Informed Sentence Examples
I have informed him of the matter.
So Josh had informed Alex about the situation.
The police haven't even informed his wife if her husband is dead or alive!
The count was informed of it.
Later the same day, he informed all of us he was getting needed help, as he put it.
His voice was a monotone as he informed Carmen about Alex's condition.
The French did not need to be informed of the fact that half the prisoners--with whom the Russians did not know what to do- -perished of cold and hunger despite their captors' desire to save them; they felt that it could not be otherwise.
True to his word, when informed of our decision, he immediately put the gears in motion.
I want you to make an informed decision.
Inasmuch as its action changed very materially with age, " the buyer should in all instances be informed, so that he may not be deceived."
AdvertisementOf the occasion, plan and object of his work he has himself informed us in the prologues to his first, second, fifth and sixth books.
I didn't recognize him and so informed Jackson.
Howe enlisted the support of John Bright and other members of parliament, but the imperial government was firm, and the duke of Buckingham, as colonial secretary, soon informed the governor-general in a despatch that consent could not be given for the withdrawal of Nova Scotia from the Dominion.
The duke was ill informed as to the real spirit of the nation.
Lord Salisbury informed Mr Choate that H.M.
AdvertisementHe corresponded regularly with his legates and with the military leaders, who kept him accurately informed of the position of the troops and the progress of the operations.
Meanwhile Ward, on the 27th of October, as had evidently been intended, informed Winter that the plot was known, and on the 28th Winter informed Catesby and begged him to give up the whole project.
On the following morning the prince summoned the members of the council of regency of 1866, and informed them of his intention to place the government in their hands.
Police have been informed and once again they will take extra steps to identify and possibly prosecute the individuals responsible.
Mr. White informed Members that the above application had been reconsidered very carefully.
AdvertisementShe should keep an open mind and stay informed.
Parents should read as much information as they can to become well informed about selective mutism.
Having been outraged by Sextus Tarquinius, one of the sons of Tarquinius Superbus, she informed her father and her husband, and, having exacted an oath of vengeance from them, stabbed herself to death.
For the year 1898-9 the present writer obtained figures directly from the books kept by the custom-house official at Tabriz, and although, as this official informed him, some important items had not been entered at all, the value of the exports and imports shown in the books exceeded that of the consular reports by about io per cent.
After the conquest of Drangiana, Alexander was informed that Philotas, son of Parmenio, was involved in a conspiracy against his life.
AdvertisementDuring the siege of Delhi another native, said to be an enemy of Bisharat Ali's, informed Hodson that he had turned rebel.
Then President Jackson, holding that Georgia was in the right on the Indian question, informed the Cherokees that their only alternative to submission to Georgia was emigration.
By the terms of his commission he was empowered to act, in case of emergency, without waiting for orders; he was, moreover, to be kept informed by the French cabinet of the whole course of business.
He himself was caught in the boughs of an oak-tree, and as David had strictly charged his men to deal gently with the young man, Joab was informed.
The superintendent, who is a naval officer, has to investigate the magnetic character of the ships, to point out the most suitable positions for the compasses when a ship is designed, and subsequently to keep himself informed of their behaviour from the tin g e of the ship's first trial.
Latimer, on seeing him enter the church, boldly changed his theme to a portrayal of Christ as the pattern priest and bishop. The points of comparison were, of course, deeply distasteful to the prelate, who, though he professed his " obligations for the good admonition he had received," informed the preacher that he " smelt somewhat of the pan."
Little is known of the condition of the subject populations of the peninsula during the Arab occupation; but we are informed that the Christians were, sometimes at least, judged according to their own laws in separate tribunals presided over by Christian judges; 2 and the mere fact of the preservation of the name alcalde, an official whose functions corresponded so closely to those of the judex or defensor civitatis, is fitted to suggest that the old municipal fora, if much impaired, were not even then in all cases wholly destroyed.
No doubt we are informed by Proclus, on the authority of Eudemus, that the theorem Euclid i.
So closed the second day of the trial; and before the next day's work could begin a note of two or three lines hastily written at midnight informed the commissioners that Elizabeth had suddenly determined to adjourn the expected judgment and transfer the place of it to the star-chamber.
During the siege of Paris he left the city in a balloon and joined Gambetta, for whom he organized a system of spies through which General Trochu was kept informed of the strength and disposition of the Prussians around Paris.
One scribbler abused Johnson for being blear-eyed, another for being a pensioner; a third informed the world that one of the doctor's uncles had been convicted of felony in Scotland, and had found that there was in that country one tree capable of supportin the weight of an Englishman.
It was a son of this usurper who was reigning at the time of the invasion of Alexander the Great; and the conqueror, when his advance was arrested at the Hyphasis (326 B.e.), meditating an attack on Pataliputra (the Palimbothra of the Greeks), was informed that the king of Magadha could oppose him with a force of 20,000 cavalry, 200,000 infantry, 2000 chariots, and 3000 or 4000 elephants.
He had, how-ever, kept himself informed regarding these movements, chiefly by means of Hermann Wagener, an old editor of the Kreuzzeitung, and in the year 1878 he felt himself free to return in this matter to his older opinions.
In the autumn of that year Bismarck visited Vienna and arranged with Andrassy a treaty by which Germany bound herself to support Austria against an attack from Russia, Austria-Hungary pledging herself to help Germany against a combined attack of France and Russia; the result of this treaty, of which the tsar was informed, was to remove, at least for the time, the danger of war between Austria-Hungary and Russia.
Thus with regard to Egyptian theology we are very imperfectly informed, and the account that is here given of it must be looked upon as merely provisional.
Shortly after his victory Bonaparte left Egypt, having appointed Klber to govern in his absence, which he informed the sheiks of Cairo was not to last more than three months.
Khorshld, being informed of the insurrection, immediately prepared to stand a siege in.
The Turkish ambassador in London was informed by Sir Edward Grey, foreign secretary, that if it were found that Turkish suzerainty in Egypt were incompatible with the rights of the British government to interfere in Egyptian affairs, and with the British occupation, the British position in Egypt would be upheld by the whole force of the empire.
Malet had informed Sherif Pasha that, although Colonel Hicks finds it convenient to communicate with Lord Dufferin or with me, it must not be supposed that we endorse in any way the contents of his telegrams. - - - Her Majestys government are in no way responsible for his operations in the Sudan, which have been undertaken under the authority of His Highnesss government.
The khedive appears to have been aware of the risks to be incurred, and in a private letter he informed the general that I rely upon your prudence and ability not to engage the enemy except under the most favorable circumstances.
On the 8th of August the sent out; secretary of state for war informed General Stephen- Nile route son that the time had arrived when some further adopted.
On the 8th of October the two burgomasters, Hans Nansen and Kristoffer Hansen, proposed that the realm of Denmark should be made over to the king as a hereditary kingdom, without prejudice to the privileges of the Estates; whereupon they proceeded to Brewer's Hall, and informed the Estate of burgesses there assembled of what had been done.
When the "king of Syria" was informed that "Elisha, the prophet that is in Israel, telleth the king of Israel the words that thou speakest in thy bed-chamber," he at once sent an army to take him captive in Dothan.
By the result of a symbolic discharge of arrows he informed the king of his coming success against Syria, and immediately thereafter he died.
At this date he was already distinguished as an accomplished scholar and critic, able to converse fluently in half-a-dozen languages, and well informed on most questions of scientific, artistic or antiquarian interest.
Gadow during his visit to Mexico in the summer of 1902, we are now better informed on the conditions under which the axolotl lives near Mexico City.
They were informed that the king could raise his revenue without consulting them.
Then he informed the citizens by means of a proclamation of what he had done, and declared that, knowing them to be ready to die in the ruins of their city, he would renew hostilities on the expiration of the armistice.
First of all Monsignor Bayardi was brought from Rome and commissioned to write about the antiquities which were being collected in the museum at Portici under the care of Camillo Paderni, and when it was recognized that the prelate had not sufficient learning, and by the progress of the excavations other most abundant material was accumulated, about which at once scholars and courtiers were anxious to be informed, Bernardo Tanucci, having become secretary of state in 1755, founded the Accademia Ercolanese, which published the principal works on Herculaneum (Le Pitture ed i bronzi d'Ercolano, 8 vols., 1757, 1792; Dissertationis isagogicae ad Herculanensium voluminum explanationem pars prima, 1797).
His sympathies were with the Jacobites, whom he kept informed of all the negotiations for the union; in 1713 he took part in an abortive movement aiming at the repeal of the union.
Nevertheless his history of Greek philosophy remains a noble monument of solid learning informed with natural sagacity.
Meanwhile Yazid, having been informed of the riotous behaviour of the Shiites in Kufa, sent Obaidallah, son of the famous Ziyad and governor of Basra, to restore order.
Yazid, when informed of this, swore in his anger to have him imprisoned.
In 758 Mansur, informed that a revolt was in preparation, came himself to Medina and ordered Abdallah to tell him where his sons were.
Musa, informed of his father's intentions, refused to obey this order, and Mandi determined to march in person against him.
Fadl, informed of his intentions, filled the caliph's mind with distrust against the old general, so that when Harthama arrived Mamun had him cast into prison, where he died shortly afterwards.
During his return the caliph was informed of a conspiracy in the army in favour of 'Abbas the son of Mamun, of which `Ojaif b.
But Wasif and Montasir had been informed, and resolved to anticipate him.
He was a eunuch, but we are nowhere distinctly informed that he was of servile origin.
Fremont had information beyond that of ordinary men that made him believe early hostilities between the United States and Mexico to be inevitable; he was also officially informed of Larkin's secret task and in no way authorized to hamper it.
The Committee of Public Safety, however, were no sooner informed by the duchess of Choiseul of the arrest, than they gave orders for his immediate release, and in 1793 he was nominated librarian of the Bibliotheque Nationale.
But, being informed that he had written a folio book on the Canticles, I declined to go to hear him."
In 1847 Lyon Playfair informed him of a spring of petroleum which had made its appearance at Ridding's Colliery at Alfreton in Derbyshire, and in the following year he began to utilize it for making both burning and lubricating oils.
Coleman in turn informed the duke, and he, since the immediate exposure of the plot was of the utmost consequence to him, induced Charles to compel Oates to appear (28th September) before the privy council.
The House having been duly informed of the state necessities, assented to a double subsidy and appointed a committee to draw up the requisite articles.
The committee of the Commons were then informed that the crisis demanded a triple subsidy to be collected in a shorter time than usual, that the Lords could not assent to less than this, and that they desired to confer on the matter.
Bacon, as attorney-general, delivered a speech, which has not been reported; but the king was informed that the arguments on the other side had not been limited to the special case, but had directly impugned the general prerogative right of granting livings.
And for the last, I conceived it to be no fault, but therein I desire to be better informed, that I may be twice penitent, once for the fact and again for the error."
The working of the system in modern times is perhaps too controversial a question to be discussed here; but one or two points may be noted on which all fairly well informed writers would probably agree.
This last work, exhibited in 1848, obtained conspicuous success, but did not sell till Ledru Rollin, informed of the painter's dire distress, gave him Soo francs for it, and accompanied the purchase with a commission, the money for which enabled Millet to leave Paris for Barbizon, a village on the skirts of the forest of Fontainebleau.
On his landing he was informed that the attainder had been reversed; and he received the royal patent authorizing his performance of the legatine duties within the realm.
Thus on the 13th of November 1810, the Swedish government was forced to declare war against Great Britain, though the British government was privately informed at the same time that Sweden was not a free agent and that the war would be a mere demonstration.
He was credited with an intention to grasp in his own hands the royal power; his influence over the army was cited as a cause of danger; and on the night of the 13th of November 1851 he was summoned to the palace and informed that he was no longer premier.
The home government (the first Russell administration), which had reluctantly consented to confirm Sir Harry Smith's annexation of the Orange River territory., on learning of these difficulties, and also that many of the burghers remained dissatisfied, changed their policy, and in 1851 the governor was informed that the ultimate abandonment of the Sovereignty was a settled point.2 In fulfilment of their settled policy to keep the British South African dominions within the smallest possible limits, the cabinet decided to recognize the independence of the Boers living beyond the Vaal.
Jameson was so informed, nevertheless he precipitated the crisis by invading the Transvaal on the evening of December the 29th.
Rhodes informed the House of Commons Select Committee that the belief that the Boers intended to introduce the influence of another foreign power in the already complicated system of South Africa " greatly influenced " him in promoting the revolt.
The government, when money was wanted for public works, informed the lord mayor, who apportioned the sums required among the various societies, and issued precepts for its payment.
Indeed, it was his extraordinary activity and power of assimilation in such directions that allowed him to keep his fellow-countrymen so well informed of what was going on in the outer world.
Zeno began, perhaps, by adopting the formulas of the Peripatetics, though no doubt with a conscious difference, postulating that form was always attached to matter, no less than matter, as known to us, is everywhere shaped or informed.
If in addition to all this we bear in mind that in his later books the historian's horizon is confined to the city and patriarchate of Constantinople, that he was exceedingly ill informed on all that related to Rome and the West, that in order to fill out his pages he has introduced narratives of the most unimportant description, that in not a few instances he has evinced his credulity (although when compared with the majority of his contemporaries he is still entitled to be called critical), it becomes sufficiently clear that his History, viewed as a whole and as a literary production, can at best take only a secondary place.
It was no doubt as a protection against such dangers that the earliest league of twelve Achaean cities arose, though we are nowhere explicitly informed of its functions other than the common worship of Zeus Amarius at Aegium and an occasional arbitration between Greek belligerents.
The result of this system has been the establishment throughout the world of an elaborate network of trained commercial experts, directly responsible to the central government, and charged as one of their principal duties with the task of keeping the government informed of all that may be of interest to German traders.
He was, in fact, informed of every detail, through Fulvia, the mistress of Curius, one of the plotters,who was himself soon persuaded to turn informer.
When they returned to Prague, Adam of Sternberg, the burgrave, again informed Budova that the king would grant no concessions in ecclesiastical matters.
In consequence of this intimation Mr Bancroft Davis informed the tribunal on the 25th of June that he was instructed not to press those claims; and accordingly on the 27th of June Lord Tenterden withdrew his application for an adjournment, and the arbitration was allowed to proceed.
Simon, we are informed, was a Samaritan, and a native of Gitta, a village situated at a, distance of 6 ooivoc (about 4 m.) from the.
Neither the attachment to the religious forms of Judaism, which we are informed was characteristic of James, nor that personal relation to the Lord which gave him his supreme distinction are indicated by so much as a single word.
The history of the epistle's reception into the canon is not opposed to this; for, once it was attributed to James, Syria would be more likely to take it up, while the West, more sceptical, if not better informed as to its origin, held back; just as happened in the case of Hebrews.
The secretary y had already accepted a bribe, but Swift was informed that he might still have the place for 100o.
A few days later, according to Garnet, the Jesuit, Oswald Tesemond, known as Greenway, informed him of the whole plot " by way of confession," when, as he declares, he expressed horror at the design and urged Green way to do his utmost to prevent its execution.
It was a period of religious revival, and of reaction against abuses that followed in the wake of the feudal system; and this religious movement was informed by a new mysticism - a mysticism that fixed its attention mainly on the humanity of Christ and found its practical expression in the imitation of His life.
On the 29th of January the Rumanian agent at St Petersburg was officially informed of the intention of the Russian government to regain posses sion of the Rumanian portion of Bessarabia, i.e.
In 1601 he was recommended by the Venetian senate for the small bishopric of Caorle, but the papal nuncio, who wished to obtain it for a protégé of his own, informed the pope that Sarpi denied the immortality of the soul, and had controverted the authority of Aristotle.
Sir Harry Smith, informed of the threatening attitude of the natives, proceeded to the frontier, and summoned Sandili and the other chiefs to an interview.
Nothing further seems to have been done in the matter until the 28th of January 1675, when Oldenburg informed " the Society that Mr Newton is now in such circumstances that he desires to be excused from the weekly payments."
In the following November Newton redeemed his promise to Halley by sending him, by the hand of Mr Paget, one of the fellows of his own college, and at that time mathematical master of Christ's Hospital, a copy of his demonstration; and very soon afterwards Halley paid another visit to Cambridge to confer with Newton about the problem; and on his return to London on the 10th of December 1684, he informed the Royal Society " that he had lately seen Mr Newton at Cambridge, who had showed him a curious treatise De Motu," which at Halley's desire he promised to send to the Society to be entered upon their register.
We are not accurately informed how Whiston obtained possession of this work; but it is stated by one of the editors of the English edition " that Mr Whiston, thinking it a pity that so noble and useful a work should be doomed to a college confinement, obtained leave to make it public."
In December she wrote secretly to Lord Hertford proposing her marriage with his grandson, but the latter immediately informed the council.
Barentin, the keeper of the seals, informed them that they were free to determine whether they would vote by orders or vote by head.
At the same time they implored the emperor's protection, and the Austrian chancellor Kaunitz informed Noailles the French ambassador that this protection would be given if necessary.
The farmer on the upper waters of the Red river (of the North) is kept fully informed as to the drought in India, the hot winds in the Argentine and the floods of the Danube.
Harting informed the present writer that the bird seems to lay its head sideways on the ground, and then, grasping the limpet's shell close to the rock between the mandibles, use them as scissor-blades to cut off the mollusc from its sticking-place.
In 1777 he informed the American commissioners that France acknowledged the Republic and was willing to form an offensive and defensive alliance with the new state.
Measures of great severity were taken against Roman Catholic priests; but it is said that Cromwell had great numbers in his pay, and that they kept him well informed.
On the 20th of July 1888 he informed the same assembly that there was no difficulty in doing so.
In the course of the negotiations the duke was informed of a fresh revolt of the Liegeois secretly fomented by Louis.
His friends were informed, and he was sent to a private lunatic asylum at St Albans, where he remained for eighteen months under the charge of Dr Nathaniel Cotton, the author of Visions.
It can scarcely be doubted that this second attack interrupted the contemplated marriage of Cowper with Mary Unwin, although Southey could find no evidence of the circumstance and Newton was not informed of it.
At the same time Gedymin through his ambassadors privately informed the papal legates at Riga that his difficult position compelled him for a time to postpone his steadfast resolve of being baptized, and the legates showed their confidence in him by forbidding the neighbouring states to war against Lithuania for the next four years, besides ratifying the treaty made between Gedymin and the archbishop of Riga.
Roon, who was appointed minister of war in 1861, was an old friend of his, and through him Bismarck was thenceforward kept closely informed of the condition of affairs in Berlin.
Bismarck was doubtless well informed as to the progress of the negotiations, for he had established intimate relations with the Hungarians.
He is said to have been imported into England from France by Mr Coke, where, as the editor of the Stud-Book was informed by a French gentlemen, he was so little thought of that he had actually drawn a cart in the streets of Paris.
Thus Orderic, though he witnessed no great events, was often well informed about them.
Brankovic, however, fearful of the sultan's vengeance in case of disaster, privately informed Murad of the advance of the Christian host, and prevented Castriota from joining it.
On arriving in Cairo Gordon informed the khedive of his reasons for not wishing to return to the Sudan, but did not definitely resign the appointment of governor of the equatorial provinces.
His position was a difficult one, for Napoleon did not keep him fully informed as to the course of French policy.
In this Benedetti successfully defends himself, and shows that he had kept his government well informed; he had even warned them a year before as to the proposed Hohenzollern candidature.
When they reached their room, Alex paid the sitter, who informed them that both Destiny and Jonathan were asleep.
Reluctantly, I informed her of the discouraging fact the dead assailant wasn't the Delabama killer as we'd assumed.
I informed her I had it on good authority the tipster would be retiring.
She went the back way—the servant.s route, as Kris had so kindly informed her—to the front door.
A quick peek into her mind informed him that April Madera – the personal assistant Ingrid hired – was storming off while the Natural Jessi remained.
The committee will acquiesce in any decision on which it is not fully informed.
We endeavor to keep you informed of any delay to your expected delivery date.
Directors of Studies will be informed if persistent absenteeism is observed.
The hearing was accordingly adjourned and rescheduled to take place on 14 March 2005 and the Parties were informed forthwith.
They're true aficionados, far better informed about the game than the men around them.
Although this may seem alarmist we believe that you should be fully informed before making your choice.
Members were informed of the details of manufacturer, data holders, pesticide approval holders and companies holding licenses for human medicines.
There is a need for enhanced awareness in African countries on AIJ to facilitate the articulation of informed positions on the subject.
Please be informed that the attorney space should be kept vacant as our accredited bank attorney will take care of that.
The Authority may find it useful to keep its appointed auditor informed of any proposed action it wishes to take.
Surgical registrar to be informed about all high risk bleeders.
Weather Bureau experts have informed me it is not possible to get a radar blip from this type of balloon.
They all taste the same, I was informed, especially if you have drunk enough bourbon while feathering them.
I was then informed not to be a cheeky bugger.
I was informed that it is better for a daughter to marry a businessman than a doctor or lawyer.
You must keep me informed, my dear chap.
It has been designed to help you make informed food choices in today's busy lifestyles.
To make informed choices, learners need to understand the potential consequences of these choices.
Being an educated citizen is to be free to make informed decisions.
Thanks to the rapid development of communications technology we have a highly informed citizenry.
Or rather, as MeCCSA would prefer to enable an informed citizenry to participate fully in society.
A responsive, informed citizenry is the best weapon we have against crime.
The following February, Catherine's mother informed William that her daughter was to marry a clergyman, who was fifteen years her senior.
Medical staff always keep referring clinicians informed of their patient's progress by sending reports at least every four weeks.
The Senior British Officer informed the german commandant that Purdy's safety could not be guaranteed.
Wolff Tanning Beds Make informed decisions about tanning beds, especially commercial tanning beds such as Sunquest tanning beds and Wolff tanning beds!
The views of other concertgoers, however, are very welcome, the more so when informed by detail and criticism.
He informed the Board that there was an emerging regional consensus surrounding the possible growth of East Midlands Airport.
These measures have one thing in common they all aim to empower consumers to make informed decisions.
As individuals, there are things we can do to improve the situation, firstly as informed consumers, and secondly as campaigners.
He was informed of the decision and the Tribunal duly convened the following Monday 20th August.
However, it is vital cohabiting couples have all of the information they require to reach a properly informed decision.
He seems to have informed Picasso's move from analytical cubism to synthetic Cubism, for instance.
Bilateral discussions have taken place between him and faculty deans, who have been informed of the proposed capped salary figures for their faculty.
It seeks to foster detailed research and informed debate on international conflict, both historical and contemporary.
Informed consent was obtained and they were fully debriefed at the end of the study.
In essence, all you need to make a fully informed decision of where to dine.
The success of the chosen media can now be monitored, which enables more informed decisions around which media should be used.
We also recognize that people buying furniture wish to make an informed purchasing decision.
The program of the communists in Germany is informed by this profoundly democratic approach.
It is this attitude which has continually informed the development of the Independent Group to the present day.
The Committee was informed that the Department was having increasing difficulty in getting supplies of single low dose diphtheria vaccine.
The aim is to engage with parents nationwide to help them make an informed choice about real diapers and single-use disposables.
Charismatic and well informed, he could talk for hours on any subject with frequent, lengthy and entertaining diversions.
Chosen by informed elected people for their ability to rise above the political dogfight, Speakers have successfully fulfilled a non-political role for centuries.
In an era where citizens are better informed and more inquiring doing doing doings to people will no longer work.
All working party members should be aware of, or be informed of, the instability of ` skip dumpers ' .
Also informed by his appearence on at the ICA on the panel debate dying of Consumption and lecturing at the Royal Institution.
This will enable educators to specify more fully an appropriate role for DVC based on an informed understanding.
Instead we have a clear-headed analysis informed by, and grounded in an intimate familiarity with, archeological realities and astronomical phenomena.
The research findings informed our campaign Standing up for women's safety.
In other words, developing empirical generalizations informed by abstract theory.
Grapevine magazine The aim of the bi-annual grapevine magazine The aim of the bi-annual Grapevine magazine is to keep alumni informed of current events and community at the University of York.
The initial coverage provided a groundswell of informed interest which supported the subsequent showings of the work.
Once you've opened the image you can make an informed guess about what that profile should be.
The HSE allow a system of informed guesswork to comply with this regulation.
I have sent them a link to this site so they are informed about Dundee and do not become homesick so much.
The group were also informed that the proposed incinerator at Newhaven should serve the whole county.
In September LAB informed Mrs A that she was financially ineligible for legal aid.
A Japanese launch is also in the works, which I'm reliably informed will be going ahead in early December.
It is trading standards ' aim to keep business informed and successful.. .
The publicity given to this case helped to draw attention to the shahtoosh trade and helped to make consumers better informed.
That is exactly what they get from Money Highway, and they become well informed, sophisticated clients.
He taps the same vein of highly informed, snappy, connective journalism, and it's great to read.
Informed consent informed consent Informed consent must be obtained by a doctor or registered nurse, fully conversant with the procedure.
To be kept informed of Buy To Let News, please enter your email address below.
The board felt informed, supportive and genuinely committed to a growth plan that had previously been contested each step along the way.
Students should be given training in being able to make informed guesses.
Institute for Citizenship - The Institute's aim is to promote informed, active citizenship and greater participation in democracy and society.
A flexible and sensitive approach will be taken to how and when the RT will obtain informed consent.
Gillick Competence - A test used to decide whether a young person is able to give informed consent.
Obviously, more complex investigations usually require more informed consent from the mother.
The early embryo is not in able to make informed consent in plans concerning its own future.
Postal questionnaires do not require a consent form since the act of completing and returning the questionnaire implies informed consent.
Patients were considered for the study if they had given written informed consent and had clinical evidence of pneumonia confirmed on X-ray.
The CE informed her that the first inkling had come about only in August.
It is too early to make an informed judgment about the scale of the impact on the UK economy.
The need for informed policy making is ever clearer.
This is currently being drawn up, but I am informed that it will not include marbling.
Cameras has changed of luminescence fluorescence informed cambridge mathematical.
Bob informed members that John was at present working on a new portfolio to be handed out to prospective sponsors.
Tourists asking for advice on whiskey were often misinformed or not informed at all.
If any additional input from the Learning Support Teacher was deemed necessary, the parents would always be informed.
The GMC would be informed in cases of medical negligence.
They must be informed of their right to be accompanied by a fellow employe or representative, shop steward or trade union official.
Believes age should not deter anyone from working and staying informed about techn ology.
It merely seeks to provide information for the sufferer to come to his/her own informed opinion.
We hope to highlight relevant research and present an informed consensus opinion.
If you are immediately outbid, you will be informed, and you may place a new, higher bid.
The only use Welsh water had for this pipeline he was informed was during possible surface water outfall.
The understanding of history is therefore informed and determined by coincidence and subjective perception.
Tim got a towel under me and was rather perturbed when I informed him that the baby was coming " now!
If you wish to be kept informed of any bids exceeding yours, enclose a postcard or SASE with your bid.
David Dorn examines the pros and cons of Broadband, so that you can make an informed decision to change or not.
We must become more intelligent procurers across government, informed by knowledge of IT suppliers capability and performance across the range of services provided.
The descriptions may require a summary of the contents of the retained material to assist the prosecutor to make an informed decision on disclosure.
Is this because council thinking generally lags about 3 to 5 years behind that of informed public opinion?
Once they have been so informed, we have already violated their pristine purity.
The message to business ratepayers is " make it your business " to be informed.
Cost effectiveness will be assessed using incremental cost effectiveness ratios (ICERs) based on the additional costs incurred per additional informed choice offered.
The ship had been spotted by RAF reconnaissance planes and Ursula informed of her course.
We feel we want to make brave, informed choices in the Royal Court that expand the repertoire.
We will keep you informed of the reason for any delay and when you can expect a full reply.
She also informed the DMC that this year they were proposing to invite tenant representatives to a seminar with appointed surveyors.
The post holder will also reroute any inappropriate referrals to local agencies, keeping the family informed at all times.
As PRU use the official receiver's rotas, it is important that they are kept informed of any changes to them.
The merchant is informed of a successful transaction via either email or through a cgi script which could do almost anything.
We need to keep doing research, become better informed and avoid seeming like a bunch of " Whingeing Miss the boaters " .
He offers some informed and amusing sidelights on royal life that regular readers of the magazine should find fascinating.
I checked out a couple of sunbirds and informed the gang that there was a pair of Collared Sunbirds just above their heads.
Members were informed that COT/COM/COC had decided to hold open meetings on specified topics to an invited audience on fairly technical subjects.
I suspect far more people became better informed from the site visit than any weighty tome.
As it usaully happens, following a recent trip to the garage I was informed that I had a. .
Police command has informed me that officers were carrying their " Arnold batons ", long truncheons used in public order situations.
The woodwork is painted a vivid turquoise which, I am informed, was its original color.
No, it's no good fighting this, ' she informed her entirely uninterested cat.
Their IFA may be better informed, because of tougher exams, and he or she will probably have to charge fees upfront.
Funding JC informed the group that funding for the next 2 years will be issued to health board areas with an small percentage uplift.
A retired vet informed me that dog fatalities were commoner in early Spring.
If patients receive any additional tests that are not part of a normal diagnostic work-up then they must give written, informed consent.
He is informed that the people to whom he is sent are rebellious and stiff-necked (this indicates his opinion of the people, and gives the keynote of the following discourses); he is appointed watchman to warn men when they sin, and is to be held responsible for the consequences if he fail in this duty.
The king was now informed, and on the 8th Generals Vaillant, Della Rocca and Hess met at Villafranca and arranged an armistice until the 15th of August.
When an influential deputation was sent from Finland to St Petersburg to represent to him respectfully that the officials were infringing the local rights and privileges solemnly accorded at the time of the annexation, it was refused an audience, and the leaders of the movement were informed indirectly that local interests must be subordinated to the general welfare of the empire.
On the 16th, hoping probably to save herself by these means, she informed Cranmer of a certain supposed impediment to her marriage with the king - according to some accounts a previous marriage with Northumberland, though the latter solemnly and positively denied it - which was never disclosed, but which, having been considered by the archbishop and a committee of ecclesiastical lawyers, was pronounced, on the 17th, sufficient to invalidate her marriage.
It is a curious fact that even at a date so late as this, and by an investigator so well informed, doubt should still have existed whether Apteryx (see Kiwi) should be referred to the group containing the cassowary and the ostrich.
The British government seemed, at one time, rather to favour a British participation, but when the terms of the convention were published, the strongest objection was taken to the constitution of the board of directors which established German control in perpetuity, while it was evident from the general tenor of the convention that a political bias informed the whole; in the end public feeling ran so high that any British participation became impossible.
With the consent of the tsar, it was proposed to submit the questions at issue to the decision of Great Britain, France and Austria; and the Porte was informed that, in the event of its accepting this arrangement, the powers would at once proceed to guarantee the integrity of the Ottoman Empire.
In July 1755 a very polite and, as far as Voltaire was concerned, indirect resolution of the Consistory declared that in consequence of these proceedings of the Sieur de Voltaire the pastors should notify their flocks to abstain, and that the chief syndic should be informed of the Consistory's perfect confidence that the edicts would be carried out.
As he informed Gilbert Sheldon, then warden of All Souls, in a letter, he was fully resolved on two points - that to say that the Fourth Commandment is a law of God appertaining to Christians is false and unlawful, and that the damnatory clauses in the Athanasian Creed are most false, and in a high degree presumptuous and schismatical.
Unfortunately, Venice, for her own safety's sake, insisted on the publication of Wladislaus's antiTurkish alliance; the Porte, well informed of the course of Polish affairs, remained strictly neutral despite the most outrageous provocations; and Wladislaus, bound by his coronation oath not to undertake an offensive war, found himself at the mercy of the diet which, full of consternation and rage, assembled at Warsaw on the 2nd of May 1647.
Augustin Theiner, the librarian at the Vatican, then in disgrace with the pope for his outspoken Liberalism, kept his German friends well informed of the course of the discussions.
Eugenio Alvarado, a Spanish commissioner for the boundary delimitation of Colombia with Brazil in 1759, informed the viceroy at Bogota that the rivers Arivari and Guayabero rise between Neiva and Popayan, and unite to take the composite name of Guaviare.
His inflexible will informed the movement directed against the enemy within, against the simoniacal prelate and the princely usurper of the rights of the Church, and prescribed the movement against the enemy without, against the infidel who held the Holy Sepulchre.
He not unnaturally expressed his amazement when that very juvenile reformer Olavus Petri confidently informed him that the pope was antichrist.
Frederick bluntly informed his nephew that, in concert with Russia and Denmark, he had guaranteed the integrity of the existing Swedish constitution, and significantly advised the young monarch to play the part of mediator and abstain from violence.
But even if I had a robot that knew everything, I couldn't really say, "Tell me every custom they have here" and be fully informed.
When Pierre returned home after vainly hunting all over Moscow, his valet informed him that Prince Anatole was with the countess.
The colonel respectfully informed His Majesty of Balashev's mission, whose name he could not pronounce.
The stickers and certificates reassure consumers and help them make informed choices.
You will then be informed You must reboot this computer for the changes to take effect.
Where in our opinion an item is unsaleable, you must re-collect such items from the saleroom promptly on being so informed.
Your Lordships will recall that during the hearing that I informed the Court that the Kansal case is currently reconsidering the implications of Lambert.
The default position must be to assume refusal of consent unless an informed consent is obtained.
Practitioners must be able to observe and respond appropriately to children, informed by a knowledge of how children develop and learn.
As PRU use the official receiver 's rotas, it is important that they are kept informed of any changes to them.
Guards, bonnet top and top scuttle panel are steel as Mike had informed me over the ' phone.
The project seeks to promote ' broad debate ' and is ' informed by the latest and best thinking '.
We need to keep doing research, become better informed and avoid seeming like a bunch of " Whingeing Miss the boaters ".
Negotiations about severance packages should be informed, on both sides, by legal advice.
Small Talk has been informed that you 're a bit of a snooker ace.
They informed us that they had apprehended the thieves and located the vehicle.
The triage nurse will keep people in the waiting room informed of any change in the waiting time.
As it usaully happens, following a recent trip to the garage I was informed that I had a..
Councilor Tuffs informed Councilor Calver that the meeting had taken place in Councilor Cooper 's house.
No, it 's no good fighting this, ' she informed her entirely uninterested cat.
He was always well informed and brought an urbane authority to everything he did.
Hatteras and Johnson were informed how matters stood, and it was resolved to maintain a vigilant watch.
Trustees should be vigilant to ensure they remain informed of any specific requirements.
How does the ethically informed manager learn to handle the concept of ethical permissibility with regards to whistle blowing?
The founder informed everyone of the problematic issues, saw the end coming and avoided worse outcomes.
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Knowledge of the unique nature of cats can help you make informed decisions regarding health care.
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