Initiating Sentence Examples
The sovereignty over the territory was by a law (Reichsgesetz) of the 9th of June 1871 vested in the German emperor, who, until the introduction of the imperial constitution on the 1st of January 1874, had, with the assent of the federal council (Bundesrat) and, in a few cases, that of the imperial diet (Reichstag), the sole right of initiating legislation.
By a re-elevation of a peneplain the rivers of an old land surface may be restored to youthful activity, and resume their shaping action, deepening the old valleys and initiating new ones, starting afresh the whole course of the geographical cycle.
It was his dauntless courage in denouncing compromise, in demanding the repeal of the Fugitive Slave Act, and in insisting upon emancipation, that made him the chief initiating force in the struggle that put an end to slavery.
He has started initiating interactions and asking for things, both verbally and using pecs.
I don't like the idea of pursuing a guy, I rather like to think that a man would want to pursue me and want to spend time with me, without me initiating it.
This helps explain why Aries loves initiating projects.
After all, the Aries man is born just at a time when nature herself is taking off and initiating the start of the cyclical seasons.
In fact, even if a lender has a policy of initiating foreclosures after a specific amount of time, the foreclosure process may not begin as scheduled if the lender is already backlogged with a large number of foreclosures.
If you wonder whether or not your mortgage company has initiated foreclosure - or plans on initiating foreclosure any time soon - pay attention to the documents you receive in the mail.
Initiating and sustaining conversation with my fiancée over phone was an enriching experience.
AdvertisementYour partner doesn't want you to suspect that he/she is cheating so he/she may try to make things seem normal by initiating sex more often.
Letter writing gives the person initiating the breakup a long time to form his thoughts respectfully.
Many people also subscribe to the idea that initiating contact with spirits can open the door to additional communication whether or not the person wants it.
Initiating often occurs in social situations.
A memo also includes the name of the person initiating the communication.
AdvertisementThis means you need to concentrate on keeping your core tight and engaged, initiating movements from your hips, butt and legs, rather than bending and twisting from your waist and back.
To which, Mr. Fox will reply with a certain time, initiating the line of children to march that many paces forward.
Partly from disappointment and nervous exhaustion, and partly from a conviction that the country required rest in order to judge the practical results of the reforms already accomplished, the tsar refrained from further initiating new legislation, and the government gave it to be understood that the epoch of the great reforms was closed.
The Fructidorian Directors contemptuously rejected the overtures for peace which Pitt had recently made through the medium of Lord Malmesbury at Lille; and they further illustrated their desire for war and plunder by initiating a forward policy in central Italy and Switzerland which opened up a new cycle of war.
What both Ritschl and Schleiermacher insist on is that the belief in miracles is inseparable from the belief in God, and in God as immanent in nature, not only directing and controlling its existent forces, but also as initiating new stages consistent with the old in its progressive development.
AdvertisementNot a few homilies of that age survive, denouncing the deferring of baptism, and urging on parents the duty of initiating their young children.
He was thoroughly acquainted with the routine work of the office and the established armament of the navy, but he had not the power of adapting himself to the changes which were being called for, and still less of initiating them; so that during his period of office the armament of the ships remained sadly behind the general advance.
Christ then raised the spiritual body of Jesus which remained on earth for eighteen months, initiating a small circle of elect disciples.
Again, although the charter reserved to the proprietor the right of calling an assembly of the freemen or their delegates at such times and in such form and manner as he should choose, he surrendered in 1638 his claim to the sole right of initiating legislation.
They only, and the government, have the right of initiating business, and of proposing amendments.
AdvertisementThe executive is in the hands of the Senate, but the House of Burgesses has the right of initiating legislation, including that relative to foreign treaties; the sanction of both chambers is required to the passing of any new law.
This he succeeded in doing to a large extent, witnessing if not initiating the practical abolition of the corvee and many other reforms. The appointment of an Anglo-Indian official as judicial adviser to the khedive was, however, opposed by Riaz, who resigned in May 1891.
Along with the text of the law, the state will print arguments in its favour if any are submitted by the persons initiating the measure and the cost of the extra printing is paid by the initiators.
A party initiating proceedings could select any Brehon he pleased, if there were more than one in his district.
Locke is apt to be forgotten now, because in his own generation he so well discharged the intellectual mission of initiating criticism of human knowledge, and of diffusing the spirit of free inquiry and universal toleration which has since profoundly affected the civilized world.
In 1692 the legislature was divided into two houses, and in 1693 the commons house, elected by the people, secured the privilege of initiating legislation.
These are essentially huge orgies and feasts for initiating newbies, she replied.
The positive work of two terms of government initiating grading for carbon emissions and providing cashback incentives for environmentally friendly motors will be futile.
Before initiating a lawsuit, it is quite common for an attorney to perform an asset search.
She had difficulty in initiating micturition and a poor stream rate.
The said list shall contain the objections in the amounts, the violation of laws and request for initiating respective judicial proceedings.
Walking hand in hand, initiating exception, lighting the dark, igniting the spark.
X-rays of the hip should be obtained prior to initiating therapy.
The vice-chancellor was ex officio a delegate of the press, where he hoped to effect much; and a plan for draining the Thames Valley, which he had now the power of initiating, was one on which his mind had dwelt for many years.
Elijah, who had been his godfather in his babyhood, now paid him frequent visits, initiating him into sublime truths.
This explanation of the term "Basilica" is more probable than the derivation of it from the name of the father of the emperor Leo, inasmuch as the Byzantine jurists of the Iith and 12th centuries ignored altogether the part which the emperor Basil had taken in initiating the legal reforms, which were completed by his son; besides the name of the father of the emperor Leo was written Oa6LXaos, from which substantive, according to the genius of;r? ??
Repressor proteins bind at the promoter DNA thus preventing RNA polymerase from initiating the transcription process.
Before initiating a balance transfer, check to make sure you won't be hit with a variety of fees.
As a debtor, or someone who owes a debt, initiating a debt settlement letter may be possible.
Make a budget before initiating the balance transfer onto the prepaid card, and include all fees and expenditures along with relevant income.
Filing a Petition to Dissolve your marriage is the first step that a California divorce lawyer will take in initiating a divorce.
Initiating divorce can also be expensive.
Special services that can offer assessments, referrals, and treatment recommendation will prove to be helpful in initiating the recovery process.
Initiating antibiotic therapy at least four hours before birth allows medication to become concentrated enough to protect the baby during passage through the birth canal.
These antibodies can circulate in her Rh-positive newborn, initiating hemolysis and causing severe abnormal jaundice.
Cardiovascular diseases may require surgical procedures for establishing a diagnosis and initiating treatment.
These skills are crucial in initiating and maintaining relationships and in resolving conflicts.
The process can go more smoothly for parent and child if parents are educated on training techniques that emphasize waiting until a child shows signs of readiness before initiating training and taking a child-oriented approach.
Depending on the degree of the disorder in the affected individual, uncontrolled bleeding may occur spontaneously with no known initiating event, or occur after specific events such as surgery, dental procedures, immunizations, or injury.
If the initiating trigger for a case of AP is identified in an affected child, everything possible should be done to ensure that the child is not exposed to that substance again.
When a child is bitten by a healthy domestic dog, cat, or ferret, the animal is usually confined for 10 days and observed for signs of rabies prior to initiating post-exposure prophylaxis.
Regulations vary by state, and some lenders are more aggressive than others when initiating a foreclosure, so there is not an exact timetable that is followed in every circumstance.