Inhibition Sentence Examples
In High School Musical 2, and other dance musical movies of the like, the choreography is peppy and full of gusto, leaving no room for inhibition.
Inhibition of glycolipid biosynthesis does not reverse multidrug resistance in cancer.
The potency titre of the third set of tubes should be clearly reduced to indicate inhibition of the antibody by the blood group substance.
Izquierdo, I., et al. "The inhibition of acquired fear."
Growth inhibition during stage two and three causes a decrease of cell size and fetal weight with less effect on total cell number and fetal length and head circumference, causing asymmetric IUGR.
Symptoms include reduced root growth, and inhibition of various physiological processes including transpiration, respiration and photosynthesis.
The mechanism of action like that of other NSAIDS may be related to prostaglandin synthetase inhibition.
No records Causes recorded in AN/A 58 Archbishop Lamplugh 's Visitation in 1690 Inhibition of Archdeaconry of Nottingham in force April - October 1690.
In 1998, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the Nociceptive Trigeminal Inhibition Tension Suppression System (NTI-tss).
Inhibition of this reflex occurs from the third to the sixth month.
AdvertisementGrowth inhibition during the first stage produces an undersized fetus with fewer cells, but normal cell size, causing symmetric IUGR.
This screening procedure is referred to as the Guthrie test (Guthrie bacterial inhibition assay).
Sometimes these doses can become excessive as needs later decrease, leading to growth inhibition.
One technique, called Reversible Inhibition of Sperm Under Guidance, involves injecting a synthetic gel directly into the vas deferens.
Babies born to women taking this medicine may show inhibition of bone growth and discoloration of teeth.
AdvertisementFinally, one of the most serious negative effects of school uniforms is the inhibition of freedom of expression.
More important is the law according to which a presentation freed from inhibition and rising anew into consciousness tends to raise the other presentations with which it is combined.
Binding of GABA opens an integral chloride channel, producing an increase in membrane conductance that results in inhibition of neuronal activity.
At least 70 to 100mg of carbidopa per day should be provided for optimal inhibition of extracerebral decarboxylation of levodopa.
Their effects include stem elongation, ethylene synthesis & root growth inhibition.
AdvertisementInhibition of CYP2D6 may lead to increased plasma concentrations of co-administered drugs metabolized by this enzyme.
Compounds that produce more than 70% inhibition of neuropathy target esterase give positive results in the hen test.
Although Caroline attracted several unfulfilled marriage proposals, she exhibited a natural exuberance and lack of inhibition that troubled her parents.
Other effects related to acid inhibition During treatment with antisecretory drugs, serum gastrin increases in response to the decreased acid secretion.
Evidence for both an enhancement and an inhibition of water transport when the amino acid glycine is added have been found by different researchers.
AdvertisementZonisamide also has a modulatory effect on GABA mediated neuronal inhibition.
In severe anxiety and depression states, lack of descending inhibition is enough to maintain the dorsal horn in its sensitized state.
The final decision to instruct an inhibition or not, should be fully documented on a CSA 550.
There is thus the potential of drug interactions mediated by inhibition of transporters.
Weaker intracortical inhibition makes it easier for messages from the brain to pass down the spinal cord to the rest of the body.
This is continued for at least six seconds (which allows autogenic inhibition to occur ).
So non-competitive inhibition is a form of allosteric inhibition.
With a decrease in the duration of synaptic inhibition both systems are found to break into clusters.
This is irreversible inhibition (see the example of chymotrypsin below ).
My research involved testing the reactivity and enzyme inhibition properties of novel compounds.
Investigate the nature of the inhibition using the enzyme phosphatase and the inhibitors phosphate and iodine.
Studies show that while drinking is scientifically a sedative, meaning it depresses body functions, it does create a temporary feeling of inhibition.
Your puppy must go to class so that he has opportunities to play and learn bite inhibition from the other puppies.
This implies that the actual rehearsal and repetition of primary reflex movements play a role in the inhibition process itself.
The average age of diagnosis is between three and eight years of age; however, in retrospect many parents will say that their child displayed signs of excessive shyness and inhibition since infancy.
This is because it contains an amino acid called L-theanine, which was shown in a 2006 Nagoya University Department of Psychology study to reduce physiological stress responses "via the inhibition of cortical neuron excitation."
The municipalities are divided into six classes according to population, a classification which permits considerable special local legislation in spite of the constitutional inhibition.
At the border between the ramp and the high plateau there is less lateral inhibition from the ramp side.
When its remainder after inhibition=O, a presentation is said to be on the threshold of consciousness, for on a small diminution of the inhibition the "effort" will become actual presentation in the same proportion.
The fact seems to be that intellectual speculation was as strong in America as in Puritan England; the assumption that the inhibition of its expression was good seems wholly gratuitous, and contrary to general convictions underlying modern freedom of speech.
Lieutenant-governor Beckham, elected in 1900 to fill out the unexpired term of Governor Goebel (assassinated in 1900), was re-elected in 1903, the leading lawyers of the state holding that the constitutional inhibition on successive terms did not apply in such a case.
Coincidently with the persistence of the tonic contraction, the higher and volitional centres seem to lie under a spell of inhibition; their action, which would complete or cut short the posture-spasm, rests in abeyance.
Neale was strongly high-church in his sympathies, and had to endure a good deal of opposition, including a fourteen years' inhibition by his bishop. In 1855 he founded a nursing sisterhood named St Margaret's.