Informative Sentence Examples
The educational lecture was informative and worth the trip.
If you are writing an informative article, try not to use words with a negative connotation.
It's really informative and includes lots of basic information about gestational diabetes, including a great sample diet plan, nutrition tips, and even a handy log you can print out and use to help you keep track of your health.
Click on the small images here to see full-scale version with informative captions, then use your browser's BACK button to return here.
This informative site features a number of articles on the topic of investing in the stock market and several types of bonds.
From the main page you can find watch brands and other informative articles.
Determine if it's persuasive or informative.
Additionally, some search engines will actually penalize you in the ranking if it appears you are posting spam rather than informative content of use to visitors.
This is another informative, active site designed to help WAHMs succeed.
There is demand for individuals who are able to write website content, articles, and other types of informative and marketing-oriented materials.
AdvertisementWrite informative how-to articles that are relevant to your business and of interest to members of your target customer groups.
However, the darkness trope is subsumed to characterisation of the film style within an informative toned narrativisation of the film production process.
Although the legal issues are as yet underdeveloped, this approach manages to bring home the relevant issues in an interesting and informative way.
Stick with websites which have a solid reputation for providing valuable insights and informative articles.
This informative site also provides an introduction to stock market analysis here. is another excellent classified community, but in addition to letting you search through over 50,000 online car listings, you can also check out informative reviews and videos.
However the site does provide some informative articles on extended warranties, insurance, vehicle history and more.
Girls Love Wheels is also an informative site that offers tip on buying and servicing your car.
News articles are informative pieces about current events in the auto industry.
The DIY video podcasts are very well made, extremely informative and the directions are easy to follow.
AdvertisementIt was informative and has peaked my interest since I'm currently in the process of building a cruising catamaran.
It is long and somewhat cheesy, but it is very informative.
An informative commentary is given throughout with refreshments provided.
As well as being highly informative on its intended subject, this book also divulges a great deal about the writer's contemporary society.
The book is eloquent and informative, but extremely hagiographic about the exploits of the regiments examined.
AdvertisementNot that good looking, but very in-depth and informative with detailed diagrams, plans and photographs.
Whether or not the addressee finds an Inform informative is a separate matter.
However it was felt an update was required to make the program more informative.
SuperBike is an irreverent, humorous and massively informative magazine for all kinds of bikers.
The debate will be highly informative with the aim of airing different arguments.
Thank you --- And what a wonderfully informative site you have.
Few forts have been investigated where waterlogged remains prove so informative, those at and maintenance.
Viral marketing makes use of the tendency of a person to share something to find informative, entertaining or amazing.
It publishes the Journal of the Russell Society which has informative articles concentrating on British Topographic mineralogy.
The general consensus view of the meeting was that it was both informative as well as enabling parishioners to air their views.
She gave an informative presentation on; Why did it start?
Overall a great informative book for anyone who visits the seashore regularly or has an interest in the basics of seashore ecosystem ecology.
The structure proved most informative and provided a basis for understanding kinase substrate recognition and catalysis [3] .
Everyone charged with carrying out investigations and undertaking a surveillance in order to gather evidence, should find this book both informative and educational.
Janine gave a very entertaining and informative talk on her long-term study on bone metastases.
We stopped at the site of a land slide in 1965, read the informative notice boards and used the washrooms.
Certainly, a creative and informative wedding website can serve the majority of the purposes mentioned.
The structure proved most informative and provided a basis for understanding kinase substrate recognition and catalysis [3 ].
It is reallly very informative and provides vide range of knowledge about Muslims and other events too.
The light wave talk was followed by an informative and thought provoking talk on yagi antenna construction for the 1.2 and 2.3GHz bands.
You can also ask your doctor if he has any informative pamphlets to give you.
Finally, there are numerous support groups and informative Websites to help you with all of your questions and concerns.
You'll love this magazine with its easy-to-read, informative, and entertaining format.
Buying guides and advice-Not only can you find a wonderful selection of baby supplies and accessories, but there's also an informative buying guide with tips and advice on choosing particular baby items.
Read our informative article on white gold.
A dissertation requires the graduate to make a creative and informative contribution to their field of study.
Breed clubs, those devoted to promoting a particular breed of dog, set up display booths filled with informative material and photos to help the public learn more about the dog of choice.
While you are there, why not subscribe to their informative Organic Garden Club newsletter?
The notes that accompany the transcription are very informative, and all the symbols that are used are explained in detail at the beginning of the tablature transcription.
It is well organized, very informative, and constantly evolving.
Prior to joining the team, writers go through a series of interviews and a thorough training program to ensure they are relating their expertise in an engaging, interesting, and informative manner.
Clear Air Gardening offers a variety of fertilizers, compost bins, and informative articles on mixing your own fertilizers.
Young children can play games, while teens and parents can read informative articles on this important topic.
The site also offers informative articles on what costs may be covered by Medicare and private insurance, and which ones you will likely be expected to pay yourself.
We offer informative articles meant to help you make sense of all the services and options available to you.
This website also includes a Federal Grant Index and a Federal Grant Directory along with many informative articles and helpful links.
This website also has informative articles to help you better understand how life insurance helps you and your family.
We recognized a need for an engaging, informative resource to help seniors and their families identify and research senior living communities and options that fit their specific situation and needs.
They answer questions and provide informative articles on sleep related topics from the standpoint of a doctor or researcher.
The Glass Shop offers a very comprehensive and informative site.
In addition to these perks, there is also an informative question and answer section that is filled with valuable knowledge; something you might appreciate as you make your purchase.
In addition to speaking with your eye care provider, you can also read informative newsletters and other literature to become more aware of the procedure.
This section essentially deals with your face shape, and since there are plenty of photograph examples, you might find this both informative and entertaining.
Instructions can be found on page 40 to 41 of the game's manual and they are very informative.
We invite you to not only read our informative news, reviews, tips and cheats, but to add to them as well.
The region in which the grapes are grown, as well as the wines produced from each type of grape, is also included on these informative posters.
These wine groups are fun, informative and you can be as creative as you want.
Visitors can expect informative wine tours, generous accommodations and views that rival wineries found in the German countryside.
LoveToKnow Wine - There are over 500 informative articles on subjects ranging from types of wine to serving wine.
Collector's Weekly provides numerous informative articles on specific topics of interest to model and toy train collectors.
You can expect to find a wide variety of informative articles related to all types of outdoor camping activities.
Informative and instructional handouts are usually provided to explain specific medications, tests, or procedures.
If you are in search of line dance moves, you may want to check out an informative website such as Knowledge Hound.
The inscription on the tombstone can also be informative and give insight into the life and character of your ancestor.
The University of Chicago Medical Center has a brief but informative article about hair replacement surgery.
There is a wide variety of career resources including informative articles, newsletters, magazines and videos.
LoveToKnow Mortgage has well-researched and informative articles from mortgage experts.
Many websites offer free refinance rates and calculators that are easy to access and quite informative.
Wells Fargo offers a variety of informative articles and detailed information online to help borrowers make wise financial decisions.
Yahoo Real Estate provides an informative tool on its website that not only lists the latest interest rates but also tracks trends in the industry.
You will need to participate in an informative counseling session given to you by an approved counselor.
This interesting and informative show from Discovery Health chronicles the activity inside Expecting Models, the world's only agency devoted to representing models during their pregnancies.
For parents of teenage girls and for teachers and high school guidance counselors, these early signs of teen pregnancy may be as informative as knowing some of the underlying causes surrounding the issue.
There are many other informative readings available at LoveToKnow on this beautiful national landmark.
LoveToKnow Swimsuits is dedicated to bringing you entertaining, and informative articles on every aspect of swimwear.
Fun and informative, the 2010 issue is certainly a keeper!
They also provide a very informative guide in their shop that provides information on getting the right air conditioner for you.
LoveToKnow would like to thank Lori Dolnick for the informative interview and wishes both her and Miele continued success!
LoveToKnow thanks Jay and Linda Kordich for this informative interview and wishes them both continued success in all their endeavors.
Find out more about this juicer and how it rated in this informative independent review!
LoveToKnow thanks Steve Ash for this informative interview and wishes him and PartSelect continued success.
If you're looking for more instructions to make homemade candles, there are lots of informative and helpful resources online that will walk you through all of the steps.
Check out these informative slideshows for additional ideas for fundraisers that you're likely to find to be easy to implement.
If you're ready to learn more about fundraising, visit these informative slideshows.
Try to keep the letter brief but informative.
There are many other informative books about more concrete aspects of dating available online - such as sexual techniques and information.
Instead, you will have to make sure that you present an informative article that is enjoyable to read while also falling within the submission guidelines of the magazine you're writing for.
Be sure to check out informative websites like The Celiac Disease Foundation for an even more in-depth glance into symptoms of celiac sprue.
Talented fashion writers and researchers strive to bring you informative, engaging, and relevant articles.
Read LoveToKnow's informative article on fake designer handbags for all the facts before you buy your next handbag.
In fact, some neighborhood canvassers prefer to leave an informative package of information hanging from the doorknob instead of directly speaking to a person.
As search engines have evolved, they have grown past simple searches and now offer numerous other informative tools such as weather updates, news items, people searches, shopping, maps, and more.
Joan Bunning has written a very informative book on this topic.
Don't let that scare you away-- these articles are useful and informative.
The informative Parent Guides are among the greatest aspects of this site.
Read our informative article on Children's Health for great information on nutrition, sleep, and other health tips.
Chore-Worksheets for Kids- You'll discover some interesting books, fantastic pictures, delightful posters, informative, educational and entertaining websites and other resources - and a lot more.
Free Sunday school lessons for kids can help you plan interesting and informative lessons for your class to enjoy.
Mommy Moments-This website offers moms and dads the opportunity to join an informative and free eight-week online parenting course.
Look up words and definitions in online dictionaries like YourDictionary or read informative articles about history subjects at
The Love to Know Soap Operas team is dedicated to providing fans with a rich online resource for new and unique articles filled with informative and interesting facts about soaps.
A persuasive memo engages the reader's interest before issuing a directive, where as an informative memo outlines the facts and then requests the reader's actions.
Many of the government agencies or companies that produce most of those reports publish very dry data in a dull, informative voice intended for government leaders and industry analysts.
This leaves hobbyists and car lovers lacking a place to go for informative auto industry reports that are not only accurate, but also interesting.
The videos are clear, informative, and you can post on their blog or leave comments regarding the videos shown.
BusinessWeek published an informative and detailed article in 2005 about the history of many well-known auto companies, including Mercedes, BMW, and Audi.
However, the display of the vehicle is high quality, and the listed details outlining everything about the vehicle are extensive and very informative.
According to Men Who Knit, the podcasts are interesting and informative.
Most blogs that are about quilting are full of informative tips, instructions and news about the quilting world.
Quilters Spirit - Antique Quilts to Art Quilting Blog, by Kimberly Wulfert, PhD offers interesting and informative information on antique and vintage quilts.
Her book also features informative descriptions of the properties and benefits of the herbs, herbal oils and other natural ingredients used in the recipes she gives.
In this book, Dorie Byers offers a highly informative guide to handcrafting your own all-natural alternatives to commercial beauty care products. not only offers useful information and informative articles pertaining to low carb dieting, but it also has a section listing free low carb recipes.
By clearly understanding food labels, the consumer is able to make informative food purchases to ensure healthy eating.
For a more detailed look at how the Zone Diet works, check out our informative articles on the Zone Diet.
This informative website provides the information needed to follow a healthy balanced diet based on the five food groups.
These tools vary from informative articles to hands on, interactive tools such as calorie calculators and BMI calculators.
A resource for people with diabetes, the recipes on the informative website, Dlife are perfect for anyone following a low carb eating plan.
Pilates Style does, however, include informative articles from respected Pilates educators such as Romana Kryzanowska, who studied with Joseph Pilates and Brent Anderson, PhD, president of Polestar Pilates.
One can imagine how informative such a device could be to people unknowingly suffering from sleep apneas or even sleepwalking disorders.
If you have specific goals for calorie burn, you will find these details informative and useful for getting the most out of your workouts.
Even if you don't agree with the politics of this think-tank, the topics addressed are timely and informative.
LoveToKnow provides a free sample liability release form as part of an informative article on Free Liability Release Forms.
This rating is actually very informative and it's designed to let you know if the sports bra you are looking at might be appropriate for various activities.
Although there is a wide variety of reality shows on Bravo, Top Chef is one of the most popular - and informative - programs available on the network.
Indeed, both men are very talented and quick-witted, which makes the reality show not only informative, but highly entertaining.
Fortunately, there is no dearth of helpful, informative skin care product reviews online.
Rember that successful professional bloggers paid their dues early on by adding creative and informative content daily.
It's a highly informative article for MySpace novices.
While being informative is an important social media strategy, nobody should underestimate the value of being entertaining.
In order for social media to be profitable, the marketer must gain the reader's trust by providing information that is simultaneously enlightening, informative, and, if possible, entertaining.
Finally, a class podcast can provide parents, students and other faculty a connection to the podcasters that is unique and informative.
If reading about video podcasting has inspired your creativity, the MacWorld website has an informative article about creating your own video podcast.
Write an article on the subject that is informative and interesting, inserting the keyword five or six times in the body.
If you're looking to start frequenting a few informative and fun astronomy blogs, then you're in luck.
Others who land on your profile page will want to know a little more about you before they follow, so ensure that your bio is interesting and informative.
If the content of a web page is of a serious tone, or contains informative content written in a "dry" manner, then an inline graphic might be the best option.
Floating web page graphics, on the other hand, are best for informative, yet light-hearted content.
Stuart offers web design services as well as informative and useful tutorials.
It makes all kinds of information easy to find - including a Google Map widget, which subtly shows their awareness of web 2.0 media, and their blog is full of helpful informative posts that do not seem like simply an infomercial.
Elephant and Ants develops and designs dynamic and informative websites with the end user in mind.
Content should be informative, interesting and high in quality.
While this may seem like basic HTML coding, the history of hyperlinks prove how important these are if you want an informative and useful website.
In spite of some limitations in distribution, it is an amazingly flexible tool for delivering a rich and deeply informative media experience through the internet.
However, the easiest and most informative way to find a rental is to look online.
Even if you find a better deal elsewhere, you can still get informative reviews.
We'll be here for you with a selection of thoughtful, informative articles, from the moment you pick out your first kitten, during your pet's prime and right on through those twilight years.
The Animal Poison Control Center provides an informative resource for animal poison-related emergencies.
Financial magazines often feature pieces detailing the various aspects of identity theft, but other magazines sometimes have informative articles regarding this topic as well.
Online divorce tools range from do-it-yourself divorce kits to divorce support groups, newsletters and informative articles.
Government of Canada - The Canadian government has an informative question and answer website devoted to BPA.
The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences - The NIEHS also has an excellent and informative website that addresses the BPA issue.
The wide variety of entertaining, informative, and high-quality shows is what makes HGTV so great.
The host has worked with many well-known celebrities, and in the DVD she provides informative makeup tips and details about current trends.
The following article will tell you where to find these online fashion and makeup games, as well as afford preparation tips for your informative quest.
Whatever your writing goals, online writing classes are a fun and informative way to expand your writing horizons - from the comfort of your own home.
A temp agency advertising online should have an informative website with contact info, frequently asked questions and even job listings.
It has informative articles on bow hunting, deer hunting, turkey hunting, and big game hunting.
Smithsonian Education-This is a wonderful site that offers kids interactive, informative art tours, as well as numerous online games and activities.
LoveToKnow would like to thank Chef Michael Nenes and the Art Institute for taking the time for this informative interview.
You'll learn how to add text on a path, use the extract filter, apply drop shadows to sheer items, and more in these highly informative programs.
A stress management presentation is best received when it's comprehensive, applicable and informative.
Find out more about Celtic wedding rings, including what to look for, where to buy them, and how to take care of them by reading our informative article focusing on Celtic rings.
A wedding program is an informative introduction to the wedding ceremony, but unique wedding programs are much more.
Finish with a sweet, informative blurb that shares the pertinent information - date, time, and location - and dress it up with truly fairytale-worthy wording.
To learn more about alcoholism, visit the informative slideshow Alcoholism Stages.
For more information about assessing depression, visit LTK's informative slideshow on the 10_Signs_of_Depression.
Christian relationship enhancement cruises are designed to balance informative seminars and workshops with fun, wholesome activities that elevate marriage to a new level.
For those over the age of 50, AARP Magazine is a comprehensive resource filled with valuable and informative advice and facts on topics that affect everyday life.
This is a humorous but informative site for older adults living anywhere.
The instruction manual for Morrowind is very informative.
Although an essential component of the NE, the sensory examination is the least informative and least exacting since it requires patient concentration and cooperation.
You and I dear lady have shared that interesting and informative letter you hold so closely and are staining with your tears.
Informative – worth the trip, I guess.
Wedding product and service providers are delivering powerful and informative websites that specifically cater to today's tech-savvy bridal demographic.
Herschel said that it was an extremely informative document.
First of all, I'd like to commend author Muriel Feelings for her incredibly informative Introduction.
Finally, check out our other informative baby name articles, like Middle Name Meanings, Baby Name Meanings, and Baby Middle Names for more help.
It can be an overwhelming task to find informative and reliable sources for identity theft articles.
An informative chart compares your options.
The list contains informative articles, information based websites and singles dating sites dedicated to cougars and younger men.
Finally, these are just a few of the many websites that feature creative and informative Sunday school lessons.
There are a number of informative books for the first-time investor you may find interesting, and we list just a few below.
This means you can be sure you are reading the most informative, helpful and friendly information on the Web.
The Under Armour Web site is excellent and informative, but a serious shopper of women's Under Armour shoes will use the site to find a store nearest them to start their shopping experience.
You can see an informative video on the making of the boots on Lucchese's website.
There is even an informative video that explains how to find the right size boot for you.
This site might be more geared for the advanced player who is looking to improve on the traditional string changing method, but it is useful information for anyone looking for a clean, informative and well-organized site.
No matter the age or gender of your kids, chances are there's some dinosaur knowledge bound to intrigue them - especially thanks to the various exhibits, interactive toys and informative websites at their fingertips.
If you're dealing with an Aquarius and want to avoid this possible pitfall, try to keep your discussion light and informative, and focus on exchanging points of view rather than bringing emotions into the situation.
In addition to being able to book a flight to Amsterdam, when you click on the above link you will also receive a brief but informative background on the city including when to visit and what to expect when you get there.
The goal at LoveToKnow Paranormal is to bring you entertaining and informative articles on all aspects of paranormal activity, from classic hauntings to metaphysical phenomena such as clairvoyance and extrasensory perception, aka ESP.
Expertise - Whether you're a talented poet who wants to share your work and offer advice to others, or you have professional training and insight to offer career women, your specific expertise can translate to an informative blog.