Infrastructure Sentence Examples
I didn't expect the critical infrastructure to disintegrate so fast.
Assess what damage you can and rebuild the critical infrastructure systems.
She slumped on the infrastructure terminal, awaiting the results of the status checks.
The company was immense in size, with little existing infrastructure.
If the smallpox and polio successes were achieved in a low-tech world, think how much more we can accomplish with vastly improved tools, infrastructure, and communication.
Agriculture as an industry requires infrastructure.
We now have the infrastructure to fulfill that desire.
Bombs and restrictions have made Iraq poor, leaving the country denuded, bereft of infrastructure and economically crippled.
We are working hard to build the infrastructure needed by such embryonic companies.
Maximizing the use of existing radio infrastructure has to be in the public interest.
AdvertisementThe Board noted that interim findings of the Study had been considered by the Infrastructure Sub Committee at its meeting on 11 May 2005.
With this victory and the plans to build its extensive infrastructure, Wind Mobile was poised to take the Canadian market by storm.
The revenue generated from tax on sales makes up a significant proportion, 25 to 50 percent, of a state's income and is used to support its infrastructure, from schools to public transit.
The text will amend the existing Eurovignette directive on the charging of heavy goods vehicles for the use of certain infrastructure in the EU.
However, UNISON maintains that NHS Scotland is too embroiled in ' partnership ' with private sector companies around key ICT Infrastructure Project.
AdvertisementFor a company synonymous with engineering excellence, Honda recognizes the value of investment in the most up to date infrastructure available.
This shift in funding signals the transformation of the PACs from virtually free-standing production houses to becoming infrastructure accessible to all.
Spending on water and sewerage infrastructure is a major government priority.
This has enormous implications for the infrastructure in this area of continuous permafrost.
These and many other social networking sites include blogs as a part of their infrastructure.
AdvertisementHow does the infrastructure look?
In this way, you are heavily reliant on the local infrastructure and you are at the mercy of its reliability.
For more remote areas, such an infrastructure is simply not cost effective and ultimately not possible.
As a result of the more expensive infrastructure involved, satellite phones can cost a lot more to use than regular cell phones.
The 1950's saw Red Cross evolve into a multi-tasking organization with significant enough infrastructure to sufficiently cover many disasters simultaneously.
AdvertisementSurrounded by keypads controlling the critical infrastructure nodes for the East Coast, the sensitive keys she needed to inventory were held within a small vault.
These were lesser keypads to other critical infrastructure functions that someone had swapped out.
She controls everything, the East Coast infrastructure, the emerops depots, the recovery effort, Elise replied.
There were infrastructure keypads and a few of the nuke, bio, electromagnetic, and chem keypads for the East Coast weapons systems.
The East Coast's infrastructure systems still reported to her micro, but she could tap into them from the Peace Command Center.
Unfortunately, the supporting infrastructure does not enable the browsers to properly authenticate the origin of these proxy settings.
There is the opportunity for significant collateral damage to any computer network and telecommunications infrastructure that does not have current countermeasures in place.
Potential loss of academic and research staff in addition to this will result in a serious detriment to the research infrastructure.
An ethanol infrastructure is already in place, thanks largely to our experience with corn ethanol.
This infrastructure can dramatically reduce the rather heady distance related component to the costs of traditional point to point leased lines.
Limassol boasts an excellent infrastructure and is a bustling international trade hub of the south eastern Mediterranean.
In any civil engineering hydraulics projects, water represents a constraint, a risk on the life cycle of the infrastructure.
In addition, David Wilson Homes has been ordered to pay for infrastructure improvements such as traffic management and flood control.
We desperately need to update Britain's crumbling transport infrastructure.
Recent research at Imperial College London has focused on the potential for a hydrogen refueling infrastructure serving London.
For relatively small values of g a relative low amount of competencies is necessary to build up technological infrastructure.
Property legal services We deal with anything that relates to Orange's physical infrastructure.
Without premises, data center or telecommunications infrastructure for an extended period of time, most businesses would struggle to survive.
I hope that the Assembly will take a strategic decision to support the long-term investment required in rail infrastructure.
To deploy the network infrastructure, the GLA turned to Computacenter.
Funding of railroad infrastructure has been substantially increased and the London congestion charge has proved successful.
This will not help the financing of early infrastructure investment that might be essential or highly desirable.
Streams uses Oracle's log Miner infrastructure to read redo logs.
The Scottish Arts Council has also invested millions through the National Lottery to develop the festivals infrastructure.
This configuration is often referred to as " ad-hoc networking mode " with the sharing computer operating in " infrastructure mode " .
The Company is also a key player in national infrastructure projects.
Tanaka developed ISDN Concerts using point-to-point digital telephony over an ISDN infrastructure.
Iraq could not reconstitute its weapons capability because we were monitoring its infrastructure.
Updating transactional replication requires a high quality infrastructure with reliable connections between all of the sites.
A majority of the organizations were identified through the questionnaire respondents, others were identified by working with local volunteering infrastructure agencies.
Libya An NPT party with full-scope IAEA safeguards, Libya continues to develop its nuclear infrastructure.
The government provides the infrastructure - the drains, sewers, inoculation programs, which enable us all to take preventive medicine seriously.
The process envisaged by the Corporation was therefore not new, but would require fundamental review of the existing sewerage and services infrastructure.
To seek to accomplish this, we have formed a bilateral steering committee and developed an infrastructure protection framework.
I like it a lot here, although I can totally sympathize with you regarding the lack of facilities and infrastructure.
Internationally, Denmark has a strong position in the IT and wireless sector and a first class telecom and data infrastructure.
This will be largely uncommitted funding to improve faculty stipends and student grants, and build and renew laboratories and infrastructure.
Countries with a developed infrastructure do not expect to reduce their census undercount below the current 2-3% .
Web-based network management tools make configuration and remote management of the network painless, while SNMP integrates the wireless LAN with your wired infrastructure.
If my reasoning elsewhere in this book is correct, we are moving toward a future where there will be nothing but healthy, well-developed, rich countries with modern infrastructure.
Both can ensure that planned coverage levels are achieved and can offer flexible interference control with no incremental cost for backhaul and RAN infrastructure.
One problem is that many of the items required to rehabilitate infrastructure will have a dual use.
There is currently little infrastructure for reprocessing of most catering waste in the North East.
There is a resilient network infrastructure, which means you don't need to invest in your own expensive network.
However, the sanitation infrastructure is still not fully developed.
On the other hand, MessageLabs scalable infrastructure has the capacity to accommodate growth at a fixed cost.
Bob Crow has called for a public inquiry to look into the shambolic way in which infrastructure maintenance is organized.
Billions of US dollars were siphoned away from infrastructure projects to bolster security and pay for the promotion of democracy.
How is the development of telecommunication infrastructure to be financed?
The incapacities stem ultimately from the fact that the information infrastructure is transnational in nature.
The LDDC has, in contrast, been successful at compressing the lead times for transport infrastructure, using its CPO powers.
A computer failure in the transportation infrastructure goes beyond its immediate platform.
Countries with a developed infrastructure do not expect to reduce their census undercount below the current 2-3 %.
Adjustments to infrastructure representing an investment of £ 2.5 million are underway in preparation for the new trains entering service.
You must put in place the proper infrastructure to have a larger company; this requires new people, new processes and usually, new money.
The second most expensive activity is rolling out the distribution, service and support infrastructure to support the increased customer base.
The trick is to figure out your infrastructure's unique advantages and leverage them.
Analog cell phones can use existing phone infrastructure in much of the United States, but the sound quality is not always good.
Digital phones have less of an infrastructure network over which to carry the calls (though this is changing) but provide better sound.
Terrorists could release viruses to disable government infrastructure, resulting in serious consequences for the economy and other aspects of American life.
Courses in critical infrastructure give students an understanding of how terrorism affects these components.
These courses include Homeland Security in Israel, Critical Infrastructure, The Global Jihadi Threat and Technology for Homeland Security.
In some cases, a student may be interested in adopting an existing program as a major, but the infrastructure behind that program doesn't support the level of study necessary to earn a degree.
It is from there that you are able to develop a massive empire, filled with infrastructure, transported goods, and AI competition.
Next, find Infrastructure Mode and select that option.
Infrastructure mode is when the PSP is online through a network.
What this means is that they do not have their own network infrastructure, signing agreements with other cellular service providers for their network usage needs.
The new phone has the technical infrastructure capable of running the newest and most intensive apps available.
The network infrastructure is identical; AT&T does not have separate networks in place for its prepaid and post-paid customers.
Mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs), which are companies that use the network infrastructure of a larger carrier but re-sell the services under their own brands, can be a good option as well.
The smartphone used to have clearly defined features like a QWERTY keyboard, a corporate-minded infrastructure, and an email-focused design, but that is shifting.
More than half of the respondents polled stated that they do consider requirements associated with telework when they are making decisions about IT infrastructure.
Advanced toasters, such as toaster ovens, utilize different heating elements causing them to have a different internal infrastructure.
Perhaps the most important goal achieved by the American Red Cross is the ability to provide a solid infrastructure for the spirit of volunteerism that the organization sparked.
Other Christian dating sites are more obviously directed at the specific faith but don't have the design or infrastructure to offer a good online dating experience.
However, it's the latter four that attract the most visitors given their size and infrastructure.
Indie music is an extremely broad term that refers to music released outside of the major label infrastructure.
The city's famed Music Row, where the infrastructure of the mainstream country music industry lives, is a mecca to wannabe musicians and songwriters from around the globe.
Most people - even designers - don't want to invest in the infrastructure to have all of this going on all the time.
In 2009, Guelph received government stimulus funds totally $44.4 million in order to pay for 25 infrastructure projects that would improve and beautiful the city.
Dusty didn't know why Talon would choose Miami to make a stand, unless he wanted to take out as much of the Guardians' infrastructure as possible should he find some way to beat Czerno.
The command hub held a dozen workstations, one for each eastern critical infrastructure, and a wall secured behind titanium glass of keypads, buttons, and computer screens that acted as the emergency backup.
Can you still monitor the eastern infrastructure?
The acquisition of PDN gives Taghmen infrastructure from which the Company can immediately generate operating cash flow.
Ironically, the Fascist industry provided the infrastructure for Italian cinema 's postwar revival.
The UK's proposal to establish an infrastructure consortium was agreed at a meeting on 5 May in London.
Western democracy will effectively cease to exist as the social infrastructure collapses under the weight of millions of unburied corpses.
The need to rebuild a media infrastructure from the bottom up is clearly evident.
The introduction of new ICT often highlights problems within your existing network infrastructure.
Merseyside has a good transport infrastructure, which is being built on to suit the emerging needs of the City Center.
Genomic infrastructure All the research at the Sanger Institute is underpinned by world-class core facilities that support large-scale sequencing and analysis.
You now have infrastructure in place that will streamline the development, marketing and distribution of new product initiatives.
The infrastructure isn't quite here yet, but DMB has become a way of life for Koreans.
Typically, prepaid customers spend less money and there are costs involved with maintaining the BlackBerry infrastructure that go above and beyond the regular cellular service.
After Globalive won a portion of the spectrum auction, it set out to start building the infrastructure needed to have a cellular network in Canada.
An extremely effective area weapon, the EMP produced by a nuclear airburst would undoubtedly produce severe damage to the civilian infrastructure.
Support for learning and teaching The University has a well-developed infrastructure to support learning and teaching.
As such, we have the skills required to manage your Domino infrastructure thereby removing the necessity for you to maintain in-house Domino expertise.
The way that a regular cell phone, like the one you may get from Fido or Telus, works is that your mobile phone connects to a local cell phone tower, which then relays you to the larger infrastructure so your call can be completed.
This solution, we believe, will provide enormous leverage for a more efficient and responsive infrastructure and opportunities for a smaller stockpile.