Insertions Sentence Examples
Two insertions of the sting are effected and the fly is instantly paralysed by the poison so introduced into its body.
Thorpe gives, without explanations, the insertions of an ill-informed Gloucester monk who has obscured the accurate chronology of the original.
The so-called Emblemata (insertions) of Tribonian were therefore indispensable, though, of course, we cannot say whether they were always made in the best way.
It looks as if they were insertions in the passage as it originally stood, and that the references to parables in the plural, together with the statement at vv.
In addition to such larger insertions, the text of the original document seems to have undergone a certain amount of revision.
No new ones were found after his death, but many alterations and insertions.
Perpendicular insertions are insignificant.
There is literary critical evidence for late insertions by exilic or later compilers; 1 the compiler of Chronicles apparently refers to accessible works; and there is a close material relationship between the Old Testament and later literature.
Insertions of this or of a similar character may be of almost any length, from a few words to a whole chapter or a complete poem.
That even long portions of the Koran existed in written form from an early date may be pretty safely inferred from various indications; especially from the fact that in Mecca the Prophet had caused insertions to be made, and pieces to be erased in his previous revelations.
AdvertisementEmbassies to Rome conveying the English alms to the pope were fairly frequent; while Alfred's interest in foreign countries is shown by the insertions which he made in his translation of Orosius.
Tribonian has been blamed for the insertions the compilers made in the sentences of the old jurists (the so-called Emblemata Triboniani); but it was a part of Justinian's plan that such insertions should be made, so as to adapt those sentences to the law as settled in the emperor's time.
Sievers argued, on linguistic grounds, that it was a translation, with some original insertions, from a lost poem in Old Saxon, probably by the author of the Heliand.
An incorrect substitution of one name for another, a reading which gave an impossible date, insertions of spurious laws or decrees, were points which few readers would stop to notice.
His stories became popular, and were written down as he told them - hardly written by himself, else we should not have so many variations in the text, and such insertions of "the narrator says," "my noble sirs," and the like.
AdvertisementIn the violet the calycine segments are prolonged downwards beyond their insertions, and in the Indian cress (Tropaeolum) this prolongation is in the form of a spur (calcar), formed by three sepals; in Delphinium it is formed by one.
The three first floor windows are modern insertions into frames that earlier held pairs of side hung casements.
In this article we report the creation of in-frame deletions or insertions in every biosynthetic gene in the cluster from Serratia sp.
Except for lacking exons, these pseudogenes contained several nucleotide substitutions, insertions and deletions.
Reservations must include This 1930 sans serif face has some odd angular insertions.
AdvertisementThe physician uses ultrasound images to guide needle placement and collect the sample, thereby minimizing the risk of fetal injury and the need for repeated needle insertions.
In more detail, PKU mutations can involve many different types of changes, such as deletions and insertions, in the DNA of the gene that codes for the PAH enzyme.
These insertions create tension, which helps hold the object together.