Infringe Sentence Examples
Beware of making any distinctions which may infringe equality.
Of course it is the local authority who will ultimately decide on planning permission for any structure that will potentially infringe the aerodrome airspace.
Perhaps one could boldly suggest that an SEP could not directly infringe a third party's trade mark.
The MorphoSys action asked the court to revoke CAT's Griffiths patent and/or declare that MorphoSys does not infringe the patent.
Rapacious development must not be allowed to infringe green spaces in the Calder valley.
They extend this idea of equality also to the government authorities, obedience to whom they do not consider binding upon them in those cases when the demands of these authorities are in conflict with their conscience; while in all that does not infringe what they regard as the will of God they willingly fulfil the desire of the authorities.
With particular regard to this last named duty the college deputed two of its members to attend all meetings of the states-general, to watch the proceedings and report at once any proposals which they held to be contrary to the interests or to infringe upon the rights of the province of Holland.
Should the lords infringe the well-established rights of their subjects, the latter had no court to appeal to and only God could inflict punishment on the oppressors.
He built all on conscience, as that wherein man stands in direct personal relation with God as moral sovereign, and the seat of a moral individuality which nothing can rightly infringe.
A performer or someone acting on his or her behalf can however consent to any act that would otherwise infringe his or her rights.
AdvertisementThe notebook Guardian does not infringe upon Kensington's patent.
No wonder, then, that the Vatican, confronted by a new Italy, observed The Papacy a passive and expectant attitude, and sanctioned no jot or tittle that could infringe its rights or be Italian interpreted as a renunciation of its temporal sovereignty.
Whatever tended to infringe in the slightest degree on their darling monopoly was visited with the severest penalties, whether the culprit chanced to be high in rank or low.
While these may seem like a great deal because they have only very few differences (often unnoticeable to an untrained eye), fakes are actually illegal because they infringe on the copyright of the original designer.
On the other side are students, parents and the ACLU who feel that uniforms infringe on their individuality.
AdvertisementOnly you can decide if it's right to circumvent their efforts and help counterfeit watchmakers infringe on their copyrights.
It is on such principles as these that one could proceed to a general pacification, and give birth to a league of which the stipulations would form, so to speak, a new code of the law of nations, which, sanctioned by the greater part of the nations of Europe, would without difficulty become the immutable rule of the cabinets, while those who should try to infringe it would risk bringing upon themselves the forces of the new union."
There have been several successful lawsuits filed against businesses which tried to infringe upon a mother's attempts to nurse her baby.
Children with conduct disorder act inappropriately, infringe on the rights of others, and violate the behavioral expectations of others.
Uniforms may infringe on students' rights-Do uniforms limit freedom of expression?
AdvertisementTo give the name of syllogism to inferences which infringe the general rules against undistributed middle, illicit process, two negative premises, non-sequitur from negative to affirmative, and the introduction of what is not in the premises into the conclusion, and which consequently infringe the special rules against affirmative conclusions in the second figure, and against universal conclusions in the third figure, is to open the door to fallacy, and at best to confuse the syllogism with other kinds of inference, without enabling us to understand any one kind.
Thus it is held that it is not the duty of a servant to infringe a moral law even though his master should command it.
Attendance at the camp training, in so far as the claims of men's civil employment do not infringe upon it, is compulsory, and takes place at one time for all - generally the first half of August.
It was known that, about seven years after the patent for making achromatic object-glasses was granted to Dollond, his claim to the invention was disputed by other instrument-makers, amongst them by a Mr Champness, an instrument-maker of Cornhill, who began to infringe the patent, alleging that John Dollond was not the real inventor, and that such telescopes had been made twentyfive years before the granting of his patent by Mr Moor Hall.
When Governor Andros and his Council in 1687 issued an order for levying a tax, a special town meeting of Ipswich promptly voted "that the s'd act doth infringe their Liberty as Free borne English subjects of His Majestic by interfearing with ye statutory Laws of the Land, By which it is enacted that no taxes shall be levied on ye Subjects without consent of an assembly chosen by ye Freeholders for assessing the same," and refused to assess the tax.
AdvertisementThus, though the system of consuls was regularly established in France by the ordinance of 1661, in 1760 France had consuls only in the Levant, Barbary, Italy, Spain and Portugal, while she discouraged the establishment of foreign consuls in her own ports as tending to infringe her own jurisdiction.
These ordinances must, however, be of a temporary nature, must not infringe the fundamental laws or statutes passed by the two chambers, or change the electoral system, and must be laid upon the table of the Duma at the first opportunity.
In reply the pope prepared a bull of excommunication against those who should infringe the prerogatives of the Holy See in this matter.