Injury Sentence Examples
It wasn't just the injury and meds that made Lana's head spin.
Mr. Dean, would you please discuss the circumstances of your injury in the line of duty?
Fires at stations or involving injury to.
I'm not sure, but I'm guessing his head injury caused him to not understand, or even remember what happened.
They may occur on all parts, buds, leaves, stems or roots, as shown by the numerous species of Cynips on oak, Phylloxera on vines, &c. The local damage is small, - but the general injury to assimilation, absorption and other functions, may be important if the numbers increase.
Small tissue samples are also be obtained using this method allowing a range of inflammatory and injury markers to be examined in the tissue.
The jury remained out on the effect of Julie's injury on her speech.
The doctor suggested as much exercise could be gained by walking without the added risk of injury.
No injury is done to the infested insects.
Falls not only cause physical injury but also affect older people's self-confidence and their ability to get out and about.
AdvertisementFormer Liverpool and England star Jamie Redknapp, has suffered with numerous injury setbacks during his career.
Kurt Campbell 5 - Failed to impress and did not look sharp coming back from his injury.
It would be adding insult to injury and committing a second evil, to repudiate a wife to whom you have made solemn vows.
Our personal injury solicitors deal with cases from start to finish.
Treatment for hamstring strain depends largely on the severity of the injury.
AdvertisementBut as he rode out to view the ruins his horse plunged on the burning cinders and inflicted on him an internal injury.
He is also empowered to detain a foreign ship the master or seamen of which appear to him through their misconduct or want of skill to have caused injury to a British vessel, until the necessary application for satisfaction or security be made to the local authorities.
Clinical antecedents linked with this type of injury include maternal pyrexia, prolonged preterm rupture of membranes and maternal leucocytosis.
In late 2000 he was involved in a rear end shunt on a motorway, which left him with a whiplash type injury.
Injury sidelined Harland for much of the second half of the campaign, but his 36 appearances still brought 4 goals.
AdvertisementWith a few players sidelined due to injury the Harlequins brought in some new players to the team.
Recently he had had an injury playing football that included a cracked skull.
His doctor diagnosed a soft tissue or mild whiplash injury to his cervical spine.
The home fans booed but it was obvious the injury was worse than it appeared as a leg splint was brought on.
After injury many of these silent synapses become active, leading to a readjustment of CNS function.
AdvertisementTo lok at preventing the head injury you could state categorically tate categorically tat the helmet " saved my life " .
He was Damian's size, though by his lopsided shoulders and scars, he'd survived some sort of serious injury.
Dean ignored her question as Effie moved to look closer at the injury.
His gentleness was unexpected as he examined the wrapped injury.
She braced herself, expecting pain when it reached her injury.
A third phenomenon observable in stich healing tissues is the increased flow and accumulation of plastic materials at the seat of injury.
If, on the contrary, the gradual cooling is met by a corresponding depletion of the cells of water, even intense cold may be sustained without injury.
The poison must not be strong enough to injure the roots, leaves, &c., of the host-plant, or allowed to act long enough to bring about such injury.
The machine which will gin the largest quantity in the shortest time is naturally preferred, unless such injury is, occasioned as materially to diminish the market value of the cotton.
It was left to accumulate in vast heaps about ginhouses, to the annoyance of the farmer and the injury of his premises.
The steam operates by carrying the vapours away to the condenser as fast as they are generated, the injury to the products resulting from their remaining in contact with the highly-heated surface of the still being thus prevented.
He was kindly dismissed by the pope not long after, with a letter recommending him to the protection of the bishops of Tours and Angers, and another pronouncing anathema on all who should do him any injury or call him a heretic. He returned home, overwhelmed with shame and bowed down with sorrow for having a second time been guilty of a great impiety.
The capture and sack of Athens by Sulla (March 1, 86 B.e.) seems to have involved no great injury to its architectural monuments beyond the burning of the Odeum of mom,.
The removal to London in 1812 of most of the remaining sculptures of the Parthenon by Lord Elgin possibly rescued many of them from injury in the period of warfare which followed.
A portion of the body may die in consequence of the disturbance of its nutrition by inflammation, or of a cutting off of the bloodsupply, as by pressure upon, or injury to, the blood-vessels.
A comparatively slight injury affecting a portion of the body imperfectly supplied with blood may give rise to an inflammatory condition which in a healthy part might pass unnoticed,.
Our book had hardly been published, when Hyrcanus, owing to an injury done him by the Pharisees, broke with their party, and, joining the Sadducees, died a year or two later.
The master (dominus) could inflict on his coloni " moderate chastisement," and could chain them if they attempted to escape, but they had a legal remedy against him for unjust demands or injury to them or theirs.
The width, however, proved inconvenient, and the broad sheet was liable to injury by tearing.
Africa, can, however, only be enforced by special administrative machinery and at considerable expense, and this legislative action can only be regarded as temporary and preliminary to the establishment of plantations of rubber trees, which are not only easier to control, but the trees are less liable to injury from careless tapping.
Instead of the axe or large knives which frequently inflicted serious damage to the trees, special small knives and prickers are now employed so constructed as to avoid injury to the tree through making a larger incision than is necessary, and without penetrating into the wood below the laticiferous layer.
It is possible to tap or prick trees daily for a number of years without apparent injury, but the practice of tapping on alternate days appears to be safer and to afford equally satisfactory if not better results.
A new squadron with 6000 troops was entrusted to the famous admiral Duguay Trouin to revenge this injury.
The riformatori were ousted from power and expelled the city, and the trade of Siena suffered no little injury by the exile of so many artisan families.
Sweden, as one of the guarantors of the peace of Westphalia, and several north German states, protested against the injury thus done to their coreligionists.
No case of the transmission of the results of an injury can be produced.
Injury and loss of tissue are usually followed by repair, and both the destructive and reparative changes are, as a rule, classified under the term inflammation.
In the various reactions of the tissues against the exciting cause of the injury we see a striking example of a beautifully organized plan of attack and defence on the part of the organism.
At once they proceed to make good their hold on the position they have secured by secreting and throwing out toxins which cause more or less injury to the tissues in their immediate neighbourhood.
These then pass into the blood stream in very large numbers, and appear to be specially attracted to the point of injury by a positive chemiotactic action.
If the injury be a small incised wound through the skin and subcutaneous tissues without any septic contamination, there usually follows a minimum of reaction on the part of the tissues.
The reactions of the tissues vary in degrees according to the nature and severity of the injury.
As early as six hours after the injury the polymorpho-nuclear leucocytes are seen passing in large numbers from the dilated and congested blood vessels of the tissues at the margin of the wound into the injured zone, where they carry on an active phagocytosis.
Yet even the distribution of toxic matters by the blood is not necessarily followed by general and indiscriminate injury to the nervous elements.
A similar sacrifice in the shape of pillars is often necessary to support the surface, either to avoid injury to valuable structures or to prevent a flooding of the mine.
It has the disadvantage that the distance from one level to the next cannot usually be more than fifty feet without increasing greatly the chances of injury to the men from falling rock..
As will be seen from this diagram the most serious source of death and injury is not found in mine explosions, but in the fall of rocks and mineral in the working places.
Further, all the subsequent processes of cutting, moulding and annealing become increasingly difficult, owing to the greatly increased risk of breakage arising from either external injury or internal strain, as the dimensions of the individual piece of glass increase.
Owing to a fire caused by lightning its fine church of St Julien, dating from the 14th century, which had escaped serious injury during many wars, was destroyed in 1817 (since rebuilt).
Some of the American varieties have been introduced into France and other countries infested with Phylloxera, to serve as stocks on which to graft the better kinds of European vines, because their roots, though perhaps equally subject to the attacks of the insects, do not suffer so much injury from them as the European species.
He chose the profession of military engineer, spent three years, to the decided injury of his health, at Fort Bourbon, Martinique, and was employed on his return at Rochelle, the Isle of Aix and Cherbourg.
Cut plants are allowed to wilt, or become flaccid, before removal from the field, to prevent injury to the turgid leaves.
For the binder whole leaf of the same quality as the fillers is used, but for the wrapper only selected leaves of the finest quality and colour, free from all injury, are employed.
In the climate of Great Britain a late variety is preferable, as securing the young shoots against injury from frost, to which otherwise they are very subject.
Drawers of cedar or chips of the wood are now employed to protect furs and woollen stuffs from injury by moths.
It is of the most engaging tameness, being fortunately protected by popular sentiment from injury.
It commonly results from injury, as the tearing or cutting of a blood-vessel, but certain forms result from disease, as in scurvy and purpura.
Haemorrhage has been classified as - (I) primary, occurring at the time of the injury; (2) reactionary, or within twenty-four hours of the accident, during the stage of reaction; (3) secondary, occurring at a later period and caused by faulty application of a ligature or septic condition of the wound.
Owing to the use of paper among the threads of the embroidery and sizing in the preparation of the stuff forming the ground, every operation of folding used to cause perceptible injury to a piece, so that after a few years it acquired a crumpled and dingy appearance.
He also persuaded his colleagues to grant some rather scandalous pensions, and Fox's acquiescence in this abuse after his recent agitation against Lord North's waste did him injury.
Professions, such as the law or medicine, observe a code of etiquette, which the members must observe as protecting the dignity of the profession and preventing injury to its members.
On the other hand he did not hesitate to inflict considerable injury on his own people, the Dutch, by the terms of the treaty with England (1689), when it became clear that only in this way could England's co-operation be secured.
It is of smaller size than the preceding, and causes more injury to animals, such as sheep, dogs, &c. than to man.
After wearisome and disheartening failures, embittered by the pain of an internal disease, Wolfe crowned his work by the decisive victory on the Plains of Abraham (13th of September 1759) by which the French permanently lost Quebec. Twice wounded earlier in the fight, he had refused to leave the field, and a third bullet passing through his lungs inflicted a mortal injury.
He died on the 5th of November 1370 from the effects of an injury received while hunting.
De Ruyter re-established the Dutch posts in Gambia, and, though he failed to retake New Amsterdam, did much injury to English trade before he returned to Holland.
Great injury was inflicted on English trade by Dutch cruisers, while the wasteful administration of his officers reduced the king's treasury to much embarrassment.
The Dutch were content with the injury they had done at Chatham, and dropped down the river.
His inferiority in numbers did not allow him to push his attack quite home, but he inflicted so much injury that the allies were forced to return to the Thames to refit.
The " Scharnhorst " was hit twice with little injury; the " Gneisenau " received three hits, one of which bent the flap of the after turret, an injury of little moment.
Cradock preferred to fight and take the chance of inflicting injury on the German squadron, which was far from any base of refitment and repair.
A notable instance of this was afforded at Newstead, Notts, where the ruined front of Newstead Abbey was lowered several feet without any injury to the structure.
It is customary to have a curved sheet iron roof or bonnet when the cage is used for raising or lowering the miners, to protect them from injury by falling materials.
The church of St Michael, founded by Bishop Bernward early in the 11th century and restored after injury by fire in 1186, contains a unique painted ceiling of the 12th century, the sarcophagus and monument of Bishop Bernward, and a bronze font; it is now a Protestant parish church, but the crypt is used by the Roman Catholics.
In the last case the collar must be made in two or more pieces, as otherwise the coin could not be removed without injury.
The larvae of the ribbon-footed corn-fly (Chlorops taeniopus) caused great injury to the barley crop in Great Britain in 1893, when the plant was weakened by extreme drought.
All controversies of a civil nature, and any question of personal injury on which a suit for damages will lie, although it may also he indictable, may be referred to arbitration; but crimes, and perhaps actions on penal statutes by ntary common informers may not.
This bridge suffered some injury in a storm, but it is still in good condition and one of the most graceful of bridges.
But in sacrificing Griffenfeldt to the clamour of his adversaries, Christian did serious injury to the monarchy.
Berthelot, who examined the skull, found no trace of injury by a bullet; and on the whole there is no reason to doubt the verdict of the original inquiry at Ermenonville.
Uromyces Erythronii, a rust, sometimes causes considerable injury to the foliage of species of Lilium and other bulbous plants, forming large discoloured blotches on the leaves.
Their formation from buds which normally would have yielded leaves and shoots is explained by Parfitt as the outcome of an effort at fructification induced by oviposition, such as has been found to result in several plants from injury by insect-agency or otherwise.
Employers of workmen in a clay or coal mine, stone quarry, or on a steam or street railway are liable for damage in case of an injury to any of their workmen where such injury is caused by the negligence of the employer or of any servant or employee of the employer.
A violent quarrel exacerbated by political differences broke out among the British commands, which led to two courts-martial and to the resignation of Keppel, and did great injury to the discipline of the navy.
An objection has occasionally been urged against frames lowered on to the bed of a river that they are liable to be covered over by detritus or drift brought down by floods, and consequently are subject to injury or impediments in being raised.
Occasionally in certain localities in the north-west the grain is liable to injury from frost in late summer; but as the proportion of land under cultivation increases the climate becomes modified and the danger from frost is appreciably less.
If, on opening the abdomen to find out what serious effects some severe injury has caused, the gall-bladder be found torn, the rent may be sewn up, or, if thought better, the gall-bladder may be removed.
The weakest parts of a MS. book were the outer margins; and hence the beginnings and the ends of lines, whether of verse or prose, were specially liable to injury.
If a man suffered injury it was to his relatives and his lord, rather than to any public official, that he applied first for protection and redress.
When homicide took place vengeance was regarded as a sacred duty incumbent on the relatives, and sometimes at least the lord also, of the slain man; but, as in the case of any other injury, compensation could be made by a fixed payment.
In common with all enlightened opinion, he complained bitterly of the excessive multiplication of exemptions, of the exaggerated extension of appeals to Rome, of the luxury of the Roman court, of the venality of the cardinals, and of the injury done to the traditional hierarchy by the very extent of the papal power, which was calculated to turn the strongest head.
The main preoccupation of all these popes was how best to repair the injury done to orthodox Europe and to Rome by the destruction of the Latin Empire.
By thus devoting itself to material interests, the papacy contemporary with the last Capetians lost its moral greatness Abuse of and fell in the opinion of the peoples; and it did itself no less injury by the abnormal extension of the bounds of its absolutism.
Bertrand have shown that certain fungi, the tissues of which, when exposed, to the air by injury, become immediately coloured, do so owing to the action of tyrosinase upon one or more chromogenous substances present in the plant.
The first, under the command of Captain David Porter, went on to the Pacific, where she did great injury to British trade, till she was captured off Valparaiso by the British frigate "Phoebe" (38) and the sloop "Cherub" (24) on the 28th of March 1814.
Frederick, who was deformed through an injury to his spine, died on the 25th of February 1713.
The yearly out-turn is estimated at over 20,000 logs, and forest officers have estimated that an annual out-turn of 9000 logs might be kept up without injury to the forests.
Moreover, it must be remembered that the conditions most favourable to plants are not always those to which they are subjected in nature, for, owing to the competition of other forms in the struggle for existence, liability to injury from insects, and other adverse circumstances, plants may actually be excluded from the localities best suited for their development.
The importance of the root-fibres, or " feeding roots " justifies the care which is taken by every good gardener to secure their fullest development, and to prevent as far as possible any injury to them in digging, potting and transplanting, such operations being therefore least prejudicial at seasons when the plant is in a state of comparative rest.
Scions from a tree which is weakly, or liable to injury by frosts, are strengthened by engrafting on robust stocks.
The injury inflicted is less and not so concentrated; the wounds are smaller, and have time to heal before winter sets in.
Nowadays, however, quite large trees, chiefly of an ornamental character, and perhaps weighing several tons, are lifted with a large ball of soil attached to the roots, by means of a special tree-lifting machine, and are readily transferred from one part of the garden to another, or even for a distance of several miles, without serious injury.
The plant must be lifted with as little injury to its rootlets as possible, and carefully set into the hole, the soil being filled in round it, and carefully pressed close by the hand.
The old ball of earth must be freed from all or most of the old crocks without doing injury to the roots, and the sharp edge of the upper surface gently rubbed off.
The immediate application of a very hot atmosphere would unduly force the tops, while the roots remained partially or wholly inactive; and a strong bottom heat, if it did not cause injury by its excess, would probably result in abortive growth.
Of those that are liable to suffer injury in winter, as the Brompton and Queen Stocks, a portion should be potted and wintered in cold frames ventilated as freely as the weather will permit.
Although a tree or plant will receive no injury when its roots are undisturbed in the soil should a frost come after planting, the same amount of freezing will, and very often does, greatly injure the plant if the roots are exposed.
Cabbages that have headed may usually be preserved against injury by frost until the middle of next month, by simply pulling them up and packing them closely in a dry spot in the open field with the heads down and roots up. On approach of cold weather in December they should be covered up with leaves as high as the tops of the roots, or, if the soil is light, it may be thrown over them, if leaves are not convenient.
This injury fortunately can be cured either by reheating the steel to Ac 3 when it " refines," i.e.
On the living animal the overhair keeps the fur filaments apart, prevents their tendency to felt, and protects them from injury - thus securing to the animal an immunity from cold and storm; while, as a matter of fact, this very overhair, though of an humbler name, is most generally the beauty and pride of the pelt, and marks its chief value with the furrier.
During the long time of oppression and injury which followed the ejectment, Baxter was sadly afflicted in body.
The water should be run off thoroughly, for a little stagnant water lying in places upon the surface does much injury.
Compensation in respect of injury or death is not paid if the accident was brought about through the culpable negligence or other delict of the insured.
In case of injury, involving incapacity for more than, thirteen weeks (for the earlier period the Krankenkassen provide), the weekly sum payable during complete or permanent incapacity is fixed at the ratio of two-thirds of the earnings during the year preceding the accident, and in case of partial disablement, at such a proportion of the earnings as corresponds to the loss through disablement.
Some of those who were discontented with this decision retired from the preliminary parliament, and a few of them, of republican sympathies, called the population of Upper Baden to arms. The rising was put down by the troops of Baden, but it did considerable injury by awakening the fears of the more moderate portion of the community.
They were much offended by Caprivis statement that no greater injury could be done to Germany than to give her the whole of Africa, and they refused to accept his contention that the period of flag-hoisting was over, and that the time had come for consolidating their possessions.
The loss of Smolensk was the first serious injury inflicted by Muscovy on Poland and only the exigencies of Sigismund compelled him to acquiesce in its surrender (1522).
The Dogs Act 1865 rendered owners of dogs liable for injuries to cattle and sheep; the Dogs Act 1906 extended the owner's liability for injury done to any cattle by a dog, and further, where a dog is proved to have injured cattle or chased sheep it may be treated as a dangerous dog and must be kept under proper control or be destroyed.
One of these kings might well be the founder of the IXth Dynasty, Achthoes (Kheti), who did much injury to all the inhabitants, Khuther Taurus the tyrant; the expression is that of a Chlodwig or an Alboin.
A considerable portion of this injury was inflicted, after the works had been silenced, by the deliberate fire of the ships.
It has been found that disturbance of sensation, as well as disturbance of movement, is often incurred by its injury.
Again, as is well known, many species of marine algae growing in the region between the limits of high and low water are so constituted that they are exposed to the air twice a day without injury.
The whip-forms would seem to be designed to resist injury from surf or current.
The User assumes any and all risk of damage, injury, or death, from use of the Contents.
In view of the connexion, the poem is interpreted as expressing Lamech's exultation at the advantage he expects to derive from Tubal-Cain's new inventions; the worker in bronze will forge for him new and formidable weapons, so that he will be able to take signal vengeance for the least injury.
Jeffrey naturally declined to appoint a man who, in spite of some mathematical knowledge, had no special qualification, and administered a general lecture upon Carlyle's arrogance and eccentricity which left a permanent sense of injury.
Complaints are often raised about the cruelty of what is called tame stag hunting, and it became a special subject of criticism that a pack should still be kept at the Royal kennels at Ascot (it was abolished in 1901) and hunted by the Master of the Buckhounds; but it is the constant endeavour of all masters and hunt servants to prevent the infliction of any injury on the deer.
In the case of offences against individuals, either the person injured, or another member of his clan, would avenge the injury done.
Fabre has found that in the nests of some species of Osmia the young bee developed in the first-formed cell, if (as often happens) she emerges from her cocoon before the inmates of the later cells, will try to work her way round these or to bite a lateral hole through the bramble shoot; should she fail to do this, she will wait for the emergence of her sisters and not make her escape at the price of injury to them.
His death came very unexpectedly, after an injury in a local cricket match.
He succeeded in so far that 15,000 Kufians swore to fight with him for the maintenance of the commandments of the Book of God and the Sunna (orthodox tradition) of his Prophet, the discomfiture of the tyrants, the redress of injury, and last, not least, the vindication of the family of the Prophet as the rightful caliphs.
The North American Indians fear lest their venerated rattlesnake should incite its kinsfolk to avenge any injury done to it, and when the Seminole Indians begged an English traveller to rid them of one of these troublesome intruders, they scratched him-as a matter of formin order to appease the spirit of the dead snake.
In May, Marlborough was arrested on a charge of high treason which subsequently broke down, and Anne persisted in regarding his disgrace as a personal injury to herself.
Yet the sejm, so sensitive to its own privileges, allowed the insult to the king and the injury to the state to pass unnoticed, conniving at the destruction of the national navy and the depletion of the treasury, "lest warships should make the crown too powerful."
The cathedral is situated by the side of the river, and was one of the few ecclesiastical edifices that escaped injury at the hands of the Reformers.
But Knox broadens his plan so as to claim also the property which had been really gifted to the Church by princes and nobles - given by them indeed, as he held, without any moral right and to the injury of the people, yet so as to be Church patrimony.
During his concluding years the archbishop appears to have upheld the papal authority in England, although not to the injury of the English Church.
The wary Afghan, however, shut himself upin Kazvin, a position from which he was enabled to inflict much injury on the army of Karirn, while his own troops remained unharmed behind the walls of the town.
Percy received the fugitives within a hollow square, checked the onslaught for a time with two field-pieces, used the Munroe Tavern for a hospital, and later in the day carried his command with little further injury back to Boston.
For health consists in a due proportion between the action of all the different parts of the body, and if one part be unnaturally strong it may lead to injury or death.
Besides these, however, we must consider the protection of the whole body from injury caused by (a) inaction, or (b) overaction, or (c) weakness of any one of its parts.
This phenomenon follows injury to the phloem in the lower parts of the stem, preventing the downward flow of elaborated sap. The injury may be due to gnawing insects, and particularly to the fungus Corticium vagum, var.
Money disbursed by consuls on account of the illness or injury of seamen is generally recoverable from the owner.
It was also shown that exposure to light, dilution or exhaustion of the food-media, the presence of traces of poisons or metabolic products check growth or even bring it to a standstill; and the death or injury of any single cell in the filamentous series shows its effect on the curve by lengthening the doubling period, because its potential progeny have been put out of play.
So also the local powers of resistance may be lowered by injury or depressed vitality.
The plants during growth are liable to injury by severe frost, excessive rain, insects, fungi and the growth of a root-parasite (Orobanche indica).
Dulong, but was obliged to suspend his inquiries during the winter on account of injury to his eye caused by an explosion of that substance.
The district council are, however, liable for any injury caused through negligence on the part of their officers or servants in carrying out the work of repair.
Much injury was done by earthquakes in 1730 and 1859.
This young Mahratta, since known to universal execration as the arch-villain of the Mutiny, was secretly burning with a sense of injury received from the Indian government.
Having through centuries undergone cruel injury, from technical imperfections at the outset, from disastrous atmospheric conditions, from vandalism and neglect, and most of all from unskilled repair, its remains have at last (1904-1908) been treated with a mastery of scientific resource and a tenderness of conscientious skill that have revived for ourselves and for posterity a great part of its power.
The richness of colouring on which Vasari expatiates has indeed flown, partly from injury, partly because in striving for effects of light and shade the painter was accustomed to model his figures on a dark ground, and in this as in his other oil-pictures the ground has to a large extent come through.
Apart from the merits or demerits of particular taxes or groups of taxes, and the questions as to inequality, injury to trade, and the like already discussed, the aggregate of taxation, or rather revenue, of a state may be considered in the most general way, having regard to the proportion appropriated by the state of the total income of the community, and the return made by the state therefor.
The revolt of Pasvan Oglu in Bulgaria was the cause of great injury to Walachia.
He dwelt on the injury to the working classes caused by " dumping " and unfair foreign competition.
Any injury done to the "souls" being one of the worst of iniquities, the good monk should not wash his clothes (indeed, the most austere will reject clothes altogether), nor even wash his teeth, for fear of injuring living things.
The eyes in some Crustacea are mounted on articulated stalks, and from the fact that they can after injury be replaced by antennalike appendages it is inferred that they represent the parapodia of the most anterior prosthomere.
Very probably the power which the appendage of a given segment has of assuming the perfected form and proportions previously attained by the appendage of another segment must be classed as an instance of " homoeosis," not only where such a change is obviously due to abnormal development or injury, but also where it constitutes a difference permanently established between allied orders or smaller groups, or between the two sexes.
These latter, accustomed to the mild winters of those latitudes, begin to grow early in spring, and are in consequence liable to injury from spring frosts.
The developing seed thus encloses fungal hyphae, which remain dormant within the seed and in spring develop symbiotically with the growth of the wheat plant, doing no apparent injury until the time of fruiting is reached, when the fungus takes complete possession and fills the new seed with a mass of darkcoloured spores.
Thus there had become current the conception of a " state of nature " in which individuals or single families lived side by side - under none other than those " natural " laws which prohibited mutual injury and interference in the free use of the goods of the earth common to all, and upheld parental authority, fidelity of wives, and the observance of compacts freely made.
On the west of Mount Hekla this plain connects by a regular slope directly with the tableland, to the great injury of its inhabited districts, which are thus exposed to the clouds of pumice dust and driftsand that cover large areas of the interior.
This duke, however, at whose instigation the famous discussion between Luther and Johann von Eck took place in the Pleissenburg of Leipzig, inflicted some injury upon the town's trade and also upon its university by the harsh treatment which he meted out to the adherents of the new doctrines; but under the rule of his successor, Henry, Leipzig accepted the teaching of the reformers.
The legislature framed a stringent anti-pass law, reduced passenger fares and express and freight charges, provided for equitable local taxation of railway terminals, regulated railway labour in the interest of safe travel, fixed upon railways the responsibility for the death or injury of their employes, and gave to the newly-created railway commission complete jurisdiction over all steam-railways in the state, over the street railways of the cities, and over express companies, telegraph companies, telephone companies and all other common carriers.
In January 1652, for printing and publishing a petition against Sir Arthur Hesilrige and the Haberdashers' Hall for what he conceived to have been an injury done to his uncle George Lilburne in 1649, he was sentenced to pay fines amounting to 7000, and to be banished the Commonwealth, with prohibition of return under the pain of death.
These two kinds of buds have a resemblance to each other as regards the arrangement and the development of their parts; and it sometimes happens, from injury and other causes, that the part of the axis which, in ordinary cases, would produce a leaf-bud, gives origin to a flower-bud.
This perhaps it does; but, since it has been ascertained that the herring is much more restricted in its migrations than was formerly believed, and that the shoals are to a great extent local, the injury, such as it is, must be local and limited to the particular district in which the fishing for whitebait is methodically practised.
This it is obvious must commonly be the case, as most leaves and fruits are not calculated to drift far in the sea without injury or in abundance; nor are they likely as a rule to be associated with marine organisms. Deposits containing marine fossils can be compared even when widely separated, for the ocean is continuous and many marine species are world-wide.
I've barely had a peaceful hour since my injury I'm so overwhelmed with the vengeance against those who did me harm, and those who wish to do so.
He's claiming head injury and all that shit...stuff—sorry Miss Turnbull.
While the limb was sore, the injury was minor.
The club was boosted by the weekend'svictory over the leaders, but had to overcome a worsening injury list.
There are no fresh injury worries for Watford, with Clarke Carlisle, Chris Powell and Scott Loach remaining the only absentees.
They were deprived of Batty through injury from November, with David Hopkin also a long time absentee.
The meeting is earmarked for the return of long-time injury absentee Jesper B. Jensen to further boost the Panthers ranks.
Achilles tendon injury near the end.
Achilles injury has forced Craig Bellamy to pull of the squad to face Poland on Saturday.
We have developed a mouse model of vascular injury and, using our published technique, can measure leukocyte adhesion to artery segments.
When the body has a chronic ailment or injury swelling occurs around the area.
Since the renal allograft has no collateral arterial supply, irreversible injury may result if the ischemic time exceeds 1.5 hours.
What is post traumatic amnesia with regards to traumatic brain injury?
Safe means that it must not pose a risk of injury or death to people or domestic animals or of damage to property.
Devon sustained a broken ankle and a head injury and was taken by ambulance to Pilgrim Hospital for treatment.
With captain Graham Kavanagh out through injury Tony Vidmar took the skipper's armband in his place for Cardiff.
Nothing but net I've used arnica before for an injury and I have to say that the results were amazing.
His is a timely arrival is Grant is currently sidelined with a kidney injury.
Medical malpractice attorneys specializing in brain injury, birth injury and all types of personal injuries.
After leaving college he played professional baseball, but was forced to quit due to an injury.
Aside from preserving all means-tested benefits, a personal injury trust can provide clarity in separating the compensation from other assets.
We can be temporarily incapacitated by drug overdose, mental illness, an alcoholic binge, treatable physical illness or injury.
When the farmer was 10, his father got blood poisoning from an injury and died after a harrowing illness.
A common occurrence in freeze injury is to observe an initial green-up of the annual bluegrass followed by a rapid death.
Tho the exercises were appropriate to the injury I had sustained, they were quite frankly boring.
Lycium afrum L. (kaffir boxthorn ), Lycium ferocissimum Miers (African boxthorn) and L. horridum Thunb. can produce mechanical injury.
Bursaria spinosa Australian boxthorn A man developed squamous carcinoma of the skin of the forehead at the site of a boxthorn prickle puncture injury.
To think he carried on playing after such an horrific eye injury is just sheer bravery.
Effective Advocacy Skills - using the buzzword " effective " is quite accurate for these pages from Head Injury Hotline.
Imagine the damages for a valuable horse with serious injury injuring a wealthy bystander.
Mechanical injury by hairy calyx can occur (Muenscher 1951 ).
Safety cameras are used where there is a history of speed related or red light running injury crashes.
In all over a ton of tear gas was used, many canisters aimed directly at demonstrators to cause maximum injury.
The main areas of practice include chancery, commercial, crime, employment, housing, family and personal injury.
I would love to own a chaser but know that I would find it very hard to cope with any serious or fatal injury.
The time limits for making personal injury claims are, broadly speaking, much more generous than the time limits for making ET claims.
Vladimir Smicer is denied an emotional outing against his former club as he has failed to recover from a thigh injury.
The wheeled bins prevent serious injury for refuse collectors.
Personal Injury Bond Pearce LLP's personal injury team recovers compensation for people who have been injured in accidents.
Alternatively, you can start a chat with one of our online claim advisors for instant information on your whiplash injury compensation claim.
Call us now on 0800 10 757 95 to find out more about getting birth injury compensation with YouClaim.
Keywords; Short stay ward, head injury, post concussion syndrome.
Financial loss to third parties which is not consequent upon injury to persons or loss or damage to property is not covered.
Minor shocks may also cause injury following involuntary muscle contraction.
Louise was then employed as in-house counsel at a large cruise operator to give opinions and draft defenses for personal injury and other claims.
Sleep-related crashes are particularly dangerous and likely to result in serious injury - because the driver won't brake before impact.
These admittedly crude figures indicate that the true risk of serious injury in these dive activities is probably very small.
Above all else tho, this was a real triumph in adversity, with the squad so decimated by injury.
Molenaar picked up an injury and looked totally dejected (as well as being injured) as he went off.
Carriage by carrier is also subject to international conventions, which limit liability for death injury delay and baggage delay or loss.
There is a clear demarcation of £ 10,000 in injury to feelings awards.
This quarter share of their genes can only be propagated if they are not demented from brain injury or degeneracy.
Supreme Court Act 1981 and County Court Acts 1984 governed pre-action disclosure in respect of personal injury and wrongful death.
The protocols described below apply to the reduction of the commonest type of injury, anterior dislocation.
For example, an athlete recovering from tennis elbow will need to strengthen the wrist extensor muscles to prevent the injury recurring.
The truth about stretching New research shows that stretching can aid in the prevention of injury of stress factures that plague distance runners.
With the withdrawal of a Rn fencer with an injury the RAF took victory against the RN 2-1, again taking the weapon win.
There was more to follow in a frantic finale to the half with skipper Young doubling his side's tally in injury time.
Even at low speeds, having your child in an incorrectly fitted seat could increase their risk of injury.
They may suffer horrific flashbacks of the accident or assault which caused the facial injury every time they look in the mirror.
I was thrown around and received an injury to my left foot.
But beyond that is anyone's guess, although Devonshire did let slip that injury doubt Brian Connor would be considered, if fit.
Messi, 18, saw his progress hampered by a thigh injury in the run-up to the tournament.
Most often the injury is caused by a blow to the shoulder or by falling on an outstretched hand.
The inquest jury returned a verdict of " Injury to the brain and spinal cord consequent upon judicial hanging " .
Three minutes into injury time Jason Jones magnificently turned a close-range header away for a corner.
Generally, injury to the left side of the brain will cause a right hemiplegia and injury to the right side a left hemiplegia.
Home Office package think only a. Injury or advertising injury and it needs.
At best, itâll be back to square one; at worst, you join the hordes who drop out of exercise through injury.
The natural death of such a wild animal will occur by starvation, disease or injury, none of which can be considered humane.
The most frequent causes of tinnitus are noise exposure, endolymphatic hydrops, space occupying lesions and head injury.
If a person has a life threatening illness or injury then they should still call 999.
I myself have suffered the same injury to my right arm in 1993.
A well aimed kick from them can smash the skull of a hunting dog or inflict serious injury on a lion.
With spinal injury, you can't feel anything from the break down.
Muscat, who has just returned from serious injury, has two years left on his current contract.
The accident involved bodily injury causing disability for more than 3 days or death.
Hill walking is an activity with a danger of personal injury or death.
Our specialist personal injury solicitors Our personal injury solicitors Our personal injury solicitors have a wide range of specialties among them.
To make a no win no fee compensation claim for whiplash injury call 0800 10 757 95.
She quit to take up ballet, however a knee injury prematurely ended her career.
Meanwhile, goalkeeper Roger Freestone, who was reported to be nursing an ankle ligament injury, has been named in the Swans squad.
These are all typical features of a frontal lobe brain injury.
Whilst on holiday in Spain Henry sustained a spinal cord injury in a diving accident.
George Watson's season started badly with a hamstring injury.
To add insult to injury, the scheme is proving a recipe for windfall profits.
In other words, the injury here was not irreparable.
A young player with a head injury may be extremely irritable or fretful or may cry constantly.
Differences however were detailed analysis of insurance costs Janet l a head injury.
Another rider to be struck by the injury jinx was Mariusz Puszakowski, who had enjoyed a stint at Ipswich in 2005.
The spear end could apply significant injury to a knight in armor, or a knight in armor, or a knights horse.
When I arrived this time he was confined to his night kraal whilst being treated for just such an injury.
Why are these young men and women prepared to risk serious injury or even death in order to explore these vast underground labyrinths?
By 1986, Raymark Corporation had been named as a defendant in more than 88,000 asbestos-related personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits.
For me it was a welcome return to racing following a short layoff due to injury.
Neil Baxter, last seen before Christmas, came into the center, while hooker Joe Ward also returned after a lengthy injury layoff.
Liability We accept unlimited liability We accept unlimited liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence.
Therefore the injury begins medially, rupturing the deltoid ligament or pulling of the medial malleolus.
All of these studies were of people who had been treated for an ankle ligament injury.
Striker King missed the majority of last season with a knee ligament injury.
Peterborough Herald BARRY Fry has been handed a major hammer blow with defensive linchpin Simon Rea facing up to another injury nightmare.
The balance of his practice involves large personal injury and some clinical negligence litigation and fatal accidents.
Such " reactive lysis " or " bystander lysis " can account for injury to cells not recognized by specific antibodies (131 ).
She suffered health injury and sued the ginger beer manufacturer.
He was transfer listed in march 2000 after a season marred by injury but the £ 3,000 price tag was not realized.
Some time ago corrugated steel sheeting had to be erected round much of the church to prevent injury from falling masonry.
Wayne is unlikely to take part in the early stages of the 2006 World Cup due to an injury to his fourth metatarsal.
That means a continuation of the five-man midfield system, and a return after injury for Jerome Thomas.
This may be age-related or caused by alcohol abuse, chronic illness or a head injury, even one which seems mild.
In some cases, neck pain can be a symptom of head injury or disk trouble in the neck pain can be a symptom of head injury or disk trouble in the neck.
Professional indemnity claims involving solicitors ' negligence, personal injury claims and other issues.
This exclusion does not include any liability for negligence by GCap or death or personal injury arising out of such negligence by GCap or death or personal injury arising out of such negligence.
The protein that is produced protects these mature nerve cells from death following an injury.
As any TV newscast shows, there are many women supporting liberation struggles, even when injury and death are the inevitable result.
Thompson, by now unhappily plagued by injury, could finish only ninth in the 1987 world championships.
Recent data has revealed that stretch injury may enhance contractility but also increase the sensitivity of the vessel to agents which release nitric oxide.
The presence of optokinetic nystagmus may not exclude loss of vision due to brain injury.
Replicate high-density rat genome oligonucleotide microarrays reveal hundreds of regulated genes in the dorsal root ganglion after peripheral nerve injury.
She throws herself in front of a van and fakes another orgasm, er, sorry, I mean injury.
He was visiting an osteopath this week to try to find a cure to the painful injury.
All the bowlers were unlucky and we were hampered in the field due to a wet outfield and an injury as well.
In some cases, neck pain can be a symptom of head injury or disk trouble in the neck.
The eruption consists of firm inflammatory papules and nodules at the sites of injury.
Unions win the lion's share of personal injury compensation payouts.
Ingestion of corrosive substances can result in severe gastrointestinal injury including perforation.
The HSC are keen to gather more specific information on good practice preventive strategies physiotherapists adopt to avoid injury in the workplace.
Your client may not be eager to embark on legal proceedings in respect of any personal injury at an early stage.
No one likes to face injury, but runners especially seem prone to injuries.
Almost any renal disease, or any type of renal injury, can cause proteinuria.
Ethical practice Safety and injury General wellbeing, which can cover psychological as well as physiological wellbeing.
Hunter, a shot putter who would have been competing that night were it not for injury, hands her a bottle of water.
He was ruled out of the next game with a hamstring injury that was, according to Stan, sustained doing the quickstep.
She has a private yard specializing in rehab following injury, breaking and schooling leading to a new career for former racehorses... .
In contrast to physical injury, fractionated radiotherapy produces a series of repeated insults to the normal tissues.
Likely line up United will once again start as red-hot favorites, especially with the Addicks squad ravaged by injury.
Can the injury ravaged Tigers get through the last four games is the question on everybody's lips?
One of the major reasons why athletes suffer a recurrence of an injury is that they have started training too hard, too soon.
It provides a successful acute knee injury service for the local community and for tertiary referrals.
Her work involved treating patients suffering from brain injury due to trauma and/or stroke, in addition to other inpatient rehab problems.
For an injury rehab program I VERY STRONGLY recommend that a treadmill be used.
Injury causes an inflammatory response, which induces the secretion of a variety of cytokines including TNF- a and IL-6.
Find out who would be worth such an injury in the latest rumor roundup!
Nerve injury sciatic Nerve Thirty percent of acetabular fractures have associated sciatic nerve injury.
With regular teamster Chris Harris out through injury, the Bees have named Tomas Topinka at number two.
As a result, Tim suffered an overuse wrist tendinitis injury.
Skipper Greaves managed a 5.7 score dive to the ground with an Achilles tendon injury near the end.
There are 5 catorgories; Zoophobias-e.g Arachnaphobia,Acrophobias-e.g height, blood injury type-e.g thanatophobia (fear of death ), situational-e.g claustraphobia, Miscellaneous-e.g choking.
If you do have poor sensation, you need to take special care to avoid injury, including when cutting toenails.
Injury Update Wolves midfielder Shaun Newton went to hospital yesterday to have an in-growing toenail removed.
Severe injury may still be treated with a surgical collar, cervical traction, heat or ice.
Elevated bilirubin, alanine transaminase and lactate dehydrogenase concentrations are indicative of hepatocellular injury.
He won't play unless 100% fit so a hamstring twinge is a serious injury.
Even when the injury has healed, scar tissue can cause epilepsy by making electrical activity unstable in that area of the brain.
The fear of injury is always uppermost in an athletes mind at this late stage.
One recent investigation found a marked upswing in injury risk above 40 miles of running per week.
This previous match suggested that varsity would be open to either side despite a reduced Cambridge squad due to injury.
It is also possible to break the vertebrae in the neck without causing any injury to the spinal cord.
You may have suffered whiplash, or an even more serious injury.
The experts in whiplash injury compensation The most common injury suffered in a car accident is a whiplash injury compensation The most common injury suffered in a car accident is a whiplash injury.
A car accident whiplash injury is a dramatic example of a subluxation produced by a sudden accident or trauma.
Types of accident claims There are many types of personal injury claims form whiplash claims to work accidents.
Therapies include massage, reiki, aromatherapy, sports injury therapy and indian head massage. based near fort William in the highlands of Scotland.
Nobody is bigger than the club however and his latest injury woe meant he lasted just 22 minutes.
Many doubted I would ever wrestle again following my injury, so to come back and to recapture the big one was unbelievable.
Now that injury might not be very severe, a slightly cricked neck, a sprained wrist, a twinge in the knee?
September at 14.31 A 54-year-old woman slipped and sustained wrist and leg injuries and a minor head injury.
It has been stated that when present in blossoms they feed on nectar, but it is more probable that there--as on the green parts - they suck sap. In any case, their presence in apple blossoms has been known to prevent the formation of fruit through injury to the essential organs of the flower, and some species do considerable damage to ears of corn.
Under his advice the opposition now made an alliance with Louis whereby the French king promised to help them to ruin Danby on condition that they would compel Charles, by stopping the supplies, to make peace with France, doing thus a grave injury to Protestant- ism abroad for the sake of a temporary party advantage at home.
In the later 7th century this current of trade dwindled in face of the great commercial and colonizing activity of Miletus; it probably received further injury through the subsequent interference of Athens on the Hellespont.
The one disadvantage of paper cables is the fact that any injury to the lead covering which allows moisture to penetrate causes telegraphic interruption to the whole of the enclosed wires, whereas if the wires are each individually coated with gutta-percha, the presence of moisture can only affect those wires whose covering is defective There is no reason for doubting, however, that, provided the lead covering remains intact, the paper insulation is imperishable; this is not the case with gutta-percha-covered wires.
But the ministry never had any real hold over the country or parliament, and the dissatisfaction caused by the modus vivendi with Spain, which would have wrought much injury to the Italian wine-growers, led to demonstrations and riots, and a hostile vote in the Chamber produced a cabinet crisis (December 17, 1905); Signor Fortis, however, reconstructed the ministry, inducing the marquis di San Giuliano to accept the portfolio of foreign affairs.
Trees, of which the young buds are nipped by frost, would frequently not suffer material injury, were it not that the small frost-cracks serve as points of entry for Fungi; and numerous cases are known where even high temperatures can be endured on rich, deep, retentive soils by plants which at once succumb to drought on shallow or non-retentive soils.
Animals and plants as agents of disease or injury form part of the larger subject of the struggle for existence between living organisms, as is recognized even by those who do not so readily apprehend that diseased conditions in general are always signs of defeat in the struggle for existence between the suffering organism and its environment, living and non-living.
Many larvae of beetles, moths, &c., bore into bark, and injure the cambium, or even the wood and pith; in addition to direct injury, the interference with the transpiration current and the access of other parasites through the wounds are also to be feared in proportion to the numbers of insects at work.
Cuscuta, Loranthus, Viscum, Thesiurn, Rhinanthus, &c.with various capac. ities for injury.
The spot or patch is an area of injury; on (or in) it the cell-contents are suffering destruction from shading, blocking of stomata, loss of substance or direct mechanical injury, and the plant suffers in proportion to the area of leaf surface put out of action.
It is somewhat artificial to classify these diseases according to the color of the spots, and often impossible, because the color may differ according to the age of the part attacked and the stage of injury attained; many Fungi, for instance, induce yellow spots which become red, brown or black as they get older, and so on.
The injury which initiates them may be very slight in the first placea mere abrasion, puncture or Fungus infectionbut the minute wound or other disturbance, instead of healing over normally, is frequently maintained as a perennial source of irritation, and the regenerative tissues grow on month after month or year after year, resulting in extraordinary outgrowths often of large size and remarkable shape.
The Notice of Accidents Act of 1884, which obliges employers of labour to report to the Board of Trade, when "there occurs in any employment " as defined by the schedule of the act, " any accident which causes to any person employed therein, either loss of life or such bodily injury as to prevent him on any one of the three working days next after the occurrence of the accident from being employed for five hours on his ordinary work," affects railways in course of construction, but not, as a rule, otherwise.
On the British railways the men who run the trains are safeguarded very efficiently, and the collisions and derailments which are serious enough to do injury to the trainmen or the enginemen are really rare.
If this pressure is not relieved in some way, the train may be derailed either (I) by " climbing " the outer rail, with injury to that rail and, generally, to the corresponding wheel-flanges; (2) by overturning about the outer rail as a hinge, possibly without injury to rails or wheels; or (3) by forcing the outer rail outwards, occasionally to the extent of shearing the spikes that hold it down at the curve, thus spreading or destroying the track.
Various devices are adopted for the protection of the eggs from mechanical injury or from the attacks of enemies, and for fixing them in appropriate situations.
Most of them are but luxuries, and there is some degree of truth in the remark of Andreas Wagner in his Report on the Progress of Zoology for 1843, drawn up for the Ray Society (p. 60), that they " are not adapted for the extension and promotion of science, but must inevitably, on account of their unnecessary costliness, constantly tend to reduce the number of naturalists who are able to avail themselves of them, and they thus enrich ornithology only to its ultimate injury."
As examples of class (i.) may be mentioned - erection or enlargement of buildings, laying down of permanent pasture, making of gardens or fences, planting of hops, embankments and sluices; as examples of (ii.) - chalking of land, clay burning, application to land of purchased artificial or purchased manure, except they have been made for the purpose of making provision to protect the holding from injury or deterioration.
To represent the standard of perfect healthiness and exemption from injury due to insects, or drought, or any other causes, one hundred is taken.
The specimens should be collected when the capsules are just appearing above or in the colesule or calyx; if kept in a damp saucer they soon arrive at maturity, and can then be mounted in better condition, the fruit-stalks being too fragile to bear carriage in a botanical tin case without injury.
Great loss of life and injury occur through the ignorance, carelessness and recklessness of the men themselves, who fail to take the necessary precautions for their own safety, even when warned to do so.
Moreover, injury to the scolex, or amputation of that organ, reveals the concomitant absence of a regulative mechanism such as that which generally controls the form and fitness of regenerated organs.
After intermingling their blood in the earth and performing other peculiar ceremonies, the two contracting parties with grasped hands swore to avenge any injury done to either of them.
This knowledge is acquired by experience; and since it is not, at all events as a rule, taught by the first taste to any individual bird, it is reasonable to infer that a considerable amount of injury, sufficient to disable if not to kill, is annually inflicted upon insects belonging to species protected by distastefulness or kindred qualities.
Salmon also found that injury of a leaf by mechanical means, by heat, by anaesthetics, &c., would affect the immunity of the plant and allow infection by conidia which was not able to enter a normal leaf.
No truthful man, however much he may love the bird, will gainsay the depredations on fruit and eggs that it at times commits; but the gardeners and gamekeepers of Britain, instead of taking a few simple steps to guard their charge from injury, deliberately adopt methods of wholesale destruction - methods that in the case of this species are only too easy and too effectual--by proffering temptation to trespass which it is not in jay-nature to resist, and accordingly the bird runs great chance of total extirpation.
At the same time it is difficult to see how this grievance can be remedied without inflicting serious injury, almost ruin, upon the salt trade.
All Contents, particularly that dating from 1911 (including the information relating to medical, financial, construction, or other activities that could result in damage, injury, or death) is for informational purposes only.
An objection to the construction of hedges of hazel is the injury not infrequently done to them by the nut gatherer, who "with active vigour crushes down the tree" (Thomson's Seasons, " Autumn"), and otherwise damages it.
If the general tenderness towards animals, based on the principle of ahimsa, or inflicting no injury on sentient beings, be due to Buddhist teaching, that influence must have made itself felt at a comparatively early period, seeing that sentiments of a similar nature are repeatedly urged in the Code of Manu.
The sense of injury, no doubt, contributed to exasperate Sarpi's feelings towards the court of Rome.
That the members of this " city of Zeus " should observe their contracts, abstain from mutual harm, combine to protect each other from injury, were obvious points of natural law; while again, it was clearly necessary to the preservation of human society that its members should form sexual unions, produce children, and bestow care on their rearing and training.
These spires were like great spear-points, and if they tumbled upon one of them they were likely to suffer serious injury.
One day something happened which seemed to me to be adding insult to injury.
He is a fully qualified accountant and in addition is Honorary Treasurer of the brain injury charity Headway.
She has a private yard specializing in rehab following injury, breaking and schooling leading to a new career for former racehorses....
Both expectations were defeated by the succession of ' Abd al-Melik, and the injury rankled in the mind of ' Amr ibn Sa'id.
Can the injury ravaged Tigers get through the last four games is the question on everybody 's lips?
Motorists involved in rear-end collisions at low speeds face the greatest risk of such injury.
He is still recovering from a ligament injury which will keep him out for the remainder of the month.
Limbless victims of Agent Orange or mine explosions re-created what may have been a trauma very similar to the circumstances of their own injury.
The real issue for the injury compensation claim is what would have happened if the patient had been referred for treatment straight away.
Therapy Swim is for those rehabilitating from injury, those with mobility problems and those who need to swim for other medical reasons.
Danny Coyne remains on the sidelines with a long term knee injury.
Repeated or prolonged inhalation of excessive concentration of respirable fibers may cause permanent lung injury [4 ].
Physical restraint should only be used to prevent injury or serious damage to property.
Find out who would be worth such an injury in the latest rumor roundup !
In injury time Hitchin rued yet another missed chance as Lynn somehow kept out a goalmouth scramble.
Nevertheless, the Court was convinced of the increased risk of injury caused by Culkin 's exposure to asbestos and upheld the 1993 ruling.
I did n't mean my comment about your injury to sound so sarcastic, I apologize.
If you have been injured in a scaffolding accident you are entitled to make a personal injury claim.
News Snippets Philippa Gammell has recently been diagnosed with a broken right wrist scaphoid bone, the original injury having occurred in April 2002.
This came at a cost tho, as we lost our battling Frenchman Sebastien Tresarrieu to a scaphoid injury.
Nerve Injury Sciatic Nerve Thirty percent of acetabular fractures have associated sciatic nerve injury.
The former Bath scrum half was forced from the field of play with what appeared to be a shoulder of arm injury.
The center is seeking out possible brain injury casualties instead of waiting for referred patients.
Falls not only cause physical injury but also affect older people 's self-confidence and their ability to get out and about.
With a goalless draw looking nailed on, United again hit the self-destruct button two minutes into injury time.
A lump sum is payable based on the severity of the injury.
Adie Moses is still out with a shin injury.
Low-quality housing and shoddy construction are often a primary cause of death and serious injury.
The return of Lescott, sidelined by injury last season, has strengthened Wolves ' defense.
Meanwhile, Oxford defender Gavin Johnson faces a spell on the sidelines through injury.
Grainger, who has been sidelined for months due to injury is making a comeback to Kuala Lumpur.
Noel Baxter showed that he has put his career threatening knee injury behind him with a 26th place in the men 's slalom.
Olly Allen took his first ride back on a speedway bike tonight following his nasty shoulder injury sustained whilst riding for King 's Lynn.
Spinal Injury is damage to the spinal cord that results in a loss of function such as mobility or feeling.
Kieron Dyer is now on crutches with shin splint problems after a long injury lay-off.
However, an injury in October spurned any chances of a move to a bigger league in the January transfer window.
We humans have a tendency to be squeamish at the sight of blood or injury.
The stand-in goalkeeper again picked up an injury as he bravely gathered the ball at Carden 's feet.
Murray has suffered a new injury blow in his long recovery process from a stress fracture of the foot.
Subdural haematomas can develop suddenly from a head injury that causes a large amount of blood to escape rapidly from a torn vein.
We have assisted many people to get personal injury compensation after they received substandard medical treatment and believe that we could help you too.
Second, it is prohibited to cause superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering.
Employers ' liability Protection for employers against bodily injury sustained by employees.
An example of this would be a crush injury to the chest such as may be sustained in a car crash.
To lok at preventing the head injury you could state categorically tat the helmet " saved my life ".
Bakke has come back from a tendinitis problem, and Johnson has been out for 9 months with a ligament injury.
However he suffered a slight tendon injury which has resulted in a 5 month ' holiday ' for Diamond Jim.
So the tet shot was for the skin injury, not the break.
There are 5 catorgories; Zoophobias-e.g Arachnaphobia,Acrophobias-e.g height, blood injury type-e.g thanatophobia (fear of death), situational-e.g claustraphobia, Miscellaneous-e.g choking.
We offer a Free Asset Protection Report that spells out time-tested strategies even injury and collection attorneys cannot penetrate.
A torn cartilage is a common knee injury in sport.
He rushed for 187 yards and two touchdowns in three games before the injury.
He wo n't play unless 100% fit so a hamstring twinge is a serious injury.
Mechanism of injury probably similar to type I. Treatment Usually requires surgical stabilization of the radius and ulna fractures.
Hargreaves had an up-and-down campaign last season, which was partly affected by injury.
This previous match suggested that Varsity would be open to either side despite a reduced Cambridge squad due to injury.
The injury varies in severity, but more serious injuries should be treated with respect, since ongoing problems may be caused by mistreatment.
Adding verisimilitude to injury, they even DQ 'd a couple of swimmers to make it look good.
The experts in whiplash injury compensation The most common injury suffered in a car accident is a whiplash injury.
No matter what the outcome of your whiplash injury claim, you will not be asked to pay anything to anyone.
However, many people who have been in a car accident that has happened at even just 5 mph report whiplash injury symptoms.
During injury repair, they add the sugar fucose to the proteins that allow white blood cells to bind to the sites of damage.
Lawyers OnLine does not exclude or restrict liability for death or personal injury caused by its own willful neglect or negligence.
Therapies include massage, reiki, aromatherapy, sports injury therapy and indian head massage. based near fort william in the highlands of Scotland.
There are no new injury worries for the Clarets.
Mr. Allen, after having a knee injury, abhors any sports where he has to run or jump.
After her injury, she tried out some modality exercises to help her get back into playing soccer.
After bumping her head on the cabinet, a noticeable bulge formed in the spot where the injury occurred.
Afterbumpingher head on the cabinet, a noticeable bulge formed in the spot where the injury occured.
The injury finally stopped hurting, orwarkingas my granny used to say, after two days of rest and ice.
The adjustor offered me an insurance settlement that was much too low, so I contacted an attorney to file a personal injury claim.
If you are the sole provider for your family, you need to be covered in case you had to be off work due to an illness or injury.
A perfectly safe looking toy of your baby's may have been recalled because it's been found that the item can cause serious injury or death.
Proper use of a booster seat can reduce the rate injury to children ages 4-7 years by as much as 59 percent.
A booster seat aligns your child with the seat belt, creating a better fit and reducing the chance of injury.
Generally, liability insurance includes both protection against bodily injury claims and property damage.
This will provide you with another source of income should you find yourself out of work due to an injury or illness.
Regular and committed runners will tell you that there are a few essentials in order to improve your chances for long term commitment and injury prevention.
You risk serious injury should you attempt this.
Thicker soles found on running shoes will leave you more prone to injury; twisting your ankle, for example.
One of the most common causes of injury in the house is burns caused by a space heater.
This can include removing mold or algae from paving that might otherwise be a hazard, causing injury through slipping, or to remove extreme dirt from a vehicle that has been used off-road.
Even if you plan ahead, an emergency like a broken vehicle or an unexpected injury could deplete your funds very quickly.
It's important to use your equipment and ammunition properly to avoid the risk of injury or death to you or other hunters.
In fact, the quality of meat contained in pet food is generally unfit for human consumption, and to add insult to injury, large amounts of melamine are just another reason to be skeptical of commercial brand pet foods.
The cat must be able to balance in a stable position on the toilet to avoid injury or falling into the bowl.
When you are home, you can monitor the situation and prevent any injury.
Ideally, many of us would prefer to bring home a healthy kitten, but there's always a chance your heart will be stolen by a woeful little feline that's suffering from some sort of illness or injury.
Tara often has Skeletal Support or Paralysis Plus and Pain Relief in her water bowl to help an old knee injury.
Depending upon the severity of the injury, the animal may need hospitalization and, in some cases, surgery.
These symptoms may signal an abdominal obstruction or internal injury.
The meat used is deboned to keep your pet safe from possible injury.
An outdoor Tom is more likely to become involved in fights and sustain infection from an injury.
Not only will you need supplies for the kitten, you'll also need to make sure that your home is kitten-proofed to avoid any injury to your new pet.
Indeed, many an injury will accompany this feet first fall, and so before you take out the garden hose to blast your cat out of a tree, it's important to remember that you may be paying some hefty vet bills before the day is out.
This should be taken very slowly to avoid any fights and possible injury to either pet.
Physical conflicts put cats at risk for injury.
If you have an R9 rating for an account due to illness, injury or disability, it can be described in a consumer statement.
Companies that finance law firms are part of an industry that emerged about five years ago as the result of the long-established practice of lending money to plaintiffs who were engaged in personal injury litigation.
In a situation where you are diagnosed with a critical illness or suffer a major injury, your balance will be paid, up to a maximum of 7,650 Euros.
A lawyer who specializes in bankruptcy cases or personal injury suits does not have the knowledge needed to help you get a fair settlement.
The reason for such a change might arise if the custodial parent becomes unfit through lifestyle or behavior to care for the child or if the custodial parent becomes sick with illness or injury.
The heaters, by their very nature, are hot and can cause injury or fire if knocked over.
This reduces the possibility of an injury to any employee making the candle.
This includes pieces of wood that may have been treated with harmful chemicals in the past or items with nails or sharp edges that may cause injury.
Looking for relief from the pain of the injury, he plunged his hand into the closest container of liquid.
It is then cut open and the gel is applied to the injury.
Bloodroot salve can cause serious injury if improperly used.
While many fantasy football team owners spend time reading about player performance and injury, significantly fewer pay attention to coaching changes.
All Contents, (including the information relating to medical, financial, construction, or other activities that could result in damage, injury, or death) is for informational purposes only.
This is known as the "backseat" position, which is an alignment that can set a skier up for a serious knee injury.
Those who choose to do these types of adjustments themselves may risk injury.
This may lead to a fall and potentially an injury.
The skis will act as levers and if the binding does not release, you could face injury.
Today's bindings offer not only better ski performance and injury prevention, but will also help make you a better skier.
In contrast, an expert skier, or a skier who spends a good deal of time in powder will choose a higher setting, since a pre-release can cause injury on steep terrain or in deep snow.
The messages can be misinterpreted, which can cause poor form or injury.
If this binding does not fit properly for you, chances are good that you will receive an injury.