Influential Sentence Examples
The only thing she had to offer him was an influential father-in-law.
They include many well-known and influential families.
Disney went on to become the most influential storyteller on the entire planet.
Three separate capitals must be discriminated Pavia, the seat of the new Lombard kingdom; Ravenna, the garrison city of the Byzantine emperor; and Rome, the rallying point of the old nation, where the successor of St Peter was already beginning to assume that national protectorate which proved so influential in the future.
He soon became one of the most influential men in the colonies.
Currently China is recognized as one of the most influential players in the global economy.
All this was to be done, however, under the strict supervision and guidance of the autocratic power, with as little aid as possible from private initiative and with no control whatever of public opinion, because influential public opinion is apt to produce insubordination.
For the next thirty years he was president of the party, and was the most influential of the parliamentary leaders.
He became influential in Pennsylvania politics, and in1845-1849served in the United States Senate, being elected by a combination of Democratic, Whig and "American" votes to succeed James Buchanan.
Although the rules of the Social Democratic party do not recognize a leader or president, Bebel subsequently became by far the most influential member of the party.
AdvertisementThe Jews form a small but influential community.
He was an influential promoter of the Evangelical Alliance.
Hence it was probably the most influential of all Fenelon's books, and guided French ideas on the question all through the 18th century.
They were reserved for the most influential of the clan.
This act theory would prove influential on later scholastics, most notably William Ockham.
AdvertisementThe Martins are one of the largest and most influential families in Pine Valley.
Commentary can be very influential with such a wide audience.
Print your executive summary on high-quality paper, since influential investors will see the document.
One of the most influential rock bands of the 90's is undoubtedly the Smashing Pumpkins.
The executive officer is the Amin, a kind of mayor, elected from some influential family in which the dignity is often in practice hereditary.
AdvertisementThe Parsees, though influential and wealthy, are a very small community, numbering only 94,000, of whom all but 7000 are found in Bombay.
It was by an assembly that the second reformation was effected; but the assembly contained the most influential of the nobility and gentry, and was carried on the crest of a great national movement.
Here, with Manning as president and Hezekiah Smith (1737-1805), his class-mate at Princeton, as financial agent and influential supporter, the institution (since 1804 known as Brown University) was for many years the only degree-conferring institution controlled by Baptists.
The opposition to union among an influential number of old Nataliansintensely zealous for local independence - was however so marked that it was decided that before Natal was committed to union a referendum on the subject should be taken.
In the beginning he was the most influential man present, but was finally forced to yield to the Alexandrian party, and to vote for a creed which completely repudiated the position of the Arians, with whom he had himself been hitherto more in sympathy than with the Alexandrians.
AdvertisementBefore 1546 he had secured employment in the household of Sir Thomas Arundell, a man of influential connexions.
As an educational reformer, as a man of letters and learning, who trod "the large and impartial ways of knowledge," and who swayed others to the same paths, as a thinker influential alike in the action and the reaction to which he led, Cousin stands out conspicuously among the memorable Frenchmen of the 29th century.
The Old Catholic separation followed, but Acton did not personally join the seceders, and the authorities prudently refrained from forcing the hands of so competent and influential an English layman.
A second and still more influential embassy having been sent, Elohim again appeared by night, and this time permitted Balaam to go on condition that he said nothing but what Elohim bade him say.
Suffice it to say that they were enormously influential.
It has been immensely influential and reprinted many times.
Rightly or wrongly, this comment has been enduringly influential.
He remains highly influential still seven years after his death.
In a small but influential section of the educated classes there was a conviction that the revolutionary tendencies, which culminated in Nihilism and Anarchism, proceeded from the adoption of cosmopolitan rather than national principles in all spheres of educational and administrative activity, and that the best remedy for the evils from which the country was suffering was to be found in a return to the three great principles of Nationality, Orthodoxy and Autocracy.
From a childhood of poverty and abuse, she has has become one of the wealthiest and most influential people of all time.
There is no denying that Oprah Winfrey is the most influential woman in entertainment, and arguably, she could also be the most influential woman in the world.
Her popularity has soared since joining the cast of Glee, with Time Magazine naming her one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2010.
She was recently named one of Time magazine's "100 Most Influential People."
She was named one of Time magazine's 100 most influential people of 2006.
She soon had a long list of regular clients, most of them wealthy and influential.
Companions and peers are influential in the development of antisocial behaviors.
This theory underlies the most influential forms of contemporary family therapy.
So who are the names that are most influential in the realm of designer alternative handbags?
The rising sign is one of the most influential parts of your birth chart.
The sun signs of individuals are largely influential in a chart, but they are not the only prevailing signs.
This versatility gives the water bearer many opportunities to befriend very influential people who will eagerly open doors of opportunity for her.
This is a powerful sign, and when Scorpio's energies are channeled in a positive direction, he can be a highly influential and beneficial individual within a community.
He had been by far the most influential man in Portugal, and his death in 1876 was followed by a regrouping of political parties.
The founder of this system seems to have been Asanga, an influential monk of Peshawar, who wrote the first text-book of the creed, the Yogachchdra Bhumi Sastra, in the 6th century A.D.
On the following day, Thurn, Wenceslas of Ruppa, Ulrich of Kinsky, and other members of the more advanced party held a secret meeting, at which it was decided to put to death the most influential of Matthias's councillors.
From then on he was one of the most eloquent and frequent debaters among his colleagues, and in 1859, almost without opposition, he was re-elected to the Senate as a member of the Republican party, in the organization of which he had taken an influential part.
By 1809, however, Macon was again in accord with his party, and during the next two years he was one of the most influential of its leaders.
By his marriage with Aurelia, daughter of Nicola Borghese, another very influential citizen, he still further strengthened his authority.
In 1607 the Plymouth Company, of which he was an influential member and which had received a grant of this region from James I.
In 1777 the New Jersey Gazette, the first newspaper in New Jersey, was established here; it was published (here and later in Trenton) until 1786, and was an influential paper, especially during the War of Independence.
In reply to an influential deputation which waited upon him on the 10th of November, Sir Edward Grey, speaking as the representative of the British government in his capacity as secretary of state for foreign affairs, expressed the desire" that Belgium should feel that her freedom of action is unfettered and unimpaired and her choice unembarrassed by anything which we have done or are likely to do "; but he added that if Belgium should fail to take action" it will be impossible for us to continue to recognize indefinitely the present state of things without a very close examination of our treaty rights and the treaty obligations of the Congo State."The debate in the Belgian chamber opened on the 28th of November and was not concluded till the 14th of December.
Two of his disciples at the same time obtained influential positions in the two most powerful clans of the state, and co-operated with him.
Other prominent newspapers of the city are the Dispatch (1846), the Chronicle Telegraph (1841), the Post (1792; daily, 1842), which is one of the few influential Democratic newspapers in Pennsylvania, the Leader (Sunday, 1864; daily, 1870) and the Press (1883).
Certainly the most able metaphysician and the most influential religious thinker of America, he must rank in theology, dialectics, mysticism and philosophy with Calvin and Fenelon, Augustine and Aquinas, Spinoza and Novalis; with Berkeley and Hume as the great English philosophers of the 18th century; and with Hamilton and Franklin as the three American thinkers of the same century of more than provincial importance.
A man of refinement and education, a member of an influential family, a popular social leader and an eloquent speaker - at the age of twenty-three he was chosen by the town authorities of Boston to deliver the Independence Day oration - Otis yet lacked conspicuous ability as a statesman.
According to his own statement he disapproved, but he gave Winter a recommendation to Father Creswell, an influential person at Madrid.
In March 1622 Mason obtained from the Council for New England, of which Gorges was the most influential member, a grant of the territory (which he named Mariana) between the Naumkeag or Salem river and the Merrimac, and in the following August he and Gorges together received a grant of the region between the Merrimac and Kennebec rivers, and extending 60 m.
Out of the large sections of its population, Hindu, Mahommedan, Parsee, Jain and Christian, the Parsees are one of the smallest and yet the most influential.
Under Constantine Monomachus (1042-1054) he became one of the most influential men lin the empire.
A few days subsequently the prince learned that the German railway contractor Strausberg was unwilling or unable to pay The rail- the coupons of the railway bonds due on the 1st of way crisis January 1871, which were mostly held by influential of 1871.
Lascar Catargiu and General Golescu, the only two members present, as well as Dimitrie Sturdza and other influential persons, declined to accept the responsibility.
Perhaps the most influential of President Buchanan's official advisers, he denied the constitutionality of secession, and urged that Fort Sumter be properly reinforced and defended.
The alliance ensured for Edward in his French wars the support of Philippa's influential kindred; and before starting on his French campaign he secured troops from William the Good, as well as from the count of Gelderland, the count of Julick, and the emperor Louis the Bavarian.
It is chiefly during the first period that those leaders flourished whose names and doings have been associated with all that was really influential in the exploits of the buccaneers - the most prominent being Mansfield and Morgan.
About 1866, when he had begun to teach and to gather disciples, he first saw the Christian scriptures, which he vehemently assailed, and the Rig Veda, which he correspondingly exalted, though in the conception which he ultimately formed of God the former was much more influential than the latter.
Amongst the more conspicuous secular buildings in the street may be mentioned the Town and County Bank, the Music Hall, with sitting accommodation for 2000 persons, the Trinity Hall of the incorporated trades (originating in various years between 1398 and 1527, and having charitable funds for poor members, widows and orphans), containing some portraits by George Jamesone, a noteworthy set of carved oak chairs, dating from 1574, and the shields of the crafts with quaint inscriptions; the office of the Aberdeen Free Press, one of the most influential papers in the north of Scotland; the Palace Hotel; the office of the Northern Assurance Company, and the National Bank of Scotland.
He retired from political life in 1868, but he and his wife, whose salon was a great Liberal centre, were for many years very influential in society.
Persecution having ceased, the question of apostasy had lost its chief significance, and as church life became public and influential the evils of scandal were intensified.
The Greek penitentials date from about 600; the Latin are a little later; the most influential was that of Theodore of Tarsus, who was archbishop of Canterbury from 668 to 690.
Only the king, with his hold upon the traditional instincts of loyalty and the force of his still unimpaired prerogative, could, in ordinary times, hold head against the wealthy and influential aristocracy.
William Cobbett, the most influential of the reform leaders, in order to avoid arbitrary imprisonment, deprived of pen, ink and paper, suspended the Political Register and sailed for America.
His views on the land question and secular education aroused the bitter hostility of the rich squatters and the clergy; but his singular nobility of character, no less than his powers of mind, made him one of the most influential men in the Assembly.
The most influential family in Rhenish Franconia was that of the Salians, the head of which early in the 10th century was Conrad the Red, duke of Lorraine, and son-in-law of Otto the Great.
The Left assumed that, if deputies could hold office, the king would have the means of corrupting the ablest and most influential.
More singular was the influential position assigned, in civic legislation and administration, to the clergy, to whom in conjunction with the councillors, there was even, in certain cases, an appeal from the judgment of the scabini.
Other distinguished philologists are his successor as head of the Latin school, Bjorn Magnusson Olsen (Researches on Sturlunga, Ari the Wise, The Runes in the Old Icelandic Literature - the last two works in Danish); Finnur Jonsson, professor at the University of Copenhagen (History of the Old Norwegian and Icelandic Literature, in Danish, and excellent editions of many old Icelandic classical works); and Valtyr Guc?mundsson, lecturer at the University of Copenhagen (several works on the old architecture of Scandinavia) and editor of the influential Icelandic literary and political review, Eimre151n (" The Locomotive ").
The Courier Journal is one of the most influential newspapers in the South.
Up till this time his work for the evangelical cause was not so much that of the public preacher or reformer as that of the retiring but influential scholar and adviser.
His force of character, his undoubted patriotism, his brilliant eloquence, and his disinclination to accept office - a rare characteristic in a Bulgarian politician - combined to render him one of the most influential men in Bulgaria.
His family was an old and influential one, and when Thomas entered the church his prefer ment was rapid.
The principal newspapers are the Springfield Republican (Independent; weekly, 1824; morning, 1844), one of the most able and influential journals in New England, which since its establishment by Samuel Bowles (q.v.) has been the property of the Bowles family; the Union (Republican; morning, evening, and weekly; 1864); the Daily News (Democratic 1880); and the Springfield Homestead (tri-weekly; 1878).
He was influential in securing the nomination of John C. Fremont at the June convention (1856), and of Abraham Lincoln in 1860.
From 1856 he was employed at Leipzig on the Grenzboten, one of the most influential German periodicals, which, under the editorship of Gustav Freytag, had become the organ of the Nationalist party.
The university of Leipzig, founded in 1409 by a secession of four hundred German students from Prague, is one of the most influential universities in the world.
Towards the middle of the 18th century Leipzig was the seat of the most influential body of literary men in Germany, over whom Johann Christoph Gottsched, like his contemporary, Samuel Johnson, in England, exercised a kind of literary dictatorship. Then, if ever, Leipzig deserved the epithet of a "Paris in miniature" (Klein Paris) assigned to it by Goethe in his Faust.
They conciliated some influential friends, and their reputation spread widely in China.
The marshals, Concini and his wife Leonora Galigai, more influential with the queen and more exacting than ever, by dint of clever intrigues forced the ministers to retire one after another; and with the last of Henry IV.s greybeards vanished also all the pecuniary reserves left.
On the other hand, after the 23rd of September they declared Paris dangerous for the Convention, and wanted to reduce it to eighty-three influential members Danton and the Mountain responded by decreeing the unity and indivisibility of the Republic, in order to emphasize the suspicions of federalism which weighed upon the Girondins.
Mensurius had held moderate views as to the treatment of the traditores, and accordingly a strong fanatical party had formed itself in Carthage in opposition to him, headed by a wealthy and influential widow named Lucilla, and countenanced by Secundus of Tigisis, episcopus primae sedis in Numidia.
His first patron was the Marchese Guidubaldo del Monte of Pesaro, a man equally eminent in science, and influential through family connexions.
Cardinal Robert Bellarmin was at that time by far the most influential member of the Sacred College.
The immediate effect of his suspension was the sale of 18, 000 copies of the condemned sermon; its permanent effect was to make Pusey for the next quarter of a century the most influential person in the Anglican Church, for it was one of the causes which led Newman to sever himself from that communion.
He was already known as one of the influential members of the Cordeliers club and of that of the Jacobins.
The latter and a strong and influential body of Conservatives, chiefly young politicians, dissented from the easy-going views of Romero Robledo and of Canovas on the expediency of reforms to correct the notorious and old-standing abuses and corruption of the municipalities, especially of Madrid.
In London he actively promoted the colonization of the regions he had visited and, by arousing the interest of Sir Ferdinando Gorges and other influential persons, contributed toward securing the grants of the charters to the London and Plymouth Companies in 1606.
All the northern landholders of Bilaspur belong to this tribe, which consequently occupies an influential position.
It produced no effect, although the cardinals felt that Grosseteste was too influential to be punished for his audacity.
The dissatisfaction felt in Germany with the emperor Otto IV came to a climax in September 1211, when a number of influential princes met at Nuremberg, declared Otto deposed, and invited Frederick to come and occupy the vacant throne.
In 1774-1775 he wrote two influential anonymous pamphlets, which were attributed to John Jay; they show remarkable maturity and controversial ability, and rank high among the political arguments of the time.
He was born in Paris of a noble and influential family of Normandy; hence, being destined to the ecclesiastical state, he was when ten years old commendatory abbot of La Trappe and two other abbeys, prior of two priories, and canon of Notre Dame, Paris.
When Otto died in 1267, the area of the mark had been almost doubled, and the margraves had attained to an influential position in the Empire.
Since 1878 the be g at has not been given, and the bishops are less influential.
The Ancients and immortals could choose anyone they wanted as mates, and they chose from among the royalty, the wealthiest, and most influential.
As an influential Undersecretary in the fed command and control structure, Tim had access to all kinds of information that helped Brady's chances of survival.
The museumprocrastinated over the painting's introduction, chiefly because of a strong lobby of opposition from influential art dealers.
After February 1917 they were extremely amorphous, to the point of having a large and influential petty-bourgeois component within them.
Drum n bass is one of the most influential forms of music to emerge in the last decade.
Charlton also saw influential midfielder chapman limp off in the 19th minute as Husselbee made her senior bow for the Addicks.
He later held some of the highest and most influential positions in British policing. including commandant of the National Police Staff College.
If the peatland is threatened, influential conservationists warn that there will be a 'huge row ' .
In a hugely controversial move, an influential group of frontline officers is demanding a radical change in the law.
Barbara Dockar-Drysdale was one of the most influential and respected workers with emotionally and behaviourally disturbed children in Britain.
Jason Bittner is one of the most influential drummers on the scene today.
A third influential position which emerged during this realist period was semantic externalism.
However, perhaps the most influential arena for her work, if not a little unusual, lies within the forum of sexual fetishism.
Elite racism Elite racism is reproduced at a national level through the media, the government and other influential figures.
Their sound is still one of the most influential in ' 70s funk.
It is a central text in the prescriptive tradition, and was very influential in the work of later grammarians.
Next month we'll look at a group of hugely influential theorists loosely called the Humanists.
Both of these sides were heavily armed with highly influential senior military figures within the governments.
Dave and John have been massively influential over the years in their meticulous research and presentation of many folk events.
This is not directly binding on the UK Courts, but may prove influential if the UK law is reviewed.
Graham Kavanagh had started to become more influential, pulling the strings in the middle of Cardiff's midfield.
This formidable intellect was to become one of the most influential men of his time.
Bryan was very influential in many young judoka 's lives.
Literary experimentation has often proved most influential when itâs breaking down barriers, rather than creating anything particularly lasting or even memorable.
Among these artists were women, African Americans, and the Mexican muralists who were so influential at the time.
The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was the most influential occult group to emerge from the end of the nineteenth century occult revival.
American President Woodrow Wilson, who was influential at the post-war peace conference, supported the plan with enthusiasm.
Powell is widely held as the most influential of bebop pianists, and many who followed were to sound much like him.
But they will have their influential playmaker Deco back from suspension and are unlikely to be rolled over by France.
Thirdly, the accounting profession is quite influential in Hong Kong.
The researchers tested the suggestion that pathogens may be influential by feeding cannibal tiger salamander larvae diseased and non-diseased prey.
The media seem to be particularly influential in making some issues more salient than others.
But so, too, has the Turner prize, offering an annual showcase for the country's most influential artists.
Wood effectively demolishes the arguments of several highly influential theoreticians of the 1970s and 1980s who argued for a shift away from class politics.
Burial Stone of John Milton John Milton Nevertheless, Milton's use of blank verse was hugely influential for subsequent poets.
Of course, Hopkins is there and has been influential on a range of poets; but this seems wrong to me.
A man of fearless honesty, quick and catholic sympathies, broad culture, and many friends in intellectual and religious circles, he became one of the most influential journalists of the day, his fine character and conscience earning universal respect and confidence.
His cousin Giulio, who subsequently became Clement VII., he had made the most influential man in the curia, naming him archbishop of Florence, cardinal and vice-chancellor of the Holy See.
They had made many and influential friends in advance, and Madame Roland's salon soon became the rendezvous of Brissot, Petion, Robespierre and other leaders of the popular movement, above all of Buzot, whom she loved with platonic enthusiasm.
He enjoyed considerable popularity in Belgium, as well as in Holland for his affability and moderation, and in 1830, on the outbreak of the Belgian revolution, he betook himself to Brussels, and did his utmost by personal conferences with the most influential men in the Belgian capital to bring about a peaceable settlement on the basis of the administrative autonomy of the southern provinces under the house of Orange.
The most influential classes of the community are Brahmans and Lingayats.
This family was so influential that for centuries the county was called after it Maguire's Country, and one of the towns still existing bears its name, Maguiresbridge.
In 1877 Grant was appointed principal of Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, which through his exertions and influence expanded from a small denominational college into a large and influential educational centre; and he attracted to it an exceptionally able body of professors whose influence in speculation and research was widely felt during the quarter of a century that he remained at its head.
Matthias was the elect of the Hungarian people, gratefully mindful of his father's services to the state and inimical to all foreign candidates; and though an influential section of the magnates, headed by the palatine Laszlo Garai and the voivode of Transylvania, Miklos Ujlaki, who had been concerned in the judicial murder of Matthias's brother Laszlo, and hated the Hunyadis as semi-foreign upstarts, were fiercely opposed to Matthias's election, they were not strong enough to resist the manifest wish of the nation, supported as it was by Matthias's uncle Mihaly Szilagyi at the head of 15,000 veterans.
Matveyev, the most influential of the boyars, had married a foreigner who conversed freely with her husband's male friends, contrary to the Muscovite notions of respectability and decorum, and his house, in which the tsar was a frequent visitor, was furnished and decorated in foreign fashion.
Abandoning the ancient Muscovite capital, where many influential personages were fanatically hostile to his innovations and not a few of the superstitious inhabitants regarded him with horror as Antichrist, he built at the mouth of the Neva a new capital which was to serve as " a window through which his people might look into Europe "; and laying aside the national St title of tsar he proclaimed himself (1711) emperor Peters- (Imperator) of all Russia - much to the surprise and indignation of foreign diplomatic chancelleries, which resented the audacity of a semi-barbarous potentate in claiming to be equal in rank with the head of the Holy Roman Empire.
When an influential deputation was sent from Finland to St Petersburg to represent to him respectfully that the officials were infringing the local rights and privileges solemnly accorded at the time of the annexation, it was refused an audience, and the leaders of the movement were informed indirectly that local interests must be subordinated to the general welfare of the empire.
Attaching himself with enthusiasm to Hegel's system, Vera (who wrote fluently both in French and in English as well as in Italian) became widely influential in spreading a knowledge of the Hegelian doctrine, and became the chief representative of Italian Hegelianism.
In the Purasati, apparently the most influential of these peoples, may be recognized the origin of the name " Philistine."
It was now necessary to go farther, and the rabbis proclaimed a principle which was as influential with the synagogue as "Give unto Caesar that which is Caesar's " became with the Church.
He had great political genius; and his statesmanship was so influential that " he was," as Masson well observes, " a cabinet minister without office."
There is here abundant proof that the epistle was in existence, and was highly valued and influential with leaders of Christian thought, about the year ioo, when persons who had known Paul well were still living.
The event most prominent in the history of the city was the conspiracy of 1789, in which several leading citizens were concerned, and for which one of its less influential members, an alferes (ensign) of cavalry named Joaquim Jose da Silva Xavier, nicknamed "Tira-dentes" (teeth-puller), was executed in Rio de Janeiro in 1792.
The Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, an organization of 1600 leading business men, is a power for varied good in the city; besides its constant and aggressive work in promoting the commercial interests of the city, it was largely influential in the federal reform of the consular service; it studied the question of overcrowded tenements and secured the passage of a new tenement law with important sanitary provisions and a set minimum of air space; it urges and promotes home-gardening, public baths and play-grounds, and lunch-rooms, &c., for employes in factories; and it was largely instrumental in devising and carrying out the so-called "Group Plan" described above.
In 82 Sulla restored the right of serving as judices to the senate, to which he elevated 300 of the most influential equites, whose support he thus hoped to secure; at the same time he indirectly dealt a blow at the order generally, by abolishing the office of the censor (immediately revived), in whom was vested the right of bestowing the public horse.
This, however, was not enough for the Florentine democracy, who viewed with alarm the increasing power and arrogance of the grandi, who in spite of their exclusion from many offices were still influential and constituted independent clans within the state.
The parte Guelfa and the Albizzi still remained very influential and the attempts to abolish admonitions failed.
From the evidence of the stele of the second (the Coronation Stele) and that of the fifth it has been inferred that the sovereignty early in this period became elective, a deputation of the various orders in the realm being (as Diodorus states), when a vacancy occurred, sent to Napata, where the chief god Amen selected out of the members of the royal family the person who was to succeed, and who became officially the god's son; and it seems certain that the priestly caste was more influential in Ethiopia than in Egypt both before and after this period.
The general and the diplomatist soon came to an understanding, and Talleyrand tactfully brought about the alliance between Bonaparte and Sieyes (q.v.) (then the most influential of the five Directors) which paved the way for the coup d'etat of Brumaire (see French Revolution and Napoleon I.).
His fame is due to his authorship of the most influential Kabbalist work, the Zohar (see Kabbala), which was attributed to Simon b.
From the modest and simple art of the patriotic poets and novelists of the first half of the 19th century, whose work nevertheless was an influential factor in the awakening of a national sentiment among the common people, Czech literature, after a period characterized by the romanticism of Macha and the critical realism of Havlicek, arrived at a school which, while it took its inspiration from the sources of the national spirit, did not shut itself out from foreign influences.
The decision of the British and Foreign Bible Society in 1826 with regard to circulating the Apocrypha (see above) modified its relations with the most influential of these continental societies.
He lived, however, in great seclusion, leaving the direction of affairs almost entirely in the hands of his elder halfbrother (born 12th November 1817), Mirth Husayn `Ali, entitled Baha' u'llah (" the Splendour of God "), who thus gradually became the most conspicuous and most influential member of the sect, though in the Igan, one of the most important polemical works of the Babis, composed in 1858-1859, he still implicitly recognized the supremacy of Subh-i-Ezel.
The open protection it accorded to the Old Catholic movement contributed in no small measure to estrange those influential elements which, whilst favouring the suppression of Ultramontane tendencies, desired no schism in the Church, and viewed with horror the idea of a National Church in Bismarck's sense (see OLD Catholics).
John de Witt married Wendela Bicker, daughter of an influential burgomaster of Amsterdam, in 1655, by whom he had two sons and three daughters.
His successor in the premiership, Giovanni Lanza, in order to remove him from his influential position as aide-de-camp to the king, sent him to London as ambassador, where he remained until in 1882 he replaced General Cialdini at the Paris Embassy.
When war was declared, and fortune at first went against the colonists, Paine, who was then serving with General Greene as volunteer aide-de-camp, wrote the first of a series of influential tracts called The Crisis, of which the opening words, "These are the times that try men's souls," became a battle-cry.
This was an office which, however congenial to Mr. Law with his colonial birth and his belief in Colonial Preference, did not bring him much into the limelight; and, influential as he was in the councils of the Ministry, in public he was content to play a comparatively subordinate part.
He was the first and the most influential member of the ministry which the regent formed; he held the ministry of the interior and, later, also that of foreign affairs, and it was almost entirely due to him that at least for a short time this phantom government maintained some appearance of power and dignity.
As even the extent of the jurisdiction of the bailliages was unknown, convocations were made at haphazard, according to the good pleasure of influential persons, and in these assemblies decisions were arrived at by a process that confused every variety of rights and powers, and was governed by no logical principle; and in this extreme confusion terms and affairs were alike involved.
The representative of the Capitan Pasha, who governed that eyalet, was, however, less influential in the city than the head of the Kara Osman Oglu's of Manisa (see Manisa).
But the proceedings were quashed on technicalities advanced by " influential friends ".
Bonnie Macmillan carried out a meticulous examination of the research evidence behind the influential claims that rhyme awareness promotes reading ability.
He also developed a very influential interpretation of the ideas of the great seventeenth century philosopher Thomas Hobbes.
But so, too, has the Turner prize, offering an annual showcase for the country 's most influential artists.
Burne-Jones was also highly influential among French symbolist painters, from 1889.
The band are scheduled to release their first single ' Disco Dancer ' on influential tastemaker label Worst Case Scenario Records in September.
William Arthur, an Irish Methodist loaned to the Wesleyan Missionary Society, was one of the influential theologians of the nineteenth century.
Queen Anne style became popular during the last quarter of the 19th century and is derived from the influence of Richard Norman Shaw, who was an influential Victorian architect in England.
Influential publishers, authors, journalists, spiritualists, feminists, and painters resided in Nook Farm.
Federal style was particularly influential in US architecture and can be seen on display in the design of the Capitol building.
Allow lip balm to enhance and protect one of your most influential sensual features, the lips.
Arbus' photos of transvestites, dwarves, giants, prostitutes and mental patients, in poses and settings that convey a disturbing humanity are still influential today.
The world-renowned artist was one of the most sought after and influential American portrait photographers of the early 20th century.
This loved one is usually the most influential to the person so there is a stronger likelihood the addict will listen and agree to treatment.
Born in 1954, talk show host, actress, and philanthropist Oprah Winfrey overcame a childhood filled with poverty and abuse to become one of the most influential women in Hollywood.
He was named one of 2005's "Time 100," Time Magazine's listing of the 100 most influential people of the year.
From small, dingy comedy clubs to headlining Carnegie Hall, Dane Cook has paid his dues to become one of the most influential comics of his time.
Cook was on Time magazine's list of 100 influential people of 2006.
Time magazine named Banks as one of the world's 100 most influential people in 2006.
Who would have thought that some of Hollywood's most influential A-List members can't afford to reasonably tip servers in restaurants?
He was one of Time magazine's "100 Most Influential People" in 2006.
She made the list of Time magazine's 100 Most Influential People in the World (2007).
With all of these hits under her belt, Roberts is one of the highest earning and most influential actresses in Hollywood.
Both actors were demanding and earning incredible salaries for their movies, and were extremely influential in Tinseltown.In 2001, just after their tenth anniversary, Cruise filed for divorce, citing irreconcilable differences.
His wife, Lillian St. Cyr, was also Native and the pair were very influential during the silent movie era.
When it comes down to making a list of the most influential or popular celebrities in the world, British personalities often rank at the top of these lists.
The song was also the public's introduction to Radiohead, an enormously influential band that continues to be on the cutting edge of music.
The first sign of success was a huge boom in popularity in Israel, as the influential Israeli radio station, Galei Tzahal put the song on their A playlist.
Exile in Guyville sold extremely well for an independent release, going gold, and it was also lauded by critics everywhere - in fact, it is still present on many "most influential" lists.
It was also during this time that Bow Wow met producer Jermaine Dupri, who signed him and would become extremely influential in shaping his future career.
If history has taught us anything, American Idol contestants can go on to have incredibly influential careers, even if they didn't win American Idol.
This article will answer the question, What is an MP3 player? by catching you up to speed on one of the most influential and exciting technological advancements of the 21st century.
The films might be more well known for their contribution to the action genre, but Terminator theme music has been almost as influential as the movies themselves.
The Pretty in Pink soundtrack showcases a variety of bands that were influential during the new wave and alternative music scene in the 1980s.
John Hughes soundtracks are quintessentially 80s and some of the most influential soundtracks in music history.
Musically and culturally dynamic, Woodstock was the ultimate music festival and the jewel in the crown of the 60s counter-culture that produced so much influential music.
The popular female country artist has become one of the most influential singers and songwriters in the country music business, and has had several of her albums go platinum.
Contrary to their decidedly (in most cases) un-public persona, producers are often as influential on an album's sound as the musicians themselves.
Fate stepped in in 1993, when the group met Stuart Macmillian, co-founder of Glasgow's hugely influential dance music label, Soma Quality Recordings, at a EuroDisney event.
Their time signatures and synth work has been enormously influential on generations of synth and electronic musicians.
Harry Potter and Twilight are just two influential movies that could make great sweet 16 party themes.
He started his career working in a bakery but soon moved up to becoming the personal chef for the wealthy and influential Rothschild family.
Beverly Hills is an incredibly influential and affluent area, making this group of housewives quite interesting to watch.
Fortunately, it found new life on video and DVD, and is now considered one of the most influential science fiction movies ever made.
Ariane Emory, an ambitious, actually obnoxious woman, is a powerful and influential figure in the Union.
Jan Marini has been heralded as one of the most influential and respected names in the skin care industry.
Social networks are new enough, and easy enough to access, that many of the previous barriers to influential people are no longer there.
The folks at Playing for Change searched the world to discover influential musicians.
Be influential, and choose topics that you feel the social medium will like.
They'll know the best way to leverage networks like LinkedIn in order to get your company noticed, and may even be able to get your business mentioned on influential New York blogs.
The Dollar Index tells you how influential each page on your website is to your online sales conversion.
For example, JetBlue suffered a "devastating critique" by influential blogger Seth Godin because their e-commerce website created problems for people trying to book flights.
It was this that made their missions so influential.
They left behind them, however, many influential members, who may be described as a middle party, and who strove to give a more " evangelical " tone to Quaker doctrine.
The governing body consisted of 180 members, chosen from certain influential families, and the executive was entrusted to a select committee of artynae (from apTUVEav, to manage).
In 1920 a very influential movement began, in England, for the despatch of a new " Challenger " expedition on a great scale, but it was suspended in 1921 for lack of funds.
He was an earnest advocate of the adoption of the Federal constitution, was a member of the Massachusetts convention which ratified that instrument, and was one of the most influential advisers of the leaders of the Federalist party.
He was one of the most esteemed university teachers and influential writers of his day.
The eschatology of a nation - and the most influential portion of Jewish and Christian apocrypha are eschatological - is always the last part of their religion to experience the transforming power of new ideas and new facts.
The Positivists are few in number, but their congregations are made up of educated and influential people.
Anselm had made an elaborate employment of reason in the interest of faith, but the spirit of pious subordination which had marked the demonstrations of Anselm seemed wanting in the argumentations of this bolder and more restless spirit; and the church, or at least an influential section of it, took alarm at the encroachments of Rationalism.
An influential association, called " The Society for Supporting the Bill of Rights," was founded, mainly through the exertions of Horne, in 1769, but the members were soon divided into two opposite camps, and in 1771 Home and Wilkes, their respective leaders, broke out into open warfare, to the damage of their cause.
Yet, in the following year, the whole of the property of the Catholic Church there was diverted to secular uses, and the Calvinists were simultaneously banished, though they regained complete tolerance in 1564, a privilege at the same time extended to the Unitarians, who were now very influential at court and converted Prince John Sigismund to their views.
Their informal discussions laid the basis for more serious negotiations between Trumbic and Signor Torre, representing an influential committee of Italian deputies and senators.
At the beginning of this century one of the most able and influential men in the Syriac-speaking church was Marutha, bishop of Maiperkat or Martyropolis.
That his personality was influential, and his intrepid originality of great value as an example in his own country, is undeniable.
Here he became, as did his contemporary and rival Stahl, a popular and influential teacher, though their university had not the European importance of Leiden.
The Royal Society, the most dignified and influential of all, was incorporated by Charles II.
This made her influential enemies, who soon afterwards replaced Stephen upon the throne.
During the first half of the 19th century the position of the City Corporation had somewhat fallen in public esteem, and some of the most influential men in the city were unconnected with it, but a considerable change took place in the latter half of the century.
The Argus, founded in 1813 by Jesse Buel (1778-1839) and edited from 1824 to 1854 by Edwin Croswell (1797-1871), was long the organ of the coterie of New York politicians known as the "Albany Regency," and was one of the most influential Democratic papers in the United States.
The Evening Journal, founded in 1830 as an anti-Masonic organ, and for thirty-five years edited by Thurlow Weed, was equally influential as an organ of the Whig and later of the Republican party.
In 1393 Maso degli Albizzi was made gonfaloniere, and for many years remained almost master of Florence owing to his influential position in the Arte della Lana.
He still remained an influential member of the moderate republican party, and directed the opposition to General Boulanger.
Among the factors, economic, geographic, political and social, which combined to bring about the decline of the Hanseatic League, none was probably more influential than the absence of a German political power comparable in unity and energy with those of France and England, which could quell particularism at home, and abroad maintain in its vigour the trade which these towns had developed and defended with their imperfect union.
His interest and efficiency in financial legislation in the House led to his appointment on the Senate Committee of Finance, and after 1867 he was chairman of this influential committee.
Armed resistance to the authority of Borgono was immediately organized in the south of Peru, the movement being supported by Senores Nicolas de Pierola, Billinghurst, Durand and a number of influential Peruvians.
In 357 Constantius, at the urgent request of an influential deputation of Roman ladies, agreed to the release of Liberius on condition that he signed the semi-Arian creed.
He studied surveying and navigation, and joined his father in his ship-building, fishing and general trading business, quickly becoming one of the wealthiest and most influential men in the province.
Having offended the influential iElfgifu, he was outlawed and compelled to flee to Flanders.
Ito and Okuma, then influential members of the government, at once recognized the wisdom of his advice.
In the Principles of Sociology Spencer's most influential ideas have been that of the social organism, of the origination of religion out of the worship of ancestral ghosts, of the natural antagonism between nutrition and reproduction, industrialism and warfare.
The family was one of the wealthiest and most influential in the colony and was closely related by marriage to the Van Rensselaers, Van Cortlandts and other representatives of the old Dutch aristocracy.
Shortly after the foundation of the university of Gottingen appeared Zeitungen von gelehrten Sachsen (1739), still famous as the Gottingische gelehrte Anzeigen, which during its long and influential career has been conducted by professors of that university, and among others by Haller, Heyne and Eichhorn.
To Nicolai is also due the Allgemeine deutsche Bibliothek (1765-1806), which embraced a much wider field and soon became extremely influential.
On the 30th of June 1688 Admiral Herbert, disguised as a bluejacket, set out from England with a letter from seven influential Englishmen, asking William to "bring over an army and secure the infringed liberties" of England.
In 1803 Tierney, partly because peace had been ratified with France and partly because Pitt was out of office, joined the ministry of Addington as treasurer of the navy, and was created a privy councillor; but this alienated many of his supporters among the middle classes, and offended most of the influential Whigs.
In 1845 he established the St Joseph Valley Register, which he published for eighteen years and made an influential Whig and later Republican journal.
Montanelli were leading lights became every day more influential.
He was, in fact, one of the most voluminous and influential political writers of his time.
In 1746 he was made commissary of the province for Indian affairs, and was influential in enlisting and equipping the Six Nations for participation in the warfare with French Canada, two years later (1748) being placed in command of a line of outposts on the New York frontier.
The most general application of the word in these transferred senses is that of an influential supporter or protector.
He found quarters at Passy, 1 then a suburb of Paris, in a house belonging to Le Ray de Chaumont, an active friend of the American cause, who had influential relations with the court, and through whom he was enabled to be in the fullest communication with the French government without compromising it in the eyes of Great Britain.
But the largest and most influential of the prose versions of Phaedrus is that which bears the name of Romulus.
Both pope and king were naturally anxious to place their own friends and supporters in these influential positions.
In 1302 this possession passed by marriage to the influential family of van Borsele, lords of Veere and governors of Zeeland.
Of Cerutti's literary enterprises the most interesting, and probably the most influential, was the popular newspaper founded by him, on the 30th of September 1790, in collaboration with Rabaut SaintEtienne and Philippe Antoine Grouvelle.
In the same year he was elected parish priest of Glarus, in spite of the pope's nomination of Heinrich Goldli, an influential pluralist of Zurich, whom Zwingli found it necessary to buy off at an expense of more than a hundred gulden.
He was an influential advocate of the surrender of the proprietary government of the Jerseys to the Crown (1702), became a member of the New Jersey Council in 1703, was suspended 'by Governor Cornbury in 1704, was elected a member of the Assembly in 1707 and led that body in opposition to Cornbury, was reappointed to the Council under Governor Lovelace in 1708, was again suspended in 1709 by Lieut.-Governor Ingoldsby, was made President of the Council in 1710 under Governor Hunter, and in 1711, during Hunter's administration (1710-1719), of which he was a staunch supporter, was made a justice of the supreme court of New Jersey.
On the other hand, the desire for many representatives in Congress has been reinforced by the more influential feelings of local pride and of rivalry with other cities of somewhat similar size.
Dale of Birmingham, the most influential Congregationalist in the closing decades of the 19th century, in whom lived afresh the high Congregationalism of the early Separatists.
Herzl was beyond question the most influential Jewish personality of the 19th century.
He is a man of the world, of philosophic culture, who accepts much of the influential Platonism of the time but has absorbed little of its positive religious sentiment.
He determined that Cuba should not be taken over by the United States, as all Europe expected it would be, and an influential section of his own party hoped it would be, but should be given every opportunity to govern itself as an independent republic; by assuming supervision of the finances of San Domingo, he put an end to controversies in that unstable republic, which threatened to disturb the peace of Europe; and he personally inspired the body of administrative officials in the Philippines, in Porto Rico and (during American occupancy) in Cuba, who for efficiency and unselfish devotion to duty compare favourably with any similar body in the world.
Under him Saxony was perhaps the most influential state in the Empire, and became the cradle of the Reformation.
In 1806 one of the most influential of the German clerics, Karl von Dalberg, then prince bishop of Regensburg, chose him to be his coadjutor and designated him as his successor.
Like his predecessor, Prince Gorchakov, he was educated at the lyceum of Tsarskoye Selo, near St Petersburg, but his career was much less rapid, because he had no influential protectors, and was handicapped by being a Protestant of Teutonic origin.
Nevertheless he was influential in effecting the reform by which in 1869 it was sought to reconcile the Empire with Liberal principles.
The attributes of the deities appointed to preside over the months and signs were to some extent influential.
Such was the hatred of the people to the old regime that two influential councillors of Charles the Bold, the Chancellor Hugonet and the Sire d'Humbercourt, having been discovered in correspondence with the French king, were executed at Ghent despite the tears and entreaties of the youthful duchess.
Its beginning may be traced as early as the iith century (Pietro Damiani, q.v.), and in the 12th century the most influential exponent of this new piety was Bernard (q.v.) of Clairvaux, who taught men to find God by leading them to Christ.
They were led by Dr. Kramaf, and, being mostly recruited from the educated, professional and official classes, were more influential than the numbers suggest.
Dawes as United States Senator from Massachusetts in 1893; and in 1899 and in 1905 was re-elected to the Senate, where he became one of the most prominent of the Republican leaders, and an influential supporter of President Roosevelt.
In Poland Zapolya's was the popular cause, and he also found powerful support in the influential and highly gifted Laski family, as represented by the Polish chancellor and his nephews John and Hieronymus.
An influential protector was needed; and Champlain prevailed upon Charles de Bourbon, comte de Soissons, to interest himself to obtain from the king the appointment of lieutenant-general in New France.
There are various commercial and trade organizations, the oldest and most influential being the Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce and Merchants' Exchange, which dates from 1839.
Elected deputy in 1859, he received various administrative appointments, but only attained a political office in 1876 when the Left, of which he had been a prominent and influential member, came into power.
This paper was very influential in shaping public opinion in the years preceding the War of Independence; after the war it was successively Federalist, Whig and Republican.
From 1756 until 1774 (except in 1764) he was one of the most influential members of the Pennsylvania Assembly, over which he presided in 1766-1773.
In the 4th century Demosthenes was expounded and imitated by the widely influential teacher, Libanius of Antioch (c. 314c. 393), the pagan preceptor of St Chrysostom.
He was not so much a scientific scholar as a keen and brilliant man of letters and a widely influential apostle of humanism.
Even after the Renaissance and the Reformation tradition continued influential.
Both Lowth's works were translated and became influential in Germany.
His peculiar qualities were conspicuous in his early and exceedingly influential work - the Beitrcige zur Einleitung in das Alte Testament (1806-1807).
In the criticism of the Pentateuch his most influential and enduring contributions to criticism are his proof that Deuteronomy is a work of the 7th century B.C., and his insistence that the theory of the Mosaic origin of all the institutions described in the Pentateuch is incompatible with the history of Israel as described in the historical books, Judges, Samuel and Kings.
Space forbids any attempt to sketch here the special growth of criticism in other countries, such as France, where the brilliant genius of Renan was in part devoted to the Old Testament, or within the Roman Catholic Church, which possesses in Pere Lagrange, for example, a deservedly influential critical scholar, and in the Revue Biblique an organ which devotes much attention to the critical study of the Old Testament.
Moore, who has himself since done much distinguished and influential critical work.
He entered the Holstein-Gottorp service, and after the death of the duchess Hedwig Sophia, Charles XII.'s sister, became very influential during the minority of her son Duke Charles Frederick.
So great was the general decline that this Neoplatonic philosophy offered a welcome shelter to many earnest and influential men, in spite of the 1 It was condemned by an edict of the emperors Theodosius II.
The church still exercises a boundless influence over the Mexican lower classes, and is still the most influential organization in the republic.
His friend and instructor, Bernard of Clairvaux, the most influential ecclesiastic of the time, remonstrated against his election on account of his "innocence and simplicity," but Bernard soon acquiesced and continued to be the mainstay of the papacy throughout Eugenius's pontificate.
The south-east course of the middle-section rivers is the result of many changes from the initial drainage; the Mesozoic and Tertiary upwarprngs were probably very influential in determining the present general courses.
And as the people look to him to kill bad measures, he is frequently able, if he be a man both strong and upright, to convey intimations to the legislature, or to those who are influential in it, that he will not approve of certain pending measures, or will approve of them only if passed in a form satisfactory to him.
In practice, too, the Senate is at least as influential in legislation as the House.
Now and then the Senate has been more influential than the House, now and then it has fallen back, at least so far as the confidence of the people in it is concerned.
But the Liberal government, to which Laurier was admitted as minister of inland revenue in 1877, made only a slight increase in duties, raising the general tariff from 15% to 171%; and against the political judgment of Alexander Mackenzie, Sir Richard Cartwright, George Brown, Laurier and other of the more influential leaders of the party, it adhered to a low tariff platform.
In 1887, upon the resignation of Blake on the ground of illhealth, Laurier became leader of the Liberal party, although he and many of the more influential men in the party doubted the wisdom of the proceeding.
Moreover, he ordered that "no officer should be required or permitted to take part in the management of political organizations, caucuses, conventions or election campaigns," and that "no assessment for political purposes on officers or subordinates should be allowed"; and he removed from their offices the heads of the post-office in St Louis and of the customhouse in New York - influential party managers - on the ground that they had misused their official positions for partisan ends.
But these books, however influential, had no public authority, and when the yoke of oppression was lightened but a little their enthusiasm lost much of its contagious power.
Not only the prestige of his victories, but the chance circumstances of the moment, now made Wellington the most influential personality in Europe.
At the same time the opposition of the most influential member of the commission and the most powerful man in France, Fouche, was overcome by his appointment, on Wellington's suggestion, as minister of police.
In the following years, during which he continued in an influential situation in Canterbury, but at what precise date is unknown, he drew up the Life of Thomas Becket.
A third influential Krishna-preacher of the 10th century was Swami Narayan, who was encountered by Bishop Heber in Gujarat, where his followers at this day are numerous and wealthy.
He was somewhat erratic in his methods, but his lectures were a triumph of influential personality.
The Church party was influential and resolute to maintain close relations with the Church of England.
The clerical opposition was led by the very popular the Papac apac to and influential Minorites who were at that time the y.
After his ordination, his great learning and stainless life led him to office after office in the Church, each higher and more influential than the last.
This conflict, moreover, brought Ultra montanism the enormous advantage that, even after the abolition of the May Laws, it had still left to it a well-disciplined press, an admirable organization, and a network of interests and interested parties; and all these combined to make the Centrum the strongest and the most influential political party in Germany for the remainder of the 19th century.
Amongst the older partisans of the Angevin house the most influential were Archbishop Theobald, whose good will guaranteed to Henry the support of the Church, and Nigel, bishop of Ely, who presided at the exchequer.
Of these the China Inland Mission is the largest and most influential; and while it has sent forth many of this class, it has also enrolled not a few men and women of considerable wealth, education and social status.
The Bethesda congregation at Bristol, where George Muller was the most influential member, received into communion several of Newton's followers and justified their action.
In 1061 the empress Agnes, mother of and regent for the German king Henry IV., entrusted the duchy to Otto of Nordheim, who was deposed by the king in 1070, when the duchy was granted to Count Welf, a member of an influential Bavarian family.
The recovery of the Upper Palatinate made Bavaria compact; the acquisition of the electoral vote made it influential; and the duchy was able to play a part in European politics which intestine strife had rendered impossible for the past four hundred years.
Such was the position to which John de Witt, a young man of twenty-eight years of age, belonging to one of the most influential patrician families of Dordrecht (his father, Jacob de Witt, was one of the prisoners of Loevenstein) was appointed in 1653.
It was supported by the radical left, by a large portion of the Orthodox-Calvinists under Dr Kuyper, and by some Catholics; it had against it the moderate liberals, the aristocratic section of the Orthodox-Calvinists, the bulk of the Catholics, and a few radicals under an influential leader van Houten.
The troops were few in number and offered no opposition to the mob, but a burgher guard was enrolled among the influential and middleclass citizens for the protection of life and property.
He returned to France in June, was elected by three departments in July, and commenced an agitation for the definitive establishment of the Republic. On the 5th of November 1871 he established a journal, La Republique frangaise, which soon became the most influential in France.
By this time he was influential in the councils of his party, and President Van Buren appointed him collector of the port of Boston, a position which he filled with success.
He was one of the most influential supporters of the Formula Consensus Helvetica, drawn up chiefly by Johann Heinrich Heidegger (1633-1698), in 1675, and of the particular type of Calvinistic theology which that symbol embodied, and an opponent of the theology of Moses Amyraut and the school of Saumur.
At the same time it is probable that, like Constantine's patronage of Christianity, his patronage of Buddhism, then the most rising and influential faith in India, was not unalloyed with political motives, and it is certain that his vast benefactions to the Buddhist cause were at least one of the causes that led to its decline.
It was submitted to a committee of influential Jansenists, with the duc de Roannez at their head, and, in addition, it bore the imprimatur of numerous unofficial approvers who testified to its orthodoxy.
He had become an eloquent and influential public speaker, and in 1840 and 1844 was a candidate on the Whig ticket for presidential elector.
While Otto was warring in Italy a number of influential princes met at Nuremberg, at the instigation of Innocent and of his ally Philip Augustus of France, and invited Frederick to come to Germany.
In the absence of the emperor and of his brother, the archduke Ferdinand, the authorities in these parts of the country were unable to check the movement and, aided by many knights, prominent among whom was Gbtz von Berlichingen, the peasants were everywhere victorious, while another influential recruit, Ulrich, the dispossessed duke of Wurttemberg, joined them in the hope of recovering his duchy.
The Protestant movement has not succeeded in attaining the same position as has the Catholic among the working men; but it received considerable support among the influential classes at court, and part of the programme was adopted by the Conservative party, which in 1876 demanded restriction of industrial liberty and legislation which would prevent the ruin of the independent artizans.
It became, with the Social Democrats, the most influential society which had been founded in Germany for defending the interests of a particular class; it soon numbered more than 200,000 members, including landed proprietors of all degrees.
In October 1894 he was dismissed suddenly, without warning, and almost without cause, while the emperor was on a visit to the Eulenburgs, one of the most influential families of the Prussian nobility.
It was apparent that large and influential parties still regarded political meetings as something in themselves dangerous and demoralizing, and hence the demand of the Conservatives that women and young persons should be forbidden to attend.
For some years it had been recogpized that the collection and arrangement of the authorities for German history was too great an undertaking for any one man, and societies under very influential patronage were founded for this purpose.
Rothe was one of the most profound and influential of modern German theologians.
In the debates on the Reform Bills submitted to the House of Commons from 1859 to 1867, Bright's was the most influential voice He rebuked Lowe's "Botany Bay view," and described Horsman as retiring to his "cave of Adullam," and hooking in Lowe.
That impression, however, is not correct, for in reality the demonstrations of these longer Meccan suras appear to have been peculiarly influential for the propagation of Islam.
The unity of the state was largely influential in bringing about the suppression of local differences of belief.
In the service of the Theban Ammon two priestesses called the Adorer of the God and the Wife of the God occupied very influential positions, and towards the Saite period it was by no means unusual for the king to secure these offices for his daughters and so to strengthen his own royal title.
In 1860 he was summoned to the remodelled Reichsrat by the emperor, who next year nominated him a life member of the Austrian upper house (Herrenhaus), where, while remaining a keen upholder of the German centralized empire, as against the federalism of Sla y s and Magyars, he greatly distinguished himself as one of the most intrepid and influential supporters of the cause of liberalism, in both political and religious matters, until his death at Graz on the 12th of September 1876.
He was an influential member of the constitutional convention of 1787, advocating the counting of all slaves as a basis of representation and opposing the abolition of the slavetrade.
For some reason - perhaps because Bismarck did not entirely trust him - he did not at this time attain quite so influential a position as might have been anticipated; nevertheless he was chairman of the parliamentary committee which in 1876 drafted the new rules of legal procedure, and he found scope for his great administrative abilities in the post of burgomaster of Osnabruck.
He was secretary of the treasury throughout the Polk administration (1845-1849) and was generally recognized as the most influential member of the cabinet.
From April 1866 to April 1867 he was governor of Connecticut, and in 1867 he bought the Hartford Courant, with which he combined the Press, and which became under his editorship the most influential newspaper in Connecticut and one of the leading Republican papers in the country.
The little principality of Dombes showed in some respects signs of a vigorous life; the prince's mint and printing works at Trevoux were long famous, and the college at Thoissey was well endowed and influential.
In 1840 he travelled in Greece and Italy, and on his return settled at Oxford, where for ten years he was tutor of his college and an influential element in university life.
He was continually engaged in theological controversy, and, by his advocacy of all efforts to promote the social, moral, and religious amelioration of the poorer classes and his chivalrous courage in defending those whom he held to be unjustly denounced, undoubtedly incurred much and grow- ing odium in influential circles.
At the beginning of the Mahommedan period, then, we meet with the most influential and the most curious .of these prophetic books, the Pseudo-Methodius, 1 which prophesied of the emperor who would awake from his sleep and conquer Islam.
Especially influential, too, in this respect was the letter which the monk Adso in 954 wrote to Queen Gerberga, De ortu et ternpore Antichristi.
Bar Nor is it certain whether he himself at first made a personal claim to be the promised Messiah; but it was his recognition as such by the distinguished Rabbi Akiba, then the most influential Jew alive, which placed him in the command of the insurrection, with 200,000 men at his command.
He threw himself with great energy into his parliamentary duties, and quickly became one of its most popular and most influential members.
He made his name by his brilliant and fearless attacks on the government in a series of political trials, and at the same time contributed to the Temps and other influential journals.
A preacher named Matthias Flacius held an influential position in ducal Saxony, and taught a form of Lutheranism different from that taught in electoral Saxony.
The destruction of the U.S. battleship "Maine" in the harbour of Havana on the 15th of February 1898 was an influential factor in causing the outbreak of the Spanish-American War, and during the war the city was blockaded by a United States fleet.
He played an influential part in the Republican national convention in 1860, and in 1862 after the passage of the war tax measures he was appointed by President Lincoln the first commissioner of internal revenue, which department he organized.
From 1863 to 1869 he was a representative in Congress, taking an influential part in debate, and acting as one of the managers of President Johnson's impeachment.
Unable to induce Burr to avow Federalist principles, influential Federalists, in defiance of the constitution, contemplated the desperate alternafive of preventing an election, and appointing an extra-constitutional (Federalist) president pro tern pore.
In 1891 he founded and afterwards edited the Educational Review, an influential educational magazine.
He lavished presents on influential saints, built shrines, sent gifts to churches, went on frequent pilgrimages and spent much time in prayer - employing his consummate diplomacy to win celestial allies, and rewarding them richly when their aid secured him any advantage.
Meanwhile the court at Palermo sent Cardinal Fabrizio Ruffo, a wealthy and influential prelate, to Calabria, to organize a counter-revolution.
In 1774 he married Sarah, youngest daughter of William Livingston, and was thus brought into close relations with one of the most influential families in New York.
The Portuguese were not long in making themselves influential in the country.
His Laura long continued to be the most influential monastery in those parts, and produced several distinguished monks, among 1 hem St John of Damascus.
As a class foreigners were respected, and they were influential beyond proportion to their numbers.
They controlled commerce, and were more energetic, generally, than were the natives; many were naturalized, held generous grants of land, and had married into Californian families, not excluding the most select and influential.
Already in 1068 Count Berengarius gave the city a special law (usatici) based on its ancient usages, and from the 4th century its commercial code (libro del consolat del mar) became influential all over southern Europe.
Another explanation, or (better) system of beliefs, has been far more influential in the Church.
In quite a different way a still more influential school seeks essential Christianity in the sphere of the ethical life.
Within the Catholic body itself there was even at this time a more or less pronounced anti-Roman movement, a reflection of the Gallican and Febronian tendencies on the continent of Europe, and the " Catholic Committee," consisting for the most part of influential laymen, which had been formed to negotiate with the government, was prepared to go a long 1 This declaration, which denounced the mass as " idolatrous and superstitious," was taken by all office-bearers, including bishops on taking their seats in the House of Lords, until the Relief Act of 1829.
Formerly among the richest and most influential of the free imperial towns, Nuremberg is one of the few cities of Europe that have retained their medieval aspect largely unimpaired.
Before this could be accomplished Chatham's mind became impaired, and Townshend, who was the most determined and influential of his colleagues, swayed the ministry as he liked, pledging himself to find a revenue in America with which to meet the deficiency caused by the reduction in the land tax.
Of Griffith's three sons, Owen, Llewelyn and David, the most popular and influential was undoubtedly Llewelyn, whose deeds and qualities were celebrated in extravagant terms by the bards of his own day, and whose evil fate has ever been a favourite theme of Welsh poets.
He became an influential advocate in the parlement, becoming prominent in opposition to the ministers Calonne and Lomenie de Brienne.
He is perhaps the most influential of all Syriac authors; and his fame as a poet, commentator, preacher and defender of orthodoxy has spread throughout all branches of the Christian Church.
He was influential in providing for the electoral commission to decide the disputed presidential election of 1876, and became one of the commissioners.
From its inception this body proved highly influential in promoting Baptist co-operation in missionary and educational work, in efforts to supply the churches with suitable ministers and to silence unworthy ones, and in maintaining sound doctrine.
Rhode Island was finally fixed upon, partly as the abode of religious liberty and because of its intelligent, influential and relatively wealthy Baptist constituency, the consequent likelihood of procuring a charter from its legislature, and the probability that the co-operation of other denominations in an institution under Baptist control would be available.
He had a large number of influential friends, among whom were Archbishop Ussher, Sir Robert Cotton, John Selden, the French jurist Brisson, and Isaac Casaubon.
Transfused into their writings, his spirit has had a large share in moulding the philosophic thought of the 19th century, and it has also been widely influential beyond the schools.
But he was influential at the December Assembly in the capital where a greater tragedy was now preparing, for Mary's infatuation for Bothwell was visible to all.
The manufacturing interests of Chile have become influential enough to force a high tariff policy upon the country.
The seizure of the citadel at Shiraz by the adherents of the former, among whom were the more influential of the Zends, may have induced him to adopt this measure as one of prudent conciliation.
Three years before Timur had died, and his third son, Zaman Shah, by the intrigues of an influential sirdar, Paiyanda Khan, and been proclaimed his successor at Kabul.
He even went so far as to side with his colleagues, when serious difficulties arose between the new government and the president of the Cortes, Senor Martos, who was backed by a very imposing commission composed of the most influential conservative members of the last parliament of the Savoyard king, which had suspended its sittings shortly after proclaiming the federal republic. A sharp struggle was carried on for weeks between the executive and this commission, at first presided over by Martos, and, when he resigned, by Salmeron.
Pi y Margall and Salmeron, in successive attempts to govern, found no support in the really important and influential elements of Spanish society.
The advocates of union with Spain, however, were numerous, influential, and ably led by their spokesmen in the cortes, Christovao de Moura and Antonio Pinheiro, bishop of Leiria.
In 1837 he became pastor in Neuendettelsau, a small and unattractive place, where his life's work was done, and which he transformed into a busy and influential community.
There was an influential political club here from 1786 to 1790, and here, too, sat the several conventions - nine in all - which asked for a separation from Virginia, discussed the proposed conditions of separation from that commonwealth, framed the first state constitution, and chose Frankfort as the capital.
He was transferred, therefore, in 1903 from the influential post of finance minister to the ornamental position of president of the committee of ministers.
After this was reorganized into the Social Democrat party in 1898 he was an influential member.
He was one of the founders of the Preussische Jahrbiicher, the most influential of German political periodicals.
It was at once caught up by influential members of the Liberal party in England, which country Tocqueville soon after visited, and where he married an Englishwoman.
When the gospel is powerful and when the church is influential, then the world is made respectable.
There is a healthy sprinkling of references to influential intellects of the past, from Rousseau to Adam Smith.
The nobles and the clergy were rich and influential, but kept in order by the civil power.
Lessing set about the translation and annotation of it, and Moses Mendelssohn borrowed from Burke's speculation at least one of the most fruitful and important ideas of his own influential theories on the sentiments.
In 2011, Time magazine added Firth to its list of 100 most influential people and he has been named Commander of the Order of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth II.
When you choose a department stores, the brands you desire will be a highly influential factor.
Eddie Van Halen is arguably the most influential rock and roll guitarist of the last thirty years, and all guitar players who are fans of his incomparable style will be interested in Van Halen tabs.
Young Consuelo Velazquez's ballad might have humble origins, but many of the 20th century's most influential musicians have embraced the subtle beauty of her composition.
While bands like Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains and Soundgarden made the biggest waves during the grunge heyday, smaller bands like Mudhoney, the Melvins and the Screaming Trees were also very influential.
Dimebag is revered in metal circles as one of the most influential guitar players in modern metal.
Stone Temple Pilots' guitar tablature remains the best tool for understanding the musical direction of this popular and influential American rock band.
Educational videos on the history of the roller coaster or the physics of roller coasters often have footage of influential roller coasters.
Disney web sites help provide information and the latest news regarding one of the largest and most influential entertainment companies in the world.
It was said that Walt Disney was found Abraham Lincoln to be one of the most influential figures in history, to the point where he recited the President's Gettysburg Address as a child.
One of the most influential games created by Rare was Goldeneye 007 for the Nintendo 64.
The games are widely regarded as some of the most influential video games created.
Wine Spectator is not the only information devoted to the elucidation of wine and published for the edification of those people wishing to imbibe the juicy fermented grape, but it is perhaps the most influential.
Many more artists and designers were influential in this movement and their works can be seen in museums throughout the United States and Europe.
An insufficiency of folic acid is known to be one influential nutritional factor.
In general, studies that contrast parent and peer influences indicate that in some situations, peers' opinions are more influential, while in others, parents' are more influential.
The most well-known and influential theory of cognitive development is that of French psychologist Jean Piaget (1896-1980).
This perception of runaways has become influential in both public opinion and government policy.
Nonetheless, these temperamental classifications became highly influential in child development research.
Mary Wigman went on to found her own Modern dance academy in Germany and soon became known as the most influential Modern dancer in Europe.
Martha Graham is often referred to as one of the most influential pioneers of modern dance.
Even though they are a very large company and influential in the dance world, they still do work as humble shoemakers - only now they handcraft footwear for Disney productions, famous circuses, and other notable performing groups.
The Thriller dance also enjoyed a revival of sorts, as the song and video were played on TV and radio, paying homage to one of the most influential musicians of our time.
Some actors that were not best known for their dancing skills, such as James Cagney and Ricardo Montalban (a fantastic tanguero) were nonetheless influential players in the on-screen history of ballroom dance.
Euclid of Alexandria, a famed mathematician of the time, wrote the influential thirteen volume textbook Elements.
Chlorine is particularly influential in the development of dry damaged hair, and the minerals in hard water can dull your strands.
Soon influential people of the time asked Mason to establish a school designed to train governesses in Mason's teaching methods.
You can read more about Mary Hood's influential homeschooling philosophy in her interview with Successful-Homeschooling.
Toni Weschler is the author of Taking Charge of Your Fertility and one of the most influential people in women's health today.
Women have learned much about pregnancy over the years through the series of books and USA Today lists the book among the 25 most influential books of the past 25 years.
Easily one of the fashion world's must influential icons, French designer Christian Audigier has changed the face of men's and women's style in a very short span of time.
Soon Roxy Swimwear was one of the most influential brand names in the women's sports world, and it continues to be a powerhouse today.
The ladies of Bananarama may have dubbed it a "Cruel Summer," but considering just how sweet and surprisingly influential trends of the 1980s have proven to be, it seems those summers were anything but cruel.
Ever since its introduction into the market in 1995 as a multiplayer board game, Settlers of Catan has been both influential and successful.
He continues to be credited as an influential contributor to science, especially in the areas of evolution, humanism and even eugenics, which has always been an extremely controversial topic and continues to be so.
Habitat for Humanity is one of the most influential international charity organizations to help people around the world receive adequate shelter when they need it most.
Dr. Mumford delivered a series of highly influential lectures on Tantric sexuality in 1976.
Whether they are simple engagement ring designs or more elaborate designer pieces, Hollywood engagement rings are very influential in the public marketplace.
There are many decisions that need to be made when considering whether to hold an engagement party and one of the most influential is budget.
These designer bags typically range from $500 to $20,000 or more, and the choice of fabric is the single most influential factor, with crocodile skin purses frequently costing thousands more than identical styles in other fabrics.
Linda Goodman, nee Mary Alice Kermery, penned many influential books about astrology.
Having a single planet in Pisces, no matter how influential that planet is where energy is concerned, will not usually produce an individual who is rich in Pisces traits.
If Akira and Ninja Scroll are among the most influential anime movies ever, Ghost in the Shell is easily one of the most commercially successful.
Some are based on the true stories of women who have been very influential throughout history, and some are fictional but historically accurate and could have very easily happened.
Many influential fashion forward celebrities, such as Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Ashlee Simpson, and American Idol winners Carrie Underwood and David Cook, have kept the Skechers line of footwear in the fashion spotlight.
When Agnes Nixon's soap opera about Pine Valley, PA premiered on January 5, 1970, people were instantly hooked to the saga of the willful Kanes, the influential Chandlers and the well-meaning Martins.
This island has served as the setting for such influential books as Evelyn Waugh's Brideshead Revisited and Thomas Mann's Death in Venice.
Participate in networking opportunities that allow you to get to know potential clients, other entrepreneurs, influential people in your community, etc. Focus on doing everything you can to cultivate posting word of mouth advertising.
Cheerleaders also have the benefit of traveling to football games, being part of a team and meeting a number of influential business men and women within the LSU community.
While each comes into play in the regulation of your metabolism, one is most influential.
Membership in insurance associations can help individuals working in the insurance industry make influential contacts that can help further their careers.
Aside from the numerous magazine contracts, her popularity lead her to be named one of the "Most Influential People of the Year" in Time Magazine.
Without him, it is hard to imagine the Clash would have been as influential as they were.
Having all of the tracks that these two musical masterminds produced together in one place is very impressive indeed, and there is no escaping the fact that Marley is one of the most influential and important musicians, ever.
Ice Cube, also known as O'Shea Jackson, is one of the grandfathers of hip hop music and continues to be one of its most influential stars.
Indie kids rejoice - one of the most influential albums by one of the most influential bands of the early 90s has been remastered, and if possible, is sounding better than ever.
Thankmar, aided by an influential Saxon noble named Wichmann, and by Eberhard of Franconia, seized the fortress of Eresburg and took Otto's brother Henry prisoner; but soon afterwards he was defeated by the king and killed whilst taking sanctuary.
To his function as a preacher we owe some of his most characteristic and stimulating works, especially the discourses by which it may be said he won his way to wide and influential recognition - Endeavours after the Christian Life, 1st series, 1843; 2nd series, 1847; Hours of Thought, 1st series, 1876; 2nd series, 1879; the various hymn-books he issued at Dublin in 1831, at Liverpool in 1840, in London in 1873; and the Home Prayers in 1891.
After a few days of hesitation, many influential noblemen declared for him in different parts of the country.
Your parents are often among the most influential people in your life, those that have encouraged and reared you into adulthood.
Headquartered in Paris, France, several of fashion's most influential designers have served this famed fashion house.
Eventually, they attracted the attention of the British music media, especially influential DJ Steve Lamacq and important weekly music magazine the NME.
By rigid precedence the Brahmans occupy the first rank; they are numerous and influential, and with them may be classed the peculiar and important caste of Bhats, the keepers of secular tradition and of the genealogies.
He served two terms in the Ohio Senate (1900-4), and during the second was influential in securing Senator Foraker's reelection to the U.S. Senate.
But Nef'i could revile as well as praise, and such was the bitterness of some of his satires that certain influential personages who came under his lash induced Murad IV.
Especially has this been manifested by the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce and by the Municipal Association, an organization of influential professional and business men, which, by issuing bulletins concerning candidates at the primaries and at election time, has done much for the betterment of local politics.
He was a founder and the first president of the Massachusetts Missionary Society, and was influential in the establishment of Andover Theological Seminary.
This book was one of the most significant and influential Jewish works of the middle ages.
Three influential people, among them the rector of Bala, agitated some of the parishioners against him, and persuaded his rector to dismiss him.
With all their elaboration, these tables are, however, defective, as omitting some of the highest and most influential springs of action.
This gave Catherine a certain right to the throne at her husband's death, and her claims were supported by Peter's most influential coadjutors, especially by Prince Menshikov, an ambitious man of humble origin who had been raised by his patron to the highest offices of state.
On the one hand, it is argued that speculators are affected only by the absolute variations in price, while on the other hand it is contended that a movement of one " point," say, is less influential when the price is about 8d.
The Gaius Maecenas mentioned in Cicero (Pro Cluentio, 56) as an influential member of the equestrian order in 91 B.C. may have been his grandfather, or even his father.
In 1643 Cromwell performed one of his earlier exploits in taking Lowestoft, capturing large supplies and making prisoners of several influential royalists.
At the request of Castor,bishopof Apt, he wrote two monumental and influential treatises on the monastic life.
The Palestinian Talmud was completed in the 4th century, but the better known and more influential version was compiled in Babylonia about 500.
He sent large bribes to influential persons at Constantinople; he aided the Turkish vali to repress the Christians, who had again revolted; and he supported the Bosnian nobles against reforms imposed by the vali.
The fall of Signor Sonnino, the disappointment caused by the non-fulfilment of the expectations to which his advent to power had given rise throughout Italy and the dearth of influential statesmen, made the return to power of Signor Giolitti inevitable.
Later Nicolas held an influential position in the Netherlands, and from 1530 until his death he was one of the emperor's most trusted advisers in Germany.
Lucke, who was one of the most learned, many-sided and influential of the so-called "mediation" school of evangelical theologians (Vermittelungstheologie), is now chiefly known by his Kommentar fiber die Schriften d.
Julius Kaftan - Balfour's German editor, and a highly influential theologian, occupying a position of modified Ritschlianism - is also a very thoroughgoing empiricist.
The disintegrating speculations of an influential school of criticism in Germany were making their way among English men of culture just about the time, as is usually the case, when the tide was turning against them in their own country.
His father, Alphonso Taft (1810-1891), born in Townshend, Vermont, graduated at Yale College in 1833, became a tutor there, studied law at the Yale Law School, was admitted to the Connecticut bar in 1838, removed to Cincinnati in 1839, and became one of the most influential citizens of Ohio.
She was a woman of great ability andstrong character, and during the years which followed the death of the emperor Francis was probably the most influential personage at the Austrian court; for the emperor Ferdinand, who succeeded in 1835, was physically and mentally incapable of performing the duties of his office; as he was childless, Francis Joseph was in the direct line of succession.
With the assistance of neighbouring princes and of many of the influential Dihkans, Mahmud collected a vast amount of materials for the work, and after having searched in vain for a man of sufficient learning and ability to edit them faithfully, and having entrusted various episodes for versification to the numerous poets whom he had gathered round him, he at length made choice of Firdousi.
Pop. (1890) 18,020; (1900) 25,656, of whom 4478 were foreign-born, an unusually large and influential part being Bohemians; (estimate, 1906) 29,380.
To share with the minister such general oversight is not regarded by intelligent and influential laymen as an incongruous or unworthy office; but to identify the duties of the eldership, even in theory, with those of the minister is a sure way of deterring from accepting office many whose counsel and influence in the eldership would be invaluable.'
It is now known that the plans of campaign which he had drawn up for that army had enlisted the far more influential support of Carnot on his behalf.
On the eighth ballot he received 1331 votes, on the ninth 3742 votes, and on the tenth he secured the nomination with 6922 votes, the result being due largely to the support of certain influential U.S. Senators, delegates to the convention, who hoped that as president he would be amenable to the Senate.
Although he came from humble beginnings, Abraham Lincoln became one of the most influential and revered presidents of the United States.
His most influential friend was Pompey, who, when settling the affairs of Asia (63 or 62 B.C.), rewarded him with the title of king and an increase of territory (Lesser Armenia).