditioned," yet applies the law of the excluded middle to insist that one of the two alternatives must be true, wherefore we must make the choice.
Theosophists insist, however, that all religious observances had their origin in some mystical process, the true meaning of which has in most instances been lost.
When therefore, on the 8th of October, Guizot, in an interview with Palmerston, presented what was practically an ultimatum on the part of France, "it was determined that this intimation should be met in a friendly spirit, and that Lord Palmerston should see the Ministers of the other powers and agree with them to acquaint the French that they with England would use their good offices to induce the Porte not to insist on the deprivation of Mehemet Ali so far as Egypt is concerned."
They insist that the Son of God has been incarnate in Jesus of Nazareth, and that our hands have handled and our eyes have seen the word of life.
He introduced no theological novelties; all he did was to insist that, in matters of administration, he would be master in his own house.
If we insist upon the literal and etymological meaning of the word, the Renaissance was a re-birth; and it is needful to inquire of what it was the re-birth.
The motive of the story has been variously regarded as a desire to insist upon the duty of tithe-paying, upon that of almsgiving, and upon that of burying the dead.
In these circumstances no final settlement with Peru and Bolivia was possible, the authorities of those republics holding back to see the issue of the Chile-Argentine dispute, and Chile being in no position at the time to insist on any terms being arranged.
In August of 1898 the Chilean government determined to insist upon the terms of the protocol of 1896 being acted upon, and intimated to Argentina that they demanded the fulfilment of the clause relating to arbitration on disputed points.
It had given the undertaking demanded by the king; those of its members who, like Canning, were in favor of Catholic emancipation, arguing that, in view of greater and more pressing questions, it was useless to insist in a matter which could never be settled so long as the old king lived.
Andre took up his position flanking her, and she shot him a look. She couldn't imagine why a demon would want to pose as Gabriel – and insist on guiding her through the underworld. Her limited experience with demons was that they all wanted to kill her or drag her to Hell or to Darkyn.
Many feel that a tie is optional for after five o'clock, but most fashion mavens insist that to be properly dressed for a cocktail event, a tie should be worn.
There are those who insist it's the best hat ever made.
Many consumers insist on natural and organic beauty products because they have concerns about exposure to toxic chemicals and other pollutants from the products they buy.
Marketers insist that Baby Boomers are all one in the same.
Rumors insist that it's been moved to the side of the unit and is now a flip-switch.
Today the terms are nearly synonymous for most people, but some insist on maintaining a separation between the distinct styles of gaming.
During the dog days of summer, this wine would be perfect for those that insist on wine rather than a beer out by the pool, or better yet, on the beach.
Some wine experts insist that the carbonation of the Champagne helps keep the cork moist when the bottle is in upright storage.
Both male and female transsexuals believe and repeatedly insist that they actually are, or will grow up to be, members of the opposite sex.
They repeatedly state a strong desire to be, or insist that they are, of the opposite sex.
Some infants and toddlers will insist on being held upright and not laid down, often falling asleep over a parent's shoulder or in a parent's arms.
You'll be asked whether this appearance is requested by a business, a church, a school, etc. You'll have to provide tables, chairs, a sound system and the like, but the Jaguars insist that all requests are carefully evaluated.
Celebrity swimsuit pictures are nothing new - movie studios used to insist that stars pose in swimsuits for publicity.
If a shop doesn't offer a string bikini, your daughter will not be able to insist upon it.
A child does not often realize when he is cold and boys will often insist that they are not.
However, if a child does insist on taking one to bed, a parent should remove the batteries before bedtime for increased safety.
Although some people insist "Christmas in July" should be celebrated on July 25, it should be noted that June 25 is actually the date that is halfway to Christmas.
If you insist on picking out an item yourself, however, check the closet to make sure you buy the correct size and to get a sense of style.
We also insist that each stone over one-quarter carat in weight is laser-inscribed as lab-created as part of the certification process."
One of the most widely debated issues in the world of online published writing is whether or not a writer should insist on a byline for his or her work.
While some individuals insist that parents should have a complete lack of interference from the government, many agree that protective measures such as social services are necessary to protect children.
School administrators may find themselves spending an inordinate amount of time doling out discipline slips to those who insist on pushing the envelope when it comes to appropriate dress at school.
The challenge is to keep your bigger goals in your mind as you break up the sibling battles, insist the homework gets done, and find yourself swallowed up by worry.
There are a number of recipes for frugal cooking, as well as suggestions for dealing with picky teens who insist on designer clothes and spouses who are less than supportive of your tightwad ambitions.
Though some might say their day has long since come and gone, others insist that clogs will never age.
Some locations insist that the members not talk to each other while on the premises before, during, or after the practice to emphasize the intention of yoga exercise as opposed to a social event.
For example, he may insist on only being served a particular amount of chips, French fries, or cookies and may become extremely upset when the number is different from his expectations.
Moreover, if your child regresses, or loses abilities, you must consider it a potentially serious problem and insist on a professional evaluation.
With the considerable ramifications for failing to vaccinate children against potentially deadly diseases, why do many continue to insist that there is a link between autism and the MMR vaccine?
Clothing won't be too distracting during class (something faculty will insist upon) but it's also a lot of fun.
Insist on family and friends removing their shoes at the front door.
Similarly, a homeopathic physician may insist on raw foods, while antioxidant-rich foods may be on the menu of a cancer specialist.
Coffee purists insist that this weakens the taste and diminishes a perfect cup of coffee.
In order to qualify as a classic car, most insurers insist that the car is not used in a general manner, that is, to drive to work every day or to pick the kids up from school on a regular basis.
Some people insist on wearing silk underwear everyday; others save them for special occasions.
Even if you know your size, they will insist on measuring you so as to be able to advise more fully.
Though friends of the family insist she stays with them only sometimes, Taylor is presented as being a full time member of the household on the show.
If you decide to have any type of skin procedure at these facilities, insist on seeing professional certification.
It is usually a good idea to make sure the free clan web site hosting lets you insist on registration before commenting, though, to reduce spam.
In fact, only hosts that either insist you use their web design interface, or those that are specifically designed for other programs (usually Microsoft's FrontPage), will be unfriendly toward Dreamweaver.
He does, however, insist that you agree to his terms, which are basically that you will not re-distribute the templates and that you will link back to his site.
They are so nearly mythical that it is impossible to insist on the usual identification with the ancestors of the Huns.
This divergence of views manifested itself on Christmas Day 1895, and although, under pressure, Rhodes did not insist on the British flag, it was determined to postpone the rising.
The retirement of Lord Rosemead (Sir Hercules Robinson) from the post of high commissioner was, however, taken advantage of by the British government to appoint an administrator who should at the fitting opportunity insist on the redress of the Uitlanders' grievances.
Fenelon was one of the first to break down these partition-walls, and insist on viewing all three as products of a single spirit, seen at different angles.
But if he was credulous of marvels, he was careful to insist on good evidence for what he accepted as Christ's own teaching, in the face of current unauthorized views.
On the other hand, this corporeal thing is veritably and identically reason, mind, and ruling principle (X6-yos, vas, iiyE,uovtKOv); in virtue of its divine origin Cleanthes can say to Zeus, " We too are thy offspring," and a Seneca can calmly insist that, if man and God are not on perfect equality, the superiority rests rather on our side.
They were at pains to insist upon purity of heart and life as an indispensable condition for success in prophesying and to enlist piety in the service of morality.
But this pre-eminence, or rather the Roman idea of what was involved in it, was never acknowledged in the East; to press it upon the Eastern patriarchs was to prepare the way for separation, to insist upon it in times of irritation was to cause a schism.
Those who in the same way identify Rabelais with Panurge can never explain the education scheme, the solemn apparition of Gargantua among the farcical and fantastic variations on Panurge's wedding, and many other passages; while, on the other hand, those who insist on a definite propaganda of any kind must justify themselves by their own power of seeing things invisible to plain men.
Thus Christian ethics may be said to insist equally on duty to self and duty to others, while crudely egoistic systems become unworkable if a man renders himself obnoxious to his fellows.
It is unnecessary to insist on the purely speculative character of the conclusions to be reached in this way, so long as they cannot be checked by the results of palaeontology, but, when this is recognized, such speculation is not only legitimate but necessary as a basis on which to build a natural classification.
Sometimes the Oberstaat - to use a convenient expression - is content to insist upon the presence of a resident, who guides the policy of the native ruler.
How long after this it was before infant baptism became normal inside the Byzantine church, we do not exactly know, but it was natural that mothers should insist on their children being liberated from Satan and safeguarded from demons as soon as might be.
The annals of the few contemporary chroniclers are so entirely devoted to the bickerings in the extreme north and west, that it is necessary to insist on the fact that from 1461 onwards the civil war was purely local, and nine-tenths of the realm enjoyed what passed for peace in.
The British government would undoubtedly have been entitled to insist that these armaments should cease.
There have indeed been found persons who insist that the Vindication was a really serious expression of the writer's own opinions.
The enemies of the theory insist that, while it safeguards the unity of Christ's personal experience at any one point, it breaks up by absolute gulfs the continuity of experience and destroys the identity of the person.
Only Sameas, a Pharisee, dared to insist upon the legal verdict of condemnation.
At the end their voices were strong enough to insist upon the diplomatic action which at no point falls back on the sword; Lord Derby (foreign minister) being among the first to make a stand on that resolution, though he was not the first seceder from the government.
Yet the groundwork of his teaching is clear and firm; no one could insist with greater emphasis on the demonstrative character of economic principles as understood by himself.
The Cambridge school, regarding morality primarily as a body of truth rather than a code of rules, insist on its absolute character and intuitive certainty.
And both evolutionary and idealistic ethics agree in repudiating the standpoint of narrowindividualism, alike insist upon the necessity of regarding the self as social in character, and regard the end of moral progress as only realizable in a perfect society.
Before this assembly they pleaded their cause, and stated what were the points on which they were prepared to insist as needful for the proper discipline of the church.
But in the effort to understand them as they were originally understood it is very obvious that this method of interpretation can be pressed too far It would be precarious to insist that the entrances into Palestine of Abraham and Jacob (or Israel) typified two distinct immigrations.
When the British arbitrator appeared on the scene in the beginning of 1872, though compelled to admit the shah's possession of what has been called " Seistan Proper," he could in fairness insist on the evacuation of Nad Ali, Kala Fath, and all places occupied on the right bank by Persian troops; and furthermore he left to the Afghans both sides of the river Helmund from the dam of Kuhak to its elbow west of Rudbar.
The "creation" took place on 12th May, with the title of St George in Velabro, Newman taking occasion while in Rome to insist on the lifelong consistency of his opposition to "liberalism in religion."
During the controversy over the Stamp Act the general court instructed the colony's agent in London to insist on " the exclusive right of the colonists to tax themselves, and on the privilege of trial by jury," as rights that could not be surrendered.
If you insist on traveling, you must accept the risk of bloodshed.
He says aging baby boomers will insist on cars and trucks that take their diminished hearing, vision and physical abilities into consideration.
The Church will however insist that all of its own clergy remain celibate once in a civil partnership.
Whilst others may cut corners on small detail we insist on quality items throughout the range.
Beneath the bluster and machismo, he was - both his grandson and Bogdanovich insist - an immensely cultured, well-read man.
But it lacks the multibillion dollar oil reserves that make Iraq a potent global threat, US officials insist.
Further w er w e do not insist on the most successful method, if it does not suit a couple's wishes.
You are perfectly entitled to insist on having enough time to prepare your case properly.
Advocates of " mercy killing, insist that many doctors practice euthanasia without declaring it.
The ones they do preserve they insist were merely explanatory glosses on ' Uthman's text.
For the most intricate fitting jobs, especially matching design repeats and complicated border work, insist upon a fully qualified fitter.
Also insist that the fans are expensive bearing fans with a 50000 hour or lifetime guarantee.
For example, they may insist on a higher illuminance.
Who are these keen ufologists who sell videos and hold public meetings but insist on remaining incognito in the story?
He can insist that the private key be handed over, rather than plain text.
Do the kids insist on a complete makeover of their room?
Attempts by the parents to insist on attendance result in heightened distress, or temper outbursts.
They will normally insist that they are named as additional insureds and " sole loss payee " .
These forces will continue to insist that all production should be aimed at maximizing profit.
The only way of making complaints hurt companies is to insist on financial recompense.
It seems short sighted to insist the everyone should buy native hardware.
They insist that 'therapeutic' cloning using embryonic stem cells could revolutionize medicine by allowing them to grow grafts matched to individual patients.
Oh, all right, if you insist, but this is all so unbelievably stupid and tedious.
It isn't some innate superiority that has made women insist on these whole lives.
They insist it is a delinquent industry full of half truths, broken promises and strong-arm tactics.
When you insist on telling your story I feel unheard.
I used to - and Ann warned me not to - but I would insist on getting a water meter installed.
Insist on keeping your car windshield wipers running in all weather conditions " to keep them tuned up " .
Others, while recognizing the supreme authority of the papal magisterium in matters of doctrine, confine the infallibility to those cases alone in which the pope chooses to make use of it, and declares positively that he is imposing on all the faithful the obligation of belief in a certain definite proposition, under pain of heresy and exclusion from the Church; they do not insist on any special form, but only require that the pope should clearly manifest his will to the Church.
Monstrosities.A large class of cases of departure from the normal form, depending on different and often obscure causes, may be grouped together under this heading; most of them arc of the kind termed Teretological, and it is difficult to decide how far they should be regarded as pathological if we insist that a disease threatens the existence of the plant, since many of these malformationse.g.
On the one hand, conservative scholars insist upon the close material relation between the constituent sources; critical scholars, on the other hand, while recognizing much that is relatively untrustworthy, refrain from departing from the general outlines of the canonical history more than is absolutely necessary.
On the basis of his idea of God Origen was obliged to insist in the strongest manner on the personality, the eternity (eternal generation) and the essential divinity of the Logos.'
Welcker was a pioneer in the field of archaeology, and was one of the first to insist, in opposition to the narrow methods of the older Hellenists, on the necessity of co-ordinating the study of Greek art and religion with philology.
The rapid diagnosis of diphtheria, by recognizing its bacillus, has enabled the practitioner of medicine to commence the treatment early, and it has also enabled the medical officer of health to step in and insist on the isolation of affected persons before the disease has had time to spread.
Yet, although, as Andral and other French physicians proved, it was extravagant to say that all fevers take their origin from some local inflammation, it was true and most useful to insist, as Broussais vehemently insisted, that "fever" is no substance, but a generalization drawn from symptoms common to many and various diseases springing from many various and often local causes; from causes agreeing perhaps only in the factor of elevation of the temperature of the body.
Government to insist on the adoption of the policy which they recommend; and that it will be necessary that those Ministers and Governors who do not follow this course should cease to hold their offices.
As the chief objection of the "Separates" to the churches of the standing order was their refusal to insist on personal regeneration as a term of membership, many of them were led to feel that they were inconsistent in requiring regenerate membership and yet administering baptism to unconscious infants.
When, however, the Southern envoys were taken by force from the " Trent," a British packet, Palmerston did not hesitate a moment to insist upon a full and complete reparation for so gross an infraction of international law.
They looked at the beautiful, large, thoughtful eyes full of tears and of thoughts, gazing shiningly and imploringly at them, and understood that it was useless and even cruel to insist.
As long he did n't try to insist that sex outside marriage was a danger to individuals and society alike.
The ICBL calls on treaty signatories to insist that any non-signatories do not use antipersonnel mines in joint operations.
We insist on a policy of stringent safety precautions, ensuring our clients are never too far out of touch with the western world.
It is n't some innate superiority that has made women insist on these whole lives.
We have two veterinary nurse training centers, and insist that all veterinary surgeons undergo continuing education courses every year.
Insist on keeping your car windshield wipers running in all weather conditions " to keep them tuned up ".
If you follow Hollywood's latest entertainment news, you've probably asked yourself why stars insist on giving their children exotic and unusual names.
Always insist on a warranty for the bracelet you buy along with a certificate of authenticity for the diamonds used in the bracelet preferably from theGemological Institute of America or the American Gem Society.
Always insist on a full-refund policy or at least a full-exchange policy if you are not satisfied and have to return or exchange the lamp.
Do you insist on a glass tabletop, or are you willing to make do with durable plastic?
Many maternity ward nurses will insist on putting the baby in the car seat and fastening it in so they know that they have done everything in their power to get the baby home safely.
Boating experts also insist that you get your possible boat inspected closely before you purchase it.
While some pet insurance providers allow you to remain with your current vet as long as he/she agrees to honor the terms of your policy, just as many insist you choose a vet from their own list of care providers.
Be aware that you may have to pay for copies, but insist that you receive them.
Some purists will insist that a simple, plain martini is the only one worth drinking, but why not experiment and find more drinks that you will enjoy?
In these circumstances, you should insist that the other party provide you with identity fraud services.
Always insist on documentation proving the agreed upon settlement amount.
Be sure to insist on outdoor foam inserts that repel moisture, fabric that's moisture and UV resistant, and sturdy construction that uses heavy-duty thread.
Choose a solid wood, like oak, that can stand some abuse and insist on heavy duty hardware.
Choose sturdy hardwood over softwood, and insist on the best quality fittings and hardware too.
Buy a really cool garbage can, like the colorful cans available at The Container and insist that it gets used.
If you have room, insist on having as much counter space as you can.
Models have been using it for years and insist that it's the best.
Most heli-skiing outfits will insist that you carry avalanche safety gear.
Experts like Andrea Kay insist that some jobs "will be less demanding, have less responsibility, or will demand less in terms of precision or stamina" but won't be stress-free.
You too can turn off the television, Wii, and all the other electronics if need be and insist on some reading time.
When he tells this to his friends, they all insist that keeping the money would be stealing from the band as well as cheating the people who donated.
For safety, it is best to insist that teens hide in pairs and no opposite sex teams.
While many hosts insist on mailing invitations, this is not necessary at all.
Some wholesale suppliers will insist on proof of business, such as a vendor license, before you can set up an account.
A spokesperson for the happy couple claims the midnight caller is no friend, but instead one of many who insist on harassing the Jones-Reynolds since their address became public.
A spokesperson for the happy couple claims the midnight caller is no friend, instead one of many who insist on harassing the Jones-Reynolds since their address became public.
However, there are some who still insist that her death was murder, or perhaps accidental.
This is especially true if young girls also insist that their parents purchase them special low rise thongs to wear under their low cut jeans.
Does your child insist on dressing himself?
You must vet these carefully, as they sometimes insist that you buy several of something at once.A good source for girls' wholesale party dresses is Light in the Box.
Some dogs insist on wheedling their way onto your bed and other furniture in search of a cushy place to take a nap, even if it isn't allowed.
If you insist in pursuing this, she might wind up with lasting joint damage.
Family discord will quickly follow if you insist on bringing a new dog home when part of the family isn't backing your decision.
Second, insist that he makes the call to your former vet or that you will take your business elsewhere.
Some people swear by Japanese beetle traps while other insist they entice more beetles to the garden than they capture.
Fashion mavens insist that the four button suit looks best on tall and slim men, but of course, this is all dependent upon the cut.
What was down that path that no one wanted to talk about, and why did Giddon insist that his houseguest should not wander around alone?
The ancient historians, who together cover this period, are strangely indifferent to the importance of the Jews, upon which Josephus is at pains to insist.
Various elements in the Republican party, nevertheless, had stoutly opposed their appointment, so that the President's choice showed that he was prepared to exert his independence of party managers and to insist upon administrative efficiency.
He did not at first insist on Palestine as the new Jewish home, nor did he attach himself to religious sentiment.
The Sunnites insist that the office belongs to the tribe of Koreish (Quraish) to which Mahomet himself belonged, but this condition would vitiate the claim of the Turkish sultans, who have held the office since its transference by the last caliph to Selim I.
The prefaces to his various editions contain details as to the methods of this association, and repeatedly insist on the importance of reading the Scriptures.
There are some 30,000 Sikhs in the Indian army, and the sect is cherished by the military authorities, who insist on all recruits taking the pahul or Sikh baptism.
The child was baptized at once, that it might be admitted to the Church, while the completion of its baptism was put off till it could be brought to a bishop. Western canons insist on both points at once; baptism is not to be deferred beyond a week, VI.
A tenant is not entitled to insist that he or she chooses the tradesman.
In a different context, that same person might instead insist on following social rules for the good of society, even though someone may suffer because of it.
Parents should insist that their children always use a seat belt when riding in a car.
They should also insist that appropriate protective headgear always be worn when children engage in activities such as bicycling or rollerblading during which a head injury is possible.
Report all verbal or physical threats against a child to school authorities and insist they take action.
Those who insist on tanning should be encouraged to tan gradually and avoid burns.
This is still the case, which is why it can be considered ironic that natural redheads like Nicole Kidman and Lindsey Lohan insist on going platinum blonde.
Some lenders insist on paying homeowners insurance and taxes through escrow and do not allow borrowers to do it themselves without paying hefty fees.
While specific figures vary by lender, most insist that your monthly gross income be equal to, or greater than, three or four times the amount of your mortgage payment.
If there are things that you absolutely insist upon in a home--such as a two car garage or a large backyard--find out if these things make homes cost more in your area or if they are simply considered standard.
Plenty of women insist that this is accurate, but just as many have gotten incorrect predictions.
If you insist on wearing makeup, be sure that it is waterproof, and steer clear of heavy foundations, eyeshadows, powders and faux lashes.