Insight Sentence Examples
The book gives insight into rural family life in 1930's Ireland.
She gave him insight into how Katie and her mother felt about the subject.
He had wonderful gifts of insight, and spoke to the birds.
The research gives insight into the theory of evolution.
You have any insight into why my power is jacked up?
Even so, it was more insight to the relationship he had with his parents than he had ever shown.
Damian might have some insight into what was going on, and who the Magician was.
If you are asked, you can give them insight into their future, so long as you do not reveal everything.
He needed her insight, for when he wasn't able to see outside his narrow lane.
This will likely not ever be perfect, but any insight it can offer us is a gain.
AdvertisementWith Andre's help, he might gain some insight into Deidre's illness and be able to counter the demons tracking and stealing souls.
No silver bullet is in this chapter, no "aha" insight that will instantly persuade you.
Thousands of years hadn't given him much insight into a woman's way of thinking, but this he knew without a doubt.
His protest, it is needless to say, was unavailing, and all who respect his memory must regret that the sunset of life failed to give him that insight into the future which is poetically ascribed to it.
Bruce, with the insight of military genius, seized his opportunity.
AdvertisementBut no carefully devised calculus can take the place of insight, observation and experience.
I gained invaluable insight into the workings of an international current affairs magazine.
She might have some insight.
Our artificially-established classifications collapse whilst we gain further insight into the mutual affinities of the existing groups.
Although Ken wrote much poetry, besides his hymns, he cannot be called a great poet; but he had that fine combination of spiritual insight and feeling with poetic taste which marks all great hymnwriters.
AdvertisementIt's a short section, but full of important insight.
Prior to making any difficult decisions, he met with a clairvoyant, who's insight proved fruitful.
Darkyn's bond has given you insight.
The Christians suffered from systematic persecution, and many historians, with a strange lack of historical insight, have poured denunciation upon him for an attitude which was the natural outcome of his convictions.
She will have insight into the specific needs of your dog.
AdvertisementThat state of mind was due to the fact that the groupings so recognized did not profess to be simply the result of scientific reasoning, but were necessarily regarded as the expressions of the " insight " of some more or less gifted persons into a plan or system which had been arbitrarily chosen by the Creator.
Rhodes c. 185 B.C., a citizen of the most flourishing of Greek states and almost the only one which yet retained vigour and freedom, Panaetius lived for years in the house of Scipio Africanus the younger at Rome, accompanied him on embassies and campaigns, and was perhaps the first Greek who in a private capacity had any insight into the working of the Roman state or the character of its citizens.
Breadth of view, insight, foresight, are more familiar but less adequate descriptions of a faculty which Disraeli had in such force that it took command of him from first to last.
The feedback service on Amazon allows you to read the experience of other shoppers before buying a product and this gives you a useful insight.
If possible, a friend or family member should join them at the doctor's office to add additional insight.
With true philosophic insight he shows that France failed in the struggle not because of any inferiority in the ability and character of the men to whom the work was entrusted, but chiefly by reason of her despotic and protective regime.
The task of constructing a system of government from the bottom, of reconciling the conflicting and often jealously sensitive elements, called for tact, firmness, industry and deep insight into human nature, all of which Governor Taft displayed in a marked degree.
On the other hand, he has no claim to rank as a critical historian; he has no conception of the philosophy of history, no insight into the real causes that underlie political changes, no power of penetrating below the surface, or even of grasping the real interconnexion of the events which he describes.
Some do the tests on site while other offices provide expert insight into the test results.
It is strongly coloured with his enthusiasm for ancient Rome; and specially upon the topic of artillery it displays a want of insight into the actualities of modern warfare.
The author was a moderate and fairminded man, but possessed neither great powers of style, nor striking historical insight, nor the special historian's power of writing minute accuracy of detail with breadth of view.
During his long reign of forty-nine years Poland had gradually risen to the rank of a great power, a result due in no small measure to the insight and sagacity of the first Jagiello, who sacrificed every other consideration to the vital necessity of welding the central Sla y s into a compact and homogeneous state.
Last night saw a rather saucy insight into an ex Ram on TV.
Still, learning about the general stepsinvolved inmaking a guitar may provide you with greater insightabout your own instrument or pique your curiosity for further instruction.
Although at times he states his principles with a wonderful degree of breadth and insight, he mars the effect by looseness of statement, and by the incorporation of irrelevant psychological matter.
The critical method which has since become almost a formal system, aiming at scientific certainty, was with him an unexampled power, based on the insight acquired from wide knowledge, which enabled him to judge the credibility of an author or the genuineness of an authority; but he has made it impossible for any one to attempt to write modern history except on the "narratives of eye-witnesses and the most genuine immediate documents" preserved in the archives.
Nieremberg has not the enraptured vision of St Theresa, nor the philosophic significance of Luis de Leon, and the unvarying sweetness of his style is cloying; but he has exaltation, unction, insight, and his book forms no unworthy close to a great literary tradition.
Thus there were two great political events (the Syro-Israelitish invasion under Ahaz, and the great Assyrian invasion of Sennacherib) which called forth the spiritual and oratorical faculties of our prophet, and quickened his faculty of insight into the future.
The localization of function in the cerebral and in the cerebellar cortex has doubtless been the main cause of this progress, and has proceeded poi passu with an extended insight into the structure and connexions of the parts concerned.
Moreover, the insight into origins, into initial morbid processes revealed by the pathologists, eu Theraa woke more and more the hoe of dealin with the peutics.
The third and fourth books give evidence of acuteness in psychological analysis; the fourth and sixth of the most active and varied observation of natural phenomena; the fifth of original insight and strong common sense in conceiving the origin of society and the progressive advance of man to civilization.
Not merely because of its central commercial position, but because of its width of view, its political insight, and its constant insistence on the necessity of union, this counter played a leading part in Hanseatic policy.
Here lies a great merit of Hermas's book, his insight into experimental religion and the secret of failure in Christians about him, to many of whom Christianity had come by birth rather than personal conviction.
He was most successful in his translation of popular song, in which he shows a rare sympathetic insight into the various feelings and ideas of peoples as unlike as Greenlanders and Spaniards, Indians and Scots.
His account of the first dawnings of culture, and of the ruder Oriental civilizations, is marked by genuine insight.
Works of wide scope and clear insight have been produced, and the Historiographers section in the Imperial University of TOkyO
His favourite authors were Euripides, Virgil and Racine, whom he defends against the stock criticisms of the admirers of Corneille with equal zeal and insight.
When the secret treaty with France became known, thus confirming Sacheverell's insight, the latter called for the disbandment of the forces and advocated the refusal of further supplies for military purposes; and in June 1678 he resolutely opposed Lord Danby's proposal to grant £300,000 per annum to Charles II.
In his Indian budget speech of 1913 he remarked with true insight that the watchword of the future was cooperation between the Government and the governed in India; the difficulty was that in India men of the 20th century lived side by side with men of the 5th.
His insight into the causes of Italian decadence was complete; and the remedies which he suggested, in the perorations of the Principe and the Arte della guerra, have since been applied in the unification of Italy.
His pictures are magnificent in their composition and their draughtsmanship; and his keen observation and insight into character are evident, especially in his portraits, notably of Madame Recamier, of the Conventional Gerard and of Boissy d'Anglas.
Lindsay (History of the Reformation), clearer insight than the Lutherans, and Zwingli rather than Luther was in this matter Calvin's guide, and the guide of the reformed churches of Switzerland, France, England and the Netherlands.
Gioja's latest work Filosofia della statistica (2 vols., 1826; p vols., 1829-1830) contains in brief compass the essence of his ideas on human life, and affords the clearest insight into his aim and method in philosophy both theoretical and practical.
He had a singular faculty for reading the minds and the motives of men, and to this insight he perhaps owed the power of adaptability (called by his opponents shiftiness) which characterized his whole career.
His writings are defective in virility and breadth of thought, and his tragedies display neither the insight into character nor the constructive power of a great dramatist.
How came Adam by the requisite insight and power of observation?
Of the rest, whose personalities are less known to us, Papias shares Polycarp's qualities and their limitations, the anonymous homilist and Hermas are marked by intense moral earnestness, while the writer to Diognetus joins to this a profound religious insight.
For the Gymnasium the aim of the new scheme is, in Latin, " to supply boys with a sound basis of grammatical training, with a view to their understanding the more important classical writers of Rome, and being thus introduced to the intellectual life and culture of the ancient world "; and, in Greek, " to give them a sufficient knowledge of the language with a view to their obtaining an acquaintance with some of the Greek classical works which are distinguished both in matter and in style, and thus gaining an insight into the intellectual life and culture of Ancient Greece."
A new world was discovered, for the sake of which everything else was abandoned; to make sure of that world insight and intelligence were freely sacrificed; and, in the light that streamed from beyond, the absurdities of the present became wisdom, and its wisdom became foolishness.
Successful emendation requires a rare union of qualifications - insight, prudence, patience and familiarity with the author emended and the conditions of his text.
His insight, however, did not extend beyond the circumstances immediately before and around him, and he failed to realize that the great mass of the French nation was still with Napoleon at heart.
His latest published work was a biography of his friend Sir Astley Cooper Key, and his last article was a critical examination of the tactics adopted at Trafalgar, which showed his acumen and insight at their best.
The shape of the corsage you choose can lend some insight into the size you'll need.
Coursework usually includes classes to give students insight into legal system operations and offer a thorough understanding of legal and law theories.
The organization offers insight into the statistics and the problems associated with persistent nightly snores.
Taking a biblical perspective on your dream experience involves gaining insight into dream symbols, possible meanings, and methods of interpreting dreams.
He takes no rank as a scientific theologian, being a man of activity rather than of speculation or of much insight.
The fresh insight into the history of the church evinced by this work at once drew attention to its author, and even before he had terminated the first year of his academical labours at Heidelberg, he was called to Berlin, where he was appointed professor of theology.
Although there are some works of this so-called Silver Age of considerable and one at least of supreme interest, from the insight they afford into the experience of a century of organized despotism and its effect on the spiritual life of the ancient world, it cannot be doubted that the steady literary decline which characterized the last centuries of paganism was beginning before the death of Ovid and Livy.
They are conscious, as are we in reading them, that they are not moving on the same level of insight as the Apostles; they are sub-apostolic in that sense also.
But the weakness is more than a dogmatic one; it is one of religious experience, as the source of spiritual insight.
It is not merely that "there is no dogmatic system in Clement" or in any other of the Apostolic Fathers; that may favour, not hinder, religious insight.
In common with his works generally, it is distinguished by exhaustiveness of treatment and research, critical ability, a remarkable degree of accuracy, and a certain insight into the past which he gained from his practical experience of men and institutions.
Yet if he judges too favourably the leaders of the national party in England on the eve of the Norman Conquest, that is a small matter to set against the insight which he exhibits in writing of Aratus, Sulla, Nicias, William the Conqueror, Thomas of Canterbury, Frederick the Second and many more.
This great advance, which is the result of the gradual focussing of a century's work in the minute exploration of the exact laws of optical and electric phenomena, clearly carries with it deeper insight into the physical nature of matter itself and its modes of inanimate interaction.
With wide learning and keen critical insight he wrote a number of historical works of which the most important is his Institutiones Hist.
Scepticism with regard to reason, on the other hand, depends on an insight into the irrational character of the relation which we chiefly employ, viz.
In like manner, the apparent antinomies on which such a scepticism builds will be found to resolve themselves for a system based on a deeper insight into the nature of things.
A curious insight into the course of education which a young Polish nobleman underwent is furnished by the instructions which James Sobieski, the father of the celebrated John, gave to Orchowski, the tutor of his sons.
The amir showed his usual ability in diplomatic argument, his tenacity where his own views or claims were in debate, with a sure underlying insight into the real situation.
As an advocate his sharpness and rapidity of insight gave him a formidable advantage in the detection of the weaknesses of a witness and the vulnerable points of his opponent's case, while he grouped his own arguments with an admirable eye to effect, especially excelling in eloquent closing appeals to a jury.
And so too with the following great prophets; the important thing in their work was not their moral earnestness and not their specific predictions of future events, but the clearness of spiritual insight with which they read the spiritual significance of the signs of the time and interpreted the movements of history as proofs of Yahweh's actual moral sovereignty exercised over Israel.
In this as in all other matters of transcendental truth "wisdom is justified of her children"; the conclusive vindication of the prophets as true messengers of God is that their work forms an integral part in the progress of spiritual religion, and there are many things in their teaching the profundity and importance of which are much clearer to us than they could possibly have been to their contemporaries, because they are mere flashes of spiritual insight lighting up for a moment some corner of a region on which the steady sun of the gospel had not yet risen.
To some extent this historical vindication of the prophetic insight went on during the activity of the prophets themselves.
The mass of the nation, of course, was always much more struck by the "signs" and predictions of the prophets than by their spiritual ideas; we see how the idea of supernatural insight and power in everyday matters dominates the popular conception of Elijah and Elisha in the books of Kings.
It is not possible to acquit Schelling of a certain disingenuousness in regard to the Hegelian philosophy; and if we claim for him perfect disinterestedness of view we must accuse him of deficient insight.
But Schelling did not merely borrow, he had genuine philosophic spirit and no small measure of philosophic insight, and under all the differences of exposition which seem to constitute so many differing systems, there is one and the same philosophic effort and spirit.
At the head stood the teachers (" the sons of meekness," Mani himself and his successors); then follow the administrators (" the sons of knowledge," the bishops); then the elders (" the sons of understanding," the presbyters); the electi (" the sons of mystery"); and finally the auditores (" the sons of insight").
For his insight into mechanism and his power over it he was unequalled, except perhaps by Charles Babbage.
But his political insight and his impartiality entitle him to a high place among the historians of the 12th century.
Mazarin was not a Frenchman, but a citizen of the world, and always paid most attention to foreign affairs; in his letters all that could teach a diplomatist is to be found, broad general views of policy, minute details carefully elaborated, keen insight into men's characters, cunning directions when to dissimulate or when to be frank.
The work is considered too subjective and fanciful, the great fault of the author being that he lacks the impartiality of objective historical insight.
The account given by the church at Smyrna of the death of their bishop Polycarp (155) gives us an insight into these feelings.
As lack of insight lay at the root of their troubles, it was not enough simply to enjoin the moral fidelity to conviction which is three parts of faith to the writer, who has but little sense of the mystical side of faith, so marked in Paul.
It is most difficult to appreciate aright this man of fervid imagination, of powerful and persistent convictions, of unbated honesty and love of truth, of keen insight into the errors (as he thought them) of his time, of a merciless will to lay bare these errors and to reform the abuses to which they gave rise, who in an instant offends us by his boasting, his grossness, his want of selfrespect.
There is a striking proof of Baxter's insight into character in his account of what happened under these circumstances.
His pages abound in fine and acute insight.
Many detached sayings scattered throughout the book show a depth of insight, or a practical shrewdness, or again a power of concise speech, which stamps them on the memory.
Such men, who, capable in every field, designed the Great Pyramids and bestowed the highest monumental fame on their masters, must surely have had an insight into scientific principles that would hardly be credited to the Egyptians from the written documents alone.
It is only by the most careful scrutiny, or the exercise of the most piercing insight, that the imperfectly spelled Egyptian has been made to yield up one grammatical secret after another in the light brought to bear upon it from Coptic. Demotic grammar ought soon to be thoroughly comprehensible in its forms, and the study of Late Egyptian should not stand far behind that of demotic. On the other hand, Middle Egyptian, and still mote Old Egyptian, which is separated from Middle Egyptian by a wide gap, will perhaps always be to us little more than consonantal skeletons, the flesh and blood of their vocalization being for the most part irretrievably lost.
But he adds that he found all four of them, in different degrees, deficient in insight into religious truth.
Ninth, there is the insight that the creator seeks affirmation, not confirmation, of the appropriateness of a course of action.
Philip k clients insight into.
A straw poll of New Insight staff in the office on one day showed that 100 per cent had tried it.
The monograph provides an insight into the transport planning process.
The result is a hilarious insight into the two " performers " on their respective stages in the style of a fascist rally.
By means of this structure, the reader gains insight into the methodological rigor behind Hopkins ' translation at an almost pedagogical level.
Further scrutiny of the records of six of the most frequent runaways gave a terrifying insight of the dangers they faced.
We are looking for an enthusiastic self-starter to work in our consumer insight division.
We also have in house brand and marketing specialists at 'Huge ' to offer you an overall insight into the promotion of you brand.
These give a vivid insight, (or nostalgic jog to the memory) into the displays prior to out-of-town superstores.
Our free pre-concert talks offer a fascinating insight into the music you are about to experience.
A study of the world's major plates gives insight into recent finding about the action of plate tectonics.
For an insight into the muddled constitutional thinking of the Government I've read few better articles.
To gain more insight into this critical issue changes in seabed topography occurring over the full active profile " envelope " are required.
These techniques have led to new insight into how several relatively unstudied molecules undergo such dynamic exchange.
A literary debut which combines wit with barbed insight f. .
They are used to communicate a timeless message, often achieving a wistful, yearning and powerful insight through extreme brevity.
If you want to gain some insight then zap down to your local video store and hire the film ' The Wedding Singer ' .
In the following year he received an appointemnt as student interpreter in the China consular service, and after serving for a short time at the Ningpo vice-consulate, he was transferred to Canton, where after acting as secretary to the allied commissioners governing the city, he was appointed the local inspector of customs. There he first gained an insight into custom-house work.
His two historical works, the histories of Theodosius and of Ximenes, are more remarkable for elegance of style than for accuracy and comprehensive insight.
He described him as "a companionable, brilliant soul, with piercing eyes, the body of an Aesop - a man of keen insight, exquisite taste and wide erudition.
For extended analysis he had small liking and faculty; his critical insight is limited in range, and he confines himself almost wholly to the concrete elements of history.
But he thoroughly grasped its conditions, and in his great work on naval warfare (first published in 1891) he enunciated its principles with great cogency and with keen historic insight.
More suggestive still of high repute as a man of insight and authority is his mission from the Jerusalem Church to inspect and judge of the new departure in the Gospel at Antioch, in Acts xi.
The first ever participants of Insight Out, West Midlands, offering business training for recent creative industries graduates from the area.
A caring reputable breeder has a very good insight into the behavior of their puppies.
These need to be integrated with insight into the resilience of ecosystems.
It was selected with skill and insight by Patrick Johnson who, resplendent in top hat and tails, played it on the piano.
To gain an insight into the transmission and clinical processes of the disease, a detailed understanding of schistosome population genetic structure is essential.
Does this soliloquy move the play forward in any way (e.g. give us a new insight into the prince 's thinking)?
Any insight about which sites I can trust to be solvable puzzles?
These give a vivid insight, ( or nostalgic jog to the memory) into the displays prior to out-of-town superstores.
Working on the series gave me a great insight into the technicalities of film production.
A study of the world 's major plates gives insight into recent finding about the action of plate tectonics.
For an insight into the muddled constitutional thinking of the Government I 've read few better articles.
With 275 mostly color photographs to thumb through, it 's a lovely looking insight into the models design origins and development history.
That glib remark about Elvis is unbecoming of a man of your undoubted intelligence and insight Martin.
As his brilliant biographies demonstrate he had extraordinary insight and a naturally unprejudiced mind.
This weeklong course really will give you a fascinating insight into all walks of life.
A literary debut which combines wit with barbed insight f..
If you want to gain some insight then zap down to your local video store and hire the film ' The Wedding Singer '.
The lecture gave me a valuable insight into the author's way of thinking.
The engine wouldn’t start so clearly I’d done something wrong when putting it back together, but realizing this gave me no insight into how to fix my mistake.
He is a manager with great insight. He will help this company go far.
The biography gave a fresh, new insight into the life and times of William Shakespeare.
He showed remarkable insight on the topic considering he had just started learning about it.
This recent microbiological research study gives new insight to the intracellular control mechanisms of platelets.
Looking at pictures of the row of adobes gave us insight into how the Pueblo Indians lived.
They may also give birth parent some insight into more difficult topics, such as putting an older child up for adoption and single parenting.
While you can gain valuable insight into the world of international adoption, you may be making a grave mistake to assume you can save money without professional help.
Recently, Dr. Joanne Baum was kind enough to offer the readers of LoveToKnow Baby some insight into the world of babies and their sleeping habits.
When searching for help concerning international adoptions, don't overlook the valuable insight and assistance that the government can offer.
The more scientists and doctors understand about Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, the more insight they have to offer to parents in terms of education and safety.
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Don't forget to read user reviews on websites such as, which can give an extremely useful insight into a product.
The vet and I are equally as stumped, I was hoping that you might have some insight.
Kids might also be able to gain some insight by discussing the characters they don't like.
The list below offers some insight into the kinds of situations that typically don't require court proceedings.
Interviews with experts provide insight into what has worked for numerous people, so that you can learn from others' mistakes.
Carbon cycle activity gives us a general idea of the carbon stores and exchanges between the biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere of the earth, which gives us insight into what humans are doing to cause global warming.
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Hybrid sales were increasing by February of 2009 with the growing popularity of the Honda Insight, Ford Fusion, and Toyota Prius, all offered at affordable prices utilizing both gas and electric engines that can travel good distances.
LoveToKnow would like to thank Paul McCormack for taking time out of his busy schedule to speak with LTK and share greater insight on the mission and accomplishments of Miele green appliances.
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In fact, learning the Latin and Greek foundation of western languages provides you with unique insight into how words are formed and where they come from - insight that fewer people have today than ever before.
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A job as an assistant to a professional photographer can help you test the waters of the industry and give you valuable insight into the type of work you are pursuing.
By accenting a layout with lyrics from a song that you enjoy, you're giving the viewer new insight into your personality.
The side-cut feature of modern skis offers insight into the length disparity.
You may find common anger triggers and gain insight as ideas are exchanged within the group.
Instead of reacting immediately, the student will develop the insight and self-control to walk away when angry to calm down, and evaluate his own feelings and thoughts about the situation.
In the most traditional sense, it was used to gain insight and wisdom, as a way to listen to God.
You can therefore benefit from their insight and experience and find happiness in your life to replace your anger.
Even then it is important you gain some sort of insight as to what her reaction may be.
Thinking about how your parents would feel can give you some insight as to whether the peer pressure you're facing is good or bad.
A learning permit allows you to drive with a parent or older adult in the car and can give you valuable insight into how to handle spur of the moment situations where a driver cuts in front of you or you hydroplane on water.
What if questions can get teens thinking and open up some important discussions that lead to insight on leading a Christian lifestyle.
This is a useful way to get an insight into how someone else has found a book and is particularly relevant with wedding planners, as the feedback will have come from other people who are also planning weddings.
The guide offers insight into the process of selecting the right items for every room in the home.
The Frequently Asked Questions section of their website offers insight into what happens during your appointment.
This improved focus can help recovering addicts work on gaining insight about why they began using drugs or alcohol, and this can help them learn how to deal with the situations that will trigger them to begin using again.
She is currently a correspondent with the cable channel Wedding Central, where she provides her insight into William and Kate's nuptials.
For the parents of teens and even educators, these rankings can provide valuable insight into the education that institutions across the national can offer.
Experienced guides offer expert advice and insight to local attractions, and comfortable private transportation and accommodations are conveniently arranged.
Cruise Disney Magic reviews for personal insight into what it's like to sail on board this elegant, family-friendly mega-ship.
In addition, consider helping your fellow man and offer up some style insight within our fashion community.
The history of the wedding dress is rich with insight and color.
Each edition is sure to entertain while giving readers insight into the world around them.
Share experiences or gain insight into the viewpoint of this highly touted demographic through the Boomer Generation blog.
The Sleep Society for Neuroscience offers insight into the scientific discoveries derived from REM studies as well as their implications.
Specific chemicals are released during sleep stages, offering insight into which prescription medications offer help for sleep disorders.
Biomechanical insight into why people sleep presents itself through research.
Some sources offer a little insight into possible approaches including an "all-natural" plan of action.
Few clinical trials offer insight into the effectiveness of exercising to alleviate the symptoms of RLS.
Sleep apnea associations offer helpful insight into the sleep disorder, ranging from the initial diagnosis to advanced treatments.
The topics are not sponsored by a retailer; however, you can receive product information by asking fellow forum members for their help or insight into different models of machines and masks.
It can be very helpful to receive tips and insight from fellow sleep apnea patients.
While the approaches for dream interpretation can offer some insight, the dreamer is probably the most efficient dream analyzer there is.
Books on the subject of biblical interpretation of dreams can offer excellent insight, and you can find helpful resources online as well.
Unveiling types of dreams and what they mean can give you great insight into your experiences with dreaming.
The Hyuga clan have special mental, physical, and emotional insight; they can see into their opponents' souls.
Special thanks to Randy Barnett for sharing his insight about this important issue and to Anna De Souza of Live in Five PR for arranging the interview.
In addition to these services, working with an experienced travel agent can give interested vacationers an insight into their destination that making plans online cannot.
The clips give you more details about the story, and insight for things to come in the game.
They may not only approach specific video games as inspiration, but they may also provide some commentary or insight into the industry of gaming itself.
As mentioned above, it is best to check the ESRB rating, but you may also want to look into the specific content descriptors as well, because they will give you insight into why a particular game received a certain rating.
Once you see Sylvanas, you will get insight to a key character and treated to a mysterious vocal performance, which is a highlight in Burning Crusade that should not be missed.
Stephen Tanzer's International Wine Cellar is read word for word for his knowledgeable and practical insight and blessings.
The publication also offers more information including insight into touring the wine country as added inspiration.
Another resource that can give you some insight on pricing is an RV dealer, either one you visit online, such as RV Trader, or one you go to in person.
Because the MBTI is also a tool for self-discovery, mental health professionals may administer the test in counseling sessions to provide their patients with insight into their behavior.
The term emotional intelligence refers to the child's ability to understand the emotions of others, perceive subtle social cues, "read" complex social situations, and demonstrate insight about others' motivations and goals.
Insight assessment pertains to determining the patient's awareness of their problem that prompted them to seek professional examination.
Insight concerning the present illness can range from denial to fleeting admission of current illness.
This use of the creative process is believed to provide the patient/artist with a means to gain insight to emotions and thoughts they might otherwise have difficulty expressing.
The information can give insight into your family at this important time.
There is no perfect curriculum, so this type of insight can be particularly valuable.
You will also get more insight into the job itself than what is listed in the blurb in the paper or online.
You will also need to answer questions that give insight into your personality, and perhaps answer questions that demonstrate how you will fit into the corporate culture at the business.
These questions may not be directly related to the job at hand, but may be intended to provide more general insight into the type of employee you would be.
They may provide expert insight into cases of medical malpractice, fraud, sexual assault and more.
Just as attorneys and paralegals consult experts in psychology, they often require professional insight and guidance with health and medical issues.
This show isn't a traditional house flipping program, but it gives insight into how contractors and subcontractors can affect a profit margin.
This hysterical compilation of personal essays will give the mom-to-be a new insight into pregnancy and delivery!
A video archive of Lee Mingwei's pregnancy and a podcast When Men are Pregnant provide insight into male pregnancies.
The presentations offer insight into the birthing process as well as techniques for dealing with labor and delivery.
Endometriosis stages offer insight into the progression of the medical condition.
Family profiles are very helpful, as they provide insight into the heart and soul of Coronation Street.
To quicken this by awakening deeper insight into the real objects of "faith," as these bore on their actual life, he develops his high argument on the lines already indicated.
The refusal of the emperor William to entertain this project shows that in such matters his judgment was more correct than that of his counsellor, and the incident proves that the latter had anything but a clear insight into the historical position.
He dealt with the great question at issue from the standpoint of the diplomatist, rather than from that of the statesman well versed in ecclesiastical history and possessing an insight into what it implies; and by his violent, inconsiderate action he unwittingly drove into the ranks of Ultramontanism the moderate elements of the Catholic population.
Latimer, however, besides possessing sagacity, quick insight into character, and a ready and formidable wit which thoroughly disconcerted and confused his opponents, had naturally a distaste for mere theological discussion, and the truths he was in the habit of inculcating could scarcely be controverted, although, as he stated them, they were diametrically contradictory of prevailing errors both in The only reasons for assigning an earlier date are that he was commonly known as " old Hugh Latimer," and that Bernher, his Swiss servant, states incidentally that he was " above threescore and seven years " in the reign of Edward VI.
The Noctes Atticae is valuable for the insight it affords into the nature of the society and pursuits of those times, and for the numerous excerpts it contains from the works of lost ancient authors.
Her letters are full of vivacity, of colour, and at times of insight and wit, but she never learnt to write either French or German correctly.
The industry of Gervase was greater than his insight.
Magee's manifold activities, his capability as an administrator, his sound judgment, and his remarkable insight into the ecclesiastical problems of his time, rank him among t he most distinguished of English prelates.
This conception led Kekule to his "closed-chain" or "ring" theory of the constitution of benzene which has been called the "most brilliant piece of prediction to be found in the whole range of organic chemistry," and this in turn led in particular to the elucidation of the constitution of the "aromatic compounds," and in general to new methods of chemical synthesis and decomposition, and to a deeper insight into the composition of numberless organic bodies and their mutual relations.
Great as is the interest attached to the various public buildings of Pompeii, and valuable as is the light that they have in some instances thrown upon similar edifices in other ruined cities, far more curious and interesting is the insight afforded us by the numerous private houses and shops into the ordinary life and habits of the population of an ancient town.
He was little attracted by the scholastic learning, though it would be wrong to take his words as evidence of a precocious insight into its weakness.
Starting from this principle he was driven to geometry for insight into the ground and modes of emotion.
It consisted for the most part of an elaborate theory of vision which, though very creditable to Hobbes's scientific insight, was out of place, or at least out of proportion, in a philosophical consideration of human nature generally.
The words of Isocrates (even allowing for their rhetorical colour) give us a vivid insight into what such a process meant.
Historically, however, they are of no little interest, not only from the insight into the social life of the period which they afford, but from the important influence they exercised on the Elizabethan drama.
The truth seems to be that Justinian was not a great ruler in the higher sense of the word, that is to say, a man of large views, deep insight, a capacity for forming just such plans as the circumstances needed, and carrying them out by a skilful adaptation of means to ends.
His industry, his remarkable political insight, his lack of scruple, and his combined strength of will and subtlety of intellect enabled him to utilize all the forces which tended at that time towards strong government throughout western Europe.
He showed his versatility in landscape, as in his "Whins in Bloom," which combined great breadth with fine detail; in flower-pieces, such as his "Roses," which were brilliant in rapid suggestiveness and force; but most of all in his portraits, which are marked by great individuality, and by fine insight into character.
There is a Middle Path discovered by the Tathagata' - a path which opens the eyes, and bestows understanding, which leads to peace, to insight, to the higher wisdom, to Nirvana.
In the very earliest times of the most remote animism we find the belief that a person, rapt from all sense of the outside world, possessed by a spirit, acquired from that state a degree of sanctity, was supposed to have a degree of insight, denied to ordinary mortals.
In depth of philosophic insight, in the method of Socratic questioning often adopted, in the earnest and elevated tone of the whole, in the evidence they afford of the most cultured thought of the day, these dialogues constantly remind the reader of the dialogues of Plato.
It is a remarkable piece of work, and the sketch of absolute government in France during this period has never before been traced with an equal amount of insight and brilliance.
The alliance concluded by him with France reveals him at once as rising superior to the narrow prejudices of his race and faith, which rejected with scorn any union with the unbeliever, and as gifted with sufficient political insight to appreciate the advantage of combining with Francis I.
In the following year, in order to gain insight into another side of his calling, he spent four months at Wetzlar, where the imperial law-courts were established.
Goethe has here taken a simple story of village life, mirrored in it the most pregnant ideas of his time, and presented it with a skill which may well be called Homeric; but he has discriminated with the insight of genius between the Homeric method of reproducing the heroic life of primitive Greece and the same method as adapted to the commonplace happenings of 18th-century Germany.
As Otto Pfleiderer (Development of Theology, p. 285) observes, "the choice not less than the treatment of these subjects is indicative of the large breadth of view and the insight of the historian into the comparative history of religion."
His political insight is shown by the fact that he endeavoured to limit the indefinite extension of Moslem conquest, to maintain and strengthen the national Arabian character of the commonwealth of Islam, 4 and especially to promote law and order in its internal affairs.
He possessed vast and varied learning, perfect calmness and impartiality, and great power of historical insight, and is now looked back to as the pioneer in the movement for the economic interpretation of history.
On the other we have a stage at which the rational but as yet not reasoned concepts developed in the medium of the psychological mechanism are subjected to processes of reflective comparison and analysis, and, with some modification, maintained against challenge, till at length the ultimate universals emerge, which rational insight can posit as certain, and the whole hierarchy of concepts from the " first " universals to Ta apEA are intuited in a coherent system.
On the other, he assigned to vas with its insight into rationality too high a function with regard to the concrete in which the surd was present, a power to certify the truth of scientific principles.
This pococurantism might easily be interpreted as an insight into the limitations of inverse method as such or as a belief in the plurality of causes in Mill's sense of the phrase.
And what Spinoza has to say of the requisites of definition and the marks of intellection makes it clear that insight comes with coherence, and that the work of method on the " inductive " side is by means of the unravelling of all that makes for artificial limitation to lay bare what can then be seen to exhibit nexus in the one great system.
Hegel's treatment of the categories or thought determinations which arise in the development of the immanent dialectic is rich in flashes of insight, but most of them are in the ordinary but to make explicit those justificatory notions which condition the form of our apprehension.
Were this all, the gain by their introduction would consist mainly in a clearer insight into the mechanism of co-ordinate systems, rectangular or not - a very important addition to theory, but little advance so far as practical application is concerned.
Neither of these men professed to employ the calculus itself, but they recognized fully the extraordinary clearness of insight which is gained even by merely translating the unwieldy Cartesian expressions met with in hydrokinetics and in electrodynamics into the pregnant language of quaternions.
Sometimes this insight is claimed as the result of the operation of some higher faculty or some supernatural revelation to the individual; in other instances the theosophical theory is not based upon any special illumination, but is simply put forward as the deepest speculative wisdom of its author.
The theosophist, on the other hand, is most at his ease when moving within the circle of the Divine essence, into which he seems to claim absolute insight.
Apart, however, from these pseudo-revelations the Theosophical Society has given rise to an extensive literature, some of which displays a high degree of argumentative and expository ability; and moreover the movement has from time to time attracted the attention and secured the co-operation of many earnest seekers, of some few of whom it can be truly said that they possessed undoubted spiritual power, insight and knowledge.
It is mere prejudice to deny that Mandeville had considerable philosophic insight; at the same time he was mainly negative or critical, and, as he himself said, he was writing for "the entertainment of people of knowledge and education."
Guided by this objective criterion, and safeguarded by growing insight into the author's plastic aim, we need not despair of reaching large agreement as to the nature of the sources lying behind the first half of Acts.
He shows no greater political insight than we should expect from his position; but relates what he had seen and heard with a naive vivacity which compels attention.
The whole tangled skein of Italian politics, in that involved and stormy period, is unravelled with a patience and an insight that are above praise.
Indeed, it may be confidently affirmed that those who desire to gain an insight into the true principles and feelings of the men who made and wrote history in the 16th century will find it here far more than in the work designed for publication by the writer.
Superstition and stupidity hedged them in on every side, so that sorcery and magic seemed the only means of winning power over nature or insight into mysteries surrounding human life.
Boccaccio's tales, in like manner, continue the tradition of the fabliaux, raising that literary species to the rank of finished art, enriching it with humour and strengthening its substance by keen insight into all varieties of character.
Volta followed up these observations with rare philosophic insight and experimental skill.
The discovery that chemical action was involved in the process led to the advancement of the chemical theory of the pile and this was strengthened by the growing insight into the principle of the conservation of energy.
In ten days of brilliant investigation, guided by clear insight from the very first into the meaning of the phenomena concerned, he established experimentally the fact that a current may be induced in a conducting circuit simply by the variation in a magnetic field, the lines of force of which are linked with that circuit.
In the 26th series (1850) he returned to a discussion of magnetic lines of force, and illuminated the whole subject of the magnetic circuit by his transcendent insight into the intricate phenomena concerned.
Turning now to the theory of electricity, we may note the equally remarkable progress made in 300 years in scientific insight into the nature of the agency which has so recast the face of human society.
It contains a brief and somewhat obscure outline of the first two parts in the Instauratio, and is of importance as affording us some insight into the gradual development of the system in Bacon's own mind.
Yet his insight into political science was not deeper than that of his age; nor did he possess any superiority in moral qualities.
It appals the reader with its irregularity of treatment, its variations of style, and its abrupt transitions from the spiritual to the crude and trivial, and from superstition to the purest insight.
And the founder who enters history with an impressive personality can only do his work through the response made to him by the insight and feeling of his time.
They seem to have embodied the lectures of Ammonius with additions by Philoponus, and are remarkable rather for elaborate care than for originality and insight.
These remains, however, suffice to give a complete insight into the structure of the language.
Overpowered by the majesty and novelty of the Christian message of salvation, too conscientious to rest satisfied with the ordinary attempts at the solution of difficulties, while prevented by the limitations of his time from reaching an historical insight into the relation of Christianity to the Old Testament and to Judaism, he believed that he expressed Paul's view by the 1 Esnik's presentation of the Marcionite system is a late production, and contains many speculations that cannot be charged upon Marcion himself.
His vast learning was the result of a powerful memory and unwearied industry, and he lacked the creative imagination necessary to mould this material into new forms. He was a powerful debater, but his victories were those of a dialectician rather than a convincing reasoner, and in him depth of insight and conviction were ill replaced by the controversial violence characteristic of the age.
The letter in which he discloses his misery to this kind and thoughtful man gives a real insight into his character.
It is enough to refer here to the fragmentary series of his Shakespearian criticisms, containing evidence of the truest insight, and a marvellous appreciation of the judicial "sanity" which raises the greatest name in literature far above even the highest of the poets who approached him.
For insight and breadth of view the despatch ranks with that which Sir George Grey drew up in 1858.
Political insight is wholly wanting to Socrates; all the orthodox emperors blaze forth in a uniform light of dazzling splendour; even the miserable Arcadius is praised, and Theodosius II.
The scientific importance of this step is to be measured by the degree of insight which it affords or promises into the molecular constitution of real bodies by the suggestion of experiments by which we may discriminate between rival molecular theories.
The explanation has been given with remarkable insight by Plateau.
These beings also manifested themselves to man by means of images in dreams, communicated with him, and sometimes gave him an insight into the future.
He betrays, too, an insight into the evils which were destined finally to undermine the imposing fabric of Roman eMpire.
To us, therefore, they are valuable not only for their eloquence, but still more as giving us our clearest insight into Livy's own sentiments, his lofty sense of the greatness of Rome, his appreciation of Roman courage and firmness, and his reverence for the simple virtues of older times.
Patriotism, insight, courage, statesmanship, energy, - these great qualities were indisputably his; but unfortunately they were vitiated by obstinacy, suspicion and a sulky craftiness, beneath which simmered a very volcano of revengeful cruelty.
Major takes a more independent attitude in his History, which is a remarkable example of historical accuracy and insight.
What he lacked was that insight into the best classical masterpieces, that command of the best classical diction, which is the product of successive generations of scholarship. To attain to this, Giovanni da Ravenna, Colluccio Salutato, Poggio and Filelfo had to labour, before a Poliziano and a Bembo finally prepared the path for an Erasmus.
In spite of a perhaps exaggerated admiration for his hero, Gruel displays in his work so much good faith, insight and originality that he is accepted as a thoroughly trustworthy authority.
From the sublimity of Thucydides, and Xenophon's straightforward story, history passed with Theopompus and Ephorus into the field of rhetoric. A revival of the scientific instinct of investigation is discernable in Timaeus the Sicilian, at the end of the 4th century, but his attack upon his predecessors was the text of a more crushing attack upon himself by Polybius, who declares him lacking in critical insight and biased by passion.
In this mission he was successful and obtained some insight into the working of the German church during a stay of a year with Hermann II., archbishop of Cologne.
On constitutional matters he writes with an insight to be attained only by the study of political philosophy, discussing in a masterly fashion the dreams of idealists and the schemes of government proposed by statesmen.
His insight into the spiritual life was profound.
Canning in Calcutta, John Lawrence in the Punjab, were men indeed equal to any burden; and the stress of the Mutiny, ending once and for ever the bad old system of seniority, brought to the front so many subordinates of dauntless gallantry and soldierly insight that a ring of steel was rapidly drawn round the vast territory affected.
It was to the insight of Lawrence and the splendid organization of the Punjab province - the spoilt child -of the Indian government, as it had been called in allusion to the custom of sending thither the best of the Indian officials and soldiers - that the reduction of Delhi and the limitation of the outbreak were due.
In time, however, he perceives that behind the fantastic garb of language there is an earnest and vigorous mind, an imagination that harbours fire within its cloudy folds, and an insight into the mysteries of spiritual life which is often startling.
Sometimes, indeed, he denounces fiercely enough the arts and pretensions of priests; but no one has embodied with such profound spiritual insight some of the most vital moments of the Christian story.
Does this consciousness represent an authentic insight into ultimate fact, or is it a pitiful illusion of the nerves, born of man's hopes and fears and of his fundamental ignorance?
He was not, indeed, a scientific theologian; but his insight into the principles of the spiritutal life was unrivalled.
But though it evinces considerable insight, it cannot escape the charge of extravagance.
A careful sifting of the available evidence would rather tend to represent Periander as a ruler of unusual probity and insight, and the exceptional firmness and activity of his government is beyond dispute.
The following year Cousin went to Munich, where he met Schelling for the first time, and spent a month with him and Jacobi, obtaining a deeper insight into the Philosophy of Nature.
For the duties of this office at such a critical time he was deficient in insight and energy, but his political success was independent of his official capacity; and when the ministry of Grey was wrecked on the Irish question in July 1834 Melbourne was chosen to succeed him as prime minister.
No WTestern author, since the death of Gregory of Tours, wrote on such a scale, or with such vigour and insight.
A body composed of several hundred members cannot carry on government with the requisite steadiness of action and clearness of insight.
With cynical insight he discovered that a great government cannot rest on a clique, however distinguished.
It might have been so even had the war been conducted on the British side with greater military skill and with more insight into the conditions of the struggle, which was essentially a civil contest between men of the same race.
Expert knowledge and judicial insight must decide the point; but, so far as the present writer can judge, it is illusory to imagine that Duns points us beyond the medieval assumptions.
This he did in writing Coningsby, a novel of the day and for the day, but commended to us of a later generation « syb%» not only by the undimmed truth of its character portraits, but by qualities of insight and foresight which we who have seen the proof of them can measure as his contemporaries could not.
The student of his life understands that Disraeli's claim to remembrance rests not only on the breadth of his views, his deep insight, his long foresight, but even more on the courage which allowed him to declare opinions supplied from those qualities when there was no visible likelihood of their justification by experience, and therefore when their natural fate was to be slighted.
A more detailed investigation of all the characters of the Ferns will be needed before the course of evolution thus broadly indicated can be traced, but the results obtained afford a deeper insight into the general method of progression and the selective factors in the process.
And much of our knowledge, as he shows in the fourth book, is rational insight, immediate or else demonstrable, and thus intellectually necessary in its constitution.
Both accept the paradox in the qualified sense that no one can deliberately act contrary to what appears to him good, and that perfect virtue is inseparably bound up with perfect wisdom or moral insight.
Both, however, recognize that this actuality of moral insight is not a function of the intellect only, but depends rather on careful training in good habits applied to minds of good natural dispositions, though the doctrine has no doubt a more definite and prominent place in Aristotle's system.
When further he teaches that the attainment of happiness depends almost entirely upon insight and right calculation, fortune having very little to do with it; that the pleasures and pains of the mind are far more important than those of the body, owing to the accumulation of feeling caused by memory and anticipation; and that an indispensable condition of mental happiness lies in relieving the mind of all superstitions, which can be effected only by a thorough knowledge of the physical universe - he introduces an ample area for the exercise of the philosophic intellect.
Moral insight, in the view of the most thoughtful Jews of the age immediately preceding Christianity, was conceived as knowledge of a divine code, emanating from an authority external to human reason which had only the function of interpreting and applying its rules.
And the need which most philosophers have felt for some philosophical foundation for morality arises, not from any desire to subordinate moral insight to speculative theory, but because the moral facts themselves are inexplicable except in the light of first principles which metaphysics alone can criticize.