Inordinate Sentence Examples
Maximilian was also a writer of books, and his writings display his inordinate vanity.
In the Upper House he was the spokesman of the gentry against the magnates, whose inordinate privileges he would have curtailed or abolished.
Nevertheless, the influence of Donna Olimpia was baneful; and she made herself thoroughly detested for her inordinate ambition and rapacity.
But it was found that there were no funds in the treasury to satisfy their inordinate demands, and they were obliged to be contented with one-half the stipulated sums, which, after many difficulties, were paid in specie and in jewels, with the exception of 584,905 rupees.
The two points thus meeting, the bill is 1 This peculiarity is found as an accidental malformation in the crows (Corvidae) and other groups; it is comparable to the monstrosities seen in rabbits and other members of the order Glires, in which the incisor teeth grow to an inordinate length.
For the clergy as a whole, in spite of his criticism of individuals, he has the very highest respect, as also for the monks, without himself making any inordinate religious professions.
His unwearied activity and inordinate vanity led him to undertake a great many costly public works, many of them, such as the erection of palaces and churches, unremunerative.
Circumstances which strike his fancy, or furnish convenient texts for his polemic, are handled at inordinate length, while others are rapidly dismissed or passed over altogether.
These ordinances proved, however, generally ineffectual to secure strictness of diet, and contemporaneous literature abounds with satirical remarks and complaints concerning the inordinate extravagance of the tables of the abbots.
They are deeply separated by religious differences, and their mutual jealousies, their inordinate vanity, English Miles 0 5 io 20 30 40 50 Railways Capitals of Vilayets &c. C Longitude East 42 of Greenwich their versatility and their cosmopolitan character must always be an obstacle to the realization of the dreams of the nationalists.
AdvertisementHe was undoubtedly an extremely able soldier and a skilful statesman, and much of his legislation shows a real political sense; but his inordinate ambition, his oppressive methods of government and taxation, and his cruelty created enemies on all sides, and led to the collapse of the edifice of dominion which he had raised.
Thus despite an inordinate love of adventure, which makes him appear rather a wandering chieftain than an established ruler, he was essentially a man of insight and progress.
Then at the end of the moral virtues justice is treated at inordinate length, and in a different manner from the others, which are regarded as means between two vices, whereas justice appears as a mean only because it is of the middle between too much and too little.
This will ensure that you don't spend inordinate time at the shredder feeding in one sheet at a time!
In reality, you'll probably spend inordinate amounts of time trying to raise x dollars rather than concentrating on getting the product right.
AdvertisementCouples sometimes want to add extra excitement to their bedrooms, while still maintaining an inordinate desire to keep outward appearances normal!
School administrators may find themselves spending an inordinate amount of time doling out discipline slips to those who insist on pushing the envelope when it comes to appropriate dress at school.
When a claim is filed with Universal, the company assumes the financial burden of the losses incurred due to injury, negligence, or property damage, protecting families and businesses against inordinate loss of money and assets.
The indiscriminate use of Mercator's projection, for maps of the world, is to be deprecated owing to the inordinate exaggeration of areas in high latitudes.
The conditions of peace were naturally humiliating for Valdemar,' though, ultimately, he contrived to render illusory many of the inordinate privileges he was obliged to concede.
AdvertisementUse 3. Let the foresight of this glorious estate wean thee from all inordinate affections to human and earthly glory.
The healthcare system spends an inordinate amount of money keeping moribund oldsters alive for a lot longer than nature intended.
Panic-stricken for a moment, the government issued a manifesto proclaiming Liberal principles and promising in vague language all manner of political reforms (October 30, 1905), and when the inordinate expectations created by this extraordinary document were not at once realized, preparations were made for overthrowing the existing regime by means of an armed insurrection.
Like Poland two centuries later, Hungary had ceased to be a civilized autonomous state because her prelates and her magnates, uncontrolled by any higher authority, and too ignorant or corrupt to look beyond their own immediate interests, abandoned themselves to the exclusive enjoyment of their inordinate privileges, while openly repudiating their primal obligation of defending the state against extraneous enemies.
Unfortunately her brilliant and commanding qualities were vitiated by an inordinate pride and egoism, which exhibited themselves in an utter contempt for public opinion, and a prodigality utterly regardless of the necessities of the state.
AdvertisementThis is important because you don't want to spend an inordinate amount of time breaking your shoes in.
Also, be sure to confirm the shipping cost as some eBay users charge inordinate amounts for shipping.
Another point worth noting about this collection is the fact that it offers an inordinate amount of ruffles, something you don't readily find on most bikini styles.
Although the thought of spending an inordinate amount of time in the kitchen is stifling to some, the most effective way to ensure your gluten-free sweets are categorically gluten-free is to create them in your own home.
Both boys and girls expend inordinate amounts of time and energy on personal grooming, spending long periods of time in the bathroom trying to achieve a certain kind of look.