Ingestion Sentence Examples
It develops from direct ingestion of the larvae.
In other cases the infection of the first host is brought about by the ingestion FIG.
The increased ingestion of bacteria in active immunity would seem to depend upon the presence of immune opsonins in the serum.
Prolonged ingestion of arsenic may cause pigmentary changes in the skin.
The other plan is to use an exclusively meat diet, combined with the ingestion of a large quantity of hot water, so as to cause free elimination.
In the case of the common drone-fly, Eristalis tenax, the individual, from a sedentary maggot living in filth, without any relations of sex, and with only unimportant organs for the ingestion of its foul nutriment, changes to a creature of extreme alertness, with magnificent powers of flight, living on the products of the flowers it frequents, and endowed with highly complex sexual structures.
The blood-sucking habit is common to both sexes, and the abdomen, being capable of great expansion, is adapted for the periodical ingestion of an abundant food-supply.
The symptoms of strychnine poisoning usually appear within twenty minutes of the ingestion of a poisonous dose, starting with an uneasy sensation, stiffness at the back of the neck, twitching of the muscles and a feeling of impending suffocation.
Heusinger has shown that white sheep and pigs are injured by the ingestion (A) N b X N ?--,r N(A)+N of certain plants, while the pigmented individuals may eat them without harm.
In three of them at least - the whey cure, the grape cure and the meat cure-a diminution in one or other of the solid constituents of food is associated with the ingestion of an unusually large quantity of water.
AdvertisementDeath has occurred in a child from the ingestion of half a teaspoonful of the strong acid, but recovery is recorded after half an ounce had been swallowed.
Gastroenteritis is caused by the ingestion of viruses, certain bacteria, or parasites.
The prognosis of foreign body ingestion or insertion varies according to the nature of the object and its location in the body but is quite good in most cases.
The drug's effects set in quickly, so the only protection is to avoid accidental ingestion.
The GI factor of a food is the length of time it takes for the sugar to be absorbed into the bloodstream after ingestion.
AdvertisementLikewise, ingestion of a toxic substance such as lead, mercury, other poisons, or certain chemicals could cause neurological damage.
In cases of acute mercury or arsenic ingestion, vomiting may be induced.
Shigella are extremely infectious bacteria, and ingestion of just 10 organisms is enough to cause dysentery.
However, once pica is known or suspected, measures can be taken to reduce further ingestion of non-food substances.
The ingestion of only a few hundred Campylobacter bacteria can cause food poisoning symptoms, which may begin two to five days after eating contaminated food.
AdvertisementThe symptoms of foreign body ingestion or insertion depend in part on the organ or part of the body affected.
The specific symptoms of foreign body ingestion vary somewhat depending on the item and its location in the body.
Parental concerns in younger children should be directed toward the prevention of accidental swallowing or ingestion of foreign bodies.
When iron deficiency is provoked by bleeding due to aspirin ingestion, aspirin is discontinued.
Whole-body or systemic reactions may occur from any type of allergen but are more common following ingestion or injection of an allergen.
AdvertisementFood allergen provocation tests require abstinence from the suspect allergen for two weeks or more, followed by ingestion of a measured amount of the test substance administered as an opaque capsule along with a placebo control.
Rash-A spotted, pink or red skin eruption that may be accompanied by itching and is caused by disease, contact with an allergen, food ingestion, or drug reaction.
Overdose or toxicity caused by the ingestion of too many B vitamins is thought to be nonexistent because the body simply excretes any excess of the water soluble vitamins via the urine.
It can also be mixed with juice or a flavored beverage, though this is not the initially recommended method of ingestion.
Continued ingestion of gluten can result in irreparable bodily damage.
Also, adverse interaction with prescription medicine is a possibility with the ingestion of certain herbs or large doses of vitamins and minerals.
Other causes include a highly acidic intestinal tract from processed food ingestion and stress.
We are a society riding the trend of organic food, natural skincare products, and herbal tablet ingestion.
Gastritis can be either acute, as in with excessive alcohol consumption or accidental ingestion of toxic substances, or it can be chronic, as with long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
In the Taenia solium it takes 3 to 3z months from the time of ingestion of the embryo to the passage of the matured segments, but in the Taenia saginata the time is only about 60 days.
Ingestion and dissolution of the Trypanosomes by phagocytes has frequently been observed; and it is probable also that the haematopoietic organs secrete some substance which exerts a harmful action on the parasites, and causes them to undergo involution and assume weird-looking " amoeboid " and " plasmodial " forms.
The effects of the ingestion of large quantities may be so rapid that death may take place in a couple of hours, owing to collapse, consequent on perforation of the walls of the oesophagus or stomach, or from asphyxia due to swelling of the glottis consequent on some of the acid having entered the larynx.
Acute intoxication by inadvertent oral ingestion of tiotropium bromide capsules is unlikely due to low oral bioavailability.
Foodborne botulism is caused by ingestion of the botulinum neurotoxin, which is produced during growth of the organism in food.
Winter, J.B. (1976) Severe urticarial reaction in a dog following ingestion of tall field buttercup.
These then leave the snail, and encyst of water vegetation such as the water caltrop, infection being by ingestion of these metacercaria.
Treatment guidelines Activated charcoal (50g) by mouth or nasogastric tube is indicated if the patient presents within 3-4 hours of ingestion.
Ingestion of ciliates was greater than that of heterotrophic dinoflagellates, which reflected a higher abundance of ciliates in the water column.
The usual symptoms of lactose intolerance include loose stools, intermittent abdominal distention, colic and excessive flatus after lactose ingestion.
They contain cardiac glycosides which render them extremely poisonous on ingestion.
Accidental or deliberate oral ingestion The product would only be expected to be harmful if orally ingested in very large quantities.
Based upon the measured concentrations the lifetime risk due to the ingestion of uranium isotopes was estimated.
Alternatively calcined magnesite may be dusted on pastures for direct grazing and ingestion by the animal at critical times.
Ingestion of corrosive substances can result in severe gastrointestinal injury including perforation.
Conversely, delaying carbohydrate ingestion by several hours may slow down muscle glycogen synthesis.
Upon hospitalization two hours after ingestion symptoms were sinus tachycardia, nausea and vomiting.
General atrophy or emaciation is brought about by the tissues being entirely or partially deprived of nutriment, as in starvation, or in malignant, tubercular, and other diseases of the alimentary system which interfere with the proper ingestion, digestion or absorption of food material.
A disease of cattle in Nova Scotia, known as the Pictou cattle disease, long treated as contagious, has now been demonstrated by the veterinary officers of the department to be due to the ingestion of a weed, the ragwort, Senecio Jacobea.
In these animals, in certain inflammatory skin eruptions, caused by the ingestion of harmful plants, the albinotic areas are alone affected.
Lead poisoning continues to be a danger to swans as well as other waterfowl due to the ingestion of lead fishing sinkers.
Excessive ingestion of tartaric acid results in laxative effects Taurine Another amino acid which is not found in proteins.
In addition, unsealed radioactive material might enter the body by skin absorption, inhalation or ingestion.
Food ingestion relieved symptoms in 71% of patients; 39% reported weight gain.
Cystic hydatid disease is a Zoonosis caused by ingestion of E.G. eggs by contact with dog feces.
These typically healthy animals suddenly developed kidney problems after the ingestion of the now recalled food items.
The real danger of silica litters comes with ingestion.
In addition, milk thistle is the only known antidote for a certain type of poisoning that destroys the liver caused by the ingestion of amanita mushrooms.
Introducing ascorbic acid to your skin, either through the application or the ingestion of lemon juice over a period of time may help your body stop producing freckles in the first place.
Some of them are related to the method of ingestion, while others are associated with the drug itself.
For some people, a sudden stop in Percocet ingestion can be incredibly dangerous.
Provocation testing involves direct exposure to a likely allergen, either through inhalation or ingestion.
The test involves gradual ingestion of increasing amounts of the suspect food, usually at timed intervals.
Gastrointestinal symptoms within 24 hours following the ingestion of a suspected food allergen indicates a positive response and sensitivity to that food allergen.
Other conditions can induce a fever, including allergic reactions, ingestion of toxins, teething, autoimmune disease, trauma, cancer, excessive sun exposure, or certain drugs.
Although the time between ingestion and symptoms is somewhat variable for allergic reactions (IgE-mediated), the vast majority occur within minutes.
The procedure requires drawing two different blood samples, one before the child ingests 100 grams of glucose by mouth and a second sample two hours after glucose ingestion.
Some children may experience sleepiness, sweating, and/or nervousness, all of which can be corrected after the test by ingestion of juice or a glucose infusion, as recommended by the pediatrician.
Certain normal conditions can also affect body temperature, such as food ingestion, age, pregnancy, and certain hormonal changes.
Alcohol use disorder (AUD)-The repetitive, long-term ingestion of alcohol in ways that impair psychosocial functioning and health, leading to problems with personal relationships, school, or work.
Within six hours of ingestion, iron toxicity can result in vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, seizures, and possibly coma.
In children, lead ingestion is the major culprit of heavy metal poisoning.
Repeated ingestion of non-food substances may be cause for concern.