Inhaled Sentence Examples
He'd inhaled his breakfast.
Burying his face in her hair, he inhaled deeply.
She inhaled deeply and waited for some response or acknowledgement from Jackson.
He inhaled deeply and his hands started to shake.
After a prolonged moment, she inhaled deeply.
The end glowed as he inhaled.
In some cases only 30% of inhaled particles are trapped, the remainder are exhaled.
This includes respiratory problems from coal dust inhaled while they were working in mines and Vibration White Finger from using damaging vibratory tools.
This dust can be inhaled by cats or pet owners and may cause respiratory issues for both.
Pet owners who have accidentally inhaled clay particulate during litter box cleaning can at least support the fact that breathing in clay dust is anything but pleasant.
AdvertisementThis clay dust particulate is thought to be unsafe because it can cause respiratory issues when inhaled.
When the scent is inhaled, it is believed to decrease anxiety and promote relaxation.
The wool fibers that the rugs are made from are too long and too coarse to be inhaled.
Since smokeless tobacco isn't inhaled, users often think that it's safe.
The oils are absorbed through the skin, ingested or inhaled.
AdvertisementOne of the reasons professionals are usually called in to perform spray foam insulation is because the product does contain diisocyanates, which can cause reactions if inhaled or touches the skin.
The friction causes lead dust, which when inhaled can cause elevated levels of lead in the bloodstream.
Poisoning occurs when any substance interferes with normal body functions after it is swallowed, inhaled, injected, or absorbed.
One group consists of products that were never meant to be ingested or inhaled, such as shampoo, paint thinner, pesticides, houseplant leaves, and carbon monoxide.
Carbon monoxide is the most common form of inhaled poison.
AdvertisementTreatment for poisoning depends on the poison swallowed or inhaled.
Acids and alkalis can burn the esophagus if they are vomited, and petroleum products can be inhaled into the lungs during vomiting, resulting in pneumonia.
Common inhaled allergens include pollen, dust, cat dander, and insect parts from tiny house mites.
In other words, airborne and food allergens that are inhaled or ingested are capable of causing skin reactions when contact is made with mast cells.
A purified preparation of the allergen is inhaled or ingested in increasing concentrations to determine if it will provoke symptoms.
AdvertisementThe use of inhaled steroids for the treatment of asthma has also been shown to cause oral candidiasis.
Other possible causes of croup are bacteria, inhaled irritants, allergies, and acid reflux.
The croup is possibly caused by an inhaled object or by an insect sting.
Choking occurs when a foreign object, such as food, buttons, coins, or toy parts, are inhaled and partially or completely block the airway, preventing adequate breathing.
In the lungs, capillaries are located next to the alveoli so that they can pick up oxygen from inhaled air.
They may be applied to the skin, inhaled, or applied in the form of drops as nose drops or eye drops.
Emergency medical care should be sought immediately if the individual is showing any signs of difficulty breathing or is turning blue, is unconscious, or is thought to have inhaled a foreign object.
They may be taken by mouth, injected, or inhaled.
These drugs may be taken by mouth, injected, or inhaled.
Nebulizer-A device that turns liquid forms of medication into a fine spray that can be inhaled.
When air is inhaled (inspired), it passes through the nose and the nasopharynx or through the mouth and the oropharynx.
Bronchodilator-A drug that when inhaled helps to expand the airways.
Immunodeficient individuals are at higher risk for infection with Pneumocystis carinii and are frequently put on a regular preventive drug regimen of trimethoprim sulfa and/or inhaled pentamidine to avoid pneumocystis pneumonia.
In infants, botulism may be caused by specific types of clostridia obtained from soil, inhaled spores, or honey containing the spores.
This process may involve performing a culture on contaminated material from the suspect food, a stool sample, or swabs of the nose or throat of the affected individual if inhaled spores are a possibility.
Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning occurs when carbon monoxide gas is inhaled.
An attack of hives is set off when such a substance, called an allergen, is ingested, inhaled, or otherwise contacted.
Probably the most commonly inhaled item is a peanut.
Nicotine, the active ingredient in tobacco, is inhaled into the lungs, where most of it stays.
When the virus is inhaled, it attacks cells in the upper respiratory tract, causing typical flu symptoms such as fatigue, fever and chills, a hacking cough, and body aches.
Hyaline membrane-A fibrous layer that settles in the alveoli in respiratory distress syndrome and prevents oxygen from escaping from inhaled air to the bloodstream.
Inhaled medications have a special inhaler that meters the dose.
The inhaler may have a spacer that holds the burst of medication until it is inhaled.
Quick relief medications include short-acting, inhaled beta2 agonists and anticholinergics.
Long-acting medications include leukotriene modifiers, mast cell stabilizers, inhaled and oral corticosteroids, long-acting beta2 agonists, and methylxanthines.
They may be taken by mouth, inhaled, or injected.
They do not provide immediate relief, but can be used to control severe attacks when added to an inhaled beta-receptor agonist.
Besides being inhaled, steroids may be taken by mouth or injected, to rapidly control severe asthma.
A beta-receptor agonist is inhaled repeatedly or continuously.
For example, learning to increase the amount of air inhaled may help some patients reduce fear and anxiety.
A 2003 study found that HBV was safe and effective in children with asthma, even those on inhaled steroid therapy.
Dextromethorphan is used for the temporary relief of coughs caused by minor throat and bronchial irritation such as may occur with common colds or with inhaled irritants.
A doctor should be called whenever smoke is inhaled for more than a few minutes or whenever the inhaled smoke and fumes are known to contain toxic substances.
Systemic absorption-Any substance topical, inhaled, or ingested that is absorbed into the blood-stream and distributed throughout the body.
She pulled the collar up to her nose and inhaled deeply.
When inhaled, the powder causes violent sneezing, similar to that produced by veratrine itself, which is, as already stated, a constituent of the corm.
Salicylic acid is a powerful irritant when inhaled or swallowed in a concentrated form, and even when much diluted it causes pain, nausea and vomiting.
It is used as an anaesthetic, principally in dentistry, producing when inhaled a condition of hysterical excitement often accompanied by loud laughter, whence it is sometimes called "laughing gas."
The instrument, described by Oviedo (Historia de las Indias Occidentales, Salamanca, 1535), consisted of a small hollow wooden tube, shaped like a Y, the two points of which being inserted in the nose of the smoker, the other end was held into the smoke of burning tobacco, and thus the fumes were inhaled.
The simplest reflection among savages and halfcivilized men connects vitality with the air inhaled in Pneuma.
Vital spirit, inhaled from the outside air, rushes through the arteries till it reaches the various centres, especially the brain and the heart, and there causes thought and organic movement.
The gas itself was inhaled by Southey and Coleridge among other distinguished people, and promised to become fashionable, while further research yielded Davy material for his Researches, Chemical and Philosophical, chiefly concerning Nitrous Oxide, published in 1800, which secured his reputation as a chemist.
An average 15% aerosol charging by single charges is assumed to lead to a 30% increase in lung deposition of inhaled aerosols.
Several regimens completely protected mice from injected and inhaled anthrax.
This should be treated immediately with a fast-acting inhaled bronchodilator.
Once inhaled, carbon monoxide combines with oxygen carrying hemoglobin to form carboxyhemoglobin.
For more on inhaled corticosteroids, read our article.
In general these effects were observed earlier with Seretide compared to inhaled corticosteroid alone and at a lower inhaled corticosteroid dose.
The fumes are then inhaled, a method sometimes known as ' chasing ' or ' chasing the dragon ' .
The bacteria that cause TB are inhaled in the form of microscopic droplets that come from a person infected with TB.
Available in both an oral and inhaled form, they stabilize eosinophils, reduce bronchial edema and mucous hypersecretion and can reverse epithelial damage.
The oils will slowly evaporate into the air to be inhaled.
When this dust is inhaled it can make the lungs gradually fibrous and lead to breathing problems.
Histoplasma duboisii Vanbreuseghem) The spores of these organisms can cause the lung disease histoplasmosis if inhaled (Roberts et al.
There is a myth that hookah smoking is safer than smoking cigarettes because the hookah smoke is filtered through water before it is inhaled.
Inhaled nitric oxide in full-term and nearly full-term infants with hypoxic respiratory failure.
These are painted onto the body whilst herb infused steam is being inhaled.
She stated that tobacco smoke inhaled by non-smokers contained higher concentration substances than smoke inhaled directly by smokers.
Dugway is also the only facility known in recent years to have processed anthrax spores into the powdery form that is most easily inhaled.
Ninety-five percent of infants with inhaled meconium clear the lungs spontaneously.
It is wise, however, to rinse the mouth and throat by gargling with water after use of inhaled steroids.
The goblet cells and the glands constantly secrete mucous, which serves to moisten the inhaled air and trap dust and bacteria.
We recommend a Dust Mask be used when applying this product as it can rapidly dry nasal and throat passage if inhaled.
The vapors from the amyl nitrite are inhaled through the nose or mouth.
Other causes include drinking excessive amounts of alcohol and exposure to inhaled chemical pollutants, such as paint fumes or asbestos fibers.
In patients with asthma or COPD a lesser degree of systemic exposure to inhaled fluticasone propionate has been observed.
Information about this interaction is lacking for inhaled fluticasone propionate, but a marked increase in fluticasone propionate plasma levels is expected.
This increases the oxygen content of the inhaled air and encourages the release of endorphins which are natural relaxants in the body.
The Senate Majority Leader said ricin can be inhaled, ingested or injected.
She stated that tobacco smoke inhaled by non-smokers contained higher concentration substances than smoke inhaled directly by smokers contained higher concentration substances than smoke inhaled directly by smokers.
On inhaled steroid NB Oral steroids were used by 14% of the patients for their chest disease.
How to use inhaled steroids Inhaled steroids are taken via an inhaler.
The latter, a fresh, rosy officer of the Guards, irreproachably washed, brushed, and buttoned, held his pipe in the middle of his mouth and with red lips gently inhaled the smoke, letting it escape from his handsome mouth in rings.
He looked and recognizing in her both the old and the new Sonya, and being reminded by the smell of burnt cork of the sensation of her kiss, inhaled the frosty air with a full breast and, looking at the ground flying beneath him and at the sparkling sky, felt himself again in fairyland.
It has also a sharp burning taste and causes violent sneezing when inhaled (Blakely 1923, Hurst 1942).
They then remain suspended in the air to be inhaled.
When inhaled into nasal passages and further into the lungs, it can theoretically become stuck to mucus membranes and cause breathing problems.
How does this litter become ingested or inhaled?
This is a particular problem when the litter has been used and there may now be contaminated airborne clay particulate inhaled into an owner's lungs.
It can also be inhaled into a person's lungs.
After a prolonged pause, Jackson ran a hand through his hair and inhaled deeply.
Some of them are so volatile that they produce their effects when inhaled, others when sprayed upon the skin cause intense cold and then anaesthesia; but taken in the broadest sense the action of all of them after absorption into the blood is very similar, and is exerted upon the central nervous system, more especially the cerebrum.