Influencing Sentence Examples
The principal climatic cause influencing the number of graminaceous species appears to be amount of moisture.
Healing the sick and conjuring the evil spirit, they traversed different countries and spread their apocryphal literature along with some of the books of the Old Testament, deeply influencing the religious spirit of the nations, and preparing them for the Reformation.
I ended up influencing the guy.
He is a god who lives among men, miraculously reborn each day by the fire-drill, by the friction of the two sticks which are regarded as his parents; he is the supreme director of religious ceremonies and duties,and even has the power of influencing the lot of man in the future world.
Till about 1835 he pursued the policy of keeping his hold on his native province of Vera Cruz, and influencing the rest of the country by alternately supporting and upsetting the central government.
Beginning in 1793 he boldly advocated evolution, and further elaborated five great principles--namely, the method of comparison of extinct and existing forms, the broad sequence of formations and succession of epochs, the correlation of geological horizons by means of fossils, the climatic or environmental changes as influencing the development of species, the inheritance of the bodily modifications caused by change of habit and habitat.
He regarded everything known as evolved from matter, and reduced consciousness to a mere collateral product (` ` epiphenomenon ") of cerebral operations without any power of influencing them.
One of the great families of Rome, that of the vestararius Theophylact, took possession of the temporal authority, and succeeded in influencing the papal elections.
He held several conferences on the subject with the clergy of his diocese; and in the hope of influencing candid minds by means of the opinions of unbiassed foreigners,.
For a long time the advocates of free-will, in their eagerness to preserve moral responsibility, went so far as to deny all motives as influencing moral action.
AdvertisementIn his own time, by his writings and by his conversation, Godwin had a great power of influencing men, and especially young men.
The generally recognized principal Avatars do not, however, by any means constitute the only occasions of a direct intercession of the deity in worldly affairs, but - in the same way as to this day the eclipses of the sun and moon are ascribed by the ordinary Hindu to these luminaries being temporarily swallowed by the dragon Rahu (or Graha, " the seizer") - so any uncommon occurrence would be apt to be set down as a special manifestation of divine power; and any man credited with exceptional merit or achievement, or even remarkable for some strange incident connected with his life or death, might ultimately come to be looked upon as a veritable incarnation of the deity, capable of influencing the destinies of man, and might become an object of local adoration or superstitious awe and propitiatory rites to multitudes of people.
An endeavour was at the same time made to interest the cabinets of Europe in influencing the British government on behalf of Persia.
When that has been done (it has been achieved by the present writer in the case of the sea fish Cottus with demersal eggs,) it would be possible to deposit the young fish in suitable localities on a large scale, with a reasonable prospect of influencing the local abundance of the s p ecies of fish in question.
Another discussed conduction in curved sheets; a third the distribution of electricity in two influencing spheres; a fourth the deter mination of the constant on which depends the intensity of induced currents; while others were devoted to Ohm's law, the motion of electricity in submarine cables, induced magnetism, &c. In other papers, again, various miscellaneous topics were treated - the thermal conductivity of iron, crystalline reflection and refraction, certain propositions in the thermodynamics of solution and vaporization, &c. An important part of his work was contained in his Vorlesungen fiber mathematische Physik (1876), in which the principles of dynamics, as well as various special problems, were treated in a somewhat novel and original manner.
AdvertisementThe advocates of freedom are content in the present day to postulate a relative power of influencing conduct, e.g.
Influencing and persuading skills and a good telephone manner.
Politicians and governments, however, believe it to be an important medium capable of influencing public opinion and swaying voters.
This transposition has had, as we shall see, much to do with the history of our subject, ultimately influencing the ecclesiastical chant and lasting until the 17th century of our era.
So long as they are connected together mechanically they have apparently the power of influencing one another in various ways, and of passing liquid or gaseous materials from one to another.
AdvertisementExcluded from parliament by the fatal error of his youth, he was compelled to resort to indirect means of working out his plans by influencing public men.
All his gifts were made available for influencing other men by his easy command of a style rarely matched in dignity and colour.
The most obvious distinctions between Totaninae and Tringinae may be said to lie in the acute or blunt form of the tip of the bill (with which is associated a less or greater development of the sensitive nerves running almost if not quite to its extremity, and therefore greatly influencing the mode of feeding) and in the style of plumage - the Tringinae, with blunt and flexible bills, mostly assuming a summer-dress in which some tint of chestnut or reddish-brown 1 These are Phalaropus fulicarius and P. (or Lobipes) hyperboreus, and were thought by some of the older writers to be allied to the Coots (q.v.).
The influences are wide-ranging from scientific research, through to influencing policy.
In the case of the color genes of interest to budgerigar breeders, the effects of most single color influencing genes is dramatic.
AdvertisementThe time after death of the infected cadaver is also an important factor influencing the number infected.
The superstratum is the prestigious language influencing the emerging Creole from above, especially with regard to vocabulary.
They performed their power version for Donovan at his Hertfordshire home, influencing the bard who adopted their electric fuzz for his next single.
The role of geology in influencing coastal or karst geomorphology at a range of scales.
That is influencing the legislators of some of the laws dealing with consumer information.
Among other things, changes of gene dosage and/or oncogene activation are mentioned as factors possibly influencing the characteristics of this non-random pattern.
Therefore, such evidence is generated with the specific intention of influencing policy, but is that objective achieved?
You are now consciously influencing your own reality and the invisible realms.
In our solar system, the astronomy of the inner planets (Venus and Mercury) suggests that Einsteinian space-time is influencing them.
Although his output was largely symphonic and orchestral, his religious upbringing played a significant role in influencing his choral compositions.
Factors influencing the spatial distribution of crustacean zooplankton and pelagic fish in Windermere.
Stolypin had not ventured to alter the electoral law without parliamentary consent, but with the aid of a complaisant Senate the pro- The visions of the existing law were interpreted in a restrictive second sense for the purpose of influencing the elections.
In this mission Gentz had no official mandate from the Austrian government, and whatever hopes he may have cherished of privately influencing the situation in the direction of an alliance between the two German powers were speedily dashed by the campaign of Jena.
If placed upon Europe it would extend from Rome to the North Cape, but latitude is of course only one of the factors influencing climate, the arrangement of the ocean currents and of the areas of high and low pressure making a very wide difference between the climates of the two sides of the Atlantic. In reality the Pacific coast of Canada, rather than the Atlantic coast, should be compared with western Europe, the south-west corner of British Columbia, in lat.
The chancellor, acting, as he himself says, in the spirit of the adage, " one hand washes the other," proposed to that prelate that the pope should give earnest of the relations subsisting between him and Germany by influencing the French clergy in the direction of the conclusion of peace.
Bismarck, who was less hopeful than the emperor, and did not approve of this policy, was thereby prevented from influencing the elections as he would have wished to do; the coalition parties, in consequence, suffered severe loss; Socialists, Centre and Radicals gained numerous seats.
No doubt the two interact, cult influencing creed and creed modifying cult - cult, perhaps, being most powerful in forming the actual religious faith of the multitude.
Elementary textbooks contain detailed discussions of the factors influencing power in a statistical test.
And so, if we pass them our traits unconsciously, why not take the obvious next step and start influencing them consciously?
The CFA Legislative Group is active in influencing legislation which is in the best interest of pets including laws that seek controls on unnecessary euthanasia in shelters.
It's a small area that can pack a lot of punch when it comes to influencing a major part of your life.
Color has immense power, and the colors we paint our homes have a psychological impact on our lives, afecting our perception of space and influencing our mental state.
Budget is always a primary concern, but try not to let that be your only influencing factor.
Consider these influencing factors to establish the initial design of the wedding cake.
Budget - one of the most important influencing factors when choosing earrings is the budget.
The other influencing factor is the cost of workmanship.
Cultural values can also affect artistic expression and development, influencing content, art media, style, and symbolic meaning as represented in the child's view of the world.
The bioavailability of iron in foods varies, influencing the amounts that can be absorbed through the intestines.
The primary factor influencing the rate of infection is age; children between the ages of six months and four years are most vulnerable to H. influenzae.
Researchers have found environment to be more important than heredity in influencing creativity, and a child's creativity can be either strongly encouraged or discouraged by early experiences at home and in school.
If you plan to buy a house or other type of dwelling, you should be aware of factors influencing mortgage rates today.
While the factors influencing teen pregnancy are many and the relationships between them are often complicated, the factors listed above are commonly observed in girls expecting their first child before the age of 20.
Nearly 100 years ago, Whirlpool began a legacy of innovation, introducing many of the country’s household firsts, including the automatic washing machine, and influencing home and family life.
One major influencing factor when picking tealight candle holders is the price - particularly when someone is looking to buy several candle holders.
Handling criticism and praise is another key factor influencing your self esteem.
Some influencing factors in the cost of term life insurance are things that are beyond your control.
Since 1981, MTV has been influencing the pop culture landscape with music programming, and MTV music downloads bring that influence into the digital age.
It wasn't you influencing Talon.
For a moment it was a disturbing thought that Alex was influencing him that way.
The main, the overwhelming value of the book lies not in this province, but in its ethical teaching, which has achieved a real immortality by influencing the thought and diction of the writers of the New Testament, and even those of our Lord.
The commencement of anatomical investigations deserves notice here as influencing the general accuracy and minuteness with which zoological work was prosecuted, but it was not until a late date that their full influence was brought to bear upon systematic zoology by Georges Cuvier (1769-1832).
Even oratory was intended quite as much for readers as for the audiences to which it was immediately addressed; and some of the greatest speeches which have come down from that great age of orators were never delivered at all, but were published as manifestoes after the event with the view of influencing educated opinion, and as works of art with the view of giving pleasure to educated taste.
He succeeded not only in raising the standard of education generally in the north of Scotland, but also in forming a school of philosophy and in widely influencing the teaching of English grammar and composition.
Most of the motives influencing popular estimates of population in the United States tend to exaggeration.
But now, under the idea that an alliance between Charles and Orange would be more hostile to English liberty than would the progress of the French arms, he acted with Barillon in influencing members of parliament in this sense, and is twice mentioned as receiving the sum of Soo guineas from the ambassador.
The power that gall-producers possess of influencing by direct interference the growth of the cells of the plant that affords them the means of subsistence is an art that appears to be widely spread among animals, but is at the same time one of which we have little knowledge.
Redemption, he said, was the result of the historical work of Christ; but justification was the work of the living risen Christ, dwelling within the believer and daily influencing him.
These contradictory tendencies remained with him through life, revealed in the fluctuations of his policy and influencing through him the fate of the world.
Neither can the London silversmiths, though they employed the best talent available, particularly in the decade following the Great Exhibition of 1851, be credited with much influencing the art metal revival.
The first message of his first presidency had contained a severe reflection on the bank; and in the very height of this second campaign (July 1832) he vetoed the re-charter, which had been passed in 1 The charge was freely made then and afterwards (though, it is now believed, without justification) that Clay had supported Adams and by influencing his followers in the house had been instrumental in securing his election, as the result of a bargain by which Adams had agreed to pay him for his support by appointing him secretary of state.
The subjects of Longfellow's poetry are, for the most part, aspects of nature as influencing human feeling, either directly or through historical association, the tender or pathetic sides and incidents of life, or heroic deeds preserved in legend or history.
Like a law of nature, objective in the world, it gives order and regularity to the movement of things, and makes the system rational.3 The failure of Heraclitus to free himself entirely from the physical hypotheses of earlier times prevented his speculation from influencing his successors.
No doubt he was helped to an intelligent perception of the new situation by the fact that, as a foreigner, he cared far more for carrying on war successfully against France than for influencing the domestic legislation of a country which was not his own, and by the knowledge that the conduct of the struggle which lasted till he was able to treat with France on equal terms at Ryswick (1697) was fairly trusted to his hands.
The recognition of man's free will as something capable of influencing historical events, that is, as not subject to laws, is the same for history as the recognition of a free force moving the heavenly bodies would be for astronomy.