Innocent iii Sentence Examples
But he is chiefly famous for his History of the Church of Rome to the Pontificate of Innocent III.
Three years afterwards he died, leaving a son, Frederick, to the care of Constance, who in her turn died in 1198, bequeathing the young prince, already crowned king of Germany, to the guardianship of Innocent III.
The actual crisis may be said to begin with the quarrel between John and Pope Innocent III.
The abbe Migne carried his Latin patrology down to the time of Innocent III.
Valdemar at once cultivated the friendship of the new emperor; and Frederick, by an imperial brief, issued in December 1214 and subsequently confirmed by Innocent III.
When the embassy was over, the bishop and Dominic repaired to Rome, and Innocent III.
In 1215 the bishop of Toulouse, Dominic's great friend, established them in a church and house of the city, and Dominic went to Rome to obtain the permission of Innocent III.
Thus in 1198 the chapter of Paris suppressed its more obvious indecencies; in 1210 Pope Innocent III.
The question of the real existence of incubi and succubi, whom the Romans identified with the fauns, was gravely discussed by the fathers of the church; and in 1484 Innocent III.
This after all is the great change; and even the genius of an Innocent III.
AdvertisementThroughout the course of his crowded and magnificent pontificate, Innocent III.
Philip of Swabia, engaged in a struggle with the papacy, found Innocent III.
The Fifth Crusade is the last which is started in that pontificate of Crusades - the pontificate of Innocent III.
Egypt had already been indicated by Innocent III.
Tithes for the Crusades were first imposed on the clergy by Innocent III.
AdvertisementHe was compelled to recant, under strong pressure from Pope Innocent III.
A renewal of the crusade proving equally vain, in 1247 Pope Innocent III.
On the other hand, the prominent badge enforced by Pope Innocent III.
The fourth Lateran council (twelfth ecumenical), convened by Pope Innocent III.
One of the earliest statements as to the population of London occurs in a letter of about the year 1199 written to Pope Innocent III.
AdvertisementHe is last heard of in 1198, as commissioned, together with the prior of Thurgarton, by Pope Innocent III.
The grounds of suspicion have been formulated "Pope Innocent III.
He introduces himself to us with a certain abruptness, merely specifying his own name as one of a list of knights of Champagne who with their count, Thibault, took the cross at a tournament held at Escry-sur-Aisne in Advent 1199, the crusade in contemplation having been started by the preaching of Fulk de Neuilly, who was commissioned thereto by Pope Innocent III.
There is more than one meaning of Innocent Iii discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
Against this secularized church a body of witnesses silently protested; they were always persecuted but always survived, till in the 13th century a desperate attempt was made by Innocent III.
AdvertisementThis was the attitude of Innocent III.
This had greatly increased since the Concordat of Worms, and reached its height under Innocent III.
The rule of the Church by the Roman bishop had thus become a reality; but the papal claim to supreme temporal authority proved impossible to maintain, although Innocent III.
As instances of his more direct services, he put an end to the schism of 1130 and attached Italy and the world to the side of Innocent III.
But the preaching of the papal legates, even when supported by military demonstrations, had no effect; and the Albigensian question, together with other questions vital for the future of the papacy, remained unsettled and more formidable than ever when Innocent III.
In his endeavours to carry out the whole of this programme, Innocent III.
Although the ecclesiastical monarchy continued to gain strength, the successors of Innocent III.
In other respects the papacy of this period found itself in a very inferior situation to that which it had occupied under Innocent III.
The European state of mind no longer lent itself to such enterprises, and, moreover, under such brief pontificates, the attenuated Roman power could not expect to succeed where Innocent III.
Frederick - presently to be the renowned emperor Frederick II., Emperor Frederick " Fridericus stupor mundi et immutator mirabilis " - II was crowned at Palermo in 1198; but the child, deprived of both parents, was held to be under the protection of his lord Pope Innocent III.
This enthusiastic priest at once began to re-assert the ancient metropolitan claims of the historic Welsh see, and between the years1199-1203paid three visits to Rome in order to obtain the support of Pope Innocent III.
In 1134 Henry appeared bef ore Pope Innocent III.
There are many references to him in the correspondence of Innocent III.
There are several extant specimens of 12th-century Breviaries, all Benedictine, but under Innocent III.
Towards the close of his reign he became embroiled in a dispute with Pope Innocent III.
Nevertheless, soon after the close of the synod the Roman republic forced Alexander to leave the city, which he never re-entered; and on the 29th of September 1.179 some nobles set up the antipope Innocent III.
His later writings deal mainly with the history of the papacy, and took the form of an elaborate work on Pope Innocent III.
King John himself wrote to Pope Innocent III.
Raymond does not attempt any original work; to the texts already included in the Quinque compilationes, he adds only nine decretals of Innocent III.
A striking example of the doctrine is furnished by the decree of Innocent III.
In 1203 he was canonized by Pope Innocent III.
His mother, who assumed the government, died in November 1198, leaving Pope Innocent III as regent of Sicily and guardian of her son.
But on ascending the papal throne, Innocent III.
It is uncertain whether the papal indult of forty days was granted by Innocent III or Innocent IV.
The organs of this vast monarchy were the papal Curia, which first appears distinctly in the firth century (see Curia Rommana), 'See further, Innocent III.